office mobile file conversion problem - Touch Cruise General

I am unable to read my PC office files (.xls, .doc etc) on my office mobile in my cruise, it keep sayin they are corrupted. And also I cant open any office mobile file on my PC office.
Seem to be they were not convert during the active sync explorer.
Checked the conversion rule and found limited rule.
Anyone experience similar issue and know how to solve this?


Vista + Office 2007 + Docx cannot sync!

Is this normal? the new Office 2007 documents come with a letter x extension like .docx
The problem is windows mobile 6 cannot recognize the file, let a alone synchronize the file. Any work around for this? Why would microsoft introduce a new file extension that windows mobile 6 cannot support? I could still understand if Windows Mobile 5 cannot support. but At least the new Windows Mobile 6 should be able to support the file type.
WM6 will sync .docx files, the problem is, it is pointless. docx is a new format of the .doc file. that comes only in office 2k7 and is incompatible with any earlier version of office, including pocket verson.
Anyway, for you to be able to view .docx files, on any ppc, just save it as Office 2003/XP compatible format. and then sync.

Syncing Office files on WMDevice Center

I'm running WinVista x64, which uses the Windows Mobile Device Center to manage syncing instead of ActiveSync. From reading on this forum, I understand that Office Mobile included on the AT&T Fuze is Office 2007, right? I'm using Office 2003 on my PC and I can't get the Word, Excel, or OneNote files to actually synchronize. I don't mean putting them on the device; I'd like to update one file on the Fuze and have the corresponding file on the PC updated next time I sync. Does Windows Mobile 6.1 and WMDevice Center really not support this functionality?! I can't figure out how to make this work. When I click on the "Files" and "manage settings" (or something like that) I get an unhandled exception error. Do I need to reinstall WMDevice Center on my PC? I also tried Documents to Go (3rd party software). I like their Word and Excel applications better than Office Mobile, but the Adobe Reader LE is better than PDF to Go. However, DocsToGo doesn't even support syncing documents on the Windows Mobile platform (or at least not with Vista and WMDevice Center).
Please help! I'm really floundering around here with this thing. There's so much to like about this phone (and so much that I do like about this phone) that I find it impossible to believe that I can't sync changes in a Word or Excel file with my phone and PC; something I've done on the PalmOS for years now!

Hows to associate alternative to Pocket Word/Excel in e-Mail client?

I have a HTC Touch HD running Windows Mobile 6.1.
Also using Blackberry Connect to provide wireless synchronisation to email, contacts and appointments via my corporate BES.
Have the SoftMaker Office 2008 for Pocket PC to allow me to work on word, Excel and Powerpoint files on my mobile device.
The SoftMaker Office 2008 programs (Testmaker, Planmaker and Presentations) are all associated with the appropriate file file types.
For example if I click an an excel file the file is opened for editing by Planmaker, not pocket excel.
The Problem.
I receive office type documents as attachments in my windows mobile device email. However when I open the attachements from within the eMail the default pocket word/office applications are used to show me the attachment instead of the Softmaker applications.
I work in EH&S and the majority of attachents I receive are Incident Notification Forms consisting of large mutil tabed excel sheet. Because they are large and they take a long time and considerable space to fully download.
I am happy to be able to see the initial part of the attachment (with option to download more) but I would like to see this in Planmaker as pocket excel screws the formating so badly I cannot read the summary information (displayed on the initial tab on the spreadsheet) which I need to read to determine if I should download the entire file to my mobile device for immediate action or wait until I am back in the office.
Is there a way to associate an alternative application (eg Planmaker and Textmaker) other than Pocket Word/Excel to handle attachements in the windows mobile e-Mail Client?
I have asked this of the Softmaker Office Support team but they were unable to provide a solution.
Hope I have explained my issue appropraitly, any help greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
No ideas from anyone?

Opening .msg extension of Outlook

I use Outlook for years now and saved a lot of mails. All of this mails are saved usinf the extension .msg with unicode formatting.
On my old Windows Mobile phone I had no trouble opening this files. But my HD2 doesen't seem to be able to open them.
I tried using different applications to read the file but none of them seemed to work(using myExtension software).
I wanted to know if there was a way to read these mails on my phone?.
nobody knows how I can open .msg extensions?

Windows Mobile 7 and MS Office mobile

I'm planning to buy a XDA a device ... and there is an helluva much more questions then answers.
Does Windows Mobile 7 includes a full Office Mobile?
Some phones reviews state that Office is included, like it may be not there, while MS states its part of Windows Mobile 7. And I understand it's free with Windows Mobile 7 phone? If not present in all Windows Mobile 7 phones, is it possible to download and install MS Office mobile legally?
yes Office 2010 is included in WP7.. OneNote is now actually usable & syncs with the Skydrive cloud not via the flaky WMDC..
Yep but the only issue I found using this Office 2010 is that we can't store documents directly on the phone, need a cloud account. Which is quick disappointing.
You cant store any of them on the phone? Thats past disappointing, that is criminal.
So why does the microsoft website talk about saving word,excel docs to the phone? You can't trans by usb anymore, either have to email it to yourself or upload from pc to skydrive and then to phone.
Windows Phone 7 has Office (Excel, Word, SharePoint, and OneNote) built in. You can store files on the device, but you have to get it to your device either through e-mail or by using an online file storage service (like SkyDrive) that is accessible from your phone. There is no dragging and dropping files onto your phone from your computer, in other words (at least not yet).
Once you open the document you emailed to yourself, or downloaded through the browser, they remain on the phone for future use. If you create a new document, that is also automatically saved onto the phone, and you can always e-mail your document to yourself later to get access to it elsewhere.
use a dropbox client to share docs... works fine for me

