Cracked LCD, i hate my friends... - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro ROM Development

Well... I was out with my friends, they were screwing around, one was looking at my phone then he saw the name of a girl i'm interested in, decided to call her, i tried to grab the phone back, he tossed it to his girlfriend who missed it, it hit the ground, and now, i have a 'bleeding' lcd under the glass.
Expensive phones and alcohol do not mix.
So looks like i'm going to have to go down to the mall and get myself a cheapy replacement phone for the next couple weeks.
Looking at a replacment I see "pocket pc techs" a $250 repair to fix the LCD.
Any chance anyone knows a cheaper repair place? in north america... didn't think so but it was worth asking
Ugh, well i guess all my questions will be on hold...
But bleh, just as i got it working 99% as i liked it after having it for 4 months.

Oops... wrong forum... meant for the regular HTC universal... hehe guess i've been spending so much time in this one.

don't they have insurance of some kind?
in holland we have something called "WA-verzekering"
if i break my friends phone by accident, i will pay for the damage and, it might be covered by this insurance... depending on the situation.
'playing catch' isnt covered i think..
but accidently push it of the table is...

Balur said:
Well... I was out with my friends, they were screwing around, one was looking at my phone then he saw the name of a girl i'm interested in, decided to call her, i tried to grab the phone back, he tossed it to his girlfriend who missed it, it hit the ground, and now, i have a 'bleeding' lcd under the glass.
Expensive phones and alcohol do not mix.
So looks like i'm going to have to go down to the mall and get myself a cheapy replacement phone for the next couple weeks.
Looking at a replacment I see "pocket pc techs" a $250 repair to fix the LCD.
Any chance anyone knows a cheaper repair place? in north america... didn't think so but it was worth asking
Ugh, well i guess all my questions will be on hold...
But bleh, just as i got it working 99% as i liked it after having it for 4 months.
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Didn't your 'friends' offer to pay for the repair?
They could go half each, one for the crap throw and one for not catching it.

Hey guys,
Nope insurance here wouldn't cover something like that, as for offereing to cover the cost... even if they offered i wouldn't let them. $450 would really mess them up for a month or two, but i can afford to take the hit.

I'm so sorry Balur!
It happened to me last summer...

Hey thanks for the sympathy...
Well I just got back from the Roger's store with a nice and simple Nokia 2610. No camera, no music, absolutly tiny.
Swapped the sim, and its working, so I guess it will do.
$300 to PocketPC Techs
$130 for replacement phone without a contract.
$20 for shipping to the repair place...
Oh well, i kinda like this little phone, it will be nice when i go to the bar or a club or something, swap the sim rather then taking my Pocketpc and carrying something large, and that i'm afraid of having stolen.
Oh well... lol.
I guess i'll be posting again in a few weeks

Balur said:
Hey guys,
Nope insurance here wouldn't cover something like that, as for offereing to cover the cost... even if they offered i wouldn't let them. $450 would really mess them up for a month or two, but i can afford to take the hit.
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When I was young I was told not to touch things I couldn't afford to replace if I broke them...

grayme said:
When I was young I was told not to touch things I couldn't afford to replace if I broke them...
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Well... welcome to North America... land of entitlement, and bad manners... lol

I bought two so if I broke one at some point I would have spare parts

Woot, fedex man just came, I'm back i the game
Faster then i had thought, kinda funny though since I just bought a cheap small phone so I wouldn't be stranded.
Oh well now I can swap my SIM when I don't want to be carrying my brick (to the bar and such places)

Balur said:
Woot, fedex man just came, I'm back i the game
Faster then i had thought, kinda funny though since I just bought a cheap small phone so I wouldn't be stranded.
Oh well now I can swap my SIM when I don't want to be carrying my brick (to the bar and such places)
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yep, im doing the same.
im using my previous Sony Ericsson P910i as a "party phone". hehe

I went with a Samsung D807x my phone company was ice enough to subsadize it if i signed a 2 year contract (I was month to month), and it worked out anyways becuase the rate plan I wanted required a contract.
Its small, its sexy, the quality is pretty good... but... i keep putting my finger on where the antena is... and it causes a hit to quality.
I've been through 3 phones since I sent my universal in though. A cheap pay as you go phone, which i swaped my SIM into, then returned with a week to go becuase it sucked. Also I borrowed a friends piece of crap, then I got that one on Monday, lol.

BLEH!!! 2 dead pixels... gotta send it back... lol

My screen cracked but I haven't fixed it yet. There are repair kits on ebay for ~180 if you're willing to do it yourself... which I am. However, my bank account isn't willing to cough up just yet. haha.
Sorry to hear of your troubles, but I'm glad it got fixed!

I saw the kits, but figured $180 for me to screw up or $250 for a professional to do it...
I decided on the professional
One of the pixels revived (guess it was just stuck), there's one left, always green.
They've agreed to swap screens, but I think I'm going to wait untill Monday and see if this one revives after a few days of usage.

You should be able to contact HTC for the price of fixing it. A friend of mine works in a HTC location in the UK and that office focus mainly on repair.
You can give them a call by finding the numbers on

dead pixels
There is a software to get the dead pixels out. If I find it I'll send you the link but it flashes the screen with different collors to get the dead pixels out. It worked with my MDA screen and never had pixels again.

Program to remove dead pixels
Ok the name of the file is M4V56052.MP4
I have the file so if you PM me your email I'll send it to you. I have to run it like 5-6 times to get the stuck dead pixels out.

I broke my LCD screen last year.
I looked up the parts and ordered an LCD screen strait from China, works perfect. I paid about 70 Euro.


Raphael kinda messed up (Dropped 50m and rant over by two cars)

Hi there, I bet you have never seen a raphael in such condition
And yes, my insurance covered it (thank god!!)
do you work for will it blend haha
Well, the phone dropped like 50 meters and two cars ran over it. Did some honorable damage, not far from will it blend
...I could not finish my SMS
Rottis said:
Hi there, I bet you have never seen a raphael in such condition
And yes, my insurance covered it (thank god!!)
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i think i would cry if that happened to me. lucky your insurance covered it.
evilxhwnd said:
i think i would cry if that happened to me. lucky your insurance covered it.
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Yup, actually they asked me if a train had ran over it (lol), they had never ever seen a phone in so many parts!
I was a bit suprised to see that the battery still had hold it's charge! (Was 90-95% when that happened)
EDIT: You can guess my face btw when i realised what has just happened..
Wow - that's a real bummer. Glad to see you got it fixed. What insurance do you have?
that last picture was after you just changed
to 1 right ?
yup, it was the autofix, i just had to solder it on because the phone wouldn't turn on otherwise
About the insurance, it's one you can buy with the phone, the shop that provides such is called Gigantti here in finland, and El Giganten in other northern countries, dont know if you know it.
It costed .. umm.. 70 euros i think and was definately worth it.
omg!!Thats one of the scariest picture I've ever seen!!
I plan to buy my touch diamond soon with almost all the money I earned working for a couple months(which is very precious!), lately it seems like all I hear from people is "oh it might get stolen, or broken" and now I see this!! =O
Never heard of insurance for a phone, seems like a nice idea but I don't think its available here. (Could'nt afford it if it was!~ lol)
*will pray hard before buying the device*
Congrats for your insurance.
So your insurance is going to FIX IT? Right?
Note about insurance...
The insurance we can get with ATT sucks. But I highly recommend to everyone that you check with your homeowners or renters insurance company. Many offer a "PC Rider" for a few bucks a year that covers accidental damage to PC's, laptops, PDAs - anything computer related. Since the Fuze is more PDA than phone, my homeowners covers it... Takes my deductible down to $100 and covers any catastrophic damage. I mention it as something to look into as alot of the people I deal with (PC repair) don't know about it...
Was the SIM card ok..? LOL
It's only a little scratch. It'll polish out.
what were u doing when u dropped the phone? where were u? lucky that thing didn't break someone's window.
You poor bastard. Yesterday i dropped my Touch Pro too ; ; It's only the second day i've had it. I made an ugly ding on the corner and two pretty big scratches on the screen. I didn't even put on my protector yet ; ; I called up att to splat insurance on it the same day. I guess at least i don't have to baby it too much now.
Hey, while you've got it apart, maybe you can see why the left and right directional buttons are so jacked up
what were u doing when u dropped the phone? where were u? lucky that thing didn't break someone's window.
Soon on eBay:
"HTC Touch Pro, like new, minor scratches!"
at the good one you have battery with percent,which app is this?

"Lost" Fuze for New Tilt 2 (insurance)

ok i just checked the att website for the new tilt 2 but it isnt out til oct 18. but i seen the the fuze is no longer on there. ive had my fuze sense nov 10. and i was wondering if i say i lost my fuze around lets say oct 20 will they send me a tilt 2. im saying this because i used my insurance a while back on my old phone and they didnt have that phone anymore so they sent me a phone that was the same value.. do u think it will work??
I posted a thread on this in the Rhodium as well. I have insurance too and had my fuze for about 6 months now and bummed i couldnt of held out for the tilt 2 and i dont have the money to pay 500 bucks for a no contract tilt 2. I wish a carrier would have a exchange program or something instead of this 2 year upgrade. I burn through phones within a year
Anyways what people replied to me was they probably have a lot of refurb fuzes
I recently lost my Tilt to a horrible accident involving a puddle and concrete... so I got a Fuze for replacement... and it was refurbished and had the burn-in issue on the screen... I got another refurb Fuze to replace that one... this one is having the same issue - so I am going to keep requesting Fuze's till I get one person to acknowledge my request to get a NEW phone and not a refurb...
That might be a way to get your Tilt 2 if you receive a bad refurb and raise enough cane!
Well, truth be told they likely will have a large backstock of refurb fuzes for a while. If you are a person who's had chronic problems with your phone and it's under warrenty, if you make a fuss about the problems over multiple phones, they may bump you up.
lafastfords said:
ok i just checked the att website for the new tilt 2 but it isnt out til oct 18. but i seen the the fuze is no longer on there. ive had my fuze sense nov 10. and i was wondering if i say i lost my fuze around lets say oct 20 will they send me a tilt 2. im saying this because i used my insurance a while back on my old phone and they didnt have that phone anymore so they sent me a phone that was the same value.. do u think it will work??
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Aside from the moral issue of insurance fraud, it should work. Just hope you don't get caught.
ya know - I've about had it with people doing crap like this. Look - if you want a new phone then buy one. If you don't want to pay full price for it then sell the phone you have or wait a few months for the price to come down.
It's creeps that commit fraud like this that cause the detuctibles on these devices to end up being 125 bucks for all the honest people.
I just swap out the phone before the 1 year warranty ends and sell it on ebay. Use the money for your new phone.
Mine has a busted flux capacitor anway.
They will have a large supply of Fuze's laying around, they know people will try to do this, I'd love to do it, I think they still even had a stock of the first Tilts around for quite a long time. Just to let you know a couple months back I still had the ability to buy a Tilt through the premier store even though they didn't have them on the regular site. Right now I still see the Fuze on their premiere site. So they most likely have a stock. However, from what I understand how these places work is there's a stock for sale and a stock for warranty, they don't come from one giant stock pile. So if they run out of their warranty stock, maybe you'd be able to pull it off, but who knows, maybe they'd just siphon a couple off the sale stock into the warranty stock (most likely they'd do this so the ones they sell have a backup incase something goes wrong). Thought I'd just through that out there.
well i upgraded to a fuze from the tilt... i broke my tilt and had to use the insurance... they replaced it with a refurb tilt but i kept having problems... it took at&t 4 tilt phones before they upgraded me to a fuze and then i still kept having problems... it took them to send me 3 fuzes until they finally got it right... it wasnt a scam just they kept sending me crappy phones and if i must keep up my end of the bargin and pay ontime then they must step up to the plate and send me a phone that works as well as a new phone.. which they did...
... and everybody is complaining why insurance is so freaking expensive!!!
Beside the fraud fact (DISGUSTING) sell it on eBay, craigslist or one of the other common suspect pages, bunk the money and BUY the TP2 or whatever you want.
I did that with my last two phone which was always a 50% to 75% "off" in terms of the purchasing price of the new phone.
jayhue said:
well i upgraded to a fuze from the tilt... i broke my tilt and had to use the insurance... they replaced it with a refurb tilt but i kept having problems... it took at&t 4 tilt phones before they upgraded me to a fuze and then i still kept having problems... it took them to send me 3 fuzes until they finally got it right... it wasnt a scam just they kept sending me crappy phones and if i must keep up my end of the bargin and pay ontime then they must step up to the plate and send me a phone that works as well as a new phone.. which they did...
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Before anyone starts dissin anybody, it is a fact that sometimes they just can't get it right. I had a problem with my original fuze and it took them 4 times to send a "decent" one, and by decent I meant a unit without:
-broken/recessed hardware key
-earpiece that's breaking up
-speaker that's breaking up like it's been used for a rock concert
so the last Fuze that they sent, which I'm using now, has a slightly recessed Answer key and crappy speaker. I decided to use it because I don't wanna go through the endless cycle of crappy replacement.
The moral of the story is, they do send out crappy replacements.
tyguy said:
... and everybody is complaining why insurance is so freaking expensive!!!
Beside the fraud fact (DISGUSTING) sell it on eBay, craigslist or one of the other common suspect pages, bunk the money and BUY the TP2 or whatever you want.
I did that with my last two phone which was always a 50% to 75% "off" in terms of the purchasing price of the new phone.
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not fraud u dumb ass.. i have that burn in screen and the plastic is coming off the hard keys.. just like everyother fuze
lafastfords said:
not fraud u dumb ass.. i have that burn in screen and the plastic is coming off the hard keys.. just like everyother fuze
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Careful who you talk to and what language you use my friend!
i was wondering if i say i lost my fuze around lets say oct 20 will they send me a tilt 2. im saying this because i used my insurance a while back on my old phone and they didnt have that phone anymore so they
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Can one who agrees with me notify the admin that this BS thread gets closed? Topics like this were discussed numerous times and answers like lafuckfords - or what his name is - simply don't belong here.
baymon said:
Before anyone starts dissin anybody, it is a fact that sometimes they just can't get it right. I had a problem with my original fuze and it took them 4 times to send a "decent" one, and by decent I meant a unit without:
-broken/recessed hardware key
-earpiece that's breaking up
-speaker that's breaking up like it's been used for a rock concert
so the last Fuze that they sent, which I'm using now, has a slightly recessed Answer key and crappy speaker. I decided to use it because I don't wanna go through the endless cycle of crappy replacement.
The moral of the story is, they do send out crappy replacements.
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Basically what happened to mine. I was getting Screen burn in and while I dealt with it for a while, I knew my warranty was about due. I called and asked for a replacement 3 times. Each one was defective.
-The half of the touchpad buttons didn't work on the first one (depressed).
-The second one had a broken slider track so it dragged opening the keyboard.
-The third one the speaker was screwed.
When they wanted to do a phone swap, I thought I'd ask for a Samsung Jack for my wife since her line is eligible for an upgrade. I figured I would "downgrade" to the Jack and use her line to buy a Pure or TP2. The lady said they wouldn't let me downgrade to a lesser phone?! So if I can't go down, perhaps they'd let me go up... so I asked and it worked.
Kinda scared about not having a Dpad on the Pure.
I think its stupid they wouldn't let me "downgrade" to the Jack. I woulda just turned around and signed another 2-year contract and plopped down $350 for the TP2.
my 2 cents in this situation is just save money and then buy it just like what that guy said, best and safe way to get a new device without the risk of violating any terms or law
AT&T exchange policy
well the truth is that, att has a policy that if you exchange a phone 3 times during the year of warranty, at that time you can change model. I did this twice, first with a Palm Treo650 changed it to a palm treo 700, then with the Tilt I was able to change to the brand new released(back then) Fuze, completly free only S&H.

[Q] Black Tie Program on Broken Inspire

Ok so heres my situation... I bought the inspire from best buy about 20 days ago on an upgrade, I decided to not get their black tie plan because I did not cause any physical damage to my old captivate so I thought I would be alright to pass on it this time. Until today that is... I had the phone in my back pocket and when I sat down I must have applied some extra pressure to the front and in result the screen in mostly shattered.
So I have decided to come to you guys in search for a few solutions. I noticed that you can add the black tie on up to 30 days from the purchase of your phone but I am doubting whether or not I could convince them to put it on my phone even though the phone is already broken but I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck getting this plan on after the damage had been done?
I would hate to think the best buy would really be so ignorant as to make me keep a phone with a shattered screen for the remaining 2 years that is on my contract (granted it is my fault it broke), I would like to think they would help someone in my position out to keep me happy and wanting to return back to their stores.
If there is no chance for this, then what would you guys recommend I do to get this fixed for as little cost as possible.
I just took a captivate that wouldn't turn on and they replaced it with an inspire. So I think they're pretty good about exchanging phones. Unless I just got lucky haha
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
The way these employees can be,especially at bestbuy,seems unlikely. But give it a shot hello y not
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Neathawk49 said:
Ok so heres my situation... I bought the inspire from best buy about 20 days ago on an upgrade, I decided to not get their black tie plan because I did not cause any physical damage to my old captivate so I thought I would be alright to pass on it this time. Until today that is... I had the phone in my back pocket and when I sat down I must have applied some extra pressure to the front and in result the screen in mostly shattered.
So I have decided to come to you guys in search for a few solutions. I noticed that you can add the black tie on up to 30 days from the purchase of your phone but I am doubting whether or not I could convince them to put it on my phone even though the phone is already broken but I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck getting this plan on after the damage had been done?
I would hate to think the best buy would really be so ignorant as to make me keep a phone with a shattered screen for the remaining 2 years that is on my contract (granted it is my fault it broke), I would like to think they would help someone in my position out to keep me happy and wanting to return back to their stores.
If there is no chance for this, then what would you guys recommend I do to get this fixed for as little cost as possible.
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With a phone that unquestionably has suffered physical damage, I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to go that far in wanting to keep their customers happy.
Unless this "black tie" thing pretty much effectively says "sure, throw your phone off a cliff, drive over it with a semi, we want you happy, so we'll keep giving you phones," then I wouldn't get your hopes up.
But like Matt said, you got nothin' to lose and everything to gain at this point...
You never know what they will do. In December I upgraded to an Aria for $0.01, I did get the black tie coverage. There was a slight issue with the earspeaker and I took it somewhere local so I wouldn't be without my phone for a matter of weeks. Needles to say, that was a mistake. The repair place screwed it up. I took it to best buy and long story short, after sending it off for repair 4 times they have me an Inspire.
I think it is a very good thing to get to know the ppl that work in mobile and not be one of those customers they hate to see come into the store. They all knew me by my first They have me my choice of phones and I chose the Inspire and have never looked back!
BB its usually quite eager to please the customer, they know if you are happy with their mobile dept. you may buy your next tv there also.
Sent from my stock HTC Inspire 4G
Perseids said:
You never know what they will do. In December I upgraded to an Aria for $0.01, I did get the black tie coverage. There was a slight issue with the earspeaker and I took it somewhere local so I wouldn't be without my phone for a matter of weeks. Needles to say, that was a mistake. The repair place screwed it up. I took it to best buy and long story short, after sending it off for repair 4 times they have me an Inspire.
I think it is a very good thing to get to know the ppl that work in mobile and not be one of those customers they hate to see come into the store. They all knew me by my first They have me my choice of phones and I chose the Inspire and have never looked back!
BB its usually quite eager to please the customer, they know if you are happy with their mobile dept. you may buy your next tv there also.
Sent from my stock HTC Inspire 4G
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Well, there's a teeny tiny bit of difference between a bad ear speaker and a "mostly shattered" screen, but, who knows...
brick it ..... That is the only solution O.O. I remember while back best buy told me if I bought their protection plan, I could walk out side drive my car over my phone bring it back in and get a new one/ fixed, never tested it though.
Obviously don't buy the Black Tie plan and then immediately whip the phone out of your pocket.... If it was me, I'd take the receipt in and say that I decided to go with the black tie plan after all. Then I'd take it in the next day, or the day after that. It might still look suspicious, but not as.
I took the black tie protection for my laptop and TV. Laptop got its hdd replaced twice, without a question. He opened it, took the old one out, put in the new one, and gave the old one back to me.
In my opinion, its worth the trouble/hassle for 3 years.
Thanks for your help and suggestions guys, I will hopefully go up there tomorrow and basiclly beg thats what I get for not adding it on when I got the phone, just my luck. Btw, I wasnt trying to say that they owed it to anyone to replace it, I was just saying would be a kind gesture to someone,who messed up. All they would have to do is change the screen then sell it refurbished for about 50dollars less than a new one.
Also, why do they allow you to add the black tie within the first 30 days but your excluded if you have already broken it then your not allowed to have it anymore. Just my thoughts on it, please pardon my ramblings..
Thanks again for taking the time to respond though!
mudknot2005 said:
brick it ..... That is the only solution O.O. I remember while back best buy told me if I bought their protection plan, I could walk out side drive my car over my phone bring it back in and get a new one/ fixed, never tested it though.
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Well that's actually encouraging for the op, then. Unless of course they were exaggerating for purposes of selling the program.
I guess the only thing that would concern me is the amount of time the op takes between signing up for the program, and "cashing" in on it, so to speak.
I also don't know if they would require physical inspection of the phone when signing up, if done after the initial sale, when of course the brand new phone is there in front of them...
Just a quick update, I took it in today and they were very kind and helping and because I had the protection plan on my old phone they said they could add it back and and say that the person who sold me the new phone had forgotten to transfer the plan to the new phone.
They told me to wait 2-3 before I bring it back in for repairs because they are usually not allowed to do this to an already broken phone but the manager gave the approval.
Just thought that I would poke back so anyone in this situation in the future will have a bit of hope. And that this is another reason why I continue to get my phones at best buy... great customer service (most of the time) and a protection plan that is too good to pass up.
Neathawk49 said:
Just a quick update, I took it in today and they were very kind and helping and because I had the protection plan on my old phone they said they could add it back and and say that the person who sold me the new phone had forgotten to transfer the plan to the new phone.
They told me to wait 2-3 before I bring it back in for repairs because they are usually not allowed to do this to an already broken phone but the manager gave the approval.
Just thought that I would poke back so anyone in this situation in the future will have a bit of hope. And that this is another reason why I continue to get my phones at best buy... great customer service (most of the time) and a protection plan that is too good to pass up.
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Congrats. Great news for you.
Try not to shatter the screen on the next one, will ya?
And thanks for posting back. It's always good to hear how these things play out.
Put it this way its like buying a car with out "protection" and just that one day after the 30 days you run into a wall.. Take the car back and say hey I would like to get the protection plan. 99.99% they will ask let me see the car. Just as in example. Its a business. But I have the Black tie and the buy back on my phone because just in case I do drop it its cover, I had it on my last phone they sent it out for a repair go it back in like a week brand new could not even tell. Rather then going through att paying 5$s on it if it get stolen and having to pay a delectable. Heck I even got water on my phone and it was covered. So its worth it to me. On the phones think about its your MOBILE phone you have it on you all the time rather it be in your pocket in case or in case on a belt clip you always have that chance of missing your pocket and your phone slips. and BOOM broken screen. And then your like AHH!! FML! lol
I would like to post one last time just to say Fallout 3/New Vegas FTW (i know off topic but had to give a shout out to a fellow vault dweller!)
Neathawk49 said:
I would like to post one last time just to say Fallout 3/New Vegas FTW (i know off topic but had to give a shout out to a fellow vault dweller!)
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Hell yeah man Im thanking you for just that my friend.. FTW man! PC/Console
sorry of topic I think Ill start a game thread about something like this if its not already start.. thanks your way
I work at Best Buy. The plan is accidental coverage. I walked into a freaking lazy river at Six Flags with my old iPhone and it was replaced rapidly.
tribestros said:
I work at Best Buy. The plan is accidental coverage. I walked into a freaking lazy river at Six Flags with my old iPhone and it was replaced rapidly.
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I dont know about rapidly, but they have always been good about replacing my damaged phones. I went through 2 captivates (both took a swim) and they replaced them both, but the process took over 2 weeks. And on my last captivate they let me switch to the Inspire since the Captivate was out of stock.
Here is my update, I took it in a few days after I got the plan added and the guy who helped was very nice. They said that they were doing to do a rapid exchange (still not quite sure what that means but I think it is something along the lines of receiving a refurbished phone) and that they would get my "new" phone in within the next few days which is better than the 27 days I waited to receive my Captivate from being fixed a while back.
What sucks is that I am using my miserably slow iphone 3g until I get the new phone in.
One last question, if I am on the best buy reward zone silver level, does the extended 45 day return policy apply to cell phones? And if so, would I be able to exchange the refurbished inspire for the infuse and pay the difference even though they would have technically given me a refurbished phone?

Frys Electronics - LG G2X no contract for $299

Hey guys,
I thought I'd share this with you,
Frys Electronics is selling an unlocked and no contract version of the G2X for $299 brand new.
I thought it was a good deal because locked/used they go for $200-250.
Their stores are located through out the bay area but you can order online as well I believe.
Source: (on the bottom of the add)
EDIT: I just saw that in very small letters under the picture it says "Reconditioned" ... oh well
nice deal even if refurbished. Good posting.
Bear in mind if you are intending to use your phone in the complete darkness, with brightness on 100%, while drawing white and ivory lines on a black DRAW! screen, (like we all do so often), you might not want to get one of these. 3 guys who did just, put about 25 phones in the refurb bucket by themselves, so I guess kudos to them.
Fry's does have a 30 day policy, so you can pretty much wait 45 days and then launch a class action if you are not satisfied.
tombaker1 said:
nice deal even if refurbished. Good posting.
Bear in mind if you are intending to use your phone in the complete darkness, with brightness on 100%, while drawing white and ivory lines on a black DRAW! screen, (like we all do so often), you might not want to get one of these. 3 guys who did just, put about 25 phones in the refurb bucket by themselves, so I guess kudos to them.
Fry's does have a 30 day policy, so you can pretty much wait 45 days and then launch a class action if you are not satisfied.
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Lol great post
tombaker1 said:
nice deal even if refurbished. Good posting.
Bear in mind if you are intending to use your phone in the complete darkness, with brightness on 100%, while drawing white and ivory lines on a black DRAW! screen, (like we all do so often), you might not want to get one of these. 3 guys who did just, put about 25 phones in the refurb bucket by themselves, so I guess kudos to them.
Fry's does have a 30 day policy, so you can pretty much wait 45 days and then launch a class action if you are not satisfied.
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Thanks to those guys who put lots of phones in the refurb buckets. I got mine refurb and had it sent to me in Thailand. Got a great deal on what I consider to be a perfect phone. Yes, of course, it has minor screen bleed but I only notice it in a dark room with brightness turned up, which I never do, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. It has never locked up and only rebooted once on a wall charger before I updated to GB. I only had it one day before updating to GB and it has been rock solid ever since.
I paid less than half what a new 2X sells for here in Thailand without all the LG bloatware and I am on official GB (rooted) now, instead of waiting for it like all the 2X people still are. I couldn't be happier with my G2X unless it could make me an espresso in the morning.
I bought one of the Fry's refurbs this weekend at my local store, and I'm using it right now. I have to say, it's much nicer than my Droid X. The phone looks brand new, and still had protective plastic on the USB port and on the metal trim on the back. There's a tiny bit of screen bleeding in the upper left-hand corner, but it doesn't really bother me. It came in a plain white box with all of the original T-Mobile documentation and the original LG charger and USB cable. I plan on dumping Verizon and using Simple Mobile, but I'm going to play around with this for awhile longer, first.
Saaber said:
I bought one of the Fry's refurbs this weekend at my local store, and I'm using it right now. I have to say, it's much nicer than my Droid X. The phone looks brand new, and still had protective plastic on the USB port and on the metal trim on the back. There's a tiny bit of screen bleeding in the upper left-hand corner, but it doesn't really bother me. It came in a plain white box with all of the original T-Mobile documentation and the original LG charger and USB cable. I plan on dumping Verizon and using Simple Mobile, but I'm going to play around with this for awhile longer, first.
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my "new" phone didn't even come with the plastic on the metal trim. i'm starting to think tmo sold me a refurb for full price :| but who knows, i can't prove it
tokimaromi said:
my "new" phone didn't even come with the plastic on the metal trim. i'm starting to think tmo sold me a refurb for full price :| but who knows, i can't prove it
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I think whoever is refurbing them for Fry's just adds the plastic wrap to make it look newer and prettier when you open the plain white box.
i dunno about paying $300 bucks for a refurb device....
tackleberry said:
i dunno about paying $300 bucks for a refurb device....
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I've purchased many refurb devices and every time they have been as good as new. Often times people buy them and return them in a few days and then it has to be refurbed, as it can no longer be sold as new. In some states if the item has been shipped and returned for non-delivery it is considered used and cannot be sold as new again. So the carriers sell them off cheap in pallets to be refurbed.
Two days ago I purchased the phone online-they changed the webpage now, but two days ago it said nothing about it being refurbished. So after driving an hour across town, they try to give me a refurbished one. Luckily, I had my receipt/screenprint as well as I guess a little luck on what manager I spoke with- long story short, they gave me the $299 price, and put the $264 balance ($519 no contract price) on some gift card.
The thing is, my receipt now shows this, I could make $264 if I returned it lol

Welp, my Pixel finally had a catastrophic failure

Today about 2 hours after waking up, I unlocked my phone and noticed that a dime size dead-zone at the bottom left of the phone. My phone has been in a case and a glass screen protector since taking it out of the box and I have never (knock on wood) dropped it whatsoever. If I took it out of the case and screen protector you would think it is a brand new phone never used. So now I have this dead zone that will not recover regardless of countless remedies, so I contact Google support as I am a member of Google one because I pay for the 100 gigabyte cloud storage. I sent the representative Hey picture of the dead zone and to my surprise he told me he told me " do not worry about this at all, I will start an RMA for you immediately". I was extremely pleased with how this was handled, an hour after talking with him, my entire screen died. I no longer can use my phone at all. Thank god it will be here in two days!
So you'll only have to slum it with an old device for a day or two, sweet!
Never had a problem with Google RMA process, always the reason I buy direct, piece of mind
In the UK - Google do a great job with their phones too for RMA. They sort you out relatively well
Even if you didnt buy direct
Got the new device yesterday, apparently they are refurbished and I noticed a nice big strand of white lint in-between the camera glass right on top of the main shooter. Obviously got in there when Google did whatever they do to refurbish phones.
Contacted them and so far they are refusing to swap this one out. I understand it's a little nit picky but I paid $900 for a brand new phone, it had a defect and the replacement now has a defect. That aside, it's absolutely killing my OCD. Could you imagine having to look at that stupid little piece of lint for years to come? If they ultimately stick with not doing an RMA on this I'm either selling and going for a OnePlus 8 pro or possibly even attempting to remove the camera glass square to get that little fu**** out.
1dopewrx05 said:
Got the new device yesterday, apparently they are refurbished and I noticed a nice big strand of white lint in-between the camera glass right on top of the main shooter. Obviously got in there when Google did whatever they do to refurbish phones.
Contacted them and so far they are refusing to swap this one out. I understand it's a little nit picky but I paid $900 for a brand new phone, it had a defect and the replacement now has a defect. That aside, it's absolutely killing my OCD. Could you imagine having to look at that stupid little piece of lint for years to come? If they ultimately stick with not doing an RMA on this I'm either selling and going for a OnePlus 8 pro or possibly even attempting to remove the camera glass square to get that little fu**** out.
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Edit: I did buy direct btw, always have and always will.
1dopewrx05 said:
Edit: I did buy direct btw, always have and always will.
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Just call them back and do a second warranty, let them know your experiencing new problems, or tell them you want to do a buyer's remorse return & they'll do it. I did a buyers remorse after I bought the my pixel 3 xl twice last year, once at 2 months & the other at 4 months, (That's where they give your your money back).. I called them for a day over & over but they did what I wanted. don't let Google tell you what's gonna happen you tell them

