Beware Everybody! - General Topics

I was going through different sections of xda-developers, when I saw Trash section. I found that some looter has offered low priced PDAs. Actually this looks to be fraud. These looters have different ways to trap innocent people. Actually mainly involved are Nigerians but they have world wide Racket.
1) That you have won 500,000 dollars at Random. Your e-mail has won that huge money. They will give fake website where you will see that actually you won the money. And then they will ask you to pay 500/= dollars as Govt fee. Once you pay that money, then you are trapped.There will be an endless amount of fees and you will newer get your so called win.
2) That some very important person has died. He has no one in this world. Some 20 million dollars are deposited in his account. We have finished all legal procedures. If you agree,We will share this money by transferring to your account. You are asked to give your account details and bank fax no. They will take all of your money from your account by this way.
3) They will advertise by selling equipments like this by unbelievably low prices like they have given. They will take your money and you will newer receive your order.
One of my friend suffered. Thats why on humanitarian ground I want that everybody should be aware of that.
For more information please refer to the following addresses:
If you can add something, You are most welcome.

Well, that kinda why it's called the "trash" section, don't you think?

FloatingFatMan said:
Well, that kinda why it's called the "trash" section, don't you think?
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Well, In my opinion it should not be even put in the trash. Somebody may still be slipped by seeing that.

mirchichamu said:
I was going through different sections of xda-developers, when I saw Trash section. I found that some looter has offered low priced PDAs. Actually this looks to be fraud. These looters have different ways to trap innocent people. Actually mainly involved are Nigerians but they have world wide Racket.
1) That you have won 500,000 dollars at Random. Your e-mail has won that huge money. They will give fake website where you will see that actually you won the money. And then they will ask you to pay 500/= dollars as Govt fee. Once you pay that money, then you are trapped.There will be an endless amount of fees and you will newer get your so called win.
2) That some very important person has died. He has no one in this world. Some 20 million dollars are deposited in his account. We have finished all legal procedures. If you agree,We will share this money by transferring to your account. You are asked to give your account details and bank fax no. They will take all of your money from your account by this way.
3) They will advertise by selling equipments like this by unbelievably low prices like they have given. They will take your money and you will newer receive your order.
One of my friend suffered. Thats why on humanitarian ground I want that everybody should be aware of that.
For more information please refer to the following addresses:
If you can add something, You are most welcome.
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In general, we mods move scams / spams in there (if not downright delete them - I do the latter when on a mobile device to conserve bandwidth / save time).
That is, Trash is ONLY for scammers / spams.
I'll tell the other mods about putting a warning message in there.

Thanks for your reply Mr.Menneisyys
I think such scams should not be even put in trash. As I mentioned somebody may still be slipped by that. It should be deleted right away.


someone selling xda-developers free software @ handango!!!!!!

Hi all,
i was googling for tweakui and came a result from =>
Check this guy is selling the tools he got free here at xda-devs.
the people who made the soft should do something about it...
I've just written to Handango. Please write to them to and get this thief off their books.
I have noticed that your vendor T.N Vietaus Trade (Australia) is selling a number of illegal (ie pirated or stolen IP) products, including Microsoft ROMs for Windows Mobile phones.
Also, he is reselling free products written by members of the xda developers forum at a significant mark up, free software for example being sold for $49.99.
Please ask this vendor to remove this software, or remove it for him.
Kind regards,
vijay555 (moderator at
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What a ****en Lame ass *****. THat is just the lowest you can go to, selling stuff that is offered to us here for free. **** him, ive written to them also to get this ***** from selling stuff on there. Good eye and thanks for making everyone aware of this.
I've sent handago an email as well. Keep the emails going.
what is the email?
Found the HQ phone number, will try to call (cant call anymore sorry) but will need more info on this like what app and other stuff that you can give
305 NE Loop 820
Suite 600
Hurst, Texas 76053
Corporate Office: 817-280-0129
Fax: 817-280-9628
He has ebooks in
And same app's come up in the Microsoft handango page that is linked to the Microsoft Windows Mobile Product page Site
Mod needed
Can a mod post this in other forums so that everyone that has made a app can check if their app is in the selling list
Email of the supposed developer tnvietaus AT gmail dot com
And if im doing something wrong in giving this out, this info is on the web
This is insane.
haha I just left HORRIBLE reviews warning people on all of the links you just provided Mike.. lol.
I also emailed HIM... and Handango.
no, I just let them know that this stuff was available for free ...
The thing that IRKS me is he doesnt explain that there is MORE to just downloading and running the update to these.. so alot of people are probably ruining their devices.
FYI, this is one instance where the DMCA can be used to your benefit (if you are one of the software authors).
Do NOT write to Handango, et al, complaining that someone is selling free software.
Do write to the resellers and state, factually, that this person is selling software that *you* wrote without your permission or authorization. Also state, very factually, that you want the software pulled and any monies charged for the software to either be refunded to the purchasers or forwarded to you.
What would also help out is if all the software authors were to allow one person (perhaps vijay would be a good choice as he is both a mod and a software author) to act on their behalf so there is a single point of contact for XDA.
Tell me the address of Handago (and Microsoft, If I have read and understand well) and I also send an email.
Just a thought: many here (maybe me too?) searchin' and using no purchased software, and therefore one of us (or one of those having this "habit", if you like more saying so) has found not violating any legal or moral law. World goes around...
He is selling over 90 titles, and they are ALL available here for free just about.. he is selling the dang HTC X-button for 24 dollars! lol.
derma, I think everyone here is realistic about software availability and software use... read around for my personal views on warez etc.
The board however has a strict policy on banning for distributing warez.
But, it takes some particularly spiteful cojones to steal someone else's work and then put your name on it and sell it. And then selling at an absurd markup... come on. There's reasonable cheekiness, but that's just taking the micky.
Understanding doesn't mean accepting
vijay555 said:
derma, I think everyone here is realistic about software availability and software use... read around for my personal views on warez etc.
The board however has a strict policy on banning for distributing warez.
But, it takes some particularly spiteful cojones to steal someone else's work and then put your name on it and sell it. And then selling at an absurd markup... come on. There's reasonable cheekiness, but that's just taking the micky.
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Just to explain my position about this.
As I wrote on the title of this post, I figure out what it can be the reasoning of this person but meanwhile I absolutely don't accept what he did (or it's better saying "what he didn't do" 'cos what he's selling it's not stuff of his own).
My thought doesn't want to be a provocation, at least not a gratuitous provocation, but a simple-soft thinking about a hard problem: copy-right (and use-wrong).
Obviously this is a real theft, more odious than that "normally" made to the detriment of that author of the software who sell his creation having the conceptual rights to do that. In this case we can see instead a double somersault: he sell something not of his own that originally is (was) free.
Hope being plain.
PS: "cojones"?! Maravilloso! ¡Hasta la revolución, siempre!
It isn't just the markup, its the flagrant lack of informing people of the consequences of attempting to use those warez without having ample experience with their device. He just says 'For expert. Use at your own risk' he doesn't say .. 'If you don't know what you are doing your phone is dead.. d .. e .. a .. d' .. I feel bad for the people who have purchased these and tried to run them not knowing about unlocking and what not.. it's a shame
OMG, another one.
Where can i find the tweakUI here?
hanmin said:
OMG, another one.
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Review added saying it's free here.

can sprint use my gps to find track my phone

i was thinking of telling sprint that i lost my phone so that i can get a new one to use for work but while still keeping mine to use as a toy.Would they be able to simply track my phone and get me for fraud?
Thats not a appropriate question on XDA as its illegal to do fraud! No they wont be able to track your phone!
mohamedhussain1995 said:
Thats not a appropriate question on XDA as its illegal to do fraud! No they wont be able to track your phone!
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Why would they give you a new phone, just because you lost yours ?
Your sim card does however, register on the network when ever you connect (ismi # ) as does your imei #. So you would never be able to use either on a network again. Also if they even suspect fraud, they can charge your account the full amount of the phone , several hundreds of dollars, and suspend your service. And until you settle the bill with Sprint, you will be denied service on any other carrier, because the bill with Sprint will go on your credit report.
That is of course unless you spend several thousands of dollars in legal fees fighting a billion dollar company trying to prove that you didn't do something, that you , in fact, did do.
ummm.. i presume he is under warranty; like me. in the UK if i lose my phone it gets replaced by the same model if it aint found within 12 hours and the stolen phone gets black listed but if you read carefully he mentioned 'as a toy'
Please make sense.
While I respect the "interest" anyone might have to avoid costs, one should not do so "at any cost", particularly at the cost of one's integrity. I have a rule I created for just such a postulation "do not spend your life looking for short-cuts and later standing around complaining when life short-changes you." (Brooks II, Leonard W., The Art of Being ©2007) Notwithstanding this user's inquiry being wrong on all sorts of levels, including legal, it is sufficient that this user ask himself or herself whether this is the "right" thing to do. I think the "gut" won't lie in this case and properly guide his or her actions. Then, there's the old rule I teach my children: "Just because you 'can' do something, does not mean that you 'should'".
To those that weighed in on this question in a manner of response:
I strongly discourage the statement of legal conclusions or speculations regarding punishments as a matter of law. It is contradictory and sends mixed messages to all the users when such speculations are thrown about while also coupled with an answer to the querying user's question. (e.g. This is an inappropriate forum for your question on how to rob a bank because bank robbery is illegal and you could go to jail, p.s. rob an ATM instead because if you get caught you'll do less jail time).
In these forums, it is sufficient to state (preferably citing to an internal xda-developers rule), that "this question is not appropriate to the forum." Alternatively, if xda were to lack such an internal policy rule (I seem to recall it does not lack such a rule) one could simply state the same and re-direct the inquiring user to his or her wireless contract which also provides clear guidance on this point (and yes, I read them (line for line)).
Nevertheless, I also don't think it is good form to make them feel completely like a heel for having asked the question in the first instance. After all, whether it is technology, law, relationships, or our own life experience, most of us know "just enough to make us dangerous".

Explanation for the Delays from Engadget
Apparently a few sources that "are familiar with these things" have said the reason for the delays (the reason the release date has been pushed back) is because horrible battery issues and signal problems. Most likely interconnected (much like the Evo at launch). Apparently (it's in the article) people that are using the internet connection at all are draining their batteries from full to dead in only 2-3 hours.
The update says the release date has actually been pushed back 6 times already because of this issue. That means the phone probably would have launched in late December or January if it were working the way it was intended.
Lies, the phone is shipped out already. There is no delay
Just was originally going to be released in march
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App
I've mentioned before that it was a huge battery hog, but it's nothing that was described by those sources "in the know." It went gold in early January.
superchilpil said:
Lies, the phone is shipped out already. There is no delay
Just was originally going to be released in march
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App
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Yeah you sure? I have $20 that your source is just as reliable and workign on conjecture just like everyone else out there right now.
newalker91 said:
The phones are locked in a cage under the counter at my local Best Buy. I watched the manager open the cage to count how many were set aside for preorders so he could tell me how many are up for sale as soon as the ball drops.
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The local Best Buy manager let me look at a box, although I was not allowed to open it and play wth the phone. He said he has no idea when he can sell them, but he has them. A couple of dozen is what I saw.
I saw them Monday or Tuesday. So they could have gone on sale this week it seems.
That said, Engadget mentioned a new firmware may be coming, as a day 1 patch or what? Would the sales people have to do the update before letting customers walk out with it? Supposedly to fix a radio/battery issue.
Its always "People familiar with the matter" how about those people grow a pair and come out on the record, simple because its easier to spread rumor than go on record without proof.
RaptorMD said:
Its always "People familiar with the matter" how about those people grow a pair and come out on the record, simple because its easier to spread rumor than go on record without proof.
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Can't speak for everyone, but that's not happening when you are under an NDA. The companies actually strategically leak out info themselves, so why the **** am I signing this again? Regardless, I've witnessed people getting into serious trouble with their jobs, just so they could be another internet sensation. This is why I'm amazed when BMX, and other "insiders" are publicly known for it, yet still have their jobs.
popular nobody said:
Can't speak for everyone, but that's not happening when you are under an NDA. The companies actually strategically leak out info themselves, so why the **** am I signing this again? Regardless, I've witnessed people getting into serious trouble with their jobs, just so they could be another internet sensation. This is why I'm amazed when BMX, and other "insiders" are publicly known for it, yet still have their jobs.
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I guess you haven't heard of astroturfing? Just because they claim to be insiders and "leaks" doesn't mean the company doesn't secretly condone or support it. What better way to get easy publicity than to have an employee claim to be acting on their own releasing rumors or "inside information" instead of a stuffy corporate press release.
andydumi said:
The local Best Buy manager let me look at a box, although I was not allowed to open it and play wth the phone. He said he has no idea when he can sell them, but he has them. A couple of dozen is what I saw.
I saw them Monday or Tuesday. So they could have gone on sale this week it seems.
That said, Engadget mentioned a new firmware may be coming, as a day 1 patch or what? Would the sales people have to do the update before letting customers walk out with it? Supposedly to fix a radio/battery issue.
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So, I work at a BB. Neither my store nor any other of the 15 or so stores in our district has these things in stock yet. This isn't the first I've seen of people saying that stores are sitting on them, but knowing for a fact that a good chunk of stores really DON'T have them has me wondering about the legitimacy of people claiming to have seen them...
AMDman18 said:
So, I work at a BB. Neither my store nor any other of the 15 or so stores in our district has these things in stock yet. This isn't the first I've seen of people saying that stores are sitting on them, but knowing for a fact that a good chunk of stores really DON'T have them has me wondering about the legitimacy of people claiming to have seen them...
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One fellow employee to another, same thing here. System says 0 for all the districts in my area which includes most of the east coast.
can i have a job at BB? please? i know stuff
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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dude my cousin is pretty smart,, works at bb and another job while he goes to school so thats pretty ****ty to say about people
newalker91 said:
He wouldn't have to work two jobs if he didn't pick minimum wage employment. Either way there are always exceptions to everything. There are intelligent people working at Walmart as well, but put that in the spectrum of all the employees. If someone wants a real career in electronics, then they need to seek out a management position or get into an actual company for a rep position.
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there isnt alot of well payin jobs where he is at right now ,, so he took up two jobs to make up the difference ,, til he is done
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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Ermm, when I worked at Best Buy Mobile I got $11/hour plus bonuses (BBM department gets monthly bonuses). My monthly average worked out to about $12.50-14.00 an hour. Considering all the benefits (discounts from manufacturers and $20/month cell phone plans) it's not a bad racket.
Your last sentence makes you seem unnecessarily bitter.
exactly where i knew it was going
best buy (as alluded to above) is good for one thing; going to see the product in person (if they carry the actual matching model, and not an exclusive model) then go to buy it on the internets.
i have held seminars (as a walk-in customer) with their PC and HT departments explaining technologies (the manager just gathers everyone around so he didnt have to be held accountable for not remembering what HDMI stood for, or the contrast between an analog and digital signal, or actually didnt have the sophistication to do so).
yes there are always outliers, but majority reigns @ bb "here is an average boy, see this line just under that, that is your boy, mrs. gump"
if there were no evil in this world, would we want any good?
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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Couldn't be any further from the truth.
There's a difference between someone getting paid .25 over minimum and someone who knows how to negotiate pay.
I was hired by Best Buy in September 2007 at a starting pay of $10.25 an hour. That was $2.25 above minimum wage that year in California. Maybe you missed the 2 in your figure? After my 90 day evaluation, I was making $11.00. Basically, I outsold everyone on the sales floor, sold PSP's (they're called Black Tie Protection now), counter service, on-site service, accessories and built relationships with local shoppers. When they offered me a 25 cent raise at my 90 day, I said "I want $11 or I walk..." they didn't want to make up the numbers they'd lose from me.
By the time I quit in February 2009, I was making $12.00 an hour. If I stayed, I would've been promoted to a senior and been above $15-18 an hour at least.
I'm also a UCSD undergraduate studying Chemical Engineering in my sophomore/junior year. I wasn't the highest paying lower level employee I knew either. My friend is a comp sci major working at Best Buy and his starting wage was $2.50 higher per hour than some of the seniors in his department. They don't know about it.
Managers want the ignorant employees to think wages are equal and everyone gets paid garbage. The truth is, NBA isn't the only place some people make more money than their coworkers.
SO let's not jump to conclusions about what type of people work at Best Buy. I agree with people who dislike BB's practices, but let's not insult the employees.
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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This forum would be a much better place if there wasn't people like this that think they are smarter than everyone else and like to put people down for absolutely no reason.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Whoever that guy is saying people at bestbuy make minimum wage is a moron, I work for mobile myself and make in the teens for hourly rate, aswell as being bonus eligible, its not a bad setup for a fulltime college student
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
I worked for best buy ( once upon a very dark time ).... and it is correct that they do lie to their employees about pay... it didn't used to be this way.. back in '05 -'06 best buy was an ok place to work... morals were high... and they had competition ( circuit city, comp usa ).. and they paid their employed well.
For example I was a DCI ( geek squad sup ) making $22hr.
But once circut closed and they had no more major competition ( I wont state frys ele as a competition bcuz they are not national ) they changed their policies... downsized their staff and everyone took a pay cut or got laid off.
So now bby thinks they are untouchable ( which they allmost are ) and can get away with low pay beacuse the economy sucks and people are willing to do anything to get by.
And yes.... not everyone who works for best buy is an idiot... just most of them.
Now.... im an I.T. admin / web developer making 3x what I did at bby...
So the moral of the story is... if you want to get ahead in life... don't work retail.... get a degree and use it!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

Anyone organizing class action lawsuits against google?

After the recent lockdown i probably lost the ability to use hundreds of dollars worth of apps. I noticed googles trend is to sucker chumps in with "freedom" and then take everything including their money from them. (oy vey! would could have guessed Mr Brin and his tribal brother would follow their books of hate)((not me who wrote the owners of google are the same trash who control the lying scumbag hollywood media and to watch out for them years ago)). ANyways. We could actually put google where they belong with the recent mass robbery of android users. Its valid enough that if we could find a lawyer who isnt one of them we could take their enter companies holdings and force them to sell the company to (hopefully) better people. How many millions of android users have lost the ability to use hundreds of dollars of apps and how many of us have multiple $700 dollar devices that are disabled. thats a lot of cash they owe people. I cant be the only one who figured out we actually have rights in america to not be robbed by con men like these people but I see microsoft still exists and millions of children spent hundreds of dollars they lost to faulty xboxes and microshaft is still around somehow and those kids are just treated like trash. Can I not find a lawsuit against google for the same reason? Since google and microsoft OWNS the govt you cant do anything to them? Or is there lawsuit pending?
We really need to get on this. If we hit google in the sheckles where it hurts we can force them to work for us or just get better people running that company, or put it where it belongs. In a grave.

Modding is about to become illegal

So about ten days ago, the text of the TPP got finalised, and it's really bad for us and the rest of the Internet. Here's an excerpt taken from FFTF:
- Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
- Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
- Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
- End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
- Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
- Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
A link to do something about it:
I didn't read anything about any of this..... And I can see carriers having some say if you got your device on a contract.... And even trying to enforce people not modify it....
But.... There's no way anyone has or will have control over what we do to a device we've paid for and own outright.
Sorry... But I smell conspiracy theory. When I own something, 100%....its mine. I can do what I please with it.
Nothing to fear here.
Edit: What I'm saying is that none of this will ever become reality. :good:
I found this article, which explains a bit on what the TPP will do.
While I could see this come to be. Good luck on them enforcing it. Other then locking the devices completely down they could never enforce it completely
Sure, they won't be able to control what you do to your device once you buy it. It's yours. You bought it. You can modify it to be the world's most expensive paperweight if you'd like.
But what they can do is limit whether your device can connect to their services and what it can and cannot do with those services. Want to hack your device 6 ways to Sunday? Go right ahead. But want it to be able to work on so and so's network? That's another story.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
ssenemosewa said:
Sure, they won't be able to control what you do to your device once you buy it. It's yours. You bought it. You can modify it to be the world's most expensive paperweight if you'd like.
But what they can do is limit whether your device can connect to their services and what it can and cannot do with those services. Want to hack your device 6 ways to Sunday? Go right ahead. But want it to be able to work on so and so's network? That's another story.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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And that is what XDA is all about.... We'll find a way.
Darth said:
And that is what XDA is all about.... We'll find a way.
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Amen to that, Brother!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
DecentM said:
So about ten days ago, the text of the TPP got finalised, and it's really bad for us and the rest of the Internet. Here's an excerpt taken from FFTF:
- Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
- Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
- Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
- End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
- Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
- Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
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this sounds like the premises for a super villain movie.. if this is a thing, why isn't it all over the news?
soraxd said:
if this is a thing, why isn't it all over the news?
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Because American media outlets and the people trying to push this bill don't want you to know about it. Look at every screwed up bill that's passed in the last few years and what was going on around that timeframe. Obama's administration passed a law saying a citizen could be held indefinitely and without cause at any sign of a respiratory illness, did you see that on the news? No. The media spotlight was focused on doctors in Africa catching Ebola. The Brady Bill was re-enacted, was that covered? Nope, instead they focused on Gay Marriage.
They aren't stupid, they know that if they give Americans a hot-button topic to argue over (gay marriage, immigration, etc...) they can sneak things through congress without so much as a whimper from the public. Add to that the fact that they use these "outbreaks" and media sensations to scare people and we literally ask them to remove our rights.
The news, like science, is bought and paid for by these outlets, industries and governments. They are all in bed with each other and it's all for monetary gain. Example: The FDA gets millions of dollars in "fees" with the submission of every new medicine/vaccine that is submitted. There is no fee associated with the submission of these items. Curiously though, they get pushed through. Big Pharm has a chicken pox vaccine, it lasts 10 years (approximately) and is in the list of required shots (which has more than quadrupled in length in the last decade). Chicken pox is now being touted as some horrible, deadly disease. It's a childhood disease that by itself doesn't cause any real harm, and grants you life-long immunity if you catch it, so why is a vaccine needed, especially if it only lasts for 10 years? Answer - $$$
Take measles for example. An "outbreak" of 60 cases, not a single one fatal, and your right to religious exemption from vaccination is taken away. This is so unconstitutional it's not even funny. Your basic human rights and the rights that were the founding premise of this country are being taken away from you daily, yet people question if this would ever come to fruition because it's not on the news...
People only get to see and know what they want them to see and know. So someone with money and a bone to pick decides that modding your phone is not good for their agenda, guess what? It'll be illegal and you probably won't know until it's too late and you're being penalized for it.
So true
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