Question looking for upgrades - FYT Android Head Units

Sorry for the question but I'm looking for info on possible upgrades of my audio system.
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance to those who can give me info. best regards

Wrong forum.
But this is so old and with only 500MB RAM that you really can't upgrade this. Newer Androids, if available, need much more memory.
Advice: buy a new one.


new user looking to upgrade to WM6

Ok guys let me start by saying that i have recently purchased a M5000 which came with WM5 and i am now looking to upgrade to WM6. I have to apologise in advance as it is a new unit i am a total newb so i have a few questions.
1. Do i simply install a new ROM to upgrade?
2. If so what is considered the best version and where can it be found?
3. If i upgrade do i lose all my installed programs?
The unit is currently running with the orange side bar which i find a little annoying this is the main reason for wanting to change.
Like i say i am new so i can only apologise if my questions seem a little stupid. I have tried searching the forums for the answers but to no avail.
Many thanks in advance
b33k3r said:
Ok guys let me start by saying that i have recently purchased a M5000 which came with WM5 and i am now looking to upgrade to WM6. I have to apologise in advance as it is a new unit i am a total newb so i have a few questions.
1. Do i simply install a new ROM to upgrade?
2. If so what is considered the best version and where can it be found?
3. If i upgrade do i lose all my installed programs?
The unit is currently running with the orange side bar which i find a little annoying this is the main reason for wanting to change.
Like i say i am new so i can only apologise if my questions seem a little stupid. I have tried searching the forums for the answers but to no avail.
Many thanks in advance
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Welcome to the forum
1.- Yes, but follow the instructions!
2.- Tomal ROM v8.5, do a SEARCH!
3.- Yes
Please READ the Wiki!! and enjoy
Many thanks Orb. I did try doing a search but unfortunately there were no polls on the subject and there did seem to be a few different versions available so i was looking for advice. I have found all the info on the wiki so i will be giving it a bash this weekend. Appreciate your help though.
b33k3r said:
Many thanks Orb. I did try doing a search but unfortunately there were no polls on the subject and there did seem to be a few different versions available so i was looking for advice. I have found all the info on the wiki so i will be giving it a bash this weekend. Appreciate your help though.
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Here to download:
Good luck,
Cheers orb. I had already seen the that update but my dilemma was that there are several other updates available and i wasnt sure what the general feeling as to the best one was. My initial thoughts were that the tomal was the most popular due to the number of posts and posters mentioning it in their sigs.
Whats the difference between the standard and special builds?
Are there any extra system requirements for the special build?
Thanks for your help though. I know to you it must seem a little trivial but i can assure you that your help has given me the extra confidence i probably needed to undertake the update.
At this point my friend
The best recommendation is to test several! till you have the one that fits your personal needs (I have tested a lot to find mine)
And really, you have to read!
You´ll find what is the difference between
Vanilla, standard, etc ROM´s
And many many more very usefull info
You know what is my recommendation
p.d. You don´t need any extra requirements for that special build

Questions about upgrading (for LG Incite)

I have a couple questions in regard to upgrading my Incite, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1) I want to upgrade my Incite to spocky's roms but I have no idea where to start so I was wondering if anybody could give me a definitive step-by-step guide?
2) if I upgrade my Incite could I ever go back to the original?
XBIOSX said:
I have a couple questions in regard to upgrading my Incite, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1) I want to upgrade my Incite to spocky's roms but I have no idea where to start so I was wondering if anybody could give me a definitive step-by-step guide?
2) if I upgrade my Incite could I ever go back to the original?
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Welcome to the forum
Perhaps you have not noticed this is an HTC devices only forum, so you won´t have too much atention.
Hope another member can point you into the right direction/forum
Good luck,
Have a look here (also please use the search funtion)
@ orb3000
Allways posting the same answers don't help to much to this forum.
All of us or 99% of us allready know that this is a HTC forum, but with the kind of answers that you give to the begginers, don't give them the chance to think that perhaps they will buy a HTC in the future.
User22 said:
Have a look here (also please use the search funtion)
@ orb3000
Allways posting the same answers don't help to much to this forum.
All of us or 99% of us allready know that this is a HTC forum, but with the kind of answers that you give to the begginers, don't give them the chance to think that perhaps they will buy a HTC in the future.
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I´ll be aware of your recomendation
My only intention is to let clear for newbies the orientation of the site, wich of course 99% of active users know.
Also I don´t want to encourage anyone to buy an HTC, that desicion has to be made individually
You can see down on this thread why I give that message every time, so people don´t waste time
I'm sorry I posted here but I had no idea this was an HTC only forum.
XBIOSX said:
I'm sorry I posted here but I had no idea this was an HTC only forum.
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No need to be sorry mate
Just wanted to let you know so you don´t loose your time waiting instead looking on the right direction
Good luck on your search!


my name is dale,
sorry if this is the wrong part of the forum, ive been looking for a newby forum and wanted to introduce myself however its friday and im starting to get tipsy! this site has helped me upgrade my battery pack, and internal memory on my htc hd7, and even replace my screen! i just wanted to say thank you and contribute where possible. ive been looking at wp8 and think its awesome! considering my 3 year old wp7 keeps up with quite a few modern phones with its mods i cant wait to see what the wp8 does. i just wanted to say THANK YOU XDA! no one will even try to argue with me about phones anymore... they only know how to buy them.
i read on a random thread while looking for the newby forum that i can take 10 questions that will show m not a spammer, would anyone mind helping me out with that? this site is HUGE! and also does anyone know of a screachingly fast single core processor/motherboard that will fit my phone? its about due for an upgrade too! or if someone has found a twin core+ that will work with windows 7 devices i'm open for ideas! no unlocking though, im not willing to deal with all of the glitches that come with that.
Sir, there is a thread in place to say hi.
Here are some reading since you are new:


Quick question, since I am new to all of this.... Any advice or help in right direction, would be much appreciated.
I own a HTC Desire HD / Inspire 4G. I would like to root the phone and have been reading up on all the different roms to choose from.... which, honestly, is very overwhelming.
I realize that one rom is not better than another rom, rather they are different in the features they have and offer to the user. However, I would like to know if anyone from experience can offer me some insight on the following roms please (ie: pros, cons, features offered, bugs/issues):
1. JellyTime
2. Android Revolution
If the above two are outdated or you have a different rom to recommend.... I would appreciate the input. Thanks in advance! :victory:
iamaimee said:
Quick question, since I am new to all of this.... Any advice or help in right direction, would be much appreciated.
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No problem. Questions will get answered much beter when put in q&a
I have asked a mod to move this for you.
Gl with your query.
sent from my T.A.R.T.I.S
(Time And Relative Tarts In Space)
Would be nice if you would put a Title in your question

Searching for a Phone with expandable Storage and many Roms

Hello Guys, I've been searching recently for a Phone where the main things are that I can expand the Storage with an SD Card and that this Phone has many Roms at last I also want it to have some good specs so I can play for example Mobius Final Fantasy etc. On this Phone. Now here comes my Question, wich one would you recommend me?
Thanks in advance for the recommendations
(And sorry for my bad Grammar)
ApollosRage said:
Hello Guys, I've been searching recently for a Phone where the main things are that I can expand the Storage with an SD Card and that this Phone has many Roms at last I also want it to have some good specs so I can play for example Mobius Final Fantasy etc. On this Phone. Now here comes my Question, wich one would you recommend me?
Thanks in advance for the recommendations
(And sorry for my bad Grammar)
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There is an active thread here for asking about device suggestions, find that thread and post your question there, don't start a new thread just to get suggestions. Threads are for solving issues with a device or for writing guides to use on devices.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

