So I ordered a UIS7862-based 9" screen for my wife's RAV4, as it supposedly has CANBUS support, which the 8" Qualcomm Snapdragon 625-based unit I have installed apparently does not. I've gone 'round and 'round with Joying tech support, they basically told me to pound sand when it comes to steering wheel controls on the SD625 unit. There is no CANBUS support and they won't even address steering wheel controls other than to tell me to research other companies' interfaces like the Axxess, PAC, etc.
So I ended up buying the UIS7862-based unit, because they said it will work out of the box, plug and play, with the CANBUS and my wife's vehicle.
Interesting to me that they have included 8GB of RAM with a processor that (as far as I can tell) only supports 6GB of RAM. So I can't imagine this will cause any particular problems, per se, but neither will I likely see any benefit to the extra 2GB of unusable RAM. I really wanted the upgrade ($60) for the internal storage increase.
In my emails with them, asking about some of their other units, they did confirm the UIS7862 was used in other head units with 8GB of RAM, then they actually asked me to stop asking them questions about why they would include 8GB of RAM and a processor that couldn't utilize all of it. lol. It was a bit funny, they basically said, "Our boss did this, don't ask us why anymore, please stop."
My only thought is simple marketing - they do truly have 8GB of RAM (I guess, I haven't gotten mine yet to check), but you can't use it all - so it just helps them to sell more units. And since they're "upcharging" for the RAM, they don't really care. It's no skin off their nose.
I just found it funny, I guess. Like I said, I can't fathom it would cause problems.
Here's what they said to me:
Please do not ask much more reason on why we only released this model or that model. this is our boss descision. no any reason.
You only need to choose the head unit which you like will be fine. friend. please do not always focus on so many "why". because we also have no ideas to tell u. sorry.
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Funny stuff, but I hope the new unit will work better than the Snapdragon one.
The 6GB limit is debatable.
This site says 6GB, but
Here's a chart showing max mem as 8GB (T610 == UMS512)
I think I'll run some kind of memory tester on mine to put this one to bed...stay tuned.
@j-5 did you ever do any testing?
My new 8/128 Joying unit should be here Thursday I believe, and should just drop in with no major wiring changes. Only difference to my knowledge is adding in the CANBUS harness to see how much of my factory stuff I can restore.
But I'm interested to know how this unit handles or recognizes the 8GB of RAM. Is it able to utilize it all? How would one, know, what programs or methods would you utilize to check if it is using all the available RAM?
tRidiot said:
@j-5 did you ever do any testing?
My new 8/128 Joying unit should be here Thursday I believe, and should just drop in with no major wiring changes. Only difference to my knowledge is adding in the CANBUS harness to see how much of my factory stuff I can restore.
But I'm interested to know how this unit handles or recognizes the 8GB of RAM. Is it able to utilize it all? How would one, know, what programs or methods would you utilize to check if it is using all the available RAM?
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I ran a couple of utilities (antutu, phonecheck) and they showed all of the RAM, but they didn't have a RAM test option, so ??
Hmmm that's a tough one. I can see where it would show up as present - but if your unit can't utilize it, it doesn't do you any good.
Anyone have any ideas on an Android app that can test CPU utilization of memory?
tRidiot said:
But I'm interested to know how this unit handles or recognizes the 8GB of RAM. Is it able to utilize it all? How would one, know, what programs or methods would you utilize to check if it is using all the available RAM?
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I have explained it earlier in another thread. There is no limit of 6 GB for these 64bit chips. The total limit is currently 16 exabytes, but most (server) CPUs are restricted to 2 or 4 Terabytes.
This 6 GB is a hardware limitation "built in" by the chip producer. Note though that we are already at the uis7862c model. Maybe the previous a and b models were limited in some way to 6 GB, whereas the c model can address 8 GB and maybe even more.
surfer63 said:
This 6 GB is a hardware limitation "built in" by the chip producer. Note though that we are already at the uis7862c model. Maybe the previous a and b models were limited in some way to 6 GB, whereas the c model can address 8 GB and maybe even more.
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Just as a data point, my "phonechek" reported I have an "A" model, but still shows 8GB.
Here's a screener from "Fake Device Test" app:
Maybe I shouldn't worry about it so much. I'm just curious and trying to learn how all this works. I'm still pretty boggled and baffled by most of this stuff.
j-5 said:
Just as a data point, my "phonechek" reported I have an "A" model, but still shows 8GB.
Here's a screener from "Fake Device Test" app:
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Thanks for confirming but that's why I mentioned "Maybe the previous a and b models were limited in some way to 6 GB". To me this even means that there is no limitation, only in how they are brought to the market.
The Sofias at that time were also 64bit but limited to 2GB. The PX5 was 64bit but limited to 4GB. Note that I am talking about what was sold, not tehcnical limitations.
If there is a pull from the market, or a push from the manufacturer, to sell more expensive units having more memory and emmc, they will do.
Hello, so the UIS7862 can really support 8GB of RAM ? Or it is a scam ?
Has anybody seen this
Ipad Looking Andropad
The price is pretty cheap and has HDMi output. The seller seems to have good reviews too. Unfortunately I don't have enough spare money to try this out. But if anybody here is interested
Lot of chinese companies have shown interest in ANDROID devices, so I guess this was coming.
If its running 1.6 how does it have, "Browser comes with Flash Lite version 3.1 and supports playback of SWF contents up to Flash 9 and ActionScript 2.0"
Isn't that what the Hero's browser has?
It does look like a good device though
mommy i know whaT i want for my birthday
Nice, though it's a rip-off and I would prefer a more expensive one that really has competitive hardware to the iPad.
Not sure I want Android on a Slate, though. I think I'll wait for the HP Slate, since I want to be productive on the thing.
But I would prefer this over an ebook reader.
EnTourage Edge
You ought to go over to the Entourage site to see my new enTourage eDGe! Look it up!
Sethos II said:
But I would prefer this over an ebook reader.
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Isn't that what the Nook is for?
I recently asked a similar question!
guyjack said:
You ought to go over to the Entourage site to see my new enTourage eDGe! Look it up!
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Im looking for more of a tablet,not ebook reader..i'm not a fan of the clamshell-touchscreen shape..very odd device imo..
Also you guys should check out they sell the 'zenPad'..its a pretty cool 5'' android tablet starting at $155, you can add gps for $25 and it has decent hardware specs..
Does anybody know anything about the Rockchip processor in it? I read somewhere that it was an ARM9 processor. That would be pretty old and slow. Wikipedia says it's based on Cortex-A8.
I am placing an order for one of these this next week. I contacted a different seller and they said that there are a few different versions. I am getting one with all the specs on that page except 4 gig nand and 512 ram. Now hopefully someone that knows alot more than I do will start releasing roms for it so I can get it running the way my G1 is.
can you please post a link/price to the one you bought? I'd love to see custom roms for these...
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
i would much rather support Google than apple i hate apple
Sethos II said:
Nice, though it's a rip-off and I would prefer a more expensive one that really has competitive hardware to the iPad.
Not sure I want Android on a Slate, though. I think I'll wait for the HP Slate, since I want to be productive on the thing.
But I would prefer this over an ebook reader.
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the hard ware on the one i saw ( and want) it a 1.2ghz, sorry to bring up an old thread but has anyone got one of these thinking of getting either this the ipad rip off or the other fully white one
I receive this tablet, that cool, but just under android 1.5. 2gb flash memory. Autonomy not very large with wifi, but with no wifi that cool. With mp3 active I listen music about 3 hours and I past 100 % to 70 %, that cool.
Now I would like to past to 1.6 or 2.1, seller says me that will arrive but when I do not know (like him...).
So if dev can give support, I take it.
yoman74 said:
I receive this tablet, that cool, but just under android 1.5. 2gb flash memory. Autonomy not very large with wifi, but with no wifi that cool. With mp3 active I listen music about 3 hours and I past 100 % to 70 %, that cool.
Now I would like to past to 1.6 or 2.1, seller says me that will arrive but when I do not know (like him...).
So if dev can give support, I take it.
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You sound foreign. As if you are the seller of this crappy 7 inch tablet (from HK).
Are you trying to save face after another poster said that the processor was ancient?
Your also trying to see if someone will hack away and make this tablet Android 2.1.
Fat Chance.
This processor would choke on Droid 2.1.
I put in an order for one of these yesterday, I'm definitely interested to see how well it preforms. If it is a fairly obvious process I'll crack mine open and take some shots of the internals for you guys. I'm guessing it will take about 2 weeks shipping though so don't expect anything soon.
As for getting a newer kernel onto these I would happily offer any assistance I can.
I think the biggest issues for me are
Marketplace access
Video benchmarking (bitrates and container formats)
Uniformity of these devices. These are offered by a few hundred sellers under at least 4 names hopefully they all are identical hardware wise as it will make drivers easier to write.
slaming These have a 600MHz ARM core and a 550MHz DSP for video decoding. Some sellers are adding these together and rounding up to claim a 1.2GHz clock speed. Its an old and regrettable tactic.
arashed31 This is the product page for the Rockchip 2808
Sorry can't post links my account isn't verified
Also mattrb you really need to take a chill pill "You sound foreign. As if you are the seller of this crappy 7 inch tablet (from HK)." is just about the most bigoted thing I've heard this week. The guy was being helpful telling you his experiences with battery endurance and you insult him, don't be childish.
BTW a little more info about the Rockchip 2808. From the research I have done it looks like this chip is based around the arm926 core. It isn't the fastest thing out there but it gets the job done. If the Rockchip version has onchip cache it should be quite decent indeed. Supposedly this core produces 220MIPs at 200MHz in the stock configuration so we should expect roughly 660MIPs at 600MHz. For comparison a Motorola Droid is based on the Cortex A8 at 600MHz which makes about 1200MIPs. The actual iPad uses the Cortex A9 core clocked at 1Ghz and produces about 2500MIPs (surely as we are without all of apple's crappy code we will have a serious advantage ). Also I have seen a few notes about a this chip being used in some devices at 886Mhz (google the Tongfang-q5). I doubt that there are different versions of the chip produced and I doubt even more the manufacturer would be overclocking the chip without some testing that it remained reliable. Hopefully this means we can squeeze some more cycles out of these tablets. This will obviously be at the expense of battery life and to some degree longevity. But at this price who cares *lmao*.
A little update: I confirmed that the Rockchip 2808 is a licensed ARM926EJ-S derivative stupid link blocking
Second update: I just started a wikipedia page for the rockchip family. Any info you can provide would be most helpful.
Let us know how well it works. I might get one just to show off ppls with ipad.
White slate
I bought the white slaie (M001) yesterday. Spent around 60 minutes on it so far. I have a few isues, but hopefully tonight I will download and insdtall updated software. For 150.00, can't complain. That is what my ereader cost me in Dec, which I will probably now sell.
is this:
the same thing you guys are talking about?
If so £70 (price & delivery) seems ludicrously cheap. At that price even if it's not brilliant it's got to be worth it right?
I bought a phone with specifications that say there exists 768MB of RAM and 4GB of ROM, yet I can only access 1GB of that ROM.
What's going on here? I read an explanation about SLC and MLC but that would cut the ROM in half, not into a quarter, of what it should be.
I really hate HTC sometimes - they promise so much and then you get the thing and it doesn't even come close to living up to expectations!
EtherealRemnant said:
I really hate HTC sometimes - they promise so much and then you get the thing and it doesn't even come close to living up to expectations!
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its the same way with ANY company, not just HTC. I don't understand why everyone gets in a bunch with phone memory. Go buy a 500 gb hdd from any other brand and tell me how much you can access. No one *****es about that though??
you are close on the formatting issues though. The ROM is originally 4gb, but is formatted for speed since the system files are stored on it. This cuts the storage space in HALF (like you said) since it becomes single layer. So we are down to 2gb, but the OS is also installed on this space. This takes up nearly 1 gb, which leaves us at ~1 gb usable space.
There is another thread around here that goes into quite a bit a of detail, and really makes for a funny read with one dude claiming this 4gb chip is not even installed in our phones and that the OS is SOMEHOW installed on the 768mb RAM chip. Hopefully someone posts the link because it really was quite entertaining.
buddy17 said:
its the same way with ANY company, not just HTC. I don't understand why everyone gets in a bunch with phone memory. Go buy a 500 gb hdd from any other brand and tell me how much you can access. No one *****es about that though??
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Not true, you buy a 500GB HDD and you get a 500GB HDD, it just depends on how you calculate it.
Let's look at a 16GB micro SD card for example. You start out with 16GB, which is 16,000 MB, or 16,000,000 KB, or 16,000,000,000 Bytes. So to get from 16,000,000,000 Bytes to Gigabytes, you divide by 1000 3 times. Unfortunately, this is not how an OS will compute the size of a drive. It will divide by 1024, thus:
16,000,000,000 Bytes/1024
=15,625,000 KB/1024
=15,258.79 MB/1024
=14.9 GB which should be roughly the amount of storage space that your OS will tell you you have.
Hope this helps
Thought I would include a calculation for a 500GB HDD just for reference:
=500,000,000,000 B/1024
=488,281,250 KB/1024
=476,837.16 MB/1024
=465.66 GB which should be very roughly what the size of your drive will be reported as by your OS.
that doesn't help at all....because i was just using it as a reference. The specifics don't matter. You buy a 500gb hdd, you hook it up to your computer, it shows 465gb that you can store stuff on.
We are told we have a 4gb ROM chip (like buying a 500gb hdd), it gets installed in our phone, formatted a certain way, and OS installed along with a few other things, and we end up with 1gb we can store stuff on.
same difference. the hdd is misadvertised because of how the OS calculates the space, our ROM is misadvertised by the way it is formatted.
buddy17 said:
same difference. the hdd is misadvertised because of how the OS calculates the space, our ROM is misadvertised by the way it is formatted.
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Exactly this. When I buy a hard drive I expect the discrepancy and factor it into my purchase if needed. With something like a phone, I see 4gb of storage and unless told otherwise am assuming that is usable space.
The simple fact of the matter is, a company is going to advertise the highest possible spec and number of their product they can represent. How much you actually can use varies, but it's all there in the hardware. The amount available to us is still plenty.
alex4lex said:
The amount available to us is still plenty.
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exactly THIS!! especially with an 8gb external card included. if you plan to use the thing as a music machine then sure, invest in a bigger card. Even without apps2sd, it would be a challenge for 90% of people to fill up that 1gb internal
buddy17 said:
exactly THIS!! especially with an 8gb external card included. if you plan to use the thing as a music machine then sure, invest in a bigger card. Even without apps2sd, it would be a challenge for 90% of people to fill up that 1gb internal
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Just another example - anyone check their free space on a freshly formatted XBox360 Drive? A 20GB drive you'll only see about 10-12GB of. My 250GB drive I'm pretty sure started out with 196GB free.
And, for the 3rd or 4th time (as this thread has shown up plenty of times before), here is the response I got from HTC regarding the the memory, showing they clearly don't see this as an 'issue':
Dear User,
I understand the importance of being able to use the fully memory capacity of your HTC Inspire 4G. The 4GB of ROM on your device is shared with the operating system and all programs that are pre-installed on the device. I do apologize for any inconvenience that you may have experienced through this.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number 11USCW09ENA001776.
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buddy17 said:
its the same way with ANY company, not just HTC. I don't understand why everyone gets in a bunch with phone memory. Go buy a 500 gb hdd from any other brand and tell me how much you can access. No one *****es about that though??
you are close on the formatting issues though. The ROM is originally 4gb, but is formatted for speed since the system files are stored on it. This cuts the storage space in HALF (like you said) since it becomes single layer. So we are down to 2gb, but the OS is also installed on this space. This takes up nearly 1 gb, which leaves us at ~1 gb usable space.
There is another thread around here that goes into quite a bit a of detail, and really makes for a funny read with one dude claiming this 4gb chip is not even installed in our phones and that the OS is SOMEHOW installed on the 768mb RAM chip. Hopefully someone posts the link because it really was quite entertaining.
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This is 100% correct This is the link your talking about, explains what happens to the internal storage.
I was told I was wrong though, and apparently I should take a class to learn how how these things work.
Krisbo said:
Not true, you buy a 500GB HDD and you get a 500GB HDD, it just depends on how you calculate it.
Let's look at a 16GB micro SD card for example. You start out with 16GB, which is 16,000 MB, or 16,000,000 KB, or 16,000,000,000 Bytes. So to get from 16,000,000,000 Bytes to Gigabytes, you divide by 1000 3 times. Unfortunately, this is not how an OS will compute the size of a drive. It will divide by 1024, thus:
16,000,000,000 Bytes/1024
=15,625,000 KB/1024
=15,258.79 MB/1024
=14.9 GB which should be roughly the amount of storage space that your OS will tell you you have.
Hope this helps
Thought I would include a calculation for a 500GB HDD just for reference:
=500,000,000,000 B/1024
=488,281,250 KB/1024
=476,837.16 MB/1024
=465.66 GB which should be very roughly what the size of your drive will be reported as by your OS.
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Close...but 16GB = 16,384MB and 500GB = 512,000MB.
1GB = 1024MB
matt310 said:
Close...but 16GB = 16,384MB and 500GB = 512,000MB.
1GB = 1024MB
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Not so close, he was correct but yours would be 16GiB = 16,384MiB.
16GB = 16,000MB
(sorry, don't kill me I didn't make the rules!)
di11igaf said:
This is 100% correct This is the link your talking about, explains what happens to the internal storage.
I was told I was wrong though, and apparently I should take a class to learn how how these things work.
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LMAO wow that Bella guy/girl whatever is a COMPLETE moron!
di11igaf said:
This is 100% correct This is the link your talking about, explains what happens to the internal storage.
I was told I was wrong though, and apparently I should take a class to learn how how these things work.
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LOL thats the one! This should be nominated for Thread of the Year
I understand what people are saying about the formatting, the OS, etc., however, coming from a Captivate and actually getting my 16GB of storage PLUS my external storage, it is a bit ****ty on HTC's part to advertise 4GB when you can only use 1GB - I might as well still have my EVO if I wanted 1GB of internal storage - at least the EVO held on to a signal...
With HTC, its always SOMETHING. First with the Windows Mobile phones, they didn't give us graphics drivers for the Imageon chip in the phones. With the EVO, they started cheaping out on the display type and some of them were noticeably yellow. The Mogul had overheating issues (I personally went through 7 of them before they finally gave me the Touch Pro 2). Now they're misrepresenting device specifications.
The only ***** I had about Samsung was their total lack of providing updates for their devices. Hell I dropped my Captivate I don't know how many times and the screen doesn't have a single chip in it, even the time it fell on the ground face-first.
I'm just saying that instead of sitting here and saying "it is how it is formatted," we should be writing letters to HTC letting them know that the behavior is unacceptable. Yeah we have external storage through our microSD cards but internal storage tends to be quite a bit faster, at least that's how it was with my Captivate.
If you are that worried about it, then seriously, just go grab another captivate and hang out over there. I'm so tired of everyone getting their panties in a wad over this. It sounds like you don't like the inspire nearly as much as the captivate if you have only one complaint on the captivate vs 5 for HTC. Or quit complaining, buy a bigger sd card and get over it.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I hated my Captivate...
Battery life was rubbish, screen was oversaturated and hard ot the eyes after extended periods, it was laggy, buggy, no updates, a pain to unlock, vibrate was too weak, the entire time I owned it I didn't once get a GPS lock (no matter how long I waited) and I often had market issues.
My $0.02, only a real jack of clubs would prefer the Captivate.
Hi all wanted to share details about the Magic Stick
On face value it seems that it's just another compute stick which there are many out there... however actually it appears to be a well thought out product that addresses alot of the shortcomings of compute sticks in general. For example they are Cherry Trail based, have AC wireless, even USB 3.1!
They even go right up to 8GB RAM and 128GB storage... every other stick I have seen just have a pitiful 2GB RAM and 32GB ROM, which is going to be non-existant when Windows is loaded... Anyway finally somoeone has come out with something that is actually useable and due to be delivered next month!
Planing on getting a new head unit for my Jeep, so single din is really the only way to go unless you want to go down the big dash replacement path.
Thinking of getting the joying 8.8 .
Joying 8.8 Inch Single Din Android Auto&Carplay Android 10.0 Car Radio With New User Interface
SKU: JY-HQS01N4G-2Ship From: Chinese WarehouseCPU: UIS7862 12nm Dual ARM Cortex-A75 + Six ARM A55Ram: LPDDR4 4GB Rom:EMMC 64GBSupport Bluetooth, WiFi, DVR, OBD2, Back-Up Camera
How reliable are these units? As I assume warranty is almost none exisiting after PayPal support runs out.
What are your thoughts.? I was planing on going all in with DVR, rear cam, TPS and engine scanner.
I have no experience with that device but I purchased a 60$ double Din unit 6 months ago that came with backup cam, steering wheel controls, BT, and screen casting from android. It has been surprisingly reliable and for the price even if it breaks I will just buy a newer unit and swap it. Anyway I like the way that one looks but the price... I bet Amazon has a cheaper alternative
What unit did you get?
Spastro said:
What unit did you get?
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I was trying to stick with single din as there is least adjustments required for me car
I purchased a Joying 7862 10.5 inch head unit, because I read that the Navifly/Mekede ones do not sent the proper low-level line output signals the amplifier(s). I discovered that Joying's firmware does not allow making hands-free phone calls using Google Assistant. When I give the voice command "Hey Google, call mom", it responds with "I'm not able to make calls yet". Has anyone has been able to make this work with the Navify/Mekede head units? I asked some resellers and they said that I can pay $15 more for "Voice software" that will allow Google Assistant to work. Is this true?
I have 2 weeks to return my Joying for a refund, which I'm now considering. I contacted Joying support directly, and they responded that since I bought it on AliExpress I should contact my seller for support. When I asked the seller about the issue, they told me to install a firmware update dated 2021.7.5 to see if that solves it, but the result was the same. I regret spending so much more on a Joying brand and getting bad support.
Don't take it too hard, they are all mostly the same in terms of device support and universal unwillingness to fix that last 10% of software bugs which I think would make these units unbeatable value.
Yes even that odd spelling and probably just as mispronounced "T" brand.
That said, I was able to obtain spare parts out of both one of the xtrons resellers (who ever they are) and the forum Dasiata contact. I brought a Joying once, I wont make the same mistake.
Ended up buying a joying 10.25" android 8.1 from the official Amazon AU store for $230. It was a bargain I couldn't pass up.
Pretty happy with it so for and have had it for about 3 months.
The only 3 annoyances I have are.
1. Radio app always starts of the car is left off for a few days and radio compleatly shuts down.
2. Hey Google voice dialling doesn't work, but another forum member is helping me through that issue and we will hopefully sort it.
3. Audio controls can be mapped to virtual buttons on launcher.
i purchased a 10.5 joying head unit and i love it.. im able to use kodi, watch movies, no need for the brake bypass, it works with the factory amp, no issues there and i can make and recieve phone calls and text, i have t mobile magenta max sim card, i cant use the 5g service but i works great still. very awesome quality, i got the 6gb ram and 128 internal, i also run retro arch and run emulated video games.
Hi there,
Recently I bought a PX4 to replace my PX5 radio in my car, a Fiat Punto Evo. The PX5 did work as it should, but I was looking for something new and fresh. Since the PX4 is based on newer technology, and Android 11, I thought this was a step forward. This is an Isudar unit by the way.
However. I noticed the headunit isn't that great. I usually use 2-3 apps (Spotify, Google Maps/Waze and Flitsmeister, a navigational tool for speedtraps and so on) and the radio doesn't perform well when I have these apps opened. Google Maps crashes a lot of times, Flitsmeister freezes and when I want to go back to the homescreen, the screen flickers a few times back and forth. Also, it does reboot all of a sudden.
There is not a possibility to flash or update it since there is zero to little knowledge of the PX4. I'm thinking of the following options:
- Buy a PX6 board and swap it in
- Buy a PX6 headunit
- Maybe there is an alternative
What is a reliable brand in this sector? I see a lot of brands but I don't see the difference...
There is no px4 and you don't say if it really is an MTCD type because you haven't posted enough information such as MCU type.
Brands mean little to nothing as the all sell from various factories and are no real "brands" for these Chinese units, only factories.
You want a 7862UIS FYT (4gb+) unit such as what mekede / navifly sell (type 116) These are much less buggy than mtcd type units and you don't need hacky modded firmware to make them work.
Well, there is, it's a RK3566 based one, MTCH_GS_V3.80_3.
I will look into those, thanks for that one!
Fryslanboy said:
Well, there is, it's a RK3566 based one, MTCH_GS_V3.80_3.
I will look into those, thanks for that one!
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Just for clarity, there is no PX4. The unit linked clearly lists PX6.
I no longer recommend the MTCx platform.
marchnz said:
Just for clarity, there is no PX4. The unit linked clearly lists PX6.
I no longer recommend the MTCx platform.
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Well, actually the details list two options, a PX4 one and a PX6...
But @marchnz is correct in both accounts
1) PX4 is something this guys invented, and is not widely used/accepted (yet). Regarding the CPU they are using, seems to be a slightly improvement/update to the PX5... but very slight improvement (newer tech, more speed per CPU, but less CPUs overall)
2) Even if you go to PX6, those CPUs are old compared to 7862UIS... so buying today a PX6 would be a bad investment. If you really want to reuse the unit and only invest on a CPU board, the only option will be to wait for those manufacturers to adopt the latest chip RK3588 (which has a version RK3588S that looks a lot like a car-oriented chip, even with a CAN bus interface). Of course, you might wait for months and there is no assurance that your MTC-H mainboard will be compatible with it.
By the way, PX5 and PX30 were real Rockchip car-oriented official products. I have never seen any Rockchip original document referring to RK3399 as PX6. I only see this nomenclature on the Android-Auto chinese sites. So, don't kill us if in a few weeks every chinese vendor starts to call RK3566 as PX4
Indeed, I thought the PX4 would be a slight improvement because of the newer technology, but the opposite is true, it's horrendous.
No, a PX6 would be a bad choice. the 7862UIS option would be great but I see nothing which would fit in my car, and waiting for the RK3588 could last a while with the current chip troubles.
I'm not going to kill anybody, no troubles
Fryslanboy said:
Indeed, I thought the PX4 would be a slight improvement because of the newer technology, but the opposite is true, it's horrendous.
No, a PX6 would be a bad choice. the 7862UIS option would be great but I see nothing which would fit in my car, and waiting for the RK3588 could last a while with the current chip troubles.
I'm not going to kill anybody, no troubles
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So, if not reusing the MCU is not a problem for you...what about looking for a 7862UIS with a screen that has the same physical size as your current unit?
All the plastic fascias/stereo-fronts are made (most probably) by the same factory, and then distributed to different radio-manufacturers. Its a very low margin manufacturing business that only works if you do runs with thousands of units produced... is not a business large enough to have multiple providers. So, most probably you will be able to take the fascia of your PX4 and adapt it to any unit (MTC or FYT) as far as the screens are the same size