Gigabyte gsmart i300 running WM6 eng - General Topics

yup Windows Mobile 6 pro is running on the i300 the (free upgrade from gigabyte)
so far so good

Working good the update?
No problems at al?

one thing i noticed of the bat was MS active sync program is slow.... i guess they have to fix it up, when its doing the sync its taking a lot longer, and if it doesnt work with outlook, i found the fix and this was for wm5 and wm6 is that in outlook if you download all your mail and then hit the sync button, in outlook it will then work with active sync, its a known issue i think with some older outlook ver :/
but ya right now with wm6 it lags a bit in the connection activation, i think as far as the speed its the same speed as before, its just annoying, i might try the active sync beta that is out
the os seems more responsive, i have yet to test the gps and wifi or IE

I can get working GPS dl that from the manu run it until u get signal if not, in settup switch to binary mode and do a col reset or reset manu settings then switch back to nmea, it can take a while, play around with it, i know that if i can get a lock with that program then i can get lock with others after i exit this one
oh the device on i300 is GSW3

Hi, just a few the I300 as a phone any good? the call quality on both ends clear etc?.....and also the back speaker, is it loud?.....i am looking at getting this phone but i would like to know the above first if anyone can answer these questions for me......also does anyone know the correct gps settings to get tomtom 6 to work?.......thanks in advance!!!

as far as quality i think its same as any other phone quality... no diff from my other phone, (moto v300) the speaker is a loud speaker ya you can play games or mp3s etc... and its loud enough IMO, but there is only so much volume and quality of something of that size, regardless of phone IMO unless a phone has stereo, but this and most phones is mono 1 speaker, the headset is stereo and BT can be stereo too

Thanks for the reply, what about tomtom 6?.....does it work with this phone and what are the ps settings to get a proper fix?.......thanks again in advance.

i havent tried tomtom6 but some ppl have i believe on this device, IMO should work just fine

yeah i was just reading some reviews on it from the gsmarena are you finding the battery life though? battery life better with WM6 or WM5, any differences?....thanks

well i really want the 1300mah battery, but i havent been able to see one, maybe they will release one later, or some other third party will
wm6 i think might give better battery life but mostly on idle or low activity, if you run anything intensive then i dont think there is anything that will save your battery hehe the charging seems faster or it could be just me
and for the rest i think you have to get some nice tweaking util to really optimize any PPC, i for one havent bothered much... everything is installed on my miniSD card
i think since its a free upgrade its quite worth it, all the small changes to all the apps is big
i cant really say a whole lot for wm5 vs wm6 becaues i havent been using either one long enough, some other vets could have a diff opinion im sure
i think its sad that any PPC if you use anything like Wifi, GPS or if you had a TV it kills the battery life very quick... same for if you try to run something that takes up all the resources (cpu) it does about the same... i was playing the sega emu and it did drain battery life but not as bad as wifi, gps does, mp3 playback takes even less cpu, as far as movies i dont know but i think it would be a little more then mp3 depending what its encoded i think
but for movies i can use my cowon D2 PMP
btw my i300 came with 2x 900mah batteries i dont know about others but most ppl said so, those that they got from ebay

could anyone export the i300WM6 registry and post it here, please?

GPS icon in settings > connections
I have enabled GPS icon in settings > connections. Programs now can not use built in GPS. Could you please post the registry keys and values in the following location:
HKLM\Control Panel\Gps Settings\

How do I get the voicemail indicator to work on my Gigabyte i300? I am using ATT and it doesn't ever tell me about new voicemails nor waiting voicemails.

balikci said:
I have enabled GPS icon in settings > connections. Programs now can not use built in GPS. Could you please post the registry keys and values in the following location:
HKLM\Control Panel\Gps Settings\
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Sorry balikci, just saw your post today.
I did not upgrade my i300 (so, English WM5 firmware so far).
There is not such an entry (HKLM\Control panel\GPS Settings\) in my registry file!
GPS is not working with Wm6 firmware version?

GPS works perfectly fine in wm6, also the think outside ultra slim BT keyboard does work with this device you need 4.52 driver i think and disable the standard devices hid driver or so... its a check box when you run it for the first time, and then it works just right
I300 seems to have over exposure issue with the camera in wm5 and wm6, in very bright sunny area, after the first picture all pics are over exposed, if you close the app and start the first picture works perfectly but others that fallow do not... it must be a driver/software issue

could somebody help me with taking device into bootloader mode? i want to upgrade to WM6
in it's official website , it says you need to push Send End and power key , while the device is off.
first , what is send and end keys? green and red ones?
second , which one is power key? the suspend key or the soft reset hole key?
third , what does it mean by turning device off ? suspend it or turn it off completely , if so how?
and , is this ROM
WWE , i heard there are certain parts non english , which is okey , but if you know of any full WWE link , please let me know

king_dani, Send (green) is what you use to aswer a call, End (red) is what you press to end a call. Power key's the suspend key. Turning device off means turning it off compleatly, just hold the power key to turn the device off. The rom you gave the link to is WWE.

datdat said:
king_dani, Send (green) is what you use to aswer a call, End (red) is what you press to end a call. Power key's the suspend key. Turning device off means turning it off compleatly, just hold the power key to turn the device off. The rom you gave the link to is WWE.
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thnx alot man , so at least i know i'm pushing the right keys. well i tried these combination , in completely shut down device , still, it turns on and won't go into bootloader mode , for some yet unknown reason. plus , do you know if i should empty the whole card ? or can i use a partially loaded miniSD card? i mean , would it work if there are other files on it , and also , should they files be on root folder?

try another combination: turn the device on, hold Send and End keys, do a soft reset (don't release send and end buttons!), wait for Image Utility. All files from a downloaded archive should be placed in a root folder (/Storage card). It's Ok if there're files on a card.


NuB with a couple of questions...

Afternoon all,
This seems an excellent place for a new XDA IIi owner to start things off! Please forgive me if I repeat anything or if I am posting in the wrong place, just let me know and I will gladly fix it.
I'm just at this stage trying to get used to the XDA and add value to it by means of software and customisation to the extent I did with my P900 and P910i which I have been using for the past 2 years. In some ways I'm finding it quite hard to get my head fully around the XDA IIi?! I actually started out with the IIs a couple of weeks ago but found it to be way too unstable and too much of a problem so I jumped over to the IIi. So far things have been better but I have a few "things" I would like to ask in the hope that someone can help me.
Erm.. where to start...
1. Ok, O2 branding, the O2 active stuff and the icon in the title bar. Can it be removed? Currently my O2 icon is just a blank whit square, it never displays properly and just makes the phone look, well, pants!
2. The headset supplied with the phone seems awful! I get lots of complaints about volume fluctuating. Does anyone else find this?
3. Can you actually just turn the phone off?? If so... how?
4. When listening to music, I cant put the phone into "sleep" mode, ie turn off the screen whilst still having the music play. Is there a way around this?
5. I use AAC music files too, I have Betaplayer which obvioulsy plays them but I cant make the phone recognise an AAC file and associate it with betaplayer... is this possible? Currently I have to open the player then open the file.
6. Firmware. Gulp.
I updated my P9xx's regularly, not without issue I suppose though! Do you guys recommend regular firmware updates?
Currently I have:
ROM Version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/04
Radio Version 1.00.00
Protocol Version 1337.39
ExtROM Version 1.10.124 WWE
Any advice on f/ware would be greatly appreciated. It can be such an ordeal but if its recommended I would like to do it really.
There are more things but maybe I should be quiet now and see if anyones got any comments!
Any help would be gratefully received and as soon as I get up to speed I will put back into this forum.
1) The o2 branding software can easily be removed. I myself have wrtten a couple of replies to this sort of thing and so have others. If you do a search for "o2" "activeUI" "remove", you'll find the steps needed.
2) I've only used the headphones for using the phone once or twice apart from the first XDA I ever had. If you go to start > settings > system > Microphone AGC and enable the auto volume, this may help. Noone's complained about my voice being too quiet or fluctuations since I got an XDA2, never mind the 2i I have now.
3) If you tap the network signal strength, there is the option to "Turn on flight mode" - this is phone OFF. More indepth explanation of this is included in the manuals you should have with your phone. If not, I believe o2 do a .PDF you can download from
4) If you're using WMP10 then I know what you mean. On the XDA2 I used to be able to select the Contacts button as "screen off", but whenever I try this on WMP10 on the 2i it won't map the button. I prefer to use a third party program called Pocket Player 2 from Conduits ( It's fantastic, highly customisable and the only drawback is that it's not free. Well worth the money though. And you can turn off the screen and map other buttons during playback.
5) Can't help you on that one.
6) I always update mine once the official update from o2 comes out, though I must admit I've presently got one from the Australian o2 comparable i-Mate. It's a slightly more stable ROM but is sometimes tricky to install. There are instructions on these forums on doing it - I followed them myself. Currently there are NO official updates for you to upgrade to; you are on the most recent o2 ROM. You'll soon know when one exists, if not already from the page.
Hope this helps, please post back if you need further help.

Issues with Alpha Wm6 Rom

Just created a new thread for this as its issues are pilling up the other one. i think that thread should be clean and should have only and only contain info about progress on the wm6 rom...
Mods if unnecessary please delete...
I would not call it a bug but one of the disadvantages of the ROM is that, similar to these ones which come to Qtek and i-mate, it does not recognise the network settings out of the box but you have to fiddle with them manually. When I use Orange ROMs (and it does not matter if the ROM comes from the UK or Switzerland) everything works with flying colours, despite I do not use any Orange network. Just I have to install Opera Mobile (I hate pocket IE) and voila! Everything works!
Channels don't work.
in india AFAIK channels just provide the cell id i.e the area which i m in... not imp though... no use of channels
ok phil.
if u remove windows update, at least supply it as a cab in the extras folder.
channels don't work.
long pressed side button does not work! it used to start voice note record for the sda and i'd like that to work.
better camera software. btw htc camera makes the phone SLOW..... not a good one. need an alternate
enable profile switching to silent when long pressing '#' key
default folder for saving pictures on storage card is not my documents\my pictures any more but a lame dcim folder. that would be nice to be changed.
also, sometimes when answering a call, the keyboard stays locked, the call is still on, but the home screen is active and not the call screen.
joystick seems much better but sometimes it doesn't want to work as it should. maybe another driver; if not, this one is good
we need wpa2 for wifi enabled.
also add in the extras folder:
tcpmp with extra codecs
htc audio manager could be good
if u need the cabs for moblue and htc audio, i have them
there is an newer version of sim manager. v6.10. has a couple of new things (got it if u need it)
and maybe add a good version of opera. not the java one.
we also need a good midlet manager
also a good instant messaging program. maybe a multi client one like oz mobile im, or like im+
mmmhhh after read all this bugs, i better wait a while to update my phone, i find a good idea to write here all the problems with the actually ROM.
Good AD2P drivers
Is it possible to have good ad2p drivers with the next rom?
Tomtom 6
I have never been able to run tomtom 6 before the update.
Is it possible now with update? and also which is best version to install?
Kindest regards
I have Push mail configured and GPRS seems to be buggy. once or twice a day GPRS seems to stop working. My Activesync fails with (Can not connect to network or waiting for the network to be available), and in that mode even IE can not connect to any site. I switch off and on the phone function only, GPRS becomes available again.
boneym said:
I have Push mail configured and GPRS seems to be buggy. once or twice a day GPRS seems to stop working. My Activesync fails with (Can not connect to network or waiting for the network to be available), and in that mode even IE can not connect to any site. I switch off and on the phone function only, GPRS becomes available again.
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Actually I would split your post in two separate ones.
1. the instability of WM6 Alpha - obvious thing, and it should be fixed
2. but I also see something else. I see from many posts that one application which sets all the settings with one click is quite urgently needed. I know that something like that exists for Swiss networks and for the Norwegian ones but I think that everybody would agree that such an universal solution would be something good. Unfortunately, I do not know anything about programming but I can imagine this kind of program and a separate database. The database would be filled by volunteers - I can, for example, provide all the settings of Polish operators, someone else British, French, etc. It would be good esp. for people who travel a lot.
unlocksmith said:
I have never been able to run tomtom 6 before the update.
Is it possible now with update? and also which is best version to install?
Kindest regards
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TomTom 6 is made for Pocket PCs. It requires a touch screen to work, so you won´t be able to control it. I have had it running on my 8310 but it´s just silly to even have it installed. Go for 5.2 if you can find it.
I have problems syncing my contacts if i have more than 305 contacts.
The ActiveSync (or WMDC) hangs saying "attention required". Though, i can make 305+ contacts on the WM6 and sync them back to Outlook! But backwards i get 305 contact limit. Vey, very strange!
With previous ROM everything was ok.
I tried syncing with different PCs, tried unistalling ActiveSync and WMDC - no use. Deleting pim.vol doesn't help too.
ActiveSync on WM6 gives me 0x8503001c error.
Thanks for your help. I got my old one to work. I really like the colours in tomtom 6 tho.
Also on my phone i have a problem(s) with tomtom 5, I cant type in the post code B8 followed by anything like B8 3NU. Also I can't use certain Points Of Interest such as hospitals or cash dispensers. These work fine on my Wizard but I wana be able to do it all with TORNADO!
The software of dual sim selector don't works with that new rom (adapter of 10ª generation).
Well, I don't know if it works; the soft does not appear by any side.
I proved several solutions, but no it has worked to me.
Somebody can help me?
tejasphatak please rename the topic to "WM6 Torando bugs/issues" , so we can generally post bugs/issues regarding all WM6 tornado roms
1. The locklevel change to 1 randomly..
2. Sometimes the phone freeze when unloking kepyad.
It happened two times.
1. When playing audio the CPU load is ~ 25-30% (@180 Mhz). It is normal ? (can someone with WM5 test?)
If using EQ and other effects the CPU load increase.
A taskmanager with cpu load info can be found here (it's for PPC but works also ,somehow, on smartphones)
More CPU load = more power = less battery
2. The system lags while writing to storage card (big cards, > 1gb). This issue is present on WM5 Tornado roms too (except iphone rom wich seems to deal better with sd).
Need a beter SD driver .
Same when copying via ActiveSync (has anyone tried usbfn driver from HTC VOX?)
3. when TCPMP is playing audio it keeps the backlight alive
Using andot's PEE V6.
bsider said:
I have problems syncing my contacts if i have more than 305 contacts.
The ActiveSync (or WMDC) hangs saying "attention required". Though, i can make 305+ contacts on the WM6 and sync them back to Outlook! But backwards i get 305 contact limit. Vey, very strange!
With previous ROM everything was ok.
I tried syncing with different PCs, tried unistalling ActiveSync and WMDC - no use. Deleting pim.vol doesn't help too.
ActiveSync on WM6 gives me 0x8503001c error.
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I've got a similar problem to this. It used to work fine until last week. I can't remember changing anything in my Hard/software setup but now it just hangs and only some of the contacts sync.
I've searched in the forum but can't seem to find any other reference to this problem. If anyone knows a solution (or any discussion of it) please let me know. Basic device info below:
SPV m3100 (HTC TyTN) running WM6
Windows Vista Home Basic
Windows Mobile Device Center

sleep of death

any one else getting it? unit goes in to standby and then wont wake up you have to soft reset.
ive been getting it frequently very anoying im using the big storage rom i dont rember who made it i can find out of some one wants to know
but is any one else having problems like me?
No problems here. I'm using the clean 1978 ROM...
I had it happen yesterday, running the stock AT&T ROM.
No problems here either.
It's worth remembering the phone wakes itself up about once an hour, although the display is dark so you will not see this happening.
If you have installed some software that doesn't handle this switching on very well and it crashes the phone, it will look the phone has died in standby, but it probably hasn't, it just looks that way.
I would advise a clean reset and not to install any programs, and see if it happens again. If it does your phone may be faulty, for example a memory problem that surfaces when the phone goes into a low power state.
Mine SOD'ed last night. I was using the phone, turned the screen off using the power button, then plugged it into my computer USB to charge. I was trying to do it one-handed and as you could imagine I was fiddling with the cable/phone for 30 seconds before I got the mini-usb plug into the phone. I watched to see the charging light come on but it didn't. I then tried to turn on the phone and realized I was SOD'ed. It only happens to me once every 1-2 weeks. My phone runs the stock Tilt ROM, but with lots of custom cabs installed, ie:
HTC Home 6 button
HTC Taskmanager 2.0 30995
Color Dot battery indicator
Schaps 10 Button Comm manager
Funambol 6.5.4
I push my phone all day long, surfing, ssh'ing into servers with putty, imap email, playing music etc, and I think if there was a bad memory issue Id see something other than an SOD. IMHO,theres a bug in the power management software.
SOD happened on my Tilt too. Im runnig the ATT rom. I had the same problem with the 8525 with the earlier ROM. The problem is IMAP email push. IF you use IMAP there is a chance you will get SOD once in a while. I changed all my emails to POP3 never had SOD since then.
I think you guys have to run the kaiser tweek to turn off the sleep mode in the registry. I had the SOD once....forgot to modify the registry via the kaisertweak app. 1st 2 options i think is what you have to modify.....that should fix you guys up.
Happened With Me too !!!
Now after using my at&t tilt flashed with HTC stock rom for 5 days, suddenly today my device suffered from a SOD.... had to soft-reset.... tried to figure out what went wrong but without any luck..... do any of u guys figured out the cause.... Kaiser Tweak only allows us to disable the sleep mode during call.....
kaiser falling sleep happens to me so frequently that I read all the posts with the key words KAISER FREEZE on xda-developers.
The only solution seems to power off and on again.
On somebody posted a small applet which does automatically the power on-off for you.
Of course this does not remove the problem, just hide it...
Additionally I have tried 4 different WWE ROMS! from Att to HTC original ROMS to cooked Helmi aka 0.7.0 etc... No way to solve.
Please if modifying the registry can solve, can somebody post the link for kaiser tweaks and possibly the application?
I think it might have something to do with Windows Live Maps program. This happend to me everytime I was using the program in the background. I upgraded the version and it stopped the problem I was having.
hollywood said:
I think it might have something to do with Windows Live Maps program. This happend to me everytime I was using the program in the background. I upgraded the version and it stopped the problem I was having.
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Same here... I upgraded to helmi_c's Tilt ROM and haven't had the problem since. Pretty much guarantted though, if you leave Live Search running in the background and your phone goes to sleep... it will not wake up with the stock ATT ROM (at least with the current version of Live Search).
SOD has typical been associated with running programs off of a Storage card. I had tons of SOD problems with the early WM6 Hermes ROMs. So far I have only had SOD a few times on my Tilt (running austinsync's BigStorage ROM). I installed Google maps to my microSD and within 20 minutes had 3 SODs. I uninstalled it and they stoppped immediately (Live Search is way better anyway).
I would recommend installing any programs that you use heavily or leave running onto the main memory. Also, saving attachments to a storage card has been a known cause as well.
I think SOD issues will get better as more ROMs start coming out for the Kaiser (and the chefs keep cooking).
OK, this keeps happening to me with the AT&T it happened with no programs running in the background, anybody figure out a solution yet?
Me too
well I've had this problem also while running my own cooked rom, however to be fair i had this problem in the early days of the hermes. I thought however that the hermes problem was related to activesync's push email and the data connection (i.e. switching between 3G and 2G alot making activesync trip out) That all said maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree?!
Oh just in case anyone as the time to investgate this problem, I do know the Toshiba G900 had alot of problems with SOD inwhich tosh releases a fix for...... maybe if someone was to look at what that fixed it could help us here? have a read here >
Kaiser won't power back up
My unit after reset won't either power up or down with the power button. Everything still functions.
I found that if I have the power charger connected it works fine, so I thought I had a weak battery. Got a new battery and same thing.
Don't know what's going on, but if you do a soft reset with the charger plugged in, it will reset fine.
Hope someone figures this out!
Be careful overconfiguring...
PhilipL said:
No problems here either.
It's worth remembering the phone wakes itself up about once an hour, although the display is dark so you will not see this happening.
If you have installed some software that doesn't handle this switching on very well and it crashes the phone, it will look the phone has died in standby, but it probably hasn't, it just looks that way.
I would advise a clean reset and not to install any programs, and see if it happens again. If it does your phone may be faulty, for example a memory problem that surfaces when the phone goes into a low power state.
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This might be the case, but I tried calling my phone when it SOD'd and didn't get a ring (it rang on the phone I was calling from.) I bet the problem is installed programs conflicting somehow, maybe kaisertweak will fix it in the future.
I can't guess what causes it tho...
For now, I'm running Kyphur's XDA Live and it has yet to happen.
rotohammer said:
Mine SOD'ed last night. I was using the phone, turned the screen off using the power button, then plugged it into my computer USB to charge. I was trying to do it one-handed and as you could imagine I was fiddling with the cable/phone for 30 seconds before I got the mini-usb plug into the phone. I watched to see the charging light come on but it didn't. I then tried to turn on the phone and realized I was SOD'ed. It only happens to me once every 1-2 weeks. My phone runs the stock Tilt ROM, but with lots of custom cabs installed, ie:
HTC Home 6 button
HTC Taskmanager 2.0 30995
Color Dot battery indicator
Schaps 10 Button Comm manager
Funambol 6.5.4
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I was running Kypher's Tilt XDA-Live v 1.0 (AWSOME) with several custom cabs including PocketCM and was getting the SOD every time. I wiped the phone and started adding all of my cabs one at a time and all of them are loaded back in except PocketCM and since then i have not seen a single SOD.
I've noticed that I get the SOD a LOT more when I have bluetooth active. Not sure if that's just coincidental but literally the only time I've noticed the SOD has been when I've had BT enabled.
Happens to me a few times a week very annoying.
Well, I don't do emails, use Windows live, have pocketCM, used my bluetooth, tried Google maps, or have any programs on my sd card (basically whatever you all mentioned above, I don't have or do!), and still get SOD. So I guess I start backtracking. Sigh...
tilt with xda Live

Thoughts on Vario IV

Hi all,
Since its now out and people have them (inc myself!) I thought I'd start a new thread with initial thoughts etc
I like the feel of the unit it feels more solid than my Vario II
I synced all my contacts and texts etc but havent used it to make calls etc yet so cant comment here but the sync was as expected
The phone itself looks great -its a shame the touch-flo is so t-mobile but thats to be expected
I'll probably buy a spare battery once im sure im happy with it (I have a spare with my vario II)
so far I've only installed tomtom 7 (athough there is co-pilot data on the SD Card??)
anywho so far happy but early days!!
No opera only IE installed I'll look for an opera cab!!
Are there any significant issues with the latest opera beta?
I see loads of threads relating to it
Should I get the stable build (8.5?) or use the beta?
Ok folks, I've made a small discovery. If you Hard Reset the device, it gives you CoPilot 7 AND Opera back, BUT (and here's the kicker) it gives you a different (older??) version of TouchFlo 3D.
The version I have after the hard reset is 1.2.34589.1_1813.6
What do (sensible) people have out of the box?
The main difference that I can see is that it doesn't have the Favourites (in a circle arrangement) on the far left of the TouchFlo panel and I also seem to remember it looking slightly different as well. I know T-mobile test each phone before they send them out - could they have updated the software through USB but not touched the ROM? Seems like the most likely option IMO.
In respect of the device, so far I'm very impressed with the Vario's speed.
I'm comparing it to the MDA Compact IV I had for a week last year - the extra RAM definitely seems to make a noticeable difference.
After Hard Reset:
ROM Version: WWE
ROM Date: 08/21/08
Radio Version:
Protocol Version:
Devious said:
Ok folks, I've made a small discovery. If you Hard Reset the device, it gives you CoPilot 7 AND Opera back, BUT (and here's the kicker) it gives you a different (older??) version of TouchFlo 3D.
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Just ordered mine from T Mobile today - at leat the CSR knew (without prompting) it was called the Vario IV, even if they had none in stock!
Re the CoPilot - I have been a long time user of CP6 (came with my Compact II) - is it useable? And did you specify it when ordering, or do you think its inclusion (given your hard reset) is an oversight by T-Mobile?
CoPilot Live is 7 Day Trial
What version of Opera is it?
Supplied Touch pro is:
Before Hard Reset
JonathanCassar said:
What version of Opera is it?
Supplied Touch pro is:
Before Hard Reset
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Opera is Version 9.5, build 1522.
There is CAB file in the Windows folder to install Opera, when I first Hard reset the device and tried running it, it did not work. I think there's another file (registry?) that needs running to activate it but I quickly gave up and just reset the thing to see what would happen!
Does your TouchFlo have Favourites on the left of the Home tab?
Loving the phone at the moment. But...... texts i receive are with an internaional prefix, so the vario doesn't recognize who sent it.
Strange because there is no such problem with incoming calls ???
screen print
I dont think so..
my homepage is attached
hard reset?
Devious said:
Ok folks, I've made a small discovery. If you Hard Reset the device, it gives you CoPilot 7 AND Opera back, BUT (and here's the kicker) it gives you a different (older??) version of TouchFlo 3D.
The version I have after the hard reset is 1.2.34589.1_1813.6
What do (sensible) people have out of the box?
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How did you do a hard reset?
I tried the vol down and enter combo but it reboots saying image not found..
JonathanCassar said:
How did you do a hard reset?
I tried the vol down and enter combo but it reboots saying image not found..
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Oh really? Another way of doing it is Start--Settings--System--Clear Storage.
The front screen you have is the same as mine now. When I get a chance I'll call up tech support to find out if they have an update.
I did the latter option and it worked thanks
Just Resyncing and putting on texts etc and then I'll play with co-pilot!
Loving the phone at the moment. But...... texts i receive are with an internaional prefix, so the vario doesn't recognize who sent it.
Strange because there is no such problem with incoming calls ???
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must some other issue as the match is on the last digits.
Loving the phone at the moment. But...... texts i receive are with an internaional prefix, so the vario doesn't recognize who sent it.
Strange because there is no such problem with incoming calls ???
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I have all my numbers stored in international format so my texts were being recognised but incoming calls weren't. Haven't had a chance to test properly but I think I've solved this by using Schapp's Advanced Config which allows you to change the number of digits that are matched.
As nice as the phone is, there a few things that are driving me crazy and I have a feeling I'm going to return it:
* Pressing left/right on the DPad requires you to press in exactly the right area otherwise you hit the call/home/hangup/back keys which is incredibly frustrating.
* No dedicated hardware keys to launch applications. I know you can configure double/triple clicks on the call/hangup keys but it doesn't work too well. You can't configure long presses on these keys
* Can't configure double/triple/long presses of the home or back keys
* Lack of hardware softkeys means I'm unable to use Sky Mobile (the java app) which, for some reason, doesn't work if you press the softkeys on the screen. Although I don't use this that often, it's incredibly useful to have.
I really don't like using Windows Mobile and having to rely on the touchscreen for everything as it's not really designed for finger operation alone. The hardware keys on the Wizard and Kaiser made them really easy to use but I can see I'm not going to get on with this :-( If only I hadn't smashed the screen on my Kaiser!
agree with most of your comments antlane, I will be calling tmobile to return one of my two handsets, I have to say the battery life on this phone is so poor. After a full charge took it off 6am this morning by 12 it had 30% left. It will not last a day for me.
International Format Contact Numbers Not Recognised
antlane said:
I have all my numbers stored in international format so my texts were being recognised but incoming calls weren't. Haven't had a chance to test properly but I think I've solved this by using Schapp's Advanced Config which allows you to change the number of digits that are matched
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@antlane you're a hero. I searched this forum and Google high and low before finding this answer. I've made the adjustment now (to 9 digits seems to work for me in the UK) and life is back to normal
For the purposes of being able to find this fix easily from web searching:
Problem: International Format Contact Numbers Not Recognised (in my case HTC Touch Pro/Raphael/Vario IV)
Solution: Use Schapp's Advanced Config to adjust number of digits matched (under 'phone' section).
As far as your other comments go, I too have mixed feelings about lack of hard buttons (especially for scroll, messaging and camera). But, in balance I am very impressed with TFL3D - it's really integrated well with the OS and provides functionality on top (e.g. remembering what track you were listening to before soft reset unlike WMP). It's fast and gives you the kind of look and feel that I expect from such a capable handset. Also like: keyboard, screen and soft keyboard options. Don't like: excessive T-mobile branding on TFL3D, lack of plain Opera option in programs (only WebnWalk), lack of 3.5mm headphone jack (adapter city still).
Thanks again @antlane
Thanks for that. Switching to 9 digits in advanced config, sorts it out perfectly.
How are people finding the T mobile branding ?? Its a bit pink for me so i may have to find a way to switch it back to HTC Black and grey.
Thanks for that. Switching to 9 digits in advanced config, sorts it out perfectly.
How are people finding the T mobile branding ?? Its a bit pink for me so i may have to find a way to switch it back to HTC Black and grey.
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While I don't doubt this fix works for the phone, why on earth should we have to resort to a third party program to get a basic feature of EVERY phone made in the last 10 years or so??
My Vario II could identify a number if it had a +447 or 07 prefix..why can't my shiny new toy??
I've been dealing with T-Mobile customer support and then the tech support team as well over the last couple of days.
So far I've been told to remove any duplicate contacts from the phone memory (there weren't any) then copy all contacts from my SIM over to the phone memory...and erase all SIM contacts when that didn't work!
The last thing they've suggested is that my SIM (which is about 8/9 years old) is not supplying enough voltage (3 volts as opposed to 5 volts of modern SIMs) so they're sending me a new SIM card tomorrow. Apparently (and it made me laugh) this is a common Windows Mobile fault!
Has anyone heard of this "fault" or is this typical tech support BS??!?
Vario IV and Parrot BT
Something else thats frustrating me is that the Vario wont pair fully with my Rythum and Blue stereo in the car.
All other HTC devices (going back to the universal) pair in such a way that contacts and call history sync with the car stereo
The vario IV does connect but wont sync
Annoying as the Object push profile is supported by the phone
I'll probably still keep the phone just use it less in car for calls

[q] [wifi][wlan] tytn ii

Hello everyone, im new here also im new user of this big machine -Tytn II
From begining my jurney with it i notices that My wifi dont work, on settings i see option to run WIFI, but when i try Start it on commmgr its trying but its go back to off mode.
I tryied put upgrade on my 6.1 WM but its still the same, later i tryied use some registry tweaks but the same.
Ive serched whole internet for solution of it, PLEASE help me.. im loosing my hope ;/
Hope that i poste it on good place.
Sorry for mess, cant wait for answers!
Regards ADAM
to ensure, see your wifi's power save mode. go to comm manager, press settings at bottom right and choose wifi. under power save tab try avoid adjusting to best battery. see if it solves your problem. if not u might having a faulty wifi kaiser. im using 6.5 so i might slightly different than yours. hope this help good luck
adamekkp said:
Hello everyone, im new here also im new user of this big machine -Tytn II
From begining my jurney with it i notices that My wifi dont work, on settings i see option to run WIFI, but when i try Start it on commmgr its trying but its go back to off mode.
I tryied put upgrade on my 6.1 WM but its still the same, later i tryied use some registry tweaks but the same.
Ive serched whole internet for solution of it, PLEASE help me.. im loosing my hope ;/
Hope that i poste it on good place.
Sorry for mess, cant wait for answers!
Regards ADAM
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Install an official HTC ROM. Then disable power save in wifi settings. Turn wifi on and try scanning for networks.
Try changing Radio version as well. I recommend 1.65 or higher
Ok, ive been changing power mode before. after playing with registry i cant go to advanced options of wifi.. only white screen.
Can i have download url? and in shortlist what to do step by step. Beocuse i dont want to mess it again ;/
also got problems with batteries, gone sleep with 50% and after 7 hours, i heard alarm and phone fall down. - new soft can fix it ? or its just battery?
adamekkp said:
also got problems with batteries, gone sleep with 50% and after 7 hours, i heard alarm and phone fall down. - new soft can fix it ? or its just battery?
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The problem is that Kaiser uses 3G which uses lots of energy. In WM 6.5 there's option in Comm Manager to turn off 3G (I can't find anything similar in WM 6.1). The internet connection will be slower, but the battery performance will slightly increase.
help me guys, i cant run setup when i use D-pad.
I want to instal android to check wifi etc.
can i have Yours solution ;/
ive instaled android hero from sdcard. but wifi still not working, the same with bt, when on WM bt was working, dunno maybe wifi is hardware problem ;/
Have you checked the rear panel of the phone where the antenna is?
check the pins they could be bent of broken off
Just a thought
They'r looking good

