O2 for rubbish service - General Topics

My xdaii hard reset itself over a week ago, It now boots up to the o2 screen and freezes. I called o2insure as i pay a monthly premium they have had no stock for weeks, called o2 select services and after seven hours on the telephone they escalated my call to a supervisor. I was again informed that they had no stock and a loan phone (not an xda) would be sent to me last saturday, it did not arrive! called again today still out of stock, however my local store has stock and so does o2 sales as detailed on their website. When I spoke to the supervisor for the third time today and told her this i was informed that these are seperate companies!
O2 just seem to want to sell a product with several bugs and offer no support. I am totally fustrated, any comments please gents

I can only say that as a loyal Orange UK customer who left the fold just to get my XDA2, I'll be switching back to Orange just as soon as my minimum expensive O2 contract expires. O2 customer service (is there any?) seems designed around the "Make life hard and you'll sort out the whingers from the serious problems" theory. When you have a problem you need to be very, very patient to get anywhere, and be prepared to get passed from department to department to get the simplest answer.
Orange, by comparison, are just about perfect. I even felt slightly guilty about leaving them after 10 years of customer satisfaction, but they didn't have the XDA2 last November. No wonder Orange win customer satisfaction prizes. I honestly can't imagine O2 winning anything.
Darryl, I think you've been unlucky with your XDA2. Most of them seem to be fine. Mine certainly is very good indeed. It's O2 that sucks, not the hardware.

Well im now waiting for my third xdaII, Orange were right to wait until some of the bugs were fixed! Spoke to Orange today they cannot confirm as to when their version will be generally available

I couldn't agree more with the comments above. I would strongly advise people hold onto their cash and wait for Orange to release their version. I, too, was a loyal Orange customer for 8 years and only had a few problems Ialways pushing the envelope!). O2 cut me off while abroad last week after they had demanded a £100 deposit to allow international roaming. When I got back it was because I was over my £50 credit limit by £3!!! Ask to speak to a supervisor and you can't - the "procedure" is to have them call you back within 24 hours - do they? Of course not. Can't wait for my 12 months to be over!

Everyone have a look at my post in this section labelled "See what O2 can do for you" (yes, it was meant tongue in cheek!)
Daryll.....if your local store has stock and Select are going to offer a replacement rather than a repair, then what Select should do is forward your case to high level complaints who can then call the store to confirm they have stock and authorise them to take the XDA out of their stock.
Please note, it MUST be done that way. Normally what was said about the stores etc being a different part of the business is true so don't expect to walk into a store and get stuff swapped etc if it wasn't bought there normally!
- NB. This only applies if your are actually an O2 customer - and that isn't as daft as it sounds - if you are on O2 but get bills from Carphone Warehouse, Singlepoint (vodafone) etc. then this won't apply. It can only be done "in house"
I can speak with hand on heart when I say what I see day-to-day in the company does my head in, but there are quite a few us who do know what we're doing (just not enough of us).
All I can say to those of you who have had a problem here and there is write to head office (address on bottom of your bill - bath rd, slough) and tell them (polite letters tend to get read more!) and if you've had good service then do the same! It's the only way things get highlighted!! - We do the same!


*@@&%$ onestopphoneshop

Ordered my XDA 2 from the above.... 3 weeks ago
£119.99 and on o2 200
still hadn't arrived today, so I rang them.......
They had cancelled my order :evil:
and now want to charge me
£139.99 and 02 400.......... :evil: :evil:
So on principle I went somewhere else...........
so hopefully within the week........!!!! :lol:
(sorry to start on a rant, I'm usually quite fun!)
Hi Loony
I think that OneStop have made a mistake on their O2 tarriffs ..
The XDA II Is now listed (as you said) at £139.99 with O2 400 - monthly charge £30 per month
However the O2 website states that O2 400 is £45 per month. £30 per month is the equivalent price for the old advert which was O2 200 ....
So I wonder what you do get for £139.99 ? O2 400 or O2 200 ....
Neither - its the current O2 Double Up promotion.
400 minutes, and 100 texts for the first 4 months, then it reverts back to 200 minutes and 50 texts thereafter, and if you'll forgive me saying, it says so quite clearly on the Onestop site.
As an Olive Branch (only joking mates), what I can say is that Onestop are going against the grain, in that I once ordered a 7250 from them, and waited two months, not through them, but delays in Nokia just actually launching it.
By the time it was in, the price had dropped.
But Onestop insisted the price chargeable was at the point of order.
So I would put this to them, and point out that if the price drops, Onestop can and DO insist that customers pay the price when ordered, as this is what rules. So they should not have cancelled your order for no reason at all, and they price you pay should be the price at your original order.
Having said all this, the extra 800 texts would amount to some £80 so you are still saving in the long run, never mind the voice calls - I think they have re-rationalised their handset prices since moving from Singlepoint (rubbish) to O2 themselves as the Service Provider. O2 being a far better SP than Singlepoint, but NOT subsidising the handsets to the same degree...
mark.peters said:
Hi Loony
I think that OneStop have made a mistake on their O2 tarriffs ..
The XDA II Is now listed (as you said) at £139.99 with O2 400 - monthly charge £30 per month
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agreed... this is their current 'deal'
But the 'deal' I signed up for was £119.99 O2 200 +50 sms (@£25 month rental) + free year insurance, +free car hands free kit.... (pre mid march)
But due to a [email protected] up by them, I never got it, and they now refuse to honor that deal.... wanting me to pay for more expensive one instead :evil:
Told them to Stuff it (in principle) and have gone to another company at £139.99 on O2 200 +200 free net mins +50sms each month + insurance and car kit..!!!
Looking forward to playing with new toy (48 hours they quoted!!)
The Palm 3c is beginning to show its age..!!! :wink:
Fair comment mate - but two things...
Where was O2 200 50 SMS EVER £25 a month. No where I have ever seen, and trust me implicitly - this includes Onestop. This tariff has ALWAYS been £30 a month
Secondly, I appreciate your principals, but you have now cut your nose of to spite your face.
Becuase you are now paying the same amount for 200 mins and 100 texts, as you could have at Onestop for 400 mins for the first four months - or in simple terms, losing out on some whopping 800 free anytime, any network minutes. And that's a lot of money's worth...
But fair do matey.
Shadamehr said:
Fair comment mate - but two things...
Where was O2 200 50 SMS EVER £25 a month. No where I have ever seen, and trust me implicitly - this includes Onestop. This tariff has ALWAYS been £30 a month
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Okey Dokey!
Shadamehr said:
Secondly, I appreciate your principals, but you have now cut your nose of to spite your face.
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I don't flip very often, but when I do.........
Shadamehr said:
Becuase you are now paying the same amount for 200 mins and 100 texts, as you could have at Onestop for 400 mins for the first four months - or in simple terms, losing out on some whopping 800 free anytime, any network minutes. And that's a lot of money's worth...
But fair do matey.
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Just got the feeling they cancelled me on purpose just to make me re-apply for the new rate........
I made my bed etc...........
They don't call me Loony for nothing. :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yup the cheeky onestop bastids did that to me too. I had ordered it just before they changed the price and status said awaiting stock. 4 days later it had changed to cancelled!. I emailed them to say WTF, and they said they had emailed me 3 times asking for 2 proofs of ID as i'd had a phone less than 3 months form them before.
I didn't get this email, and they said as i hadn't replied within three days they cancel the order. I said you didn't really make much effort to contact me, they said what did you espect us to do. I replied well you have my email, mobile number home number home address!
3 days to reply to an email or they cancel your order, bollox if you ask me
I reckon its a case of offer went up lets screw people. I wont deal with them again, they are a bunch of 'coporate bankers'
it is a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face, but its ****ing them up the arse too losing customers. I'd never recommend them now over the attitude and way they treated me.
XDA-II said:
and they said they had emailed me 3 times asking for 2 proofs of ID .
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Same here.........
and I KNOW they were lying, as I had kept ALL my emails scince early march...........
Yes even the spam.!!!
I have said this before but its worth repeating, O2 has no customer service, the whole system is set up in favour of O2, O2 comes first, last and any point in between. A bunch of faceless bastards that wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire. Their online service is a joke, great prices but anything go wrong and the best you can hope for is a solicitors/debt agency letter telling you to pay up or go to court.
Let me be absolutely, and abundantly clear...
Anyone and their pet goldfish can tell you two simple things...
1)Onestop Customer Service is the pits.
2)Singlepoint customer service is the pits.
The world and his oyster however, can also tell you that this never stopped thousands of people taking out a new handset with onestop, and at that time, with sh*tty singlepoine as the <lack of>service provider.
Why? Cos they weren't bothered about Customer Service (if they were, they were mad or disillusional), and they weren't even really too bothered about the tariffs even.
The reason they did it (at least I hope this is why so many sensible people took such a course of action), is because they were generally after the latest handsets at the very cheapest possible accumulative price.
And this, and this alone, was the ONLY thing onestop had to their credit.
So in short, if you want that nice new handset at what is usually the cheapest possible way of ever owning it, then you go to onestop. But you NEVER EVER expect it to be plain sailing getting it,or an easy time, or stress free - cos Onestop are just not capable of that.
At the end of the day though, you need to go into it with your eyes open, and be realistic.
You don't EVER order from Onestop on the basis of service. The ONLY consideration is price.
And if service plays too much of a part for you, then you don't go to onestop.
This post is not to complain at anyone - far from. Just to remind all and sundry that you pays your money, you takes your choice.
And if you don't like the choice, then you don't pays your money to onestop folks, because service is a none starter with them.
not to rub salt into the wound but onestop honored its £199.99 price for me. Still had to wait a whopping 4 weeks delievery though!
not to rub salt into the wound but onestop honored its £119.99 price for me. Still had to wait a whopping 4 weeks delievery though!
I ordered a XDA 2 from them on the 18 of march, at £119 on o2 200.
After many phone calls asking why they had taken my money ages ago, but still no phone, it did arrive, 3 weeks later.
There is a single dead pixel on the screen. So i phoned up a couple of times to let them know I wanted it replaced, and as I was heading over to Crewe - I would personally deliver it to swap it.
This was accepted and I drove over. When I arrived I dealt with the most arrogant tw*t I've ever come across. He took the phone and said he would check if they were in stock (I had asked them to keep one, as I would definately be coming that day).
He then came back saying they dont seem the phone as faulty and thats the end of it. I can prove beyond doubt, that he did not even take the phone from the box.
This leads me to suggest they just didnt have any in stock. He was rude arrogant, and a total wa**er basically.
Any ideas what I can do before I talk to trading standards or possibly lawyers?
My advice - quickly find (or 'create' ) another fault with it - pulling the power half way through a ROM upgrade might be a good one.
Because one dead pixel is perfectly within spec.
I'm looking for the specific page in the manual that mentions acceptance levels, and what colours they are etc. As soon as I find it, I'll mention it here.
But one dead pixel is acceptable, so start thinking about Plan B.
Mmm - can't find it now in the manual, but it went into detail as to what colours were touching each other, what dead pixel specs were, etc etc.
I wonder if I was reading it from the website or something.
Nevertheless, one dead pixel is within acceptable limits.
so basically.... theres a dead pixel (that i can clearly see), but it isnt faulty? doesnt seem fair but hey
well plan b, is go on O2 Insure Gold (which correct me if im wrong, is virtually the same as Orange Care), and a month later ask for a replacement.
clublander said:
so basically.... theres a dead pixel (that i can clearly see), but it isnt faulty? doesnt seem fair but hey
well plan b, is go on O2 Insure Gold (which correct me if im wrong, is virtually the same as Orange Care), and a month later ask for a replacement.
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Only if you do what I told you already, and create another fault.
Otherwise, you aren't quite getting it mate.
As much as i would see it as a fault too, one dead pixel is NOT accepted as a fault.
So all the insurance in the world ain't gonna help, of you are only using THIS as the fault.
You need to 'find' another fault (and I suggested a great one) - though I accept no responsibility however.
And if you do that, then insurance wouldn't even be needed.
Its the same with TFT-LCD monitors, there can be a certain percentage of dead pixels and its acceptable. Its still acceptable if its dead smack bang in the middle of the screen as long as it isn't over the stated number.
Thats no good to the user that has to stare at it all day.
Another fault is great, but be careful, as if they find you've made the fault, you'll be liable. Better fault would be to say that the screen keeps fading intermittently or something. Then if the test it, you can say well it was intermittent!
Careful with the insurance tho, don't you have to pay the first £50?
With OSPS, if the fault is within 28 days, then they have to replace with a new one. After that time, the unit is sent back for repair

o2 UK Lousy Service

have to say that o2 UK have managed to plumb the depths of lousy service and total indifference to customers requirements. They have increased accessory prices for XDaII as well as reducing the contents. They are managed by a centrally run policy which does not admit to deals being done in other stores and a refusal to honour previously agreed prices.
SHODDY SHODDY SHODDY!!! is the best way to describe them, if you are a customer I would urge you to leave them and if your not I certainly wouldn't join!!!
Dont buy any product from their stores as your likely to get it cheaper, quicker and less hassle from the web (uplands mobile) or other online provider.
Such a shame that a company which brought us a great device can't live up to its customers legitimate expectations!! If you have any more comments please post on this thread.
I can say that was also the case for me at stockport branch, Asking about XDA 2 accessories to be told information like - "yeah we dont know about that" or "no there isnt such thing available for the xda2" !!! what!! when i know there is something available for it and get told there is no such thing, lets just say i dont goto the o2 shop anymore. (was about car kits)
Well sad to say..............
I agree, the service supplied by o2 is crap.
I have been working overseas, my biggest bill was £150, my normal bill was around £12 - £35, I'm away for 7 months, I return home and recieve a bill for £540, when I question it, they say, well pay it and then we will sort it out. I say no,lets sort it now. The answer I get is the computer says its correct although we have major problems with our new system sending out or not sending out correct bills, just pay it and we will return it if youre found tobe right, .....I think not!
So yes,changing companies going to Vodafone, dear but seems tobe more on the ball.
O2 problems seem to be becoming more common lately.
I am on orange now simply because I got fed up of the high tarrif I was put on and I had too much trouble trying to change it. The website fails to complete an order as I always get "We are sorry.... Please call xxx" halfway through entering my address details to start a new contract.
Phoning O2 is even worse, after being transferred to different departments so much I ended up doing a circle I went to an O2 shop. They say they cant do xxx instore so give me one of their phones to call and dial a number. Person on phone says theyll try and do xxx but better going in a shop "cuz they'll definitely be able to do it instore" IM IN AN O2 SHOP MAKING THE CALL!
There is someone else I know who is on O2 Online and they simply arent reading his e-mails correctly and giving dumbed down irrelevant responses. Phoning up to sort out problems is too expensive when in certain situations its O2's fault theres a problem.
O2 are are the biggest pile of **** MAN
Anyone know of a place where O2 complaints will be taken seriously or can be at least accumulated until a point where the number is enough for O2 to take notice..online petition or something?
The ISP Pipex used to leave many customers with no option but to put up with poor service or switch providers, but a website by angry customers called 'pipexwoe' was set up to collect people's bad (or good) experiences and present them in a collected form. Since then the ISP made significant improvements which may have been in part due to the awareness raised by the website so much so there was talk of changing it to 'pipexwow'.
Something like this needs to be done for O2, they cant simply go on with poorly trained sales staff, a buggy website, buggy billing system and incompetent telephone and e-mail based customer service.
I'm still stuck with O2 just for insurance on the physical XDA 2, but that took about 10 failed website order attempts (yes I now have 6 new O2 e-mail addresses though :roll: !), 50 minutes of phone calls, an hour on top on hold and 2 trips to an O2 shop. Being on hold was ok but every 7 minutes they cut you off and tell you to ring again - i.e. throw you right at the back of the queue again! I got an alternative phone number from the O2 shop without the cut off and got through in 10 minutes... silly!
On a general basis, I don't know of anywhere you can air your grievances.
But if you (as an account holder) have a serious complaint that you are getting no joy with via Normal Customer Services then they do have a HLC (High Level Complaints) team based in Leeds.
Whilst I have a phone number for them (and I'm not gonna post it here for obvious reasons), you can insist on your complaint being referred to them. They usually deal with complaints via OFCOM, but they are there to deal with referrals.
Having used them twice, I've found them very good. They sorted out my account problems, and compensated me accordingly. This was after normal CS said they couldn't do any more !
Agreed. You never get anywhere with O2 unless you are on Friends and Family! :wink:
O2 - the other side
I think caveat emptor applies.
I tried to buy my XDAII last Xmas a voucher to pruchase it for £150, but O2 did not seem able to honour it. I took it to Car phone warehouse who honoured the voucher.
I sent a respectful letter to O2 , and they sent me a £50 M&S voucher.
I agree with the respondent who has suggested a website to co-ordinate and publish and publicly punish o2 for their lousy service. I dont know how to go about it but I'd be more than willing to help if anyone knows how to set it up.
Further, aren't you guys amazed that the number of companies with hi level complaints departments these days? That alone says more about the standard of service delivery that anything else possibly can.
These are entire departments set up to protect the CEO etc from the legitimate complaints of customers and to appear to the regulator as customer focused.
If that were true, they would surely spend less on complaint resolution and more on frontline service delivery. If it were true, then the very mechanisms and processes which have given rise to their existence would work effectively on our behalf.
or am I just being silly!
Send letters of complaint to;
Mr McGlade
260 Bath Road
This is the CEO of o2 UK, then you'll get a response from the hi level complaints team......wonderful!!
Please keep this thread active and lets see if we cant get them to change their approach to customers!!
peterbutler19 said:
Send letters of complaint to;
Mr McGlade
260 Bath Road
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I wouldn't bother, he leaves in a month or so.
Try the Customer Services Director...
I've had enough of 02 recently, they've messed my billing around to the point where even though i've sucessfully paid everything in full by Direct Debit, I still get randomly disconnected and then I have to spend 50p a minute calling them to get it sorted out.
I've got the same contract as i'm on now with Orange, so i'm unlocking my xda2 and moving over.
I left O2 last week too, My bills were approaching £70 a month and i wasnt using any more minutes than i usually do, they seem to be ripping me off for data access, when i phoned them, they couldnt even find any data access on my bill and i just couldnt get a straight answer out of them as to why it was so high,
Plus my 12 month contract was up so i phoned them to see if i could get a free motorola razr out of them as i would have been happy staying with them really but when i asked they just said i would be better canceling my contract and getting a phone from a 3rd party supplier as i would get a better deal, so i did, but not with O2 this time !!!,
When i was about to leave orange many years ago, they bent over backwards offering me free phones and discounts if i stayed with them, not with O2, they just said i was better off leaving and that my contract would terminate in 30 days, they dont seem to care if they loose customers anymore
I cant see me going back to O2 anytime soon now
The thing that swayed me to 02 was the text bundles that they offered at a time when orange weren't offering, which is mainly what I use my phone for. Now, I can get exactly the same contract with orange, and without all the 02 hangups it's time I went back.

Orange Customer service... dont sign that contract!

Is it just me or has Orange customer service really gone down hill in the last year?!
Within 2 weeks I have spent over 8 hours on the phone to Orange Customer services trying to sort out an error they caused.. during this time on the phone I was also promised 7 callbacks from representitives and Supervisors...
All I did was enquire as to whether or not I could change my Direct Debit date as I have recently changed jobs.. I was told understandably that this could not be done as it would effect Billing dates which would generate 2 bills and possibly effect my credit history..
to cut a long story short,
my direct debit date stayed the same but they changed my billing date
Caused 2 bills and letters from the colections dept!!
I called up orange and was told I would not be charged any more than normal which I was by 2 weeks extra line rental!! argued for 40 minutes on the phone and was told a supervisor would call me back in 10 minutes
2 1/2 days later still waiting,
called and asked for supervisor spoke to supervisor,
promised a callback by 5
waited till 8.30 no call back.
called orange, spent 1 hour and 20 minutes on the phone to be cut off while on hold!
called back spent 30 minutes on the phone and was promised a call back the following day...
guess what... yup you guessed it no callback!!
this went on for over a week
then I told them they were in Breach of the terms and conditions of term 19.1 of my contract - they made a change to my account without my permission
and thus my contract is void
after a week of arguing this point, I got through to disconections who spoke to "legal" department who said I didnt have a case!!
Sent a letter to head office and... no reply.
anyone had other bad experiences with Orange?
I have now dropped down to minimum contract and have ordered a free 02 sim with 500 free texts a month (topup £15 a month)
Im going to use that and Orange can Swivel.. I have been with them nearly 3 years and this is how they treat me?!?!
I am sure you will get lots of people post their horror stories about how crap Orange are, but also, you only generally get posts when things go wrong.
You never hear about all the times it's absolutely fine, or when things are great
I have been with Orange now for many years, I have also had contracts with Vodafone, O2, T-Mobile, and Three.
I stick with Orange because I still think it's the best deal for me, they always sort any issues out relatively easily, and they are still better than the experiences I have had with the other networks, even since their standards have dropped compared to the time before France Telecom bought them.
I Agree that they are still better than three... not even going to go into the horror stories from when I was with them. the main thing that annoyed me was the fact that a c/s representative actually argued wih me that it wont effect the price of my Bill and that I was promised so many callbacks
and that after almost 4 hours on the phone and being promised numerous callbacks I was offered £5 be credited to my account for the inconvenience... their mistake cost me more than that LOL
if they had dealt with the problem on my first call back or the supervisor had called me back as promised.. I would have just accepted the mistake.. but hey never mind.. Might go o2 next my fiancee is with them and has never had any trouble... I was going to upgrade to the M3100 soon as well... never mind hey I'll just stick with my wizard
Let's make this post fair... if you have recieved really good customer care from Orange please post this too
I've been with Orange for 10+ years - never had a problem.
orange IS going down hill.
Dad has 7 phones with them and one of them broke in his pocket, and because he "didnt know how it happen" (Which he actually didnt) they said it wasnt covered under the insurance. They then went on to ask what trousers he was wearing at the time, what material, what size, where he was at the time, what time it was, was there carpet on the floor, what type of carpet..... i can go on but it just gets so stupid its unreal.
well here orange sold all their customers to a a company called telia and packed their stuff and left because nobody liked them

T mobile UK's extremely shabby customer service!!

Hi ya guys,i'm not really one to bump my gums about network providers,but felt i had to put hand to keyboard and have a little rant about the shabby way tmobile have dealt with me.I upgraded last year (Feb 07) to an mda vario and my partner upgraded to a nokia7373,we have two lines on the account,my plan is flext 35,my partner has a discounted line rental where she used to only pay £3.99 a month,we said to the sales rep that make sure my partners line still qualifies for the discount,upon which we were told," fine,not a problem".it was only in april 07 that i noticed my partners line rental was £13.99 a month not £3.99.I called t mobile,explained the situation to them,and was basically told "tough,you need to go back to the shop were you got the upgrade".you see i was visiting my cancer ridden father at the time,who happens to live a 5 1/2 hour drive away,so as u can see this was not feasible.From that moment i thought aint no way will i be renewing any contract with these tossers!!!To add insult to injury,every time i connected my vario at home to my wireless network,i was being charged for it,only a couple of pounds a month because i dont use my vario at home very often.Last month i phoned them and explained this to them so they only refunded last months mobile data charges.my contract is due for renewal 09/02/08 and i have phoned their customer services to see if we can come to some arrangement in the respect that i could at least try and recoup some of my losses.Over the last year they have blatantly ripped me off to the tune of £120 in line rental and about £25 mobile data.I spoke to another customer service rep 2day and asked them that the only way i was going to renew my contract was if they put my partners line rental back down to what it was and i wanted my same flext 35 tariff plus web n walk plus and a free vario 3(Kaiser) all for £27.50 a month.obviously they said no which has prompted me to write this thread.I really feel peed off with them because we've been with them for 6 years,and feel they have no idea what customer loyalty means!!!!I may phone back and speak to another numpty in customer services to see if i can get what i want but as i say the chances are very slim!!!what they did offer me tho was a free Samsung F250 for my partner(bag of nails phone) but i would have to pay £100 for my vario 3 and would get no discount on my line rental.Is dis shabby or is dis shabbby!!!!
Also if ne 1 could give me sum advice on how to deal with arseholes,it would be gratefully received,thanks
nayga73 said:
Hi ya guys,i'm not really one to bump my gums about network providers,but felt i had to put hand to keyboard and have a little rant about the shabby way tmobile have dealt with me.I upgraded last year (Feb 07) to an mda vario and my partner upgraded to a nokia7373,we have two lines on the account,my plan is flext 35,my partner has a discounted line rental where she used to only pay £3.99 a month,we said to the sales rep that make sure my partners line still qualifies for the discount,upon which we were told," fine,not a problem".it was only in april 07 that i noticed my partners line rental was £13.99 a month not £3.99.I called t mobile,explained the situation to them,and was basically told "tough,you need to go back to the shop were you got the upgrade".you see i was visiting my cancer ridden father at the time,who happens to live a 5 1/2 hour drive away,so as u can see this was not feasible.From that moment i thought aint no way will i be renewing any contract with these tossers!!!To add insult to injury,every time i connected my vario at home to my wireless network,i was being charged for it,only a couple of pounds a month because i dont use my vario at home very often.Last month i phoned them and explained this to them so they only refunded last months mobile data charges.my contract is due for renewal 09/02/08 and i have phoned their customer services to see if we can come to some arrangement in the respect that i could at least try and recoup some of my losses.Over the last year they have blatantly ripped me off to the tune of £120 in line rental and about £25 mobile data.I spoke to another customer service rep 2day and asked them that the only way i was going to renew my contract was if they put my partners line rental back down to what it was and i wanted my same flext 35 tariff plus web n walk plus and a free vario 3(Kaiser) all for £27.50 a month.obviously they said no which has prompted me to write this thread.I really feel peed off with them because we've been with them for 6 years,and feel they have no idea what customer loyalty means!!!!I may phone back and speak to another numpty in customer services to see if i can get what i want but as i say the chances are very slim!!!what they did offer me tho was a free Samsung F250 for my partner(bag of nails phone) but i would have to pay £100 for my vario 3 and would get no discount on my line rental.Is dis shabby or is dis shabbby!!!!
Also if ne 1 could give me sum advice on how to deal with arseholes,it would be gratefully received,thanks
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I understand where you're coming from, although I think playing devil's advocate I would make a few points:
The comment about having to go back to the store, whilst unhelpful given your circumstances, is no different from that provided by Voda or O2 in my experience. The deal was made with a manager in a store, who should be able to verify this. If you the agreement in writing, then great but otherwise without proof you're relying on goodwill and a good memory.
The second question I'd ask is have you spoken to retentions about this? They are the only people who have any power in any telco. I'd recommend you start by asking for your PAC code, and keep calm. The other person won't help you if you're emotional. Bear in mind that it may take a couple of people until you get someone sympathetic (Or with a sales target to reach) so stay calm and if needs be take the PAC code and call back in a couple of days.
But please realise that call centre people have personal problems too and different personalities. You are nothing but a stat to them, not meant in a bad way, but stay calm and you will get more.
I'd like to relate a good experience I had with T-Mob Customer Services last week. I had upgraded to a MDA Vario III in November, on Flext20. With my new toy I was incurring significant data downloads so I upgraded to the Web'n'walk package over the phone in December. When my January bill came, I found they'd not applied the Web'n'walk option and had charged me over £100 for just my data. I called and they couldn't find a record of my original call to upgrade to WnW on their system. I didn't have any evidence of this either - just a vague recollection of speaking to a lady about it sometime after I'd got the new phone.
However, the chap on the phone told me to hold - for about 5 mins - then came back on and said that as a goodwill gesture, they would credit off all £100 of the data charges and fix the WnW subscription too. I said thanks very much and rang off before he changed his mind...
bydandie said:
I understand where you're coming from, although I think playing devil's advocate I would make a few points:
The comment about having to go back to the store, whilst unhelpful given your circumstances, is no different from that provided by Voda or O2 in my experience. The deal was made with a manager in a store, who should be able to verify this. If you the agreement in writing, then great but otherwise without proof you're relying on goodwill and a good memory.
The second question I'd ask is have you spoken to retentions about this? They are the only people who have any power in any telco. I'd recommend you start by asking for your PAC code, and keep calm. The other person won't help you if you're emotional. Bear in mind that it may take a couple of people until you get someone sympathetic (Or with a sales target to reach) so stay calm and if needs be take the PAC code and call back in a couple of days.
But please realise that call centre people have personal problems too and different personalities. You are nothing but a stat to them, not meant in a bad way, but stay calm and you will get more.
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i welcome your comments greatly,the thing is i HAVE been totally calm with them,not raised my voice once with them,i work in retail so i know the script when it comes to complaining etc..but seems everytime i call them i always end up getiing someone who hasnt the authority to do anything!!!
you need to talk to tradeing standands they will help you. also every time you call them ask for they name..
The general standard of customer care from mobile companies in the UK is dire.
I cancelled at the end of my contract as the service was crap, and a few times during the year I had been hit with bills for unsolicited text messages.
During the year they change the billing date, and they took a full months line rental covering the period after I cancelled. When I called them to see why - they told me that although they had issued a cancellation number, it had been done by email so it did not count, and my account was still not cancelled.
It took two hours of hanging on the phone to get it ended - and it was just not worth the hassle to get the extra 12 quid they took back.
With a previous account they had overcharged me by about a hundred quid, so I stopped the direct debit and asked them to fix it. It took about 40 calls until i got a customer service rep who had a clue. when i told him how many times I had called - he said he found it difficult to believe and could check. He found 26 calls that had been ignored - and when I said I had called far more often he admitted some people would just not log the call.
I asked to have my account ended (as it matched with the introduction of fees for 0800 numbers) and he did so and there was a tenner I still owed - which he waived.
However, the following year a credit card application was declined and when I got a credit report to see why - it showed arrears on my mobile bill.
"Your data allowance is provided free - so although we are unable to provide data currently - it was free so we don't need to credit you" (When they sold me a phone when they started 3G badly).
CS:- "Your phone has nothing to do with us - look at the phone - whose name is on it"
ME "It says Orange and has an Orange square"
CS:- "No your problem is with the manufacturer - their name is on the phone - and you need to keep paying us line rental while they repair it as its your problem not ours unless you take out our (whatever they call cover plan)"
Every CS rep said the same, then one at night said something implying he had net access.
I told him the site for trading standards and to check who was responsible for the phone.
CS:- "Hey - you are right - what we were trained to say is entirely dodgy - I need to report this to my manager in the morning and they will get back to you"
Still waiting two years on.
CS:- "yes the phone wont work with bluetooth until it has a software upgrade - its a security feature"
CS:- "Sorry our phone helpers can't get that phone to work either - you need to call the manufacturer"
CS in shop:- "A phone cannot possibly put someone else's number onto a text message"
ME:- "Text me"
Her text arrived from the "China Sea Chinese Takeaway" (a landline).
CS in shop "Well, its only a minor problem and you are obviously still receiving the texts."
ME:- "Yes but you should see what happens when that number then calls"
CS in shop calls me and it works fine as there never was a problem with calls.
CS mobile number appears on a series of cards offering sexual services in phone boxes.
wizardragon said:
The general standard of customer care from mobile companies in the UK is dire.
I cancelled at the end of my contract as the service was crap, and a few times during the year I had been hit with bills for unsolicited text messages.
During the year they change the billing date, and they took a full months line rental covering the period after I cancelled. When I called them to see why - they told me that although they had issued a cancellation number, it had been done by email so it did not count, and my account was still not cancelled.
It took two hours of hanging on the phone to get it ended - and it was just not worth the hassle to get the extra 12 quid they took back.
With a previous account they had overcharged me by about a hundred quid, so I stopped the direct debit and asked them to fix it. It took about 40 calls until i got a customer service rep who had a clue. when i told him how many times I had called - he said he found it difficult to believe and could check. He found 26 calls that had been ignored - and when I said I had called far more often he admitted some people would just not log the call.
I asked to have my account ended (as it matched with the introduction of fees for 0800 numbers) and he did so and there was a tenner I still owed - which he waived.
However, the following year a credit card application was declined and when I got a credit report to see why - it showed arrears on my mobile bill.
"Your data allowance is provided free - so although we are unable to provide data currently - it was free so we don't need to credit you" (When they sold me a phone when they started 3G badly).
CS:- "Your phone has nothing to do with us - look at the phone - whose name is on it"
ME "It says Orange and has an Orange square"
CS:- "No your problem is with the manufacturer - their name is on the phone - and you need to keep paying us line rental while they repair it as its your problem not ours unless you take out our (whatever they call cover plan)"
Every CS rep said the same, then one at night said something implying he had net access.
I told him the site for trading standards and to check who was responsible for the phone.
CS:- "Hey - you are right - what we were trained to say is entirely dodgy - I need to report this to my manager in the morning and they will get back to you"
Still waiting two years on.
CS:- "yes the phone wont work with bluetooth until it has a software upgrade - its a security feature"
CS:- "Sorry our phone helpers can't get that phone to work either - you need to call the manufacturer"
CS in shop:- "A phone cannot possibly put someone else's number onto a text message"
ME:- "Text me"
Her text arrived from the "China Sea Chinese Takeaway" (a landline).
CS in shop "Well, its only a minor problem and you are obviously still receiving the texts."
ME:- "Yes but you should see what happens when that number then calls"
CS in shop calls me and it works fine as there never was a problem with calls.
CS mobile number appears on a series of cards offering sexual services in phone boxes.
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and i thought i had it bad!!!!well heres's an update to the situation.........
Finally got to spoke to somebody with some authority on thursday afternoon (31/01/08)and i must say the gentleman was pretty clued up!at first he wasn't having any of it,he basically tried to give me the usual company spiel,offering apologies etc etc...When i told him i had made a complaint 2 weeks previous,and my reason for phoning was to find out the outcome,his attitude clearly changed.I was put on hold for a couple of mins,and he came back and said rather sheepishly that my complaint had not gone any further than i had left it 2 weeks previously.I was livid,i thought i was gonna blow,but maintained my decorum throughout.I said that i was going to have to take the matter further and speak to OFT(Office of Fair Trading)but he said not to do that as he said he had an offer i couldnt refuse.He offered me a free MDA Vario 3,my flext 35 plan down to £30 a month,with the £180 credit,and web n walk plus for free,all on a 12 month term.I obviously wanted more,but thought at the end of the day he could have offered me JACK DO DO!!!So sometimes it does pay to complain!!!!albeit rather calmly!!!!
i always wanted the Vario 3,but gutted now as i have only just realised all the problems about the drivers for the graphics hardware!!??!!Sod's law or what??????
what a winging twat you are if i got you on the phone i would have said got stop winging you looser your never happy are you what did u want free line rental forever aswell:
maybe he just wanted what was owed toh im, not hars is it, 14 a month is definitely not 4 a month
they will have looked into the data charges and he probably will have done it ive seen it all the time when they say they didnt do the usage and they did and if he was so bothered about the discount he would have gone to the shop to swort it instead of winging hes complaning about the customer services but how do they know he should have kept the discount he could have just been making it up
i dont know how good a deal you really got. around 15 months ago i got a kasier, and 18 month flext35 + web and walk for £35 a month, and the phone was free.. id been with tmobile for a year previously, but it seemed like a fair deal, especially given how new the phone was at the time.
i dont think ive ever had to pay for a pda phone on a contract, they've always managed to bring them down to free if you're willing to take the 18month contracts and complain a bit.
Well more shabbiness from the great t-mobile!I sent my phone in for repair 24/01/09 and have only received it 2day,with a rather annoying letter attached to it saying that my phone has not been repaired due to me unlocking the phone and the phone not having the operator software originally installed on the phone!I had phoned them on Wednesday afternoon to find out why they've had my phone so long and was told that they were waiting for a part for the joystick (d-pad) their words not mine,they assured me my phone wpould be with me friday.So imagine my dismay when i get the phone and see the paperwork attached to it which clearly states that this phone would not be repaired dated 17/02/09,i phoned on wednesday (18th), so how come the CSA didnt tell me that there was a problem with repairing it?
Also i had left my 8 gig sd card in the phone,which has mysteriously disappeared along with my stylus.
I'm gonna phone them in the morning,but would like to know where i stand legally with these morons.
PS.I am no longer under the jurisdiction of ANY UK law or Act or statute,meaning if i get the runaround from tmobile,i can legally bill them for wasting my time,my fee currently starts at £500 per hour.All this is 100% above board!
N E 1 interested in becoming free,just pm me!
Also @ Gibb,yes i may be whinging twat,but a free whinging twat that is not bound by ANY government,that does not pay tax in any form,but can still claim for state handouts,legally!

~~HTC customer service is the WORST~~

So here is my story
I purchased an HTC touch pro 2 last year, i bought it before it hit the US markets so i paid a load of money for it. No problem, i love the phones, and i Paid like $700 for the Touch HD when it dropped in England but the lack of the keyboard ended with me selling it.
So i get this phone from a guy that says its direct from HTC its in an exclusive white box blah blah blah right.
Get the phone and all is well, new roms are dropping and i have WM 6.1 on my phone (weak!) so being that i have a MAC computer i cannot do anything to update the phone with out buying a load of software and putting XP on my computer (nope!).
So i go to the HTC website and the update is there and it asks for the serial number, well i put it in and it wont recognize it, hmmm. So long story intro short, i mail it to HTC for an upgrade and maybe check out the loose hinge on the tilting screen.
They receive my phone, and my phone sits on the shelf at the warehouse for 5 DAYS!!!
I call and every time i get the same story, "well mr miller we will escalate this so that it gets taken care of right away sir." I called 3 times and it was never touched. Finally on the 3rd time they tell me, well this is a sample phone, one we gave to employees before it hit the market, so there is no warranty, and we cannot upgrade it, and where did YOU get this phone. Ummm i paid for it, out in the open on Ebay, not out of the trunk of some guys car outside the pool hall.
Anyway they wont fix it, i have no warranty and thats that, ok fine whatever give my phone back, this was on Monday (April 5th) of this week. So the phone is to be sent back to me per HTC on Monday.
Call on Tuesday to get the tracking number so i can see when it will arrive because i am out a lot, and they say it is still in the warehouse.
I call back on Wednesday to get the tracking number so that i can see when it will arrive because i am out a lot, and they say it is STILL in the warehouse.
I call back on Thursday to get the tracking number so i can see when it will arrive...... etc etc.
The rep then tells me there are no notes in the system and it has not even been started for ship out.
But she is going to escalate it so that it gets sent out ASAP Mr. Miller.
Lord not this escalate crap again.
I call today Friday to get the tracking number, and its the supervisor i spoke with days ago that knows AAAAALL about my case.
Well Mr. Miller the phone is still sitting on the shelf in our warehouse/
WTF for a week+?!?!
It had been determined last WEEK that they were not going to repair it and were going to send it back.
So my phone has been held hostage by HTC and they wont send it back, no one will do anything to get me over to someone in the warehouse, they act as if its Area 57 or something and they dont have phones there.
So needless to say am very VERY disappointed in the treatment I have received and it is very likely that I will not purchase another HTC phone again after this nightmare.
Shame because i enjoy the phones, but i refuse to give my money to support a company that treats its clients in such a manner.
Sounds more like a local warehouse/repairshop type of service, not HTC. Imo.
TheDeadCpu said:
Sounds more like a local warehouse/repairshop type of service, not HTC. Imo.
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Nope, it was HTC America. I had to send it to them directly.
Weird. If this was in Norway i would just say "Hmmm.. I got this number to this newspaper" and they would give me a new free phone. Their so scared of bad PR here.
If you think HTC CS is the worst, then you haven't dealt with E-ten's..
Their RMA is actually a nightmare, they can loose a device for months, and return it "repaired" what actually means: dirty and parts still loose..
But nevertheless, good luck, hopefully the device will find it's way back to you.
When I got newton rings on my first Blackstone, I sent it off to HTC, or rather I dropped it off to them as I live in the same town.
I waited the week they said it would take, heard nothing, gave them an extra day and called, they said they'd call me back.
I called them after hearing nothing for a couple more days (I was busy at work so didn't have time to call every day).
Was informed they are waiting on my agreement to pay them a bucket load of cash to fix a warranty issue that they should fix for free.
So I had to go to a website to say that I wanted my phone back, and phone them to say I would be coming in to collect it so would not pay for postage.
Had I not known about the website and just waited, they would have disposed of my phone.
Unfortunately the customer support desk and the repair centre do not speak to each other, so when I arranged with CS that I'd be in the next Friday to pick up my phone at 1pm, they said it would be there, when in actual fact the repair centre had no idea I was coming so I had to wait around for them to find my phone and return it.
I then handed it to carphone warehouse who I'd bought it from to repair, they passed it to HTC for a warranty repair, HTC sent it back after a couple of weeks saying "No missing pixels found" even though it was sent to them to have the screen repaired due to newton rings and no mention of pixels.
Carphonewarehouse appologised and said they would send it off again, but by then I was so fed up about not having the phone for over a month, and expected HTC to refuse to repair it for CPW that I took CPW up on their offer to claim on insurance. £28 and a day later I had a brand new Blackstone.
Great products, crappy service.
AGREED, "great products, crappy service." I too had the Blackstone before i got my tp2

