I recently reflashed my MI4C and replaced the battery to use it as sub account phone to play pokemon Go.
I would like to turn off after every usage but the phone is turning on itself on every poweroff.
I think that this is related to a mod on the custom kernel or rom.
Do you know how to disable this?
Hi guys,
I installed N915FXXU1COH2 ROM (lollipop 5.1.1) on my Note Edge, flashed micky's kernel and rooted it;
but now the screen stay always on when I receive a notification, or if I press the power button without unlock it. Do you have the same problem?
At the moment for solve I use Tasker, but it's not convenient for many reasons.
I try also to start in safe mode (disabling all non stock apps) but the problem is yet present.
Let me know, thanks.
Hi guys! A few months ago I bought Mi4c and got one little but very annoying problem: whenever I turn off the screen and ~1 minute passes its just reboots itself. Sometimes it goes to Sleep of Death(state when phone have no reaction on anything and can be rebooted only by 10-seconds power key hold). I tried everything: flashing latest MIUI from miflash and even from edl_download mode, its has no affect so I unlocked bootloader and tried to flash custom rom I've tried cm12, 13 by Teamsuperluminal, Ressurection Remix M, Mokee, etc. but problem still exists.
Now I'm use CPU Awake from Google Play to avoid my phone go to sleep mode, but it's not a solution.
Anybody know how to fix it?
I'm pretty sure that's a defective unit honestly. Have you tried contacting your reseller?
Anybody could help? My phone was overheating when gaming and it shutted down. After a while I rebooted it and it started MM with restricted (maybe guest) profile and now I am stucked it... I haven't found a way to get rid that off...
Cannot get dev options.
In settings - pressing user don't do anything...
ROM Imperium ROM v13.0 LG G4 (but this problem is not ROM related).
Actually it is like this situation: https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-3/help/restricted-user-phone-crash-t3527432
I really do not want to do factory reset... And if that is only solution then this is really SEVERE bug for Android...
Hi guys,
I have a big probleme since 2 weeks on my galaxy s6 edge:
Sometimes the sound of the phone cut off and i'm not able to activate it again (the only way is to reboot)
And sometimes the phone juste freeze for no reason and he reboot by itself but sometime i have to hold power + home + volum down to make it reboot.
This problem happen like 2 or 3 times per day but it often happens when i'm watching videos on youtube, and the phone looks hot.
What i tried:
(I precise that i had a stock rom at origin) but i had already rooted it in the past and tested some custom rom.
I did a factory reset -> same bugs
Installed stock rom -> same bugs
Flashed custom rom -> same bugs
I dont know what to do and the warranted of my phone is over anyway...
I searched a lot on internet but i found nobody with the same problem.
I tested to boot in secure mode, but i don't think the problems comes from an app because when i installed the flashed rom, i got a freeze after 5 minutes with no app installed...
Thanks for your help, and sorry for bad english.
hi guys,
i have a problem with my camera on Nexus 5. After starting camera app, it doesn´t load and phone restarts. Even in other apps using camera this problem occures (turning flash on too). I tried reinstaling rom, changing kernel and nothing helped. Is there any way to fix it?
You could need a new battery.
Battery was changed 6 months ago, i dont think this issue is caused by battery.
Which ROM and camera app are you using? I'm using the stock Marshmallow camera app with Lineage OS and stock kernel. I had to re-sign the camera package to keep it from being updated by Play, but it's been working perfectly. Lineage OS on the Nexus 5 is really nice.
AOSP 7.1.1 and Franco kernel. When issue had occured, i had AOSP and stock kernel i guess. I am using original camera app and phone restarts in whatsapp too, when i try to turn the camera on.
Hmm. My past experience with the camera causing restarts of both the Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 has been because of battery problems. Does it also restart if you launch the camera while the phone is plugged in to charge?
Yes, it does.