How To Guide Google Recorder port for the Samsung Galaxy A32 5G - Samsung Galaxy A32 5G

Not every Google Recorder APK port works so I write this up to let others with the same phone know this is what worked for me to add a Google Recorder port to my Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (Model SM-A326U).
Go to Download the latest Google Recorder app on most Android devices
Press the link "Download Google Recorder App: Unofficial 1.1.284
Name: GoogleRecorder_1_1_284933798_NO_CHECK.apk
Size: 63404674 bytes (60 MiB)
SHA256: 8499A8A2FB506D47266B4CC12CBA3E612C3446E814EF4A85EA0000C890FB2EBB
It's important to know the official app didn't work on my A32 5G
Download Google Recorder App: Official 1.0.271
It also may be important to note that to consistently get the offline transcript is unintuitive and flaky. I don't know why. Let me know if the offline transcription is as flaky for you as it is for me please.
For example, this is intuitive (but you end up with no transcript most of the time - but not all of the time!)
Start the Google Recorder APK port on the A32 5G
Press the red/white "record" button & start speaking
Press the "pause" button when you're done recording
Press the blue "Save" link to save the recording
The recording will be saved with a name based on the timestamp
When you select this saved file - and then press the white "Transcript" link - there is often no transcript!
This also fails to save a transcript of your recording:
Start the Google Recorder APK port on the A32 5G
Press the red/white "record" button & start speaking
Press the white "Transcript" link when you're done recording
Notice that it was TRANSCRIBING properly all along!
Press the red/white "pause" button to stop the recording
Press the blue "Save" link to save the file.
When you select this saved file - and then press the white "Transcript" link - there is often no transcript!
There are a whole bunch of intuitive steps like that above which will NOT result in a transcript being saved! It's really non intuitive what you need to do to get a transcript.
Start the Google Recorder APK port on the A32 5G
Press the red/white "record" button & start speaking
Press the white "Transcript" link WHILE you are speaking!
Notice that it is TRANSCRIBING properly now!
I think the trick is to keep talking while it is transcribing and to make sure there is a pause, somewhere, anywhere, such that it jumps to a new time point. (I think.)
Also don't hit the red/white "pause" button for a few seconds of silence at the end and wait for a "period" (aka "full stop") to occur at the end of your sentence (yes, I know, this all sounds crazy).
Finally, press the red/white "pause" button to stop the recording
Press the blue "Save" link to save the file.
Now when you select this saved file - and then press the white "Transcript" link - usually there is now a saved transcript!
Is it just me or do others find this Google Recorder port transcription to be tremendously flaky in actual use?
Note that it goes without saying that all tests were done with the Wi-Fi & cellular data networks turned off on the phone.

EDIT: Sorry, wrong thread.

Minor update...
I've been using the Google Recorder port listed in the OP for a few days now and have found indications on the net that the transcripts are always saved on the phone even if the transcription doesn't always show up in the Google Recorder port GUI.
"During our attempt to get this app working on more devices, we discovered that... transcriptions are being saved even though the app is unable to surface them after saving a recording."
That's nice the recordings are supposedly always there because the Google Recorder port I'm using is flaky in that the transcript sporadically shows up or doesn't show up.
I take that information on faith because my phone is unrooted so I can't find the recordings where people say they are (because it's in a protected location).
If someone here is rooted maybe they can test (for the rest of us) to see if the transcripts are going into that system location?
Or, even if you're unrooted, if you subscribe to Google Drive (which I don't use), maybe you can test that information I found that says the transcript is always saved even if it doesn't show up in the recorder port GUI?


[XDA DEV] Tasker|The Ultimate Lost/Stolen Device Recoverer! V1 [AKA SHERLOCK DROID!]

I had a PM from the user aelsharawi recently, who asked me to update the ‘locate my phone’ profile on the Tasker wiki. Never one to step away from a challenge, I started pondering and then pondered a little further and decided that this is something I really need community input on to plan and construct.
Losing your device feels like losing a limb or a close family member and instead of sitting by the home phone (if anyone still uses one!) waiting for the police to call to say they have recovered it, wouldn’t it be better to know that you can still control it remotely and in the mean time it’s working hard to return itself to you, like a little, lost, soft, cuddly puppy… Ok then…
Even if you don’t yet use Tasker, please do contribute and tell me what you would like your device to do! Grab your free trial from here
Continue to read for my initial ideas and the up-to-date community input!
Whilst pondering, I realised that should you be separated from your device, you may not always want to take the same action.
For example, if you know you’ve just left it on your seat on the train that is chugging out of the station, requesting Tasker to wipe all of your data and massively overclock the CPU so much that it sets on fire, probably isn’t what you’re after. Alerting a nearby passenger that it’s been left and a small reward is on offer for its safe return, would perhaps increase your chances of seeing it again.
Alternatively, if you’re pretty sure your device has just been swiped, a polite message of pretty please return me, hoping to play on the conscience of a thief, may not do the trick. A sleuth mode would be more appropriate here, where the device starts to mimic being asleep/off whilst all the time updating you of its location amongst other things.
Different eventualities such as the above made me realise I would need more than one profile for this, perhaps even a precautionary profile, so if I knew I was going out to get completely wasted, I could set the device to check it was still in my possession at regular intervals!
Anyway, you get the general idea… on to my list of what Tasker could theoretically do to help:
1) Play very loud music
2) Display a message of death threats
3) Display a nice message
4) Display a reward message
5) Display a current location message
6) Speak instructed text
7) Email/text location
8) Lock
9) Wipe
10) Encrypt
11) Mimic being off/dead
12) Partially disable
13) Disable all buttons
14) Brick
15) Change splash Screen (I think?)
16) Change Boot animation
17) Shine torch
18) Take a picture
19) Text/email that picture
20) Display that picture (!)
21) Bluetooth the picture to nearby devices
22) Bluetooth a file/message to nearby devices
23) Send call logs
24) Block calls
25) Send text logs
26) Make it call the local police station and then speak!
27) Turn on a nearby TV
28) Show pornography
So, the above are a load of possible things that popped into my head (and you can see I was running out of ideas near the end). I’m sure you can help me think of plenty more…?
Sadly, the one thing that isn’t possible is to make the device boot if it is off… Yes I know everyone’s Nokia could do this back in 1982, but sadly not our dear Androids…
Over to you folks, let me know your thoughts!
Please respect the forum rules and belittle other people’s ideas and opinions as much as possible. It’s so much more fun that way…
Just kidding!
Your ideas
29) Send voice recording
30) Video Call
31) Activate Mic (sleuth make/answer call)
32) Disable USB/recovery/fastboot (unlikely) - Anyone know if these can be disabled by deleting certain system files?
33) Request thief's personal info! (see #39)
34) React to movement
35) Set to speaker phone and make call
36) Request to insert charger!
37) Auto-dial a fake contact of very HOT girl and then activate forward facing camera!
38) Notify of new number is SIM is changed!
39) Fake 'initial Set-up' mini program, that Tasker will send out the input from <-- Volunteer to write this?!
40) Gestures active to tell when phone is tilted to take picture with rear camera (not a problem for front facing)
41) Mute camera sound and disable flash for sleuth mode
42) Everyone start posting pictures of HOT girls that we can use as the fake contact! (don't pretend you have real ones)
Example profile added to post #3 for ideas!
Sherlock droid!
Thanks for all of your encouragement and feedback so far, please keep it coming, it's the only way to get this right. The best ideas are often the most simple, so please do not be afraid to post. If anyone flames you, they'll be struck off my 'Tasker help list'!
V1 BETA Set-up (Of course completely open to change by your input)
There will be four contexts for you to activate:
Situation Example: Device left moments ago on a train or in a restaurant. Drastic action is not required. Hopeful of good and honest Samaritan retrieving device.
Situation Example: Honestly, I'm not sure! You tell me....
Situation Example: Device has definitely been stolen. Voluntary recovery unlikely. Ultra sleuth recovery mode and potential device wipe/brick.
Situation Example: You've woken up still drunk. Can't remember anything (apart from your 'Sherlock Codes'!). Can't find your phone. It could just be under the sofa. Perform single adhoc actions such as manual loud tones and vibrates etc etc.
Work in Progress
* Make sure GPS and Wifi are checked in Menu/Settings/Location & Security (Google tells us that in Gingerbread no additional resource is used)
* Download from post #3
* Create a folder: /sdcard/Tasker/Sherlock
* Use the tone in the .zip and drag into the /Sherlock folder or use and rename your own SherlockGreen.ogg (if using .mp3 change action #13 & #16 in the task SherlockGreen
* Copy any picture into the /Sherlock folder and rename SG-ContactWallpaper.jpg (adjust in above task, action #9 if necessary)
* For testing, enter your own number in:
SherlockGreen - Action #1, #7
SG-FoundOk - Action #4, #7
SG-FoundNo - Action #3
* For full testing, set networks to 2g only and data connection and wireless off.
Don't forget to run (by pressing 'test') SherlockVarClear first and then after each test you run.
Either press 'test' in SherlockGreen , press done and apply and return to the home screen or text yourself sherlockgreen123
SherlockGreen V1 BETA Explained
SherlockGreen V1
* Kicked off by received text from any number with content 'sherlockgreen123'
* First priority to alert your Sherlock contact(s) that you've lost your device and they need to be ready to let you know what information they receive.
* Switches on 3g preferred and data connection (if they were off) and uses them and GPS to get a location.
* Sends location via text to Sherlock Contact. Time out set to three minutes in case of no fix.
* Wallpaper changed to show number 'Samaritan' is to dial.
* Screen time out increased.
* Display Brightness increased.
* Alert sound kicks off x 2
* Speech alerts Samaritan to pick up your phone x 2
* Activated during the above
* Screen prompt to 'PRESS HERE'
* If pressed, SG-FoundOk kicked off
* If not pressed, SG-FoundNo kicked off
* Stops alert and speech to prevent being off-putting!
* Sends SMS to confirm manual interaction with screen at SG-FoundMenu (Battery level added in V2)
* Speech thanking Samaritan
* Another GPS location sent by SMS
* Screen alert asking them to enter their number if they'd prefer.
* Wait task ticks down...
* If no Samaritan contact perform task XXXXX <-- next stage
* Instructs to restart SherlockGreen
* IF created loop variable %SHERG is less than 4 (to limit repeats)
* Another GPS location sent by SMS (SherlockGreen will have already sent 3)
* Perform task XXXXX <--- Next stage
* To clear the created variables for testing purposes.
Testing thoughts and requests
* A low resolution SG-ContactWallpaper.jpg is needed that fits above and below the menu task and is easy for us all to edit in basic 'paintshop' and the menu background too VOLUNTEER NEEDED!
* Should SherlockGreen allow the device to be unlocked and load up the dialler if Samaritan screen interaction is made in SG-foundMenu??
* Need the most alerting alert of alert tones evar! Upload your suggested tone in a .zip!
Sherlock Green V2?
(* Battery level added in V2
* Should the SMS volume be muted and notification switched off to avoid alerting 'thief'?)
Dr Watson V1 BETA
* Make sure GPS and Wifi are checked in Menu/Settings/Location & Security (Google tells us that in Gingerbread no additional resource is used)
* Download from post #3
* Create a folder: /sdcard/Tasker/Watson
* Use the tone in the .zip and drag into the /Watson folder or use and rename your own drwalert.ogg (if using .mp3 change action #4 in the task DrWAlert
* For testing, enter your own number in:
DrWLocation - Action #6
* For full testing, set networks to 2g only and data connection and wireless off.
DrWatson V1 BETA Explained
* Purpose - display received text content as a pop-up on the screen
* Activated by the receipt of an SMS (from any sender) containing the text 'drwpop'.
* Note: In the context it states 'drwpop*'. The '*' is a wild card, so Tasker will allow further body text to be included in the same SMS.
* SMS body text (%SMSRB) is split at '###' until '###'
* Your SMS must therefore be 'drwpop ###THIS WILL DISPLAY ON THE SCREEN###'
* Purpose - Vibrate, torch and sound for localised searching.
* Activated by the receipt of an SMS (from any sender) containing the text 'drwalert'.
* If Tasker is handing your notification sounds, a 5 second wait is required in action #1 to prevent the alert sound being killed.
* Purpose - Adhoc location request
* Activated by the receipt of an SMS (from any sender) containing the text 'drwlocation'.
* GPS & NET locations sent with accuracy [V2 Google maps link with pointer sent for both].
* Battery status included.
* Purpose - Populate the created variable %DRWVAR
* Activated by the receipt of an SMS (from any sender) containing the text 'drwtasker'.
* SMS body text (%SMSRB) is split at '###' until '###'
* Your SMS must therefore be 'drwtasker ###1###'
* Purpose - Triggered when %DRWVAR is set to '1' to perform actions.
* Note: Actions are up to you. Examples included are to set profile status 'XX' to off and set profile status 'XX' to on. These actions could be to turn on battery saving profiles you have or to turn off battery intensive profiles or profiles you consider may conflict with future actions such as notification control or to cease data connectivity under certain conditions. Turning off the sms preview in the notification bar and silencing the sms notification would be an obvious choice.
Testing thoughts and requests
As a reminder, 'Dr Watson' is supposed to be when you're not certain where your device is and are not overly concerned. That said, the ad hoc functions may well be useful under 'Sherlock circumstances'.
It is theoretically possible (a statement used when I haven't quite fathomed out how yet!) using a combination of DrW-Tasker & DrWVar that you can request Tasker to SMS/e-mail you any requested variable. For example, if you populate a created variable %DRWVAR-REQUEST with the body text of '###%UPS###' - you could then request that another created variable is set to %DRWVAR-REQUEST (= %UPS) and an SMS is sent containing %DRWVAR-REQUEST-POPULATED which is %UPS! You therefore receive a text with 'up time in seconds...' You with me....
I'm starting to forget my 'codes' already!
Over to you for a while now folks. Please test and provide your complete feedback. All I've done so far can be deleted if you think it's heading in the wrong direction and I won't be bothered - let's get this right...
To help by searching this thread PLEASE ADD A TITLE TO YOUR POSTS detailing the task or context you are referring to - otherwise 'general suggestion' etc etc.
Please clearly document/explain any changes you suggest to the tasks/contexts in your posts using the 'copy to clipboard' in Tasker and then pasting here, with a .zip for good measure!
Please feel free to post your ideas below!
Yes, we all know Seek Droid is an absolute bargain at $0.99 in the mean time...
SherlockGreen Installation Instructions
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Task':
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Profile':
Dr Watson Installation Instructions
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Profile':
The thanks meter lets me know I'm appreciated
I would enjoy having something like this that works reliably, definitely the things that have to be perfected are the locate, encrypt, backup, wipe, alert, custom message and lock-out features.. Everything else is just a great added bonus.
Maybe see if you can somehow activate the microphone to listen to nearby conversation, or cameras to see anything thats going on (hopefully its not just a pocket shot lol)
Sent from my rooted G2X
DrowsyMalice said:
I would enjoy having something like this that works reliably, definitely the things that have to be perfected are the locate, encrypt, backup, wipe, alert, custom message and lock-out features.. Everything else is just a great added bonus.
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The basics could definitely be perfected...
Maybe see if you can somehow activate the microphone to listen to nearby conversation, or cameras to see anything thats going on (hopefully its not just a pocket shot lol)
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I like it - start voice recorder for ten seconds - zip it up and email it... or just dial-out of course...
A pocket shot would be a little disappointing!
Keep the ideas coming....
Those are some pretty good bonuses. I think it would be cool to have the phone fake being bricked. Fully functional for the owner with remote password. However, phone will run a program in background for "brick" mode.
Display will be nothing but static, all buttons are disabled whilst sending its location, video and voice recordings to your pc.
Pulling the battery, trying to reboot into recovery or fast boot, or connection with usb will not work. All settings are initiated upon boot. Phone is "bricked" until you send the password via your pc.
I don't know if this would be possible, just a thought.
Rooted G2
lncoln said:
Those are some pretty good bonuses. I think it would be cool to have the phone fake being bricked. Fully functional for the owner with remote password. However, phone will run a program in background for "brick" mode.
Display will be nothing but static, all buttons are disabled whilst sending its location, video and voice recordings to your pc.
Pulling the battery, trying to reboot into recovery or fast boot, or connection with usb will not work. All settings are initiated upon boot. Phone is "bricked" until you send the password via your pc.
I don't know if this would be possible, just a thought.
Rooted G2
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I'm sure we could achieve most of it with pooled knowledge...
'Brick mode' is really essential to allow the phone to keep communicating. Would need a silent, black splash and boot animation so if the device was rebooted it would still appear off... or perhaps a fake one that appears to show errors and say's 'powering off'...?
Recovery and Fastboot are completely separate - to my knowledge they can't be tampered with from the OS - Although maybe there are some essential system files they use that Tasker could delete? I'm really not knowledgeable enough about that...
How about preventing itself from being uninstalled. Perhaps by needing a password (or some other means) to continue with the uninstall.
Would it be possible to take a picture when movement is detected? and send this picture by email?
How about it setting itself to speaker phone and calling a selected contact who can instruct them on how to get the phone back to you.
...insert witty signature here.
And if that fails within a # of tries, emails location to you periodically.
...insert witty signature here.
baboonsRus said:
And if that fails within a # of tries, emails location to you periodically.
...insert witty signature here.
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A fake brick option would be the best, coupled with sensor awareness for recovery.
For the fake brick, it think it would be best if the screen gets stuck at a battery low/please plugin your charger, so that the perp will always charge your phone for you if they wanna use it.
For the sensor awareness, taking a recording, as well as taking occasional videos would be nice, as well as GPS location data.
Tasker and other apps can't enable/disable GPS since 2.3.3, Google change the security restrictions, also Radio on/off is not possible. And yes, this sucks.
Still works on CM7 though
Found this thread through a post I made on another forum.
That's an awesome list, will have a go at implementing some of these to my setup.
edit: maybe after reboot (if a security flag has been activated) the 'lockscreen' can ask the guy to input his info (name/email..password?? lol) in order to use the phone, then obviously send those out.
- enable Taskers PW-protection
- don't like: 2-5 (maybe display a sms-provided msg instead?), 27, 28
- like: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 23
BTW: any good alarm sounds you guys can recommend? Looking for a nice loud one that'll be easy to hear when nearby
rjg0691 said:
How about preventing itself from being uninstalled. Perhaps by needing a password (or some other means) to continue with the uninstall.
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If you're talking about Tasker itself, then it can already be password protected.
AntAreS24 said:
Would it be possible to take a picture when movement is detected?
and send this picture by email?
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I'm not sure how to tap into the sensor controls, but enabling a number of Tasker gesture alerts that basically activate for any movement would do it. Tasker would only react to these gestures if it knew it was in 'slueth mode'.
baboonsRus said:
How about it setting itself to speaker phone and calling a selected contact who can instruct them on how to get the phone back to you. And if that fails within a # of tries, emails location to you periodically.
...insert witty signature here.
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Both could work. If you've left it on a train for example, it would first text your chosen emergency contact telling him/her it's about to call them and to get ready to shout loud to see if someone hears...
sakai4eva said:
A fake brick option would be the best, coupled with sensor awareness for recovery.
For the fake brick, it think it would be best if the screen gets stuck at a battery low/please plugin your charger, so that the perp will always charge your phone for you if they wanna use it.
For the sensor awareness, taking a recording, as well as taking occasional videos would be nice, as well as GPS location data.
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The ultimate goal would be to make the perp leave the phone 'awake' for as long as possile whilst fooling them into doing something like looking for a charger (that would be great if they kept charging it up!!) or following long winded instructions that they think will give them full use of the device, all the time keeping them unaware that they are being hunted down!
Furzbirre said:
Tasker and other apps can't enable/disable GPS since 2.3.3, Google change the security restrictions, also Radio on/off is not possible. And yes, this sucks.
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lifelikelife said:
Still works on CM7 though
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CM have indeed hacked this.
For other custom ROMs, Google will tell you that under settings/location and secuirty wifi and GPS should always be ticked and will use no extra resource until required. Alternatively, most Gingerbread ROMs have the the status bar power widget. I'm pretty sure this is controlled by a simple system file that Tasker could overwrite - further investigation needed.
lifelikelife said:
Found this thread through a post I made on another forum.
That's an awesome list, will have a go at implementing some of these to my setup.
edit: maybe after reboot (if a security flag has been activated) the 'lockscreen' can ask the guy to input his info (name/email..password?? lol) in order to use the phone, then obviously send those out.
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Ha! We know there are some very dumb criminals around. It could be worth a shot!
XlAfbk said:
- enable Taskers PW-protection
- don't like: 2-5 (maybe display a sms-provided msg instead?), 27, 28
- like: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 23
BTW: any good alarm sounds you guys can recommend? Looking for a nice loud one that'll be
easy to hear when nearby
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We'll make sure that these profiles are fully configurable for individual tastes - so if one users likes one idea and not another, they can easily adjust. I'm sure we'll get some volunteers on XDA to make us the custom bootanimations, splash screens, black wallpaper, fake wallpaper (with instructions on), images we can show on the screen (with fake instructions on) and sounds etc etc etc.
i think a good option would be to initate a fake phone call (activate ringer, stock Call Screen with picture of a really attractive girl) and have the caller name be something like, "the best hookup ever" so as the Thief looks at it--the Front Facing Camera option is enabled & takes a picture of the Thief.
this picture then gets automatically sent to a designated email.
just a thought. said:
i think a good option would be to initate a fake phone call (activate ringer, stock Call Screen with picture of a really attractive girl) and have the caller name be something like, "the best hookup ever" so as the Thief looks at it--the Front Facing Camera option is enabled & takes a picture of the Thief.
this picture then gets automatically sent to a designated email.
just a thought.
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Ha! Classic... Love it If only I already had such a 'contact' in my phone...
I could do with a device with a forward facing camera too...
Whew god, first suggestion, kill that signature. Wow.
Anywho. I wrote something like this myself a while back, but it's not quite in good shape to share I don't think, I'd have to evaluate it.
Anywho, it watches for SMS or Email with keywords and does some action based on those keywords. Primary keyword is to send information, such as location, last call in, last call out, last sms in, last sms out, phone number, battery info, some misc other stuff I think, had to keep it at 140 for sms.
Also if the phone number changes, it sends the same info every 5 minutes to a predesignated SMS.
For email I had to write my own http mail relay since I could not figure out a way to send mail without some intermediate steps showing on the screen or needing to hit the Send button.. kinda defeats the purpose. So it just does a POST to my web server and it sends the email.
If nothing is written here yet and anyone is interested, I can do some clean up and post it. Although I'm pretty bad about getting it done, I still need to post some GPS Tracking tasks I wrote a while back for "TrackMe".. ahem.
Can we get it to mimic the initial android phone setup, the welcome to android screen, make them touch the android, then they input their info?
Sent from my VM670 using XDA App

[i9003]missing simple feature like redialing & T9 keyboard

After 2 months of using smartphone (My 1st android) I am left wondering why so called smartphone have such simple features missing.
1. There is no redial shortcut, if i have to redial after some time I actually have to press home key>unlock>phone keypad>logs> then swipe the number (5step action) I thought its a smart phone with voice dialing so by saying "Redial" I should be able to execute that command but no it does not work.
Is there a way to have a shortcut to phone logs rather than keypad I cant find any such option.
2. lets say I have to call jack davis on my older motorola or much older samsung I could reach by typing 52 then tap "2" another two times to make the number like 522 & it will show me directly jack (all names with jack) I cant do this simple thing similarly on my i9003, the abc keys work but they work bit differently & its a hit or miss, may be I am doing some thing wrong.
My motorola even had a 4 numbered speed dial code assigned automatically something like 1085 for each name, so I could dial just the 4 number & it would dial the corresponding contact.
3. doing all these mentioned above & many other features require 2 hands which at times while driving may not be possible, you only are left with 1 hand option, seems smartphone cant easily be operated by single hand unless you have some really long fingers.
Any pointer to achieve a better dialing with smartphones what about the i9000 I guess its the same limitation on that version too?
I found a "simple redial" app from the market simple but still wondering why not the phone supports it natively?
while waiting for the answers I searched the market & found quite many dialer which have the features which I mentioned now i need to try few of them but I am still surprised that these should be the basic requirement.
Does the 2.3.3 on i9000 improves the dialer?
sgsI9003 said:
After 2 months of using smartphone (My 1st android) I am left wondering why so called smartphone have such simple features missing.
1. There is no redial shortcut, if i have to redial after some time I actually have to press home key>unlock>phone keypad>logs> then swipe the number (5step action) I thought its a smart phone with voice dialing so by saying "Redial" I should be able to execute that command but no it does not work.
Is there a way to have a shortcut to phone logs rather than keypad I cant find any such option.
2. lets say I have to call jack davis on my older motorola or much older samsung I could reach by typing 52 then tap "2" another two times to make the number like 522 & it will show me directly jack (all names with jack) I cant do this simple thing similarly on my i9003, the abc keys work but they work bit differently & its a hit or miss, may be I am doing some thing wrong.
My motorola even had a 4 numbered speed dial code assigned automatically something like 1085 for each name, so I could dial just the 4 number & it would dial the corresponding contact.
3. doing all these mentioned above & many other features require 2 hands which at times while driving may not be possible, you only are left with 1 hand option, seems smartphone cant easily be operated by single hand unless you have some really long fingers.
Any pointer to achieve a better dialing with smartphones what about the i9000 I guess its the same limitation on that version too?
I found a "simple redial" app from the market simple but still wondering why not the phone supports it natively?
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1.) For smart dialing you open the dial pad and press keys for your contact name say for "jack" you press 522 it will show you the contacts there.
2.) for quick redial of last made call install "Last call widget". It's a widget which shows you your last incoming or outgoing call based on ur setting and can either take you to logs directly or call that number.
Hope it helps

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Triple pressing the home key
Press the home key 3 times to enable Send help messages when you are in need. For details, go to Settings > Send help messages.
Note: The Safety Assistance option is only available on the Note 3 N9005 (International version)
Navigating Gear
Swipe left or right to navigate between screens.
[*]Tap the screen to select an item or to open an application.
Going back
Swipe downwards from top edge of the Gear screen.
Home Screen
Adding app shortcuts
To add app shortcuts to the Gear's home screen, go to Apps on the Gear, tap and hold an app icon, then drag and drop it on the home icon at the top of the screen.
Rearranging shortcuts
Tap and hold an app icon and then drag and drop it to rearrange the app shortcuts on the Gear's home screen or in the app list.
Removing app shortcuts
Tap and hold an app icon, then drag and drop it on the remove icon at the top of the screen.
Two-Finger Interaction
Changing icon size
Tap the screen with two fingers and then swipe them in opposite directions to change the size of the icons on the home screen from small to large.
Controlling volume and brightness
Double tap any screen with two fingers to open the brightness and volume controls, and to view info, such as bluetooth status and battery status.
Viewing recently used apps
Tap and hold any screen with two fingers to view your recently used apps.
Counting steps
Tap Start to start using Pedometer. Your steps will be counted each day and recorded in History.
[*]Tap the screen to pause the step count. To resume, tap the screen again, then tap Resume.
[*]To view a graph of recently recorded data, tap the more button and select History.
Exercising with coach
You can set various goals to fit your exercise plan. To set a goal, tap the more button and select Set goal.
[*]The accessory will offer coaching advice based on your measured heart rate during the exercise.
[*]Training effect helps you discover how effective your workout is. It analyses your workout and estimates its effect on your aerobic fitness. Follow the guidance on the screen and stop when you are satisfied with the result. The effects of your workouts are calculated based on your user profile, heart rate data, and difficulty of the workout. Your training effect goal changes in relation to your fitness levels, which are calculated automatically when you exercise on more than 3 different days.
[*]Swipe the screen to the left or right while exercising to change the information displayed.
[*]To view the graph of recently recorded data, tap the more button and select History.
Heart Rate
Measuring heart rate
Tap the screen to see the correct way of wearing the Gear in order to measure your heart rate.
[*]To start measuring your heart rate, tap the start button.
[*]To view a log of your heart rate measurements, tap the more button and select History. Swipe the screen to scroll through previous measurements.
Measuring sleep duration
When you are ready to sleep, put the Gear on your wrist and tap Start. If you do not want to be disturbed while sleeping, tap the more options button and enable Blocking mode before you tap Start.
[*]Tap Stop when you wake up. You can check details of your sleep, such as sleeping time, restless sleeping time and motionless sleeping time.
[*]Tap the more options button to select History. To view your sleep duration records, tap the graph.
S Voice
Using mic button
Tap the mic button to turn on the mic.
[*]After you tap the mic button, it will turn red. Then you can say what you want.
[*]The Gear will then process and respond to what you have said.
Reserved for more specific updates
Just FYI, triple pressing the home button doesn't do anything... There is no send help message option with the Gear 2.
AspenMan said:
Just FYI, triple pressing the home button doesn't do anything... There is no send help message option with the Gear 2.
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I have the Gear 2, and there is. You just need to enable it in your Gear Manager.
Start Gear Manager, Settings > Send help message > Turn it on (at the top right) > Choose if you want it to send a photo too, or just the message.
Next, go back. Click "Manage Primary contacts", add at least one contact.
Now when you triple press the Home key, it will send a distress message (photo optional) with a link that contains your Long/Lat. It will send an updated message regularly until you cancel the distress message on your cellphone.
Breach said:
I have the Gear 2, and there is. You just need to enable it in your Gear Manager.
Start Gear Manager, Settings > Send help message > Turn it on (at the top right) > Choose if you want it to send a photo too, or just the message.
Next, go back. Click "Manage Primary contacts", add at least one contact.
Now when you triple press the Home key, it will send a distress message (photo optional) with a link that contains your Long/Lat. It will send an updated message regularly until you cancel the distress message on your cellphone.
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Hmm, There is no send help message option in my Gear Manager. There is also no manage contacts (that was there when I had the Gear 1 for like 2 days until I returned it). What version of gear manager are you using? I'm on 2.0.14041404
AspenMan said:
Hmm, There is no send help message option in my Gear Manager. There is also no manage contacts (that was there when I had the Gear 1 for like 2 days until I returned it). What version of gear manager are you using? I'm on 2.0.14041404
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Attached is a screenshot.
Breach said:
Attached is a screenshot.
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Here's a screenshot of what I have - Seems to be missing the safety assistance section. Weird... Bummer...
AspenMan said:
Here's a screenshot of what I have - Seems to be missing the safety assistance section. Weird... Bummer...
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That is odd. I have the Gear 2.
I just checked my wife's Gear 2 Neo and she does not have that option either, yet the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo manual state they do.
Breach said:
That is odd. I have the Gear 2.
I just checked my wife's Gear 2 Neo and she does not have that option either, yet the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo manual state they do.
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My Gear 2 does NOT have that option either. I wish it did and would love to know why yours does. We are running the same Gear manager . My watch is model #SM-R380 Software version R380XXU0BND8
I don't have the watch yet, but the manual says not all phones support this feature:
Setting up emergency messages
Set the device to send a message to recipients in an emergency.
On the Settings screen, tap Send help message, and then drag the Send help message
switch to the right. Press the Power button three times to send an emergency message that
includes your current location.
Some mobile devices do not support this feature.
Setting up emergency contacts
You can preset contacts to send a message to in an emergency.
On the Settings screen, tap Manage Primary contacts → Create primary contact → Create
new contact or Select from contacts. You can create a new contact or select from the
contacts list.
Some mobile devices do not support this feature.
Maybe you should include the phone that you're not seeing this on.
audri5 said:
My Gear 2 does NOT have that option either. I wish it did and would love to know why yours does. We are running the same Gear manager . My watch is model #SM-R380 Software version R380XXU0BND8
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I have the same model and version. I am glad its working on mine, but I'm curious why its not working on everyones. Are you using the Note 3 also? Maybe it had to do with the phone?
I did a little research and I think I know why some Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo watches have the Safety Assistance option and some don't, I think it's in the phone itself. My wife is running a stock T-mobile and hers does not have the Safety Assistance option in the Gear Manager, I have the same phone but I am running a different rom and I have the option.
Breach said:
I did a little research and I think I know why some Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo watches have the Safety Assistance option and some don't, I think it's in the phone itself. My wife is running a stock T-mobile and hers does not have the Safety Assistance option in the Gear Manager, I have the same phone but I am running a different rom and I have the option.
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FWIW, I contacted Samsung support today and was initially told the Safety Assistance feature wasn't available. When I pursued the issue and asked why it was listed in the online How To guides on Samsung's website, the rep said she checked with a supervisor and the feature is only available for the S5. Kind of disappointing since I have a Note 3....also this is a pretty poor customer experience since the feature is found in their how-to guides yet it doesn't say it's only available for certain phones.
cryptiq said:
FWIW, I contacted Samsung support today and was initially told the Safety Assistance feature wasn't available. When I pursued the issue and asked why it was listed in the online How To guides on Samsung's website, the rep said she checked with a supervisor and the feature is only available for the S5. Kind of disappointing since I have a Note 3....also this is a pretty poor customer experience since the feature is found in their how-to guides yet it doesn't say it's only available for certain phones.
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Her response is incorrect. I have a Note 3 N900T (t-mobile) running the rom listed in my signature. The rom is a Note 3 N9005 (International version of the Note 3) and I have the Safety Assistance now.
Here is a stock International version...
Now call the rep back and tell her to learn about the products that she represents
I'm sure a Dev could probably rip this out and make a patch to add it to any Note 3.
Thread Stuck!
Good job OP and I hope you keep this up to date
Is there a way to get whatsapp to notify?
Lähetetty minun SM-N9005 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
cchaou said:
Is there a way to get whatsapp to notify?
Lähetetty minun SM-N9005 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
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Yes you can. Go to Gear Manager, then to notifications, make sure your notifications are on by looking in the upper right hand corner. Then scroll down the app list and check WhatsApp and any other apps you want notifications up relay to your gear.
suggestion to add to the FAQ
Great FAQ - thank you.
Would you consider adding music to the faq. There are two ways to add music:
- Via the gear manager / my apps / music player / send tracks to gear, you can transfer music to the gear.
- Also you can plug the watch in to a computer using the cradle. The watch should appear as a device and you can transfer music to a music folder.
cryptiq said:
FWIW, I contacted Samsung support today and was initially told the Safety Assistance feature wasn't available. When I pursued the issue and asked why it was listed in the online How To guides on Samsung's website, the rep said she checked with a supervisor and the feature is only available for the S5. Kind of disappointing since I have a Note 3....also this is a pretty poor customer experience since the feature is found in their how-to guides yet it doesn't say it's only available for certain phones.
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I have a Note 3 (European stock rom) and I also have that feature.
Enviado do meu SM-N9005 através de Tapatalk
Very good and has many improvements and exciting new.

[TASKER][PROJECT] Local Voicemail “Answer Machine”

Second Post. CHANGELOG
I am a fan of Tasker as it offers lot of possibilities and makes life better [emoji14]
I learned how to use Tasker basically from myself but @Rsroms gave me the basic knowledge to use this awesome app!
If you are new to Tasker and you wanna learn how to get started i reccomend @brandall Guide (Link to the thread: [TUT] The Ultimate Noob/Beginners Guide to Tasker )… you will learn how to make basic profiles or even intermediate profiles.
However i have created this thread to show off and explain one of my profiles… this one is called “Answer Machine” and it is a “local” implementation of VoiceMail in Tasker. I hope you find this thread useful !
It’s simple. If a call is not being answered in about 15 seconds (or what you want) i suppose you are not near to the Smartphone so Tasker will automatically answer and play a pre-recorded voice saying for example:
“Record your voice after the *beep*”
When the pre-recorded voice has totally been played Tasker will start to record the caller voice and when the caller closes the call the recording will be saved in a known folder (Voicemail/Recordings).
As i unlock my smartphone a scene will appear where i can see who called me. Here is an example:
Mike - +39 xxx xxx - 20:14 (24 Hour format)
Obviously i will offer the possibility to change:
Time that Tasker has to wait. between the start of the incoming call and Time when it gets answered
The pre-recorded voice
In short now i will write all the actions that will be performed on specific events.
EVENT: Incoming call
Setting %GotCall to 1
How much time has Tasker to wait? -> Wait x (choose your own wait time) seconds.
Answer call
Wait 500 milliseconds
Activate Speakerphone (I have to activate it as there is not the possibility to stream directly into the microphone)
Set the higher volume possible
Play the pre-recorded voice (It will be outputted using the SpeakerPhone)
Wait until the pre-recorded voice message finishes (I have made a recording of 8 seconds so i will set 9 seconds as Tasker's waiting time)
Disable SpeakerPhone (I don’t need anymore the SpeakerPhone)
Now the recording will get started
Write a txt file with: Caller name, Caller number and time (Using append)
EVENT: Call ended
Stop recording
I do not need nothing else for the “Core” of the voicemail. Now i have to write a summary for the event “Screen Unlocked”... a simple event that occurs when the Screen gets unlocked.
EVENT: Screen Unlocked
Check if %GotCall does not match to 0
(If the condition above is verified then do..) Read The Txt File and load it on %Read variable
Show scene (A scene that allows to see who called you)
Set back %GotCall to 0
This project consists of:
1 State “Incoming Call” with: “Voicemail Enter” (enter task) and “Voicemail” (exit task)
1 Event “Screen Unlocked” with “Gotten Call” as task
Now i will try to explain detailed as possible the whole project.
It is a profile which gets enabled when there is an incoming call.
The state i have used to check when a call comes is: State -> Phone -> Call and setting the Type to “Incoming”.
Voicemail Enter (Task):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
What i have used is simple and to get everything working i did not use nothing else than Tasker!
As you can see in the Screenshot there are 11 actions.. in border i will write the right name of the action so you can learn what it does:
Variable Set - Create and set to 1 a variable called “%GotCall”. This matter that i’ve got a call and it is useful for next steps
Wait - Setted to 15 seconds by default. This is the time that Tasker has to wait before answer the call … so set it as you want.
Take call - Just a simple action. It answers to the call
Wait - Already explained. In this case i have setted it to 500 milliseconds i need it to activate the SpekerPhone.. we have to consider some Phone latencies.
Speakerphone - Simple action. It allows to turn on or off the Speakerphone :’)
In-Call Volume - Is it necessary to explain? It adjust the in-call Volume [emoji14]. I need it because as i have explained before there is not the possibility to stream a pre-recorded voice directly.
Music Play - It allows to play a music file… or even a recorded message [emoji14]. We have to set the Stream to “Call” and in File the message we want to play
Wait - We will set how many second lasts the Message . If the recorded message is long 6 seconds set this action to 6 seconds and 500 milliseconds.
Speakerphone - Let’s set the speakerphone off as we do not need it anymore
Record Audio - It allows to start recording a call. We can set a specific name… I have setted it to Voicemail/Recordings/%CNAME - %CNUM - %TIME -> where %CNAME stands for “Caller Name”, %CNUM for “Caller Number” and %TIME for “Time” [emoji14]
Write File - It allows to create and write inside a TXT file. I have used it to create something like a log useful for the next steps (I will show this Txt file on the Event “Screen Unlocked”)
Voicemail Exit (Task):
As you can see this task is made just by one fundamental action “Record Audio Stop”.
This action allows to stop the Call Recording triggered before. If you do not add this action Tasker will continue to record NOTHING !
Display Unlocked (Event):
This event gets triggered when you unlock the smartphone and i will use it to show with a simple Scene (Also made with Tasker) the Log previously made using the function “Write File”.
So what i did is to create a profile using Event -> Display -> Display Unlocked and i have attached to it a simple task that i have called “GottenCall”.
GottenCall (Task):
GottenCall is a task made up of 4 simple action. Let’s take a look of what they do
If - It allows to check a condition. I have used it to check if %GotCall differs from 0.. if so means that i’ve got a call!
Read File - Simple action that allows to load a whole Txt file inside a variable. The parameters that you have to set are two: File (Which is destination folder) and To var (Which is the Variable you wanna use for loading the Txt file)
Show Scene - This action shows a scene previously made. I have also changed Display As to Activity, Full Window.
Voicemail Graphic (Scene):
As i said before i have also made a Scene that looks like this screeshot:
I have used a simple Text Area setting as Text (source) the variable %Read and a simple button with onTap action -> Destroy Scene - An action that closes the Scene.
Android 2.3+
Tasker (Make sure to have the latest version)
Did you find problems during the installation? Check my Tutorial on YouTube...everything will go right! VoiceMail Project Installation Video Tutorial!​
Step by step guide:
Download the project from the thread (you can find it below)
Now open Tasker, this screen will appear
Click on the button Menu and open “Preferences”
Uncheck the Beginner Mode -> This will allow you to import Projects
Go on the main screen of Tasker and click on the Home button
Click on “Import” and go into the folder where you have VoiceMail.prj.xml -> If you have downloaded it using your Smartphone then it is located inside the "Download" folder
As they get imported deactivate them using the toggle available:
Open Es File Explorer and create 3 folders on the root:
Now record your own Message using a normal recording App -> I have used the Preinstalled App inside my Note 4
As you have finished to record move the recorded voice to the folder Voicemail/Speech
Open Tasker and go to the “Task” tab
Open “VoicemailEnter” and then tap on the action number 7. Here you have select your recording. To select the recording click on the magnifier lens and browse to Voicemail/Speech and click on the pre-recorded file! Once you have selected it tap on the top-left corner (As you are returning back).
Go back and open action number 8. Here you have to set how much time is long your pre-recorded voice. So set down Seconds the right time
Go on the main screen of tasker (Profiles) and activate back all my profiles !
All done, test it and let me know how it works !
Here you can find the frequently asked questions.
Q: Why Tasker doesn't answer the call?
A: Tasker allows to answer Call using a simple action called "Take call" this one doesn't work on Lollipop and in some others devices. If you are running Lollipop you will not have this problem as i perform a Android Version check... if you have a lower Android version than make sure you grant all the permission needed to tasker. If the problem persists:
Enter inside the task "VoiceMailEnterKK&Lower"
.Delete the task number 3
Add a new action Code -> Run Shell and inside Command put: send keyevent 79
Move this action down the 2nd one.
Q: I have Miui and the call doesn't get answered.
Try to find a workaround for Android 5+ -> FOUND !!!
Improve User Interface on Screen Unlocked
Try to implements something to directly stream inside microphone
I hope you liked my thread… any advice are welcome.
Don’t forget to give me a thumb up :good: if you liked my work ​
-Added support for lollipop
-Fixed exit task for Incoming Call State
-Added Check Android task which checks for the SDK version.
Reserved #2 :good:
Welcome Aboard.
Which option decides the time to wait before my call gets transferred to voicemail ?
Edit: Sorry. Its option 2.
---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-04-2015 at 11:49 PM ----------
Not working. It can't answer the call. Phone keeps ringing.. said:
Which option decides the time to wait before my call gets transferred to voicemail ?
Edit: Sorry. Its option 2.
---------- Post added 09-04-2015 at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-04-2015 at 11:49 PM ----------
Not working. It can't answer the call. Phone keeps ringing..
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Yes, Maybe i have To explain it better!
Anyway does it work for you?
Which Android version do you have?
It doesn't work on Android 5+
It can work with Android 5+ LP as well. You simply need a standalone plugin for it available at PS.
Btw its same as you referred earlier on " Call Monitor Locale Plugin".
Very Nice & useful info. And well explained as well (Y)
Rsroms said:
It can work with Android 5+ LP as well. You simply need a standalone plugin for it available at PS.
Btw its same as you referred earlier on " Call Monitor Locale Plugin".
Very Nice & useful info. And well explained as well (Y)
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I have to install Lollipop to find a workaround. Anyway that plugin "Call Monitor Local Monitor" automatically answer to the call as there is an incoming call. Maybe i will use intents and something else
CoolJoseph96 said:
Yes, Maybe i have To explain it better!
Anyway does it work for you?
Which Android version do you have?
It doesn't work on Android 5+
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I am on kitkat 4.4
Maybe it does not work in MiUi ... It can't answer the call.
Also I am kind of noob to tasker. May be I am doing something wrong. After doing all the steps, i turn the toggle for all three profiles to on mode. But in notification, tasker says, no profile active. said:
I am on kitkat 4.4
Maybe it does not work in MiUi ... It can't answer the call.
Also I am kind of noob to tasker. May be I am doing something wrong. After doing all the steps, i turn the toggle for all three profiles to on mode. But in notification, tasker says, no profile active.
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Could you send a screenshot of the Task "Voicemail Enter"?
Anyway some tasker's functions are not allowed on every ROMS.
Check them out said:
Check them out
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It seems strange as you have Take Call. Take call is an action that answer the call. I hope you have the latest version of Tasker... I Also had some problems with profiles in General. Try to make a simple profile. For example:
-State: When connected to WiFi
Add an enter task with "Open app" action!
Let me know.. Thank you!
I tried to create a simple profile. To turn off data when wifi is connected. And its working when i push the play button inside the task i.e. Mobile data turns off. Which means tasker can handle the thing. But when i connect to wifi, mobile data does not turn off. That means automatic working of profiles is not working. Maybe its because, notification of tasker still says 'no active profiles' in the notification shade
---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------
Sorry. My simple profile is working. I made a change to it, to turn off mobile data when i open calculator. And its working fine.. said:
I tried to create a simple profile. To turn off data when wifi is connected. And its working when i push the play button inside the task i.e. Mobile data turns off. Which means tasker can handle the thing. But when i connect to wifi, mobile data does not turn off. That means automatic working of profiles is not working. Maybe its because, notification of tasker still says 'no active profiles' in the notification shade
---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------
Sorry. My simple profile is working. I made a change to it, to turn off mobile data when i open calculator. And its working fine..
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Okay let's check if Take call doesn't work!
1. Make a Call to your Voicemail Phone :') 2. Don't answer the call... But open tasker. Move to task tab and open "Voicemail Enter"
3. Make a Long press on the action "Take call" then click on The play button situated on the left bottom!
If you get the call answered then we have To check why the profile is not getting enabled on incoming call event!
Okay, i asked my friend to call me. He called, while the phone was ringing, i switched to tasker, and did what you said. And voila, call got answered. So i guess the profile is not getting activated on incoming call event.. said:
Okay, i asked my friend to call me. He called, while the phone was ringing, i switched to tasker, and did what you said. And voila, call got answered. So i guess the profile is not getting activated on incoming call event..
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So Take Call works perfectly... As I said before check if you have the latest Tasker Version!
There is a problem on the incoming call feature... Did you try to close tasker and Shutdown the screen? After this try to get a call
Hey, its working now.. Thanx a lot. It was some permission problem. I added tasker to trusted apps and it started to work..
Awesome work.. It will be magic if somehow you can make the speech file play through the audio up link. Because its not properly heard at the other end when played through the speaker.. Still.. Hats off to you... said:
Hey, its working now.. Thanx a lot. It was some permission problem. I added tasker to trusted apps and it started to work..
Awesome work.. It will be magic if somehow you can make the speech file play through the audio up link. Because its not properly heard at the other end when played through the speaker.. Still.. Hats off to you...
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Could you share your solution and what ROM are you running? I'll add it in OP!
Anyway Yes... i am trying to send the Audio directly with no results yet ... I wanna ask you something.. Does the recording plays with SpeakerPhone??
Rsroms said:
It can work with Android 5+ LP as well. You simply need a standalone plugin for it available at PS.
Btw its same as you referred earlier on " Call Monitor Locale Plugin".
Very Nice & useful info. And well explained as well (Y)
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Can you link to that plugin? Sorry - can't find it.
I'm on LP 5.0.2 and "Take call" action is not available.
remiotte said:
Can you link to that plugin? Sorry - can't find it.
I'm on LP 5.0.2 and "Take call" action is not available.
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Call Monitor Tasker Plug-in
I'll explain what does that plugin do.
It's a simple plugin that allows you to trigger some action when call starts or ends. So this plugin will not allow you to replace the task called "Take Call" as you have to manually answer to the incoming call to get the profile activated. However i'm trying to figure out what i can do to get this Project also working on Lollipop. I guess... i have to Install Lollipop on my Note 4 to get started !

Bugs in October v11r - LG, in case you're watching here

No call recording
No pop-up call
Cannot minimize, exit dialer while in call
Broken wheater animation
Good things:
Very nice spatial surround sound
Snappier firmware
Better camera processing
Probably android 10 framework already
Bad things:
LG-UP for crossflashing - at least give us this option to play with firmwares...
Bootloader unlock
Also the "Mobile Network" menu keep on crashing on me. No way to select network or set APN. Can you recommend a fix for this? How can i flash a working firmware?
I reply on your quote, im using v500n U+ fw r too. Sorry for bad english.
No call recording => still have.
No pop-up call => you mean automatic answer when hold the phone to ear? mine is working.
Cannot minimize, exit dialer while in call => exit by Home button, Im always do this when I need to do another thing while calling.
Broken wheater animation => Idk, wearther animation is only showed up on lockscreen, but rarely, only when its raining, the phone shows raining
Next your comment: I figured out the code 5457#*500#, get into this hidden menu. But idk is it working to select data network mode. I left it here for all network available.
Hi, how to enable call recording ? Thanks.
Edit: found it. Its under Call, additional setting, auto record call. And its build-in feature (Korea set).
Does it support cameraXapi for shooting HDR on third party app?
Add to the bugs "Camera app always crashes and even 3rd party camera apps crash 90% of the time if using the main camera."
My Cellular data becomes inactive whenever I change position.I have to turn off and then turn it on every now and then . Any solution for this?

