NuB with a couple of questions... - General Topics

Afternoon all,
This seems an excellent place for a new XDA IIi owner to start things off! Please forgive me if I repeat anything or if I am posting in the wrong place, just let me know and I will gladly fix it.
I'm just at this stage trying to get used to the XDA and add value to it by means of software and customisation to the extent I did with my P900 and P910i which I have been using for the past 2 years. In some ways I'm finding it quite hard to get my head fully around the XDA IIi?! I actually started out with the IIs a couple of weeks ago but found it to be way too unstable and too much of a problem so I jumped over to the IIi. So far things have been better but I have a few "things" I would like to ask in the hope that someone can help me.
Erm.. where to start...
1. Ok, O2 branding, the O2 active stuff and the icon in the title bar. Can it be removed? Currently my O2 icon is just a blank whit square, it never displays properly and just makes the phone look, well, pants!
2. The headset supplied with the phone seems awful! I get lots of complaints about volume fluctuating. Does anyone else find this?
3. Can you actually just turn the phone off?? If so... how?
4. When listening to music, I cant put the phone into "sleep" mode, ie turn off the screen whilst still having the music play. Is there a way around this?
5. I use AAC music files too, I have Betaplayer which obvioulsy plays them but I cant make the phone recognise an AAC file and associate it with betaplayer... is this possible? Currently I have to open the player then open the file.
6. Firmware. Gulp.
I updated my P9xx's regularly, not without issue I suppose though! Do you guys recommend regular firmware updates?
Currently I have:
ROM Version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/04
Radio Version 1.00.00
Protocol Version 1337.39
ExtROM Version 1.10.124 WWE
Any advice on f/ware would be greatly appreciated. It can be such an ordeal but if its recommended I would like to do it really.
There are more things but maybe I should be quiet now and see if anyones got any comments!
Any help would be gratefully received and as soon as I get up to speed I will put back into this forum.

1) The o2 branding software can easily be removed. I myself have wrtten a couple of replies to this sort of thing and so have others. If you do a search for "o2" "activeUI" "remove", you'll find the steps needed.
2) I've only used the headphones for using the phone once or twice apart from the first XDA I ever had. If you go to start > settings > system > Microphone AGC and enable the auto volume, this may help. Noone's complained about my voice being too quiet or fluctuations since I got an XDA2, never mind the 2i I have now.
3) If you tap the network signal strength, there is the option to "Turn on flight mode" - this is phone OFF. More indepth explanation of this is included in the manuals you should have with your phone. If not, I believe o2 do a .PDF you can download from
4) If you're using WMP10 then I know what you mean. On the XDA2 I used to be able to select the Contacts button as "screen off", but whenever I try this on WMP10 on the 2i it won't map the button. I prefer to use a third party program called Pocket Player 2 from Conduits ( It's fantastic, highly customisable and the only drawback is that it's not free. Well worth the money though. And you can turn off the screen and map other buttons during playback.
5) Can't help you on that one.
6) I always update mine once the official update from o2 comes out, though I must admit I've presently got one from the Australian o2 comparable i-Mate. It's a slightly more stable ROM but is sometimes tricky to install. There are instructions on these forums on doing it - I followed them myself. Currently there are NO official updates for you to upgrade to; you are on the most recent o2 ROM. You'll soon know when one exists, if not already from the page.
Hope this helps, please post back if you need further help.


XDA IIs unstable and untrust worthy. Please help

Hi all,
Would appreciate help and comments on the following issues I have with my new XDA IIs. Have always been a Palm user but some issues that I face looks more than just software issues.
1. Reception - When my phone comes out from an area without phone reception, it does not get back connection until someone calls or sms. So no outgoing calls possible until someone calls me or sms me. It's a major pain in the neck.
2. Bluetooth - does not work with my Motorolla headset which worked brlilliantly with Nokia and Sony Ericsson. I can hear the other party but they hear everything else loud except my voice soft.
3. Hangs a lot or rather, sluggish at times
4. Does not cut off calls even when end call button on the handsfree set is pressed.
Can anyone help???
In my opinion why don't you Upgrade your ROM, there's lots of articles in this forum how to upgrade your handset.. "Search" Follow the instructions and I assume your device will work properly once for all
Get the latest v1.31 ROM update from O2 service center
As far as the hangs go, I would clean out every unnecessary thing that's in the \Windows\Startup folder. This is stuff that is automatically started up on a soft reset. Stuff like the "aPerSave..." file links for example should be moved somewhere else for safe keeping. I have a PDA2K, so I don't know if you have the same files as I do, but I imagine they are pretty siilar. The Pocket PC OS is limited to 32 running processes and out of the box the PDA2K is running close to that number already. I imagine the IIs is configured similarly. Starting more than 32 processes can cause others to shut down prematurely, causing hangs. So, getting rid of the unnecessary processes leaves more free for apps later on as you are using the device.
I had many unexplained hangups on my PDA2K until I cleaned out that Startup folder. Once I did that, the hangs vanished.
Answer to Question 4:
Unfortunately the button is not supposed to hang up. (I think it puts it in Mute mode?)

Gigabyte gsmart i300 running WM6 eng

yup Windows Mobile 6 pro is running on the i300 the (free upgrade from gigabyte)
so far so good
Working good the update?
No problems at al?
one thing i noticed of the bat was MS active sync program is slow.... i guess they have to fix it up, when its doing the sync its taking a lot longer, and if it doesnt work with outlook, i found the fix and this was for wm5 and wm6 is that in outlook if you download all your mail and then hit the sync button, in outlook it will then work with active sync, its a known issue i think with some older outlook ver :/
but ya right now with wm6 it lags a bit in the connection activation, i think as far as the speed its the same speed as before, its just annoying, i might try the active sync beta that is out
the os seems more responsive, i have yet to test the gps and wifi or IE
I can get working GPS dl that from the manu run it until u get signal if not, in settup switch to binary mode and do a col reset or reset manu settings then switch back to nmea, it can take a while, play around with it, i know that if i can get a lock with that program then i can get lock with others after i exit this one
oh the device on i300 is GSW3
Hi, just a few the I300 as a phone any good? the call quality on both ends clear etc?.....and also the back speaker, is it loud?.....i am looking at getting this phone but i would like to know the above first if anyone can answer these questions for me......also does anyone know the correct gps settings to get tomtom 6 to work?.......thanks in advance!!!
as far as quality i think its same as any other phone quality... no diff from my other phone, (moto v300) the speaker is a loud speaker ya you can play games or mp3s etc... and its loud enough IMO, but there is only so much volume and quality of something of that size, regardless of phone IMO unless a phone has stereo, but this and most phones is mono 1 speaker, the headset is stereo and BT can be stereo too
Thanks for the reply, what about tomtom 6?.....does it work with this phone and what are the ps settings to get a proper fix?.......thanks again in advance.
i havent tried tomtom6 but some ppl have i believe on this device, IMO should work just fine
yeah i was just reading some reviews on it from the gsmarena are you finding the battery life though? battery life better with WM6 or WM5, any differences?....thanks
well i really want the 1300mah battery, but i havent been able to see one, maybe they will release one later, or some other third party will
wm6 i think might give better battery life but mostly on idle or low activity, if you run anything intensive then i dont think there is anything that will save your battery hehe the charging seems faster or it could be just me
and for the rest i think you have to get some nice tweaking util to really optimize any PPC, i for one havent bothered much... everything is installed on my miniSD card
i think since its a free upgrade its quite worth it, all the small changes to all the apps is big
i cant really say a whole lot for wm5 vs wm6 becaues i havent been using either one long enough, some other vets could have a diff opinion im sure
i think its sad that any PPC if you use anything like Wifi, GPS or if you had a TV it kills the battery life very quick... same for if you try to run something that takes up all the resources (cpu) it does about the same... i was playing the sega emu and it did drain battery life but not as bad as wifi, gps does, mp3 playback takes even less cpu, as far as movies i dont know but i think it would be a little more then mp3 depending what its encoded i think
but for movies i can use my cowon D2 PMP
btw my i300 came with 2x 900mah batteries i dont know about others but most ppl said so, those that they got from ebay
could anyone export the i300WM6 registry and post it here, please?
GPS icon in settings > connections
I have enabled GPS icon in settings > connections. Programs now can not use built in GPS. Could you please post the registry keys and values in the following location:
HKLM\Control Panel\Gps Settings\
How do I get the voicemail indicator to work on my Gigabyte i300? I am using ATT and it doesn't ever tell me about new voicemails nor waiting voicemails.
balikci said:
I have enabled GPS icon in settings > connections. Programs now can not use built in GPS. Could you please post the registry keys and values in the following location:
HKLM\Control Panel\Gps Settings\
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Sorry balikci, just saw your post today.
I did not upgrade my i300 (so, English WM5 firmware so far).
There is not such an entry (HKLM\Control panel\GPS Settings\) in my registry file!
GPS is not working with Wm6 firmware version?
GPS works perfectly fine in wm6, also the think outside ultra slim BT keyboard does work with this device you need 4.52 driver i think and disable the standard devices hid driver or so... its a check box when you run it for the first time, and then it works just right
I300 seems to have over exposure issue with the camera in wm5 and wm6, in very bright sunny area, after the first picture all pics are over exposed, if you close the app and start the first picture works perfectly but others that fallow do not... it must be a driver/software issue
could somebody help me with taking device into bootloader mode? i want to upgrade to WM6
in it's official website , it says you need to push Send End and power key , while the device is off.
first , what is send and end keys? green and red ones?
second , which one is power key? the suspend key or the soft reset hole key?
third , what does it mean by turning device off ? suspend it or turn it off completely , if so how?
and , is this ROM
WWE , i heard there are certain parts non english , which is okey , but if you know of any full WWE link , please let me know
king_dani, Send (green) is what you use to aswer a call, End (red) is what you press to end a call. Power key's the suspend key. Turning device off means turning it off compleatly, just hold the power key to turn the device off. The rom you gave the link to is WWE.
datdat said:
king_dani, Send (green) is what you use to aswer a call, End (red) is what you press to end a call. Power key's the suspend key. Turning device off means turning it off compleatly, just hold the power key to turn the device off. The rom you gave the link to is WWE.
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thnx alot man , so at least i know i'm pushing the right keys. well i tried these combination , in completely shut down device , still, it turns on and won't go into bootloader mode , for some yet unknown reason. plus , do you know if i should empty the whole card ? or can i use a partially loaded miniSD card? i mean , would it work if there are other files on it , and also , should they files be on root folder?
try another combination: turn the device on, hold Send and End keys, do a soft reset (don't release send and end buttons!), wait for Image Utility. All files from a downloaded archive should be placed in a root folder (/Storage card). It's Ok if there're files on a card.

HTC Bluetooth Hot Fix

HTC today posted a hot fix for bluetooth at their e-Club.
Bluetooth Hot Fix (for HTC TyTN II)
Dropped calls sometimes occur when Bluetooth is on. If you encountered the same problem, please download this Bluetooth Hot Fix and install it on your device.
Downloaded it from HTc.cOM
Installation instructions
Follow the instructions below to download and install the hot fix on your device:
Make sure you have Microsoft ActiveSync® installed on your Windows XP PC or Windows Mobile Device Center on your Windows Vista® PC. You can find Microsoft ActiveSync from this link or Windows Mobile Device Center from this link.
Connect and synchronize your device with your PC via Microsoft ActiveSync® or Windows Mobile Device Center using the USB cable.
To download thehot fix, first select the check box below. Next, select thehot fix and the desired FTP site then click Download.
Copy the hot fix, which is a cab file, to your device.
To install the hot fix, tap the cab file and follow the on-screen instructions.
Here is the file:
Extracted madsnm's posted cab, which is the same as nadavi's. This is a replacement file for OEM\OEMDrivers\TIInit_4_2_38.bts (a.k.a. \windows\TIInit_4_2_38.bts for non-chefs).
I've re-attached it as the naked file (without the cab installer or the self-extracting exe installer).
Any decent chef should be able to figure out how to turn a single file into an OEM package
Edit: Forgot to add that there are no registry entries, as I've already created registry dumps before/after install...
Edit3: It *IS* the same as the one in the AT&T 1.60 ROM. I did a file compare and there are no binary differences.
Although I am not having any problems as mentioned in the fix log, but the idea of HTC releasing something for us is great .
taiseer999 said:
Although I am not having any problems as mentioned in the fix log, but the idea of HTC releasing something for us is great .
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Thats right!
Waiting for WM6.1 ROM! or maybe new WM06 Full Touch rom from HTC....
Just my two Cents....
Nadavi said:
Thats right!
Waiting for WM6.1 ROM! or maybe new WM06 Full Touch rom from HTC....
Just my two Cents....
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well, 6.1 ROM doesnt really looks appealing to me, i believe most of us would want our freaking D3D driver to improve our kaiser speed.
come'on HTC, give us our driver. We want our kaiser to work @ its full potential!
almost forgot, to the brothers at the top 3 post, THANKS for sharing!
Solved my "bad" connection to the BT carset - thx....
ruffruff said:
well, 6.1 ROM doesnt really looks appealing to me, i believe most of us would want our freaking D3D driver to improve our kaiser speed.
come'on HTC, give us our driver. We want our kaiser to work @ its full potential!
almost forgot, to the brothers at the top 3 post, THANKS for sharing!
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OT but the driver is there. Look here for more info. There's also an XDA thread on this. We just need to tweak it out for general purpose acceleration.
Sleuth255 said:
OT but the driver is there. Look here for more info. There's also an XDA thread on this. We just need to tweak it out for general purpose acceleration.
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It doesn't say much if they hacked something for Coreplayer, or it was a general fix from HTC for all Windows Mobile devices running the MSM chipset.
Would be nice if the Kaiser was as snappy as that dual-keyboard Pantech running WM6 Standard.
I'm at loss to say if all the UI (and general system) lag is from too much use of .NET, lack of hardware accelerated graphics drivers, or Pro just runs slower than Standard because of the touch-screen support.
Hmm...wonder why i didn't get an email from the e-Club about this. I log into the site and find the fix just fine but I thought I'm supposed to get a notification about it (i'm pretty positive that was my preference when signing up)
Anyway, does this hot fix help in pairing bluetooth with car kits and devices that had problems or were incompatible thus far.
I've never experienced dropped calls with my BT connection, but I do have another problem that is pissing me off.
I have two different Pioneer stereos in two different vehicles. The AVIC-Z1 and the Premier DEH-P980BT.
When I first try to initiate a call with the 980, the connection is made, but the audio is somewhere in limbo between the phone and car speakers. There is a BT connection, but it takes about a minute and a half to actually start sounding through the speakers. By that time, the receiving end has hung up.
Since it only happens for the first call of the ride, I've been getting in the car, calling my voicemail, and waiting until I can hear the voicemail prompts. After that, I can make and receive call normally until I shut the car off.
If this fixes the problem I'm having, I'll be ecstatic.
I have no noticable problems with BT exept the sound quality. Will be anything better or maybe worst if I install this upgrade? Does anybody have experience on it?
NuShrike said:
It doesn't say much if they hacked something for Coreplayer, or it was a general fix from HTC for all Windows Mobile devices running the MSM chipset.
Would be nice if the Kaiser was as snappy as that dual-keyboard Pantech running WM6 Standard.
I'm at loss to say if all the UI (and general system) lag is from too much use of .NET, lack of hardware accelerated graphics drivers, or Pro just runs slower than Standard because of the touch-screen support.
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Sounds like they had to change something with the drivers. So they're there but poorly implemented. And sounds like they'll give us driver info once its released. I'll buy it if it fixes the D3D support!
Still garbled on my Tilt with an Infinity how do I deleted the Kai6492_HotFix from my Programs directory? I can't see to find it...yet the icon is still there. Any one know?
Flapjack said:
I've never experienced dropped calls with my BT connection, but I do have another problem that is pissing me off.
I have two different Pioneer stereos in two different vehicles. The AVIC-Z1 and the Premier DEH-P980BT.
When I first try to initiate a call with the 980, the connection is made, but the audio is somewhere in limbo between the phone and car speakers. There is a BT connection, but it takes about a minute and a half to actually start sounding through the speakers. By that time, the receiving end has hung up.
Since it only happens for the first call of the ride, I've been getting in the car, calling my voicemail, and waiting until I can hear the voicemail prompts. After that, I can make and receive call normally until I shut the car off.
If this fixes the problem I'm having, I'll be ecstatic.
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here's what causes that issue on my phone:
hit the ms voice command button and hear the beep prompt.
now hold the button down till you get the cancel beep.
now make a call. you will get no audio either direction.
turn the phone off, and the sound starts working. turn it back on and it's gone again.
key the ms voicecommand button again and let the time expire instead of holding to cancel.
make another call, and the audio will be fine, except for a 5 to 10 second delay.
see if this is how your phone behaves also. if I don't ever cancel a ms voicecommand by holding the button down, everything seems to work fine.
After installing the "fix" I could no longer use voice dial with any of my bluetooth headsets. Uninstalling the fix fixed it.....go figure.....
I think that HTC really need to have more, serious, knowledgable beta testers to tryout this stuff with various software and hardware scenarios before releasing the device. Some of these "bloggers" that they send new, unreleased devices to are either cronies or don't know much, or will not test the devices thoroughly and/or report back to HTC what problems that they experienced. I am a Verizon and AT&T user. Have seen these anamolies between diferent devices for some time now. The Mogul and XV6800 don't have the same issues we have, however, I guarantee you they do have others such as the De-activated GPS flaw that happened recently in the Mogul.
Unfortunately my Kaiser didn't work still with this hotfix. I installed on my device few times, I rebooted the headset and nothing. Probably it's like that because my ROM is 1.83, it's original polish version of it. How can I resolve the problem of bt headset ?
The fix file is a CAB (download from HTC e-club)... I install the CAB and find a link under software menu... I tap it... and another installation is done... I must soft reset the device... and stop...
Okai... so I think in this way the fix is gone... but... I have yet the cab installed under Software CAB and Installed application... can I uninstall it? The trashes pissing me :-D
or for att users go here....

Can't turn on the bluetooth

unfortunately i cannot turn on the bluetooth from comm manager, it turns on and after 1 second is off again.
any solution for this problem?
I have had this problem before and unfortunately am having it again. Only solution I have ever found for this is a hard reset and then reinstalling all your apps. If you try to restore from a backup from Sprite Backup, for instance, the problem remains. This would lead me to believe that it's a setting or a registry issue somewhere but I haven't been able to locate exactly what would be causing it and don't know enough about programming in WM to write something to figure it out.
Not a great answer but there it is.
MegaHz said:
unfortunately i cannot turn on the bluetooth from comm manager, it turns on and after 1 second is off again.
any solution for this problem?
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Hi, I have a Uk version of the touch cruise and I have the same problem. I just did a hard reset but the problem remains. Turning bluetooth on is impossible. It just try's to turn it on and shuts it off immediately.
Maybe it has something to do with GPRS? I am always connected to the internet. I tried to disconnect but then bluetooth still doesn't work. Can anyone help? Thnx!
No one has a clue?
I had this prob with bluetooth and wifi following the use of wmwifirouter- after hard reset and no wmwifi all goes well...
On a French SFR rom
any other idea?
Same problem... beginning to wish I'd gone all Apple and bought an iPhone. Anyway.... To trun it on, I had to go to Comm Manager>Settings>Bluetooth>Mode>Turn on Bluetooth. That worked despite the Comm Manager still showing Bluetooth as "off".
It only connects 1/2 the time to my headset or handsfree in the car
Otherwise, the phone crashes only once a day! Great! Thanks!
ok, great to see more people having the same problem but i hope that someone has a sollution...
When I try to turn bluetooth on in the communications settings i get a message saying there is a hardware error! :S
Ohw btw, I'm not using any router programs or other and my WIFI works fine.
has anybody of you having this problem tried to change to another rom?
if yes? did this worked?
any news on this?
No news, I don't want to try for a different rom because i don't think it will change anything. It just seems like its a faulty device which is a real shame. I've already contacted the place where i bought it and see if i can get a new one.
I also have problems with my microphone during calls, photo camera does often not work and the touchpad reacts very slowly to my touches. Very annoying!!!!
Yup, am returning mine to HTC aswell. Not even sure I want it back. WiFi stopped working too, and then it stopped receiving text messages, and everyone said they couldn't hear me when I called them. Great
Some of you guys got a bad device, there are thousands out there working properly.
If some of you guys flashed a newer Radio, the one form the test-ROM, then this is your problem.
And some of you guys have a quite gay branded ROM (slow responsiveness of touchpad). The original HTC ROM on the FTP and even more so a cooked ROM would solve alot of your problems. But be aware, flashing without having a backup ready is going to void your warranty if you want to exchange it having a custom/non-original ROM on the device.
What's up Schaggo
I am experiencing the same problem these gentlemen are mentioning and my ROM is not gay or lesbian. It is the original one.
TC is my 7th HTC device and I can see the quality of the ROMs decreasing a lot on every new device. I feel like HTC needs a real competitor to move up its arse quicker.
All I can say is that it really annoys me to hard reset this [email protected] everytime I "accidentally" use a native feature called Flight Mode. By bluetooth seems to fly away and never get back.
Lots of time the GPRS settings have to be reconfigured too. Some people I know have problems with GMail IMAP4 accounts when sending messages after some time. I never had this problem on my Kaiser neither on my Niki.
The lack of a video driver really is an egg on our faces, because I can't believe my ole Qtek 9100 responds quicker than these "all the bells and whistles" Qualcomm 7200 super-duper geared up devices.
So, if you feel like not contributing, please do not mess around.
Your signature tells me you are a wise man, but your comments show me otherway.
PB of BT still there with custom rom
MegaHz said:
has anybody of you having this problem tried to change to another rom?
if yes? did this worked?
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I've tried many custom rom and the PB continue. "PB with the hardware oh BT".
Hard reset doent change anything.
my initial rom (SFR France) was working
custom rom (blackwidow + Bepe 058) are buging...
nedd some help !
Thanks alot for that input feaps. I guess I have to clarify a little bit.
My answer was supposed to be pointing in different directions. The first and general information I tried to contribute was, that it is not a common Polaris problem to have a broken Bluetooth unit. Which doesn't help at all to ppl affected, but it should tell them, that they probably got a bad device and should exchange it first before blameing htc in general and shouting for an iPhone.
It only was partially directed at specific persons. At madinga for example: did you try hardresetting your device? It could be a corruption in your system which causes all those problems. I doubt it though, if you suffer the loss of so many functions at the same time I suspect the mainboard to be broken. But nonetheless, hardreset it, see if its working, BEFORE you put your backup back on the device again since that could restore the corruption. If it doesnt work, exchange your unit, I hope you'll get a working one back.
My second line was directed at all people which have overwritten their original Radio with the originating from the HTC Test ROM which can be found on the ftp server. The Bluetooth part of that Radio is flawed and leads to the problems described in this thread. I quite nicely pointed that out and told people where to have a look before shouting around. I do know that because I tried it myself and couldnt get my Bluetooth devices working. Once I flashed the original Radio back, my BT problems were gone.
And my third line - in which I may chose the wrong words, 'gay' for example - holds information targeted at people with for example the branded french SFR ROM or the original HTC french ROM. The SFR ROM is just horribly branded and if you go through the threads here you'll find people complaining about problems which then turn out to be related to the ROM. The french HTC ROM is flawed as well, it has severe problems with the volume control. I don't exactly remember what it was, but it's a flawed ROM, thats for sure. The German o2 ROM isnt flawless either, I know that because I originally had that ROM. Once I flashed my orbit 2 with the original HTC WWE ROM, I found it to be working alot better and smoother than with the o2 ROM originally provided. And this is where my last line comes into play: if you suffer problems related to your currently flashed ROM, they could be diminished by flashing an alternative ROM. But if your device is broken, and I personally and strongly believe that everybody fooling around in this forum should be intelligent enough and able to determine the sense of my words, eg. if he/she suffers a ROM problem or if the device just simply is dead and take appropriate actions.
And now to your contribution feaps. I feel personally attacked by your words. Thats why I defended my words in all the paragraphs above. Trust me, I've had enough mobile devices of all sorts to know what it means to get a not working once. Its frustrating and makes you want to throw it out of the window. And being able to see the quality decrease over time is just another drop on a hot stone. I agree. But be honest, if your BT unit works and stopps working once you engage a software based function, the problem is software related, dont you think? As for the GPRS settings, I cant tell. Since I use a free ROM which has the wizard built in (o2 removed it from their ROM) I didnt switch my SIM and the configuration worked, automatically and every single time. And I do use IMAP as well on my personal E-Mail account. Until now I didnt run across any problems, so I cant give you any feedback on that either.
So rethink again if I mess around or not or if I actually try to contribute and help the freshmen, coming into this forum and flashing whatever they find and breaking their devices. And recommending to flash the original HTC ROM, which should be/is the base for everything floating around, breaking your devices, is a serious input to everybody.
Edit: I forgot to add, pointed at nooms, there are cooked ROMs out there which stupidly have the new, flawed Radio baked in. Which Radio are you on? Try Start > Settings > Tab System > Device Information > Tab Version. Are you inadvertedly still on Radio or back to (original)
Hi everyone,
I agree with Schaggo completely. Most of the time problems have something to do with the software on the device. But I a not a tweaker like most of you guys, i've just bought my first (and hopefully not last) HTC phone. If i have problems of some kind, all i can do is reset the thing. A hard reset if necessary. I've done that many times. I can't change the software that comes standard and i don't think i should be the one who has to do that. Shouldnt HTC be doing that??
Anyway, Bluetooth keeps saying it has an hardware error. My radio version is a standard but isnt finding any radiostations here in holland. Is it also broken? (sorry, i know, its a bit off topic)
You're right
schaggo said:
My answer was supposed to be pointing in different directions.
And now to your contribution feaps. I feel personally attacked by your words.
But be honest, if your BT unit works and stopps working once you engage a software based function, the problem is software related, dont you think?
As for the GPRS settings, I cant tell. Since I use a free ROM which has the wizard built in (o2 removed it from their ROM) I didnt switch my SIM and the configuration worked, automatically and every single time. And I do use IMAP as well on my personal E-Mail account. Until now I didnt run across any problems, so I cant give you any feedback on that either.
So rethink again if I mess around or not or if I actually try to contribute and help the freshmen, coming into this forum and flashing whatever they find and breaking their devices.
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Well put. Sorry for being rude, but I keep seeing people offending others day after day in this forum that used to be high level; but that doesn't mean I should act the same way.
I totally misread you and please accept my apologies.
My ROM is: 1.25.405.1 WWE
ROM Date: 12/11/07
Radio Version:
Protocol Version:
One thing I could notice is that HTC has a flaw in the Flush HKCU to Permanent Memory While Shutting Down. Some keys are not written.
One example is the MagiCall (an app I use) registration key. The software maker had to write a flush app for doing that. Another example is the Start>Settings>System>Error reporting. No matter what you chose, after a power cycle or a soft reset, it always go back to "Disable...".
I have, also, already tested the device after the hard reset with no extra apps on it. Same lame behavior on BT...
So, SW QA levels are really dropping fast on new HTC models. That is pretty bad.
But anyway, I have an open case with HTC and if I find something contributive I will toch base with this thread.
Once again, sorry for being rude.
Furio83 said:
Anyway, Bluetooth keeps saying it has an hardware error. My radio version is a standard but isnt finding any radiostations here in holland. Is it also broken? (sorry, i know, its a bit off topic)
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Then I guess you most probably got a bad unit. I guess the only solution at this time is an exchange.
The Radio-Firmware doesnt control the FM Radio btw The Radio-Firmware controls connections to the providers network, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth. But the FM Radio seems to be really bad in the Polaris, a lot of ppl I know complain about it.
feaps said:
please accept my apologies.
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No problem dude! There is no need for such an excessive appology. We are in a Forum and people have different oppinions and I think its totally acceptable to shout at each other. I just wanted to express that I'm not in accord regarding your judgement of my post. But thanks a lot, I seriously really appreciate it!
Yes, your device seems pretty standard to me and the scenario you described logically made me think of a software error. But this seems very unlikely now. I'm out of ideas for the moment then, I guess you have to return or exchange it too.
You are perfectly right about the dropping SW QA though. You can notice the registry glitch in other areas as well: backlight timer always reset to 30 sec, and there are more settings all over the place which don't get saved properly.
Again, no problem, everybody lets be cool
Bluetooth doesn't turn on
I have the same problem. Did anyone find a solution?
Also camera fails to initialize, touch pad is sometimes very slow for initial reaction. I have NO added programs beyond manafacturer originals and have tried a number of hard resets. Doesn't help.

Kenwood BT-200 Handsfree Kit

I've got a Kenwood BT-200 bluetooth handsfree car kit and have found the following issues with it;
1. Everytime a call is completed, the phone book downloads all over again and takes over 10 minutes, preventing making follow on calls till complete.
2. The received and dialed calls list doesn't work
3. Cannot initiate a call from the head unit unless the phone screen is on (was working perfectly on previous HTC Touch Cruise).
4. Unable to initiate voice dialing on Phone using Microsoft Voice Command whereas with previous HF kits it was as simple as pressing and holding the call button.
Anyone else use the same Touch Pro - BT200 combination? Or experience similar problems with other HF kits?
I have Pioneer BT unit. I can not connect, but I installed Hands-Free Config from JETware Mobile Software and it solved all my problems. There are many setting options which should help you...
Hi Pritman,
I just went through the same thing after upgrading to the Touch Pro from the Dopod 838Pro (Hermes).
There's a firmware update available for the KCA-BT200 which may well fix your issues (certainly did mine).
I created a post about this earlier today (didn't see your post here).
The firmware flash is very easy to do. You will just need a laptop with a bluetooth adaptor.
Kenwood have released another update.
See my other post at for details.
Wow, never thought I would fine anyone else with the combination of Kenwood DNX-7100, KCA-BT200 AND the touch pro. I am having similar issues.
DNX-7100 with BT100 worked fine with touch pro.
"upgraded" to BT200, and I have nothing but headaches.
I have tried two different BT200, and both have been flaky.
I have tried BT200 firmware 1.60 and 1.70, and both have been flaky.
My problem is similar to the ones you folks have been experiencing, mainly it is constantly downloading, and the interface is super sluggish when downloading. I can retrieve a name and phone number from the BT200's memory, but when I call out it will say downloading and do nothing. Sometimes it won't "pair" with the phone automatically unless I manually select my phone from the DNX-7100, and sometimes it will just drop the connection. I used the BT100 for about a year, and it was solid 95% of the time. I am running stock Telus rom, btw. I have also played around with the dip switch on the BT-200. From the shipped manual, DNX-7100 belongs in group F, which is off, off, on for dip switch 1, 2, 3. But when I searched online, some of Kenwood's info listed the DNX-7100 under group G, which has dip switch off, on, off, just to add to the confusion. I have also tried removing the "wireless stereo" profile as well as the "serial port" profile, but that fixed nothing. Lastly, just to kick me when I'm down, when it list the numbers, sometimes it list them as first name, then last name, but sometimes it list it as last name then first. This is super irritating as you can't be sure where anyone is listed ..... so far my experience with the BT200 has been nothing but horrible. I am on the verge of flashing my touch pro to a cooked ROM just to see if it is due to the stock Telus rom's bluetooth (I went back to stock as the juggalo rom I used became corrupt after a few weeks).
So, did you guys finally find a solution that worked 100% of the time?
Hi Guys, I'm glad there are more people out there with my combination.
Upgrading the BT 200 to 1.70 has improved things significantly but not as good as it would be with another handset like a Nokia N95. The download delay and sluggishness still exist.
I recall when I paired the TP, a notice came up on the TP that the BT 200 is requesting access to the phonebook or contacts and prompted me to allow or deny. I'm wondering what would happen if I deny? I do know that when I first paired the N95 with the older firmware, it wouldn't syncronise the contacts and I had to manually send the contacts to the BT 200. If this can be done with the TP, it may eliminate the constant downloading, perhaps.
Anyone else willing to try this. I may not be able to do this till later this weekend so if any of you do manage to test this before me, please post the results.
Good luck!
If you don't give it access to the phonebook, I suspect it can't download your phonebook automatically, and you would have to manually push the phonebook over, which defeats the purpose of the BT-200, effectively making it a BT-100. After trying a 2nd BT-200 for 3 days, I have given up and chalked up the BT-200 as extremely flaky, and is easily the worst purchase I have ever made as:
1) Half the time it won't pair with the phone automatically
2) The other half when it does pair, you can't dial out as half time time again when you want to make it call, it decides to do a download from your phone instead (never mind that it already "downloaded" when it paired already. Half x half = quarter.
3) Half the time when it does manage to make it call, it magically drops the bluetooth pairing and drops the call.
If you're keeping track, we are at half x half x half, which is 0.125, or this damn thing only works 12.5% of the time. This is not a time saver, nor a gadget of convenience/safety. It is the ultimate source of anxiety, danger (as you're trying to get the damn thing to work), and a big disappointment. Kenwood, shame on you for putting out such flaky products, and especially for not fixing it (look at the first post, it is from Oct 08).
I am going to return both of my BT-200 to Clutchfield, and am going back to my 99% stable BT-100. BT-100 actually is not as horrible with the TP as TP runs WinMo 6.1, which lets you push multiple phone book contacts at once (not like the older WinMo where you had to push contacts ONE BY ONE!!!). The only caveat with the BT-100 is if you need to delete or modify any contacts, you can't, and you have to delete all the entries for a particular phone and repair and push all contacts again, which takes 1 minute now as oppose to half an hour with pre-WinMo 6.1. When I buy a HU next time, I don't think I will consider Kenwood again due to:
1) Flaky software/interface.
2) Poor documentation.
3) Poor service support. Kenwood Canada actually NEVER REPLIED. I only received the auto-gen email notification indicating they received my email. Clutchfield Canada has been very supportive, and I will pay more to buy from them in the future solely due to their strong customer support.
Hi Johnnysks,
As far as the Touch Pro is concerned, I understand your frustration and totally support your argument.
On the other hand, I have tested the BT-200 with a Nokia 96 & my previous Touch Cruise, works like a dream! I've had good responses from Kenwood UK but whenever I contact HTC, I alway get vague responses, which to me suggests that Kenwood must have been making the effort but keep getting let down by HTC. Ultimately the BT-200 works with majority of the handsets out there.
I will still keep trying for a solution though as I really do like the TP and the BT-200!
I have no doubts the BT-200 works with other phones, and I know my TP works with my BT-100 flawlessly. I also know from prior personal dealings with Kenwood Canada's technical support that:
1) They're rude, have a bad attitude, and unprofessional (as my first inquiry for a different product from a year ago was met with a reply that was condescending, unhelpful, and was not even in proper English). I'll be more than happy to dig up my old email for you if you have any doubts.
2) They're not responsive. It's been over a week, and they never replied to my current inquiry regarding the BT-200 (funny. They used to be rude and unprofessional. Now they're missing in action)
Perhaps Kenwood USA, Kenwood UK, or Kenwood Japan are doing an awesome job. However, I can only go with what I have personally experienced.
Anyone find a fix for this? I have the same problems with my DNX8120. Tried Jetware, no luck, I would try BTRestore, but it won't work with .net 3. My biggest complaint is that even if it is connected via bluetooth, it won't start a call from th eheadset unless the phone is not in standby. Next biggest issue is that it drops the connection after hanging up from a call.
Very f*&%*g annoying!
FYI, worked with 2 different ETEN's

