Strange App - Sony Xperia 5 Questions & Answers

Strange App in bottom right corner, Circular and Grey icon. Looks like an Android picture. Goes to Yahoo Finance. Cannot uninstall.
No administrator priveleges for any apps.

Could be Anything as this is the default icon for services/apps which are not usually visible to the launcher. I see that there are a number of background services which some are made by sony which have this icon. Can you long press and uninstall?
I use MS launcher so don't know.

I would like to know exactly what it is in pathology.


Invisible widget

I'm just wondering if anyone has similar problem as me. I got a weather widget that disappears. It's still taking up space but is invisible. How do I know this you say? Well when you hold your finger over an empty space, it pops up the app screen in which it allows you to place shutcuts and widgets or set wallpaper. But if you place your finger on a location with an icon or widget you are able to move it.
The invisible widget area won't do anything but a reboot usually makes it reappear. I've even force close the app of the widget and still does nothing.
The widget I'm having problem with is weatherbug widget. I don't like the how the stock widget is taking so much space. And I don't need duplicate information on my screen. I just want an accurate weather and some other weather information. I don't need the city and date and time...I have time on the bottom right corner already and calendar widget shows date already. Why does weather widgets want to show you unnecessary information? And a lot of them aren't accurate. But this weatherbug is OK app, I usually do not like weatherbug on PCs but the android app is not annoying.
I had that with CNN widget, it's only happened twice, but still a bit weird
They're called zombie widgets, and you can clean them up using an app called elixir.
same thing happened to me with the youtube widget, but only once so far.


Is there a way to re-add the application menu? Normally I click on an icon that looks something like a grid of 4 squares to get to my entire list of applications. I can then drag the icons for these to one of my main screens. What do you do if this "4 square" button is gone? How do I get to my list of applications? (I can still manage my applications).
summitflier said:
Is there a way to re-add the application menu? Normally I click on an icon that looks something like a grid of 4 squares to get to my entire list of applications. I can then drag the icons for these to one of my main screens. What do you do if this "4 square" button is gone? How do I get to my list of applications? (I can still manage my applications).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
wouldn't it depend on the type of ROM your running? on CM7 I would hold down on the home screen, add "Launcher Actions", click "Open/close App Drawer".

[APP IDEA] Android Eye - the all in one, yet still minimal camera app

okay, so the Android market has a good few camera apps. some amazing, some... never to be mentioned.
but Imagine HTC's One X Camera app. Photo and video button at same time.
Now imagine a Google Goggles Button, and a QR button, even facebook and twitter buttons. each button linking directly to that service. thats what i hope to achieve with this app.
the attachments are rough ideas for layout, open them; then read on.
shows the default screen, this shows when you open the camera.
if you leave the icons and don't touch the screen the other icons sink away till only a little bit pokes out.
the icons are scrollable, there might be Twitter and Facebook icons hidden away so scroll the icons up or down to get them. also the icons loop so you can scroll infinitely in one direction and the icons will just keep looping around. the middle app is highlighted by making it slightly bigger, then shrinking it as another app is scrolled into the middle
the setting icon will reveal the usual photo/video settings and some app specific ones too. pressing the icon in the middle will engage it.
if your a coder and you wanna help me, if you have some cool ideas or know of an app that does this already then let me know.

run apps as full-screen widgets?

For example, consider Google Keep. I want to run it as a homescreen page, or alternatively, force the widget to use the full screen (except for the status bar). I would like to do this with all the apps I use regularly, or at a bare minimum, one of them. There's a mod for iOS that does this in the same way Google Now does, where it turns the left-most homescreen page into an app.
Is there a mod or something to accomplish this?

there's a hidden "files" app?

there is "files by google" which is on the play store. then there is also a "files" app with a white folder on blue background icon. similar to icons of the stock phone and settings app. is there a way have its icon on launchers?
There has to be a better way, but I found at least a janky work around.
Download "simple shortcuts - create Shortcuts" from play store
Open it and go to all activities tab
Search for files app
Click on it and select files activities action
Click the yellow button in the bottom right.
For me this works.
ahh, thanks for the tip. it turns out that app is also not ideal for me. still had to download a 3rd party explorer.

