How to block an SMS which has no number? - General Questions and Answers

SMS Spam and text messages with trojans and viruses has gotten so bad that I have had to block all SMS except those in my contact list. I use 'Should I Answer' for the SMS blocking.
I get SMS text alerts from several banks with no problem (they normally have a 6 digit number). But one bank has no number and is only identified by what appears to be an email address.
Unfortunately a Contact list does not allow an alphabetical input in the phone number field of the contact list. I question how they can even send an SMS message without a number. I've tried asking the bank for help but they seem clueless about this.
Is there a way to determine what number is being used to send these alerts? I found a number they claim on their website is used for SMS but when entering it in the contact list it is still blocked. I can't get any alerts from that bank due to their use of an email address in place of a number. Any suggestions?


call sms sender

Is there a way to use the unknown sender number or a number inside the sms and to call these numbers without ever adding the sender number to contacts list first, just like in nokia phones

ATT Email to Text (From address)

Short question:
When an email is sent to my txt address at att the sender is listed as a number 1010100001. Can this changed? Is there a workaround to have a computer send me a text from a real address?
Long explanation:
I have a server monitoring system that sends me text message alerts when there is an issue. (I.E. A website is down, Drive space is low.. etc)
I get a LOT of these.
I Just switched From Verizon to ATT.
On Verizon the Email was sent to [email protected] and it said it was from the email address of my monitoring server. On ATT any email sent to my text address ([email protected]) comes in from 1010100001 and this number seems to increment for each email I get to my text address.
I know it's not my Tilt2, because my wife’s Iphone does the same thing.
Is there any workaround?
Is anyone aware of another way to send these alerts rather than a straight email to my text address?
It's very hard to glance at my messages now and see if there is an issue I should deal with without opening each message.
On VZW, I could scroll my inbox and see the FROM and SUBJECT without opening them like: [email protected] - Error C drive low on Servername. then the body had the details.
On ATT is says 1010100002 - FRM:[email protected]
I have to open the message to see if it is an error or a good.
Many pages are temporary errors, I may get 3 errors then a good while a job runs.. If it doesn’t report good in a few mins, I need to look at it.

WM 6.5 - SMS inbox issue.

I have tried many cooked roms with my i780, almost all of them WM 6.5.
I realized today that if I have more than one number registered inside an outlook contact (I am used to register alternative mobile phone numbers in the "pager" field), when I receive an sms from a contact with more than one phone number, there is absolutely no way to find out which number was used to text you. Also, when you reply, you don't know the phone number you are texting, you just know that its the same that was used from your contact to text you in the first place.
I realized that today when I was chatting a friend of mine believing that I use my "free of charge" sms messages (which I do when I text his main number) and ended up charging my balance. He told me he was using his alternate number (that I have registered as pager) and when I tried to somehow confirm it, i see there is no way. All you get is the name of your contact. No way to access extra info either for received or sent messages.
Am I missing something? Has anyone else realized that and/or has a problem with it?

[Q] Number in Text field?

When I'm texting someone, i sometimes get their phone number at the top of the text field and by their name in their text bubble. It's not with every contact either. I thought maybe it was because they have multiple numbers attached to the contact but even ones that have just one number so it. i dont want it to show it at all. any ideas?
it shows up if you have an email address for them too. if all you have for that contact is a mobile number you may want to go into your contacts & see if they were linked to anything else

Go sms pro private box: not working cause of the +1 area code

Dear all,
I am having some big trouble with go sms pro private box. I have the paid version. I added from my contacts all the contacts that I want to be private. It happened that when some of those contacts text me the message and notification are correctly private, while for others they are received in the normal folder (and have a standard notification). I double checked and the contact name and number were correctly displayed on the list of private contacts but the text appears in the normal received text message list. Only one slight difference: the number saved in the contact list is always different from the number on the received text underneath the name, and the difference is related to the international american area code. I was not able to figure out exactly which is the problem but basically sometimes I receive messages with the right name but the number (lets say 999-999-9999) shows up as any of these three
So basically if I save my number as 999-999-9999 sometimes I dont get it on the private box and it shows up with the rite name and with 1999-999-9999 or +1999-999-9999. Very wierd. And things got more complicated: I did a trial with my roomie: if I save his number as 999-999-9999 his texts do not go into the private box, and they show up with his name and 1-999-999-9999 underneath it. If I save instead my roommate number in my contacts as +1999-999-9999, in that case his text shows correctly up in the private box but with NO NAME on it!! So I cant do this since I have no clue who is texting me and I have to search everytime who that text refers to. I am driving crazy. Nobody had experience with this?

