Blueplayer could = better A2DP sound - HTC Tornado

If anyone here has tried to use an stereo headset (like the R35 or S35) or other A2DP headset and has been dissapointed with the sound quality (commonly referred to as a "ringing" distortion or hissing over the sound) using the A2DP for tornado hack, its because the MS Bluetooth Stack isn't 100% compatible with all (most) headsets. Its particularly noticeable on, but the reduced quality is true on many others as well.
In case you didn't know, Blueplayer is a standalone app that streams music to A2DP headphones even if the phone doesn't support A2DP in its own stack! That means any phone with bluetooth (some even claim older 1.1 devices as well) can bypass the usual MS stack in our devices and stream stereo sound directly to a compatible headset!
The software was written for Nokia S60 devices initially, but there have been Pocket PC and java versions (only compatible with specific phones) released since then as well.
I'm very annoyed by the sound quality of my itech R35 paired with my imate SP5. I'm 100% sure that software such as blueplayer would solve this problem. However, the PPC and java versions don't seem to work on my device.
Can anyone help me figure out how to make this work? I tried extracting the files from the PPC cab file, but its complaining about missing libraries. The install may add some things to the registry that I'm missing.
Better yet, does anyone have anything like this for WM Smartphone?

what are you missing? I got blueplayer running with my S35 and the quality is excellent and range good(for me)...
Unfortunately I am using a Wizard...

I wish I could get it working!
I can't figure out what it is, but I'm having trouble.
Normally I can make any app work (even if its for PPC) by pulling the files off of a PPC installation, and run the .exe on my smartphone and it just works.
But I keep get errors about libraries not existing or being in the wrong place. I need to figure out exactly what happens when the app is installed- what files go where, any registry changes, etc... There's gotta be a way to make it work on smartphone!

From memory,
There are a few files and registry settings that I can remember but barely, but if you want I can try to install it again. I removed it because I don't use MP3s anymore..

Yeah, if you don't mind helping me out, that'd be amazing (also for the smartphone community as a whole).
Why don't u use mp3's anymore?

I can just look up the settings for you, you got to do the work ;-)...
I find them too large for my 1Gb MiniSD, using AAC+ now... nice quality and file size.
Just PM me what you want to know...

Well, I don't know what kind of entries this will place in the registry. To be honest, I'm not sure how to check myself either. Is there a way to tell EXACTLY what a .cab does?

Found it!
Interesting program for those in my situation:
lets you see exactly what steps a cab installation goes through. Any reg. items, what the actual filenames are, what directories they are placed in, etc...
Amazing little tool.
However, I still haven't gotten blueplayer to work on my sp5... I wonder why?

thanks for the link, I needed something like that as well, going to compare the differences in the Widcomm bluetooth hacks...
BTW, how do you get blueplayer to work on a smartphone anyway without the touch screen?

Oh, simulating a touchscreen is easy... most apps let you navigate using the joystick, but it gets annoying and sometimes a touch is needed to click (for example an ok button).
There's a great little app call SPhelper that places a mouse pointer on your screen that can be navigated using the directional joystick, and "clicked" like a screen tap.
Its pretty cool.
Anyway, the problem is that I can't get Blueplayer to operate, even with all the .dll files in the right places. It says its missing something.

new2city said:
I can just look up the settings for you, you got to do the work ;-)...
I find them too large for my 1Gb MiniSD, using AAC+ now... nice quality and file size.
Just PM me what you want to know...
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Here's all I know:
I poked around in the .cab installation and found that there are 4 .dll's that go in the \windows dir (msibtstk.dll, msibtapi.dll, CHS.dll and TW.dll), and two .exe program files that go in program files\msi\blueplayer (STLoader.exe, and MPOBCE.exe). AFAIK, there don't seem to be any registry entries that it inserts.
Now, I've done this with PPC apps before, normally all I have to do is run the .exe after all files are in place, and it will work (obviously with some minor annoyances due to missing the touch screen).
However, every time I hit MPOBCE.exe, all I get is:
Can't find MPOBCE or one of its components. Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available."
There's gotta be something I'm overlooking... Anyone?

No man, there are some(I found some) entries, but I thought you were set and removed them already..
will reinstall and get back to you again...
BTW do you do a full backup of your phone? I use SPB backup and it is good..

oh, cool, I couldn't find any... let me know!

entries but not sure if working...
Here are the two registry inputs(rename to *.txt) I found on my system.. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work this time as I am using Widcomm bluetooth stack... wonder why.... Last time I used this was with MS Stack on...

new2city said:
Here are the two registry inputs(rename to *.txt) I found on my system.. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work this time as I am using Widcomm bluetooth stack... wonder why.... Last time I used this was with MS Stack on...
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No, that makes sense. The Nokia one is designed to operated by tunnelling through the s60 stack, and the WinCE version was most likely designed assuming the MS one.

No go... I entered all this stuff exactly like you said, and I get the same errors.
Interesting to note is the drivers reg keys already existed!
It appears that the other exe (stloader.exe) did run and I think entered those keys. The actual program tho, seems to not run (and therefore never entered the proper keys, I'm guessing).

Sorry man.. to get your hopes up..
Right now, I got Axim Widcomm Stack running on my Wizard, but still get the memory issue after a long time powering off bluetooth.
oh well, back to waiting and testing new stacks..

Hey, I've got another idea if you wouldn't mind helping me some more...
Could you try to manually install it the way I've been doing on your pocket PC device?
The reason I ask is because it will determine if there's some sort of PPC-specific code (which I don't think I've ever encountered or even heard of before).
I attached the files and directory structure that I extracted from the cab. If you could, please try uninstalling BluePlayer and tell me if you can get this to run by manually copying the files here.
If it doesn't work for you either, than its because my method is flawed and I'm missing something here... and I shouldn't give up yet!

ok, I will give it a go, but most probably I can only go as far as getting the program to run... Feel comfortable with the widcomm stack, don't feel like disabling it..
just give me a few hours.. my stupid SD USB card reader not working properly... got to look for my cable.. damn!!

good news is, the program starts with the exceptions
1)at first start after putting the files in place, the program starts a few times with the L2Cap error...
2)After a few failed restarts, followed by a softreset, the registry settings in drivers(L2Cap..) are in place and the program runs without error.
3)Now it's up to you to test it with MS stack bluetooth on, as I cannot confirmed this for you.. good luck buddy...


Newbie issues with S200. Any advice appreciated.

New to this forum and new to the wonderful world of Windows Mobile.
Coming from a palm-world where most things just tend to work, this has been somewhat of a reminder of the early Windows desktop days.
I'm having some issues (One of these issues made me choose this forum, if this was in error, I apologize in advance).
1. Active sync worked once, but never again.
It seems the mp3-files I added (251 of them), makes active sync just time-out in the media stage. I have not found a way to remove media from active sync either to confirm this. I cannot access settings since it times out with the sync. Edit: The media-row in the active-sync window also states that the installation has to be completed first. Which it already has.
2. Media player does not add files to library.
I do the file-search and it finds 251 files on the SD-card, makes a slight paus and finds 4 more files. Then it adds only those 4 files. accessing the storage card in the library and my music only produces an unexpected error. I have not tried to empty and reformat, or a lower file-count just yet. But to me this seems like a bug that not only scans the storage-card but also the device and then only adds what's on the device. What is added is 4 ring-tones.
3. A2DP...
Well, I read the instructions on the two threads dedicated to this, but it does me no good since I find no files in either of them. I am willing to host those files for you if needed by the way. I really want A2DP since I already got the Jabra BT-620s.
4. Not a real important one but, overclocking.
I ran the OMAP_TI_Overclock thingie, but absolutely nothing changes. Still 195 Mhz whatever I do. I find people have fall-backs in a few minutes or after reset, but this is immediate. The utility says it sets the clock and that the current clock has changed, but as soon as I go to the system-info it says 195. And starting the utility again it says it set as 180 (which according to the system obviously equals 195 ).
These are the current obstacles to overcome before I turn to media-control from the headset, and other more daily handling stuff that obviously already works fine (Voice-control, and contacts and stuff)
There was something more, but I forgot. I'll return to that. Now I'm off to the golf course hoping for some good advice to start pouring in...
Best Regards
Bo Eriksson
1. Buy a card-reader. They're cheap and save your nerves as AS 4.1 is EXTREMELY unstable comparing to 3.8 one
2. Dunno.
3. Try reading again. Works just fine
4. In the ABOUT info you'kk never see the change as it's not a monitor of CPU but the info contained like plain TXT. as for the program use action-set clock - and then action-exit. If you do load it before you turn Prophet off you'll see the clock is still in there
About #1:
Yes, I have several. More than I have computers actually, which is a lot!
Not that more helps in this case. I got my S200 Yesterday so I am really only starting out to get things going. This is just my initial small problems. I just find it frustrating that I cannot change what will be synced with Active sync until a sync is successfully completed, which is never. So We'll see how I solve that one...
About #4:
Is there a real system info utility around?
About #3:
I am sure it works fine. I just cannot find the needed files. They're nowhere around for download. At least not in the threads:
So if you know where they are (Especially the one talked about in the first thread), please direct me towards them.
Best regards
Bo Eriksson
1. I just mean uploading thru AS WAS ALWAYS laggy and still is unles you do upload small files.
4. Why would you want one, you just see it working faster.
3. I attached both files zipped for you.
Ok, I got A2DP working now, Great, and thanks. I didn't realize the files only were visible while logged in , yup real newbie-alert .
And I installed Resco Explorer to do things more easily.
What remains is the problem with my Media library.
I cannot fathom what's going on. It's like this. I have 221 files on the storage card, and the system has 4 on the device itself. It scans both and lists 225 as found, then it takes a good 3 minutes adding files. Then it reports 4 files added. And only the library on my device shows anything (The four ringtones) trying to access the storage card library only results in an error.
Still, I can just click any of the files in the explorer and it plays perfectly (now in glorious wireless stereo!)... So there's nothing wrong with the card and the files. It's just the Library update thingy that fails me.
Best Regards
Bo Eriksson
I solved the Media Library thing.
I started deleting albums and doing new updates, but still no luck even down to one single MP3. So then I remembered something someone said in a thread somewhere about the MSMETADATA folder containing the library, so I simply removed it from the storage card and updated the library again. Voila! Now it works!
From now on I will only add a smaller number of files at a time, doing new library updates...
So now it's only the Active Sync problem remaining.
I just can't get it to work anymore. I tried reinstalling it late yesterday, but no luck...
Best Regards
Bo Eriksson

New method to continuously redirect sound to mono bluetooth

I've read/tried a few methods to get sound to redirect to a mono (non-A2DP) bluetooth headset. Anyway, I've come up with my own quick fix to the problem. It's a slightly ugly, brute force method, but it works.
So you need installed:
1) vijay555's VJVolubilis (v0.41)
2) MortScript (4.0)
VJVolubilis -agon works almost perfectly, but after a phone call, the audio is re-routed back to the mobile (on my AKU 2.2 Prophet, anyway). So that's where MortScript comes in. I've written a script that runs continuously in the background to use VJVolubilis, keeping the sound redirected to the BT headset.
I've attached the scripts and a shortcut file. Put the scripts in \Program Files\Tools, and put the shortcut in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs. Or put the scripts wherever you want and make your own shortcut.
Note: It's TWO scripts now. One to activate the program, the other to run in the background. This is changed for MortScript v.4.
How it works
The script runs VJVolubilis every 4 seconds, which should be frequent enough to switch the audio back before another phone call. Be careful if you edit the script and lower the delay, as it might cause a race condition.
To enable BT audio redirection, turn on your BT headset and then run the script. To turn it off, re-run the script to cancel it (give it a few seconds), then turn off your headset. It's as simple as that.
FYI, I measured the CPU usage (using TCPMP), comparing just enabling VJVolubilis vs. running the script. The difference was about 0.2%, so given the margin of error, it's not much in any case.
1) Please make sure to cancel the script when you turn off the headset, otherwise your PPC might become unstable.
2) The script keeps BT audio gateway open, which sucks back a lot of power. On my S200, an average day's use is around 50% battery usage, and the headset running out of power (6 to 9 hours, depending on the headset).
3) Argh!!! I made some MortScript v4 syntax mistakes. I hope it's all fixed now.
I downloaded your zip file,un-zipped it and i t contains only 1 cab file(btaudio),installed on my device,but i didn't see any files in the \\Program\tools folder and where is the script file you mentioned located?how to make it to work?thanks.
2kmy477 said:
I downloaded your zip file,un-zipped it and i t contains only 1 cab file(btaudio),installed on my device,but i didn't see any files in the \\Program\tools folder and where is the script file you mentioned located?how to make it to work?thanks.
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Get and install mortscript; start it so that the file associations (mscr) are set. After this, just start BT Audio.lnk in Programs.
BTW, nice stuff; I'll link it from my "official" article on all these q's.
Where to get the MortScript file?I thought it was included in the file.Thanks.
Sorry for not being totally clear... I thought I had written way too much already.
Get VJVolubilis from here:
Mort's site is under renovation, but you can find MortScript from his download site:
Both are very small downloads. My zip file only contains a script file and a link to that script.
Anyway, I hope it works...
Edit: BTW, please make sure the BT headset has been turned on *before* using the script. Otherwise cancel the script, turn off the headset and start over.
Okay, thanks Menneisyys! It's not exactly extensively tested, but hopefully it will work on other devices.
Hi everyone, just an FYI, I updated the script so it should work a bit more reliably.
Also, MortScript 4.0RC4 (was RC3) is available (see above).
Which OS(s)?
Does any of this run on WM5 Smartphone edition? More specifically, the Samsung i607 Blackjack? Thanks!
I believe both apps support WM5 smartphones. Just a matter of copying the scripts over after that.
I don't have a WM5 smartphone, so you're gonna have it to try it.
Did you ever find a solution for this on the BlackJack? I was thinking about purchasing one, but it's worthless to me unless I can find a way to route all audio to a mono bluetooth headset.
can not download VJVolubilis. It is a dead link.
chip677 said:
can not download VJVolubilis. It is a dead link.
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Yeah, right. How come everyone else can? at least try browsing the site - can not browse too.
Hi guys, I've updated the script and links to the programs (see first message). Vijay's site works for me, so maybe it was just down for a bit.
BTW, I've made a new script to only redirect BT audio when the phone rings, but I'll post it to a new thread.
Edit: Sorry, I messed up the script yesterday... I hope it works okay now.
I am using a Dopod D810 (HTC mobile device) and a Plantronic Discovery 640 bluetooth headset. I have tried many times your new method here. Still, I could not listen to the mp3 music via the bluetooth headset! Please help to solve this problem.

PLAzmA's Sliding Sound Pack for HTC Wizard

PLAzmA's Sliding Sound Pack for Wizard and windows mobile phones with slide out keyboards
*Note: only use the NUMBERED CAB files to install if you are using a TYTN II Phone or if you have the standard HTC Sliding sound system built into your rom. If however on phones like the HTC Wizard where no sliding sound is currently present, install the file, and then launch the program and assign the files manually. The Numbered CAB files will not work for the older phone method.
0 : Wind Chimes
1 : Piano
2 : Xylophone
3 : Futurama Bender
4 : Might Boosh
5 : Startrek TOS
6 : Dalek
7 : Cash Register
8 : Electricity
9 : Electric Motor
10: Hal 2001
11: POP
This is really easy pick one of the numbered install files from "Kaiser - Modern Phones CAB Install Files.rar", you can either install the complete pack or just one of the sounds, however as it must have a constant number sequence in the registry, its programmed to replace the 3 base sounds in every pack. This is to ensure that the pack works correctly despite possible older mods. This means if you remove a pack it will also take the 3 base sounds with it, however at any time you want to go back run the htc base sounds pack, make sure you first uninstall the previous pack completely and the run the base pack install cab.
*Note: above numbered cab method only for newer phones with htc slide service like the kaiser, DONOT install onto older phones like wizard as this will not work see the next method.
Install cab file and run sliding sound program, turn on slide detect service and assign wav files manually, refer to the list above for the appropriate numbers, there are two files to select from a simple "" file which just has a basic pop noise, additional sounds will need to be install manually, or to install the program and sounds all in one go, install the "SlideSound - All"
*Note: above cab method is only for phones without the htc sliding sounds program built into your rom and only required on older phones like the herms, wizard etc..
R°CK ON PLAzmA 2009
Download is at :
Mirror at :
amazing!! Ok! Ok! OK! yess!! thanks man!
Works great on my wizard.
about: sliding sound
Thanks, work perfect in my wizard.
good work, i will try this cab in my Hermes and report later.
Works Great on my wizard
Thanks. Anyway we could add our own sounds?
Your own Wav Files
Yeah sure, just create in the same format, alternativly you can post links (wav) files here and i will try and add them to the pack when/if i have time.
I've tried both .cab files on my 8125 with no luck.
The program installs just fine, and I can change the sounds. But no sound plays. The volume is up to max, and other sounds play just fine.
Any ideas?
I've got the program to now play sounds and function since I realised that it was for WM 6. I've since upgraded my Wizard to the Slim 6.1.
I'm getting a 4 second delay in the playing of the sounds when I open and close the slide. I've tried using other sounds from various folders with the same result.
Thanks for making great on my titan
i appreciate this kind of effort put into a feature that shouldn't be on this phone, but...
_why_ would you _ever_ want to make your phone make a sound when you slide it open? to each his own, but i honestly don't get it... don't know why its in the wing either. i don't understand why people would want their menus to make a pop sound as well, or their windows machines make sounds (the defaults that no one ever turns off)...
im really not trying to hate on it, im just curious what the rationale is for those that like the feature? is it just more desirable to have a phone make sounds?
To sound, or not to sound
ndn715 said:
i appreciate this kind of effort put into a feature that shouldn't be on this phone, but...
_why_ would you _ever_ want to make your phone make a sound when you slide it open? to each his own, but i honestly don't get it... don't know why its in the wing either. i don't understand why people would want their menus to make a pop sound as well, or their windows machines make sounds (the defaults that no one ever turns off)...
im really not trying to hate on it, im just curious what the rationale is for those that like the feature? is it just more desirable to have a phone make sounds?
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Coming from a Wizard to the Tilt, personally it bugged me not to have some audible feedback when I accessed the menu, so I added that in. I can understand why one might like silence, too, but I like a small sound.
As for keyboard sliding sounds, it's just a fun thing - sometimes I turn it off, sometimes I set it up for SciFi or LightSabre to show off my geekiness to friends and family.
Are these sounds available in .wav format?
wav format
Yeah if i remember they are all in wav format and are 44khz 16 bit stereo.
Is there an easy way to toggle this off and on for the Rapheal?
well i have k-jam having wm6.1 rom,cid unlocked.
never ever had sliding sounds.
can i use this file
Should Be able to
dhawal4u said:
well i have k-jam having wm6.1 rom,cid unlocked.
never ever had sliding sounds.
can i use this file
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I belive so, some users have reported it working with the wizard (kjam) however last time i tried it on a wm6 rom it didnt work, although users with 6.1 have reported it working... let me know how you get on.
plazma247 said:
I belive so, some users have reported it working with the wizard (kjam) however last time i tried it on a wm6 rom it didnt work, although users with 6.1 have reported it working... let me know how you get on.
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well its working well.
nice to see that.
i feel that phone have become sluggish.
it may not be becoz of this but may be.
this is so that i have manilla 2d installed.
so fingers crossed
manilla 2d
heheh, thats going to hog the phones resources like a fat lady and a box of chocolates dude... once you got board with manilla 2d i suggest you take it off to see the diffirence and get some runtime back
plazma247 said:
heheh, thats going to hog the phones resources like a fat lady and a box of chocolates dude... once you got board with manilla 2d i suggest you take it off to see the diffirence and get some runtime back
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yeah thats true but i love manilla 2d & yeah ur software too
so have to compromise....

First Time WM user - need desperate help with questions about HTC Touch Pro...

Hi Guys, and pleas bare with me since i'm new to WM phones, i've always been a Nokia Symbian and Sony Ericsson user.
I got the HTC Touch Pro (I'll call it it TP for short) and i have a buncha questions that I'd appreciate if you guys would help me with.
1) When receiving an MMS message, why does the picture appear as a small icon instead of the full picture, i would have to click it to view it. IS there a way to automatically view the picture/video as soon as i open an MMS message?
2) Do WM phones have shady/crippled Bluetooth? i have used the TP, Omnia, imate Jam, imate Jammin and they all have funky blue tooth when transferring pictures to PC. I used multiple Bluetooth USB dongles on my PC and same problem, the device searches for the Pc, then i get a "Device Found" message forever, for like 5-10 minutes(literally) then it changes my PC name(if i'm lucky, that's like 1 times out of 10) eventually i tap the PC name transfer the picture and *most* of the time the trasfer/process failed! I've used Jabra and Belkin BT USB dingles
3) When taking pictures, i know you could email them and MMS them, but why no Bluetooth option? why can't i do it right away from the camera utility/gallery? it's so inconvenient......i have to go to "Pictures" and Videos" application to bluetooth the pictures/videos....and the worst part is that i can only transfer 1 file at a time!
4) when sending files from PC to TP (which works perfectly fine btw), where does the file end up? where in file explorer? and is there an easier way to locate it?
5) when recording video, which is better MPE4 or H.264? i'm guessing H.264? ....i can't tell since the files won't transfer over BT! yes and both BT are on on both devices and discoverable.
6) Where can i get theme's for the HTC TP?
7) any recommended programs? i'm looking for media and games....i'm not interested in business application.....oops, one more thing, does Blackberry work with the HTC TP?
sorry for the too many question, but im a WM convert and new to the OS and need the help to answer my questions, i appreciate you're help guys!
I will try my best!
You are asking very hard and perhaps impossible to answer questions, but I will try my best to answer them for you!
marwan74 said:
1) When receiving an MMS message, why does the picture appear as a small icon instead of the full picture, i would have to click it to view it. IS there a way to automatically view the picture/video as soon as i open an MMS message?
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I dont use MMS, but "why" I think would be better to ask microsoft!
However I think there are many other programs to choose from if you dont like the standard one in WM 6.1! Maybe someone here can give you some alternatives?
marwan74 said:
2) Do WM phones have shady/crippled Bluetooth? i have used the TP, Omnia, imate Jam, imate Jammin and they all have funky blue tooth when transferring pictures to PC. I used multiple Bluetooth USB dongles on my PC and same problem, the device searches for the Pc, then i get a "Device Found" message forever, for like 5-10 minutes(literally) then it changes my PC name(if i'm lucky, that's like 1 times out of 10) eventually i tap the PC name transfer the picture and *most* of the time the trasfer/process failed! I've used Jabra and Belkin BT USB dingles
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I dont have any problems with bluetooth transfers, have you tried using "Resco explorer"? Or maybe you should check if your PC is at fault?
marwan74 said:
3) When taking pictures, i know you could email them and MMS them, but why no Bluetooth option? why can't i do it right away from the camera utility/gallery? it's so inconvenient......i have to go to "Pictures" and Videos" application to bluetooth the pictures/videos....and the worst part is that i can only transfer 1 file at a time!
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"Why" ask microsoft again!
But you should try Resco explorer, there is a option so you can transfer/manage several files at once!
marwan74 said:
4) when sending files from PC to TP (which works perfectly fine btw), where does the file end up? where in file explorer? and is there an easier way to locate it?
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If you mean sending files via bluetooth then it should end up under \my device\My documents. However that can be changed, if you go to settings/connections/Bluetooth/FTP you will be able to set another default folder! (SD card recommended!)
marwan74 said:
5) when recording video, which is better MPE4 or H.264? i'm guessing H.264? ....i can't tell since the files won't transfer over BT! yes and both BT are on on both devices and discoverable.
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I am not sure about this one, but I have found that H.264 does not play in all devices!
marwan74 said:
6) Where can i get theme's for the HTC TP?
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Search this or the HTC touch diamond forum!
marwan74 said:
7) any recommended programs? i'm looking for media and games....i'm not interested in business application.....oops, one more thing, does Blackberry work with the HTC TP?
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There are so many programs to choose from, but for media I would recomend either TCPMP (Free) or Coreplayer (Comercial)! A good way to find programs is to look at handandgo´s website!
How do you mean does it work with TP?
I hope this helps you a bit, and welcome to WM´s world, I think you will find that once you learn what this is all about you would never want to go back to Symbian again!
I don't know if you'll get your questions 100% answered, but friend, it sounds like you picked up the wrong phone for you. I myself have come from a long line of Nokia's and their S40 and S60 OS's but I'm glad to say that I love my TP and all it's little qwerks, don't really think that you can get everything to work like everything else. Each OS is a little different. Kind of like saying, "Can anyone help me? I want to be able to right click in MAC OS Tiger!" it's just never going to happen [and I know you can ctrl+click to get another set of options, but you know what I mean]

cab luvin' dvd player

sooo, because i'm a cheap basta*d i'm going to buy a dvd player with gps for my car on ebay and i've noticed a lot of them, or even all of them?, run on windows ce. So here's my question, will any cab run on windows ce? i mean, winmo 5, 6, 6.1 and everything before that ran on windows ce right? so how easy would it be?
Picture this, a 8-16gb sd card, jam it into the card reader and start up S2P (slide to play) for one bad ass cover flowin' music center! obviously other thing would be useful to, and since these bad boys are only like $300 buckaroos it isn't a bad idea, especially for us gadget pr0n guys right?
what about flashing a rom from a SD card (only heard rumors/speculation about that, probably not possible)? or just loading up manila 2d/3d via throttle launcher and getting the think looking pimp? no phone antenna, no problem, just sync it through the bluetooth and make calls (new app required i'm guessing, or at least adapt/beautify some existing cab/exe). get internet sharing to work on it somehow and you're seriously looking at a pretty cool carputer. well, with all i'd want to use one for anyways. Who wants to do more than what a good rom on one of our phones can do while in a car anyways?
I'm not sure if it will run out of the box like that, with nothing more than some cabs on and sd card, or if you have to do something else (file explorer and whatnot), but i figured xda would be the best place to start for the right answers. I've never gone wrong before with you guys, so speak up! let's see what we come up with!
or at least give me a link to a better place if you know of one and i'll get off my soapbox...
anyways, i've got access to a few vogues, a wing/herald, and a touch pro to do testing with, along with the dvd player/win CE unit--in about a week or two that is--so i'm more than happy to put it on the table.
Man i hope you guys are reading this and as pumped as i am.
anyways, pm me with anything, or i'll just keep looking to see if anyone else posts here
does anyone know if this would even work?
This could work.
First of all, you need to look up how to disable OEM's shell (factory "software" of the player) and enable Windows CE interface.
Next you either install Handheld PC apps, or install libraries which allow you to run applications from PocketPC.
Myself I tried it with a cheap GPS. Yeah, WinCE + apps are a major step up from maps only, but it is not anywhere close to even a non-phone PPC. Because of, for example, lack of WiFi. The big advantage is, that I can install any WinCE compatible map instead of outdated OEM maps.
Hope I am right, and this helps
Where did you find information about your GPS? I just got one, model# TID-7626GPS that I'm going to try to mod, but i can't find information about how to get the WinCE.
if you could pass on any links to places i could look it would help a ton. For how do disable the factory OEM and those libraries?
First you need to find out real manufacturer of your device. I googled model name you said but there's nothing
Or, connect that device via ActiveSync (yes, the same) and see if there's a file \Windows\autorun.inf
If it exists, backup it. Then change it so it will load \Windows\explorer.exe
That should unlock WinCE UI.
However, the file may not exist. In this case you have to look for instructions over the web.

