I've just received a new Vox and am trying out Goodlink on it. It doesn't seem to suit the phone very well!
I've been using a Hermes and really like the Vox's form factor when compared to it. However, I was thinking that the screens would be similar as they both have the same resolution (240x320), but the fonts are much larger on the Vox and much less info is displayed.
So Goodlink displays fewer lines than on the Hermes' display and there's some weird corruption at the bottom of every screen. Also, in some of the preferences screens, I can't work out how to save anything as the OK button is obscured by the battery and signal strength indicators.
Lastly there are no shortcuts to the Goodlink applications on the home screen or in the Programs folder. The only way to start it is via File Explorer.
Anyone had more luck than me?
Ok I realised what I had done....I restored my Goodlink install from my Hermes, so had the wrong version installed! Oops
Anyway, it all seems to work well now
Hi guys I hope someone can help. I'm using nncuong UNI 2.11.11 5.2.1933 (Build 18533.0.7.1) with 1.18 radio and a blank ext and fresh out of the box it was great aside from one problem.
Both in IE and in the pda (settings page, in the backlight setting dialogue etc) some text is 'hidden' like I need to scroll down, but I can't. I went and made the font size smaller in settings (and in IE) but it doesn't help. It's as though sometimes stuff doesn't quite 'fit' and I can't read the last bit of info in a dialogue box etc.
I can't see anywhere to switch resolution, I saw something that indicated it was at 640 but I can't remember where. Also sometimes I want to scroll to the right in IE as I can't see the right side of the page, but there is no scroll bar. Only sometimes.
Last issue is that the battery monitor icon was there when I booted up but it's vanished and I don't know how to get it back.
Can anyone help? Other than this I think it's okay.
Well i actually have a treo 700wx and i installed the HTC homeplug-in and i got it to work great, except with a few kinks left. Well my first think that i haven't been able to figure out is that when i click on the sms icon on the main screen it goes to my original sms program instead of the threaded sms app that i use, and another thing that is happening is that when im on the today screen there are two battery icons in the upper right hand corner could someone please help me resolve these two issues thanks
Hello to all!
I am new to this scene, did a search but could not find solid info on the issue I'm having/researching. I have an O2 Xda Orbit2 with WM6.1 (and using it in the US no problem), have gone through and set all preferences, etc to my liking, etc. I added a few AOL email accounts to the Messaging feature so it can grab emails and prior had set within the Notifications and Sounds settings that the phone NOT give me any notification (all boxes unchecked) of when new email comes in from when the phone runs its scheduled send/receive. However, the phone displays that envelope icon on the top status bar when it retrieves new email...even though that particular setting is NOT checked.
I have tried everything...playing with the notifications, setting it off then on, soft reboot and even a hard reboot (YUCK)...nothing cured it. I still get the envelope icon up top when it pulls new email, I don't want it to do that. Glitch, bug or problem with my phone? Anyone else have this or know what or why it is inherently defaulting to give an onscreen notification of new email when I set it not to??
Standard behavour of WM
If I remember rightly Windows Mobile only gives you the option to turn off the sound and the message on the screen, not the notification itself.
O2 Xda Orbit2 Wheel
Thank you andrew-in-woking for the info! It certainly helped!
Just another question, that may be silly but I'll throw it out there.
I recently purchased two brand new O2 Xda Orbit 2 devices..sealed box, unlocked, etc. The navigation wheel on one seems to have that rubber ring sitting slightly higher on the control while the other seems lower...when your finger touches it you can tell. Also on the lower seated one, the navigation control ring itself has just a little bit of play or loose movement such that your finger can move it up and down very slightly on the keypad....while the other phone's navigation ring is tight and doesn't have that play....both work fine, no problems scrolling, etc. Both phones are brand new and never been used or repaired (as far as I know) so I'm wondering if there was a "slight" design change in production of these at some point and which phone is maybe the better or newer one, or if this is just an anomaly?
I know, it's a strange observation but I would appreciate anyone's input.
The serial numbers on both phones indicated the one with the lower seated ring and slightly loose wheel has the higher sequential number...if serials numbers here are any indication of when they were manufactured (?).
I contacted O2 via email on all of this and they were not very informative or helpful at all.
Longtime lurker, firsttime poster. I'm currently experiencing an issue with my Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2. I've had it for about a week now, and this problem seems to come and go. I'm using the stock ROM and TouchFlo3d; though I've also been playing around with the SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 (love the widgets!). Anywho, the issue (finally):
When I get a phone call, the callerID pops up and I have the slide-to-answer screen. I can either slide to the left or slide to the right (now dip, baby, dip) (sorry). When I slide to the left, most of the times the entire answer button turns green and the phone just keeps ringing. Like, I'm TRYING to answer it... but it won't let me! About 20% of the time, though, it slides successfully all the way over and I can then talk. But - again - most of the time it just turns green and I can't answer it. Even if I press the hard button on the lower left of the phone (the "phone" button).
Anyone have any ideas/suggestions/tips/tricks on how to fix this? With slide-out keyboards on a touch screen phone called the Touch Pro (2), it sure as hell is hard to google around for an answer! RTFM didn't help, either.
Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help me out, here.
msottile said:
Longtime lurker, firsttime poster. I'm currently experiencing an issue with my Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2. I've had it for about a week now, and this problem seems to come and go. I'm using the stock ROM and TouchFlo3d; though I've also been playing around with the SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 (love the widgets!). Anywho, the issue (finally):
When I get a phone call, the callerID pops up and I have the slide-to-answer screen. I can either slide to the left or slide to the right (now dip, baby, dip) (sorry). When I slide to the left, most of the times the entire answer button turns green and the phone just keeps ringing. Like, I'm TRYING to answer it... but it won't let me! About 20% of the time, though, it slides successfully all the way over and I can then talk. But - again - most of the time it just turns green and I can't answer it. Even if I press the hard button on the lower left of the phone (the "phone" button).
Anyone have any ideas/suggestions/tips/tricks on how to fix this? With slide-out keyboards on a touch screen phone called the Touch Pro (2), it sure as hell is hard to google around for an answer! RTFM didn't help, either.
Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help me out, here.
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Hi, a friend has the same device and had the same problem, he solved it by going to the site of HTC and get the updates and now the problem is gone, also is there already many rom update`s there to windows mobile 6.5
Greetz from Holland
Thanks mate. Unfortunately, though - that didn't work. :\
In the download section at HTC's site, it states: "This update can only be applied to ROM version 1.20.xxx.x or previous, otherwise the update will fail."
I'm on ROM version 1.21.651.3.
I went ahead and tried to DL and install the CallerID Update - but it wouldn't install. I received the "This hotfix is not compatible with your device" error message.
Any other suggestions? Oh, btw FWIW - this runs Windows 6.1. 6.5 isn't yet available for the Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2 (or so I hear). Thanks again!
msottile said:
Thanks mate. Unfortunately, though - that didn't work. :\
In the download section at HTC's site, it states: "This update can only be applied to ROM version 1.20.xxx.x or previous, otherwise the update will fail."
I'm on ROM version 1.21.651.3.
I went ahead and tried to DL and install the CallerID Update - but it wouldn't install. I received the "This hotfix is not compatible with your device" error message.
Any other suggestions? Oh, btw FWIW - this runs Windows 6.1. 6.5 isn't yet available for the Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2 (or so I hear). Thanks again!
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Try this Site scroll to bottom of page,give your serial and see if you can download it,maybe you must unlock your CID first to install it
negative. Didn't like my serial number. Regardless, everything I've read so far has said you can't really upgrade a US/Sprint/CDMA HTC Touch Pro 2 to Windows Mobile 6.5.
If only the phone part of the phone worked... this would be one helluva phone!
Will see what i can do have a orginal wwe 6.5 (from htc site) for it, but i think you must unlock touch pro2 orelse it will say invalid vendor i will upload it today and put a link here
EDIT--you can download HERE the Wm 6.5 (download the 2 files,click the .exe) unpack and Happy Flashing...I Have NOT Flashed it,because i have no touchpro2
Greetz from Holland
I have the exact same problem
Anybody got this resolved yet? I am running wm6.5 stock rom from sprint on my touch pro 2...
I'm having the same issue with my stock 6.5 rom.
phone rings but sometimes either slide to answer and hard button answer does not work.
Since I have not found a answer to this I will be doing a hard reset to see if it fixes
planedoctor said:
I'm having the same issue with my stock 6.5 rom.
phone rings but sometimes either slide to answer and hard button answer does not work.
Since I have not found a answer to this I will be doing a hard reset to see if it fixes
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Any luck? I still have this issue.
A mobile phone that won't answer calls....
... seems a lot like sex without orgasms...!
I have the Sprint HTC TouchPro2 with the stock ROM, no additionally software installed, and yawp! Maybe 15-20% of the time I am able to answer calls. Grrrrr. I've been an HTC user prettymuch from day one, and this is the *laggiest* and *buggiest* phone by far! Normally, I customize and flash ROMs like crazy, but I have *no* interest in doing so with this phone... it should work out of the box, and it simply doesn't.
I have insurance, and keep taking my brand new phones back to Sprint. They look at it, and tell me to come back in two days when they'll have a new phone for me - at least that part is hassle-free. :/ I am now on my FOURTH new phone - all with the same 'unable to answer calls' problem- slide to answer jst slides to the green and freezes there; trying to use the answer button (bottom left bottun on the face of the phone) doesn't work either, and a minute or so after pressing it, I get the message, "unable to open sendkey.exe" blahblahblah,*and* each0hone I've received has multiple other problems: severe lag and freezing, sometimes the screen goes black, or pixelated so you can't see anything, SMS won't open (using the winmo, not HTC SMS shell, even), etc., etc., ad naseum.
I figure this will keep happening until the WinMo7 phones arrive in January2011 (almost there, anyway, since it is now the end of December!), after which I can request one of those instead of this brick.
I've had to tell my friends and family to text me if they want to talk to me on the phone, and I'l ring them back.
(other things I *really* dislike about this phone are: no external camera button, no external internet browser button, no 'ok' button, no scroll buttons, no flash for the camera, oh hellz: the list goes on and on! And, really - I adore HTC... but! this is their crummiest phone by far....)