I have been using a JABRA BT200 Headset with my XDAII and have always had the same problem, once the BT200 has been paired with the XDAII it works fine but once I put the headset into it's charging cradle and then remove it and try to use it again it always loses it's bond, the only way I can get it to communicate with the XDAII again is to pair it again.
I don't know whether the problem lies with the BT200 or the XDAII
Does anyone else have this problem ???
Ian Goulding
hey ian,
it was just recently that i was able to figure out the bt-xda2 bonding; thanks to some helpful chaps in the forum. in the process; i did some research within several topics and read something which may answer your query. when the headset is back in it's cradle; i believe it's "turned off" or is put into inactive mode. the forum message i read indicated that the bonding is lost once the headset is turned off; thus you have to bond again. yes, i have had similar experiences while figuring out the bonding issue. i just keep the bt200 i have out of the cradle; when the time comes to charge it i then holster it and repeat the bonding process once it's charged. i don't think it's a problem with neither devices; it's the default setting i believe. with luck probably the xda-developer guys will come up with a bug fix for this item. which could also include using bt for other than the phone mp3....hint! hint!
Ian_Goulding said:
I have been using a JABRA BT200 Headset with my XDAII and have always had the same problem, once the BT200 has been paired with the XDAII it works fine but once I put the headset into it's charging cradle and then remove it and try to use it again it always loses it's bond, the only way I can get it to communicate with the XDAII again is to pair it again.
I don't know whether the problem lies with the BT200 or the XDAII
Does anyone else have this problem ???
Ian Goulding
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I've installed Towa's GPS BT patch and the Jabra works perfect.
hey redbull,
what's the Towa's GPS BT patch and where can i find a link?
cheers mate
Towa's gps patch has nothing to do with this...
I'm not sure what you are talking about, but Towa's patch will not solve the Jabra BT200 issue. The more important question to look at here is what version of BT200 you have. If you look on your Jabra BT200 right next to the microphone, there is a combination of letters and numbers, what does yours say? I think the problem has to do with issues in the firmware in the Jabra that were fixed in later versions.
It's usually 2 numbers and a letter on the boom to the Microphone.
I have a 47A and it does not work at all. Also tested a 48A and it doesn't work either.
mine's a 48b. works fine.
Cool, just so we are talking about the same thing, you can turn off the Jabra BT200, and turn it back on, and it still works with the phone? You can charge the headset in it's charger and pull it out and it still works? You can go out of range and then back in range and it still works? You can press the answer phone button on the headset when no call is in progress and then try to make a call and things still work?
Please try these various things and let me know.
I know that the A models are from 2002, and the B models are 2003. So it is possible if yours works with all these scenarios that they fixes or changed something in the 2003 models that allow them to work.
Thanks for your time,
I recently purchased a BT 250 with nr. 44B and indeed it works with all the tests you described. (Don't need the BT GPS patch for that)
If only the advanced Headset Profile features would work with the MDA II I would be in heaven...........
Ok, it seems based on feedback I've gotten from several people that any Jabra Freespeak that has a "B" as the last part of it's version number will work correctly, but the "A" models do not. The "B" models according to Jabra are the most recent, and thought they don't admit it, there must have been a change in the firmware that allows the "B" units to work correctly with an XDA2/MDA2/i-Mate that the "A" units don't support.
I have a "B" on mine and the same problem of rebonding when Jabra is shut off. I experimented by turning off bluetooth on the i-mate and it still worked. Anyone have ideas of a good headset that will not need rebonding?
I have problems with mine too and its a 16B. Turn the BT headset off and its rebond time again.....
48B works fine for me... can't everyone else just use TOWA's patch... that fixed the problem for others
stryker said:
I have problems with mine too and its a 16B. Turn the BT headset off and its rebond time again.....
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16B is no good. I've been told that minumum needed is 19B. Below 19B is bluetooth 'handsfree' not 'headset'.
Towa's patch has nothing to do with this. It will not help in this situation. It only applies to Bluetooth Serial Profile, of which the Jabra has none. I have talked to Towa via email to confirm this. For those that installed Towa's patch and said it works, more than likely they didn't have the problem anyway because of the version of Jabra they had.
BT jabra 200/plantronic M3000
Jabra is model 45B, - no nead to repair, Plantronics M3000, no need to repair, but sometimes fails to answer call properly.
Hi 2U all,
I have just purchased a BT200 off Ebay, the number on the boom is 20B. No problems works well , no rebonding problems. Just one wish, it would work with voice. But I will keep praying!
StayLucky Jim :wink:
EMAIL FROM JABRA RE-Bonding Problems with XDA-II
:roll: :roll:
Dear Ian,
Thank you for your e-mail and please accept our apologies for the delay in reply.
We are sorry to hear you are experiencing problems using your JABRA BT200 headset in conjunction with your O2 XDA II.
However, having tested the JABRA BT200 headset with the XDA II, we have encountered the following problems.
When completed charging the headset you will need to synchronise the Headset and the Audio Gateway in your XDA II.
Please follow the steps below:
Select Bluetooth menu> Select Off> Select OK (BT is now disconnected)
Return to desktop (Today view)> Disable BT HS mode> Enable BT HS mode (User
to be prompted to turn On BT radio)>Select OK
Enter BT menu> Select On> Select OK (The XDA II returns to the "Today" view
and will try to synchronise with the HS again.
Check connection by establishing an outgoing call. If no sync - you will need
to re-pair the two devices)
We hope this will solve your problem for you. If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Thank you for contacting JABRA Customer Service, Europe
Camilla Vang
Customer Service Representative
GN Netcom, Mobile Division (Copenhagen, Denmark)
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Seems to me that without actually saying it, JABRA think that the fault lies with the XDA-II!
Ian Goulding
question?? does the bt200 2.5 work with the imate and a i95c at the same time??
i have two devises an I95cl for nextel not blue tooth and the imate pc phone. i would like if possible to use one headset ?? the bt 2002.5 says it will work for bt phones also?? but will it work at the same time ?? hope iam clear...iam a baby here can you tell
15B, can it be upgraded?
Hello everyone...
I have an MDAII and a Plantronics M3000 BT headset and I have the same pairing problem.
I always have to repair the two divices for them to work...
Any ideas?
Best regards,
I've got a problem with my carkit (O2 XDA-Carkit) after I upgrade to the new ROM-Version of T-Mobile (1.60).
With the old Rom-Version, the carkit works as a loadspeaker for all kind of sound. The voice-instructions from tomtom for example, came out of the carkit-speaker loud and clearly. Each kind of sound, the device made, came out of the speaker of the carkit.
Now, after upgrading to the new ROM, only the telephone works with the speaker of the carkit. With Incoming or outgoing calls I can use the carkit as usual...the speaker works and the mikro works also. But every other sound (e.g. tomtom voice-instructions) came direktly out of the speaker of the mda2 in a poor quality.
Some hints, how I could use my carkit again as a speaker for all kind of sound without goinig back to the old ROM ?
Any other kind of hints...maybe to use a bluetooth headset therefor (so that all kind of sound came out of the headset....not only telephone...I've got a Plantronics Headset...but also only the telephone works)
thx for help
best regards
Yep.......I have the same problem here.......don't know why they changed settings on the handsfree profile here.
Another thing you will find out is that the charging is very slow on the XDA carkit with the XDA II. If you run TomTom, Yeti and a bright screen the xda II will not charge, but drain!!
It has something to do with the wiring of the interface, but unless someone will come up with a solution I will go for a new carkit or a BT solution. (It's a bloody shame though it doesn't work properly with the XDA carkit! :evil: )
the charging-problem is also a mess.
I think, the problem is only the GPS-driver from tomtom. In my tests, only when the GPS-driver is loaded, the battery-power goes down. With stopping the GPS-driver, the battery will charge again, but only, if the battery-power is more than about 75 - 80%.
If the battery is less than 75%, it will not charge at all, even if, there is no App runnung and the screen is off.
You said, you will go for a new carkit or bluetooth-solution. Do you know a carkit or bluetooth-solution, wich offers the feature, that all sounds (tomtom instuctions...etc.) came out of a loadspeaker or thru a headset (without connecting the wired headphone ;-)
As far as I know, at the moment all devices works only with the telephone-funktion....
best regards
Same here,
i have build my own carkit, and have put ground to pin 19,
sound was normally going though the connector to my car stereo
now it doenst anymore :evil:
I am sure this isnt a hardware thing it is software
could be the settings on the handsfree profile. on the xda2...
this is very very frustrating. just being finished with my carkit and now i cant use it anymore
also you cant set the phone to speakermode anymore..
I am sure this isnt a hardware thing it is software
could be the settings on the handsfree profile. on the xda2...
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Does anybody know how to change this back?
I found that the registry points to a certain file in your windows directory: HandsFree_Dll.dll
(I found this here: HKLM\Services\Handsfree)
Can someone with the old 1.03 ROM please upload this file so i can try if this solves the problem...
Akira, Max :
I am building my own car kit, and have no success.
I do not obtain audio out with or without grounding pin 19.
I'm running Rom 1.60.00WWE.
Did you solve your problem ??
I must correct my last update.
I obtain audio when in phone mode, but not during playing waves or TomTom directions. Even Ring Tones do not go out trough the bottom connector.
So is it a software problem ?
Can it be corrected ?
I bought the Jabra BT-800 headset for 119 EUR and was hoping to enjoy the headset w/o getting my PPC out of my pocketst.
Well that didnt work out. Pairing was easy, and after switching on the headset (in profile on today screen) I could call with it. The only thing is, I cannot get the call list on the headset to work. It doesnt show any numbers at all, and i wonder how its supposed to work anyway.
That being said, I also don't get to see who's calling me when using the headset.
1) Incoming call.... PPC rings..
2) After a few seconds the headset backlight switches on showing "Jabra BT-800" (standard text). I do not get to see who's calling me on my headset.
3) When listening to the ring tone on headset, after a second or two I get a really annoying sqreaking sound and that stays on till I accept the call or hang up.
So it is not working for me. Besides the headset does not stay on my ear correctly. I have small ears and it is really uncomfortable.
I have Qtek 2020 with Windows Mobile 2003 SE ROM (downloaded from this forum), ROM version 2.06.00WWE, Radio 1.18.00, Protocol 1337.38, ExtROM 2.06.100a
The Jabra BT-800 does not do what they say it's supposed to do.
Anyone else got these problems or solutions? Ciao
me too
Same problem... They say it is also capable of BT voice dialing. I hate the way it takes so long to answer calls.
I am going to find out if the sony ericson ones work.. Then get that. The reception on the BT800 is great though.
Re: me too
dewild1 said:
Same problem... They say it is also capable of BT voice dialing. I hate the way it takes so long to answer calls.
I am going to find out if the sony ericson ones work.. Then get that. The reception on the BT800 is great though.
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Lucky you to get that far :evil:
After the upgrade to the Diamond 1.2 I have tried to bond my Bluespoon Digital. That was very easy and everything works fine, exept a call not is trasferred to the headset. I have tried both stacks, and I have tried it with the Sony Ericsson HBH 65. It simply doesn't work at all.
Does anybody have suggestions to what to do??
bluetooth headset not bonding
Hi , I had smae problem with new I.Tech clip headset.
It's ok now as I downloaded the POcket Bluetotth Tools from this link:
Now it's ok for incoming and outgoing calls...
Persnickety Bluetooth
Thanks for the link!
I had a problem with my Jabra BT250 after the WM upgrade. The mic and speaker remained active on the device, and the earpeice on my headset was active, but not the headset mic. The BT Tools did the trick.
Jabra BT800 & XDA ii
Hi there,
The Jabra BT800 isnt compatable with the XDA ii (check
I owned this headset and had exactly the same problems, i now own the Jabra BT200 and it works perfectly
The BT800 needs a phone with bluetooth handsfree profile to be able to use the advanced features like caller id. Xda II as standard has only bluetooth headset profile.
I'm not sure about the 2003SE rom some of you guys are using, but I've tried it with the Buzz WM2K5 rom (thanks buzz et al) and this DOES give it the bluetooth handsfree profile it needs.
It seems Jabra's idea of caller id is to only pass the number across, and not the name. So for those of us that don't have a photographic memory its pretty useless. This isn't restricted to Xda's either. I tried a couple of Nokia phones that are 'compatible' according to and these do exactly the same. Number shows on the jabra screen but no name, even though the phone is showing both.
I emailed Jabra about it and they acknowledge it is an issue. They also tell me there is an issue with numbers in international format in that they fail to pass the + sign across, so you can't ring out from the call list.
Ya need 2.20 translated to have a working Hands Free profile.. BT800 needs hands free profile.
Caller ID still only displays if the number is a virgin to your system.. I think HBH662 will work with 2.20.
2005 may work with no problems too.
I received my shiny new S710 today (replacing my imate sp5) i am having terrible problems with bluetooth and my car kit (Parrot Ck3100 with latest sortware) The phone connects and syncs ok but disconnects after a few mins and refuses to connect again.
I have an old motorola h605 headset that shows similar problems of not connecting or dropping the connection.
The Ck3100 kit has worked faultlessly with my imate sp5 for the last year.
Has anyone else had any problems with headsets or car kits?!
I have done a hard reset on the S710 and have nothing installed, and also disconnected the power to the CK3100 for 1/2 an hour before attempting to re setup the pairing
Nokia CK7W
On a similar note, while my Vodafone V1415 works with my Nokia CK7W, I cannot end a call by pressing the button. Last number redial (two presses) and Hold or something like it (press and hold) are OK. To be fair, the CK7W is a little dated, but has proven to be fine with both Blue Angel and Hermes.
On the plus side the audio is good, without any echo for the remote caller.
Nokia CK-7W and S710
As with the Qtek 9100, the S710 seems not to operate soomthly with the NOKIA carkit CK-7w. I have to turn volume up to 100% and the sound from the speaker is still rather quite. The person i am calling is complaining that the line is not perfect. So for me it is back to the standard corded earpiece.
So any tips using the CK-7W and vox succesfully together are welcome!
It's strange that I don't have the same experience as you. What version is your software? Compare with mine in my signature. I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestions, it seems to be pot luck! Maybe we find some variations in the radio stacks that will sort this out.
further to this i managed to borrow a e650 (vox) from work and it worked 100% with my car kit and tomtom and laptop!
I spoke to htc who said they had tested with the parrot ck3100 and said it worked 100%, as my phone was struggling to be detected by several devices and also struggling to detect other things that they recomended getting it replaced.
Spoke to handtech who said they would replace asap
jbn said:
It's strange that I don't have the same experience as you. What version is your software? Compare with mine in my signature. I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestions, it seems to be pot luck! Maybe we find some variations in the radio stacks that will sort this out.
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OS: 5.2.1235 (Build 17740.0.2.0)
ROM: 1.15.405.2
I had problems whith the sound quality and people not hearing me well.
For me it helped to delete the registry settings for the nokia ck-7w
It's under software/htc not sure if it was in LM or CU. I think LM.
Good luck
Had the same problem. Qtek8310 was working fine, S710 not. After a reset of the Parrot also the S710 is working fine.
aage said:
I had problems whith the sound quality and people not hearing me well.
For me it helped to delete the registry settings for the nokia ck-7w
It's under software/htc not sure if it was in LM or CU. I think LM.
Good luck
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Unfortenately deleting the settings introduces echo and noise (voice sounds like robot). I think S710 and Nokis Ck-7w are not made for eachother.
I will try using the Parrot 3100 as on alternative BT solution..
Parrot CK3300 GPS CAR KIT
I have the Parrot CK3300 GPS CAR KIT and no problems at all with my S710, works a dream
You should visit
and get the latest software for your Parrot. You will need a bluetooth enabled laptop or to get your bluetooth enabled PC near your car!
Flash your parrot, then connect choosing a windows CE device. It will fully sync your phonebook too.
I use the Orange E650 and connect to my Holux GPS receiver and Parrot 3100 at the same time with no problems at all.
See this thread for a possible solution for the Nokia CK7W!!!!
Hi and sorry for my bad english.
I have a problem with my Htc Touch Cruise and my bluetooth headset Motorola H700.
The headset worked fine with my ex P3600 but with TC have this problem:
when i receive a call, the headset responding correctly but after few seconds the audio disappears despite the bluetooth connection is ok!
If i shut off my headset the call continues regularly on TC, but if i re turn on the headset work correctly for few second and after stop.
The only solution is soft reset or turn off the bluetooth connection with commmanager and restart.
Someone have same problem?
Thanks to all!
Sirius75it said:
Hi and sorry for my bad english.
I have a problem with my Htc Touch Cruise and my bluetooth headset Motorola H700.
The headset worked fine with my ex P3600 but with TC have this problem:
when i receive a call, the headset responding correctly but after few seconds the audio disappears despite the bluetooth connection is ok!
If i shut off my headset the call continues regularly on TC, but if i re turn on the headset work correctly for few second and after stop.
The only solution is soft reset or turn off the bluetooth connection with commmanager and restart.
Someone have same problem?
Thanks to all!
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No problem with my Samsung WEP200 BT Headset. In my case it work much better than with my old P3600 where people always complain about bad sound when I was in BT.
To be sure that your problem isn't linked to the Polaris, you should test with another headset.
Good luck !
academic said:
No problem with my Samsung WEP200 BT Headset. In my case it work much better than with my old P3600 where people always complain about bad sound when I was in BT.
To be sure that your problem isn't linked to the Polaris, you should test with another headset.
Good luck !
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Thanks for your answer!
I try with another headset...
Sirius75it said:
Thanks for your answer!
I try with another headset...
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I had similar problems with another HTC phone, same Motorola H700. Seems that the H700 might be the problem. I also use a Jabra without problems.
Sony Ericsson bluetooth headsets work also just fine.
butzchan said:
I had similar problems with another HTC phone, same Motorola H700. Seems that the H700 might be the problem. I also use a Jabra without problems.
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I have the same problem with my Motorola H700!
Going to try an old Jabra headset this evening.
Sirius75it said:
Hi and sorry for my bad english.
I have a problem with my Htc Touch Cruise and my bluetooth headset Motorola H700.
The headset worked fine with my ex P3600 but with TC have this problem:
when i receive a call, the headset responding correctly but after few seconds the audio disappears despite the bluetooth connection is ok!
If i shut off my headset the call continues regularly on TC, but if i re turn on the headset work correctly for few second and after stop.
The only solution is soft reset or turn off the bluetooth connection with commmanager and restart.
Someone have same problem?
Thanks to all!
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I have the same problem and sometimes I re-apply pairing between the headset and my polaris
same problem with Motorola H700. and olso motorola HS 810
They seem not to be compatible
I have reconnect my old carkit bluetooth Parrot CK3000 Evolution and with my HTC Touch Cruise work very fine!
With my old P3600, the parrot ck3000 evolution don't work fine but have problem with audio and connection, therefore i had unplugged and i had buy the headset Motorlola H700 thed worked well with P3600...
Same problem with Jabra headset
I have also exactly the same problem with a Jabra headset.
I found that the problem only occur when bluetooth is first activated on HTC and then activated on the headset. if I do it in the other way it works fine.
that's also the reason why it works after a soft rest of the HCT or disconnection reconnection of bluetooth on HTC.
Does it only mean that the headset is not compatible or is this a problem on the HTC.
I don't know the bluetooth 2.0 + edr is compatible with motorola headset
perhaps a bluetooth incompatibility
i read on it
this : # Bluetooth Class 2 for wireless connection of to 10 meters
(30 feet)
# Compatible with Bluetooth 1.2- or 1.1-enabled mobile
phones, PDAs, PCs, and more that support headset and
hands-free profiles
I had the same problem with the H700. It connected fine the first day, and I used it for about 15 minutes. The next day, it wouldn't stay connected at all. Tried to re-pair, luck. My Jabra BT-125 works great, as does my LG HBM-730.
HTC patch for bluetooth
I saw on HTC (in the e-club section) that there is a patch for Touch (is it touch only or touch cruis also? I don't know) regarding "bluetooth connection problem".
Unfortunately I cannot download it.
If someone can do it, I'm interested.
First of all sorry for my bad english!!
What about the patch for HTC TyTN II? this one seems to be like htc cruise, both of them have the same specifications, may be this patch work on HTC touch cruise
Where I can found the patch ?? I want to try it on my cruise. If don't work I will restore all with a backup file...
you can found it on HTC web in the e-club section. If the patch works properly write it in the forum please!
mesmo said:
First of all sorry for my bad english!!
What about the patch for HTC TyTN II? this one seems to be like htc cruise, both of them have the same specifications, may be this patch work on HTC touch cruise
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Same specifications but different motherboard. Don't try it.
Ok......... thank you, I'll wait for another solution
After more and more test, I have found that the problem of the motorola Headset HS850 (and I think H700 etc. etc.) is the boom switch.
If you pair the headset to the Cruise and use it, it works fine (not stop after 3-4 seconds). Works great also bluetooth audio program:
for redirect all audio to the headset.
But... if you switch off the headset with boom close, next time it will not work more than 3 seconds
So, the problem on this motorola is the automatic connection when open the boom.
Sony Ericsson HCB-700
Hi. I seem to be having similar problems. I had 3 phones linked to my HCB 700, and all worked fine. Very occasionally, I would have found that one wouldn't pair up when the ignition was switched on, but with my old Orbit 1, that may have happened once a week. I got a new Orbit 2, and was able to pair it easily. Now, it never fails to start paired, but frequently drops the BT connection. Usually a simple button press links it again, but it will rarely stay linked for more than 30 minutes, and could drop the connection 3 or 4 times in 10minutes. Then it may work for 30 minutes. I tried a reset to default settings, and re -paired the two again, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference. This can happen whether I have used the phone or the handsfree or not.. I'm thinking of getting a Parrot kit now instead - any ideas? Thanks in advance..