Cracked Screen - Moto G7 Power Questions & Answers

Hey everyone,
It's been a while since I last posted on here, and in attempting to avoid a pessimistic undertone, the G7 Power is actually a really good phone: the battery really does last for ages (I charge it once every two days, and it has never been below 40%), and it is surprisingly loud (everywhere). I am a pretty casual user now, rarely playing games or other media, but I am impressed with the difference compared to upgrading from a Moto G4. Some apps which appear as though they were designed for more premium screens - logos, icons, widgets - definitely lose some fidelity around the edges and these can look a bit poor on the 720p screen, but I have become oblivious (or distracted from) a lot of the finer details already.
And now the question: where, and how, would I be able to repair a cracked screen?
It feels like a pretty silly question; but the screen has 'developed' a crack from the bottom-right corner of the new notch, to about 2cm underneath the power button.
I say develop, as the phone is always within eyesight or kept in a pocket. It has never been dropped onto a surface harder than a pillow, and the case/screen protectors are still yet to arrive. It has been in my possession for about 12 days, and it lasted for 6/7 of those. I still have no clue when or why the crack appeared.
The question is a combination of where/when/how, I have contacted Motorola Technical Support, and explained the situation leading up to the cracked screen. The response was (exactly): "we do not process repair of the screen, what we offer is replacement of the whole device", they also said that this service will cost a fee (shipping + device) depending on the IMEI information. A single crack on the screen resulting in the replacement of a whole device seems pretty excessive, and the support member did not acknowledge that it is a brand new phone, or that it is* under warranty.
This is the first cracked screen from all previous handsets, so I am not sure what to do: is there any way to avoid replacing the whole device? How does this effect any warranty? What if I/whomever repairs the device creates other issues? When would services and replacement parts become available? XDA always has a someone whom is knowledgeable in these areas, and it would be great to hear some helpful advice from the community on how to proceed,
Thanks all,
(Also - the phone was bought directly from the Lenovo website - and I was hopeful that the "one free screen replacement" still worked)

mrSpuddy said:
Hey everyone,
[ quote edited to save space]
And now the question: where, and how, would I be able to repair a cracked screen?
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Please see the teardown video here:
I repair a lot of phones as a hobby. And phone that are assembled front to back are hard as hell to fix. You have to remove pretty much everything to get to the screen. Contrast that with something like the Pixel phone where the screen is connected last. You just have to pry up the screen and unplug the cable. Fixing the screen on the Moto G7 may not be worth it.
My recommendation is to use your phone as long as you can and then buy a new one. Hopefully by then it will not be as expensive as it is now. I know, it is not much of a solution...

zerogun said:
Please see the teardown video here:
I repair a lot of phones as a hobby. And phone that are assembled front to back are hard as hell to fix. You have to remove pretty much everything to get to the screen. Contrast that with something like the Pixel phone where the screen is connected last. You just have to pry up the screen and unplug the cable. Fixing the screen on the Moto G7 may not be worth it.
My recommendation is to use your phone as long as you can and then buy a new one. Hopefully by then it will not be as expensive as it is now. I know, it is not much of a solution...
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The solution provided by the company was just to buy a new phone; which was not very helpful at all. My collection of screen protectors arrived, and the one on the phone is a lot more robust than the original screen.
Thank you for providing the video.

These screens are very easy to replace... Multiple times...
I have the moto g7 and I have replaced the screen four times, and I'm getting another screen in the mail this weekend, because this *[email protected]_-HJN' SUCKS DONKEY WHATEVER. I like the phone, but for some reason, the screen doesn't like to stay in one piece. All you need is a hair dryer and a new screen. Amazon has them. But you have to watch out; there are counterfeits out there. Buy from two different vendors, and return the counterfeit. Here's how to tell: make sure the printing on the ribbon cable is the same as the one you're replacing. Make sure that the printing on the back plate is the same as the original. You won't know until you take the screen off, which replacement is legit. But it's just one connector and some glue. Way easy, or mail it to me and I'll fix it.


Thinking about restoring my TP

Sooo, my Touch Pro has acquired many scratches along the way, and the buttons are a bit wonky. The home button has a sort of... Fold towards the upper left edge of it, the spacebar and backspace button requires more firm press for it to respond and I'm thinking of giving it a new lease of life.
As for the scratches, I was wondering would Brasso work? What would you guys reccomend? Same goes for the other teency problemos that's starting to get me to hate my TP day by day xD
Pick up an OEM case/keyboard (digitizer if screen scratched) off eBay, have some genuine cases off recycled devices at graded conditions.
Any other option is pointless.
Interesting, I've been attempting to search for guides on xda-developoers regarding how to change them pieces of hardware but I can't find any.
Do you know of a guide somewhere or would the process require more of an intuitive approach? They keyboard's top priority at the moment sooo, the rest can wait xD
How bout the screen itself? There's no deep scratches, just minor ones from daily wear and tear accumulated over the months, how would I get rid of em? Or AT LEAST make em almost unnoticable? =D
As for the buttons on the main screen (the ones with the call and hang up buttons), is there any way to replace them or am I stuck with em forever?
EDIT: I popped through the archives and found a couple of links, now to actually know how to replace them :s What I'm gonna be replacing would be they keyboard as a priority, but at the same time, I'd like to know how to replace the digitizer or the LCD itself. I heard the latter would be a more complicated process and due to a teenager's allowance, I doubt I can afford to lose this phone or break the parts that I plan on buying xD
Service manual can be found in wiki & via google search.
Screen replacement tips can be found in some threads & youtube may have some guides too.
It is not too hard if you read up well on dismantling & take a lot of care.
You could always strip it down before commiting to purchasing parts and then you can judge your chances of successful reassembly before commiting $
Another option could be buying a device with hardware fault if housing & screen good !

Phone dropped, screen dead... Options?

Hey guys, the GF left her phone up high and was knocked down and now the screen seems to be dead. Lights up for a moment when turning on then just goes dark. Pretty sure it's operating fine underneath (still need to plug in to computer to check for connectivity), but assuming just the screen needs to be replaced, what are my options?
Is that something I could possibly replace or perhaps send it off to somebody on this forum for repair? How much ($) are we looking to fix? Better to just sell on ebay?
I did a quick search on ebay concerning a new LCD for the Atrix 2 and they seem to cost around 80 bucks... I don't know if that would be a worthy investment since depending on your contract you can maybe get a new one for about that price...
What I can tell you from personal experience is that it is most likely to be a major pain in the ass to replace the screen on your own... I once changed the front frame of my HTC Desire and I basically had to disassemble EVERYTHING including unglue-ing the touchpanel from the frame taking out all sorts of boards and stuff, and I never got rid of the little dust that would get between digitizer and LCD..... (the memories )
But I'd say if you're confident in your technical skills and a new LCD would be worth your money then you might consider going for it...
I don't know but I'd estimate the cost of a professional repair around $150-$200...
One tip just in case: Make sure that no dust gets onto your screen/on the inside of your tuchpanel because once you start "cleaning" it off (with a towel) you'll never get it as clean as it was...

Busted Screen...Design flaw?

Well when I first got my idol 3 on May 23rd the first thing I did before turning it on was to install a cheap plastic screen protector. I then turned it on, played with it and poured over the outside of the phone. Build seemed good. The only area I genuinely disliked was the design choice laying the glass screen on TOP of the frame/bezels. It looks nice but I thought at the time, 'makes me worry about dropping it, even with a case'. I always use TPU cases with no problems and installed it on the idol. Today my screen shattered. I did not drop the phone (haven't dropped it once in the 3+ weeks I've owned it). I did not bump into anything. The phone was in my side pocket of my work pants (not 'skinny' jeans I wear loose pants/jeans. Side rant: no disrespect to the hipsters but skinny jeans are not in my vocabulary, I don't know anyone that looks good in them ) while I drove from work around the corner to Wegmans (grocery store). Got in the store and pulled out my phone only to see a shattered screen. I thought it was my tempered screen protector ( I put that on a few days after getting the phone once they were in stock) until I noticed I couldn't use the bottom 2/3 of the touchscreen. Digitizer was shot. Ugh. Looking back the only point I can think of where any pressure was applied to the screen would be when I got out of the car and my pants probably tightened when pivoting off the seat. Seriously. That's it. I must have done the same thing 2 dozen times as I almost always go to Wegmans after work and since it's so close I leave the phone in my pocket (loose pockets!!). Afterwards while driving home I always put the phone in it's holster on the dash. I got home and pulled the tempered glass off (incidentally the glass protector is fine..) and took a closer look. Remember "Bendgate" with the 6-plus? Yeah my phone is also ever so slightly bent as well. I baby the hell out of my phone, not a scratch or nick anywhere on the body. I'm so disappointed. I absolutely love this phone and yesterday I would rate alcatel/the phone a 4.5 out of 5 for a stellar product with few issues (obv. the pervasive DT2W issue). But after today I strongly believe they messed up their design by putting the glass on top of the frame and not embedded within the bezels like almost every other phone out there. I'm preparing my email to alcatel now in hopes I get something from them but I know they have no reason to believe my story as to how this happened. I don't believe my actions were a result of misuse by any means as I've owned plenty of smartphones without ever breaking one. I don't expect anything from Alcatel but I seriously hope their next iteration of this phone will be better protected. I'm creating this thread as a warning to all the other owners out there that you need to be very careful handling this phone, If a simple motion such as this can result in a broken screen then I'm sure that a drop will be just as bad even with a tempered glass protector. So everyone PLEASE be careful! Personally I am distrustful of the device's build quality now and will hang on to this until I can buy a replacement screen/digitizer and attempt to replace it myself ( a review on Amazon a few days ago mentioned that screen replacement costs $150, almost the price I paid for the thing) though I will wait to hear back from Alcatel. I'll try to upload a couple pics of the phone, but really all you'll see is an otherwise pristine phone with a broken screen and the leftover residue from my tempered protector (now removed). Ugh, this sucks
Short Version:
My screen broke while in my pocket from minimal to barely moderate pressure and is also now bent, ala #Bendgate. WTF
I can't believe this phone broke that easy, it was either a defective phone or its just fragile. I'm really thinking of returning this phone since it has so many things to it.
Sent from my 6045I
I hope it was just a dud for everyone else's sake, problem is I don't expect Alcatel to replace it under warranty and I'm not willing to spend 75% of what I paid for it on a new screen. THe other issues are minor to me personally, with DT2W being the biggest annoyance. I barely get any lag with animations on top speed and nova launcher and I'm satisfied with the camera for the price point. My previous phone, the HTC One m7 was great until it got the lollipop 5.02 update and then lagged like crazy so I truly believe performance issues will be resolved with an update/root. I'm really devastated this broke so easily as the screen size/front speakers were exactly what I wanted in a phone, not to mention the great battery life I get vs. old phone.
Dang I have a tpu case and tempered glass but I'm scared now lol thinking of returning and getting a OPO
Sent from my 6045I
I seriously considered the opo but for me band support was paramount. I wonder if a hard case would be better for this phone, I know they're harder on the body but would presumably give a bit more structure for the phone. OT, I finally have a use for the reversible feature as it allows me to type on the phone and open most apps flipping the thing upside down over and over :/
Hopefully its not a defect to all phones. I only have till Monday to figure out if I want to return it
Sent from my 6045I
psu2fan said:
I hope it was just a dud for everyone else's sake, problem is I don't expect Alcatel to replace it under warranty and I'm not willing to spend 75% of what I paid for it on a new screen. THe other issues are minor to me personally, with DT2W being the biggest annoyance. I barely get any lag with animations on top speed and nova launcher and I'm satisfied with the camera for the price point. My previous phone, the HTC One m7 was great until it got the lollipop 5.02 update and then lagged like crazy so I truly believe performance issues will be resolved with an update/root. I'm really devastated this broke so easily as the screen size/front speakers were exactly what I wanted in a phone, not to mention the great battery life I get vs. old phone.
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Have you approached Alcatel to see if they will replace the device/display under warranty? Clearly you did not do anything out of the ordinary - drop it to knock it against something - so they *should* replace it, and if not, you should be able to take it up with your credit card company. I feel sorry for your situation. I got my phone for $200, have no problems except the lag ( and more recently more frequent d2w issues ) - and I am waiting for something like you to happen to me. At that time I will have to take it up with Alcatel , because I certainly want to keep the device, for its bright screen and loud speakers alone, for the $200 I paid.
Electronics are not flawless articles - but my suggestion would be give Alcatel support a chance. This will also tell all of us, how good their support really is. Abt 4 years back, I was one of the lucky ones that got in on the $99 HP Touchpad sweepstakes - and right after I got it, the display panel started malfunctioning. So I took it up with HP and they sent me a prepaid box - and had me ship the tablet back to them - and returned it to me after replacing the display. Since that day, that device has been a workhorse for me - Best $90 I ever spent on a piece of electronics. So my point is - sometimes - your immediate experience will be negative - but it is worth give it another chance. And these days, usually your CC company will come to your rescue in such matters.
Oh absolutely. I guess I wasn't very clear about that but I'm retelling my story with them. I certainly hope they do something about it, I just have my doubts.I'll have to read through the terms on my credit card, can't remember if I used Amex or Discover for it.. but I thought you just got an extended warranty through them, no?
Ok I sent out my lengthy email to Alcatel just now, so I'll update this thread when I hear back from them. Also I looked into my purchase and I did use Discover which includes 90-days device coverage including broken screens so I'm covered in case Alcatel doesn't come through. Thanks stl1859, I would not have remembered that if you didn't mention it.
psu2fan said:
Short Version:
My screen broke while in my pocket from minimal to barely moderate pressure and is also now bent, ala #Bendgate. WTF
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many of todays phones has this 2.5D corners, so bad happens. I got ZTE V5, felt many times so i bought screen protector shield (plastic, not foil) and rugged back cover...anyway felt from 50cm to the ceramic tiles and got broken happens ...**** happens. Hope you will get osme satisfactory. And minimal to barely moderate pressure, really? Do you think that his would someone believe?
DallasCZ said:
many of todays phones has this 2.5D corners, so bad happens. I got ZTE V5, felt many times so i bought screen protector shield (plastic, not foil) and rugged back cover...anyway felt from 50cm to the ceramic tiles and got broken happens ...**** happens. Hope you will get osme satisfactory. And minimal to barely moderate pressure, really? Do you think that his would someone believe?
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I know it's hard to believe, I have a hard time believing it. Which is precisely why I posted about this. And yes it was minimal to moderate pressure. I did not drop the device, it was in my pocket and I didn't bump into anything. The only pressure exerted was from my pants as I shifted to the left to get out of the car. I've certainly been fortunate over the years to have never broken a screen; I've dropped my previous phones a handful of times, even rolled over one while it was in my pocket. If any of those things would have happened and resulted in a broken screen/bent phone I wouldn't be posting here.. I expect that outcome in those situations. Also no I don't expect Alcatel to believe me, which is why I was so worried about spending my money on a device only to have it fail in this manner. Thankfully due to the suggestion of another member I will be covered thanks to my CC company.
You are still going to try getting a replacement from Alcatel, right ? I am really interested in knowing how efficient they are in handling repair/exchanges.
stl1859 said:
You are still going to try getting a replacement from Alcatel, right ? I am really interested in knowing how efficient they are in handling repair/exchanges.
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Yes, I'm currently waiting on them. Since I submitted the support email going into the weekend I'm giving them through Monday to reply before I start calling them.
Well, As expected.. BTW the phone number listed is not valid. Had to initiate claims online at Customer care didn't care (haha) how the phone broke, though I wouldn't expect them to. I'll include a copy of my original email with the phone so that hopefully the tech at least takes a look at the strength of the phone.
Dear xxxxxx,
Thank you for getting in touch with us. We understand your concern and we will be happy to assist you. Unfortunately with physical damaged the warranty gets void, so you can contact the repair center and ask how much they will charge you to fix device, the phone number is 496-484-6610..
Best regards,
First, that is a pathetic response. With that kind of attitude, they are not going to gain many customers. Second, I don't think that is a valid statement at all. Defects can cause 'physical damage'. It is a piece of electronics after all . If they are not covering 'physical damage' - what are they covering - emotional damage !!!
They probably meant physical *abuse* - which in your case - there was none. So I do not think they have grounds to decline warranty. It appears that they are simply assuming there was 'physical abuse' . Let me ask you - did you explain the incident - to the level of detail that you did over here ? ( meaning how it was in your pant's pocket - and how there might have been some pressure when you tried to get out of your vehicle , etc etc. ) - Or did you simply tell them that you discovered the screen to be shattered one fine day when you took it out of your pocket ?
Are you still engaging with them, or are you going to go to your CC company now ? I am disappointed with their support. Clearly, the only way they can sell anything if they keep pricing their products dirt cheap. Even then, I would think twice before buying from them.
I'm just thinking that this is going to be my last Alcatel product if I even decide to keep it. This support is pretty bad.
Sent from my 6045I
I keep mine in jeans, including skinny jeans and don't have these issues. It doesn't have much give so I have to position it in the pocket with the least pressure points. I would expect screen separation before screen cracking since it is plastic. I have had issue when its hot the double tap to wake will turn on the lock screen and dial contacts if the pocket is big enough for it to move around. So far I am impressed with dragontrail being less prone to fingerprints, but I do everything to avoid scratches and cracks short of a screen protector so take that into consideration.
i dont think any brand will buy your story even if its true. any physical dmg will become a user end fault no matter which product you purchase since theres no way to prove its their manufacturing fault when its physical defect and the end user is using it.
Sent from my 6045I using XDA Free mobile app
This is really the crux of it. And why I said I did not expect them to do anything. The only way to uncover a design flaw IMO is if this starts happening a lot (like bendgate.. well maybe not a lot in that case but some people showing on video how easily it bent). Also yes I went into great detail about the when/where/how the device broke. I also included the details with the phone, imploring the tech to at least look at the device to determine if there's a structural weak point or something. Sorry I took so long to reply, I've been getting my backup device (LG Leon.. ok phone for price but slooooow) setup and haven't been to the site in a few days.
gavolo said:
i dont think any brand will buy your story even if its true. any physical dmg will become a user end fault no matter which product you purchase since theres no way to prove its their manufacturing fault when its physical defect and the end user is using it.
Sent from my 6045I using XDA Free mobile app
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Yeah I'm going through the CC company now. Interestingly I had to pay $40 to send the device back listing the screen as broken, so maybe (knock on wood) it won't be as expensive after all

Screen damaged what should i do

My sister just broke her moto x pure.
The display works, however the digitizer do not works correctly. Cannot post pictures because the wallpaper is containing private information and i cannot change it.
She cannot use the entire screen.
For example on the lockscreen, she cannot use the 8. And the other digits works very badly. So she cannot unlock her phone.
What should I replace (screen, digitizer...) and where should I find the replacement part ?
Thank for your help
You'll need to replace both the digitizer + display as they come together. If you are good at repairing phones, you can get the display from eBay or else send your phone to service center if you don't. I would suggest you to send it to the service center.
You could use a USB OTG cable to connect a mouse and thus regain control of the device in order to clear any sensitive information prior to having someone fix it. I have bought and fixed several Moto X pure edition phones with cracked screens for family members. Most of them did alright, but one phone had the screen replaced, then a cow stepped on it. Although it didn't crack, after a while parts of the screen stopped responding to touch. The screen I replaced it with has not been damaged at all, but parts of it have stopped responding to touch as well. Sometimes I wonder if these phones don't have a particularly weak and easily damaged screen. I sometimes get my replacement screens from GadgetFix. If you fix it yourself make absolutely sure that you get a screen+frame assembly. It's just a few dollars more, and totally worth it. And be careful when you transfer the speaker grill trim to the new screen that you don't press hard enough to crack the screen.
Thanks you, I think I will change the screen and the frame.
Is this what I should buy ?
The screen that you posted does not include the frame. I briefly looked on eBay; you might find one with the frame included for a few dollars less than gadget fix, but for simplicity I just linked this one. On the back side of the display you will notice the screw inserts. That is what you need to look for.
zstricky said:
The screen that you posted does not include the frame. I briefly looked on eBay; you might find one with the frame included for a few dollars less than gadget fix, but for simplicity I just linked this one. On the back side of the display you will notice the screw inserts. That is what you need to look for.
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Thanks !
Could you point me to a tutorial or a video explaining how to change the screen
I believe that Ifixit has a whole teardown tutorial for this phone. If not just search YouTube for (phone model) screen replacement, watch it a time or two, and then pause it while you do each individual step. If the first video you watch doesn't explain things in an understandable manner just watch another one. It's been a while since I searched for one, but I think there are at least a few good ones.

Screen and Frame Replacement Recommendations / OEM Repair Thoughts

So a few weeks ago I was an idiot and crushed my OnePlus 8 in my trunk. I realized while I was closing it what was happening, so I was able to keep it from closing all the way and, surprisingly, the phone still works. Parts of the screen sometimes work and I was able to get a remote screen pulled up using adb and scrcpy. The phone still runs fine, cameras work, speakers work, battery life seems fine, etc. The big problem is that not only is the screen broken, it seems that I bent the frame a little too.
I don't have money to buy a brand new phone and I don't have any warranty so I'm in a position of needing to repair what I have. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I can get a new screen? Ideally I'd also like to buy a new frame so I don't have to try and bend my existing frame flat; I think it might break or the screen may not sit right if I don't do it perfectly. I've looked at a couple of places like Witrigs who actually sells a frame and screen assembly together, but I've read some bad stuff about them online and am afraid to go through with a purchase.
Also, I've noticed that OnePlus reduced the pricing on their in-house repair options recently so now it looks like it would be $160 + a $30 service charge so this might actually be the best option. I'm afraid though that once they get it they might have to replace the frame too and might charge a ton more or even decide to replace other components that aren't necessary.
The frame if distorted is probably toast. It's easier to replace both if they come as a unit.
If the service center it using OEM parts... go for it.
If you do it yourself follow full ESD protocols. The separate assemblies are very susceptible to ESD damage once out of circuit.
James.ptrsn said:
So a few weeks ago I was an idiot and crushed my OnePlus 8 in my trunk. I realized while I was closing it what was happening, so I was able to keep it from closing all the way and, surprisingly, the phone still works. Parts of the screen sometimes work and I was able to get a remote screen pulled up using adb and scrcpy. The phone still runs fine, cameras work, speakers work, battery life seems fine, etc. The big problem is that not only is the screen broken, it seems that I bent the frame a little too.
I don't have money to buy a brand new phone and I don't have any warranty so I'm in a position of needing to repair what I have. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I can get a new screen? Ideally I'd also like to buy a new frame so I don't have to try and bend my existing frame flat; I think it might break or the screen may not sit right if I don't do it perfectly. I've looked at a couple of places like Witrigs who actually sells a frame and screen assembly together, but I've read some bad stuff about them online and am afraid to go through with a purchase.
Also, I've noticed that OnePlus reduced the pricing on their in-house repair options recently so now it looks like it would be $160 + a $30 service charge so this might actually be the best option. I'm afraid though that once they get it they might have to replace the frame too and might charge a ton more or even decide to replace other components that aren't necessary.
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It depends on where you live. If you are from the USA, I recommend iFixScreens. They Provide free diagnosis of your phone, give you estimate charges, and provide 180 days warranty.

