Volume of people with Broken Connectors - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 Accessories

Is it me or is this part simply a peice of poor design and manufacturing?
How is it that hundreds of people and thousands of threads could have been produced by a "fit for purpose" bit of kit.
Is there nothing we as users can do to insist that the manufacturers recall and replcae these obviously fragile connectors.
O2 shop told me it was my fault and the damage was caused by "rough handling" but surely we can all of done this "rough handling" bit??
Are there any legal bods out there who can check this out???

i know its the XDA2's design because.......
how many posts have you seen......
XDA 1 connector fell off or spv connector damaged, spv e200 connector fell off......
well i can say ive seen none what so ever.
i just got my xda 2 back from my mate who had a go at putting it back on he done a good job but it doesnt charge with the house charger no more but does with the car charger so no worries i even put superglue all around the conenctor to make sure its not comming off again
there must be something we can do to get them sorted because its deffently a design fault

Actually it happens fairly often with XDA1s too. I've seen it happen a lot more frequently with XDA1s than with XDA2s but that could be because the XDA1 has been out a lot longer

I can replace connector!
I can repair/replace your broken connector in the UK. please get a qoutation today and I am garantee to goute you a 'happy' :lol:
[email protected]

Broken connector happened to my first I-Mate, for the record. Bad design I think.

I agree about the connector issue. My XDA I needed 'repairing' several times, before I just bought a new motherboard to replace it!
So far, my XDA II hasn't suffered the same fate, but I have learned to be VERY careful with that connector.



Hey guys n' girls,
I need a few spares for my XDA 2 (these are gonna seem odd, but what the hell); the things i need are:
1. that crappy rubbery cover that goes over the headset jack, i lost mine, i dunno how.
2. The back cover that goes over the battery, i ruined mine, lol. dont ask how!
3. The piece above the battery cover, (the other cover, lol) it covers the camera module/aerial piece and the little circle rubber thing that goes over the external antenna connector.
4. I need a spare battery as well (preferably a higher power/capacity one; does the XDA 2i one work in the XDA 2? if it does then i need an XDA 2i battery)
5. A new Headset, I messed mine up completely!! no joke, i still have it but i dunno how to fix all the wires back together; besides the volume control is messed up, so its not worth putting the wires back together!
6. I also need the volume control switch; the one on the side, i dropped my XDA 2 and the ridges on it got flattened! Bloody trains; the rides are never smooth!
Thas it, if anyone has any or all of these (basically has an XDA 2 which doesnt work at all, and can provide me with these spares, then it will be much appreciated! i know some are weird spares but its urgent and i need them! let me know anyone, i'll obviously pay for the parts!)
Hi hafizur,
You can check out these guys in the U.K.
They sell the full housing... A bit expensive IMHO, but for a so messed up XDA2 like yours it's well worth it :lol: ...
P.S.- It's amazing to see posts like this left unanswered for so many days!!! :?
I know that not many people know some answers, but I can't believe I'm the only one that knows a place where they sell at least some XDA2 parts...
Oh, well...
P.S2.- It will be nice to know what kind of punishment your XDA2 went through to be in such bad shape!... C'mon, share the complete story!!! :lol:
Good luck!

HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

In regards to the overheating defect causing the newton ring please scroll to the second post on this page
Regarding the newton ring touch screen issue
I'd post it in the TP or Diamond forums, but I know its happened to older models as well.
for those of you that don't want to jump forums here's the posting:
Scroll down to the bold area if you already read the top.
Like many of you I also got hit with the newton ring on the screen of my AT&T branded HTC Touch Pro.
HTC said that it was caused by a pressure point and the screen was not flat, not a defect, thus causing the touch function to stop working. Thus, HTC said that I would have to pay $202.50 or .60, to have it repaired.
And after repairing, since we all know what the real problem is, they give you 90 days repair warranty, but since they originally said it was my fault, if it happens again, I'm screwed, yet again!
Obviously, we all know that we baby our phones and would never exact our phone's screens to any amounts of pressure past the screens limit.
And we all know that these phones have a tendency to overheat when used for prolonged periods of time - when used as a GPS in your car and charging simultaneously.
Are we not supposed to use our phones for GPS when it comes with the GPS Antennae installed?
Is it really the consumers fault when I'm sure hundreds of people have experienced the same ugly newton ring rainbow rectangle or circle on their nice new Touch Pro or Diamond screen?
It's outrageous how much these pretty devices cost just to have the screen first get an ugly rainbow rectangle, and then it causes the touch function to die. What if you happen to have the Diamond, and are out alone somewhere, and because of the newton ring, your touch function dies, and you need to call 911 because you need help?! What are you going to do?!? You don't have a slide-out keyboard as a backup!
And what about everyone that's going to buy the Touch Pro 2 and Diamond 2, and everyone that has older HTC models with this same problem? Doesn't it outrage you that this problem still exists, and instead of owning up and creating a better touchscreen that could deal with the overheating, HTC would rather just have us pay them over and over?! Maybe this is how they'll get the funding to make a better screen.......
Here's a bunch of different forums with threads about the same problem to document that tons of people are also having to deal with it; some say HTC repaired under warranty, some say they had to call HTC a bunch of times and complain to get it repaired under warranty, or there's those like me who haven't yet tried calling back because we don't know what to say to get them to repair under warranty and not user abuse:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...ight=rectangle -- person sent in their phone and received the same response
http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...hlight=rainbow the second occurance for this person
they said my screen wasn't flat, maybe they did that themselves?--->
Ok so can you at least tell me what I need to say to HTC to get it repaired under the warranty? Or am I pretty much cluster-F-ed since they said the screen wasn't flat, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever since I know how much pressure to apply to the screen - BASICALLY NO PRESSURE!
any advice since my phone is currently in Indianapolis at HTC and I only have 9 days left to respond before they charge the $35 and send it back
ok so HTC originally told me that the screen wasn't flat because it had a pressure point.. well either they did that themselves or, DUH, heat causes things to warp, and I know this whole problem was because the phone was constantly overheating!
Now I just need to know what to say over the phone to have them own up to their damn overheating issue and fix the thing for free!
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=41724&page=51 his phone overheats
and yes mine gets too hot to hold or touch for that matter when its charging and 1. the screen is on. 2. the screen is on and i'm using gps. 3. the screen is on during a call. 4. the screen is on during a speakerphone call.
so how the heck am I supposed to use the phone while its charging during a call? It gets too hot! The back where the battery resides reaches almost to the point of a burning temperature it feels only a hairline away from burning my hand!
the proof of the Touch Pro's overheating:
http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/1076262.html basically my problem
http://forums.verizon.com/vrzn/board/message?board.id=Smartphone&thread.id=1390 read the last post
http://forums.crackberry.com/f21/htc-touch-pro-93498/ its mixed around in posts
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=56431 DIAMOND AND TP
http://www.engadget.com/2009/02/27/n...s-of-overheat/ scroll to Yankees368 post:
"then why the hell does by HTC Touch Pro (CDMA, Sprint) not get recalled. This thing could cook an egg, and actually stops charging while making a call, as it over heats."
http://www.engadget.com/2009/02/27/...battery?icid=sphere_blogsmith_inpage_engadget SCROLL DOWN TO SCRAPMAKER'S POST:
"My HTC Pro on Sprint easily got to 127F all the time. More than 30 people complained about it too. I guess HTC just doesn't give a damn... It got too hot to hold on regular phone calls. After an hour-long phone call, the battery would be nearly drained, even while plugged into the charger. Radio portion of phone would register 116-127F. I swear I thought the plastic would warp after time. I also thought maybe my phone was defective, so I went through 6 of them until I gave up and went back to my original Touch.My HTC Pro on Sprint easily got to 127F all the time. More than 30 people complained about it too. I guess HTC just doesn't give a damn... It got too hot to hold on regular phone calls. After an hour-long phone call, the battery would be nearly drained, even while plugged into the charger. Radio portion of phone would register 116-127F. I swear I thought the plastic would warp after time. I also thought maybe my phone was defective, so I went through 6 of them until I gave up and went back to my original Touch."
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=750539&postcount=46 quoted here:
"I had this issue last week and though the phone was messed up. When I saw this, I laughed so hard my coworkers thought I was crazy. LOL
I went into a Sprint repair store on the weekend and the representative there informed me that while I'm surfing the internet I shouldn't have the charger plugged in. I noticed that while I'm using the phone as a GPS or just talking on the phone while it's on the charger it heats up. WTF... you can't use and charge your phone at the same time? What a Crock... LOL"
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=753675&postcount=60 ouch! i know what he means!
Overheating Diamonds (dont know if they are with or without the heatsync, depends on each person's phone)--
bump because of edit.
ok well today's Monday aka the day I call HTC and attempt to plead my case! Can't believe almost 200 views of the thread and none of you gave any input. Hopefully none of you run into the same problem I'm having!
(keep in mind there was some liquid that snuck under the right side of the screen, BUT MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE THE HEAT MELTED THE SEAL that protects the screen from getting things like rain underneath it).
Ok I called and got this answer:
Pressure point in the middle of the screen caused the rectangle, the liquid on the right side of the screen voids the warranty anyway, we have no way to determine which event happened first.
The tech says that it was clearly caused by a pressure point and was not a battery issue (apparently she did or didn't bring up the overheating battery BEFORE i even mentioned when I called them today, I doubt she did).
Ok so your battery overheats, well I suggest you get a new battery when you get your phone back. (because it's definintely not defective and definitely wouldn't be the reason that 1. the phone warped from the extreme overheating causing the said "pressure point." 2. the overheating may have melted whatever seal that protects the lcd from outside factors like RAIN, thus allowing some liquid to enter the screen)
Many customers read blogs, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE BLOGS SAY because we work on a case by case basis.
Thanks I'm going to have to call you back.
Oh hell no.
omg my touch also overheats, thanks for informing
Sorry not very constructive post I know but, .....yet another example of p*ss poor HTC manufacturing.
I'm glad I returned my Diamond to the ebay seller I bought it from here in the UK under the "Sales Of Goods Act". At least here in the UK we have proper laws protecting us against this sort of thing, in America your f*cked.
(decided to be a little more constructive)
OK here you go for you UK people (at least I can give you an idea). Sales of Goods Act says that a product must be of "merchantable quality" and it must be "fit for purpose". This issue you guys describes falls under both of these.
1 - Merchantable quality: The device must be of sufficient quality for the price i.e. Cars/motorbikes for example are covered under this for 6 six years - ignore warranty, these are pretty much irrelevant when you compare it to the sales of goods act. The same goes for your phone. Now, its unreasonable to expect a phone to last 6 years however, as many people buy phones on an 18month contract its perfectly acceptable to expect the device to last 18 months. IF IT FAILS IN THIS TIME THROUGH A HARDWARE FAULT AND HAS NOT BEEN MISTREATED, you can return it and ask them to repair it at no cost to yourself. If they don't, take them to small claims court. YOU MUST ask them first though.
2 - Fit for purpose: The phone has a GPS and can be charged whilst on. The device is designed to be used as a navigation tool. If you cannot charge the phone AND use the GPS (i.e. car charger/navigation) then it is NOT FIT FOR THE PURPOSE it was designed for. Note, ANY function the phone can perform and was designed to do, no matter how minor, is covered by this act. You have every right to return the phone for a refund if its unable to perform its designed for functions.
Link regarding Sales of Goods Act
Salient points:
• Wherever goods are bought they must "conform to contract". This means they must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality (i.e. not inherently faulty at the time of sale).<<<=== GPS/Overheating issues
• Aspects of quality include fitness for purpose, freedom from minor defects (this would include your GPS/Charging issue), appearance and finish, durability (you must be able to put the phone to your ear without fear of bending the screen) and safety.
I have used the Sales Of Goods act many times and will continue to. Some examples, I returned my Tdiamond to its ebay seller as it wouldn't play music without skipping. I had an argument with my Aprilia dealer regarding my bike (check sig). They insisted it was out of warranty and they wouldn't repair a fault - I then forced the SHOP to repair it under Sales of Goods.
I urge all UK purchases to look up these rules for yourself and look into this. You ARE covered. Return it to the reseller and give them a chance to resolve. Make manufacturers of sh*tty equipment learn that we will not tolerate it.
Monty I couldn't agree with you more about using the Sale of Goods Act. The attempt at 'distancing' themselves from the products they sell, as well as the arrogance inflicted on consumers, by too many retailers, is appalling.
Still the Depression that's coming is going to sort them out in spades, that's for sure, and the Customer will be returned to their proper place in the hierarchy - the top.
You didn't seriously buy a second Aprilia did you? I do love their designs, but after sorting out a lot of problems with my friends Futura (could have been the best touring bike ever that, if not spoiled by chronically underspec wiring, lack of earthing, stuff like that), I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole.
These days I'm sort of superglued to a Honda Hornet 900 (and a little P'd off that Mr Honda has stopped making it) - the 919 as it is known in the States. Possibly the best allround bike I've ever owned. I'd cheerfully jump on that bike and go anywhere, and know it would get me there and also get me back. Also have an amazing V twin as well - a Honda Bros 650 (Hawk in the States), and a PoS BMW (I'll never buy one of them again).
Happy biking mate.
Ribbit said:
Still the Depression that's coming is going to sort them out in spades, that's for sure, and the Customer will be returned to their proper place in the hierarchy - the top.....
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Indeed... now is the Darwin time for shops and business.... adapt or collapse.
Maybe this is the time companies like HTC who produce "luxury" items that are poorly made will start suffering and well, either adapt or die.
(and yes I did and it has actually been pretty good even though i'm doing 100miles a day!)
My girlfriend has sent her phone back to Vodafone twice now due to overheating.
It gets progressivly worse each time until the phone gets stuck on the "HTC" white screen.
The problem there is that we send it back, They flash it and they send it back as "Working"
If it happens this time I'm going to demand a new phone because I've had enough!
My BlackStone/Touch HD
Have also a newton Ring... But you can´t see it a lot of times.. But sometimes on really strong sun you can see it when you are looking from another angle

[Q] Identifying SMD chip in O2 XDA (Artemis)

Hi All
I wonder if anyone can help me identify a chip in my XDA/Aremis?
I got the phone for free as it was not charging. Obviously the guy had tried to fit it himself and broken an SMD chip leg off at the case. Optimistically, I spent a bit of time scraping the plastic off the case and trying to get a solder joint but no luck.
The chip itself has 4 legs, is around the size of the end of a ballpoint pen, located very close to the USB port and has the letters N87 printed on it.
I've searched this site and googled it, but had no joy. I'm hoping to buy a duff phone from fleabay and pinch the chip out of that, but if I fail, I'll need to get another chip or replace it with discretes if at all possible.
All replies gratefully received....

internal gps antenna (micro-coax?) connector

I recently dropped my desire onto concrete and, while it landed on the side and thankfully wasn't too damaged the side housing was slightly split and was sharp, so I ebay'd a replacement casing (only £2.99) and went about fitting it.
All went well except when I popped the micro-coax cable for the gps antenna (by sticking my fingernail under the jack, as I have done many times on other similar connectors) it simply flew off, leaving the cable flapping. For what it's worth, I can't believe (given the amount of force I used) that it can have been connected fully in the first place, but of course I can't prove that now...
I'm pretty sure I can't solder that back together, firstly I don't think I have the skill or the kit (I can solder but this looks pretty intricate) and secondly I'm unsure there's enough spare cable left to solder it.
So now I'm looking for another cable and I simply can't find anyone selling them; further I can't even find any detail on the type of connector so I can search for a generic cable that might fit.
Any info would be much appreciated!
Last year i made the same mistake and I found the following:
My device had other errors,so I didn't try it after all,bought a used Desire.
Anyway,I think this connector is called U.FL or IPX,commonly used in miniPCI(e) laptop wifi cards,routers,etc.It can't be soldered as it's not soldered originally.
I hope this info could help.
kj00 said:
Last year i made the same mistake and I found the following:
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Thanks for the info. Unfortunately the item they ship is completely wrong - the cable's too long and the coax connectors are too large.
Think I'm going to have to resort to looking for a faulty phone on ebay.
Thanks anyway.
Edit: for what it's worth it looks like the cable is W.FL, not U.FL - basically the same but smaller.
Marsbar said:
for what it's worth it looks like the cable is W.FL, not U.FL - basically the same but smaller.
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I ended up with a Hirose 10cm W.FL cable from RS - they don't stock the Hirose 70mm version which would have been better, the only people who seem prepared to sell that is mouser and they wanted about 20UKP including delivery.
The RS cable works but I had to bend it around stuff to use up the extra cable and the signal quality doesn't seem 100% at first impression (I'll do some side-by-side testing later with my wife's Desire - I did the repair this morning first thing before I left for work!) - I'm hoping it will be Good Enough though (I'm getting 6 or 7 sats, so it should be usable).
There's a guy on ebay selling a 38mm W.FL cable and when I asked he said he could supply a 65mm version (should be about perfect) for $4.50 delivered, so for anyone still looking for one that's probably the best option (I'd already ordered the RS one by then though)
Contact him through
He replied to me within the day, for what it's worth.
Disclaimer: no connection to connekt, mouser or indeed RS
Marsbar said:
The RS cable works but I had to bend it around stuff to use up the extra cable and the signal quality doesn't seem 100% at first impression (I'll do some side-by-side testing later with my wife's Desire - I did the repair this morning first thing before I left for work!) - I'm hoping it will be Good Enough though (I'm getting 6 or 7 sats, so it should be usable).
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For anyone considering it, the 10cm cable was perfectly adequate - I drove into work with the Desire navigating and it all went perfectly. Sat next to another Desire GPS Status shows very similar output, certainly nothing noticeably worse.

Magnetic Cable

Hello, id like to know how this magnetic cable works, as much in detail as possible.
I have a situation where the Service blaims the magnetic cable (which is not a sony product) and thus puts my device out of warranty. Does it stand true? Can the magnetic cable damage my device? Does the warranty warn against using non-sony cables for charging, like the magnetic cable?
A little light shed would help me a ton.
This is laughable, how can the forums cease to exist? no replies to important matters make the existence of forums obsolete.
BLiapis said:
This is laughable, how can the forums cease to exist? no replies to important matters make the existence of forums obsolete.
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Not many people use the magnetic cables because they are well known to break the battery so that's why no one has really replied.
Also Z3 is dying so forum has slowed down.
From what I can gather the connector in the phone is glued in instead of fixed properly to the body of the phone. The glue is **** and Sony did a poor job so it essentially just moves around inside the phone so the magnetic cable can actually be strong enough to rip it out of the phone.
Also it can be pushed in and damage the battery connection.
So yeah Sony has a case that because it is not their cable then it can damage the phone.
That's not their fault.
In general using non manufacturer components like cables etc gives them a case to say you caused the problem. Technically it's true that you shouldn't but let's be honest it usually isn't the cause of the problem.
The documentation doesn't state much about the magnetic charger. Probably because it would basically be admitting there is a design fault
It is however their fault that the glue sucks.
So act like a broken record and just keep saying there is a manufacturing fault and the glue is not strong enough to hold the connector to the body of the phone.
They know it's true...
But they will fight you.
Hopefully they break and just pay the tiny amount of money to replace the battery and connector. And glue it properly for you this time.
Good luck. Service centers vary a lot. Some are amazing and some suck.
Depends on the employees​ as well.
Sadly,the connector has not come loose. Its just blinking. They quoted 170euros for the fix which im not gonna take.
Got foocked by the warranty terms.
BLiapis said:
Sadly,the connector has not come loose. Its just blinking. They quoted 170euros for the fix which im not gonna take.
Got foocked by the warranty terms.
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Can get a whole second hand Z3 for less than that.
I'm glad you told them to get lost.
Just don't use the magnetic charger.
Easier to use USB anyway and safer

