My M2 says it is a Blackberry. - Sony Xperia M2

hi, This is my first post. No, i am not an Android developer. I just have a weird Xperia D2306 phone. I don't think it is an Aqua. Pretty sure it would die a sad death if I dropped it in some water. Bought it unlocked from a little store in a little town in Ontario Canada bout 4 years ago when my almost new Xperia Z (which was waterproof) got stuck between a jeep and a hard place when it was just into a 3 year contract. kept the Z on life support long enough to use the Sony PC Companion to migrate everything to the second hand M2.
The M2 has always been a little odd. the few apps i download don't seem to be fully functional, some apps crash after an update. I was speaking to my mobile network provider Tech Support a month ago, ands said I had a Blackberry. And I said it was a Sony Xperia. And he said the network sees it as a Blackberry model that neither he nor I have heard of.
I have always wondered about some weird things. kernel version 3.4.0-ge8817f718-dirty [email protected]#1 which doesn't sound like something a SONY Engineer would write.
the IMEI doesn't calculate as valid with the Nuhn algorithm
The on screen IMEI and the embossed number on the tag match. Just the check digit doesn't check.
There is a plastic tab above the SIM slot that has embossed in gold - Prototype API
I tried the Repair Software option in Xperia Companion to see what would happen.
"No software found. Authentication failed. Software update or repair of prototype devices is only allowed from specific IP addresses."
And I live 50km from Waterloo. home of Blackberry. So i am thinking it escaped from the lab.
The first 6 digits of the IMEI seem to support that. If you can believe the internet.
So I was going to do a complete reset using Xperia Companion to go back to the stock ROM. But does that reset the kernel too? how much can it fix? Or would I be better to learn how to boot a nice stable ROM from here that has Android 5.0 or above. It is stuck now at 4.4.4 and won't update.
I have accessed the service menu and bootloader is unlocked.
It wasn't expensive, I have backed it up to the laptop and saved a lot to the SIM and microSD. data loss isn't an issue, but I would hate to brick it. It is a good phone, it isn't much broke right now.
Or does this device "as is" have value to someone who isn't me. i don't like destroying something out of ignorance. kernels, ROMS, etc from Blackberry developers for Android. Apr 12 2015 is the date on the kernel.
So my basic question is, if I hard reset it does it become a factory phone sold as a retail phone or a prototype brick. opinions?
Q2 - would I have better chance by learning show to use the tools to flash a stable custom ROM from here
Q3 - Anyone want to trade for another Xperia?
I can probably figure out how to upload screenshots if there is anything specific anyone wants to see that can help. Or i can key in what I see.

just flash latest 5.1.1 firmware (.182) with flashtool.


transplant / restore TA partition from the other phone

I am new to dealing with DRM keys and Sony's TA partition and I ask for a little understanding with my dumb questions.
I bought a white Z3 Dual (D6633) for my wife and immediately unlocked bootloader and rooted the phone. She is super happy with it since speed of the phone and camera quality is a big upgrade from HTC Sensations we both own and used until now.
Reading all this stuff about camera issues after unlocking bootloader + other things that stop working makes me really concerned that I have inadvertently and significantly crippled her phone... On the other hand having a root is absolutely critical for me and so far all phones in our household ended up with custom ROM eventually since manufacturers don't support phones with the new software forewer.
To be honest, I think I've missed saving TA partition option completely while following root guide at and I've began to wonder if it would be possible to transplant DRM keys from other Z3 with locked bootloader? I am assuming that each phone has an unique set of keys but if I were to move them from one device to a second identical one and therefore there would be no two phones using same keys, would it work or are they locked to the specific IMEI? Although Z3 Dual has 2 IMEIs and only one was asked for while unlocking bootloader.
What I plan to do is to get a second Z3 Dual for myself now but with copper finish and transplant ALL software to my wife's phone. I am quite sure that she will be fine with stock ROM forever but I tend to mess with hardware I own a lot and reflash ROMs very often and I am willing to give up a little bit for these reasons, although while learning how much one needs to give up with Sony, essentially significantly crippling the phone in the process I begin to question if I should give Sony any more of my money...
I am really hoping that some developer will be able to create a ROM restoring most of those lost features in the process.
czguy said:
I am new to dealing with DRM keys and Sony's TA partition and I ask for a little understanding with my dumb questions.
I bought a white Z3 Dual (D6633) for my wife and immediately unlocked bootloader and rooted the phone. She is super happy with it since speed of the phone and camera quality is a big upgrade from HTC Sensations we both own and used until now.
Reading all this stuff about camera issues after unlocking bootloader + other things that stop working makes me really concerned that I have inadvertently and significantly crippled her phone... On the other hand having a root is absolutely critical for me and so far all phones in our household ended up with custom ROM eventually since manufacturers don't support phones with the new software forewer.
To be honest, I think I've missed saving TA partition option completely while following root guide at and I've began to wonder if it would be possible to transplant DRM keys from other Z3 with locked bootloader? I am assuming that each phone has an unique set of keys but if I were to move them from one device to a second identical one and therefore there would be no two phones using same keys, would it work or are they locked to the specific IMEI? Although Z3 Dual has 2 IMEIs and only one was asked for while unlocking bootloader.
What I plan to do is to get a second Z3 Dual for myself now but with copper finish and transplant ALL software to my wife's phone. I am quite sure that she will be fine with stock ROM forever but I tend to mess with hardware I own a lot and reflash ROMs very often and I am willing to give up a little bit for these reasons, although while learning how much one needs to give up with Sony, essentially significantly crippling the phone in the process I begin to question if I should give Sony any more of my money...
I am really hoping that some developer will be able to create a ROM restoring most of those lost features in the process.
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If you have read enough, you will know that taking other's TA to restore will result a HARD BRICK of your wife's phone.
Anyhow, I am also interested to know if there's another way out to restore those lost functions. Do update if you found any alternative method
The best thing you can do now is to give her your Z3 and take hers instead. She might not be happy when she finds out you accidentally crippled her phone.
There is no way, and there will not be way to restore DRM keys which you didn't backup.
Even if you send it to Sony.
We had fight with this since xperia arc (me personal) and without hope.
Just give up, change your new phone with her and learn something from this.
Wait couple of months for proper root.
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
I may give up on Sony
Well, it seems that there is nothing I can do now. As I've mentioned I've never dealt with DRM (I get clean content only - years of ripping CDs/DVDs, etc.) and that's one of the reasons I would never buy Apple products for example.
I don't think my wife will ever realize that she is missing anything because I gave her modified phone already, therefor she has no way to compare and as I've mentioned she is super happy with it as it is.
As far I am concerned, I think I will have to seriously reconsider buying another Sony product ever again. I could not care less about DRM and no access to Sony store, however, inadvertently crippling unrelated functionality by unlocking the phone so I can truly own hardware I've paid for is not acceptable.
As it has been said, it is a lesson for me. It's really disappointing because I have believed that I have finally found a truly flagship product with dual SIM functionality...
Well, I can only point out that Sony do tell you this
I get that from a first hit of a google search on "Sony unlock bootloader"
I understand your frustration, but I have been with Sony for years and I was aware of this potential problem. If I ever change OEMs I will ensure I treat myself as a noob again and do all the legwork and research I should do before diving in.
I know this does not help you, but I am just trying to get across that the information is out there.
If she doesn't know then what's the issue? Crippling means that the user is hampered by a loss. Her phone isn't crippled by any stretch of the imagination. Now if she tries to use miracast and it doesn't work, then you can say it was crippled, but if she never uses the feature then she's no worse off.
As far as restoring the TA partition, that's null and double null. The keys are encrypted using the hardware of the phone (likely the IMEI) so other signed items will not work. Your best bet is Android L. A completely rewritten Camera stack will be introduced where devs have complete control over the camera's hardware. So some enterprising dev might be able to write a camera app that exceeds the stock camera anyways. As far as anything else, that can be added via opensource alternatives that work fine.
You should be able to return it to the store and swap it for another.
czguy said:
Well, it seems that there is nothing I can do now. As I've mentioned I've never dealt with DRM (I get clean content only - years of ripping CDs/DVDs, etc.) and that's one of the reasons I would never buy Apple products for example.
I don't think my wife will ever realize that she is missing anything because I gave her modified phone already, therefor she has no way to compare and as I've mentioned she is super happy with it as it is.
As far I am concerned, I think I will have to seriously reconsider buying another Sony product ever again. I could not care less about DRM and no access to Sony store, however, inadvertently crippling unrelated functionality by unlocking the phone so I can truly own hardware I've paid for is not acceptable.
As it has been said, it is a lesson for me. It's really disappointing because I have believed that I have finally found a truly flagship product with dual SIM functionality...
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This is not a personal attack but I'm getting a little bit fed up with reading all these posts about how it's Sony's fault that people f****d up. They clearly advise against unlocking and state that features will be lost. Ok they don't list exactly which but you accepted the risk when choosing to unlock.
I have had a Z3 since release day and I haven't unlocked the bootloader because I read up on it and found that the loss of DRM keys breaks too many things. I had no more information available than you so don't blame Sony for your lack of caution.
I always used Nexus devices before so, like you, I normally unlock and root straight away BUT I exercise due diligence when I get a new device and look into any potential problems first.
This is not Sony's fault, it is yours. Chalk it up to experience.
While we're on that subject, you really ought to give your phone (assuming it's still locked) to your wife. Leaving her a device you have degraded on the basis that she probably won't realise is pretty lousy thing to do.
Thank you guys for your responses. I must admit that I have neglected in-depth research about this issue beforehand. I never cared about loosing access to a specific OEM store and giving up guaranty. After years of unlocking phones and messing with custom ROMs I became overconfident and did not consider degrading so much functionality while keeping stock ROM... Obviously putting a custom ROM on it would be an entirely different story.
I guess this thread may serve as cautionary tale for others
In any case, coming from HTC phones where ROM cookers managed to shoehorn Bravia engine and also some Sony audio enhancements in to it, I really have a high hopes that some custom ROM will restore most of the features...
3Shirts said:
While we're on that subject, you really ought to give your phone (assuming it's still locked) to your wife. Leaving her a device you have degraded on the basis that she probably won't realise is pretty lousy thing to do.
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This is a bit personal, however, it really depends how you look at it and I don't feel that it was a lousy thing to do. Her having zero technical inclination or understanding and using phone mainly to chat and post some pictures on Facebook, I don't think there was any great harm done. Besides, while wasting too much time with Facebook she has many other exceptional qualities
I am the person who deals with anything electronics related in our home and by messing with phones we own I have managed to extend their functionality far beyond OEMs contribution. And as I have mentioned before, I do hope to continue to do so when Sony stops releasing a new software for this particular model.
This is a definitely a good lesson for me, it was a rush job, I've got her this phone for her birthday and it was delivered the same day I gave it to her. I needed to to obtain the root ASAP as she uses the specific software that does not work without root access.
Yeah, that bit was personal, lol!
I just meant that if you still have a locked one, it would be the chivalrous thing to do to give her that and root it with later when an exploit is found that doesn't kill the low light camera performance. If she's happy though, no harm down I suppose.
3Shirts said:
Yeah, that bit was personal, lol!
I just meant that if you still have a locked one, it would be the chivalrous thing to do to give her that and root it with later when an exploit is found that doesn't kill the low light camera performance. If she's happy though, no harm down I suppose.
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I am currently really reconsidering if I should go with Sony for my personal phone as well. I am still a big HTC believer (not a fan anymore, they sucked for a few years) and I may stick with HTC Sensation for a little bit longer. By flashing a custom ROM on it, it does everything I need it to do and easily compares with features to todays phones while being 3-4 years old model (antique).
There is a bit more being affected by unlocking bootloader than just low light performance.
It's more than I would expect: Bravia Engine (X-Reality, Super Vivid), S-Force Front Surround...
What attracted me to Sony was definitely dual SIM capability (there are practically no other phones with this feature that would work with North American frequencies), waterproofing and having quite impressive guts. HTC has some catching up to do still.
Well, there is still hope. On the Z1 focus on the camera was lost when unlocking the boot on 4.2 with no way to get it back if you had not backed up the TA.
However, once 4.3 came along that fixed the issue for people unlocking and for those who had previously unlocked and lost the ability for the camera to focus.
So, in a future update Sony may fix this issue, or they may not. But hope is not lost
gregbradley said:
Well, there is still hope. On the Z1 focus on the camera was lost when unlocking the boot on 4.2 with no way to get it back if you had not backed up the TA.
However, once 4.3 came along that fixed the issue for people unlocking and for those who had previously unlocked and lost the ability for the camera to focus.
So, in a future update Sony may fix this issue, or they may not. But hope is not lost
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That was an actual bug though, so they fixed it. This is due to loss of DRM keys so is by design. They might do something but it's unlikely, the DRM keys are there to protect their algorithms
3Shirts said:
That was an actual bug though, so they fixed it. This is due to loss of DRM keys so is by design. They might do something but it's unlikely, the DRM keys are there to protect their algorithms
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Still weird if you ask me, one reason I am in trouble is because I have never experienced and never expected reduced functionality with other OEMs.
If you unlock HTC you loose hardly anything except guaranty...

Help! Sony Z1

Hi there,
I'm new to this forum so, before I say anything, I must apologize in advance in case i'm breaking any rules, and for my english.
I'm from Argentina and my brother brought me an unlocked Sony Z1 (L39h) from USA about a month and a half ago, since it's much cheaper over there. But I haven't been able to use it at all.
At first, the touchscreen didn't work properly. It recognized ghost touches all around the screen, that already made it impossible to use. So I went to and checked in the support forums. One of the possible solutions was to upgrade to lollipop (it came with kitkat I think). Nothing happened and lollipop seemed to consume a lot more battery, so I decided to downgrade.
And thats when It all started.
I couldn't seem to get any signal. And even If I did with another firmware, I couln't make any phone calls, and if I turned the phone off, again no signal for 24 hs approximately.
I kept trying with other ftf files using flashtool, xperifirm o with direct downloads. No luck. I even lost the baseband number (or something like that) and IMEI. I must have tried like 50 different firmwares.
At first I thought mine was a C6903, but yesterday I realized it is a L39h. Tried again with specific firmwares for the model, but unsuccesfully again.
So, to sum up:
1- Touchscreen Problems
2-No signal, No phone calls (at first I could receive and make them, before I f***ed up with firmwares)
3- No baseband, no IMEI.
4- Don't know which is the original firmware that came with the phone.
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks for reading and in advance!

How to upgrade Note 20 Ultra from...Android 5.1. Seriously.

I need help from someone a lot smarter than me. First time poster, but no stranger to rooting. (If I break some protocol, please correct me, I want to be a good citizen.)
Background (can be skipped)
I bought a Note 20 Ultra 5G (model #SM-N9860F) from a guy for a steal of a deal. Now I know why. Before buying we started it up and made a phone call, so I figured most everything else would be fine. Took it home and started messing with it, only to find it laggy and exhibiting other odd behaviors. So I went to check for updates before loading it up with my stuff.
But there was no Update button. I tapped "Software Info" and the next thing I saw made me read it three times. It showed, "Android version: 5.1."
The phone functions but with lag and issues. SIM is recognized, then unrecognized. SIM cannot be used for data (though wifi is fine).
Not kidding, Kingo Root says it was able to root this Snapdragon phone. Root Checker Basic confirms it as rooted.
Using all the various key combinations posted all over the Internet, I cannot get into Download mode. I've tried for days.
Rebooting into Recovery shows Chinese options. (After many days of messing with it I finally found a way for it to show the English list...happy to share how I got there if anyone cares.)
The phone does connect to a Windows PC successfully via USB and can share files to internal and external memory.
Interestingly, the 500GB of internal memory only shows a fraction of it as available. Wondering if Android 5.1 just can't recognize that much space.
Bottom line
I am unable to get into Download mode. When I do get to where I think Download mode should be, the green Android guy is lying down with the words "No command" underneath. Therefore I can't use Odin, or a paid service, or Samsung Smart Switch...even tried the old Kies, since it has Android 5.1 on it. ALL of them require me to get into Download mode, and it just won't go.
Plan B?: I've heard repeatedly that rooting a Note 20 Ultra is (nearly?) impossible. Since multiple apps on my device insist I successfully rooted it, I was hoping I could use the TWRP app (it's installed) to flash something that could help. But I don't know what that would be, or if it would help at all. TWRP doesn't recognize the .zip, .tar, or any other files I've found and copied to the device. Maybe it's looking for a .img? I'm just not sure, and I don't even know what to look for.
Additional info
I've attached a few screen shots and photos.
I'd be ever so grateful for anyone's guidance. Again,
How can I get into Download mode? Seems that would get me back on the paths I know better.
And/or what can I flash using TWRP on what appears to be a rooted device? Would that even help?
Thank you!
kbtraveler said:
I need help from someone a lot smarter than me. First time poster, but no stranger to rooting. (If I break some protocol, please correct me, I want to be a good citizen.)
Background (can be skipped)
I bought a Note 20 Ultra 5G (model #SM-N9860F) from a guy for a steal of a deal. Now I know why. Before buying we started it up and made a phone call, so I figured most everything else would be fine. Took it home and started messing with it, only to find it laggy and exhibiting other odd behaviors. So I went to check for updates before loading it up with my stuff.
But there was no Update button. I tapped "Software Info" and the next thing I saw made me read it three times. It showed, "Android version: 5.1."
The phone functions but with lag and issues. SIM is recognized, then unrecognized. SIM cannot be used for data (though wifi is fine).
Not kidding, Kingo Root says it was able to root this Snapdragon phone. Root Checker Basic confirms it as rooted.
Using all the various key combinations posted all over the Internet, I cannot get into Download mode. I've tried for days.
Rebooting into Recovery shows Chinese options. (After many days of messing with it I finally found a way for it to show the English list...happy to share how I got there if anyone cares.)
The phone does connect to a Windows PC successfully via USB and can share files to internal and external memory.
Interestingly, the 500GB of internal memory only shows a fraction of it as available. Wondering if Android 5.1 just can't recognize that much space.
Bottom line
I am unable to get into Download mode. When I do get to where I think Download mode should be, the green Android guy is lying down with the words "No command" underneath. Therefore I can't use Odin, or a paid service, or Samsung Smart Switch...even tried the old Kies, since it has Android 5.1 on it. ALL of them require me to get into Download mode, and it just won't go.
Plan B?: I've heard repeatedly that rooting a Note 20 Ultra is (nearly?) impossible. Since multiple apps on my device insist I successfully rooted it, I was hoping I could use the TWRP app (it's installed) to flash something that could help. But I don't know what that would be, or if it would help at all. TWRP doesn't recognize the .zip, .tar, or any other files I've found and copied to the device. Maybe it's looking for a .img? I'm just not sure, and I don't even know what to look for.
Additional info
I've attached a few screen shots and photos.
I'd be ever so grateful for anyone's guidance. Again,
How can I get into Download mode? Seems that would get me back on the paths I know better.
And/or what can I flash using TWRP on what appears to be a rooted device? Would that even help?
Thank you!
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Sounds like you got what you paid for, it's probably a fake Note20 Ultra.
From what I can tell, the model & build numbers conflict, they're from different models of the Note 20 Ultra, that's why I think it's a fake.
Even the model number doesn't look right, it has a hybrid Chinese/European model number........
Sounds like you got what you paid for, it's probably a fake Note20 Ultra.
From what I can tell, the model & build numbers conflict, they're from different models of the Note 20 Ultra, that's why I think it's a fake.
Even the model number doesn't look right, it has a hybrid Chinese/European model number........
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Hi Koliosis,
Yeah, thanks, that has crossed my mind, and that's why I posted those images. If it's fake it's a really good one, but I am aware I could have to chalk that up to experience.
Still, why in the world would a fake have Android 5.1 on it? And it works(-ish)! Isn't that still bizarre? Anything that can be done to force it into Download mode or to flash something with TWRP to at least get an OS from the modern era?
Thanks again...
kbtraveler said:
Hi Koliosis,
Yeah, thanks, that has crossed my mind, and that's why I posted those images. If it's fake it's a really good one, but I am aware I could have to chalk that up to experience.
Still, why in the world would a fake have Android 5.1 on it? And it works(-ish)! Isn't that still bizarre? Anything that can be done to force it into Download mode or to flash something with TWRP to at least get an OS from the modern era?
Thanks again...
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There should be several threads/tutorials here that show how to flash firmware using Odin (& of course,includes how to get into download mode).
Before you try that out,have you tried to use Samsung's Smart Switch program on your PC?
Given the information you've posted,it's difficult to determine which model you have,which makes matters worse since we don't want to make a bad situation worse.
I'd start with the Samsung Smart Switch, hopefully it'll be able to determine the make of your phone & flashing stock firmware should be a breeze. (If it's indeed a genuine Samsung Device).
There should be several threads/tutorials here that show how to flash firmware using Odin (& of course,includes how to get into download mode).
Before you try that out,have you tried to use Samsung's Smart Switch program on your PC?
Given the information you've posted,it's difficult to determine which model you have,which makes matters since we don't want to make a bad situation worse.
I'd start with the Samsung Smart Switch, hopefully it'll be able to determine the make of your phone & flashing stock firmware should be a breeze. (If it's indeed a genuine Samsung Device).
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Yes sir, and that's my problem. I've rooted and changed ROMs on a dozen devices or more in the past (thanks to XDA!!), always using Odin. But this phone simply will not go into Download mode at all. Using every key combination I can find I either wind up with the Chinese recovery selections I mentioned or I get that "No command" screen with the Android lying on its back.
So far I've tried these PC apps:
Odin (several versions)
Smart Switch
FixPPO (
DroidKit (
Some, like Odin and the paid options, require Download mode - which isn't working for me - so those apps can even tell I've plugged a phone into the USB port.
Just to put it out there, when the phone is booted into the OS and attach it to the PC, Windows recognizes it's connected but Smart Switch does not. That supports your point that it may not be a Samsung device, but I wondered if it could also have something to do with Smart Switch coming after 5.1 was old.
I just wondered if somebody who didn't know what they were doing somehow downgraded this phone to Android 5.1 before I accept it as a full loss. Still hoping...
kbtraveler said:
Yes sir, and that's my problem. I've rooted and changed ROMs on a dozen devices or more in the past (thanks to XDA!!), always using Odin. But this phone simply will not go into Download mode at all. Using every key combination I can find I either wind up with the Chinese recovery selections I mentioned or I get that "No command" screen with the Android lying on its back.
So far I've tried these PC apps:
Odin (several versions)
Smart Switch
FixPPO (
DroidKit (
Some, like Odin and the paid options, require Download mode - which isn't working for me - so those apps can even tell I've plugged a phone into the USB port.
Just to put it out there, when the phone is booted into the OS and attach it to the PC, Windows recognizes it's connected but Smart Switch does not. That supports your point that it may not be a Samsung device, but I wondered if it could also have something to do with Smart Switch coming after 5.1 was old.
I just wondered if somebody who didn't know what they were doing somehow downgraded this phone to Android 5.1 before I accept it as a full loss. Still hoping...
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Makes since you tried Kies (given the stated Android version).
Can you download/sideload any apps that may help identify the phone (& check for Knox 0x0) such as this one:
Phone INFO+ (SAM) - Apps on Google Play
All-in-one INFO and TOOLS for Samsung devices.
AIDA64 - Apps on Google Play
Hardware and software information utility for Android devices
I wish I had more to offer,it's been years since I've dealt w/a rooted Samsung (Note 5).
Hopefully,others will chime in & offer a solution.
FWIW,Definitely following this thread, I'm interested in how things work out, hopefully for the better.
Aah i made an account just to respond to you
i had an iPhone 7 Jet Black replica with android 5.1 once upon a time, same symptoms- 8GB actual storage but will show 128GB when connected to PC
So here are my two cents: These devices won't be recognized by samsung tools as they are not having motherboards made by samsung. I would recommend that you check actual specs from AIDA64 and you will find out which company has made the motherboard or device, mine had strange MediaTek processor though. And hopefully you will find some chinese websites where people are talking about how to flash firmwares in these phones but i recommend not to do that, i had to lose my device as it got bricked.
Well, that's exactly why I come here. I'd never come across that AIDA64 app, and I've attached screen shots. I've never heard of a "Kirin," but sure enough, it's Huawei. Dang it!
@priteshsolanki, hate to hear about your experience. Thanks for the heads up.
So...does Huawei have a Smart Switch equivalent, lol? And by the way, even if I got this working, would Huawei have enough hardware in this bugger to be able to listen in and send data back to Mother China?? I don't know how that kind of thing works...
kbtraveler said:
Well, that's exactly why I come here. I'd never come across that AIDA64 app, and I've attached screen shots. I've never heard of a "Kirin," but sure enough, it's Huawei. Dang it!
@priteshsolanki, hate to hear about your experience. Thanks for the heads up.
So...does Huawei have a Smart Switch equivalent, lol? And by the way, even if I got this working, would Huawei have enough hardware in this bugger to be able to listen in and send data back to Mother China?? I don't know how that kind of thing works...
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This is strange, i think The AIDA64 app is being fooled here too! To find which company has made it, Its gonna be same experience as finding father of an orphan child which just had permanent memory loss
Its not Kirin, its not huawei.. why?-
So its showing ARMv7 32bit processor, which is definitely not Kirin 1020. because kirin 1020 is a high end processor itself too and uses 5nm technology and Cortex A78 architecture! (While yours is showing stone age 28nm with Cortex A7)
Then there is Platform MT6799. When i look up for that, its again showing totally different company- MediaTek chipset "Helio X30 (MT6799)" which is a deca core processor but what we got here in your details is a Quad core processor.
What we know about your processor:
- its Cortex A7 @1301 MHz and has 28nm manufacturing process
(can't be 5G at any cost)
- From above details it seems like an ancient processor which came out somewhere around 2012, probably thats why its running 5.1.
- The performance is equivalent to high end Android Jellybean device, but definitely not suitable for using in 2022
- The storage and RAM amount shown there are just to fulfill fantasies, dont expect it to be reliable. Its probably a 1 or 2GB Ram with 4 or 8GB storage.
- The software in the phone is really fantastic, i have never thought that a clone can be so perfect that even Apps like AIDA64 will have a hard time finding the facts!
Now coming to the main questions:
1) Can it be upgraded?
90% no based on research i have done in google, this phone is totally non existent for google. for remaining 10% you can expect the rom maker to contact you in DMs after seeing your thread here and offer you an upgrade lol
2) Should you use any file syncing tools with it?
Quick answer: Syncios app is your best bet to sync data between phone and back, but only luck can help you find actual firmware of the device
Slightly long answer: So according to our findings all these data shown in phone settings fake, and syncing apps back in 2011-12 i think its going to give you hard time finding a working one. Android 5.1 in todays time is not something you should be using as daily driver for sure. I suggest you to just treat it like a toy.
About my iPhone 7 back in the day, i bought that one for some 60USD but it was worth it, had some kind of apple music app which never required login but was able to stream any songs for free. so ive used that one out for music only.
I really wish there was a better way to put it, but you can try one last dry hope at needrom website to see if they have any details about this device.
kbtraveler said:
But there was no Update button. I tapped "Software Info" and the next thing I saw made me read it three times. It showed, "Android version: 5.1."
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Like has been said, sounds like you got a fake, Software info is one of the first things I would have checked before buying, not after you have bought it and then start having issues. Unfortunately you only really have yourself to blame. like is quite often said if the deal "seems to good to be true" there are reasons why.
@samorgs60, you are very right. I've taken many chances like this one on many electronic devices, and to my recollection, this is the first time I got burned. It's kind of like speeding: I don't always obey the speed limit to the letter (number?), so in the past when I got what I believe was an unfair speeding ticket - I was accused of going faster than I was - I dealt with it my accepting it as a balance in the universe for all the times I should have been busted.
@priteshsolanki, what a catch! Wow. That is kinda amazing, and would explain why it has 5.1 on it. I'm actually astonished at the quality of the device in every way, other than the obvious.
So I hate to ask this, but...isn't it true that carriers (I won't mention mine by name here) make offers for value against a new phone if your current phone simply 1) turns on and 2) does not have a cracked screen? That kinda seems to describe what I've got right now. Not interested in misleading on purpose, but what is the likelihood this would qualify as a trade-in? If they took it initially, what's the likelihood of it coming back to haunt me (the carrier contacting me about it not being a Samsung)?
Really appreciate the help, guys!
It sucks that you got a fake. If you paid with PayPal or Credit, I'd file a claim/dispute and try to return for a refund. Carriers usually log the IMEI of trade ins and if it doesn't match the model or is blacklisted in any way, the trade will be denied.

Question Problem with OS Updates

I have an Xperia 5 III (XQ-BQ52).
I sent it to Sony for service after the fingerprint scanner stopped working.
I got the phone back with a new mainboard and now the phone just doesn't update. It's stuck in the old Android 11 build and it gets no OS updates or security updates.
The Xperia Companion also throws an error when I try to do the repair. The error is "UEGetPhoneInfoMissingInfo"
I tried am again in touch with Sony Support but its been a week and I still no solution. According to the latest phone call they are going to come back to me in 2 working days...
I really got fed up with this situation. Its been a month that I am not having a properly working phone.
There is no way I am sending the phone back to service. I hope they send me a new phone and get done with this.
Is there anything else I could try myself? Of course the obvious answer is flashing it with a firmware but that would void the guarantee. So I guess only thing I can do is wait?
Flashing the latest update for XQ-BQ52 with new flasher would work. It is the same as if you update via the xperia companion. Have you tried using sony Emma aplication instead? It might do a better job.
Yeah, I have downloaded Emma but it seems I have to open the bootloader in order to flash it. Wouldn't that void the warranty?
I am really pissed with Sony, they really have me in the dark with this. Its been almost two weeks and they don't tell me what to do. I tried to contact them and every time the answer is that they will have a feedback in 48hrs. Now I understand why they do so poorly in sales compared to the competition. For a business phone, that is a no go.
aggelosf said:
Yeah, I have downloaded Emma but it seems I have to open the bootloader in order to flash it. Wouldn't that void the warranty?
I am really pissed with Sony, they really have me in the dark with this. Its been almost two weeks and they don't tell me what to do. I tried to contact them and every time the answer is that they will have a feedback in 48hrs. Now I understand why they do so poorly in sales compared to the competition. For a business phone, that is a no go.
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You can flash with newflasher without having to unlock bootloader. I thought that Emma still worked with locked bootloader...
My 2 Cents: I'd also recommend to stay away from that hassle and use XperiFirm to download the latest firmware for your device and use newflasher to simply flash it. The whole process should take you an hour or so.
Sure, it would have been nice if I could stay away from the hassle but the fingerprint scanner has failed again. The phone is sent to service again.
I can understand the reason for the level of success of Apple now. It's not just the marketing. It's the after sales service too.

Question Fingerprint Scanner gone

Out of the blue yesterday my fingerprint scanner just stopped working. I dint pay much attention to it because i was busy and thought it was a dirty sensor. But today after cleaning it it's still not working. It seems the entire setting is missing, I can't find the fingerprint manager in Settings -> Security!
What gives!? I think this the last Sony smartphone for me. Too many silly issues .
Anyone had this issue with a 5III? and has a fix? I saw in the xperia 1 forums some ppl had the issue but no definite fix, neither rebooting nor reflashing the OS has worked.
Yeap. If you read my recently opened thread I got exactly the same problem. I sent the phone for service and not only have they created new problems (disabling updates somehow) but the fingerprint sensor failed again within a day!
Sony did almost two weeks to react to my new complaints and even though I was trying to convince them to just give me a new device and get done with it they tell me to send it again for service. A month is past overall.
P.S. I bet it is some cabling issue because I also reflashed the software when the problem appeared using the Xperia companion and no luck. Sony service changed the chipset and the button (but I assume not the cable?) And as I said it failed again. And after I got the phone back updates don't work and Xperia companion does not work. Don't they even test it??? Saying that I am pissed is an understatement.
Ahh seeing your post here, it seems more of hardware issue than software. Checking in with Sony (if it's still under Warranty) should be the best bet for both. Please do try to share your experience here on how the whole process goes. Understandable it's a pain at the moment.
Unfortunately no warranty. Got an unlocked device on amazon as its not available in my country.

