~~HTC customer service is the WORST~~ - General Topics

So here is my story
I purchased an HTC touch pro 2 last year, i bought it before it hit the US markets so i paid a load of money for it. No problem, i love the phones, and i Paid like $700 for the Touch HD when it dropped in England but the lack of the keyboard ended with me selling it.
So i get this phone from a guy that says its direct from HTC its in an exclusive white box blah blah blah right.
Get the phone and all is well, new roms are dropping and i have WM 6.1 on my phone (weak!) so being that i have a MAC computer i cannot do anything to update the phone with out buying a load of software and putting XP on my computer (nope!).
So i go to the HTC website and the update is there and it asks for the serial number, well i put it in and it wont recognize it, hmmm. So long story intro short, i mail it to HTC for an upgrade and maybe check out the loose hinge on the tilting screen.
They receive my phone, and my phone sits on the shelf at the warehouse for 5 DAYS!!!
I call and every time i get the same story, "well mr miller we will escalate this so that it gets taken care of right away sir." I called 3 times and it was never touched. Finally on the 3rd time they tell me, well this is a sample phone, one we gave to employees before it hit the market, so there is no warranty, and we cannot upgrade it, and where did YOU get this phone. Ummm i paid for it, out in the open on Ebay, not out of the trunk of some guys car outside the pool hall.
Anyway they wont fix it, i have no warranty and thats that, ok fine whatever give my phone back, this was on Monday (April 5th) of this week. So the phone is to be sent back to me per HTC on Monday.
Call on Tuesday to get the tracking number so i can see when it will arrive because i am out a lot, and they say it is still in the warehouse.
I call back on Wednesday to get the tracking number so that i can see when it will arrive because i am out a lot, and they say it is STILL in the warehouse.
I call back on Thursday to get the tracking number so i can see when it will arrive...... etc etc.
The rep then tells me there are no notes in the system and it has not even been started for ship out.
But she is going to escalate it so that it gets sent out ASAP Mr. Miller.
Lord not this escalate crap again.
I call today Friday to get the tracking number, and its the supervisor i spoke with days ago that knows AAAAALL about my case.
Well Mr. Miller the phone is still sitting on the shelf in our warehouse/
WTF for a week+?!?!
It had been determined last WEEK that they were not going to repair it and were going to send it back.
So my phone has been held hostage by HTC and they wont send it back, no one will do anything to get me over to someone in the warehouse, they act as if its Area 57 or something and they dont have phones there.
So needless to say am very VERY disappointed in the treatment I have received and it is very likely that I will not purchase another HTC phone again after this nightmare.
Shame because i enjoy the phones, but i refuse to give my money to support a company that treats its clients in such a manner.

Sounds more like a local warehouse/repairshop type of service, not HTC. Imo.

TheDeadCpu said:
Sounds more like a local warehouse/repairshop type of service, not HTC. Imo.
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Nope, it was HTC America. I had to send it to them directly.

Weird. If this was in Norway i would just say "Hmmm.. I got this number to this newspaper" and they would give me a new free phone. Their so scared of bad PR here.

If you think HTC CS is the worst, then you haven't dealt with E-ten's..
Their RMA is actually a nightmare, they can loose a device for months, and return it "repaired" what actually means: dirty and parts still loose..
But nevertheless, good luck, hopefully the device will find it's way back to you.

When I got newton rings on my first Blackstone, I sent it off to HTC, or rather I dropped it off to them as I live in the same town.
I waited the week they said it would take, heard nothing, gave them an extra day and called, they said they'd call me back.
I called them after hearing nothing for a couple more days (I was busy at work so didn't have time to call every day).
Was informed they are waiting on my agreement to pay them a bucket load of cash to fix a warranty issue that they should fix for free.
So I had to go to a website to say that I wanted my phone back, and phone them to say I would be coming in to collect it so would not pay for postage.
Had I not known about the website and just waited, they would have disposed of my phone.
Unfortunately the customer support desk and the repair centre do not speak to each other, so when I arranged with CS that I'd be in the next Friday to pick up my phone at 1pm, they said it would be there, when in actual fact the repair centre had no idea I was coming so I had to wait around for them to find my phone and return it.
I then handed it to carphone warehouse who I'd bought it from to repair, they passed it to HTC for a warranty repair, HTC sent it back after a couple of weeks saying "No missing pixels found" even though it was sent to them to have the screen repaired due to newton rings and no mention of pixels.
Carphonewarehouse appologised and said they would send it off again, but by then I was so fed up about not having the phone for over a month, and expected HTC to refuse to repair it for CPW that I took CPW up on their offer to claim on insurance. £28 and a day later I had a brand new Blackstone.
Great products, crappy service.

AGREED, "great products, crappy service." I too had the Blackstone before i got my tp2


Warranty Exhange

Does anybody know if AT&T is starting to exchange the fuze for the new tilt 2. I'm talking insurance exchange or warranty exchange. Anybody know something about it, or they still have the fuze on stock?????
wisocabeza said:
Does anybody know if AT&T is starting to exchange the fuze for the new tilt 2. I'm talking insurance exchange or warranty exchange. Anybody know something about it, or they still have the fuze on stock?????
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They still have the Fuze in stock :/
I called so many times, it's not even funny.
Here's something that might pique your interest. Couple of minutes ago, I saw this thread about people impatiently waiting to exchange their Tilt's to Fuze's. The Fuze was available in the Warranty Department approximately three weeks after it was officially launched.
It was an interesting thread to read. It seemed like many were purposely destroying their Tilt's to get them warrantied to Tilt's again, just to "extend" the warranty period since each warranty carries 90 days. The "best method" suggested was removing the USB cable while updating, and then playing dumb about it, lol.
fuze has a 1 year warranty. let me know if anyone has figured out a way. >.>
It's a nightmare trying to get a replacement through Warranty. I'm on my fourth Fuze now, because I have had legit warranty claims. They decided to upgrade me to a Tilt 2, sent me seed stock instead of a new phone kit, so I have a Tilt 2 without a battery or software. I called about that, they were supposed to send me out my new phone kit with a Tilt 2 in it yet again, sent me a Pure instead. Now I'm waiting for them to send me a battery for the Tilt 2 that I already have cause they don't have any new phone kits in stock for the Tilt 2. Though, I'm kind of tempted to try out the Pure, just because I can't hear anything on my Fuze as is and have some very important stuff coming up with work where I need to be able to hear customers. Ugh, AT&T can be a nightmare to deal with. I'm actually really tempted to switch to Verizon, Sprint, or T-mobile right now.
jjensen0331 said:
It's a nightmare trying to get a replacement through Warranty. I'm on my fourth Fuze now, because I have had legit warranty claims. They decided to upgrade me to a Tilt 2, sent me seed stock instead of a new phone kit, so I have a Tilt 2 without a battery or software. I called about that, they were supposed to send me out my new phone kit with a Tilt 2 in it yet again, sent me a Pure instead. Now I'm waiting for them to send me a battery for the Tilt 2 that I already have cause they don't have any new phone kits in stock for the Tilt 2. Though, I'm kind of tempted to try out the Pure, just because I can't hear anything on my Fuze as is and have some very important stuff coming up with work where I need to be able to hear customers. Ugh, AT&T can be a nightmare to deal with. I'm actually really tempted to switch to Verizon, Sprint, or T-mobile right now.
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I'm on my 4th Fuze as well. How did you get them to even send you the Tilt 2? They just kept on saying it's not available yet.
Just got the right CSR that put it through, and you have to be very nice to them. Just asked about comparable phones, he suggested it - it has to be their idea and recommendation. Still trying to get a battery from AT&T, they say they're out of stock, Warranty called a couple stores close by couldn't find one, but on the website it doesn't say they're out, but it's unlikely they'd send me a new one, heaven forbid. I've got three phones in my possession right now, my screwed up Fuze, a new in the box Pure and the Tilt 2. I'm worried they're going to screw up and bill me for all of them full price, even though they have assured me that won't happen. When I worked in collections years ago for them, saw that happen all the time, even when the phones were sent back in time, it was always a pain to sort out.
Being a ex at&t store manager let me tell you how the XBM (exchange by mail) process works.... If you have a defective device that is within its warrant period which is 1 year from the date that you started your contract at&t will switch it out at no cost to you. The phone cannot be water damanged, or physically damanged (there pretty strict about this). I have had customer who there definition of physical damange was different from what at&t thought and they ended up getting charged full price for the phone. so be very careful. They don't usually take anything that has been dropped or have deep scratches. Basically has to look ok where they can sell it again as a refurb or something. Secondly the only way they will send you out a different device is if you had to same problem with your current one. Its call the 3 strike policy. You can't just ask them for a new one you kinda have to play it off like you can't stand the fact that you keep getting messed of phone of that model. Lastly they will give you options to pick from whatever they have in stock that is the best match for what you have. At times they might not have anything and have no choice but to upgrade you to a newer one. I seen it happen a lot where they just upgrade you to a new device. When the 8300 curve came out a lot of ppl i know was calling in lying to say it was messed up just to get the gps verison 8310 which came out 4 months later. I would't advise anyone to do this unless it is a real problem with the phone. They keep records of every return that you do and can terminate your service if they feel like your trying to cheat them. The tilt two is a great phone tho hard to choose. There's some third party website that i might can direct you too if you want a tilt for a good price but you have to be able to upgrade and sign a two year contract. I got mines for free and just had to sign a contract that's it. And it at&t prorating terminations fees it wasn't big deal for me. thanks
and if i have insurance on the account, i pay $5 monthly, does they still have the fuze on stock.
Chances are that they have plenty of refurbished Fuzes in stock. It's not wise to try to scam the system just to get a new phone to have a new phone. It just makes it harder for people with legit reasons to get theirs replaced.
If you want to do a insurance claim instead of a warrant exchange they are two different things. The insurance is handled by a third party called asurion or something like that. Where warranty exchange is done by at&t themselves. If you decide to go with the insurance claim you will have to pay a $125 insurance deductible which is non-refundable. If you want to do the XBM then you wont have to pay anything as long as your phone is not water or physically damanged. If it is like stated above you WILL be charge full price for the phone they will read you a agreement of the terms and condition before they send out your phone. For both of the process above you have to send back your original device unless for the insurance its lost/stolen. Even if you have insurance and your phone is messed up you still would have to pay the $125.
and yes they more then likely have a lot of fuze in stock still. It would take at least a month or so before they will be getting the tilt 2. They will have some in stock but it would be for ppl with the tilt 2. At&t also has a policy where if its under 30 days you have to take it back to where you got it from before they will exchange it thru the mail. So it would be at least 20 days or so of the release date of the tilt 2 before at&t worries about exchanging that out for ppl with the tilt 2.
cant sweet talk em? "hey baby, lookin mighteh fine... fine as wine *wink*"
At&T Warranty Exchange Unfair
la0xboix7o4 said:
Being a ex at&t store manager let me tell you how the XBM (exchange by mail) process works.... If you have a defective device that is within its warrant period which is 1 year from the date that you started your contract at&t will switch it out at no cost to you. The phone cannot be water damanged, or physically damanged (there pretty strict about this). I have had customer who there definition of physical damange was different from what at&t thought and they ended up getting charged full price for the phone. so be very careful. They don't usually take anything that has been dropped or have deep scratches. Basically has to look ok where they can sell it again as a refurb or something. Secondly the only way they will send you out a different device is if you had to same problem with your current one. Its call the 3 strike policy. You can't just ask them for a new one you kinda have to play it off like you can't stand the fact that you keep getting messed of phone of that model. Lastly they will give you options to pick from whatever they have in stock that is the best match for what you have. At times they might not have anything and have no choice but to upgrade you to a newer one. I seen it happen a lot where they just upgrade you to a new device. When the 8300 curve came out a lot of ppl i know was calling in lying to say it was messed up just to get the gps verison 8310 which came out 4 months later. I would't advise anyone to do this unless it is a real problem with the phone. They keep records of every return that you do and can terminate your service if they feel like your trying to cheat them. The tilt two is a great phone tho hard to choose. There's some third party website that i might can direct you too if you want a tilt for a good price but you have to be able to upgrade and sign a two year contract. I got mines for free and just had to sign a contract that's it. And it at&t prorating terminations fees it wasn't big deal for me. thanks
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My husband’s Motorola Tundra was in his pocket. The phone started to burn him while it was in his pocket. There were no incoming calls. He immediately removed his phone and set it down for about thirty minutes. He tried to power the phone up but to no avail. I called AT&T to exchange the phone since it was only about eight months old.
I was told by the Warranty Exchange department that if there were any liquid damage the warranty would be void. Upon looking at the litmus indicator I noticed there were pink speckles. I did not want to pay for a phone that was obviously defective and not abused by my husband.
Therefore, I called AT&T again and explained again that the Tundra was not exposed to water. The representative told me that nothing could be done by AT&T until my next billing cycle when the new phone would be charged to my account. I was told not to worry and go ahead and send the phone in and a Commitment Call would be made to clear up the situation on the next billing cycle if AT&T did not hear from me.
I did receive the new Tundra and returned the damaged phone. The damaged phone was returned to me indicating that the liquid damage indicator was removed. I DID NOT REMOVE THE INDICATOR! I was charged $210.
In the meantime, I called Motorola. The Motorola technician told me that the litmus paper could have been activated by a leaky battery.
I telephoned AT&T today and the $210 was reduced by half. I spoke with three levels of representatives indicating that I did not feel paying anything was acceptable by me based on the principle of this matter. Our original Motorola Tundra was only eight months old and obviously defective. I feel that AT&T is basically accusing me of being dishonest because the liquid damage indicator had pink speckles. What other alternative did I have but to send the phone in since we use it in our business. I accepted the reduction for the cost of the new Tundra with hesitation. It is not so much the money but the principle of this issue. I am a very dissatisfied customer.
They're horrible about running over people. I never understood their reasoning... I would see people get full out replacements for nothing, when they hardly ever paid their bill and had like ten charged off accounts, then on the other hand, you would have customers that had been with them ten years through the various names and such, always paid on time, they wouldn't do anything for them. Dollar is number one for AT&T, as with any company, but their practices are kind of screwy, you are at the mercy of whomever you speak to. I got lucky I got a noob. He wasn't burned out yet and I was very patient and nice to him, he genuinely wanted to help. If you get someone that's been there for years, they've been long hardened and are difficult to deal with - they just want to meet their stats and get their shift over with. Call center location can also have something to do with it, people are different in different areas. I would have customers call up, ask which call center I was located and hang up if it wasn't the one they wanted. Then again, I would have people ask which call center I was located at wanting to kill me, too... Anyway... The people don't generally don't care what's right, it depends on how you deal with them, you have to kill them with kindness, you're at their mercy, not really AT&T's. I would still fight for that full credit, too, but kill them with kindness. Customer care can credit more than collections can, and are more apt to hand it out. If you have to go through Warranty for it, that one's generally alot harder, they tend to be a pain in the arse.
I got Warranty to credit me $50 bucks today for a battery which I had to order through the site and they reimbursed me since they couldn't obtain one for me. One day soon hopefully I'll be using my Tilt 2, it sure is a purty paper weight right now.
I'm actually waiting for the Tilt 2.
I'm on the 4th FUZE, and the last time I spoke to them. They said the next time I run into an issue, they should be able to swap out the FUZE for another phone.
I'm still having the same issue with the 4th Fuze, tons of dropped calls.
I'm holding off calling because I really want the Tilt 2. From what I have been told by people on this forum, and the people at AT&T usually the excahnge group gets refurb phones in about 30 days after the release date.
Now the confusing part is... would the release date be the 8th, when the phone hit the Premiere site, or the 18th when it hit the retail channels.
I'm waiting patiently...
Well if i was at&t i wouldn't have to worry about any XBM until 20 days after the release date. I would go by the 8th one b/c if ppl who had there tilt 2 for more then 30 days and have a warranty issue with them at&t would have to switch them out since it is past the 30 day period and under the 1 yr warranty. I would wait a lil longer to be on the safe side unelss your happy with gettin another fuze.
la0xboix7o4 said:
Well if i was at&t i wouldn't have to worry about any XBM until 20 days after the release date. I would go by the 8th one b/c if ppl who had there tilt 2 for more then 30 days and have a warranty issue with them at&t would have to switch them out since it is past the 30 day period and under the 1 yr warranty. I would wait a lil longer to be on the safe side unelss your happy with gettin another fuze.
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I'm FUZE'd out.
Maybe i'll call the 10th and see if they have any TILT2 in stock.
I have had six (6) warranty exchange Fuzes over the last four months. This was for a legit warranty claim.
During my call last week the CSR suggested I get a Tilt2 instead of another Fuze.....then the CSR found out that the Tilt2 was not in stock. The CSR had no idea when the Tilt2 would be in stock and suggested calling each week on Wednesday.....why wednesday?
Anyway, A brand new Pure appeared at my door step today......I called ATT about the appearance of a new phone. Apparently, the CSR sent me the Pure as a replacement device.
I don't want this device and will be returning it for a Tilt2, when they have it in stock.
Molal said:
I have had six (6) warranty exchange Fuzes over the last four months. This was for a legit warranty claim.
During my call last week the CSR suggested I get a Tilt2 instead of another Fuze.....then the CSR found out that the Tilt2 was not in stock. The CSR had no idea when the Tilt2 would be in stock and suggested calling each week on Wednesday.....why wednesday?
Anyway, A brand new Pure appeared at my door step today......I called ATT about the appearance of a new phone. Apparently, the CSR sent me the Pure as a replacement device.
I don't want this device and will be returning it for a Tilt2, when they have it in stock.
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Have you called today (wednesday)?
g2tl said:
Have you called today (wednesday)?
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If your phone that you want is not in stock they will send you whatever that is close to it.

Customer Service = JOKE!

UPDATE: So, I FINALLY got my tablet back today (3/24/11) - after a month of it being away. I'm not going to get in to the fact that I had to call them 3 or 4 more times and talk to 2 supervisors before any real progress was made and my tablet was [pushed to the "front of the line."
No, no, not only was it just left at the door of my apartment (for how long, no-one knows), but when I opened the packaging I discovered that they had torn up 2 of the sides of the Skinomi carbon fiber back that I had stuck on previously AND one of the rubber feet/screw covers was completely missing with a large gouge at the side of the open hole. This whole G-Tablet Warranty process has been a TOTAL disaster. I really hope no-one else here (or the 10,000 new user that just purchased from Woot.com) have to deal with this.
Perhaps the worst example of customer service I have ever experienced.
Well, you guys are going to LOVE this one.
My G-Tbalet had a faulty camera so I organized for it to be repaired through Viewsonic. Sent it away on February 26th.
I have had no response from Viewsonic (no call, email, anything) regarding the repair, so I called them on Friday 11th March.....then Saturday twice......then Monday. Different person each time, all trying to stall me and feed me some BS that they were "looking for it on their computer" or that they were "waiting for updated information on it". Basically they have lost the tablet and have no idea where it is!
They received it on March 1st (as I tracked the delivery) but now they basically have no idea where it is exactly, or how far along on the repair process it is. Yesterday the lady told me that it WAS indeed being repaired (which is progress at least because on Friday and Saturday they had no idea where it was), but had no idea of the time scale or how long it will take to repair it. So I told them I had no option but to take it further. So she said she was going to escalate it to her manager and that she would let me know "as soon as she hears anything" and that the manager would email me with a response too once he had one. That was yesterday. Of course I have had no contact or email today. Go figure.
So I have been without the tablet since the end of February, and I don't see me getting it back before the end of this month. Ridiculous. Hopefully when/if I do get to speak to the manager I can demand a replacement to be sent. What a joke.
Just thought I'd share my experience with the GREAT customer service!
gogorman said:
So I have been without the tablet since the end of February, and I don't see me getting it back before the end of this month. Ridiculous. Hopefully when/if I do get to speak to the manager I can demand a replacement to be sent. What a joke.
Just thought I'd share my experience with the GREAT customer service!
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That's pretty scary. I think this is one area that some of these companies really need to work on. Customer service is a huge deal, but some places just don't have the aptitude for providing it with any ounce of quality. Ahh well, I hope you get it back either repaired or a new one, and soon. I'd be smoking mad if I was without mine for even 2 weeks.
Use the Better Business Bureau to lodge complaints, it has worked for me in the past when I am getting no where fast.
Honestly, aside from the customer service reps not being able to find updates, that's an above average timeframe for repairs. A typical repair on warranty can take anywhere from 1 week if you are EXTREMELY lucky to upwards of a month. Anything passed a month and that's when I'd begin the complaints process. The fact that you are escalating things several times after only 1-2 weeks may get it back to you sooner, but I doubt it. Certain processes, such as repair work, are already set in stone at most companies and regardless of how many calls a customer makes they are not willing to change those processes. I wish you the best of luck in your repair process and hope it all ends well. Good luck.
I had posted awhile ago, that I had called them because I had noticed bad block msgs in dmesg, and they gave me an RMA, but I was a little leery about sending it in. It just seemed like they were too willing to give out an RMA, after just a 5 minute telcon. Anyway I never did send it in, and from your story, that was probably a fortunate thing ...
Sorry to hear about your situation, and hope they actually fix it.

HTC UK Repair Centre delays

Hi All
Had to return my Sensation to HTC for repair, due to the dreaded unresponsive screen issue. They have now had my phone for 9 working days, and the on-line tracking status has not changed from 'We are currently testing your phone.' (which I think basically means the phone is sitting on a shelf waiting for an engineer).
Rang nealy every day, get a different story each time. Originally was told up to 7 working days for repair, then 7- 10 and now up to 14 days! This is in spite of the fact the warranty specifically states 5 working days as the target.
Anyone else had to return their phone? How long did it take to get it back?
Have written a letter demanding repair or replacement, sent on Friday recorded delivery to head office.
when i had to return my HTC HD, on both occaisions it took 8 days in total from having the phone picked up to delivery of repaired device.
Prehaps they are awaiting stock of parts due to it being a new device, or they have yet to find your issue. Usually the status changes to "in repair" when they have diagnosed what the fault is.
Thanks, but they have not said anything about requiring or being short on parts.
9th working day now since device was returned to them.
There have been some dreadful stories recently about delays at the service centre:
They had a link on the HTC UK Facebook page about this, dunno if its still there
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
its the 9th working day today since they have had my sensation too! Very annoying!
Have you contacted them? What do they say?
Pathetic isn't it?
They can't talk to the repair centre to find out the status! And they can't talk to each other, they use some IM software to communicate with each other.
Had many promised call backs, only one materialised.
According to their own warranty statement, they should repair within 5 days:
1. Estimated turnover period
We estimate that we will normally be able to complete orders and return the units to most mainland addresses in the UK within 5 working days from receipt of the unit. Where the repair requires parts to be specially ordered or delivery to remote areas of the UK, or to other countries, this may take longer. HTC EU will endeavour to complete all orders within 5 working days from clearance of payment or warranty authorisation.
im very annoyed. just fake promises. they were meant to be good. F*K knows what happened to them now, but they just pi$$ me off.
should never have sent my device to them. i feel like going to Huntingdon to the repair centre, marching in, and grabbing my phone and coming back out!
They said they cant do a replacement as the device can be repaired!
I've wrote a letter asking for repair or replacement within 3 working days, as a timely repair/replacement is our right under the Sales of Goods Act.
Thats nothing! I sent SGS2 back for repairs and it took 40 days! believe me I contacted them continuously after the promised 14 day turn around! When I finally got it back it was so badly scratched I sent it back again for new housing, that took 8 days. Including postage times over 54 days without the device! Mobicity was the seller, I dont recommend them!
My letter which they received today seems to have made a difference, as status has now changed to ' We are repairing your phone.'
Well count me in on the HTC warranty issues.
I am still wondering why I should by a Sensation instead of the SGS2.
Ok, sit down ..... my HD2 has been in repair since the end of March.
It has been returned 3 times since it was never working like it should and now last week Friday I got a refurbished one.
Now the refurbished ones keypad doesn't light up on one side which is really annoying, so I wonder what they will do now? Will they repair the refurbished one and keep me another month without it?
It's not only that but the communication and the handling of the procedure is pathetic. Everytime you get someone else on the line you get another story.
Also HTC says that the complete repair didn't take long because it were 3 seperate ones. According to me 3 months without a working phone is 3 months periode. And it is not that it is about a cracked or broken screen, so there is no debate about warranty or not.
This one is amusing to read but unfortunately the sad truth, I also posted my experience.
What a great read, disappointing but very good.
What are your top tips if anyone else is stuck in this situation?
Jasand said:
What a great read, disappointing but very good.
What are your top tips if anyone else is stuck in this situation?
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Well lets say that I have had to deal with those situations on a professional level in my past role and infact I learned alot by doing this.
There is one webpage that you need to read and use in your advantage.
For us EU people you need to know your EU customer rights.
Not alot of people or even big companies know (or want to know) this!
You will find some interesting stuff in it like acceptable repair time etc etc.
This warranty stuff applies to all consumer goods, not even electronic stuff!
I write everything down, like name, date and time and what has been said.
If the thing is taking way to long you ask them to open up the online ticket
Like this http://contactus.europe.htc.com/wFrmMailLogin.aspx
They need to open it up for you. It will not work untill they change something in their system!
By having that you can leave a comment with date/time etc and there is no way that they can tell you stuff which isn't right because afterwards you can point them at this log.
Also point them to that EU law it might help.
saquib said:
My letter which they received today seems to have made a difference, as status has now changed to ' We are repairing your phone.'
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Well after 13 working days of HTC having the Device and telling me we are currently testing your phone.
3 complaints filled in
2 Escalations
i get a call from the supervisor.
The repair Center have lost my device. MY BRAND NEW UNMARKED UNSCRATCHED Sensation. and they have no idea where it is. it was signed for by HTC engineer when UPS delivered it but from then they have no idea.
now they have no sensations in stock at the repair center. so i either wait but they dont know how long. or take an alternative phone, as sensation was top dog, all alternative phones will be lower spec. i asked for an EVO 3d but as it isnt released i cant have that.
but they do have to provide me with a brand new device.
lukesan said:
Well count me in on the HTC warranty issues.
I am still wondering why I should by a Sensation instead of the SGS2.
Ok, sit down ..... my HD2 has been in repair since the end of March.
It has been returned 3 times since it was never working like it should and now last week Friday I got a refurbished one.
Now the refurbished ones keypad doesn't light up on one side which is really annoying, so I wonder what they will do now? Will they repair the refurbished one and keep me another month without it?
It's not only that but the communication and the handling of the procedure is pathetic. Everytime you get someone else on the line you get another story.
Also HTC says that the complete repair didn't take long because it were 3 seperate ones. According to me 3 months without a working phone is 3 months periode. And it is not that it is about a cracked or broken screen, so there is no debate about warranty or not.
This one is amusing to read but unfortunately the sad truth, I also posted my experience.
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That's a shame here in sweden if you send you phone back 3 times within 3 years for the same problem they will
Refund full price or give you a new phone, and if you have 4 different problems within that 3 years then the same money back or new phone
Sent from my LT15i using XDA Premium App
Poker gypsy said:
That's a shame here in sweden if you send you phone back 3 times within 3 years for the same problem they will
Refund full price or give you a new phone, and if you have 4 different problems within that 3 years then the same money back or new phone
Sent from my LT15i using XDA Premium App
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Rang up the HTC Care Team today. Because they lost my Vodafone branded device. They have decided to send me a brand new unopened unbranded Sensation. which i would receive in 3 working days also
a free Bluetooth headset as compensation.
well glad that should be sorted, and will update when i receive it
also i will get a letter confirming what happened and a fresh warranty from the date i receive my device
I sent my sensation back to HTC two weeks because of the screen issue, but mostly because of a faulty earphone jack.
Yesterday the phone came back, after 16 days and guess what?? They didn't fix the earphone jack!!!
So I rang them, they apologised and asked me to send my phone back, which I did this morning!!
WTF HTC!!!?? Get your s**t together!

My T-Mobile Nightmare

On 15 November 2014 I went to the T-Mobile store at 4130 S New Braunfels Ave, Suite 101San Antonio, TX and ordered myself a Note Edge and my wife a iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. I have been going to that store since the initial debacle I had when I joined T-Mobile a year ago over the phone. They had always been very courteous and professional towards me. During ordering, this is what I was told:
1. I would not be charged anything until I received a tracking number that the phone(s) had shipped.
2. The phones would ship independently once either one became available.
3. That I should receive both phones NLT 22nd of November, but could take up to 10 days.
The following Monday comes and I see a pending charge of $169.75 to my checking account for 'T-Mobile' upgrade. So I called T-Mobile and they told me that I should have received a tracking number and if not, I should receive it by COB that day. I was also told that my wife’s iPhone was on back order, which didn't make me happy, but did not surprise me as well. The next day I did not receive a tracking number so I stopped by the store that I had ordered them from and spoke with an assistant manager. She apologized profusely and told me that both my phones were on back order, that neither had shipped to me, and that I shouldn't a have been charged anything, pending or not. She could not give me an estimate of when my phones would ship and that I shouldn't have been charged anything. I was not happy when I left.
I waited 2 days and called T-Mobile again. This lady told me that the charge was not 'really' a charge as it was a 'pending' charge that T-Mobile does to ensure they have access to the funds, and that meant that my phone was in shipping, although she couldn't tell me which one it was. I told her that pending or not, the money was out of my account, so I didn't care what she called it. She promised me my phone was in shipping and I should receive a tracking number at any moment.
2 more days go by and I have heard nothing. I looked at my T-Mobile bill and notice that it had gone up $32.00 I immediately call them again, spoke with a customer loyalty person, and was told that $24 of that was for insurance on the phones that I DO NOT HAVE and the other $8 was for misc. charges. I promptly had her remove the insurance, as I did not request it, and although should couldn't exactly tell me what the $8 was for, she removed that as well. Now this representative told me that they didn't know when my phones would ship and couldn't explain why I had the money taken out of my account.
On the 21st I went back to the store to ask them why all of this had occurred and I had been lied to. There was a 30ish male assistant manager there and I had noticed him 'roughly' dealing with other customers in the past. I explained to him all that had happened and he told me that it couldn’t have happened at his store. Ok, I will admit at this point I was about to go nuclear. That's when this 'man' gets close to me and raises his hands saying, 'what do you want me to do for you? What do you want?' I told him that I wanted to know when my phones would ship, why they charged my account with no tracking number, and who authorized them to place charges on my account without my knowledge or approval. He then started to raise his voice, and knowing myself, this was only going to end with me getting escorted out of the store by local security. At this point, everyone was watching us, and I told him that this was not the last they were going to hear from me. And I very slowly walked out.
I will admit, I was beyond irrate. I sat in my car for a while, then called T-Mobile. I was immediately patched thru to 'customer loyalty' manager named ¬¬¬¬¬Monique. After I had told her everything that had happened, names, placed, dates and all of the lies, the profusely apologized and told me she would file a 'case' against the store. The also said they would start an investigation on who charged my account. When the conversation was over, she said that my note edge was in shipping and I would receive a tracking number in 24 hours. That she guaranteed it was in shipping and I would officially hear back from T-Mobile on the outcome of the investigations. This was about a 1 hour phone call.
48 hours later, no tracking number, no phone call, no nothing. I did receive a email stating that my wifes iPhone would ship between the 28 of November and the 13th of December. So why didn't I cancel everything by now? Believe me I wanted to...but if i canceled one of the phones, the both would be dropped, and I wanted very much for my wife to have her phone for Christmas. That is why.
On the way to work I decided to call them. Big mistake as it put me in a foul mood all day. This person told me that neither of my phones had shipped, couldn’t tell me when they would and again, couldn’t explain to me why the $169 had been taken from my account. I am sure there was a visible mushroom cloud coming from the cab of my truck at that point. I will not even bother with explaining the words that flowed from my mouth.
After work that day, I called ‘customer loyalty’ and this woman was very curt and to the point. There was no way for her to tell me when my phones would ship, she had never heard of Monique and there was no way for her to find out who she is because T-Mobile was just too large with to many call centers. She told me no investigations had been launched and none probably would not be. She said that if I had the money put back into my account, it would cancel both phones, and that they would only ship both when they were available together. I insisted that I be given the distract T-Mobiles email address and she refused to do so, instead she gave me this address:
Customer Relations
PO Box 37380
Albuquerque NM 87176-7380
This had to be done by snail mail and there is no other way. She stated continuously that there was nothing else she could do for me and ended the conversation.
I HAVE NEVER been treated this poorly, lied to this many times by any company in my 51 years of breathing oxygen. If it wasn’t for my wife’s Christmas Present I would have had them shove the phones and their service where even worms will not go. I just wanted to share my experience as I hope it helps others. After I pay the phones off, we will be going back to ATT. I initially left ATT because T-Mobile saved me $1200.00 a year and gave us many for features then ATT did. Now, I regret it. The frustration, the lies, and the aggravation is not worth it. How a company can legally work this way I will never know. If anyone could send me the email address of the distract manager of San Antonio for T-Mobile, I would greatly appreciate it. I had it once, but cannot find it now. Thank you.

Experiences with HTC repairs?

Has anyone ever sent in their HTC device (mores specifically a newly released flagship) directly to HTC for repair? If so, can you share you're experiences as far as cost and quality of repair? Decided to do a water test on my brand new U11 and yes you guessed it... WATER DAMAGE! and didn't help that I dropped it and the back cracked right after! Thanks in advanced
No idea. Mine just arrived in Texas awaiting a repair after being exposed to water for 5 seconds. Curious, what color is your U11? I have a feeling that they were rushing out the Solar Red's because there's no way mine should have failed so easily. It might as well have no water resistance rating.
Paging Dr B said:
No idea. Mine just arrived in Texas awaiting a repair after being exposed to water for 5 seconds. Curious, what color is your U11? I have a feeling that they were rushing out the Solar Red's because there's no way mine should have failed so easily. It might as well have no water resistance rating.
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I got the amazing silver. But yeah I agree! IP67 rated? Doesn't seem like it to me. Keep me updated when you get your repair quote please man. I want to get an idea whether it's worth sending mine in or just cut my losses and buy something else. I read review after review of how horrible HTC repair service is as far as turn around time and repair quality. Though many of those reviews seem to be from overseas I hope we have better service here.
Paging Dr B said:
No idea. Mine just arrived in Texas awaiting a repair after being exposed to water for 5 seconds. Curious, what color is your U11? I have a feeling that they were rushing out the Solar Red's because there's no way mine should have failed so easily. It might as well have no water resistance rating.
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Any updates on cost of repair? sorry to bug I'm trying to get an idea cuz I have someone ready to buy my device.
Where do you live?
I have experience with HTC EU and I know staffs from HTC Taiwan. But if outside these 2 areas, I can't help...
DroidManIc said:
Any updates on cost of repair? sorry to bug I'm trying to get an idea cuz I have someone ready to buy my device.
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They haven't got back to me yet. I'm also a little miffed that they announced the 6GB variant today. HTC really needs to redeem themselves, because i'm about to throw my hands up and just buy a OP5.
Paging Dr B said:
They haven't got back to me yet. I'm also a little miffed that they announced the 6GB variant today. HTC really needs to redeem themselves, because i'm about to throw my hands up and just buy a OP5.
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Yeah I'm on the same boat man. I'm just scared to get an OP5 with Jelly scrolling issue and tbh U11 failed to wow me that's the reason I'm debating so much on a repair or drop $800 the 6GB version. It's a solid device but I just wasn't super impressed.
So a little feedback from Germany maybe. My U11 has been send to repair 3.5 weeks ago. I first contacted HTC to tell them that my unit has a gap between frame and display along the top and that AI guess it wouldn't be water resistant that way. 30 minutes later I got a call back to confirm the issue and 5 mother minutes later an email with a free shipping translucent. They informed me that repairs in general could take up to 14 working day that would be Monday to Friday here in Germany. But they also told me that it might need longer regarding the new flagship, as spare parts haven't been distributed as of yet.
Spare parts finally arrived last Thursday - 14 days after the device arrived at the HTC repair service. It won't cost anything for me as it is a 'defective unit'due to the manufacturing process. Don't have it back as if yet. But the brilliant thing is: HTC is keeping me up with latest information every two or three days and in addition put my device onto the priority list of the workshop. So let's sesle. Meanwhile I'm using its predecessor the HTC 10
Sent from my htc_pmeuhl using XDA Labs
Alpert3 said:
Where do you live?
I have experience with HTC EU and I know staffs from HTC Taiwan. But if outside these 2 areas, I can't help...
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I live in the states so I know my devuce would also be going to Texas for repair. Just in general, good or bad feedback from what you know?
5m4r7ph0n36uru said:
So a little feedback from Germany maybe. My U11 has been send to repair 3.5 weeks ago. I first contacted HTC to tell them that my unit has a gap between frame and display along the top and that AI guess it wouldn't be water resistant that way. 30 minutes later I got a call back to confirm the issue and 5 mother minutes later an email with a free shipping translucent. They informed me that repairs in general could take up to 14 working day that would be Monday to Friday here in Germany. But they also told me that it might need longer regarding the new flagship, as spare parts haven't been distributed as of yet.
Spare parts finally arrived last Thursday - 14 days after the device arrived at the HTC repair service. It won't cost anything for me as it is a 'defective unit'due to the manufacturing process. Don't have it back as if yet. But the brilliant thing is: HTC is keeping me up with latest information every two or three days and in addition put my device onto the priority list of the workshop. So let's sesle. Meanwhile I'm using its predecessor the HTC 10
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Many of the bad reviews I found were from EU more specifically the UK. So maybe just really crappy service in the uk? Lets hope so! Either way keep us updated :good: and hopefully all goes smooth with your repair man. My potential buyer backed out so I have the phone for probably a few more days to decide on possible repair. For now I went out and got my self GS7 Edge, not a Samsung guy but its a solid device.
DroidManIc said:
I live in the states so I know my devuce would also be going to Texas for repair. Just in general, good or bad feedback from what you know?
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I don't know about the states, but in most regions, HTC let a 3rd party repair center to do the job for them. Unlike Apple, HTC as well other companies doesn't have the resources to build repair center in each country. That's why in EU and the UK the feedback of repair experience is pretty awful: you report problem to HTC, HTC report your case to 3rd party repair center, then come back to you and tell you to send the device, etc. The process is complicated and relatively long, that creates mistakes, misunderstandings, as well some other problems.
In EU I believe it's a company called Gordon Electronic who's in charge of the repair. Sony, Asus Acer as well as many companies trust it. But their reputation is not so good.
I sent my HTC 10 to repair the camera module, I sent it twice and at the second time I asked for an expert analysis, and after nearly 3 weeks from the initial report, my phone finally got repaired. It costed me 20€ of shipping fee, and that's it. The result is good, but the process is painful.
Not sure about repair, but I'm having a nightmare of a time with my return of the U11. 3+ weeks and counting on the refund that their website says 5-7 days...
53fireman said:
Not sure about repair, but I'm having a nightmare of a time with my return of the U11. 3+ weeks and counting on the refund that their website says 5-7 days...
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Give the tracking number to your credit card company and dispute the charge.
That's the next try. Thanks
The credit card avenue worked. Thanks. Unreal how HTC can make a decent phone, but have absolutely one of the worst customer service departments I've ever dealt with. Whether over the phone, email, or Facebook, every single person I talked to read from the same exact script about "escalations department" and I'd have the refund within 48 hours or the end of the week. Will never buy another HTC again as much as I loved the EVO, M7, M9.... the U11 was just too big for me and didn't have all the LTE bands, but it was a great phone. Thinking the Pixel 2 even though HTC is rumored to make it, hopefully customer service of Google isn't near as terrible.
53fireman said:
The credit card avenue worked. Thanks. Unreal how HTC can make a decent phone, but have absolutely one of the worst customer service departments I've ever dealt with. Whether over the phone, email, or Facebook, every single person I talked to read from the same exact script about "escalations department" and I'd have the refund within 48 hours or the end of the week. Will never buy another HTC again as much as I loved the EVO, M7, M9.... the U11 was just too big for me and didn't have all the LTE bands, but it was a great phone. Thinking the Pixel 2 even though HTC is rumored to make it, hopefully customer service of Google isn't near as terrible.
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Glad to hear you got your $ back finally. I too will be jumping ship. I was die-hard HTC from the G1 (dream) - M8 then eventually stpped buying HTC because they refused to make flagships w anything bigger than 5.2" screen. I was so excited for the u11 even though I was still skeptical .... Skip forward 1 month and here I am today w liquid damage from about 10s water exposure, a cracked back from one of the most gentle drops ever (because I actually broke the phone's fall w my foot and not only that. The impact w the ground was moke like it just slid from my foot, no hard landing at all) and finally a potential expensive nightmare if I opt to send it in for repair. No thank you. I will too be waiting for Pixel xl 2 or maybe a newer version of the OP5.
So a little feedback on my end regarding my defective device. I sent it in to the repair at 28th of June being about 7 weeks back. HTC support has been great in regard of information. As the U11 has just been released when I sent it in, the workshop received it at the 5th of July and HTC actively informed me that there was a problem regarding the spare parts. Those would be sent from Taiwan an need about two or three weeks to arrive at the workshop in Poland. Well not what I wished but can be accepted. The spare parts arrived at 18th of July with some delays due to TNT not delivering as planned. Well then, now the 10 - 14 day period mentioned for the actual repair after receiving the parts started and waiting did as well for me. I got a little bit impatient as I didn't here any news until the 3rd of August when 12 of the 14 days had already past. So I decided to contact HTC. Prior to this and for the last time on the 19th of July I've been contacted and informed of the current status by HTC nearly every two days, which is really really great. But let's go on: after contacting them they promised to check on the next day and answered my question on Friday the 4th of Augustthat my device is repaired and packed for dispatch at the same evening. The notification with a UPS tracking number came about an hour after that information. And now UPS was the one to fail. They really needed until Monday evening, 7th of Augustto pick it up and another day - yesterday - for the delivery. So finally I got my U11 back. Repairs look really well done and all is working fine and as wished for. No fees as all repairs were covered by the warranty.
Overall I'm very happy and pleased with the service. Only drawbacks are the long time of delivery of the spare parts and finally UPS causing another 1 maybe 2 day delay.
Sent from my HTC U11 using XDA Labs
Please allow me to share my story.
Bought/PreOrdered my HTC U11 from Sprint on 5/31/2017, received it on 6/7/2017. Used, enjoyed and loved the device for about a month when on July 3rd the device got a cracked screen. It was beside me in the couch while I played Fifa 17. Bad combination. My wedding ring did the damage.
I Contacted HTC Support the next day and was told that no parts were available to fix my device and that I should call back in 2 weeks. My phone was still usable and I did use it for 2 weeks.
On July 17 I contacted HTC Support Chat and was told that I could send in the device. I specifically asked about parts/screen availability and I was assured that I would be fixed in 5 - 8 days and "most of that time will be in shipping". A case was created and I was given a ticket which instructions on how and where to ship to.
I wrapped up my device and attached a letter appealing that they fixed it for free because this was my 4th HTC (EVO, M7, M9, U11) and I never used Uh Oh on my previous phones and hoped they could make a concession.... etc.
USPS confirmation shows the phone arrived at the repair facility on 7/20/2017. I did not receive and have not yet received any automated response from the repair facility informing me that the phone was received, being processed, no parts are available or anything. I have been calling HTC Support asking for updates using the Ticket # however that has been unfruitful.
HTC support has "escalated" my case but there is a huge disconnect between them and the repair center, they have no clue whats going on over there. Today is 8/17/2017 and I still have no phone, no ETA, no hope. I've been calling every Thursday and the response is always the same. "I have escalated your case and you will get a callback withing 24 - 48 hours". I received a callback once and it was to say "When I hear something, I'll let you know".
I am rambling because I don't have my phone and I have no clue as to when I am going to get it back. I am back to using the old M9 and I'm not happy, I haven't even reinstall all my applications because I thought the repair would have been relatively quick.
I don't know what else to do ...
Any suggestions?
I'm going to asking for a new replacement phone since mine light bleed issues out of the box. If that is not something they can do then they can have this phone back. With the V30 and Essential phone coming out soon the U11 looks like more and more of a disappointment in my eyes. I have had HTC phone since the Tilt with the exception of the V10 but I can see how as a brand they have gone downhill.
berto1025 said:
Please allow me to share my story.
Bought/PreOrdered my HTC U11 from Sprint on 5/31/2017, received it on 6/7/2017. Used, enjoyed and loved the device for about a month when on July 3rd the device got a cracked screen. It was beside me in the couch while I played Fifa 17. Bad combination. My wedding ring did the damage.
I Contacted HTC Support the next day and was told that no parts were available to fix my device and that I should call back in 2 weeks. My phone was still usable and I did use it for 2 weeks.
On July 17 I contacted HTC Support Chat and was told that I could send in the device. I specifically asked about parts/screen availability and I was assured that I would be fixed in 5 - 8 days and "most of that time will be in shipping". A case was created and I was given a ticket which instructions on how and where to ship to.
I wrapped up my device and attached a letter appealing that they fixed it for free because this was my 4th HTC (EVO, M7, M9, U11) and I never used Uh Oh on my previous phones and hoped they could make a concession.... etc.
USPS confirmation shows the phone arrived at the repair facility on 7/20/2017. I did not receive and have not yet received any automated response from the repair facility informing me that the phone was received, being processed, no parts are available or anything. I have been calling HTC Support asking for updates using the Ticket # however that has been unfruitful.
HTC support has "escalated" my case but there is a huge disconnect between them and the repair center, they have no clue whats going on over there. Today is 8/17/2017 and I still have no phone, no ETA, no hope. I've been calling every Thursday and the response is always the same. "I have escalated your case and you will get a callback withing 24 - 48 hours". I received a callback once and it was to say "When I hear something, I'll let you know".
I am rambling because I don't have my phone and I have no clue as to when I am going to get it back. I am back to using the old M9 and I'm not happy, I haven't even reinstall all my applications because I thought the repair would have been relatively quick.
I don't know what else to do ...
Any suggestions?
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8/18/2017 - Missed and returned a call from HTC Support. The Agent in-charge of my case (since it is escalated) advised me that there is an update and that I have a quotation for the repair. Looking back on the call i never got a solid figure but i was told for being so patient they have discounted the repair to circa $92.00 USD. I still have no emails stating this and the tracking website still shows the same status. I was told that I will be contacted either later today or early next week to make the payment over the phone once they apply the discount to my account. Apparently this has to happen first. So I wait.

