Greetings from Flanders Belgium.I am still using one of the last great Samsung water resistant phones with a removable battery.As a fly fisherman I needed something for when I by accident fell in the water so I got a Galaxy S5. Over the last years I was looking for spare battery covers with wireless charging but all that I found were to pricy until last week and I ordered 2 of them from a Dutch online shop.They still sell these kits i.e. "Samsung Galaxy S5 Scharger Kit Inductive Type" for € 34.95 which is today approx. $ 40. I don't know the postage to other countries but as I'm living in a neighboring country it was send for free. In the kit is a wireless charging cover,a charging pad and the necessary USB cable. As I can not post an URL the name of the firm is KNALDEALS in Holland. Hopefully this helps someone who is also desperate looking for the same item.
Greetings from Flanders Belgium.I am still using one of the last great Samsung water resistant phones..........
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I just performed a a quick search and research regarding the KNALDEALS you had recommended...
The following is a link to one of the decent statistic-like websites for this website and it looks promising.
I located the website itself.
The following is a Google Translation of the website since I don't know the Holland language.
The following is their Facebook Page.
The following is their Twitter Page.
My personal opinion...
Though, I'm sure that they are a good option for various device needs and such but, I'm not sure regarding the countries (ie USA and others) what/where they will (or is willing) to ship (or make available) their products.
I only mention this because I can't locate (on the website) any clear guidance for this specifically but, it appears that the website itself is fairly new as well.
I wish you the best of luck and, hopefully, someone can benefit from your recommendation @ONTHEFIN. :thumbup:
UNLESS asked to do so, PLEASE don't PM me regarding support. Sent using The ClaRetoX Forum App on my Enigma Machine {aenigma = Latin for "Riddle"}.
My local O2 shop had all bits except backpack. Charge/usb lead was £9.99. Aluminum case was £19.99. backpack (not in stock was £89.99). I bought case + stylii + lead. got £8 discount.
The girl in my local O2 shop looked at me like I was an alien when I asked for a screen protector.
haha.. its happens to me once in O2 shop......
As a manager of an O2 store I can help you out if you want to know what you can and can't get - to avoid the alien looks!
To be fair (due to, ahem, "budgets") a lot of store staff are part-time (bain of my life!) and don't get enough time to train on normal stuff let alone xdas!
O2 stores don't stock screen protectors (which is why the girl wouldn't know what you were on about!)...I have asked but to no avail.
I got a couple from the Dixons store along the road for nowt! (LOL)
Just PM me if you've got a question - but obviously I can't go delving into your account, data protection and all that!
Irnbrulad - this is a generous offer and I think you will have a queue of people baging on your door (if you let us know where it is!). I have been after the folding keyboard for xda 2 for months - any chance on letting us know where and when and how much?
Thanks again!
Ha ha, think I'm a few miles away from the majority of you guys! (north of edinburgh). As for the folding keyboard, we have yet to be given a confirmed date. There is a thumb-pad out which kinda looks like the keyboard on the blackberry device. Have a look at and follow the accessories link, then keyboards.
Hope this helps.
PS. prices are there for both keyboards too, you may be able to order the folding keyboard online, but we have yet to recieve them instore (that said, there are some stores that get priority for XDA stuff)
Thanks for taking the time to comment - if only more 02 staff were like you.
I went ot my local O2 store on saturday to buy an XDA II and was told they have none in stock and have no idea when they will be getting any. They wrote down my number on a scrap of cardboard to phone me when they get some stock - I'm not holding my breath!
They also have a lack of accessories. I would be really interested in the backpack because I do a lot of presentations and carrying everything around with me would be a great time saver - this is no-where to be found even on the net - does it actually exist?
Is it possible to get a list of O2 stores that have priority of XDA parts?
Thanks for taking the time to comment - if only more 02 staff were like you.
I went ot my local O2 store on saturday to buy an XDA II and was told they have none in stock and have no idea when they will be getting any. They wrote down my number on a scrap of cardboard to phone me when they get some stock - I'm not holding my breath!
They also have a lack of accessories. I would be really interested in the backpack because I do a lot of presentations and carrying everything around with me would be a great time saver - this is no-where to be found even on the net - does it actually exist?
Is it possible to get a list of O2 stores that have priority of XDA parts?
Expansion pack first. It does exsist - not sure how many though! I've emailed someone i know in logistics to see if they can be ordered into stores. also asked which have priority. have a look on as there are details there.
Are you near london, if so let me know.
The xdaII has been out of stock for a short time at the warehouse. If you still want one pm me with your nearest big towns and i'll check the current stock
Got an answer for you. They haven't been launched yet - "hopefully in the next few weeks" is the response i got. Get back to me in a couple of weeks and i'll check again - i'll forget otherwise!
Any update to when these will be available in the uk? An Aus firm has just got them in stock so cant be far away.
I was wondering if there was any more news on the full size keyboard (can you tell I am keen!)
Thanks again - angus
XDA II Backpack
For anyone whose interested :wink:
o2 stocks
Backpacks still not in stock at time of writing this. Still expecting them soon (£89.99). Screen protectors in stock. Trying in vein to get folding keyboard in stock. No luck as of yet.
Hope this is of some use
still no change! sorry guys
How about fully intergrated in car kits? I had one for my old phone and am really missing not having one for the XDA2 and would be first in the queue for one when they are released. I have emailed O2 but they have not responded. :roll:
the release date is still pending i'm afraid
Re: XDA II Backpack
yoc81 said:
For anyone whose interested :wink:
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Mate, if you refer to the due date of April 16th... that would be the very first time that EXPANSYS knows anything about their ability to deliver devices :lol: I am almost prepared to accept any bet that the release date will be any possible date except for April 16th 8)
O2 customer Care help available
I too work for O2 but in the customer care side of things as with Irnbrulad
i am a very technical advisor in the data side of things so if i can assist any body please pm me and ill be happy to help and if it is an account spacific enquiry ill give you my work email address an request to arrange a time when i can call you back to discuss any issues or queries you may have
Dont Buy In Expansys Much Bad Support!!!!!!!!
why? Please expand and tell us your experience....
dontbuyexpansys said:
Dont Buy In Expansys Much Bad Support!!!!!!!!
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I have bought a number of items from them and had no problems?
Hard to comment when you dont expand (pardon the pun) on your experience
I too have purchased from them and find them very helpful.
When i asked if the phone could be delivered to my work address if it was early or home address if it was late, it unexpectedly did come to my work address!
Very happy!
Expansys technical support
I guess the guy bought an Expansys branded (MWG) phone.
Expansys is very good at selling equipment and customer services related to sales in general but technical support for products they launch themselves is another matter. But I guess they are learning in the process. Very few "voluntary" support staff respond to enquiries on their forum and it takes a long time for the answer to really help you. But from what I read here HTC is not much better otherwise we would not need the help of all you guys.
wovens said:
I guess the guy bought an Expansys branded (MWG) phone.
Expansys is very good at selling equipment and customer services related to sales in general but technical support for products they launch themselves is another matter. But I guess they are learning in the process.
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Unfortunately they are "learning" the wrong way, i.e. in favour of profit over users. MWg support is a prime example - when they first launched their own products under the Ubiquio brand there was regular dialogue on the forums between customers, the Expansys/Ubiquio product managers, and even the TFW engineers, as well as actively developed firmware. Since the move to MWg, that's pretty much all dried up, and the whole of eXpansys' official forum support is done by one, very busy, employee (in addition to a few volunteer helpers who answer general questions).
On the other hand, that's still a lot more than you get from most other on-line retailers.
I use eXpansys sometimes for small purchases. Never had a problem.
It seems though from various things I've heard they are very good when everything is going right. When something goes wrong however....oh dear!
Just some random person with a grudge trying to take down a company. Woooohooooo! You fail!
I have purchased several items from them with no problems - they bent over backwards to get my diamond to me before i went on hols
Not the best
I asked a qu on the forum; was not even acknowledged.
I also asked a qu about getting my USB port fixed via their service; I noticed I had a few missed calls one night which could have been them, but I never received an email reply...
jolley_small said:
I asked a qu on the forum; was not even acknowledged.
I also asked a qu about getting my USB port fixed via their service; I noticed I had a few missed calls one night which could have been them, but I never received an email reply...
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You never get response from them, thats my experience too.
You get less information how things will get handled when you deal with Expansys.
Good or bad, have seen other companies who take customer care serious.
Thats the point.
My first order went perfect from them, my next one was not what i did order. then the **** begins.
First my apologizes if this is the incorrect place to post & also if this appears a foolish question,
what is the general opinion regarding MobileFun what are your experiences with them are they any good?
I've attempted to contact them before to see if there is any kind of customer service via Email but was ignored this was nearly a year ago thing may have changed since then.
And I'm only too aware that many company's falsify customer reviews on both review centre and also on Google shopping cart.
Being an owner of an Galaxy note, there are few online stores that stock any accessories MobileFun being the most prominent on Google search results in the UK.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Oops! What a cleshay noob move on my part
I just knew I'd find a way to muck it up somehow.
Let me first put my cards on the table - I am biased (because one of my mates is a buyer there).
But I do genuinely buy a fair whack from there, and I can honestly say I can't think of one major issue.
All I can say is if you buy and have any issues - just PM me and I'll badger my mate to make sure everything gets sorted.
PS don't know if it makes a difference, they won some awards recently
PPS My mate told me they had a a delivery of Zenus Galaxy Note cases, which will be going ontop the website today or tomorrow.... just in case you were interested.
Thanks for taking the time to reply
I can't help but be a little suspicious when I see reasonable price on niche products aka galaxy note.
Hi There,
I'd like to share my experience buying an iMito QX1 from - not for the sake of flaming, but really to help fellow community members avoid lost money and unnecessary heartache.
I purchased the item in June - and have yet to see a refund for a defective product.
It took forever to arrive - and upon arrival was basically DOA. It worked very briefly, in which time I couldn't find sufficient information online to try and flash the new firmware to get it to work properly (the Geekbuying forum information is very minimal, to say the least, and the response rate is very slow), and upon pulling out to try and refresh and reconnect, it stopped working entirely. I connected it to numerous tvs and devices, to no avail - signal has been lost.
This is a known issue that many people have posted about - and have completely ignored. See these threads:
After reaching out to Geekbuying and explaining everything - and everything we tried technically - they initially were willing (supposedly) to provide a refund or alternate device (we asked for a refund), and asked us to fill out forms that they never provided us with, and since then have been stalling, evading, and unhelpful.
Below is the chat I had with their operator today, where they once again have evaded and chosen to be unhelpful:
Please wait for a site operator to respond...
If you do not want to wait, please click here to leave us a message.
Operator Moni has joined the chat.
10:31:43 AM
10:32:28 AM
Any one there?
10:34:02 AM
Moni10:35:08 AM
10:35:08 AM
10:35:39 AM
What can I do for you?
tzvika10:38:29 AM
its about a product I purchased from you
10:38:44 AM
10:39:55 AM
The item received was defective - and we've been in back and forth with your customer service (or lack thereof) for some time now - and we would like this resolved immediately
10:39:59 AM
we want a refund
10:42:55 AM
Moni10:46:32 AM
10:46:33 AM
10:46:51 AM
how do you want to solve it?
tzvika10:47:42 AM
I want you to give me all the details on how and where to send it back and when I will see my refund
10:57:50 AM
Why are you not answering?!
10:58:10 AM
I cant spend my whole day here and you never reply to emails. This is the worst customer service ever.
10:58:51 AM
Listen we have done everything we have been told and the item doesn't work.
10:59:00 AM
I will be sure to post about this in all of the forums that I've been a member of
10:59:17 AM
XDA, Android Central, Phandroid, Modaco and more
Moni10:59:22 AM
i will reply you later by email
tzvika10:59:22 AM
this is unacceptable
11:00:07 AM
This is what you said the last time a month ago!!!! and the item is still not working and I got no refund.
11:00:18 AM
I want to know now what you will do
11:00:40 AM
last email I sent you was a week ago and you still did not reply!!!
11:00:54 AM
why do you think I believe you when you say you will reply by email??
11:01:25 AM
I just want to send it back, get my money back and forget about this whole thing.
Operator Moni has left the chat.
The chat is ended.
I am sharing my experience, in order to ensure others don't go through the same, and to share my experience purchasing the iMito QX1 - which on paper is supposed to be an awesome device, but falls short in execution.
Good luck.
Thank you for posting this. I hope your post will help others to be aware too. But I have to tell you for every post you find like this and believe me there are many. You will also find many post on other forums that will defend this company and have complete lack of empathy.If you read those threads you will find as I have. They are generally from people who have a certain (ahem, cough) relationship with them. It sickens me to say the least. BTW, its not just the device you purchased either. I try to let people know that a lot of these divides can all so be purchased through Amazon. I am not promoting Amazon. I am just saying if something does go wrong. You have a much better chance of a fair outcome. Sorry to here of your episode. You were more than fair with them. I will not be surprised if there is a reply in their defense. Then again, maybe not here. But, try a certain f****tab forum and you will see what I mean. Good luck.
Sent from my A200 using xda app-developers app
pckarma112 said:
Thank you for posting this. I hope your post will help others to be aware too. But I have to tell you for every post you find like this and believe me there are many. You will also find many post on other forums that will defend this company and have complete lack of empathy.If you read those threads you will find as I have. They are generally from people who have a certain (ahem, cough) relationship with them. It sickens me to say the least. BTW, its not just the device you purchased either. I try to let people know that a lot of these divides can all so be purchased through Amazon. I am not promoting Amazon. I am just saying if something does go wrong. You have a much better chance of a fair outcome. Sorry to here of your episode. You were more than fair with them. I will not be surprised if there is a reply in their defense. Then again, maybe not here. But, try a certain f****tab forum and you will see what I mean. Good luck.
Sent from my A200 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks for the support - I'm sure you're right - I just hope that the sincerity comes through and that if someone who is looking to purchase an item from them and sees this post at some point, may possibly reconsider.
I never do things like this and if it were a small amount I'd likely just forget about it, but it's a $90 product.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
shar1r said:
Thanks for the support - I'm sure you're right - I just hope that the sincerity comes through and that if someone who is looking to purchase an item from them and sees this post at some point, may possibly reconsider.
I never do things like this and if it were a small amount I'd likely just forget about it, but it's a $90 product.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app[/QUOT
It seems difficult to get money back as the address the post on their website are not detailed. I am in Shenzhen and I don't think I can find the right place.
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All you have to do is dispute with your credit card/bank company. Let them take care of it and save you the hassle.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Quick Update
The email we were promised obviously never arrived.
We have resigned ourselves to the fact that we will likely not be seeing our money back. For all future buyers - Paypal ONLY.
Have you tried to speak to Eric from geekbuying on freaktab this is what worked for me he got my problem sorted quickly try pm him it might work...
Sent from my Motorola RAZRi
quincyquinn said:
Have you tried to speak to Eric from geekbuying on freaktab this is what worked for me he got my problem sorted quickly try pm him it might work...
Sent from my Motorola RAZRi
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No, I don't know anyone there. I'll try that - thanks. (Is there any specific way I can reach out to him? Is he on XDA? Facebook? There's a general email address at geekbuying, and I'm not sure how I can get him specifically to deal with my issue).
Register over there then private message geekbuying member hope this helps
Sent from my Motorola RAZRi
Amazing such issue's were had.
I also bought my QX1 from Geekbuying however I ordered via Amazon (bundle pack with external antenna & Cat 5 USB adaptor)..
My order was received 4 days later (via USPS).
The unit works great & still no issue's on my end with my unit.
Also bought an airmouse from them (via Amazon again) & received that the day before last (2 days after order)..
Long of the short of all of this is I wouldn't put such hate towards one posting that's seen..
As I've had no issue's on my end once so ever..
Just stating my $0.03....
Shame about the issue's though as the QX1 really is I nice little device (however deva support is still very limited)..
My experience with imito qx1 is also positive. Bought it on and was aware that shipping last LONG. Got it and it works like a charm. Had same issues in the beginning but flashed it with Finless 1.5 ROM form and it works great. That was a good decision.
I was able to RMA my CX-919 to geekbuying for just return shipping $8.
They asked for a youtube video of it not working!
Took two months but the new device works great.
I have an LG Stylo 2 Plus via T-Mobile and I have tried what seems like every single app made trying to get an audible, wake your ass up, a tornado is near you alert and I have had zero results. I know this because I travel a lot and have been through many severe storms. Years ago my HTC One M8 worked great! I don't remember the app I was using and I was with Verizon then but I remember being in a meeting with about 60 other people and my phone let out a spoken National Weather Service Alert with all of the trimmings including a list of counties, direction of the tornado, etc. No one else's phone made a peep and I got a lot of questions following the meeting.
The most I have been able to get is a Push Notification, which could be read after they pull me out from under the rubble.
Please help!
No one... Seriously???
ryevick said:
No one... Seriously???
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The following is all I use that also has the feature that your looking for as well.
I feel that it's probably one of (if not "the") best one out there. Their support is also extremely good as well.
Just my suggestion...
Good Luck!
UNLESS asked to do so, PLEASE don't PM me regarding support. Sent using The ClaRetoX Forum App on my Enigma Machine {aenigma = Latin for "Riddle"}.