Question Considering switching - Google Pixel 7 Pro

Currently have an S21 ultra and am considering trading it in for a Pixel 7 pro. Would this be considered an upgrade?

That depends entirely on your usecase. Samsung offers a multitude of software gimmicks (we Pixel people call it bloatware) and a stellar display plus a relatively good battery life (by shutting down everything in the background*).
Pixels on the other hand offer an extraordinary camera, a smooth software experience, quick updates and new features every couple of months.
Purely in terms of hardware and competition, the P7 Pro is designed to beat the S22 Ultra and will compete with the upcoming S23 Ultra, as such, yes - the P7 Pro can be considered an upgrade to your 1 3/4 year old S21 Ultra. But it's a bit like comparing a Porsche to a BMW - both are good, but both are also vitally different. Both offer a different set of features and are designed for a certain level of expectation. It's a question of taste, at the end of the day.

Agreed with @Morgrain. I went back to Samsung (Note 10+ 512 GB) after my Pixel 1 stopped receiving updates because I needed a phone with 512 GB of storage minimum, so it wasn't until the Pixel 6 Pro was offered with 512 GB that I could come back. Personally, I couldn't stand Samsung for a variety of reasons I detailed many times in several Pixel 6 Pro threads
roirraW edor ehT said:
My wife and I had the Note 10+, not the S21 Ultra, so I can't speak to that.
For the Note 10+, complaints were:
Slow ultrasonic in-screen fingerprint reader. Some folks have the same complaint about the P6P's optical in-screen, but it's worked very, very well for me.
Samsung's duplication of multiple services that Google supplies. You have to know what you're looking for and jump through all the proper hoops/settings to set defaults back to Google's solutions since that's what I prefer.
Related to Samsung's duplication of services/apps, their phone app duplicated a bunch of my contacts (and even tripled some) in a way that Google doesn't recognize them as duplicates, so I'd have to go through manually, compare, and delete or consolidate contacts.
How customization of the active Quick Setting tiles was set was really frustrating, up through and including Android 11 on the Note 10+. When it gave a list of the QS Tiles I had to choose from (to add to those that normally show), it presented them in a single horizontal scrolling row across the top of the screen only and in no order that made sense to this human, instead of Google's method of displaying all the tiles available in all of the screen real estate that's available, so even if the order the "inactive" ones doesn't make sense, at least I can see 14 of them all at once and only have a little over two pages of them instead of 8 pages of single-row QS tiles to choose what to activate. This is particularly frustrating when using third-party apps to enable better performing QS tiles for WiFi or Mobile Data toggling or other purposes, so I would have more than one nearly identical-looking toggle that would get confusing to choose from, and from what I remember, the custom third-party app-created QS tiles weren't necessarily together or at the very end of the scrolling list.
Despite disabling all background snoozing for particular apps like GMail, Hangouts/Chat, etc, I couldn't get timely notifications of emails and chat. This was particularly troublesome for work, which also uses Google for everything. I opt not to have a work-supplied phone as it would be iOS. As an aside, my coworkers who do have iPhones from work also have trouble with some chat notifications not being obvious or immediate or some such, so that wouldn't necessarily be a solution anyway.
Before the Note 10+ (on the Pixel 1 I used before it), my emails and chat notifications came through immediately. I sometimes got email notifications for work several hours after. I do enough multi-tasking and when I'm very busy I just don't get a chance to flip back to my Chrome GMail window on the computer so I rely on the phone notifications.
Sometimes I would get a phone notification of an email (both personal and work) in the GMail app hours after I had already seen the email in Chrome on the PC and had deleted it or in some cases at least definitely had read it and didn't do anything further with it.
My brother has a Galaxy S9+. This has been his and his big extended family's first smartphones of any kind. When I complained to him about the late or useless Note 10+ GMail and chat notifications, he told me he experiences the exact same thing and he assumed that was just the way Android is.
Factory resets and all disabling of background snoozing of affected apps didn't help at all.
Samsung gimped Do Not Disturb. When DnD came out with (I think it was 5.0 Lollipop), I hated it and gave up on it quickly. I don't remember at what point I started actually using it on the Pixel 1, but they definitely improved it tons. I don't recall exactly what Samsung's implementation was missing but it was very noticeable having come from the Pixel 1 and no longer being able to do some things. I think what Samsung was missing was the ultra-fine granularity of configuration I could do for each and every scheduled and common/unscheduled DnD profile as to what exceptions were allowed to get past DnD. They had some of it implemented but missing enough that it stuck out at the time.
Now that I have the P6P, I can say that the Note 10+'s night mode camera shots were really bad. I think they were worse than even the Pixel 1s'. The P6P does wonders with what little light is available, by comparison.
There may have been more but I can't recall at this time.
I did like the built-in stylus. My wife used hers tons more than I did, but it would be handy for Google Photos' magic eraser and for other things. Samsung owns patents that would keep anyone else's stylus from being quite as useful or convenient, however. If I remember correctly, between Apple and Samsung's stylus patents, everyone else's stylus just can't compare.
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The only thing I miss on my 21 Ultra is the 100x zoom, it took some great shots of the moon. I have a 6 Pro but ordered the 7 Pro so I'm excited to see the improvements.

I guess the biggest question I have is what features (besides the 100x zoom) would I lose from the S21 ultra and what from the P7P would I be missing out sticking with the S21U?

JamesR913 said:
I guess the biggest question I have is what features (besides the 100x zoom) would I lose from the S21 ultra and what from the P7P would I be missing out sticking with the S21U?
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The most obvious thing in the direction of what you would be missing from the P7P is Pixel-exclusive features (which normally trickle down to Samsung and others within a few years, but not always).
I love the Google Phone app's native customizable call screening feature for different types of incoming calls (likely spam, not in contacts, first time caller...). Also it's Hold For Me feature is great to avoid dumb, loud, annoying, repetitive hold "muzak". As far as I know, those features haven't made their way to non-Pixels yet, although they wouldn't be specific to the Pixel 7/Pro either.
I also love @siavash79's [MOD][Xposed+Magisk][Pre-Release] AOSP Mods - System modifications for AOSP-based Android 12+ on my rooted Pixel 6 Pro and look forward to finding out if it will need any adjustments to work on the P7P.

roirraW edor ehT said:
The most obvious thing in the direction of what you would be missing from the P7P is Pixel-exclusive features (which normally trickle down to Samsung and others within a few years, but not always).
I love the Google Phone app's native customizable call screening feature for different types of incoming calls (likely spam, not in contacts, first time caller...). Also it's Hold For Me feature is great to avoid dumb, loud, annoying, repetitive hold "muzak". As far as I know, those features haven't made their way to non-Pixels yet, although they wouldn't be specific to the Pixel 7/Pro either.
I also love @siavash79's [MOD][Xposed+Magisk][Pre-Release] AOSP Mods - System modifications for AOSP-based Android 12+ on my rooted Pixel 6 Pro and look forward to finding out if it will need any adjustments to work on the P7P.
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Regarding conversation of switching from Samsung to Google:
I personally think although good hardware is very important, we have to note that nowadays most of the phones have good quality hardware on them. (I do agree that Samsung offers the highest quality hardware).
Now, to me (and might be only me), the most important thing to choose a phone is not hardware, but is the "Software" it offers. The ROM should be safe, secure, rich in features, AND supported constantly be OEM.
When it comes to software, I think Samsung is one of the worst with regards to support: It's not open source, updates are very (very) much delayed, and it's too much far away from "original" android experience.
On the contrary (and even though I've personally suffered a lot from Google hardware in the past), Google phones offer everything Samsung doesn't: It's open source, "original" android experience, first to get updates (every single month on 5th), and first to get new Android (at least 6 months before others due to developer and beta releases)
So It's up to you to choose based on your priorities: Best hardware is offered by Samsung, best software is in Pixel
With regards to AOSPMods operating on P7: Since the source code of the ROM is the same as the released A13 source, I don't see why it shouldn't work well from day one: Unless proven otherwise

siavash79 said:
Regarding conversation of switching from Samsung to Google:
I personally think although good hardware is very important, we have to note that nowadays most of the phones have good quality hardware on them. (I do agree that Samsung offers the highest quality hardware).
Now, to me (and might be only me), the most important thing to choose a phone is not hardware, but is the "Software" it offers. The ROM should be safe, secure, rich in features, AND supported constantly be OEM.
When it comes to software, I think Samsung is one of the worst with regards to support: It's not open source, updates are very (very) much delayed, and it's too much far away from "original" android experience.
On the contrary (and even though I've personally suffered a lot from Google hardware in the past), Google phones offer everything Samsung doesn't: It's open source, "original" android experience, first to get updates (every single month on 5th), and first to get new Android (at least 6 months before others due to developer and beta releases)
So It's up to you to choose based on your priorities: Best hardware is offered by Samsung, best software is in Pixel
With regards to AOSPMods operating on P7: Since the source code of the ROM is the same as the released A13 source, I don't see why it shouldn't work well from day one: Unless proven otherwise
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With regards to both sides, they have their own issues. It's been proven that Samsung phones have a battery bloating issue after a few years of use, and this could be seen as a huge risk considering the batteries in question are lithium-ion, but as long as you don't plan to use it for more than 1-2 years, there should be no issue. The issue with the Pixel series of phones could be considered just as serious depending on your circumstances. I'm not sure if this issue carries onto the Pixel 7, but the Pixel 6a has appauling battery life because of Google's chip, which drains the battery even when on standby, and there's been reports of it dying in your pocket as well.

Just pulled the trigger. I figured worst case scenario I have 14 days to return the P7P if I don't like it.

JamesR913 said:
Just pulled the trigger. I figured worst case scenario I have 14 days to return the P7P if I don't like it.
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good luck to you. feel free to report back after the 14 days. I'm curious how the new pixel works day to day

Morgrain said:
That depends entirely on your usecase. Samsung offers a multitude of software gimmicks (we Pixel people call it bloatware) and a stellar display plus a relatively good battery life (by shutting down everything in the background*).
Pixels on the other hand offer an extraordinary camera, a smooth software experience, quick updates and new features every couple of months.
Purely in terms of hardware and competition, the P7 Pro is designed to beat the S22 Ultra and will compete with the upcoming S23 Ultra, as such, yes - the P7 Pro can be considered an upgrade to your 1 3/4 year old S21 Ultra. But it's a bit like comparing a Porsche to a BMW - both are good, but both are also vitally different. Both offer a different set of features and are designed for a certain level of expectation. It's a question of taste, at the end of the day.
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Truth is the P7 Pro is still lags behind the S22U as far as hardware and performance is concerned.
S22 Ultra vs Pixel 7 Pro
Pros and cons to both. Hopefully the P7's don't come with the software baggage that plagued the P6 release.

hand-filer said:
Truth is the P7 Pro is still lags behind the S22U as far as hardware and performance is concerned.
S22 Ultra vs Pixel 7 Pro
Pros and cons to both. Hopefully the P7's don't come with the software baggage that plagued the P6 release.
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given the price, that doesn't surprise me at all.

Is there any solid backup system for Google Pixel phones (as Apple) ?
I am thinking to move for Pixel because in Samsung there is no reliable method to backup your data !!

A0_o said:
Is there any solid backup system for Google Pixel phones (as Apple) ?
I am thinking to move for Pixel because in Samsung there is no reliable method to backup your data !!
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Well, all Android phones have a backup system built in that runs automatically in the background. Is there a 3rd party option that might be better? You will have to do a little research and see what's available. But for the average person what comes with Android is adequate. YMMV

jaseman said:
Well, all Android phones have a backup system built in that runs automatically in the background. Is there a 3rd party option that might be better? You will have to do a little research and see what's available. But for the average person what comes with Android is adequate. YMMV
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Excuse me to disagree with you, There no YMMV in this kind of matter, When you bought a new phone they have to provide a way to transfer all your data as it is for the new one and forcing manufactures to be integrated. For me as natural user have to be feeling safe about my data and not lose it anytime or if the manufacture decide to blackmail user by storage spaces for Example (S22,S22+)
Me as photographer i have a lot of pictures captured by camera with copies after editing and +70GB Whatsapp conversations and there is no way to backup this photos and conversation by authentic way ( tell me about Whatsapp local backup and restore or 99% stuck of cloud).

A0_o said:
Is there any solid backup system for Google Pixel phones (as Apple) ?
I am thinking to move for Pixel because in Samsung there is no reliable method to backup your data !!
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The Pixel phones used to have free unlimited storage for photos, but it seems to have been ditched with the release of the Pixel 6 series. You're better off buying a usb stick and putting all the data you can on it, or connecting your phone to your computer and backing up your data that way.

Misterxtc said:
The only thing I miss on my 21 Ultra is the 100x zoom, it took some great shots of the moon. I have a 6 Pro but ordered the 7 Pro so I'm excited to see the improvements.
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Yeah, I have the s22 Ultra and also like taking the moon shots. What's interesting is that, in anticipation of the 7 pro, I tried dialing back the s22 ultra zoom to 30x. I think the pix at 30x were better than those at higher zoom, so I'm hopeful the 7 pro zoom will still be pretty good.

Akira_Kitsune said:
The Pixel phones used to have free unlimited storage for photos, but it seems to have been ditched with the release of the Pixel 6 series. You're better off buying a usb stick and putting all the data you can on it, or connecting your phone to your computer and backing up your data that way.
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Defect point here is you have to do this manually if you have multiple paths or files.

A0_o said:
Defect point here is you have to do this manually if you have multiple paths or files.
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I do have multiple paths.
And I have a short makefile that synchronizes my Android(s) with the desktop using my AdbSync.exe (in the sig).
Of course you coud use batch (or shell) files and plain old ADB.

I currently have Samsung S22 Ultra. I was a devoted Note fan until the Note 7 and fire-starting issue. I have owned every pixel model since the beginning. Got rid of the 6 because of the bugs. My initial units of the 5 and 6 pro had hardware issues and needed to be exchanged, so I did not take Google's trade in offer on my ultra.
I love the ultra because of the spen (I have big fat fingers), but prefer the pixel os and it's exclusive features over One UI. Not a fan of the Sammy's photo processing either. My 7 Pro comes today and I will use it for a while to decide which one to keep.
Thank God for Swappa or I would be broke from buying the latest greatest smart phones!


Galaxy or Pixel?

I am currently running a Pixel 3 XL. So far, I have been very underwhelmed by this phone. Even with the most recent updates, I still get the occasional lag. Several times, I would restart my phone only to have it get stuck on a black screen. Most importantly, my data connection is really bad. My 4g would occasionally turn off and on. Today, all of my data failed to work. I had to call ATT to see if there was anything wrong with their towers.
So are these software issues or hardware issues? Is Samsung Galaxy known to have better radios and internal hardware? I don't want to switch over to a different brand only to find out it was a problem with PIE, which Galaxy will soon have.
Honestly, that sounds like you have a bad phone and need a replacement.
I have a Pixel 3 XL, and although I am not as in love with it as I want to be, I do not have those problems.
To wrap my feelings up about the phone in general... if you want the best phone RIGHT NOW, then I would return and get a Galaxy Note 9 (or figure out a way to get Huawai's latest).
I came from the Note 9, and mostly regret that decision; Except for the camera - if camera is important to you then stay pixel. Unless you are a big camera nut then I am sure you can get just as good with a note 9 or Huawai - but if you want just to pull out the phone and take a nice shot without having to worry about anything, pixel is the way to go.
But I'm sure my excitement will return when android Q is coming around, and pixel is first to get. ..
garyHal said:
I am currently running a Pixel 3 XL. So far, I have been very underwhelmed by this phone. Even with the most recent updates, I still get the occasional lag. Several times, I would restart my phone only to have it get stuck on a black screen. Most importantly, my data connection is really bad. My 4g would occasionally turn off and on. Today, all of my data failed to work. I had to call ATT to see if there was anything wrong with their towers.
So are these software issues or hardware issues? Is Samsung Galaxy known to have better radios and internal hardware? I don't want to switch over to a different brand only to find out it was a problem with PIE, which Galaxy will soon have.
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I have been a samsung user forever - in fact I have the Galaxy note 9 which is an awesome phone. I also bought the pixle and I have to be honest, since getting the pixel xl 3, it has been my daily drive and i hardly even miss my Samsung Note 9. (hardly - sometimes I use it for the camera - and a few other things but overall - the Pixel has been a better, more reliable phone
I am using the BOOTLEGGER ROM which is awesome by the way - and the Proton Kernel - (V10 - waiting for V11 to be released) FOr what it's worth, Benchmark Scores are very strong - almost 299,000 on my last test (that was using Perfance settings in the Kernel Manager) but when I use the Proton Kernel normal settings - my scores run around 292,000 - very respectable.
No Lag at all - lightning fast - the Pixel 3 XL is in my opinion, amazing. Simply amazing.
Well, let's see. Android Pie was released back in August 6 of 2018. Almost 1/2 a year later, almost all Galaxy 9/9+ and Note 9 owners are still waiting to received it. They have only received Beta versions good for testing it out as part of Beta program. I think I read Germany started receiving a few days ago the actual update. If your don't care about receiving timely new features and updates and new yearly OS updates (which sometimes come a year plus later for older Samsung models), then go with the Samsung. They have great hardware but horrible record of updates. They also have a closed and locked bootloader (unless you get the international version which won't be 100% compatible with all features in your carrier). Don't expect root ever on a carrier version. It's very unlikely to happen. On the other hand, you could go for a Pixel 3XL phone. The amazing software will more than make up for the hardware shortcomings. You'll get monthly security updates directly from Google and be among the first to ever get the new OS upgrades. I had always been a Samsung Note and Galaxy user until last year's locked down of the Note 8 bootloader completely turned meet off. At over $1000 per phone, I expect to be updated quickly not a year later. I tried the Pixel 3Xl and will NEVER consider another Samsung phones regardless of hardware. I have come to learn that software can more than make up for it. I can freely unlock my bootloader as I see fit, root my phone at will and get customs ROMs from the XDA community. Rooting an international Samsung phone will void warrantee and also forever void Samsung pay. No need to worry about this on the Pixel 3Xl. I guess my point is, it all depends on your priorities XYZ wants and needs. The Pixel 3Xl in my experience is far superior to every other Samsung phone I have owned by farrrrrrrr.
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---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------
BTW in my opinion, Pixel phones also hold their value much better than Samsung phones. So, if resale value is important to you, go with the Pixel 3Xl. Just look at last year's models in Craigslist or any other page. You'll see what I'm talking about.
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garyHal said:
I am currently running a Pixel 3 XL. So far, I have been very underwhelmed by this phone. Even with the most recent updates, I still get the occasional lag. Several times, I would restart my phone only to have it get stuck on a black screen. Most importantly, my data connection is really bad. My 4g would occasionally turn off and on. Today, all of my data failed to work. I had to call ATT to see if there was anything wrong with their towers.
So are these software issues or hardware issues? Is Samsung Galaxy known to have better radios and internal hardware? I don't want to switch over to a different brand only to find out it was a problem with PIE, which Galaxy will soon have.
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Call and get a replacement. You clearly have a bad phone. I haven't heard of anyone else having these issues, and mine works perfectly. Never any lag at all. Also, the camera is amazing. Three tech sites I believe (think Gizmodo and such) plus dxomark rated it the best of 2018. Plus all of the new or pixel only features plus day one updates all make this phone even more awesome.
I had a Samsung S7 Edge, and, I loved it at first, but, never again will I own a Samsung phone. Right around the time the S8 was being release, I got an update and the phone was waaay slower. A couple more updates and the phone was nearly useless. Got a new replacement, same thing. They've been reported to do that. Soooo, unless you don't care about anything I mentioned above, and plan on getting a new Samsung every year, then get one. Otherwise, stick with a pixel.
I probably do have a bad phone since everyone else has a better experience.
I have been using Nexus / Pixel for the last 4 years and enjoyed it. This year's model was an exception.
Eudeferrer said:
Well, let's see. Android Pie was released back in August 6 of 2018. Almost 1/2 a year later, almost all Galaxy 9/9+ and Note 9 owners are still waiting to received it. They have only received Beta versions good for testing it out as part of Beta program. I think I read Germany started receiving a few days ago the actual update. If your don't care about receiving timely new features and updates and new yearly OS updates (which sometimes come a year plus later for older Samsung models), then go with the Samsung. They have great hardware but horrible record of updates. They also have a closed and locked bootloader (unless you get the international version which won't be 100% compatible with all features in your carrier). Don't expect root ever on a carrier version. It's very unlikely to happen. On the other hand, you could go for a Pixel 3XL phone. The amazing software will more than make up for the hardware shortcomings. You'll get monthly security updates directly from Google and be among the first to ever get the new OS upgrades. I had always been a Samsung Note and Galaxy user until last year's locked down of the Note 8 bootloader completely turned meet off. At over $1000 per phone, I expect to be updated quickly not a year later. I tried the Pixel 3Xl and will NEVER consider another Samsung phones regardless of hardware. I have come to learn that software can more than make up for it. I can freely unlock my bootloader as I see fit, root my phone at will and get customs ROMs from the XDA community. Rooting an international Samsung phone will void warrantee and also forever void Samsung pay. No need to worry about this on the Pixel 3Xl. I guess my point is, it all depends on your priorities XYZ wants and needs. The Pixel 3Xl in my experience is far superior to every other Samsung phone I have owned by farrrrrrrr.
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---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------
BTW in my opinion, Pixel phones also hold their value much better than Samsung phones. So, if resale value is important to you, go with the Pixel 3Xl. Just look at last year's models in Craigslist or any other page. You'll see what I'm talking about.
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I know it's all about preference and what you like but you're wrong on so many points and are trying really hard to justify your $900 purchase.
I'll start with the easiest one and that's resale value. No Google does not hold their value better nor will you find a buyer faster. Google phones are only popular on YouTube and xda. In the real world no one wants to buy a pixel and def not a used one anywhere near regular price. Even new on Verizon the pixels are constantly $200-$400 off.
As for the locked bootloader that's invalid again cause the same thing goes with the pixel. You have to buy the unlocked variant to do that otherwise their carries version can't be unlocked.
Also newest Android version doesn't always mean new features. Stock Android is just starting to implement features that Samsung has had for awhile. Unless seeing a 9.0 instead of a 8.1 on your "about phone" is that important there is nothing the pixel really offers you that Samsung a don't.
The monthly security patches are again useless considering Samsung's Knox system is arguably the most secure thing on Android regardless of your Android version.
Lastly the software on the pixel 3 is anything but amazing. Apps refreshing Everytime you have 4+ open. Constant hiccup here and there. The restrictions that Google have put on the phone in terms of only fast charging on their wireless charger and etc is against what Android is.
The pixel is a great camera and ok smartphone.
The note is an amazing phone in every other category.
I own both phones and Samsung being on a later software makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. I feel like I'm not missing out on anything .
On the pixel I'm missing out on my SD card. My headphones jack. My ability to wirelessly fast charge everywhere and the confidence that my battery will last the whole day.
I know this is a pixel forum but let's be real and take off our Google glasses. The note 9 is the best phone out right now period. The 3 xl is a great phone with many disapointments
flavioa said:
I know it's all about preference and what you like but you're wrong on so many points and are trying really hard to justify your $900 purchase.
I'll start with the easiest one and that's resale value. No Google does not hold their value better nor will you find a buyer faster. Google phones are only popular on YouTube and xda. In the real world no one wants to buy a pixel and def not a used one anywhere near regular price. Even new on Verizon the pixels are constantly $200-$400 off.
As for the locked bootloader that's invalid again cause the same thing goes with the pixel. You have to buy the unlocked variant to do that otherwise their carries version can't be unlocked.
Also newest Android version doesn't always mean new features. Stock Android is just starting to implement features that Samsung has had for awhile. Unless seeing a 9.0 instead of a 8.1 on your "about phone" is that important there is nothing the pixel really offers you that Samsung a don't.
The monthly security patches are again useless considering Samsung's Knox system is arguably the most secure thing on Android regardless of your Android version.
Lastly the software on the pixel 3 is anything but amazing. Apps refreshing Everytime you have 4+ open. Constant hiccup here and there. The restrictions that Google have put on the phone in terms of only fast charging on their wireless charger and etc is against what Android is.
The pixel is a great camera and ok smartphone.
The note is an amazing phone in every other category.
I own both phones and Samsung being on a later software makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. I feel like I'm not missing out on anything .
On the pixel I'm missing out on my SD card. My headphones jack. My ability to wirelessly fast charge everywhere and the confidence that my battery will last the whole day.
I know this is a pixel forum but let's be real and take off our Google glasses. The note 9 is the best phone out right now period. The 3 xl is a great phone with many disapointments
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Perhaps it is you that it is trying to justify the sad $1300+ price after taxes of the Note 9. While I do not argue that Note phones are generally great phones for some people, You are wrong on many levels and clearly do not have a clue about Andorid systems. While it's true that Verizon phones go on sale all the time at a discounted price, the reason for this is because they lock you in on 2 year contracts. At the end of the day you are paying more for your phone. While Amazon shows today the price of the brand new unlocked Note 9 at $725 you would be hard pressed to find the unlocked version of the 128 GB Pixel for less than its original price anywhere. While it's true that the Pixel may be $200-$400 off, If you look at the Note 9 carrier versions, they have even had BOGO offers on multiple occasions. Last year's Note 8 is on sale on Craigslist for roughly $400+ in my area. Simply because nobody wants it. At the same time, the Pixel 2 XL is usually no less than $500 used (even considering the price was originally less than the Note 8).
On another note, about new OS updates not having new features, you are wrong on multiple levels. Here is a brief list of new features introduced under Android Pie which are still NOT available to 99 % of Samsung users: Adaptive settings for battery life, screen brightness, app suggestions, etc..., Cut-out support, HEIC support which has better image compression support, New gesture navigations, New Google material Theme, An official dark theme, 157 new emojis, Night site (for Pixel phones), and so many more! To suggest that there are no new features in a new OS release shows your well-rounded ignorance about the topic. You may feel like you are not missing out on anything, but I think a great majority of smart phone owners would appreciate having the latest OS and security upgrades.
As far as headphone jacks, yes, I agree they are useful, but in my case, I had already upgraded to wireless anyways and so has most of the world from I-phones, to countless other Android phone manufacturers. It's just a matter of time before Samsung jumps on the bandwagon as well. And as far as wireless charging, if it's true what you claim that you have a Pixel 3 then you would know that it DOES come with fast wireless charging as well. So, they are even on that front. As far as battery lasting all day, my Pixel 3XL still has about 20% battery at the end of the day under heavy use, so not an issue for me, either.
I don't take away from the Samsung Note 9's appeal when it comes to screen quality, battery life and overall look and design. Remember I have a Note 8 and have used Samsung for years. But to claim that the features of the Pixel 3 OS are useless or not important shows your bitterness towards not having access to Pie yet. Good luck with your non-rootable, overpriced and over 6-month-outdated OS Note 9. MY prediction is that in the next few months you will see the price tumble to half it's value as Samsung struggles to sell its backed up inventory that nobody wants. By the time Android Pie reaches most Samsung phones, we will be a couple of months away from Android Q which will be out with a new set of features and according to you, useless and unimportant upgrades.
My Galaxy S8 blows this phone away, battery life, screen size, sound. I haven't noticed anything new with Pie. I'm no camera buff my S8 took great pictures. I'm trying to like this phone but it is hard to do.
13druber said:
My Galaxy S8 blows this phone away, battery life, screen size, sound. I haven't noticed anything new with Pie. I'm no camera buff my S8 took great pictures. I'm trying to like this phone but it is hard to do.
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From my personal experience, my Galaxy S8 constantly freezes and has worse battery life than my Pixel 3Xl. I understand user results and experiences are different for everyone. While some people claim to have had issues with apps closing on the background on Pixel 3 Xl, I never had this issue. Read up on Android Pie features. There are plenty of new worthwhile feature upgrades. Probably the most important one is adaptive battery. I think it makes a huge difference in the battery life of any phone. My Pixel 3Xl battery lasts all day. On my Galaxy 8 phone, midday I was more than halfway through the battery, same apps, and same time used. I used to constantly have to plug in my phone for juice. I rarely have to plug it in now except at night or extreme heavy use. As far as the screen size/quality, IMO, they are very similar but the sound on my stereo front speakers on the Pixel 3Xl is far superior to my S8's.
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Eudeferrer said:
From my personal experience, my Galaxy S8 constantly freezes and has worse battery life than my Pixel 3Xl. I understand user results and experiences are different for everyone. While some people claim to have had issues with apps closing on the background on Pixel 3 Xl, I never had this issue. Read up on Android Pie features. There are plenty of new worthwhile feature upgrades. Probably the most important one is adaptive battery. I think it makes a huge difference in the battery life of any phone. My Pixel 3Xl battery lasts all day. On my Galaxy 8 phone, midday I was more than halfway through the battery, same apps, and same time used. I used to constantly have to plug in my phone for juice. I rarely have to plug it in now except at night or extreme heavy use. As far as the screen size/quality, IMO, they are very similar but the sound on my stereo front speakers on the Pixel 3Xl is far superior to my S8's.
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I'm talking audio thru BT. Headphones and my BT speaker. It is all treble. My battery life is horrible on this and no expanded memory. I'm just trying to get used to this phone, I had a Nexus 5 I loved it. I just need time to adjust. I don't have any performance issues, seems pretty fast. I'll check out the Pie features, thanks.
I own both, honestly find the note to be the better all round phone and always feel limited by the max128gb storage, yes it is enough but does not leave much wiggle room. Older OS or not the Note feels more polished.
The software experience is better on the 3xl but there are bugs still (gboard 1 handed mode [emoji2357]) and some missing features (ability to schedule AOD) The camera though is just better especially in low light.
If the pixel had a 256gb option I'd probably not have the note though. Having said that if the OP6t or mate 20 had a (proper) always on display I'd likely have one of them instead!
Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
13druber said:
I'm talking audio thru BT. Headphones and my BT speaker. It is all treble. My battery life is horrible on this and no expanded memory. I'm just trying to get used to this phone, I had a Nexus 5 I loved it. I just need time to adjust. I don't have any performance issues, seems pretty fast. I'll check out the Pie features, thanks.
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Perhaps you should install Viper if you are rooted in your Pixel. It's very easy to use and easily corrects any issues with sounds quality you may have. You can truly customize the sound to your personal preference. You could also have a defective phone because my $25 Bluetooth wireless headphones from Amazon sound amazing on my Pixel. As far as expanded memory, I bought a 256 gb USB-c type drive from Amazon for $52 that I connect directly to my Pixel and I save all my backups and important files there. It's as easy as connecting it to your phone on the USB port and it will show up internally as a drive. I save Twrp backups, Titanium backups, pics, downloaded files and a ton of things. No need to miss your expanded memory card slot.
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Not sure how your getting bad battery life. I'm getting over 8 hours of screen on time with about 2 days worth of life. As far as being bogged down, again, no issues here. Pixel doesn't need 8gb of ram because it doesn't have 2 app stores, 2 text apps, 2 note apps, 2 browsers, 2 file manegers......see where I'm going?
Samsung has MASSIVE amounts of bloat. Root? Maybe, but with knox, Samsung's are for people who don't know how to take advantage of the unlocked bootloader. The UI is atrocious as well. I kind of like how you can download mods and filters for the camera, but The pixel is still better.
As great as expandable memory is, the read write speed are dirt slow compared to writing to the system. The Pixel having super speed USB type c, makes otg a great option for extra storage.
Me personally, being a Verizon chump, the Nexus 6p was my first Google phone. Which made my S4 the VERY LAST non Google phone with the exception of maybe a One+ device.
Fire Hound 8.1
Eudeferrer said:
Perhaps you should install Viper if you are rooted in your Pixel. It's very easy to use and easily corrects any issues with sounds quality you may have. You can truly customize the sound to your personal preference. You could also have a defective phone because my $25 Bluetooth wireless headphones from Amazon sound amazing on my Pixel. As far as expanded memory, I bought a 256 gb USB-c type drive from Amazon for $52 that I connect directly to my Pixel and I save all my backups and important files there. It's as easy as connecting it to your phone on the USB port and it will show up internally as a drive. I save Twrp backups, Titanium backups, pics, downloaded files and a ton of things. No need to miss your expanded memory card slot.
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My bootloader is locked. I have always used viper, too bad it doesn't come on this phone
13druber said:
My bootloader is locked. I have always used viper, too bad it doesn't come on this phone
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I'm assuming then, you are on the Verizon version because that's the only one you can't unlock bootloader. If you are not on Verizon version, it's easy to unlock. There are many tutorials on how to do it and It takes only a few minutes. I was tempted to get the Verizon version because they had great deals on it but I moved away from Samsung because of that same reason. I wanted to root my phone . A locked bootloader on this phone means I might ss well have bought a Samsung phone again. I did not want to be in the same boat with this phone. Hey, at least you can still get timely updates and support for 3 years, something Samsung will never do.
Sent from my [device_name] using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Shaftamle said:
Not sure how your getting bad battery life. I'm getting over 8 hours of screen on time with about 2 days worth of life. As far as being bogged down, again, no issues here. Pixel doesn't need 8gb of ram because it doesn't have 2 app stores, 2 text apps, 2 note apps, 2 browsers, 2 file manegers......see where I'm going?
Samsung has MASSIVE amounts of bloat. Root? Maybe, but with knox, Samsung's are for people who don't know how to take advantage of the unlocked bootloader. The UI is atrocious as well. I kind of like how you can download mods and filters for the camera, but The pixel is still better.
As great as expandable memory is, the read write speed are dirt slow compared to writing to the system. The Pixel having super speed USB type c, makes otg a great option for extra storage.
Me personally, being a Verizon chump, the Nexus 6p was my first Google phone. Which made my S4 the VERY LAST non Google phone with the exception of maybe a One+ device.
Fire Hound 8.1
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There is a big thread in the s9 forum about "debloating" the phone. It requires you to manually disable the unwanted apps though.
Eudeferrer said:
I'm assuming then, you are on the Verizon version because that's the only one you can't unlock bootloader. If you are not on Verizon version, it's easy to unlock. There are many tutorials on how to do it and It takes only a few minutes. I was tempted to get the Verizon version because they had great deals on it but I moved away from Samsung because of that same reason. I wanted to root my phone . A locked bootloader on this phone means I might ss well have bought a Samsung phone again. I did not want to be in the same boat with this phone. Hey, at least you can still get timely updates and support for 3 years, something Samsung will never do.
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Yep, Verizon ?
Shaftamle said:
Not sure how your getting bad battery life. I'm getting over 8 hours of screen on time with about 2 days worth of life. As far as being bogged down, again, no issues here. Pixel doesn't need 8gb of ram because it doesn't have 2 app stores, 2 text apps, 2 note apps, 2 browsers, 2 file manegers......see where I'm going?
Samsung has MASSIVE amounts of bloat. Root? Maybe, but with knox, Samsung's are for people who don't know how to take advantage of the unlocked bootloader. The UI is atrocious as well. I kind of like how you can download mods and filters for the camera, but The pixel is still better.
As great as expandable memory is, the read write speed are dirt slow compared to writing to the system. The Pixel having super speed USB type c, makes otg a great option for extra storage.
Me personally, being a Verizon chump, the Nexus 6p was my first Google phone. Which made my S4 the VERY LAST non Google phone with the exception of maybe a One+ device.
Fire Hound 8.1
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When u said the s4 was your last Samsung phone I knew why everything you were saying about Samsung is so outdated. They are not what they used to be. Since the s8 their ui and bloat has been a lot better and they let you disable almost everything now.
Like mentioned in my previous post it's all about preference and what's more important to you when it comes to which phone the individual prefers but looking at it spec for spec, performance for performance, value for money and etc the note is the best phone on the market.
To people like me and you who love stock Android most other things dont matter and we would still buy a pixel 10 out of 10 times . I'm just talking about overall
Also IDK how you're getting sot of 8 hours. I get 5 at best and there are numerous amounts of battery drain threads on this forum so it's not just me dealing with bad battery life. And almost every YouTube battery test have the pixels near the bottom
flavioa said:
When u said the s4 was your last Samsung phone I knew why everything you were saying about Samsung is so outdated. They are not what they used to be. Since the s8 their ui and bloat has been a lot better and they let you disable almost everything now.
Like mentioned in my previous post it's all about preference and what's more important to you when it comes to which phone the individual prefers but looking at it spec for spec, performance for performance, value for money and etc the note is the best phone on the market.
To people like me and you who love stock Android most other things dont matter and we would still buy a pixel 10 out of 10 times . I'm just talking about overall
Also IDK how you're getting sot of 8 hours. I get 5 at best and there are numerous amounts of battery drain threads on this forum so it's not just me dealing with bad battery life. And almost every YouTube battery test have the pixels near the bottom
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I definitely know things have been cleaned up a little I have an s8 for work. Like you said it's definitely personal preference. But the reason my last Samsung was the S4 is because that was the last one without Knox. I'm not a fan of locked bootloaders. Hardware and performance the note may have a slight edge.the dollar for dollar I'd still go with the pixel. It's a $200 price difference if you bought the pixel at release. If you waited a month it was 600. In my opinion there's no way the note is $400 better. But that's my opinion.
I guess I'm just stuck back in the day when Android was actually a phone that you could make your own. I just don't like how Samsung tries to push their garbage on you with every handset that you buy. But hey to each is own.
As far as battery goes, 8 hours with my tops but I'm definitely getting 7 plus since I got the phone.
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Fire Hound 8.1

A potential replacement phone

Good Morning all,
Hopefully ive placed this question in the right location. I`ve been a avid user of the Google Pixel 3 XL for several years now having moved from the Samsung Note 8. I`ve recently had the opportunity to move over to a Samsung Note 10 + Exynos (Australia) and started the Smart Switch copy process as a test before possibly moving over to the device as a daily driver. Upon completing the copy process and testing Samsungs OneUi for a few hours i found myself installing Nova and finding a user created Pixel Nova backup and trying to make the Note10 looks as identical to the Pixel 3 as i could. Previously on i think it was Oreo on the Note8 i just used the device but this Samsung OneUi i dont like at all. I find that the Ui just isnt what up to my personal liking. In saying that when an alternative launcher like Nova is used i lose access to swipe gestures as part of Android10 which ive become accustomed to on my Pixel3. The reason im on the fence is as part of my job im required a times to be onsite at other locations for work consistently on the phone for my 8 -10 hour shift depending on the work where i have noticed the Pixel3 battery just cant cope with my day to day demands without me need to hook up a battery backup to charge the device.
I guess i just am trying to weigh up the pros and cons. From what ive seen the Note10+ has a huge power gain and battery life and performance than the Pixel3 but then Samsung from past experience take quite a long time to release Os and security updates whereas the pixel3 gets them when they are released.
I love that the pixel doesnt come with any bloatware and also prefer the google messages and phone app over Samsungs as i can hook connect message to my work WebGUI while im at my desk which makes it easier to respond to text`s in my work day, Also the Pixel3 camera is amazing and appears to trump the Note10+ for taking photos which i do a lot of for work and personal. Also the Pixel3 fingerprint reader is so much more faster than the ultrasonic in the Note10.
I`ve become so dependent on the google suite of apps referring to Google Phone,Messages,Photos,Calendar,Gmail,Chrome,Assistant,AOD & Home Screen widget to name a few.
As stupid as i sounds i`m trying to find some justifiable reason to move to the Note10 over the Pixel outside of the battery capacity between the 2 as well as the cameras.
Does anyone have any input on how the Note10+ would benefit me over the Pixel3?
kornster said:
Good Morning all,
Hopefully ive placed this question in the right location. I`ve been a avid user of the Google Pixel 3 XL for several years
Does anyone have any input on how the Note10+ would benefit me over the Pixel3?
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I totally understand you, Google delivers, in my opinion, the best User Experience. Despite its devices not being racecars, we still want to buy them for the UI.
Here are all the pros for the Note 10+:
Better CPU, more RAM ---> Smoother experience
More storage, faster (UFS 3.0) ---> Fast file transfer+ no struggles with pics
Quick Charge ---> Phone Charge faster
In display fingerprint ---> Best thing
Gorilla glass 6 (vs 5 for the Pixel)
Plus you get a freaking stylus man!
So the overall experience will most likely be better, smoother and faster (for charging, gaming, taking photos and storing them)
Also, try to see if you can get a OnePlus phone. It has all the pros mentioned above plus it has almost no bloatware (only uninstallable preinstalled apps like FB or Netflix) and the UI is close to stock. You get also a lot of customization.
But to me, the Pixel UI is above OxygenOS (OnePlus UI)
Have a good day
Hi Raiz,
Well i took the plunge for a month and have moved back to the Pixel 3 XL. The Note 10+ itself is aesthetically pleasing to hold and touch. But there`s just something about the Samsung experience that irks me the wrong way. The biggest issue i had was the under screen fingerprint reader, It was IMO the worst experience, 9 out 10 times not working at all requiring me to use my pin code to unlock the phone. I recorded my fingerprints in all different angles to cover everything but more often that not it just didnt work. Samsung Dex was ok but certainly no where near a usable point. Running Windows 10 i can tie the My Phone app straight into the Pixel/Samsung and it worked well, even with the latest update. I never once used the stylus for what it could be used for, only a few times using it for the wireless photo taking. The camera on the Samsung is ok but no where near where the Pixel camera. The Google default apps are for me a lot more user friendly than the Samsung one. Samsung's OneUI although aesthetically pleasing didn't cut it for me, oversized icons and restrictions in places i thought wouldn't be, it felt like i was using an Apple device at times. I needed to use OneUI due to gestures only working with OneUi and not an alternative launcher like Nova. Having the now playing on the lock screen is something i always used, As someone who loves music hearing something and then just looking at the Pixel and it showing what was playing was always a plus. The AOD on the Pixel was better with calendar entries showing up on AOD. Turning the Pixel over the mute was sorely missed especially when i could be working and avoiding phone distractions and just turn the phone over and not be annoyed. There`s so many more things i could report on and im not bagging out the Note10+. Just come to the conclusion that having a Note8 then Pixel 3 XL and moving to the Note10+ that there`s just too many things on the Pixel that are sorely missed and i had to revert.
The biggest issue on the Pixel is the abysmal battery and how long it lasts and it`s something i`ll just have to deal with.
kornster said:
Hi Raiz,
The biggest issue on the Pixel is the abysmal battery and how long it lasts and it`s something i`ll just have to deal with.
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Nice to hear from you .
I'm sorry that you bought something that didn't pleased you. Some people aren't bothered at all by all the restrictions and all the stuff you said above, but IMO you made the right decision. Samsung are all about making you buy, from the in-OS ads to the short support (which has been a bit lengthened recently). But I think once you get a taste of what Google has to offer with its own OS, you can't get back to the previous experience and don't feel a downgrade.
It's all specs and power now, but I think that if UI, support and features aren't here, your phone won't be good. If I knew that the Pixel 5 would have a battery this large (rumored at 4000 mhA), I would've waited before buying my OP8.
I hope you still enjoy your Pixel 3 tho, and I hope it will last
Have a great day

Fed up Samsung fanboi looking for new phone / Half rant

Hi All,
I'm coming at you with a different type of post, one where I'm looking for everyone's expertise in choosing a new phone to replace my S21+ Exynos 256gb.
I've had the phone since launch, and I was forced to get the Exynos version as it's the only one available in my market (no SD).
I've had a myriad of problems and frustrations with this particular phone, and a few to mention are the fact that Fast charge and Super Fast charge no longer work. The phone refuses to charge in these modes even though I haven't changed my charger setup (genuine super fast charger and cable). Moreover, when the phone reaches a certain low battery level you cannot charge it because there's a "moisture detected in your port" error. It happens very randomly and yes, I've checked for moisture and pocket lint/dust each time, the phone and charging port are in pristine condition (air relative humidity in my home is ~40-50%). This even happens if I turn off the phone and try to charge it.
One thing that allows me to charge it in this condition is either - Wireless charging, which makes the phone scalding hot in a few minutes and the charging of course stops, or using a very old external battery (low amps maybe?) with it's built-in type-c cable.
My second gripe is camera UI performance. From the moment you start the camera and the moment you can take pictures there's a window of time where it acts very choppy and unresponsive (the whole phone does), and the interface takes time to draw to the whole screen. Sometimes when you change modes or exit the app and open it again, the same happens. Still on the topic of the camera, when I start the "Pro mode" and start working on a shot, including focusing, setting isso/exposure, zooming in/out and just general work to frame the best shot, the phone gets so hot in the upper right corner that you're given the impression it's gonna burn soon . I think the camera setup uses way more processing power than the phone is able to deliver for extended periods of time. (keep in mind we're talking about 3-5 minutes, not hours).
Third and final gripe is software+hardware performance. I've switched to this phone from an S10+ and I wholeheartedly say that the S10+ combination of hardware and software delivered more day-to-day usage performance than the S21+. The interface was snappy, there was no lag and no applications were "hanging" or taking too much time to process changes or screen refreshes. My overall experience with the S21+ has been horrible in terms of usability, it somehow gives the impresion of an underpowered computer trying to run the most advanced software. I won't go into details on specific apps and scenarios, but I have been extensively multitasking on my old s10+ with both work and personal apps at the same time and I have not had this level of dissatisfaction with the phone's performance like with the S21+. It feels like I'm using a phone 2-3 generations older.
I know, I know, I'm whining, but I was very enthusiastic about getting a newer phone, after having a stellar experience with my old S10+, and this s21+ has delivered only problems and disappointments.
I'm a long time Samsung fan (may flagship phones over the years, Samsung TVs and appliances, you name it).
But I think time has come to say goodbye to the smartphone division of Samsung. Continuing to use Samsung phones would be at a detriment to me and I am trying to avoid that.
That being said - I am looking for an alternative, maybe it's time to try Snapdragon at this point in my life since Samsung only sold Exynos phones on my market and that's what I've been using along these years.
I've been looking at the Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro recently. Are there any other alternatives? I've been so far up with Samsung products that I don't even know who's their competition these days!
Thank you very much for reading my rant!
adrscu said:
I've been looking at the Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro recently. Are there any other alternatives? I've been so far up with Samsung products that I don't even know who's their competition these days!
Thank you very much for reading my rant!
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Firstly, your post is too long that I believe not everyone will bother to read your personal story telling, including my self.
Secondly, you need to be more specific when calling a phone model because one letter or number means a totally different phone AND specifications.
I also was a fan of Samsung up to the Galaxy S2 which I believe was the best phone they ever made, everything after that is pure overpriced marketing garbage.
I also owned other Samsung phones too and I am not impressed by their price compared to what they offer.
Another reason why I dislike (and won't buy anymore) Samsung products is because their CEO poked and derided Huawei when America (and its slave allies) banned Huawei out of the country citing security reasons.
Obviously Samsung is worried about sales in the US and it is ready to say anything its master orders to.
Regarding Xiaomi, this year it has became the world's second manufacturer for sales and that tells which phone manufacturer company is leading in the world.
I'm sorry that you wasted a lot of money on a Samsung crap (like I did), I advise you look into Xiaomi or Poco (same as Xiaomi) because they offer the best available technology at the best price compared to other manufacturers.
And when asking for suggestions you need to (very very briefly) tell what you're looking for in a phone.
By the way, I also have a Samsung washing machine, it works but it's pure garbage because when is spins fast it makes too much noise compared to my much older washing machine.
Hello @mobnoob and thanks for your extensive reply.
I've since gone with the Oneplus 9 pro and I feel it fills my needs fine until now.
As to appliances, I've started exploring other manufacturers and it seems there are some good options out there. It feels weirdly good to be free
adrscu said:
Hello @mobnoob and thanks for your extensive reply.
I've since gone with the Oneplus 9 pro and I feel it fills my needs fine until now.
As to appliances, I've started exploring other manufacturers and it seems there are some good options out there. It feels weirdly good to be free
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The One Plus 9 Pro looks a nice phone and it offers a great value for what it costs but for my needs a phone must have at least a 5000mAh battery because I use Google Maps and GPS a lot.
I didn't update my previous preference, I got a Poco M3 global (EU) which is trash.
It's made in China by Xiaomi, notifications on a locked screen have a lot of problems so I need always to unlock the screen and check IF I got a message.
MIUI developed a always on screen APP which maybe fixes the problem, I updated the phone to the latest MIUI 12, I see people on Youtube showing the APP in the settings BUT I don't have it!
I found out that Xiaomi only offer this APP to the Chinese market, how stupid is that???
Also I'm not able to receive MMS messages anymore, weak wi-fi, overheating when charging etc. etc..
I tried to contact both Xiaomi and Poco in many ways, they never replayed!!!

General Samsung S22 Ultra the phone that disappointed me the most.

Hi All
Two years ago I bought a phone, from a slightly lower end than Samsung - that's what I thought at the time, until I started using the Samsung S22 Ultra 512GB a month ago.
That phone was the Oppo Find X2 Pro 512GB. In two years I never did a hard reset! The phone works perfectly, fast, smooth as butter. However, the power button started to fail, so I started thinking about something higher end, more expensive, twice the price, I thought I would get a phone at least twice as good for that price.
Unfortunately, the Samsung is not better, it is several times slower in daily use. It's possible that in tests, the GPU is faster, but in everyday use the Samsung S22 Ultra next to the Oppo Pro X2 Pro looks like a tortoise (Samsung) next to a rabbit (Oppo).
When using the Samsung, I feel like I'm using a Samsung S7? Even my S9 was faster and ran without stuttering. On the Oppo I have more apps, yet it runs faster even when some of the apps, have cached for two years....
I don't know if Samsung can improve something with updates to make the Exynos 2200 run at least as fast as the Snapdragon 865. If not, I will fix the power button on the Oppo in a month or two and sell the Samsung.
An example of why? Google maps - Oppo any route generates without any delay, Samsung sometimes takes a few seconds or so before the route appears. Aliexpress when I browse product photos added by people, Oppo one swipe appears the next photo, no matter how fast I swipe, photo after photo; Samsung - sometimes I have to swipe 2-3 times before the next photo appears, I am not ready for a complete lack of response when I swipe my finger. Youtube - Oppo no problems, Samsung sound shifted in relation to the picture, by the way on fb videos sound is also out of sync with the picture, I guess phones worth $200 do not have such problems.
Examples could be multiplied. For the first time in two years, I overslept for work because Samsung decided not to turn on the alarm clock and it is completely random. It can't be like that!
I never write posts like this, however the Samsung S22 Ultra is the phone that has let me down the most in the last 20 years, I have never been able to buy, the latest phone, from the "top end" that is much slower than the previous more budget phone that is now two years old.
Samsung - shame... I am very disappointed.
Can someone knowledgeable answer: can they somehow improve this phone by changing the software? Because if not then I'm selling this piece of junk.
Kind regards,
I know what you mean...a phone for over 1300 should be as good as passable... hope Samsung fixes the problems with the exynos... it cant be true
Not sure if it can be completely "fixed".
Android 12 is no gem to start with. GOS fixes are on the way. ADB edits can also be used to tone it down. Not sure if Package Disabler is functional on this model though. It, like it's predecessors definitely needs something like this.
Compared to the Note 10+ the S22U sucks; much poorer form factor, no SD card slot*, that 108mp cam sensor has hype gimmick written all over it. The N10+ gets better SOT with a much smaller battery.
I'm not impressed and rejected the S22U and for that matter the N20U and S21 because of multiple deficiencies and/or issues in spite of a "better" hardware packages. Drop the ball Samsung... and by the way Sammy right handed people hold this huge phone in their left hand.
What were you thinking?
*with no .5-1tb V30 SD card these new phones are a god awful terrors to use and backup. Even when using a SD card as a data drive, backing it up can be a tedious business. Having the redundancy of the 512gb internal memory to make temporarily a backup folder helps prevent backup mishaps in conjunction with the SD card.
That's fresh in my mind because I just did it; you can never have too much SD card memory or "scratch" memory to play with. $hit happens, one corrupted file is all it takes If I had to use the PC to do what I just did it would've taken at least twice as long. No SD card slot, No sale!!!
The N10+ with 1+tb of storage still rocks it...
The issue is there are problems on number of exynos s22 ultras with humber of user complaining about the same things you are mentioning, I to was going to get the Samsung s22 ultra but my oppo find x2 pro also runs fast without no issues and just had the android 12 update on it a few days ago.
Instead I ordered a oppo find x5 pro which at the moment comes with over £350 worth of extras and thought if I don't like it, I can always return it but oppos have a better build quality in my opinon and coupled with a 2 year international warranty as standard and great customer service eg they reply to my Facebook messages, email messages and other social media platforms with any questions I have.
I truely believe the exynos chipset with the amd gpu was not ready for mainstream give it a few more releases before the fix the bugs, also a good indicator is that even south korea (home of samsung) does not use the exynos chipset which is saying something.
It can also do with a bad batch as there are also users who have said they don't have any issues at all, maybe built in two different factories, I think the ones I have seen come from Vietnam here in the UK.
a5ian300zx said:
The issue is there are problems on number of exynos s22 ultras with humber of user complaining about the same things you are mentioning, I to was going to get the Samsung s22 ultra but my oppo find x2 pro also runs fast without no issues and just had the android 12 update on it a few days ago.
Instead I ordered a oppo find x5 pro which at the moment comes with over £350 worth of extras and thought if I don't like it, I can always return it but oppos have a better build quality in my opinon and coupled with a 2 year international warranty as standard and great customer service eg they reply to my Facebook messages, email messages and other social media platforms with any questions I have.
I truely believe the exynos chipset with the amd gpu was not ready for mainstream give it a few more releases before the fix the bugs, also a good indicator is that even south korea (home of samsung) does not use the exynos chipset which is saying something.
It can also do with a bad batch as there are also users who have said they don't have any issues at all, maybe built in two different factories, I think the ones I have seen come from Vietnam here in the UK.
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Samsung is known to substitute smaller chipsets and components as needed during a production run. Sometimes the firmware doesn't properly interface with these changes. Guess what happens?
Until Samsung learns of the issue by customers sending them in to be physically examined, no firmware updates addressing them can be written. This may or may not be the case here.
Most times Samsung's just need to be optimized, no firmware updates needed. Unfortunately many times Samsung phone tech support is pretty useless (I'm being kind).
BaGRoS said:
Hi All
Two years ago I bought a phone, from a slightly lower end than Samsung - that's what I thought at the time, until I started using the Samsung S22 Ultra 512GB a month ago.
That phone was the Oppo Find X2 Pro 512GB. In two years I never did a hard reset! The phone works perfectly, fast, smooth as butter. However, the power button started to fail, so I started thinking about something higher end, more expensive, twice the price, I thought I would get a phone at least twice as good for that price.
Unfortunately, the Samsung is not better, it is several times slower in daily use. It's possible that in tests, the GPU is faster, but in everyday use the Samsung S22 Ultra next to the Oppo Pro X2 Pro looks like a tortoise (Samsung) next to a rabbit (Oppo).
When using the Samsung, I feel like I'm using a Samsung S7? Even my S9 was faster and ran without stuttering. On the Oppo I have more apps, yet it runs faster even when some of the apps, have cached for two years....
I don't know if Samsung can improve something with updates to make the Exynos 2200 run at least as fast as the Snapdragon 865. If not, I will fix the power button on the Oppo in a month or two and sell the Samsung.
An example of why? Google maps - Oppo any route generates without any delay, Samsung sometimes takes a few seconds or so before the route appears. Aliexpress when I browse product photos added by people, Oppo one swipe appears the next photo, no matter how fast I swipe, photo after photo; Samsung - sometimes I have to swipe 2-3 times before the next photo appears, I am not ready for a complete lack of response when I swipe my finger. Youtube - Oppo no problems, Samsung sound shifted in relation to the picture, by the way on fb videos sound is also out of sync with the picture, I guess phones worth $200 do not have such problems.
Examples could be multiplied. For the first time in two years, I overslept for work because Samsung decided not to turn on the alarm clock and it is completely random. It can't be like that!
I never write posts like this, however the Samsung S22 Ultra is the phone that has let me down the most in the last 20 years, I have never been able to buy, the latest phone, from the "top end" that is much slower than the previous more budget phone that is now two years old.
Samsung - shame... I am very disappointed.
Can someone knowledgeable answer: can they somehow improve this phone by changing the software? Because if not then I'm selling this piece of junk.
Kind regards,
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Are you still in the remorse period? Can't you return the S22?
Is this primarily an issue with the exynos version? How about the snapdragon version?
Day 3 with mine and coming from an S20+ I'm not experiencing any performance, lag, overheating or battery issues.
Did a mild de-bloat with ADP App Control and good to go.
It's sad to hear the exonys is giving so much issues out of the box. Here in South Africa we used to get only the exonys, but for some reason they changed it to the sd. On my sd I don't have any issues as mentioned here or any of the other posts complaining about the exonys. I'm glad that they decided to change it to the sd. There is this other post that "fine tunes" the phone, perhaps try it and see....My carrier only has the entry oppo phones available...I know I can import, but I'm happy with my s22u
[DISCONTINUED] Samsung Galaxy One UI - Optimization Guide
THIS IS A SUGGESTED CONFIGURATION FOR SAMSUNG DEVICES OUT OF SUPPORT/CLOSED I - RECOMMENDED SETTINGS To Start With - Factory Reset before starting optimisations - Factory Reset after every Major update (One UI/Android) - Remove SIM before first...
craznazn said:
Are you still in the remorse period? Can't you return the S22?
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Came in here to say this. Sorry bro.
Tbf I really don't understand what you guys are talking about, nobody complained about S22 speeds either Snapdragon or Exynos, it seems like an issue from your side and I would recommend you exchange your phone or see that with Samsung support
jojos38 said:
Tbf I really don't understand what you guys are talking about, nobody complained about S22 speeds either Snapdragon or Exynos, it seems like an issue from your side and I would recommend you exchange your phone or see that with Samsung support
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You are sure? Nobody complained?
S22 Ultra Very Laggy and slow
I got my new S22 Ultra this monday and I have been having quite a lot of problems with it. The battery life is terrible, only around 2-3 hours of lite use. Snapchat is near unusable because it is terribly slow and laggy to use and the viewport...
BaGRoS said:
You are sure? Nobody complained?
S22 Ultra Very Laggy and slow
I got my new S22 Ultra this monday and I have been having quite a lot of problems with it. The battery life is terrible, only around 2-3 hours of lite use. Snapchat is near unusable because it is terribly slow and laggy to use and the viewport...
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"Nobody" is obviously an exaggeration to point out that very few people complained. Of course some people complained but it's minority
This thread is 34 pages of the same people discussing, I don't know if we can see how many people participated to the thread and among those how many actually participated to complain about this specific issue (speed) but it's probably low
Another user complaining here: almost ready to go back to Xiaomi 12 Pro
After those Updates, the debloating and rooting it seemed to work pretty good on Exynos.
However I also sold it now, because it was too big for the pocket or to make photos comfortable.
Happy I did.. waiting for an Alternative.. like an S22 Ultra Mini now (if something like this will appear soon hopefully)
||||| said: an S22 Ultra Mini now (if something like this will appear soon hopefully)
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Sounds so tasty, yet it will not exist anytime soon.
I returned mine to Telus before my 30 day window.
S22 SD version on Telus. I don't have it anymore so wjatever model is Canada version.
Camera issues:
- Camera preview looks completely different from shot photos.
- Camera shots look very noisy compared to my Galaxy Note 10's Camera.
- Dark photos when HDR should be enabled. - Note 10 somehow manages to take photos but every photo on the S22 is extremely underexposed and when settings are changed it looks very grainy? Like the heck? Especially if trying to see a sleeping puppy -- a 2 year newer phone can't manage?? Not using digital zoom either.
GPS completely knackered. I have tracking apps so people can safely check me, but my phone wouldn't register as active even with battery saver off. At all.
-- location jumping on Google Maps. It doesn't seem to know where I'm at. Worse than Note 10. Same goes for Transit App.
Phone not registering SMS messages, group messages, or chat features.
And lastly, phone alarms that would show "missed alarm" even though the phone wasn't silenced and alarm volume + vibrate enabled and at a decently loud volume. Since when the hell did an alarm (something phones have had since 2003), ever stop functioning?
Exynos version has some lags especially in apps. But what other device with same or better characteristics should we bye;
I have the Galaxy S21 5G Plus .
Compared with the the S22 or an OPPO, is is slower or faster or same fast?
German Kraut said:
I have the Galaxy S21 5G Plus .
Compared with the the S22 or an OPPO, is is slower or faster or same fast?
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Not the right thread for this (off topic) but I'll bite. If you have the s21, don't even bother.
Upgrading every year is stupid and why manufacturers get away with the crap they do.

Question Pixel 7 pro to replace my S22U , am I crazy?

Hello I received a confirmation from my usual shop that the S23U will be "at least" 200$ more than the S22U when it was released, which is way too much for me. So now I am contemplating (again) the Pixel 7 Pro . Am I crazy to be willing to replace my 1 year old S22U with a Pixel 7 pro ? Anyone here did the same and is happy or regret the move ? Also some practical question: can you see briefly a message when receiving one on the AOD like on Samsung
I like my 7 Pro very much for the Pixel ONLY features like call screening. I really don't care about cameras. I do NOT like how Samsung forces its native apps and BIXBY down a persons throat. However, you are asking about a good powerful phone that I imagine you like and that is ONLY one year old! Now if it was 3 or more years old I would say to get the 7 Pro. But at one year old I am not sure what you might gain? In fact you might lose a few things you like while gaining a few you don't have now. So YMMV.
Depends on what you need out of a phone. If you didn't use any of the s22u features like 10x optical zoom, the pen, the ability to connect to more than one Bluetooth device/speaker simultaneously ,multi window multitasking, screen mirroring, the far superior game playability..... then the 7pro is an awesome alternative. Once all the bugs were ironed out that is. It does all the little things better than any other android phone. The voice recognition on it is unbelievable. Much less bloatware. I can't imagine wanting another home outside of the galaxy ultra phines. And I went from an s22 ultra to a z fold 4 (which I had for maybe a month) to the 7 pro. Obviously I'm getting the S23u but that just cause I've got some weird mental condition.
vegetaleb said:
Also some practical question: can you see briefly a message when receiving one on the AOD like on Samsung
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No. This was annoying coming from OnePlus where they integrated full screen message previews into the AOD. The Pixel just takes you to the lock screen when you get a message. I got a Galaxy Watch 4 Classic a week ago and I'm loving it for the ability to preview my messages without having to touch my phone. Didn't realize how much I missed that from the OnePlus.
chetly968 said:
I've got some weird sickness.
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Lol I think many of us here can relate to that sickness. I'm fighting with myself about the S23U too.
EtherealRemnant said:
No. This was annoying coming from OnePlus where they integrated full screen message previews into the AOD. The Pixel just takes you to the lock screen when you get a message. I got a Galaxy Watch 4 Classic a week ago and I'm loving it for the ability to preview my messages without having to touch my phone. Didn't realize how much I missed that from the OnePlus.
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Did you try custom roms?
I wonder if they add this option
vegetaleb said:
Did you try custom roms?
I wonder if they add this option
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I haven't tried them yet. Honestly have been pretty happy with my Pixel and I hate the idea of having to wipe my phone since I'm on the beta.
Why won't you just skip the S23 and save your money for the S24?
heinhuiz said:
Why won't you just skip the S23 and save your money for the S24?
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Like someone else said , it's a sickness to change a phone every year
I am a bit tired of samsung OneOs , it does have negatives and the Ultra body is beginning to be very weighty.
I have had this dude but replacing note 10+ with Pixel 6 pro , I believe I would badly miss the SPen ... Apart from the pen as lo g as I am able to connect my Galaxy watch to the pixel I dont see any other inconvenience...
yurais said:
to connect my Galaxy watch to the pixel
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You can definitely do this. There is even a modded Samsung Health Monitor APK to get all those features if you use them.
EtherealRemnant said:
You can definitely do this. There is even a modded Samsung Health Monitor APK to get all those features if you use them.
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Still will miss the SPen and its air gestures and onScreen functions, use it daily...
I have both phones... Just can't switch to the pixel. Even though it is damn good, fast and running Android 13.
I will probably sell both and get S22U
yurais said:
Still will miss the SPen and its air gestures and onScreen functions, use it daily...
I have both phones... Just can't switch to the pixel. Even though it is damn good, fast and running Android 13.
I will probably sell both and get S22U
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I'm doubtful I'll even use the S-Pen if I get the S23U. Note 5 was the last Samsung I had and I used the S-Pen hardly ever.
I wanted the S23U to have a modem with updated bands that the Pixel 7 Pro doesn't support (lower 3.45GHz n77 for AT&T as well as n26 and n70 for Dish) but word is the S23U doesn't support n70 either so I'll probably just keep my Pixel unless Samsung offers a really attractive price or trade in (seems unlikely).
yurais said:
Still will miss the SPen and its air gestures and onScreen functions, use it daily...
I have both phones... Just can't switch to the pixel. Even though it is damn good, fast and running Android 13.
I will probably sell both and get S22U
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I'm doubtful that I'll even use the S-Pen if I get the S23U. Note 5 was the last Samsung I had and I used the S-Pen hardly ever.
I wanted the S23U to have a modem with updated bands that the Pixel 7 Pro doesn't support (lower 3.45GHz n77 for AT&T as well as n26 and n70 for Dish) but word is the S23U doesn't support n70 either so I'll probably just keep my Pixel unless Samsung offers a really attractive price or trade in (seems unlikely).
vegetaleb said:
Hello I received a confirmation from my usual shop that the S23U will be "at least" 200$ more than the S22U when it was released, which is way too much for me. So now I am contemplating (again) the Pixel 7 Pro . Am I crazy to be willing to replace my 1 year old S22U with a Pixel 7 pro ? Anyone here did the same and is happy or regret the move ? Also some practical question: can you see briefly a message when receiving one on the AOD like on Samsung
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Hi. I made the same change that you indicate and very happy.
For me this Pixel 7 pro is a great phone.
vegetaleb said:
Like someone else said , it's a sickness to change a phone every year
I am a bit tired of samsung OneOs , it does have negatives and the Ultra body is beginning to be very weighty.
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This is why I went with the 7 Pro. I had the 22 Ultra for almost two weeks and just could not get used to the boxy feeling and overly curved screen. I had a 21 Ultra before that for almost two years and a Note before that so I was getting really tired of OneUi as well. I'm very happy with the 7 Pro and what I paid for it. The 23 Ultra is too much like the 22 so that's off the board for me.
I don't have an ultra but I do have an s22 plus. I also have the Pixel 7 Pro. Between the two I use the Pixel now almost excellent and I don't miss the Samsung or it's gimmick features.
Everyone has a different opinion and use case. The s pen is an advantage in certain situations if you don't have a tablet and need to sign legal documents. Otherwise on a small screen I don't see any real use for it.
The edge panels and Dex are things I will never use because I have other devices that fill in the gap.
I really hate all the bloatware on Samsung devices since time immemorial. Apps that you can't disable or uninstall, 3rd party apps preinstalled and of course the numerous duplicate apps. Then there is Bixby. Completely unnecessary and useless but you don't have a choice to get rid of it.
Despite all of the hate I have towards those things I like Samsung and the integration between PC, tablet, phone and watch. Very similar to Apple. I like Samsung back ups. I like some Samsung apps. I like the hardware on Samsung probably the best of any Android device out there.
So I am always torn on Samsung devices.
Considering the price of the Pixel 7 Pro and features it has everything I need and nothing I don't. Sure, there are a few Google apps I could live without but in general it is as close to software perfection that you can get on Android. Although the hardware is not as good as the Ultra it is really good for the cost. I also like the direction Google is taking with Tensor. Less about maximum performance that most phones throttle anyway and more about sustained performance and AI.
I have felt the 7 Pro is really good in terms of stability and reliability compared to previous Pixels which is a huge factor for me. The cameras are some of the best, certainly the best I have used on a smartphone, the screen is calibrated perfectly and just an absolute pleasure. The battery life is good enough and performance has been seamless. The UI and animations super smooth and pleasing. The modem to my surprise has been excellent.
I got this phone on sale and at less than the cost of the regular s22 MSRP it is simply hard to beat. Add Pixel exclusive features and feature updates and fast updates and it is one of the best phones out there.
Samsung s23 ultra will have better hardware for sure but does that translate into a better user experience is something only each of us can decide. I too, am extremely tempted by the s23 ultra but the cost of that phone is pretty crazy to me. Almost double what I paid for my Pixel 7 Pro and I can say with certainty that it is not double the phone!
robbbzilla said:
I really hate all the bloatware on Samsung devices since time immemorial. Apps that you can't disable or uninstall, 3rd party apps preinstalled and of course the numerous duplicate apps. Then there is Bixby. Completely unnecessary and useless but you don't have a choice to get rid of it.
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So do I but that can be dealt with using by using ADBAppControl.
Can't remove bloatware is no longer a thing.
hand-filer said:
So do I but that can be dealt with using by using ADBAppControl.
Can't remove bloatware is no longer a thing.
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Well it is hard to know what can be removed and what will mess up the OS. Can you remove Bixby or some other Samsung software without causing issues? I have seen lists that say what is safe to remove and they conflict each other.
It would be nicer if Samsung simply allowed you to choose at setup what apps you want installed and what you don't without forcing your hand or hacking the OS. Just my opinion.
S22U to P7P would be more like moving sideways. Definitely not an upgrade, but not necessarily a downgrade either.
If i were you, i would just see what world offer in next 6 months instead of spending the money now.

