Question Fingerprint Scanner gone - Sony Xperia 5 III

Out of the blue yesterday my fingerprint scanner just stopped working. I dint pay much attention to it because i was busy and thought it was a dirty sensor. But today after cleaning it it's still not working. It seems the entire setting is missing, I can't find the fingerprint manager in Settings -> Security!
What gives!? I think this the last Sony smartphone for me. Too many silly issues .
Anyone had this issue with a 5III? and has a fix? I saw in the xperia 1 forums some ppl had the issue but no definite fix, neither rebooting nor reflashing the OS has worked.

Yeap. If you read my recently opened thread I got exactly the same problem. I sent the phone for service and not only have they created new problems (disabling updates somehow) but the fingerprint sensor failed again within a day!
Sony did almost two weeks to react to my new complaints and even though I was trying to convince them to just give me a new device and get done with it they tell me to send it again for service. A month is past overall.
P.S. I bet it is some cabling issue because I also reflashed the software when the problem appeared using the Xperia companion and no luck. Sony service changed the chipset and the button (but I assume not the cable?) And as I said it failed again. And after I got the phone back updates don't work and Xperia companion does not work. Don't they even test it??? Saying that I am pissed is an understatement.

Ahh seeing your post here, it seems more of hardware issue than software. Checking in with Sony (if it's still under Warranty) should be the best bet for both. Please do try to share your experience here on how the whole process goes. Understandable it's a pain at the moment.

Unfortunately no warranty. Got an unlocked device on amazon as its not available in my country.


Automatically Powering Off Solution?

I know the issue of people's Captivates turning off by themselves has been discussed a lot and if there is a solution that is already provided, I apologize for cluttering up the forum a little more. If not, I have something that works for me and was wondering if it might be helpful for troubleshooting what the issue is/how to fix it.
For myself, it seems to be an issue when the battery is near full more than any other time. If I just unplug the phone in the morning and come back to it later it will be off. However, I often go running in the mornings. When I do, I like to listen to music and I use Grooveshark to do it. Just opening Grooveshark does not seem to fix the issue, but if music is playing (even if there is no volume) my phone does not turn itself off. I haven't played around to see if the same is true for just playing music through the regular music player, but I was wondering if perhaps accessing audio playback somehow keeps the phone alive.
Again, if there is already a known solution I'm sorry for cluttering things. Maybe I just had to search around some more...
pezx44 said:
I know the issue of people's Captivates turning off by themselves has been discussed a lot and if there is a solution that is already provided, I apologize for cluttering up the forum a little more. If not, I have something that works for me and was wondering if it might be helpful for troubleshooting what the issue is/how to fix it.
For myself, it seems to be an issue when the battery is near full more than any other time. If I just unplug the phone in the morning and come back to it later it will be off. However, I often go running in the mornings. When I do, I like to listen to music and I use Grooveshark to do it. Just opening Grooveshark does not seem to fix the issue, but if music is playing (even if there is no volume) my phone does not turn itself off. I haven't played around to see if the same is true for just playing music through the regular music player, but I was wondering if perhaps accessing audio playback somehow keeps the phone alive.
Again, if there is already a known solution I'm sorry for cluttering things. Maybe I just had to search around some more...
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My guess is you guys have tried to overclock and your phone really didn't like it and caused some minor damage. I have heard reports from stock 2.1, 2.2 and Cognition, most of them I have talked to have tried overclocking at some point. If you haven't, maybe just faulty hardware out of the box, if you can flash stock and it still happens, take it back and exchange it.
Personally I won't be overclocking again, 200mhz is not working breaking a $500 phone. I find the lagfix isn't even needed on 2.2 stock.
I only had overclocking on my phone once in a sre build and tested it once and found it worthless to me so i disabled it.
Anyways i have never had an issue with shut downs prior to flashing ji6. Now when i leave my phone plugged in over night, on, i wake up in the morning to find it off. This has happened every day so i cant use my phone for an alarm at the moment. Otger than that ive had a few random shut downs during the day. I do want to know what the problem/solution is for the phone shutting off during the night though.
When i flashed over to ji6 i formatted sd odined jf6 then odined ji6. I did try to do tge master clear only to have it start then say FAIL! In a red box. Someone suggested i reinstall my drivers. I do plan on trying that but am getting so sick of flashing and redoing stuff i havent got aroubd to it.
Would a master clear do anything or make a difference you think since i formatted the sd?
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designgears said:
Personally I won't be overclocking again, 200mhz is not working breaking a $500 phone. I find the lagfix isn't even needed on 2.2 stock.
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Agree - the extra battery drain and heat buildup in the chip is not worth it... this device works pretty good with stock and/or new FS tweaks applied.
I do hope the OP gets his device recovered with Odin etc.... hopefully just a glitch that can be remedied back to stock....
I've Odin'd it back to stock but currently am running Cognition 2.2. This has been an issue from the getgo, however (maybe I should mention that I SIM unlocked it if that makes a difference). I couldn't return it because I live out of the country and didn't even receive the thing for about 40 days (gotta love Costa Rican customs). I agree that OC seems pretty pointless on this phone and I have avoided OC roms. I only thought it was interesting that running programs doesn't seem to prevent it, but for some reason playing music does seem to prevent the shutdown perhaps meaning that accessing a certain dll or something fixes the issue (I really have no idea why it works). I just thought that info might be helpful to people who understand the OS better than I if it is a consistent problem for people and if no solutions other than "return it" have been found.
Edit: Oh and DG, great work. You'd be one of those smarter than I guys I referenced...
i've never overclocked my phone and i've mostly run it without a lagfix and no matter what ROM i've used (i've been using cognition beta 1 since it came out) i've always had random shut-downs. For a while there on the stock rom it seemed to only happen when my wifi was on but now it doesn't matter. I don't have any special automation software running (task managers, tasker, ..etc). It's the single most maddening thing about this phone.
Same here... i have had my phone since launch... i had random shut downs since launch. I have had less problems now then before and i have flashed every rom that has come out including overclocking.
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My wife's phone was never overclocked and it developed the random shut down problem about two weeks after she got it. After trying numerous things to fix the problem, some resulting in it working fine again for a few days and then starting random shut downs again, I came to the conclusion that it was definitely a defective hardware problem and had her return and exchange it. The new one is now set up exactly the same as her old one (rooted stock jf6 with the bloatware removed, side loading enabled, and market fixed) and has been running fine, with no shut downs for over two weeks.
I have been in the electronic repair business for over 25 years, and my conclusion is, the only fix is to return it and get it repaired or replaced. Nothing you can do is going to fix your defective hardware.
I had my phone for a month and it was flawless, updated to 2.2 beta and started getting random shutdowns. I replaced the phone and the new one doesn't shutdown at all on 2.2. The one I returned would shutdown at least 5-6 times per day. Again only after installing 2.2, on 2.1 it seems ok. Which could be a software issue, or just more strain on the hardware making the problem happen
Personally I think it's just bad hardware. Replace the phone.
I guess I'll have to see if there's any way of getting the hardware replaced but I don't think I'm going to be able to manage.
I just want to repeat, however, that I have tested this many many times and with numerous iterations of DG's roms as well as stock. I can guarantee a shut down soon after unplugging the phone in the morning, but I have never gotten it when I start playing music (specifically through Grooveshark - I have not tested it with the regular music player). I just think that even if it's a hardware problem, there appears to be a relationship which suggests that a software solution could prevent it (at least given my experience). I just thought it might be helpful information to people who might understand a possible relationship between the two and to see if anybody else can confirm or refute this behavior. If there is any way to trick the phone into thinking it is playing the music without actually playing it, the problem may go away for people who are experiencing it.
If anybody else can refute my observations or back them up, I would be interested to hear. Perhaps if enough people can confirm it, it may be worthwhile to investigate further. If people can refute it, I guess I'll just count myself "lucky" to have only a mildly faulty phone. Either way I'm happy with my phone. I just thought I might be able to help others out.
I actually convinced four coworkers to pick up Captivates here (our company policy is with at&t) and my boss' phone (completely stock) would randomly shut-down four or five times a day. I've been around the community since the G1 dev launch and my phone is definitely not stock but has never randomly shutdown.
I finally convinced him to return it and his new one came in today. With this many reports, it is not a user-induced problem.
+1 to everything im reading here. i tried a few software and hardware 'fixes' so to say and nothing fixed the issue for long term. sent in for a new captivate #3 yesterday. Im sorry its just got to be a hardware problem, its just to far widespread from what im seeing.
I did want to point out one fear that is starting to cross my mind. i got my 1st one off craigslist which is hilarious because im still covered by warranty. HOWEVER. after the first exchange its then 90 days on a refurb *which begs me to wonder if samsung will still honor the 1 year warranty claim*..anyways.. im really really really hoping that i dont get one that seems to last a while and has this issue start up again....because that will be the last captivate for me...obviously lol
Believe it or not, this has been working for me for a couple of days now
I called ATT and was told to call Samsung because I don't have an account. They did tell me, however, that they didn't know anything about a bad production run or anything like that or about many exchanges. Of course I take all of that with a grain of salt...
Out of curiosity, to the people that have had the shutdown issue: Did you SIM Unlock your phone? I have and I use a foreign SIM (just trying to see what is in common).
I understand that it seems to be a hardware-based issue, but there really does seem to be a correlation to software as well. If I'm told by Samsung that there was a bad production run, I'll go with it. But until then, I'm the meticulous sort and will continue testing.
I don't want to beat a dead horse though and I don't want to be one of those guys claiming some fanciful fix to something there is no fix for. I'm still doing some testing on my end. So far the music "fix" has worked for me (although I do not see it as a long term solution) and I just wanted to float it because it seems to work consistently (unfortunately you can't prove a negative). I understand, however, that others have claimed fixes that just plain don't work and so if I hear of anybody trying this and it not working for them I'll move along to focus on other possible correlations. Thanks for all the feedback so far!
Why are people blaming hardware if it is exclusively a Froyo problem?
I've never OC'ed. Learned my lesson on the Evo 4g.
The power-off problem ONLY happens on Froyo builds
Issue happens with the ODIN-packaged 2.2 and all Cognition 2.2 releases
Inexplicably, I do not have the problem with my current Froyo build based on beta 4. Previous installs of Beta4 did have the problem, just not this one.
Odd behavior on a leaked build does not mean bad hardware. Once again, I NEVER have this problem on Eclair.
There is some combination of software and/or settings that causes this.
ZoinksS2k said:
Why are people blaming hardware if it is exclusively a Froyo problem?
I've never OC'ed. Learned my lesson on the Evo 4g.
The power-off problem ONLY happens on Froyo builds
Issue happens with the ODIN-packaged 2.2 and all Cognition 2.2 releases
Inexplicably, I do not have the problem with my current Froyo build based on beta 4. Previous installs of Beta4 did have the problem, just not this one.
Odd behavior on a leaked build does not mean bad hardware. Once again, I NEVER have this problem on Eclair.
There is some combination of software and/or settings that causes this.
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Blaming the 2.2 builds as the sole culprit is false. I have coworker who has two stock captivates. His had never had an issue, his wife is up to phone #2 and has had power issues on both.
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It is definitely not exclusively Froyo. It has been happening to people (myself included) for a while.
I just got off the phone with Samsung (general customer support then level 2 technical support). I suggest that anybody else have the problem also call them to at least document the issue (888-987-4357 options 1-6-2-4). They said I can send it in for repairs (yeah right - like I can be away from my phone for that long!) but more importantly that they have not heard of this being a widespread problem but that probably just means that people aren't reporting it. I urge others to call in to at least let them have an idea of how widespread (or not) it is.
pezx44 said:
It is definitely not exclusively Froyo. It has been happening to people (myself included) for a while.
I just got off the phone with Samsung (general customer support then level 2 technical support). I suggest that anybody else have the problem also call them to at least document the issue (888-987-4357 options 1-6-2-4). They said I can send it in for repairs (yeah right - like I can be away from my phone for that long!) but more importantly that they have not heard of this being a widespread problem but that probably just means that people aren't reporting it. I urge others to call in to at least let them have an idea of how widespread (or not) it is.
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Hmm im pretty sure i just got them yesterday HOWEVER they also sent me to their android support team *wha? really?* pretty much the same level of service but they made sure i was on the newest ota and had me try it for a day and said they would call back after 24 hours to check if the issue persisted.
Why did they tell you to send it in for repairs thou? this is going to be my 3rd and each time they send out the new one FIRST and i rma the bad one back in the box. only reason i havent been so when i have to go through this process
bamonkey said:
I did want to point out one fear that is starting to cross my mind. i got my 1st one off craigslist which is hilarious because im still covered by warranty. HOWEVER. after the first exchange its then 90 days on a refurb *which begs me to wonder if samsung will still honor the 1 year warranty claim*..anyways.. im really really really hoping that i dont get one that seems to last a while and has this issue start up again....because that will be the last captivate for me...obviously lol
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If you bought a new phone from AT&T, the warranty is 1 year. During this one year, you can have the warranty replacement (refurbs) as many time as you want and your warranty stays as the original (counted from the day you purchased your phone).
If you bought a refurb phone from AT&T, the warranty is 90 days.
bamonkey said:
Hmm im pretty sure i just got them yesterday HOWEVER they also sent me to their android support team *wha? really?* pretty much the same level of service but they made sure i was on the newest ota and had me try it for a day and said they would call back after 24 hours to check if the issue persisted.
Why did they tell you to send it in for repairs thou? this is going to be my 3rd and each time they send out the new one FIRST and i rma the bad one back in the box. only reason i havent been so when i have to go through this process
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If I lived in the states I probably would have pushed for that myself. Unfortunately getting things shipped to/from me where I live costs money plus customs delays so I'm sort of resigned to the fact that I'm stuck with this handset for now. I was hoping I could just bust into an ATT store and get it exchanged but it doesn't look like that's an option. Calling Samsung was more to just document it with them. I'm glad you have had better luck.
3rd you say though? Has it been the same issue with each?

[Q] Urgent: what if I send my N5 to assistance without problems?

Hello everyone!
I need a urgent answer to this problem.
Nine days ago I noticed that the compass of my N5 didn't work properly. I verified that wasn't a software problem using different compass apps (GMaps included) and installing the new Lollipop update in dual boot: the compass still not working even with stock Lollipop.
I called the support, and they suggested me many software solutions like wipe cash, restore to stock android and update to Lollipop. After many answers in witch I explained that these solutions didn't worked (I actually didn't even tried because the fact that the compass did not work even on a new stock Lollipop installation convinced me that it should be a hardware problem), and after an email in witch I showed I was quite angry about the quality of the support I was receiving (they continued to repeat me to update android, while I had already told them I had already tried this solution and didn't' worked), yesterday they decided to offer me to change my N5 with a refurbished one, today I accepted and they send me a link to "buy" the new one free while I send them mine.
So I started preparing to ship them my N5 wiping my data, installing Lollipop, locking the bootloader etc. When the phone booted up I decided to try for the last time the compass was working!!!!
Now my question is: what happens if I send them my N5 and they find out that the compass works properly? Will they make me pay the new N5?
Inside the email they send me, it is written that if the problem isn't covered by warranty they will make me pay the entire cost of the new phone....but if the phone hasn't any problem?
I don't want to cheat with warranty to get a "new" phone, but I'm quite worried about writing them back "Hey! It's me, the guy nearly insulted you asserting your suggestions to solve the problem were usless. i restore to stock Lollipop and the compass started magically to work" ...
Just cancel the order or refuse shipment.
Will be kids
Mail it back as far as u were concerned it wasn't working when u had it. What's to say that it won't malfunction again later down the road when you truly need it

NFC Problem! Help

I have strange NFC behavior and I would like to know if anyone could try it out.
I have a Z3 Dual D6633 23.0.F.1.82
1) When I try to read any NFC card or even the Sony smartband, the NFC starts to read repeatedly. The sound that it makes when I hold a NFC card next to the back of my Z3 keeps repeating like crazy.
2) I don't know if it is normal, but If I dial *#*#SERVICE#*#* to test NFC, I get UICC: failed eSE: failed, like the screenshot.
Anyone can try it out?
Help anyone. At least try the nfc service test just to see if it is normal to get a failed answer like screenshot at first post.
Same here, setvice test same failiure. But, my nfc is working ok.
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app
It is difficult to accept that I have a nfc hardware problem when everything else is working perfectly.
goTouch said:
It is difficult to accept that I have a nfc hardware problem when everything else is working perfectly.
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What about the scenario where the nfc hardware is broken, but other hardware is working? When you buy a packet of biscuits and one biscuit is broken are you puzzled when you discover that the other biscuits are intact?
poldie said:
What about the scenario where the nfc hardware is broken, but other hardware is working? When you buy a packet of biscuits and one biscuit is broken are you puzzled when you discover that the other biscuits are intact?
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It is easier to think the way you think with biscuits. But nowadays we have a single chip doing almost evertyhing. The production of a phone with small parts is very rigorous and the quality assurance is very severe.
What I want to mean is that it is easier to be a software problem.
If phones were like biscuits, it would be a chaos to buy one.
goTouch said:
It is easier to think the way you think with biscuits. But nowadays we have a single chip doing almost evertyhing. The production of a phone with small parts is very rigorous and the quality assurance is very severe.
What I want to mean is that it is easier to be a software problem.
If phones were like biscuits, it would be a chaos to buy one.
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I'm not 100% certain, and have no knowledge about Sony's procedures for the Z3, but I would have thought that all devices get a little testing, and some random devices are picked for more intensive tests, but I doubt that every device manufactured is subjected to a thorough, 48 hour test; there just isn't time.
If a problem is going to occur, it's more likely to happen the first time a device is used, or in the first few days, and if it survives that then it'll probably last a long time. Nobody wants to hear that their device is broken, but it's looking that way, isn't it, if it's never worked? I guess your last chance is to do a fully factory reset, remove any sd card, case etc etc, fully charge it and then try again. If it still doesn't work then I can think of no other way to explain it other than with my "the hardware is broken" theory.
hmm my z5 says UICC: Failure
eSE: Failure
Did you xperienced "nfc firmware update dialog" after some of official firmware update? If yes and you remeber the firmware build. Then flash an older one let the phone boot, and now flash the firmware that contains nfc update. Try it now. I it still behaves the same Then the nfc chip is broken and yes nfc chip is standalone chipset it can be broken and other hw on the motherboard will work as it should
Odoslané z D6603 pomocou Tapatalku
Hi, Seems like old thread. But i'll put it in here. I've a same issue but different error message. Also created new thread for my issue as well. When i check NFC using xperia testing menu. It shows UICC sim not detected. I haven't found this kind of error from the XDA and any other forum. Here is the thread I've create. Hope you guys can healp me.

P9000 sound and internet issue on 7.0 ... Try another ROM?

So I had a P9000 that got the screen smashed.
I liked the phone, it was stuck on the 6.0 with the OTA issue, but everything worked fine for me... so I went ahead and bought a new P9000 (which should be faster than getting the part and repair the older one... which I planned to do anyway and keep it as a spare in case of another accident).
It arrived with a 6.0 installed as well, and everything seemed to work fine.
While setting up the phone, installing stuff etc... it got automatically updated to 7.0
I can barely hear anything when people call me. I've read is a pretty common issue.
I've tried every possible solution I could find online... nothing works.
The only option is to put the call on speaker... which is not so handy for EVERY call EVERYWHERE.
I just went on a trip and realized data roaming is not working either.
I get phone signal, data and roaming options are both active (I tried both cards), checked the APN with the providers... all options again. No way to get it to work.
As soon as I landed back it worked without issues.
With the other phone/ROM I never had issues.
I've read some time ago that rooting 7.0 on P9000 is kind of risky or doesn't work altogether.
Is this still true?
Do you recommend any specific instructions to do it? (I've rooted and installed ROM's in other phones, so not newbie but no expert either).
Which ROM would you recommend as of today?
I keep the phone pretty app-light, I use for work only... so these issues are really bad for me. And the Elephone customer care has been a total deal breaker.
I won't be buying from them anymore that's for sure, but I'd like to don't burn cash either and get some use out of the phone.
Thanks in advance

Question Problem with OS Updates

I have an Xperia 5 III (XQ-BQ52).
I sent it to Sony for service after the fingerprint scanner stopped working.
I got the phone back with a new mainboard and now the phone just doesn't update. It's stuck in the old Android 11 build and it gets no OS updates or security updates.
The Xperia Companion also throws an error when I try to do the repair. The error is "UEGetPhoneInfoMissingInfo"
I tried am again in touch with Sony Support but its been a week and I still no solution. According to the latest phone call they are going to come back to me in 2 working days...
I really got fed up with this situation. Its been a month that I am not having a properly working phone.
There is no way I am sending the phone back to service. I hope they send me a new phone and get done with this.
Is there anything else I could try myself? Of course the obvious answer is flashing it with a firmware but that would void the guarantee. So I guess only thing I can do is wait?
Flashing the latest update for XQ-BQ52 with new flasher would work. It is the same as if you update via the xperia companion. Have you tried using sony Emma aplication instead? It might do a better job.
Yeah, I have downloaded Emma but it seems I have to open the bootloader in order to flash it. Wouldn't that void the warranty?
I am really pissed with Sony, they really have me in the dark with this. Its been almost two weeks and they don't tell me what to do. I tried to contact them and every time the answer is that they will have a feedback in 48hrs. Now I understand why they do so poorly in sales compared to the competition. For a business phone, that is a no go.
aggelosf said:
Yeah, I have downloaded Emma but it seems I have to open the bootloader in order to flash it. Wouldn't that void the warranty?
I am really pissed with Sony, they really have me in the dark with this. Its been almost two weeks and they don't tell me what to do. I tried to contact them and every time the answer is that they will have a feedback in 48hrs. Now I understand why they do so poorly in sales compared to the competition. For a business phone, that is a no go.
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You can flash with newflasher without having to unlock bootloader. I thought that Emma still worked with locked bootloader...
My 2 Cents: I'd also recommend to stay away from that hassle and use XperiFirm to download the latest firmware for your device and use newflasher to simply flash it. The whole process should take you an hour or so.
Sure, it would have been nice if I could stay away from the hassle but the fingerprint scanner has failed again. The phone is sent to service again.
I can understand the reason for the level of success of Apple now. It's not just the marketing. It's the after sales service too.

