Bluetooth PAN - Other Tools & General Discussion

My research indicates a lot of headaches to try to get Bluetooth PAN (personal area networking) to work on Android Tablets.
We are building a custom device that makes use of a tablet as a client. In the case where wifi is not available, we want to use bluetooth PAN to communicate
as if we were on a WiFi network .
Is this feasible without building our own bluetooth stack? Is PAN supported in Android generally?


Bluetooth PAN client

I've got desktop PC with Linux and bluetooth but without WiFi so I am using BT PAN network access point service on the desktop PC and BT PAN client on my notebook to connect wireless when at home. Both are BT 2.0+EDR so the speed is about 3.0Mbps.
I've got Hermes with WM6 5.2.1933 and MS BT stack.
Is there a way I can connect to Internet over BT PAN?
I know there is some bluetooth PAN support as it can be used in Internet sharing but I haven't figured out how to connect to existing BT PAN network.
Any advice?
it's not for linux but you should read this one
Thank you, it looks promising, I was able to find my bluetooth PAN interface and setup IP and DNS for it but I am unable to find any "Join a personal network" button in my bluetooth settings.
Where can I find the damn button?
OK, so just to close the topic...
the problem is in MS bluetooth stack which doesn't support bluetooth PAN client profile. The only solution for now is to install cracked Widcomm bluetooth stack on devices which originally came with the MS one. The project for this can be found on XDA wiki.
Current status for the Hermes (my sweety) is that you can make it work, can have BT PAN client but some other things doesn't work correctly (bt on/off in comm manager, bt audio profile doesn't work very well, ...).
What bout use WM6 with Internet haring Feature, that's all the stuff related to sharing internet using Bluetooth.
Internet Connection Sharing is the other way around: you can use your WM6 device as a PAN access point, and the PC (e.g. a notebook) is the PAN client.
KOPRajs, you can use ActiveSync over Bluetooth. On the PC you need SynCE ( The wiki there is currently under construction, and I can't find anything about Bluetooth now, but there's a Howto for Ubuntu over at .
Thx, I have actually SynCE working (even over bluetooth) but I was unable to set up MS proxy (or whatever it is) so even when it's connected, apps on the phone do not know about active connection and tries to dial up a GPRS instead of using Active Sync connection.
And more, the whole SynCE thing is highly unstable yet so that's why would be nice to use BT PAN client.

[Q] Bluetooth tethering & USB Keyboard support

I know that the CM 6.1 supports the USB Keyboard/mouse, but what are the odds of getting the Bluetooth DUN tethering support ported over from the Archos 101 and 70 devices? Would love to hear some insight from the devs about the feasibility of having such a feature. I would love to leave my EVO tethered to the GTab over Bluetooth instead of Wifi. It would be a huge battery saver when I'm away from home/office wifi connection.
Also, USB Keyboard/mouse as a part of TnT? Possible? Worth it? Not worth it?
I second the above. BT stays on 24/7 on my phone, it would be much easier, and ideally we could eventually come up with some sort of on-demand script or app that keeps the BT DUN profile active, without battery drain on the cell.
With this in place, the gTab could connect and disconnect to the cell phone as needed, just like DUN should be. Best case scenario is to not even have to do anything on the phone, just enable BT on the gTab (or leave enabled as desired) and do some activity that accesses the internet. This would trigger a BT DUN connection to the phone, which disconnects after a certain period of inactivity (or manually, as desired).
If I knew a damn thing about how to program, this is what I would be trying to create.
That said, I'm a willing guinea pig.
Really? No one else is interested in this?
I know one of you guys out there has a rooted phone with wireless tether. I'm just starting down the root road. I have a Dinc, but it's been factory since I got it... and will be until the weekend, the gTab has whetted my whistle for root freedom.
What happens when you try to pair your gTab with your phone while it's got BT Tether activated? Any BT DUN profile goodness?
P_6 said:
What happens when you try to pair your gTab with your phone while it's got BT Tether activated? Any BT DUN profile goodness?
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I'll try it out and let you know.
Bluetooth Tethering a High Wish List Item
For me, getting the tablet to tether via bluetooth to my Blackberry Tour would be a high priority wish list item. I am completely in the dark with this stuff but I can tether my PC to my Blackberry so I should in theory be able to tether and use the network connection. I realize that most folks here probably have an Android-base smartphone, but my company makes me carry around their smartphone (and has the decency to pay for unlimited data plan). If I could get the tablet to work from the BB's network connection I would be almost complete on my wish list. I have gotten to the point of paring the two devices (but can't seem to get them to connect). I am using tnt lite 2.02 and my 9630 device has v with 3G, CDMA connections.
Indeed, the hope would be that the BT stack within the gTab can take advantage of BT Dial up networking or Personal area networking profiles. Then we would be good to go. If not now, hopefully we can find a way to get that to work.
Really? No one care about Bluetooth Tether on this device?
You don't have to ask me twice Oops, you did.
I am extremely interested in a Bluetooth tethering solution for the gtab. It's the only way I will be able to get a 3G connection from my phone that won't be policed at work (non-corporate wifi hotspots are monitored).
I have a Nexus One Adnroid phone (running Froyo 2.2.1). I use the Wifi hotspot feature when I want hop online with my G-Tab (my work monitors wifi, as well but I only turn it on as I need it.) I can't speak for BlackBerry phones but any "rooted" Android phone should be able to act as a 3G/4G hotspot.
Wifi tethering should be faster, but USB tethering and keyboard & mouse support are needed and should work in the first place. (keyboard and mouse support at least should).
Need a program like or ibluever for iphone/itouch then the g tablet would be my laptop replacement for traveling .
nicholas621 said:
Need a program like or ibluever for iphone/itouch then the g tablet would be my laptop replacement for traveling .
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I've tried to run this on VEGAn ROM, configured but at the moment when It suppose to scan for Channels, it exits of message "Failed To connect to SDP server on device Blackberry 9000".... ideas?
nicholas621 said:
Need a program like or ibluever for iphone/itouch then the g tablet would be my laptop replacement for traveling .
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Are you looking for DUN over BT? If so, have you tried this:
I believe PDAnet requires client windows/mac software, and they haven't written client Android software.
I haven't seen anyone port the Archos home-grown BT tether to any other brand. BT tether isn't part of Android (I'm betting the cellcos in OHA demanded it not be built).
My wife has Joikuspot on her phone, so she wifi tethers on the G-tab.
I have unlimited bluetooth data, so I bought an Archos.
ml_boston said:
I believe PDAnet requires client windows/mac software, and they haven't written client Android software.
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You are right PDANet wont work as no client for Android, but from my experience listed above blackberry refusing connections.... or may be GTab just doesn't opening connection properly.
When I check GTable BT device property from Blackberry side it can do only:
Handsfree Audio Gateway
Headset Audio Gateway
Object Push
AV Remote Control Target
.... there is no DUN in the list, so I suspect it just not supported by BT stack on device.... but also I have in same my laptop listed as well which doesnt have DUN in its services

Use wifi for LAN, 3G for WAN

I'm developing a remote control app that will use wifi to communicate with my car stereo. The car stereo has ethernet, and I have the ethernet wired to a wireless AP in my trunk. This works great, but since the phone has a wifi connection, it wants to use it to reach the internet, which it can't do when my car is away from home.
What I'd like to do is develop a script that I can run to route LAN traffic through wifi, but WAN (internet) traffic through the cell data connection. I dug a bit into this issue, and found this suggestion, but it doesn't seem to work, even after adjusting the routing table with a default route through the rmnet0 interface and bringing up the rmnet0 interface with ifconfig.
It kinda seems like something in the OS is disabling the 3G hardware when wifi is active. Is that a known behavior, and if so, does anyone have any pointers on how I can circumvent it? I found this post where someone got working on a different phone. Can this be done on the Nexus S?
Bump.. anyone have any ideas?

[Q] Bluetooth Dial-up Networking Profile (DUN)

Hi everyone,
Is it possible to enable Bluetooth DUN Profile support in the Transformer so that I can use my 3G cellphone (Symbian S60v3) as a Bluetooth dial-up modem?
No, it is not possible and will likely never be possible unless someone modifies the android code. I've been studying the problem for a while but can't seem to make any headway. Type Status Owner Summary Stars
This stuff i now working perfecly in any linux system!
What would they need? Port ppp and some code from network-manager? Probably the mobile phone providers database also.
Does anyone know what is the reason why this is not implemented?
I have an HTC Desire HD (DHD), I was hoping to use the BT DUN or PAN from the TF to the DHD when I was out an about, seems this wont work.
Then I thought, OK, if I connect the TF to the DHD with USB, I can use tethering, that does not seem to work either.
Any thoughts?
You MAY be able to get BT-tether to work between your tablet and your cellphone if you install pdaNET on both, and your cellphone supports BT-DUN. I believe stock Android kernel doesn't support BT-DUN, but if it's rooted and the custom ROM supports it you're in business.
For me I go with wifi-tether ... it's much faster.
USB-tether would make sense, cos you can charge your phone at the same time (with your dock, I suppose). Problem is there's no phone driver for the Android tablet and I don't think there will ever be.
So, in short, if you have a Symbian phone there's no way to have Internet access in the TF101 through the phone.
This is not good news...
[Q] Bluetooth Dial-up Networking Profile (DUN) in 3G firmware?
Does anyone know if the 3G firmware version supports Dialup Networking through Bluetooth?
The complexity of supporting DUN should not be much bigger than supporting GSM SIM cards, right?
There is no joy for us blackberry users either.
I think that dual-booting a standard Linux distribution is probably the way to go...
According to lilstevie Network Manager is starting to work.
Then it's just plug and play, hopefully
Hi I am not expert so please forgive me if i am answer wrongly .
I manage to use bluetooth internet sharing to my TF but I am using Iphone 3gs and use Internet Tethering option.
Is that what you want ? I never tested using nokia phone.
As far as I know, tethering requires the mobile phone to act as a wireless access point.
Symbian does not support this natively.
I did find an application that would implement it, but it was purchasable only.
And I'm trying to find a free solution.
I managed to get this working in CyanogenMod 7.1... in theory it should work on any Android 2.3.7 based OS.
I'm going to write a howto geared for the end-user later tonight, but for now my notes are here:

[Q] PC Mouse Control Via Bluetooth

Hey everyone! Back home, I use Touchpad from Nullar (works fantastically) to control my PC and media players when I'm in bed or on my couch. However, I am now at school, and I cannot use WiFi in my room; I can't use Touchpad anymore. Has anyone attempted PC HID control via bluetooth or USB? I tried searching with several different keywords, but I was unsuccessful.
I don't think anybody has managed direct control over the USB connection yet, although we can manipulate it into a few known and pre-installed states (HID not being one of them, sorry). Bluetooth may be possible; we do have at least some access to the BT stack, although since it doesn't support HID natively either it would be quite a hack to get that working.
Are you disallowed WiFi for some reason, or do you just not have a WiFi network set up (and wow, are there really schools that still don't have WiFi in the dorms??)? A WiFi router is pretty cheap these days. Alternatively, it's possible to configure a PC's WiFi adapter to act like a WiFi access point, allowing the phoen to connect to it. I don't know for sure if Touchpad would work over that, but probably.
In theory, Touchpad should be possible over the Internet, though you'd need to open the firewall ports (whcih, depending on your school's network, might not be possible). Ot would lag, too.
GoodDayToDie said:
I don't think anybody has managed direct control over the USB connection yet, although we can manipulate it into a few known and pre-installed states (HID not being one of them, sorry). Bluetooth may be possible; we do have at least some access to the BT stack, although since it doesn't support HID natively either it would be quite a hack to get that working.
Are you disallowed WiFi for some reason, or do you just not have a WiFi network set up (and wow, are there really schools that still don't have WiFi in the dorms??)? A WiFi router is pretty cheap these days. Alternatively, it's possible to configure a PC's WiFi adapter to act like a WiFi access point, allowing the phoen to connect to it. I don't know for sure if Touchpad would work over that, but probably.
In theory, Touchpad should be possible over the Internet, though you'd need to open the firewall ports (whcih, depending on your school's network, might not be possible). Ot would lag, too.
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Touchpad over WiFi/internet already works. We do have WiFi in the dorms, but the routers are in the lounges (no signal in my room). The rooms have ethernet ports, which is what I use, however we aren't allowed to use a router/hotspot in our rooms because of throttling issues.
Making your PC use the built-in WiFi interface as an access point is probably your best bet. Obviously, lock the network down so it's not going to have other people connecting and getting you in trouble. Do a little searching and you should find the software that does this (there are a few different ones). It was actually supposed to be a Win7 feature, but at the end it shipped half-finished. A few other developers finished it up for Microsoft.
GoodDayToDie said:
Making your PC use the built-in WiFi interface as an access point is probably your best bet. Obviously, lock the network down so it's not going to have other people connecting and getting you in trouble. Do a little searching and you should find the software that does this (there are a few different ones). It was actually supposed to be a Win7 feature, but at the end it shipped half-finished. A few other developers finished it up for Microsoft.
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I tried doing this with my friend's laptop (I'll buy a dongle if this works), however my phone (SparkW) doesn't see the network, and when I type in the name manually it doesn't connect. The network was visible to another laptop though.
Did you make it appear as an access point ("Infrastructure" network), or merely cause the PC to create its own peer-to-peer ("ad-hoc") network? WP7 doesn't support that latter kind, but will happily connect to the former. Also, what software did you use? If it was anything that came with Windows, or with any Windows PC, it was almost certainly ad-hoc.
GoodDayToDie said:
Did you make it appear as an access point ("Infrastructure" network), or merely cause the PC to create its own peer-to-peer ("ad-hoc") network? WP7 doesn't support that latter kind, but will happily connect to the former. Also, what software did you use? If it was anything that came with Windows, or with any Windows PC, it was almost certainly ad-hoc.
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It was ad-hoc with the built in services. I'll try out connectify this weekend and post my results here.

