Best way to break my contract with O2? - General Topics

No idea if anyone can help, but I would really like to break my contract with O2 - I spend between £70-120 a month on my phone bill, half of that on data.
It just seems so unreasonable, they cannot offer me any decent alternative price plans on O2; while both T-mobile, and Orange are taunting me with web'n'walk, and some sort of bizarre animal deal.
How should I approach O2, I have had no success in the past with getting discounts, so I'm really hoping somebody can outline a strategy for escape - preferably with my phone number.
Got 5 months left on a 12 month contract, prior to that was with them a couple of years, if that helps at all.

Unlock your current phone. Stick the O2 sim in any old handset. Use the inclusive O2 voice minutes on this handset to setup diverts to your new number. At the end of the O2 contract get a PAC number and port to the new contract. This way you keep your original phone number for people to call and calls go to your new number without them knowing. I have never been able to exit a contract early without paying the remaining balance.

you can opt out but like wizzzard says you have to py the balance off ,it might be in your interest to phone them and ask first how much this will be and weigh out your options

It'll be a lot. Companies love it when a customer reneges on a contract because they get a nice lump sum and they can basically ream them :/
A less viable alternative is to cancel your credit card, just after you move out of the country. Find a country which the UK doesn't have an extradition treaty with, then there's no danger of you being brought back to the country at Her Majesty's Pleasure. Wait ten years, after which time any debts you owe become null and void, and recommence your life as a British citizen.
Of course, getting past Immigration might prove a little problematic, but that's the least of your problems. I'd go nuts without a decent Internet connection after three days. Five, max.

LMAO That is the funniest thing ive read in ages! Really cheered up my day!

Forget about cancelling standing orders, this will affect your credit rating.
By the sounds of it you already have a PDA, so if your priority is saving money then your first action should be to knock your O2 price plan down to the bare bones. If you've been in the contract 6 months this shouldn't be a problem (with some networks its only 3 months).
Next, hurl your unwanted USIM in the bin (if you hate O2 enough).
Now - do you REALLY need to keep your number?
Is it a business number?
Have you lost contact with an ex and harbour a vain hope that they'll still have your contact details, and one day the call will arrive telling you they made a mistake?
Or are you a stickler who can't bear changing things?
If the answer to all these is a resounding 'No' then get online and take out a Flext 35 + wnw tarif with a Vario II - this gives you unlimited internet access and 180 pounds credit for 37.50 (30 quid for the first 3 months) but you probably already know this.
It will cost you 70 quid for the handset i think.
Now if you have more than 1800 contacts you're screwed and may end up forking out an extra 40p, but you ought to have more than enough credit here to send all your buddies and all your family members a text informing them of your new moby number.
If you'd still rather keep your number then sell your Vario II on Ebay. You'll get AT LEAST 320 quid for it (less 70 quid = 250) this should be more than enough to pay off your O2 contract, and request a number migration.
With either of these scenarios you're saving money.
You can't really lose my friend.

In relation to paying off your contract early, if O2 operates on similar lines to T-mobile or Orange then you'll simply be paying off the total remaining months' line rental (not including any discounts on the account). If you've knocked down your tarif to 20 quid then you'll pay somewhere in the region of 100 quid to cancel it based on your remaining 5 months. Most phone companies aren't actually that unreasonable with early cancellation charges, and you certainly won't incur any ridiculous fines. Fones 4 U pay off contracts early for customers all the time without any problems.

i've recently disconnected my vodafone contract which was on 18 months but i was in the 12th month.
all i did was drop the tariff to the lowest one, then i paid the remaining line rental to make up the 18 months and there was no extra charge.
and i managed to get a pac code off them to port my number to another network aswell

Cheers guys, some good suggestions.
Probably just try putting it on the lowest contract.
I guess I might wait till an interesting new phone arrives at t-mobile. Anyone know when and what that might be?

the new 8800 sirocco will be out on t mobile near the end of this month


*@@&%$ onestopphoneshop

Ordered my XDA 2 from the above.... 3 weeks ago
£119.99 and on o2 200
still hadn't arrived today, so I rang them.......
They had cancelled my order :evil:
and now want to charge me
£139.99 and 02 400.......... :evil: :evil:
So on principle I went somewhere else...........
so hopefully within the week........!!!! :lol:
(sorry to start on a rant, I'm usually quite fun!)
Hi Loony
I think that OneStop have made a mistake on their O2 tarriffs ..
The XDA II Is now listed (as you said) at £139.99 with O2 400 - monthly charge £30 per month
However the O2 website states that O2 400 is £45 per month. £30 per month is the equivalent price for the old advert which was O2 200 ....
So I wonder what you do get for £139.99 ? O2 400 or O2 200 ....
Neither - its the current O2 Double Up promotion.
400 minutes, and 100 texts for the first 4 months, then it reverts back to 200 minutes and 50 texts thereafter, and if you'll forgive me saying, it says so quite clearly on the Onestop site.
As an Olive Branch (only joking mates), what I can say is that Onestop are going against the grain, in that I once ordered a 7250 from them, and waited two months, not through them, but delays in Nokia just actually launching it.
By the time it was in, the price had dropped.
But Onestop insisted the price chargeable was at the point of order.
So I would put this to them, and point out that if the price drops, Onestop can and DO insist that customers pay the price when ordered, as this is what rules. So they should not have cancelled your order for no reason at all, and they price you pay should be the price at your original order.
Having said all this, the extra 800 texts would amount to some £80 so you are still saving in the long run, never mind the voice calls - I think they have re-rationalised their handset prices since moving from Singlepoint (rubbish) to O2 themselves as the Service Provider. O2 being a far better SP than Singlepoint, but NOT subsidising the handsets to the same degree...
mark.peters said:
Hi Loony
I think that OneStop have made a mistake on their O2 tarriffs ..
The XDA II Is now listed (as you said) at £139.99 with O2 400 - monthly charge £30 per month
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agreed... this is their current 'deal'
But the 'deal' I signed up for was £119.99 O2 200 +50 sms (@£25 month rental) + free year insurance, +free car hands free kit.... (pre mid march)
But due to a [email protected] up by them, I never got it, and they now refuse to honor that deal.... wanting me to pay for more expensive one instead :evil:
Told them to Stuff it (in principle) and have gone to another company at £139.99 on O2 200 +200 free net mins +50sms each month + insurance and car kit..!!!
Looking forward to playing with new toy (48 hours they quoted!!)
The Palm 3c is beginning to show its age..!!! :wink:
Fair comment mate - but two things...
Where was O2 200 50 SMS EVER £25 a month. No where I have ever seen, and trust me implicitly - this includes Onestop. This tariff has ALWAYS been £30 a month
Secondly, I appreciate your principals, but you have now cut your nose of to spite your face.
Becuase you are now paying the same amount for 200 mins and 100 texts, as you could have at Onestop for 400 mins for the first four months - or in simple terms, losing out on some whopping 800 free anytime, any network minutes. And that's a lot of money's worth...
But fair do matey.
Shadamehr said:
Fair comment mate - but two things...
Where was O2 200 50 SMS EVER £25 a month. No where I have ever seen, and trust me implicitly - this includes Onestop. This tariff has ALWAYS been £30 a month
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Okey Dokey!
Shadamehr said:
Secondly, I appreciate your principals, but you have now cut your nose of to spite your face.
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I don't flip very often, but when I do.........
Shadamehr said:
Becuase you are now paying the same amount for 200 mins and 100 texts, as you could have at Onestop for 400 mins for the first four months - or in simple terms, losing out on some whopping 800 free anytime, any network minutes. And that's a lot of money's worth...
But fair do matey.
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Just got the feeling they cancelled me on purpose just to make me re-apply for the new rate........
I made my bed etc...........
They don't call me Loony for nothing. :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yup the cheeky onestop bastids did that to me too. I had ordered it just before they changed the price and status said awaiting stock. 4 days later it had changed to cancelled!. I emailed them to say WTF, and they said they had emailed me 3 times asking for 2 proofs of ID as i'd had a phone less than 3 months form them before.
I didn't get this email, and they said as i hadn't replied within three days they cancel the order. I said you didn't really make much effort to contact me, they said what did you espect us to do. I replied well you have my email, mobile number home number home address!
3 days to reply to an email or they cancel your order, bollox if you ask me
I reckon its a case of offer went up lets screw people. I wont deal with them again, they are a bunch of 'coporate bankers'
it is a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face, but its ****ing them up the arse too losing customers. I'd never recommend them now over the attitude and way they treated me.
XDA-II said:
and they said they had emailed me 3 times asking for 2 proofs of ID .
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Same here.........
and I KNOW they were lying, as I had kept ALL my emails scince early march...........
Yes even the spam.!!!
I have said this before but its worth repeating, O2 has no customer service, the whole system is set up in favour of O2, O2 comes first, last and any point in between. A bunch of faceless bastards that wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire. Their online service is a joke, great prices but anything go wrong and the best you can hope for is a solicitors/debt agency letter telling you to pay up or go to court.
Let me be absolutely, and abundantly clear...
Anyone and their pet goldfish can tell you two simple things...
1)Onestop Customer Service is the pits.
2)Singlepoint customer service is the pits.
The world and his oyster however, can also tell you that this never stopped thousands of people taking out a new handset with onestop, and at that time, with sh*tty singlepoine as the <lack of>service provider.
Why? Cos they weren't bothered about Customer Service (if they were, they were mad or disillusional), and they weren't even really too bothered about the tariffs even.
The reason they did it (at least I hope this is why so many sensible people took such a course of action), is because they were generally after the latest handsets at the very cheapest possible accumulative price.
And this, and this alone, was the ONLY thing onestop had to their credit.
So in short, if you want that nice new handset at what is usually the cheapest possible way of ever owning it, then you go to onestop. But you NEVER EVER expect it to be plain sailing getting it,or an easy time, or stress free - cos Onestop are just not capable of that.
At the end of the day though, you need to go into it with your eyes open, and be realistic.
You don't EVER order from Onestop on the basis of service. The ONLY consideration is price.
And if service plays too much of a part for you, then you don't go to onestop.
This post is not to complain at anyone - far from. Just to remind all and sundry that you pays your money, you takes your choice.
And if you don't like the choice, then you don't pays your money to onestop folks, because service is a none starter with them.
not to rub salt into the wound but onestop honored its £199.99 price for me. Still had to wait a whopping 4 weeks delievery though!
not to rub salt into the wound but onestop honored its £119.99 price for me. Still had to wait a whopping 4 weeks delievery though!
I ordered a XDA 2 from them on the 18 of march, at £119 on o2 200.
After many phone calls asking why they had taken my money ages ago, but still no phone, it did arrive, 3 weeks later.
There is a single dead pixel on the screen. So i phoned up a couple of times to let them know I wanted it replaced, and as I was heading over to Crewe - I would personally deliver it to swap it.
This was accepted and I drove over. When I arrived I dealt with the most arrogant tw*t I've ever come across. He took the phone and said he would check if they were in stock (I had asked them to keep one, as I would definately be coming that day).
He then came back saying they dont seem the phone as faulty and thats the end of it. I can prove beyond doubt, that he did not even take the phone from the box.
This leads me to suggest they just didnt have any in stock. He was rude arrogant, and a total wa**er basically.
Any ideas what I can do before I talk to trading standards or possibly lawyers?
My advice - quickly find (or 'create' ) another fault with it - pulling the power half way through a ROM upgrade might be a good one.
Because one dead pixel is perfectly within spec.
I'm looking for the specific page in the manual that mentions acceptance levels, and what colours they are etc. As soon as I find it, I'll mention it here.
But one dead pixel is acceptable, so start thinking about Plan B.
Mmm - can't find it now in the manual, but it went into detail as to what colours were touching each other, what dead pixel specs were, etc etc.
I wonder if I was reading it from the website or something.
Nevertheless, one dead pixel is within acceptable limits.
so basically.... theres a dead pixel (that i can clearly see), but it isnt faulty? doesnt seem fair but hey
well plan b, is go on O2 Insure Gold (which correct me if im wrong, is virtually the same as Orange Care), and a month later ask for a replacement.
clublander said:
so basically.... theres a dead pixel (that i can clearly see), but it isnt faulty? doesnt seem fair but hey
well plan b, is go on O2 Insure Gold (which correct me if im wrong, is virtually the same as Orange Care), and a month later ask for a replacement.
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Only if you do what I told you already, and create another fault.
Otherwise, you aren't quite getting it mate.
As much as i would see it as a fault too, one dead pixel is NOT accepted as a fault.
So all the insurance in the world ain't gonna help, of you are only using THIS as the fault.
You need to 'find' another fault (and I suggested a great one) - though I accept no responsibility however.
And if you do that, then insurance wouldn't even be needed.
Its the same with TFT-LCD monitors, there can be a certain percentage of dead pixels and its acceptable. Its still acceptable if its dead smack bang in the middle of the screen as long as it isn't over the stated number.
Thats no good to the user that has to stare at it all day.
Another fault is great, but be careful, as if they find you've made the fault, you'll be liable. Better fault would be to say that the screen keeps fading intermittently or something. Then if the test it, you can say well it was intermittent!
Careful with the insurance tho, don't you have to pay the first £50?
With OSPS, if the fault is within 28 days, then they have to replace with a new one. After that time, the unit is sent back for repair

Orange upgrades???

Orange Upgrades...
what do they offer on top (e.g. extra minutes), or am I better off looking in Carphone Warehouse or other networks etc.
I have had a £35/month contact (with a £50 SPV M3100) and just realised I'm 5 weeks from the end. My dad's been using the SIM as I have a better contract with 3 and will let him carry on using it but keep any new phone, I also do not want to change number (it will be inconvenient porting from contract to contract across networks).
Never upgraded before-always had 12 month contracts, moved on before the chance to upgrade came.
Any advice?
Initially I chose Orange over T-Mobile as I was at a new house and their Broadband was free/£5 with a good contract, but I grew tired as it was not actually 'unlimited' and was too slow and now use Be Broadband.
I don't really like any of their current phones though, I have a Viewty and K850i (plan to sell one of them) and don't like the Touch Diamond. Nothing they have is truly better than even the K850i (which I use with a 8gb microSD).
Has anyone had any positive encounters with them in the past?
i managed to get a trinity on upgrade last year on dolphin 35 with a 10 pound discount, so i get 600 mins, unlimited texts and now with the new data package i get 'unlimited' data, plus 3 magic numbers all for 25 squid a month. although thats a 18 month contract.
im looking to get a diamond on the same tarrif soon

Purchased Through Expansys

Hi all,
Couldn't wait any longer for touch pro to be available through the neworks. Took the plung and ordered today through Expansys with T-Mobile Flext 35 with W n W. My only concern it the reports of bad recieption on t-mobile. What are my rights of return with on-line sellers if my signal is bad. In my home there is no 3g and my GSM signal is between 1 and 2 bars. Always when out and about will I get the H or just 3G I seem to remember some comments on Expansys not including H with their sim cards.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to read and responding.
I bought exactally the same deal and I have no worries with the signal, I get HSPDA at work, home and my GF's (3 quite spaced out locations, and I also live in the bottom of a valley).
As for returning, your problems lie with T-Mobile as you have entered an 18 month contract with them. I don't think you have many rights with regards to canceling that contract, certainly no more than about 10 days I think. But if you are having problems with reception, I'd say it was down to your area rather than the network or the phone.
l0st.prophet said:
I bought exactally the same deal and I have no worries with the signal, I get HSPDA at work, home and my GF (3 quite spaced out locations, and I also live in a valley).
As for returning, your problems lie with T-Mobile as you have entered an 18 month contract with them. I don't think you have many rights with regards to canceling that contract
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You should have a cooling off period - usually 14 days to return the product contract or not. Vodafone offer this, so i dont see why tmobile wont. You will have to pay for calls made etc.
ardsar said:
You should have a cooling off period - usually 14 days to return the product contract or not. Vodafone offer this, so i dont see why tmobile wont. You will have to pay for calls made etc.
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Sounds reasonable, I'm sure if you were to phone them up they would tell you where you stand.
I believe that the law in the UK states that on any mobile contract, you must have a 14 day period within which you can return it for ANY reason.
if expansys refuse to allow you to do this, they are breaking the law!
Hows your phone and T-Mobile ???
I'm toying with the idea of getting the same deal you went for , but i'm just unsure about t-mobile , so hows it all going ????
I went through expansys but with the t-mobile combi 30, no problems as of yet
Actually there is no law that states there is a 14 day cooling off period, this somewhat changed when the major networks got a significantly high percentage of coverage, if you purchase a phone from a shop you do not have a right to return it unless it is faulty, ie orange will not allow a return when a phone has been purchased from a shop and advise you or should advise you of this at the time, as it was costing them so much money to deal with the returned phones.
however, seen as all purchases from the internet are govered under distance selling rules, you will always have 7 days in which to return the phone to the dealer if you do not want to keep it.
And of course you still have statute law which coveres faulty goods ect.
bagg1234bagg said:
Actually there is no law that states there is a 14 day cooling off period, this somewhat changed when the major networks got a significantly high percentage of coverage, if you purchase a phone from a shop you do not have a right to return it unless it is faulty, ie orange will not allow a return when a phone has been purchased from a shop and advise you or should advise you of this at the time, as it was costing them so much money to deal with the returned phones.
however, seen as all purchases from the internet are govered under distance selling rules, you will always have 7 days in which to return the phone to the dealer if you do not want to keep it.
And of course you still have statute law which coveres faulty goods ect.
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The Distance selling regulations are actually 7 working days btw....
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum, although I've been lurking a few weeks.
Anyway, I too got a Touch Pro through Expansys with the T-Mobile Combi 30+WnW contract.
I noticed a problem with it (the contract) yesterday, which was the billing date, which was set to the 20th (had to sign up to the T-Mobile website to find this info out), and I had only got the contract on the 1st! I thought it was a little unreasonable to want me to pay over a week before the end of the month and it was also a couple of days before I get reimbursed for my time at work (and I don't want to eat cereal for a week ). I read the FAQ and billing info which said I could change it if it was in 14 days of the billing date, which it was just! So I battled with 150, robot voice of annoyance, and after managing to confuse it twice, it dropping my call twice while waiting for a reply from tech support, and giving up waiting after 10 minutes, I used their contact form to email them. A guy called me back 5 minutes later, brilliant! He moved the billing date to the 26th, for some reason the 25th which I would have preferred was a problem, but never mind.
So far though I really like the phone, which is my first windows mobile and at least the buttons work, unlike those on my hate inducing K800i.
BTW I'm pretty sure Expansys website says you have 10 days to notify them that you are going to return the phone.
do somebody can work it??
herrajohny said:
do somebody can work it??
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Do you speak English?
As for T-Mobile, I have had my phone for a few week now and no problems at all. I get great HSPDA signal for web browsing, after some faffing about I get YouTube streaming, calls are clear (1 dropped call in 2 1/2 weeks)and no problems with messaging either. T-mobile has by far one of the best Mobile Werb plans in the UK (Orange has 250mb limit and vodafone has 500MB fair useage, T-Mobile has 1GB Fair useage).
All in all I am very glad took the plunge!
I certainly think t-mobile offer a good service (unless abroad! - made my wallet somewhat lighter) but they have no business sense at all, as an existing customer with a month and a half left on my contract I can't use the same method to upgrade to the Touch Pro. I have a feeling it's going to be cheaper with vodafone etc when it launches though I dunno but I think I may hold out (Also for their faster HSPDA).
I wouldn't worry about fair usage policies, when I moved house with my t-mobile 1gb fair usage I didn't have the internet for a month so I plugged my n95 in and was able to get 1.5mbps to my pc. I think I must have used at least 10gb that month using it as my usenet client etc. All that happened was they sent me a letter two months down the line. I think unless you always use lots of BW, you really can see it as unlimited on any fair usage policy.

[Q] getting out of a contract with orange?

is there any way i can get my contract with orange cancelled if they are not delivering the service i pay for? i have an 18 month contract, which is only a few months old but have increasingly noticed poor signal when making calls and unbelievably slow 3g connection - to the point it doesnt work at all some days. im paying good money for this and i am not getting what i pay for!
i live close to a large town centre in a busy area and the signal there is appalling, as it is all to frequently where ever i go in the uk. i have several handsets (mostly android - but not all!), my friend has a nokia with the same network issues, so it is 100% network and not hardware related.
i also have the t-mobile/orange roaming feature enabled with barely any, if any, improvement!
why should i be stuck to this for another year if its not what im paying for?
anybody have any advice?
I dunno where you live, but for orange France you could concel your contract well till this week i guess, coz they were increasing the price because of increased VAT (TVA) ...
I suggest you to call the costumer service, and tell them about your problem while insisting that you paying for things you aren't getting, or else you'll be forced to switch to another type of contract that offers only the services you are getting, (small montly fee contract = small penalty for the months left in your contract)
You're past any period where you can return the contract due to signal-related problems.
Most networks offer 14 days or so at the start of a contract in which you can return it ddor whatever reason. After that, generally you can only cancel by paying off all the remaining line rental.
Try speaking to Customer Services but I'd be very surprised if they'll be willing to just let you go.

Early Upgrade? (o2 UK)

Hi Forum,
I just smashed my HD2 by dropping it on a concrete floor when getting out of my car. Dumbass. I was wondering, I am 15 or 16 months into a 24 month contract with o2 in the UK (via CarphoneWarehouse), do you think that they would allow me to get an early upgrade? I was thinking about bartering with them and trying to get what is essentially an 18 month contract, but locked into 24 months to make up the 6ish months I have left on my remaining contract.
Has anyone ever haggled with them, to any success? I have got insurance through my bank as part of a Current Account Plus but as I've claimed on it before it'll cost me £50 excess and it took several months to get my phone back.
I'm paying nearly £40 per month, so I'm not a 'penny-punter' but appreciate I'm not on the world's largest contract either.
Maybe if I took o2's own mobile phone insurance too, this could help sweeten the deal for them. I don't know. I'm really at a loss without a working phone and although my phone does work, it's really difficult to see through the almost shattered screen.
Kind regards.
ThinkTankInk said:
Has anyone ever haggled with them, to any success? I have got insurance through my bank as part of a Current Account Plus but as I've claimed on it before it'll cost me £50 excess and it took several months to get my phone back.
I'm paying nearly £40 per month, so I'm not a 'penny-punter' but appreciate I'm not on the world's largest contract either.
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Sorry I'm a little off topic here...
1. You guys in the UK can get insurance if you break your phone through the bank?!
2. Penny punter? lol what does that mean
I'm sure you can work something out with them. In Canada (which has a greedy telecom industry) stuff like that always happens and it's not the end of the world. In my experience it's more who will serve you than company policy. Don't sweat it too much.
Yeah, because I got what's called a Current Account Plus. I pay my bank £5 a month and I get a £300 interest free overdraft (which I am in a lot!), free mobile phone insurance which usually costs around £12-£24 a month and various other bits and pieces I'm not bothered about.
Also, a penny-punter is a term used in the betting industry. I work in a betting shop. It's someone that comes in a bets pennies per race (50p, 25p etc.) rather than pounds. You have to treat them the same as you would someone that was whacking £10,000 on a quadriplegic donkey. In short: a cheapskate.
Gonna give o2 a call when they wake up at 8am this morning and see what can be done. I'll post my results. I sincerely hope that they're feeling generous.
Update: o2 and Carphone Warehouse stonewalled me. Basically said that I should have taken *their* phone insurance (for £24 a month!) and now I'm stuck with a broken phone and eight months left on my contract.
O2 did say I could lower my contract to £26ish per month, however. Then, once I had been on my new tariff for a month I could buy out my contract at the new price. But that's still around £180.
I have about £150 for rainy days, and it is indeed looking very gloomy, so I think I am going to put that towards a phone that'll keep me going until January and then get something new, shiny and soon-to-be-obsolete-in-another-six-months-time handset.
I'm really sorry to hear that. Sounds like that place is playing with the rules...
Would you be interested in a blackberry pearl flip? I know it s blasphemy talking about a BB here but I'm willing to send it free of charge (i would ask you to pay shipping though). I will check for it when I get home.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate powered by Serendipity 7
I really appreciate the offer. It's much more generous than I was ever anticipating, but I am going to decline. Sorry to sound ungrateful but I am really needing a phone with a large display and gaming capabilities, because I work evenings and Sundays. My phone is the only source of relieving boredom.
Again, I really do appreciate the offer though! Thank you.
No worries! Good luck on your search.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate powered by Serendipity 7
d_gritza said:
Sorry I'm a little off topic here...
1. You guys in the UK can get insurance if you break your phone through the bank?!
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It's swings and roundabouts.
With a bank account policy the premium is normally lower, but the excess can be higher and it's often not new for old.
With my O2 insurance it's £10 a month, £28 excess for any claim and I get a new phone the next working day.
I looked at the benefits from the £5 a month account Barclays are offering and other than the insurance for mobiles none of the benefits were of any use to me so I declined and stuck with my O2 insurance.
If I knew o2's was a tenner I would have gotten it myself. I'm sure they quoted 24 quid per month though which is why I declined. That is extortionate.
Sent from my HD2 pretwnding to be a Nexus One using XDA Premium App (now with limited edition cracked screen!)
ThinkTankInk said:
If I knew o2's was a tenner I would have gotten it myself. I'm sure they quoted 24 quid per month though which is why I declined. That is extortionate.
Sent from my HD2 pretwnding to be a Nexus One using XDA Premium App (now with limited edition cracked screen!)
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Blimey £24 I'd refuse to pay too!
For basic phones it's £7.50 a month, high end phones it's £10 a month and iPhones it's £10 or £15 depending on model.
Excess is £25 or from £50 for iPhones.
I was getting confused between claims, the £28 and next day delivery was through CPW with my HD.
HD2 was £25 and I think a week or 10 days, and I had to hand over the damaged handset to the courier.
Once I get my new phone, I'm going to call O2 and see if they'll hook me up. As the phone will be 'third party' though, I'll probably just stick with what I have and then get it when I get a new contract in Jan/Feb.

