Probs after install Faria wwe wm6 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario ROM Development

Hi there,
I have a MDA Vario (G4) from T-Mobile and after following this and this
I was able to install Faria's ROM on my Wizard but now i'm having some problems:
1 - I still have to watch that ugly bootscreen
(by the way, are those version numbers "right"?)
2 - Every time i reboot it i get this error about sddaemon
Problem solved:
knwlsh said:
As far as the error - your item 2...
Use Total Commander to search for sddaemon and then delete the link that it finds - you don't need it
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3 - I often get this error about TimeWizard.exe
4 - As you can see on the previous photo, the memory is running low and so I everytime i try to syncronize with ActiveSync 4.5 (Beta2) i get this
Can anyone help me on those?
(Forgot to say thank you to Faria and Mun_rus. So... Thanks a lot!)

Ok 1. Are you CID unlocked, cus if you are not then the rom may not take correctly. It would be better if you had IPL/SPL at 2.26
Download and downgrade to the USA T-Mobile 2.26 rom. (At work so no time to find this for you, if you have not got it by the imte i get home i will update with a link)
Then try upgrading again to the WM6 rom, you may find that will sort all your problems!
The rom you should be able to find

Did you flash with shell tool? I think that you have no extended rom flashed, only OS.

As far as the error - your item 2...
Use Total Commander to search for sddaemon and then delete the link that it finds - you don't need it

funman said:
Ok 1. Are you CID unlocked, cus if you are not then the rom may not take correctly. It would be better if you had IPL/SPL at 2.26
Download and downgrade to the USA T-Mobile 2.26 rom. (At work so no time to find this for you, if you have not got it by the imte i get home i will update with a link)
Then try upgrading again to the WM6 rom, you may find that will sort all your problems!
The rom you should be able to find
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DON'T use the 2.26 rom.... u've got a G4 and can't update IPL/SPL!

I downloaded this ROM
and tried to flash it but when it starts (the PPC screen turns red,green,blue) it gives me an error msg on the PC saying "ERROR [294]: INVALID VENDER ID"
(this PPC came from UK)
I tried to use the mun_rus How To with this ROM but apparently it stayed the same.
From the UK T-Mobile i can only find this
but i think this is what a I have now running.
As for the Extended Rom i followed this:
but i will double check it the next time i flash my Wizard.

(deleted - the same as the above)

Problems Aswell
Sorry if this has been mentioned many atime before but my rom is like really slow sometimes and most of the time on the today screen only the time/date is shown and no other items. Also when turning on the device sometimes it doesnt get pass the boot screen (green one) and is resolved by taking the battery out which is annoying. Someone said by putting the orginal factory rom then installing farias rom then it will improve - tried that same thing. And outlook wont let me change email type from plain text to html.
Anybody Know???

seanmig said:
Tried this one:
The PPC screen goes red, blue, green but then it gives me an error msg on the PC saying "WRONG ID VENDOR" or something similiar.
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Missed my post or want a bricked device? You're CID-locked.... look here:

Actually I did miss you post.
Wizard still working
As for the link that you suggest it ends with de Mun_rus' HowTo and that was the one that i followed to flash Faria's Rom
Sddaemon problem solved. At least it seams so...

I just did the SAME upgrade you did and I am getting the same
timewizard.exe popup!
however, my rom upgrade went ok , about the only thing different is I restored a backup including my registry to get all my programs back.
I have EVERYTHING working on wm6 with faria except for the annoying
have you been able to get ride of it?

jeffr said:
however, my rom upgrade went ok , about the only thing different is I restored a backup including my registry to get all my programs back.
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Is that a WM5 backup you restored? WM6 has stuff in the registry in different places. You've probably added a bunch of keys that shouldn't be there, and in the wrong place.
Also, WM6 PIM database is different format. If you restored that, its likely thats been hosed too.


Fatal downgrade...

Hi there,
My currently installed Rom was RUU-Prophet-G4-AKU2.2-2.20-2.47.21-Jester-r1.exe. (thank you jester for you good job)
Nevertheless, this ROM is in English and I wanted to downgrade to a French One before the selling of my device.
I have tried to install the downgrade kit detailed in this topic :
The first step went OK but while trying to make the secnd step, my qtek is blocked at the boot splash screen showing the Jesterz picture and red information about the SPL and so on on the upper left corner... without starting... The USB connexion is not detected so I can't do anything... While trying to install any ROM, the USB connection is not detected ang I get an error message...
Did I kill my phone ?
Please help ! Tell me that it's not dead....
Don't worry, its nowhere close to being dead. If you have superCid, then use the SD card image to restore in bootloader mode. However, if the Cid is locked, then you would need a utility that can unlock Cid without Activesync mode (coz in your case, you would not be able to get an Activesync connection). has a utility ($38 i guess) that unlocks Cid in bootloader.--- else show it to a professional. (in my country, I would have to shell out around $20 to get such a problem fixed at a mobile repair shop)
illanz said:
... The USB connexion is not detected so I can't do anything... While trying to install any ROM, the USB connection is not detected ang I get an error message...
Did I kill my phone ?
Please help ! Tell me that it's not dead....
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Just take out the battery for about 10 minutes and re-insert. If it does not re-start, do a soft resert with the stylus and hopefully you should be fine
Hy,please help!
after downgrade, it doesnt work anymore.... i mean... i cant start the mobile!
after the downgrade i disable the USB data cable and now the mobile is dead... it doesnt starts from the ON/OFF Button and even if i connect the USB cable it makes nothing! No Led on... nothing! absolutly DEAD!!!
I have tried to put off the battery all night long with no result.. but I have achieved to reach the bootloader mode by pressing the camera button while soft reseting and keeping the camera button pushed...
OMG, I have been so scared ! ! !
Try this in order to reach the bootloader:
Hold down the camera button and reset the device. (Boot Loader Mode is: Press Camara + Soft Reset, then release soft reset and KEEP PRESSING camara button till appear the Boot Loader.)
it doesnt work
I seem to have a simular problem. this is my post in another topic. It seems to fit better here.
This is what I tired so far:....
I used the RUU_Prophet_2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_S hip-NoVendorID and it often hangs and was slow with Push Email over GPRS.
I tried to find a way to downgrade but hadn't had time sofar. When I logged on XDA Developers Site I saw there was a new Image.
So I thought Great I dont need to find how to downgrade.
I don't know what G4 and G3 is so as everybody let's try the higest best one.
I uploaded the RUU-Prophet-G4-AKU3.3-Jester-b1
Now as previously stated I get to the multicolor screen with IPL 2.09 and the SPL 2.20..0001 on the screen and that's it.
I can get to the bootloader and load the same image again and get the same result.
I can load another image on and it loads to 80 Percent and says error [326] Invalid Command This NBF cannot be used with your PDA Phone. Please check your NBF file.
If I try an older Version it tells me upgrad only
And when I try to upload the G3 version it tells me error[300] invalid upgrade tool. This upgrade utility canot be used for your PDA Phone. Please get newer Upgrade utility.
Trying to use the nf.nbf or the G3 with the ROMUpdateUtility_NoID of the G4 doesn't work either.
If I would like to do the downgrade tool I need a Active Sync connection which I don't have.
I have no more thoughts. Please Help.
If you would have just read the forums better you would have known if your device is a G3 or a G4. (read this!).
Now it appears you have tried both for an update. Which may possibly have bricked your phone.
But... first things first. Can you get into the bootloader? (read wiki HERE on how to do that).
If you can still get into the bootloader then there is still a possibility for updating.
Try upgrading with the latest Qtek rom (note: this is an official rom, this one works for both G3 and G4! And since it's the latest you should be able to upgrade to this one).
Instructions quoted from another post of me:
You could try the 2.20 qtek rom which seems to be working well for quite some people (found here).
Although you have to make sure you read that thread good and use the ROMUpdateUtility_NoID.exe (found here ) to upgrade.
Update instructions:
1: With the qtek 2.20 rom you need to extract the zip and the exe file in the zip with WinRAR.
2: Then there is one folder called 'OutputFile' and a folder called 'RUU_TOOLS'.
Inside the RUU_TOOLS there is prophet and in that one WWE, when you go through them and in the WWE folder you see a bunch of files (readme.doc, enterbootloader.exe etc etc).
You need to copy ROMUpdateUtility_NoID.exe to the WWE folder with all the files. And you also need to copy the 'nk.nbf' file to the WWE folder (from the 'OutputFile' folder).
3: And then you need to put your phone in bootloader mode and run ROMUpdateUtility_NoID.exe to upgrade, which should work nicely then.
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This should give you a good enough idea of what to do. This should work (new rom combined with no NoID updater).
However, if it's impossible to get yourself into the bootloader your options of upgrading your device are getting smaller.
Downgrading of a complete rom is only possible on a CID unlocked G3 (when it's CID unlocked you would know! because you would have done that yourself) and not on a G4 device.
Flasing a G3 device with a G4 rom or G4 device with a G3 rom might possibly turn your phone into a brick. This can easily be avoided by reading the forums properly and know what you are doing.
If anything (even if it's a small thing) is not completely clear to you about upgrading/downgrading your device I'd recommend not doing so.
edit: oh yeah... if you have a G4 device (which you should know by now) you cannot downgrade from this rom (well, only via a payed online service). And when you have a G3 device you could try and CID unlock it (read wiki + forums) before you want to downgrade, or don't downgrade at all.
But whatever you do, don't try to downgrade it without doing any of those things because you'll get into trouble. (to put it down bluntly)
illanz said:
I have tried to put off the battery all night long with no result.. but I have achieved to reach the bootloader mode by pressing the camera button while soft reseting and keeping the camera button pushed...
OMG, I have been so scared ! ! !
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If you have reached the bootloader screen, just run my installer (or any official ROM) to get your phone working again.
My Prophet Died
I need help, to restore my Prophet, i upgrade wrong rom, i need will try the SD Backup, where can i see this process ?
Sorry my Inglish is too bad.
I've merged a couple of threads under this one, as they are all about the same problem (mostly)
Opening a new thread for the same problem isnt very useful
Hi RaptorRVL
Thank you very much for your patience in resuming all this for me.
I do try to read the forum but it isn't like a manual where you find the procedure stepby step. Like the G3 and G4 version I have newer come across until now. Sorry.
I tried the image you metioned and I have the result that at 80% it tells me error [326] Invalid Command This NBF cannot be used with your PDA Phone. Please check your NBF file
Any more thoughts?
As you seem to be an expert Can you let me know more about goldcard solution.
From a readme I once found inside an update:
These errors seldom occur. However, if one of these errors occur, it could not be recovered and the device had to be sent back to the customer service center. In this case, you have to flash a new ROM code.
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Doesn't sound too good really. Maybe someone else here on the forums know what to do with this error :/
You did use the ROMUpdateUtility_NoID.exe and not the normal updater right? Can remember someone getting a similar error when using the wrong updater, but I'm not sure about that though...
edit: try doing a search on the prophet forums for "INVALID COMMAND" maybe there is a helpful post in there somewhere...
THANKS!! I was worried b/c i had the same problem today. I've been looking for so many threads abt this problem. Thanks for ur help guys!
same problem
so i have the same problem. I want to downgrade and it break at 95% invalid file. But now XDA is still alive. I can`t go into the bootloader but i tried this file: RUU_Prophet_220734_2207114_024721_NVID.exe
and now my Prophet is still running again. Hope i can help you. Good luck.
peter paul
P.S. sorry for my english, but its good to learn it again

Flashing Nightmare: Stuck at Boot Screen + 264/274 Errors!

Yup, first time disaster. I followed the guide here, installed the necessary files, rebooted, and then started the Shelltool update...only to belatedly notice a notification screen on my 8125 asking if I wanted to run one of the programs.
I said yes, but even though the update completed, my 8125 is stuck at the boot screen.
Worse, I reset the 8125 into boot loader mode and tried to flash back, only to get a 300 error. I tried to use an updated RUU and ROM set, only to get 264 or 274 errors.
Any hope here, or did I just manage to brick my 8125?
Are you trying to flash an offical rom while in bootloader mode?
Yup. Tried to flash the official 8125 ROM from HTC. Tried to flash a number of different ROMs, actually - I always get a 264 or 274 "Communication" error, except for the official ROMs, which gave me a 300 error.
Not looking good here...
this has helped me with bad flashes
Been there, done that. In fact, that was the thread I first read. I've tried to flash to Wizard_love, but I get a 264 error.
From what I've read in the RUU Docs, a 264/274 error is rare, and fatal in this case. It's not looking good...
(On the bright side, the iPhone release has created a flood of used 8125's on eBay )
I did a little searching for you,
I read some were how to flash a phone that has errors, I couldn't find that post. Maybe someone else here knows of that post You didn't mention is your phone G3 or G4 I did find this post, doesn't look good. I hope someone has a better answer for you, good luck.
Another post I found for you.
Thanks for the links, unfortunately it's still a no-joy situation here.
This is a G4 Cingular 8125 - sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.
ActiveSync was set to allow USB connections, and I've tried using the official RUU update utility from HTC for the Cingular 8125 with the 8125 in Bootloader (3 color) mode - I get an error 274.
I then tried the Wizard_Love version - error 264.
Next, the MB WM6 ROM - error 300.
Finally, in desperation I try the Shelltool app method again, even though I can't copy over the necessary bootloaders. It hangs up mid-flash, as expected.
Can't go forward, can't go back. Looks like I've got myself a brick...sigh...
upd: ahh, it is g4.....
so ignore whats below
it IS NOT brick ,trust me i had exactly same prob while testing cooked ROM - all yyou need is to download chinese rescue ROM, THEN flash it by its RUU, then RUU wLOVE, then flash ..anythin(g3)...and then flash IPLSPL, as it will be unequal, usually.
its unclear, why RUU cant do flash sometimes, but i believe, that you do not have brick( i had same situation 3 times = 14 flashes..;/ but machine is alive !)
of course, you may have same errors with chinese..if connecting, reconnecting etc is not working, then...use any rescue ROM closest to original, old hogs. check your firewall, and remember - SR device before EACH try - oterwise you surely will have 300 error - 1 try for each reset, no more.
chinese rescue ROM(you MUST flash wlove after that 1), or shelltool will lead you to...3bars.;/
if its not working...maybe that 1..
maybe other...
wizard love rescue ROM:
Just a "happy ending" update:
Was just about to buy a new 8125 on eBay, when I gave it another try - hard reset the device twice in a row, then tried again to flash back to the original Cingular 8125 ROM -- it worked!
Then, in a fit of flashing madness, I went ahead and flashed one of Faria's latest WM6 sets -- and it worked as well!
So, not only don't I have brick, I actually got it upgraded. Whew...
pls help for flashing rom
pr0naLd said:
this has helped me with bad flashes
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I have spent 24 hrs flashing my qtek 9100 sim free - i think it is the g4 as IPL IS 2.17 / SPL 2.17 NO ZEROES THOUGH . IT DOES SYNC BEYOND 99% AND THE HELP WINDOWS COMES OUT - IT GOES BACK TO THE BOOTLOADER SCREEN ( 3 - 4 LINES OF RED BLUE GREEN ). PLS HELP AS I AM DYING TO GET THE WM 6.0 ONTO MY WIZARD. thanks and appreciate.
[email protected]
BOWERS said:
I have spent 24 hrs flashing my qtek 9100 sim free - i think it is the g4 as IPL IS 2.17 / SPL 2.17 NO ZEROES THOUGH . IT DOES SYNC BEYOND 99% AND THE HELP WINDOWS COMES OUT - IT GOES BACK TO THE BOOTLOADER SCREEN ( 3 - 4 LINES OF RED BLUE GREEN ). PLS HELP AS I AM DYING TO GET THE WM 6.0 ONTO MY WIZARD. thanks and appreciate.
[email protected]
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Kindly confirm its a G3 or G4 before flashing. This will help you out.
wizard G4 boot ok but jump to B/L screen
its aliveeee its aliveeeeeeeeee

HTC Tytn II recover from bad flash

I have not posted much on this site, yet I have used it plenty of times. And first off I have to say "Thank you oh so very much" to everybody who frequent this site. Most of all I would like to thank the developers and rest of the crew that helps users on a daily basis.
I've had plenty of phones the last few years: 9090, 9100, Tytn and now Tytn II - all of which have been flashed - successfully I might add - with software and aid from you guys. (Ok, so my Tytn nearly ended up as a paperweight, but with some fancy maneuvers using the CE SDK from Microsoft I was able to use it as a PDA again)
Now, I am stuck. Really stuck. (Not saying I'm not to blame, but I am still stuck)
I've got a Tytn II (The P4550 HTC Kaiser 120 I believe). A few weeks back I flashed this with Alex's Home ROM ('s ROMs). At the time I was running Radio, and continued to use it after the Alex flash.
That worked perfectly.
But being interested in always trying new stuff I yesterday decided to flash Alex.v5.WM61.HTC.302.UltraClean.ROM.beta2. And it really went bad.
I studied up on many postings (obviously not enough) and started the process:
#1: Hooked up the pda to my computer
#2: HardSPL v1
#3: Tri-Color mode and activesync grey
#4: Started the upgrade with KaiserCustomRUU.exe
Everything went smoothly until it hit 99% - there it stuck and the program ended with a communication error. My computer runs Vista (yes, I know. I wont even consider flashing another phone using Vista), but it has worked flawlessly 25-30 times before.
Anyways, what happened when I tried to recover was that the phone went into tri-color mode. Needless to say it was unable to recover. After much back and forth I reinstalled an old laptop with XP (as mtty does not work on Vista) and was able to boot it back in to the OS using a walk trough from this site - cudos to Laurentius26 for the post)
Anyways - it came back. But since it failed the flash I tried it again to make sure it finished properly. What I did was flash back the Alex Home ROM I had in the first place - that worked. Then I flashed back the Radio ROM - which failed - seriously.
It hung on 17% and when reset it would only boot to tri-color. And this is where I am now.
Every time the phone resets it boots to tri-color. I've done and redone the mtty (with and without the task 28), but it stops in tri-color mode. If I at that point hook it up to mtty and issue the boot command it will boot properly, but thats kinda annoying - having to carry with me a XP laptop for each time I have to reset the phone. (Ive also tried the set 14 0 when the phone is in this state, but it will still only boot to tri-color)
So - what now?
I've tried flashing the RUU_Kaiser_HTC_WWE_1.56.405.5_radio_sign_22.45.88.07_1.27.12.11_Ship, but it stops with 294 - invalid vendor id. I've tried flashing the same ROM with HardSPL installed - no vender id error but it fails at 16%.
In desperation I've tried HTC_Kaiser_NL_ROM_1.56.404.6_Radio_22.45.88.07_1.27.12.17_Ship, but this also fails at 16%.
I've studied many a post on this site, but have so far been unable to recover from this error.
Is there any hope of regain the much needed functionality of normal booting?
Hopefully there is.
Thanks in advance.
Can you try these?
New commands for MTTY.
Laurentius26 said:
Can you try these?
New commands for MTTY.
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Most definetly.
These were also posted by e-men in another topic this morning so I am currently installing Windows XP on a computer at work to try this.
Will report back.
Laurentius26 said:
Can you try these?
New commands for MTTY.
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XDA wins again.
The proper commands for the mtty worked like a charm.
Thank you kindly Leo, this was much appreciated.
Now for a question if you have the time: Since I started this process yesterday I have not been able to flash a Radio rom properly. It stops on 17% or 99% and quits with communication error. Any ideas?
And can I trust that my phone now works?
Cool...., thank you
Would you like to give this a try as well maybe?
I never tried to flash a seperate radio ROM, I'm a 'chief de cuisine' so I cook it in
ulfthomas said:
XDA wins again.
The proper commands for the mtty worked like a charm.
Thank you kindly Leo, this was much appreciated.
Now for a question if you have the time: Since I started this process yesterday I have not been able to flash a Radio rom properly. It stops on 17% or 99% and quits with communication error. Any ideas?
And can I trust that my phone now works?
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WM6.0 and WM6.1 radio's are different, they are not compatible!
So be carefull which radio version you are flashing
Info about radio versions:
Laurentius26 said:
Cool...., thank you
Would you like to give this a try as well maybe?
I never tried to flash a seperate radio ROM, I'm a 'chief de cuisine' so I cook it in
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But of course - now that I know how to reset.
One comment: I absolutely love the Palm SMS program added by Alex in his rom. You know if this is manually installable?
This is threaded SMS isn't?
That's default in WM6.1.
But if it's a seperate program there must be a cab out there.
I will have a look if it's that good you say!
ulfthomas said:
But of course - now that I know how to reset.
One comment: I absolutely love the Palm SMS program added by Alex in his rom. You know if this is manually installable?
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Laurentius26 said:
This is threaded SMS isn't?
That's default in WM6.1.
But if it's a seperate program there must be a cab out there.
I will have a look if it's that good you say!
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Well, good is subjective ... but I love it.
As for the updating: halted on 16% - communication error.
*Looks around - "Where's my mtty"
How can I get pass these updating issues?
Which OS do you have on your desktop?
Do you have an original branded HTC device?
Try to flash a factory (shipped, not cooked) rom first!
Don't use a usb hub between your device and the pc, but use a straight connection.
See if there are applications running on your desktop.
Disable your Firewall for example...
And please take your storage card out.
Some tips....
ulfthomas said:
Well, good is subjective ... but I love it.
As for the updating: halted on 16% - communication error.
*Looks around - "Where's my mtty"
How can I get pass these updating issues?
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Laurentius26 said:
Which OS do you have on your desktop?
Do you have an original branded HTC device?
Try to flash a factory (shipped, not cooked) rom first!
Don't use a usb hub between your device and the pc, but use a straight connection.
And please take your storage card out.
Some tips....
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And all good tips Leo.
OS: Windows XP SP2. Freshly installed. Only Activesync 4.5 added.
HTC: Is orignial. Patched a few times using HardSPL
Original rom: As mentioned above I've tried a couple of them, but both ending in invalid vender id.
And no usb hub present.
Another comment - the flashing done today and yesterday has been done from two different xp computers - but with same result.
Laurentius26 said:
Which OS do you have on your desktop?
Do you have an original branded HTC device?
Try to flash a factory (shipped, not cooked) rom first!
Don't use a usb hub between your device and the pc, but use a straight connection.
See if there are applications running on your desktop.
Disable your Firewall for example...
And please take your storage card out.
Some tips....
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hehe... really? Remove my beloved SD card? Of course - always do.
No need for firewall as there are no nic's. And also no applications.
I'm going to upload a shipped ROM for you, this one if you didn't try it yet?
Another question... did you use Custom RUU with ROM update?
ulfthomas said:
hehe... really? Remove my beloved SD card? Of course - always do.
No need for firewall as there are no nic's. And also no applications.
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Yup - that one has been tested - fails with invalid vender id.
Also tried flashing that rom with HardSPL - comm. error.
And no, I have not tried the Custom RUU. Will for sure try that now.
The Custom RUU is the same file that is included with your 6.1 Rom isn't it? If so I have used it with your ROM.
Do you think I should try it with another?
Yes... try with another shipped ROM please?
ulfthomas said:
The Custom RUU is the same file that is included with your 6.1 Rom isn't it? If so I have used it with your ROM.
Do you think I should try it with another?
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Tried custom ruu with Radio
Same results as other flashes - halts at 95%.
Seems like OS flashing hangs at 17% and Radio at 95%.
Use one more time MTTY, clear all FATS and I've send you a PM.
ulfthomas said:
Tried custom ruu with Radio
Same results as other flashes - halts at 95%.
Seems like OS flashing hangs at 17% and Radio at 95%.
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If you're getting an invalid vendor id it sounds like your hardspl or superCID isn't working correctly. Before going any further it's probably best to go to your bootloader screen and check that hardspl is still installed.
After that, I'd try flashing from the SD card.
Good point ach2, but when launching HardSPL and starting the update it lists the correct data on the bootscreen (Jumpspl or something equivavlent to that)
Leo: Looking around xda I found an article about dumping the ROM from another device. In the same thread I found a link to dumped original ROM. I patched that and it worked like a charm.
My PDA came back to its original state.
After arriving home just now I thought I would give your ROM another go, but same result - stuck at 16% (With HardSPL and Custom RUU)
What can cause this?

AT&T Tilt blank screen after Kaiser Sim Unlocker!

The screen remains black, blank, and does not light up, even though activesync knows the device has booted because the icon becomes green. I can't navigate any controls, though the keys do light up when I slide it, or press buttons. Screen remains blank/black.
Here is what I did to get to this state:
1) I first hard reset my Kaiser, to reset all user preferences. This I accouplished by pressing both soft keys while pressing power (if I recall correctly), then hitting the green call button. It then installed Windows Mobile fresh.
2) I then followed the HardSPL instructions, here:
Everything went fine.
3) I then followed the Kaiser Sim Unlocker instructions here:
After completing step 5, the device rebooted, the AT&T icon displayed, then the screen goes blank and stays that way.
What should I do? Did I miss something? Is this recoverable?
It also does not have any sound. Does this mean I can't unlock?
How do I flash back to the original rom?
Ok, looks like have version rom, during boot.... according to this page it isn't ok for my AT&T Tilt device.
So does this mean I have to pay to unlock? Or is there some way to do it still? Thanks.
NetTechie said:
Ok, looks like have version rom, during boot.... according to this page it isn't ok for my AT&T Tilt device.
So does this mean I have to pay to unlock? Or is there some way to do it still? Thanks.
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Try flashing this radio.
I guess you didn't read step 10
I have a problem... it wont go green now, I can't get activesync to go green. I wont be able to load the rom... what can I do?
[ EDIT ]
A reboot fixed this *sigh of releif*. Goes green now.
AllTheWay said:
Try flashing this radio.
I guess you didn't read step 10
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Ok, question: Will I use the file in Step 3 to put that on the phone? It is saying there is a file open...? I can't disable USB on the device, as the screen is blank.
[EDIT] Looks like everything I needed was in the download. I put the other ROM back on. However, I'm having a problem with activesync... When I click on Connection Settings active sync freezes up. Any ideas what to do to fix ActiveSync so I can turn off USB, without crashing ActiveSync?
Okay, I got the screen with the unlock code... only it gave me this readout:
Your Unlockcode = ........
just like that, with dots.
Is there any way to unlock a phone, if the screen goes black? I can go back to the old firmware, but this special firmware is needed I think to do the unlock, and this special firmware makes the screen go black on my model.
EDIT: On page 33 of the Kaiser unlocker topic, I found what looks like my answer. I need the AT&T 1.57 ROM, as it is compatible with this patched radio so the display will work. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it on this forum yet. EDIT 2: Found it, loading it on now:
Unlock worked, once I had the AT&T 1.57 version of the ROM on there. ActiveSync still freezes, but I uninstalled it for the section where I was supposed to disable USB. Installed the radio after completing the unlock, replacing the patched radio. All finished.
Mine still showsup Blank screen
I followed the same steps as yours :
Firstly I reset my Kaiser & then followed the HardSPL instructions, here:
Everything went fine.
I then followed the Kaiser Sim Unlocker instructions here:
After completing step 5, the device rebooted, the AT&T icon displayed, then the screen goes blank and stays that way
Now I tried flashing
But it didnot help (
Can you please tell me what I should be doing next..
vrramakanth said:
But it didnot help (
Can you please tell me what I should be doing next..
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what do you mean when you say it "didn't help"?
I still get the blank screen..I am now downloading the AT&T 1.57 version .. I am hoping if I install this I will get the display and I can proceed to step 8a, 8b,..
Sorry to be short,
But did you even bother reading through the other threads with the exact same problem as you?
the problem you have is that you flashed an incompatible radio with the ROM that you are runing on the phone. You need to reflash the ROM with a rom that is compatible with the radio or reflash the radio rom to what came with the phone rom that you are running.
You should have upgraded to a 6.1 cooked rom prior to doing the SIM/CID unlock.
Flash your phone with a cooked 6.1 rom that INCLUDES the radio, and then try the CID/SIM unlocker.
my two bit.
I am trying with, which is the ROM that comes with this phone. Do u think this helps? Do u want me to flash 6.1 ROM instead of this?
Unless you know the stock ROM comes with a compatible radio, it will not work. The problem you are having is because you loaded a radio that is not compatible with the stock rom.
If you already have hardspl loaded, then load a cooked 6.1 ROM that includes a compatible radio (for example L26 v9 rom or Sleuth 3.0 rom). a BIG novice here..may be a bad question..I have Windows 6.0 on the the Cooked 6.1 ROM L26 that I found fits into this? Do I need to upgrade to 6.1 before this? sorry if its a wrong question ..
vrramakanth said: a BIG novice here..may be a bad question..I have Windows 6.0 on the the Cooked 6.1 ROM L26 that I found fits into this? Do I need to upgrade to 6.1 before this? sorry if its a wrong question ..
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It's not a wrong question
1. Yes, that fits in
2. No, you do not need to upgrade to 6.1 before this, flashing the ROM will take care of it
hope this helps
Thanks mbarvian!!
So I am Installing the upgrade to 6.1 ROM, but do I still need to install the correct AT&T ROM that you gave me in the other thread
Alibaba0101 said:
Unless you know the stock ROM comes with a compatible radio, it will not work. The problem you are having is because you loaded a radio that is not compatible with the stock rom.
If you already have hardspl loaded, then load a cooked 6.1 ROM that includes a compatible radio (for example L26 v9 rom or Sleuth 3.0 rom).
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I now installed a 6.1 do I need to downgrade to be able to do SIM unlock?
From it says :
Note for WM6.1 users
Do not try this on 6.1! You will need to downgrade to 6.0
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vrramakanth said:
I now installed a 6.1 do I need to downgrade to be able to do SIM unlock?
From it says :
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Yes, now you would want to download and flash the ROM I gave you in the other thread
here's the link:
I am trying with is this fine??

HardSPL 1.24

Hi to all. Is there anyone who can help me with HardSPL my snap which shows SPL 1.24. I would like to use some of the cooked roms. Cheers.
rocksford77 said:
Hi to all. Is there anyone who can help me with HardSPL my snap which shows SPL 1.24. I would like to use some of the cooked roms. Cheers.
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Try ookba's roms, use Auto_1.19 worked for me... If it all goes wrong as we now have a shipped rom you can fall back to SD flash as in this post:
ibanyard said:
Try ookba's roms, use Auto_1.19 worked for me... If it all goes wrong as we now have a shipped rom you can fall back to SD flash as in this post:
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No, it didn't work for me. I thought by now there will be a solid solution to this. Now we are stuck with stock roms as we cannot HardSPL our devices.
SPL 1.24 is hard to hack. Anyone got any solutions??????
rocksford77 said:
No, it didn't work for me. I thought by now there will be a solid solution to this. Now we are stuck with stock roms as we cannot HardSPL our devices.
SPL 1.24 is hard to hack. Anyone got any solutions??????
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What didnt work?
I ran the Auto_1.19, (it prompted that device wasnt connected a couple of times, then got the prompt on the device to ask if an application should be run, selected yes (using left softkey), then had to use the trackball to select yes (the screen obscures some of the prompt), then screen went black and RUU began upgrade proces..
ibanyard said:
What didnt work?
I ran the Auto_1.19, (it prompted that device wasnt connected a couple of times, then got the prompt on the device to ask if an application should be run, selected yes (using left softkey), then had to use the trackball to select yes (the screen obscures some of the prompt), then screen went black and RUU began upgrade proces..
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When I use Auto_1.19, i press the track ball on my device, I get an Error message and asks me to send the error to microsoft.
rocksford77 said:
When I use Auto_1.19, i press the track ball on my device, I get an Error message and asks me to send the error to microsoft.
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Try with the older version if still fails might be worth a hard reset....
Anyone knows if HardSPL for SPL 1.24 is developed yet?
HArder SPL 1.24
Yeah anyone? I have a SNAP with SPL 1.24 running WINDOWS Mobile 6.5 but I cannot for the life of me get any of the JockyW SPL's to work 1.17 or 1.19. I hate these Bloody Telstra / HTC phones, there locking them down so tightly nowdays. Not even the SDA unlocker works.. it tells me the phone is unlockable
SNAP with 1.22 Telefonica
Hi ther,
I´m running with a SNAP from Telefonica with SPL 1.22 and WM6.1 which doesn´t let me install any of the ROMS here. Not even upgrade to 6.5 of original ROM from HTC. It says 294 invalid vender ID.
I have also tried aplication unlocker.. and nothing seems to work.
A few questions... has HardSPL 1.24 been released?
Any ideas to be able to flash a new rom onto this baby...
I have MAPL110 with SPL-1.24.0000. Successfully flashed by hspl 1.17 and
this ROM - 3VOLUTION SERIES *][WM6.5 STD 21854][Build 3VO.2.50.112509.
succesfully flashed spl 1.25. used hard spl 1.19 through activesync. stuck on tmo load up page then used bootloader then flashed 11.25.09 rom from there.
all went well and my wife has a newish dash for $100

