Occasional app transition flicker since Pie - Google Pixel 2 Questions & Answers

I have a Pixel 2 and I feel like ever since the device upgraded to Pie I get this random horizontal line that briefly flickers during a transition between apps from the launcher. It is the very bottom of the screen for any app that keeps a black navigation bar at the bottom. It will only flash or flicker once and doesn't happen all the time. The main app that does this is Hangouts but occasionally happens with others too like the camera app or Google News. I figured it might be software but wanted to see if anyone else noticed it. The device runs fine otherwise so hopefully not a big deal down the road if there is failing hardware.


[Q] Lock Screen Lag

I updated to the latest version of the Mango beta (7712 i think) the other day and now whenever I turn on the screen it takes about half a second for the clock and date etc to appear. Anyone else have this issue or a solution?
A lot of people are noticing that behavior.
I think it's a bug.. but it doesn't happen all the time to me.
It's amazing how annoying just a little bit of lag is in this OS, isn't it?
Good to know im not alone. Ill put up with it as this is a beta. Everything else works perfectly
When I first "upgraded" from last month's mango to this months updated version, I noticed this too, but I also noticed that the homescreen "flash" was gone, which for me was a very acceptable trade off. I reset my phone to get my twitter and linkedin contacts to load, and since then my screen has reverted to the old form; that is, flashes the homescreen for a second before going to the lockscreen. Awful.
I thought that was just the new behaviour
It was one of the first thing I noticed after updating. I didn't think it was a bug, I just thought for some reason that was the new behaviour.
It definitely doesn't look as clean as the old way.
Yeah, I wasnt sure if it was a bug or a new feature as it seems to fade in after about half a second kind of like a transition effect.
Whatever it is I much prefered it the way it was before this second update as like people have said it just looks like really bad lag.
Mine seems to have sorted itself out. All ive done is turn it off for the night. Couldnt hurt to give it a go if its annoying you
after updating to mango on my omnia 7, I have this strange situation with my lockscreen. is this a bug? anyone else noticed this too?
phobius87 said:
after updating to mango on my omnia 7, I have this strange situation with my lockscreen. is this a bug? anyone else noticed this too?
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it used to happen to me quite often when i was on 7712. Doesn't happen anymore on mango.. but there's still a buggy animation sometimes when i unlock too quickly, appears as a repeated top 1/4 of the lockscreen i think
i don't know why, but it's still happening. i tried to power of and on, but it didn't help. i don't want to do a hard reset. it seems that the problem is gone if the music is playing (when the mini player is displayed in lockscreen).
so, i figured out, when that locksreen lag is happening. if you have mini player shown, when you press volume buttons, that means there will be no lockscreen lag, and everything will be like it should.
but, if you go and play a video, and then go back to homescreen, there will be no mini player shown, when you press the volume button, and if you then turn off the screen, and then on again, the clock and calendar will display with some lag (about half a second). this will continue to happen until the next time you run audio player. then, if there is mini player in the dropdown volume menu, there will be no more lag in the lockscreen.
please, try this and see if this will happen to you too. i know it's a small bug, but it's really annoying!

possible explanation for screen issues?

this may not explain all screen issues, but it may explain the issue of the screen freezing and also the issue of it reacting on its own. i believe that this screen is highly sensitive. my current theory is that dirtiness and dullness cause screen lag. this can result in freezing, but i think more commonly what happens is for it to cause a delay in the screens responsiveness. so lets say you touch the screen and it doesnt respond right away. so you tap the screen again, and it does respond. but maybe its responding to the first time you touched it, and then you exit out of that screen or do something else, and forget that you touched the screen again. but the phone remembers and responds, and the phone does something odd, seemingly on its own. now remember this is just a theory of mine, and i am no expert on touchscreens. it just occurred to me that this could be a possibility, because i cleaned my screen really good and the screen seemed a good bit more responsive than usual. feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this.
There are times when a greasy/wet touchscreen will misbehave, but I think the majority of our touchscreen problems stem from a buggy driver which tends to crash during low memory conditions.
yea i definitely think its just a buggy phone. wish it was as simple as keeping it clean, but i have these problems even when clean sometimes. its not a deal breaker though, at least not for me.
i just wish we could have custom lock screens or AOSP lock screen that wouldn't break the damn auto-rotate.
i know this is a different subject than my op, but i have a question. i converted several apps to system apps. two browsers, opera mobile and dolphin mini, dolphin to replace my stock browser and opera for desktop browsing, as well as a volume control app and a few others. i use an app called optimize android toolbox to clean my cache. before converting these apps to system, they all stored a cache. now, opera and dolphin dont. the volume control app still does though. i dont think its a problem, it just perplexes me. any possible explanation for this?
JonathanBarca10 said:
yea i definitely think its just a buggy phone. wish it was as simple as keeping it clean, but i have these problems even when clean sometimes. its not a deal breaker though, at least not for me.
i just wish we could have custom lock screens or AOSP lock screen that wouldn't break the damn auto-rotate.
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Ayoteddy got us the aosp lock and the puzzle lock, using it right now no prob.
sent from my....WAIT THIS ISNT MY PHONE?
When it's cold mine never responds.
I put a screen protector on my phone and I haven't had any touch screen problems since. Might just be a coincidence, though.
before i got this phone, i read a review that said only one android phone has a more functional lock screen than the sidekick. of course, that statement is based on phones with stock roms, but still, thats definitely saying something. i like the stock lockscreen a lot. i like the media room lockscreen widget. tried other music players with lockscreen widgets, but they take up the whole screen. then you have to exit the widget to unlock the screen. plus you can slide down to unlock or slide up to launch an app. thats pretty tight.
I'm not saying the stock lock screen isn't clever. It's really is quite cool... when it works.
So often I've had to struggle to unlock the phone because the screen was lagging badly. Or the home screen has come up for a second before the lock screen. This is especially a problem when text messages come in, and often result in my phone doing crazy crap in my pocket. Next time I pull it out I discover that it's gone to CNN, changed my brightness, turned on bluetooth, etc.

[Q] Flickering navigation buttons

I'm seeing frequent vertical flickering in the navigation bar and doubling or ghosting of the buttons - but only in certain apps. The rest of the UI on screen is always fine. The effect doesn't show up in screenshots or I'd post one.
It's difficult to pin it down to a cause, but I see it consistently in Google apps like Chrome, Hangouts, Gmail, Drive, People, etc., especially if I open a settings page, but never with apps like Flipoard, ES File Explorer or any of the Google Play apps.
Bit strange, but it's driving me potty. Anyone else seen this?
I've actually managed a camera shot of the nav bar in Chrome that gives a pretty good idea of the effect - looks like the camera was shaking, but it wasn't, the onscreen buttons were. As you can see, the text on the actual page just above the buttons is fine.
So I'm guessing nobody else has seen anything like this? Hmm, strange. It looks like a problem with the hardware overlays, but doesn't seem worth an RMA just for that, but it's REALLY distracting in regular use ... should I return it, do you think?

Android 10 [Q] Features Report/Feedback

So I know there are other android 10 threads out there but I felt like y'all should get a list of whats new in front of your eyes instead of looking around:
**Improved night camera quality - Yes I have felt and improvement it is slight however, but it did get somewhat better.
**Google's new navigation gestures (I felt like I should write this because last updates, Sony phones did not get the nav gestures) however the new gestures seem just a tiny bit laggy -rarely though- and when in landscape mode, the slide down bar drops not in a symmetric way but rather drops right sided which makes things look out of place
**New CinemaPro app features - the app now has the levels of both phone microphones like on the v50 and also has aspect ratio check lines (if you want to shoot a video on cinema pro it only shoots 21/9 but you can have check lines to see whats being viewed in any other aspect ratio you choose and you also have a meter inside the camera to show you if youre in the frame or not)
**Dark mode - works on most apps, but I can't seem to activate it on my phone app, any suggestions?
**UI click sounds changed - yup! I love the new ones they sound more like Android rather than Sony and I do love Android!
**FINGERPRINT!!!! - Yes!! finally fingerprint scanner is way more responsive now!! before it was sooo strict about the cleanness and the angle, I registered 3 fingers and it only could recognize one of them because of the angle it provides, but now every finger on any angle with less cleanness is verry responsive! (could still be worked on, but im so happy with it at this moment)
**Sadly no more face unlock, even though I never used it but it worked surprisingly fast when I had the option available, but now it doesnt exist, good thing they improved the fingerprint scanner XD
**Slightly improved battery life - I only noticed it when I tested it, but if youre not a detailed tester you wont be able to recognize throughout the day, maybe if youre a slight user, yes you will notice the phone lasting 2/3 hours longer (overall usage and not screen on time) because I can tell they worked greatly on improving the idle drain.
**Speaker loudness - I think the phone got louder? I am not sure but defiantly notice something that didnt exist, not necessarily higher quality but I do notice something increasing in volume I cant tell if its volume or distortion lol but when I go to max volume there is something that makes you think, a little lower than max sounded like max on previous android but I cant tell if max here is actually louder or just more noisy especially with dolby atmos
**Some people reported signal drops? or bad signal? I havent noticed a difference here so thats good news
**Performance - the phone was fast enough to almost be the king of speed and smoothness so yah even if its better on android 10 I cant even feel the difference but it is VERY smooth even on a new android which means its pretty sick!
**Recent apps button (in old school 3 button nav bar) doesnt seem to do anything if you have custom launcher, but works on default sony launcher.
**one handed mode, which I use alot when im in bed, cant seem to be activated in the new navigation gestures, because you have to double tap home button but u dont have it in new gestures, so heres what i did:
Enabled side sense, i know it doesn't work properly, but now you have an option of controlling how to access it, You can actually enable the inside the screen tap rather than from the side (if you have a case on, this will really help you) , adjust sensitivity, position, transparency of the slide activators, and change the gestures of how it works, now i changed the double tap side sense from opening the side sense menu, to activate one handed mode, and now side sense works smoothly with gestures and i can activate one handed mode in new android nav gestures, youre welcome
Thx u for this thread
UI seems a lot smoother. I'm liking the android 10 gestures which adds to the "smoothness".
Can't really say about photo quality, haven't been using the camera much. I can definitely notice a better battery life compared to before.
Basically no issues just yet! Aside from me getting used to the new gestures (+ side sense)
Im using the google dialer app in play store. It has a way better ui, better icons and dark mode compatible. Set it as default and it's all good. I don't understand why sony have decided to use the "stock" google messenger app but not dialer... the dialer seems customized in some way idk
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
Someone can make a full review of android 10 and post it on youtube ?
Sugarcube8th said:
Im using the google dialer app in play store. It has a way better ui, better icons and dark mode compatible. Set it as default and it's all good. I don't understand why sony have decided to use the "stock" google messenger app but not dialer... the dialer seems customized in some way idk
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
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Yah you just reminded me to add that bug, also if you on landscape mode the slide down bar is off place slides from the right rather than the middle of the screen
Pandemic said:
Someone can make a full review of android 10 and post it on youtube ?
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I will try to do so soon, when I have free time from work
Agree with you.
- about the signal, i notice less signals bar (1-2 signal bars most of the time), but no connection drop (yet)
- wifi Mac address new option, set by default at "random Mac address"
Here's a preview of the swipe up animation bug?
Does anyone else have a weird audio bug where when you pause music or a video the sound spikes up for a second before it pauses. I've only tested it on the native music app and YouTube. I don't use any music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora. I think I've concluded that this is a software bug since I when I flashed back to the previous firmware and didn't have the same problem. Maybe my device is just strange. Any opinion?
Arsyian said:
Does anyone else have a weird audio bug where when you pause music or a video the sound spikes up for a second before it pauses. I've only tested it on the native music app and YouTube. I don't use any music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora. I think I've concluded that this is a software bug since I when I flashed back to the previous firmware and didn't have the same problem. Maybe my device is just strange. Any opinion?
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Yes,I have the same issue, but as I remember this issue also existing on Pie.
t238z said:
Yes,I have the same issue, but as I remember this issue also existing on Pie.
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That's strange cause I never had the problem till updating to Android 10.
I think i have a bug i have notification from album that i cant remove it. Even though i have restar my phone
It always check the update
blegs said:
I think i have a bug i have notification from album that i cant remove it. Even though i have restar my phone
It always check the update
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this happens with me with BG player.. I simply turned off its notifications
Sugarcube8th said:
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
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Precisely, IDK if that happens with pixel or one plus devices, but I know that it happens with Xperia 1. When you go back to the app, let's just say it's inside a folder, app shows in the dock then the folder pops back. Then if you open an app let's just say dialer then you switch to camera with recent menu and you go back to home screen it shows dialer app on where the camera icon then you get the camera icon back in the dock. Am I right?
[Bug report] Recent key not working in Android 10.
Screenshot as below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUlHZ0weCfs&feature=youtu.be
When you press Recent button, there is just nothing.
Remember people more updates will vome of android 10, this is the 1st release so except some tiny bugs. Sony/google will fix that
just added some more updates about bugs and updates in main post check it out
kevinkoo said:
[Bug report] Recent key not working in Android 10.
Screenshot as below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUlHZ0weCfs&feature=youtu.be
When you press Recent button, there is just nothing.
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whats that launcher?
Just got mine an hour ago. Hoping that I don't experience those bugs.

Screen dimming after 4-5 seconds

Hey all! I recently updated from Android 10 to Android 11 OOS and I have a strange issue I didn't have before. On grey/blue backgrounds, the screen dims and changes color a little bit after not touching it for 4-5 seconds. I already submitted a bug report but I just wanted to see if others are having this issue. I do have a T Mobile device that's been converted to global, but again this issue wasn't present before. I can't report as to whether the issue happened on OOS updates previous because I just updated and got I've also linked a short video here showing the issue. If you guys have any input at all, it's appreciated!
I may be having a similar issue. I am trying to view your video to see if it is the same problem. I have noticed that my color turns warm, as if the blue light filter was activated. It normally happens when I am trying to type in a field. In most situations, it happens when there is a lot of white being displayed.
I did not pay attention to the browser that I was using. It may be a Chrome issue, but that is only if we are experiencing the same thing.
Ok, so we are talking about two different things. But, your dim is very subtle, at lease as far as the camera is concerned. Does mine do the same thing? No idea. I probably never noticed.
However, are you using Adaptive Brightness or manual brightness? In my experience, OOS 11 came with a LOT of bugs. I've been getting screen orientation problems as of late, and it would lock my screen sideways depending on what I am doing. I do not use auto rotate, and I am certain that I didn't press the rotation button in the bottom right corner. Even if it showed up, it shouldn't have, as I was using my phone in portrait mode every time that bug showed up.
AarSyl said:
Ok, so we are talking about two different things. But, your dim is very subtle, at lease as far as the camera is concerned. Does mine do the same thing? No idea. I probably never noticed.
However, are you using Adaptive Brightness or manual brightness? In my experience, OOS 11 came with a LOT of bugs. I've been getting screen orientation problems as of late, and it would lock my screen sideways depending on what I am doing. I do not use auto rotate, and I am certain that I didn't press the rotation button in the bottom right corner. Even if it showed up, it shouldn't have, as I was using my phone in portrait mode every time that bug showed up.
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So I have the same thing with the screen going super warm on white backgrounds too, primarily on web browsers. With the other issue it only happens with the brightness between 30-70% or so and the screen gets darker and the gamut seems to get a tad cooler but I've chalked these up to separate issues. No phone is without faults but it seems like Oneplus releases software without testing it at all.
Edit: I noticed the yellowing on Chrome, and nowhere else on the phone. Samsung internet does have the same issue
Yes, I have a slew of issues with Android 11. My problem is the fact that I like it a lot more than A10 w/OOS, sooo....I have no option but to tolerate them for the moment.

