Hi all,
This is basically my way of cleaning my Base ROM in cooking, and I thought I'd share it with you as many of you seem confused on what is "safe" to remove from base and what is not.
1. Download http://www.4shared.com/file/59801174/91831423/BaseCleaner.html and extract it to C:\kaiserkitchen (or wherever your kaiserkitchen folder is located)
2. Run BaseCleaner.bat
As for other kitchens, I'm fairly confident this will work, as it is not dependent on the kaiserkitchen folder. I've created the batch file so it is VERY easy to remove things you do not want deleted, or add things.
That's it . Any constructive criticism/suggestions is appreciated, and please take in mind that I'm no expert at these things, I just wanted to share with this great community the method I use to clean up my Base ROM. If I forgot anything in the batch file, please bring it up!
mbarvian said:
Hi all,
This is basically my way of cleaning my Base ROM in cooking, and I thought I'd share it with you as many of you seem confused on what is "safe" to remove from base and what is not.
1. Download the attached file and extract it to C:\kaiserkitchen (or wherever your kaiserkitchen folder is located)
2. Run BaseCleaner.bat
As for other kitchens, I'm fairly confident this will work, as it is not dependent on the kaiserkitchen folder. I've created the batch file so it is VERY easy to remove things you do not want deleted, or add things.
That's it . Any constructive criticism/suggestions is appreciated, and please take in mind that I'm no expert at these things, I just wanted to share with this great community the method I use to clean up my Base ROM. If I forgot anything in the batch file, please bring it up!
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Wicked bruv, fantastic tool, will have a play tomorrow when i get a spare 5 an leave some feedback.....bigups
yardie.spike said:
Wicked bruv, fantastic tool, will have a play tomorrow when i get a spare 5 an leave some feedback.....bigups
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thanks man
Nice share but I think you need to add a list over what youre .bat is deleting and how this will interfere on the ROM, thinking the apps & functions that is removed and not present. Also I think you need to tag a bases you use this batch whit as it aint universial cause ships are diffrent from provider to provider and have diffrent "junk" files and so on. Config_operator.txt also need to be rerouted after running wich could be a nice thing to know for the users.
Idea is good, just need more info togo whit. Keep working it
@echo off
cd OEM
attrib -s -h -r -a ExtendedPKG\*.* /s /d
cd ExtendedPKG
del 4f5f005d-e0b1-42b4-8785-1833dedc233a.dsm
del Config.txt
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEM_DPI_96\*.* /s /d
cd OEM_DPI_96
del 33e0ab67-8d60-44f9-9c01-355c8ba1f87e.dsm
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEM_Lang_0409\*.* /s /d
cd OEM_Lang_0409
del 0_0409.dat
del 1_0409.dat
del 2_0409.dat
del arle0409.htm
del arle0409
del AudioManager.exe.0409.mui
del AudioMgr.htm
del authentication.htm
del Band.htm
del blank.pwi
del BluethSetting.htm
del Brightness.htm
del btftpres.dll.0409.mui
del Camera.exe.0409.mui
del camera.htm
del CannedText_0409.bin
del ClearStorage.htm
del CommManager.htm
del ConnectionSetup.0409.mui
del connectionsetup.htm
del CSDLineType.htm
del DeviceInco.htm
del FilePushCtxMenu.dll.0409.mui
del FilePushLib.dll.0409.mui
del Fixed_dialing.htm
del FTP.htm
del getMMSCtxMenuInfo.dll.0409.mui
del GPSAux.dll.0409.mui
del HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml
del HTC_HDlg.exe.0409.mui
del HTCHome.dll.0409.mui
del HTCHomeplug.dll.0409.MUI
del IA_Zip.exe.0409.mui
del IntelliDialer.htm
del jbed.exe.0409.mui
del jbed-help.0409.htm
del Keyboard.htm
del KeyLock.htm
del JBlend0409.htm
del JBlend_AMS.exe.0409.mui
del JBlend_Help0409
del JBlend_VM.exe.0409.mui
del meeting.pwi
del memo.pwi
del MicrophoneAGC.htm
del MMS Composer0409
del MMSComposer0409.htm
del MMSTemplates0409.inf
del MMSTransport.dll.0409.mui
del More.htm
del mxip_MMS5.0_0409_folder_Notification.provxml
del phone.pwi
del PIN2.htm
del QuickGPS.exe.0409.mui
del QuickGPS.htm
del Recorder.exe.0409.mui
del SapPropSheet.dll.0409.mui
del sapsettings.htm
del SIMManager.htm
del SlidingSound.exe.0409.MUI
del SlidingSound.htm
del SMSService.htm
del STK.htm
del StreamingPlayer.exe.0409.mui
del streamingvideo.htm
del symbolpad.htm
del sympad.dll.0409.mui
del SymPad0409.txt
del TaskManager.cpl.0409.mui
del TaskManager.htm
del TaskManagerApp.exe.0409.mui
del TaskManagerLite.exe.0409.mui
del TFSettings.exe.0409.mui
del TimeZones.htm
del todo.pwi
del voicerecorder.htm
del vsd_0409.htm
del vsrsd_com_0409.ini
del WirelessLAN.htm
del WorldCard Mobile Help.lnk
del X-Button.htm
del Zip_(ht).htm
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEMAPPS\*.* /s /d
del _ack_2.png
del _ack_8.png
del _compiling.png
del _disable_2.png
del _disable_8.png
del _dt_2.png
del _dt_8.png
del _dukeok_2.png
del _dukeok_8.png
del _empty.png
del _end_ams_2.png
del _end_ams_8.png
del _end_mid_2.png
del _end_mid_8.png
del _folder_2.png
del _folder_8.png
del _folder_8_2.png
del _lock_gray.png
del _lock_green.png
del _lock_red.png
del _logo_2.png
del _logo_8.png
del _single_2.png
del _single_8.png
del _start_2.png
del _start_8.png
del _suite_2.png
del _suite_8.png
del 0.jpg
del 1.jpg
del 01_240x320.gif
del 1-nature_15fps.mp4
del 2.jpg
del 02_240x320.gif
del 2nd-camera-flip-icon.bmp
del 2nd-camera-icon.bmp
del *_240x320.gif
del 240x268e.bmp
del 320x188e.bmp
del AccuWeather_Logo_Link.png
del ActiveSyn.lnk
del "Adobe Reader LE.lnk"
del Alouette.mid_
del Arail.amf
del AudioManager.exe
del AudioManager.lnk
del b5d1b1fe-d058-4a95-a90e-321ea5c313f1.rgu
del BCR.exe
del Bg_L2.bmp
del Bg_P2.bmp
del Birthday_gift.gif
del Bizbinarize.dll
del "Bluetooth Explorer.lnk"
del btctxmenu.dll
del btdwake.exe
del btdwake.lnk
del BTFtpClient.exe
del btlauncher.exe
del btpropext.dll
del btrenamedir.exe
del Camera.exe
del CameraRc_Grey.dll
del CameraRc_Orange.dll
del Cat-Bubble.gif
del close_all.png
del close_all_disable.png
del closeallbutton.bmp
del closebook.bmp
del Clothes-Line.gif
del ConnectionSetup.cpl
del ConnectionSetup.exe
del ConnectionSetup.lnk
del ConnectionSetupAuto.exe
del ContactSDMenu.dll
del ContactSDMenuRes.dll
del Cook.gif
del CParserDict.dll
del Custom.jpg
del CVDSetting.exe
del dict_eng.dat
del dict_tky.dat
del dict_weu.dat
del ding.amr_
del Dogbark.wav_
del DoRing.wav
del dtmf122.amr
del Emoticon_240x320.ini
del EMQcelpDec.dll
del EmQcelpEnc.dll
del EngCard.dll
del EngDict.dat
del Engine.DLL
del EupCard.dll
del EupDict.dat
del Exit_Button_Down.png
del Exit_Button_Up.png
del felvop.exe
del FilePushCtxMenu.dll
del FilePushLib.dll
del firstpage.bmp
del fitpage.bmp
del fitwidth.bmp
del folderview.exe
del Ftp_Help.lnk
del getMMSCtxMenuInfo.dll
del GPSAux.dll
del Heart.gif
del Help_AudioManager.lnk
del Help_BT_SAP.lnk
del Help_Camera_New.lnk
del "Help_Streaming Media.lnk"
del Help_Zip.lnk
del HH_*.*
del HTC3GVT.dll
del HTC3GVTStack.dll
del HTC_Camera.lnk
del HTC_HDlg.exe
del HTC_HPrf.exe
del HTCCameraUtility.dll
del HTCHome.dll
del HTCMidCodec_Qvp.dll
del HTCVDTx.dll
del HTCWMPPlug.dll
del I-8*.bmp
del I-12*.bmp
del IA_Zip.exe
del iCardSDK.dll
del ieplugin.dll
del image*.bmp
del ImageDLL.dll
del Java.lnk
del Java_Powered_25.gif
del jbed.exe
del JBlend.lnk
del JBlend_AMS.exe
del JBlend_VM.exe
del lastpage.bmp
del logo_2.gif
del main-camera-icon.bmp
del Meadow.gif
del memory.png
del memorybutton.bmp
del mm1lib.dll
del mm_*.*
del mmr_*.*
del "MMS Composer.lnk"
del MMSCtxMenuPlugin.dll
del MMSForum.DLL
del MMSRes_240x320.DLL
del MMSTransport.DLL
del Mommy.amr
del MP3Trimmer*.*
del mxip_MMS5.0_AccountName.provxml
del nextpage.bmp
del obexfile.dll
del openbook.bmp
del optionsbutton.bmp
del Par*Addr.dll
del ParseUntitle.dll
del Photo.gif
del Pond.jpg
del PoomIntegration.dll
del ppc_adobereaderle.exe
del prevpage.bmp
del QGPS_*.bmp
del QuickGPS.exe
del QuickGPS.lnk
del QuickGPS_Help.lnk
del quickmenudown.bmp
del quickmenuup.bmp
del readme.html
del Recorder.exe
del Recorder.lnk
del Recorder.lnk
del Recorder_help.lnk
del RTKCtl.dll
del rtkctl_tky.dll
del rtkctl_weu.dll
del RtspHandler.dll
del S-7-*.bmp
del SALib.dll
del SapPropSheet.dll
del SAPSettings.exe
del SDDaemon.exe
del sddaemon.lnk
del SDDialer.exe
del settings.png
del "Smart Dialing.lnk"
del SplitAddrTel.dll
del "Streaming Media.lnk"
del StreamingPlayer.exe
del StreamingPlayer.xml
del style.css
del sv_*.png
del svgplayback.dll
del SymbolPad.lnk
del sym_*.bmp
del TaskManager.cpl
del TaskManager.lnk
del TaskManagerApp.exe
del TaskManagerLite.exe
del taskmgrCustRes.dll
del taskservice.dll
del textsearch.bmp
del TFSettings.exe
del TTYBtn.bmp
del TurkeyDict.dat
del Utah.png
del VideoStub.exe
del "Voice Speed Dial.lnk"
del voicemail.exe
del VoiceTagCPL.cpl
del VSDDBMgr.dll
del VSDWMPPlugin.dll
del VsrSD_COM.dll
del WmpPluginToday.dll
del "WorldCard Mobile.lnk"
del Worldcard_*.htm
del X-Button.lnk
del Zip.lnk
del Zip_voda.lnk
del ZipIcon.dll
del zoomin.bmp
del zoomout.bmp
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEMDrivers\*.* /s /d
cd OEMDrivers
del *_in.wav
del *_out.wav
del Bolero.wma
del Capri.wma
del "Die Zauberflote.wma"
del "Flight of the bumblebee.wma"
del Halloween.wma
del Happy.wma
del HTCHomeplug.dll
del "London Bridge.wma"
del "Mozart Alla Turca.wma"
del mxip_HtcApps_HTC_Ringtone.provxml
del "Pizzi-cato Polka.wma"
del "Pour Elise.wma"
del Ringer*.wma
del SlidingSound.exe
del Telephone*.wma
del Trout.wma
del "X'mas song.wma"
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEMOPERATORS\*.* /s /d
del b1f4449b-1884-48db-8861-67704a408a63.dsm
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OperatorPKG\*.* /s /d
cd OperatorPKG
del 2884e89d-f628-463c-af7d-6eb28b2cac87.dsm
del animated.gif
del config_operator.txt
del cusTSK.exe
del google.JPG
del hTC.bmp
del htc.ico
del Htc.tsk
del htcbg_*.png
del Menu_Operation.xml
del mxip*_oemoperators_*.provxml
del mxipupdate_zzPIED_101.provxml
del PP_AKv33-DefaultPage_WWE-0409.cab
del provision.zip
del _HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml
del sun.bmp
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OperatorPKG_PT\*.* /s /d
cd OperatorPKG_PT
del 5b54debc-e9f1-428e-b1a7-cdd3e55fbca5.dsm
del config_PT.txt
del WiFicountrycode.CAB
del sync.ico
raiisak said:
Nice share but I think you need to add a list over what youre .bat is deleting and how this will interfere on the ROM, thinking the apps & functions that is removed and not present. Also I think you need to tag a bases you use this batch whit as it aint universial cause ships are diffrent from provider to provider and have diffrent "junk" files and so on. Config_operator.txt also need to be rerouted after running wich could be a nice thing to know for the users.
Idea is good, just need more info togo whit. Keep working it
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thanks for the suggestions raiisak, I'll look into them
Indeed, this is a great idea! Can't wait to get my laptop and use it Keep up the great work.
kareem9nba said:
Indeed, this is a great idea! Can't wait to get my laptop and use it Keep up the great work.
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This is a great idea and tool that is being developed. I think if we could look into making it more user friendly....for example
What someone wants to delete.... CAMERA [] MMS[] and so forth therefore newer cooks aren't deleting something then making useless threads trying to find a fix...
I am very impressed with this though!!! Now lets work on getting a new kitchen built, since we know you how to make .BAT files
ryncppr said:
This is a great idea and tool that is being developed. I think if we could look into making it more user friendly....for example
What someone wants to delete.... CAMERA [] MMS[] and so forth therefore newer cooks aren't deleting something then making useless threads trying to find a fix...
I am very impressed with this though!!! Now lets work on getting a new kitchen built, since we know you how to make .BAT files
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i'm already working on the kitchen lol
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. It's nice to see members sharing AGAIN.
Once again, Thank You.
P1Tater said:
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. It's nice to see members sharing AGAIN.
Once again, Thank You.
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no problem man, hopefully I can improve it and include it in my new kitchen
mbarvian said:
no problem man, hopefully I can improve it and include it in my new kitchen
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@mbarvian, has the attached file been removed for some reason? i have been reading the kaiserkitchen thread for a while, cooked my own using the provided base roms by Alex, has always worked out fine, but now i want to start extracting and dumping roms, i have seen how you have been very helpful in your responses to us who are just learning. i was going to ask a couple of days ago how to removed the so called "bloatware" for a rom, and i see someone else asked the question and you pointed them to this thread. i would like to try you basecleaner, just cant find the attached file.
thanks again
overhaulengines said:
@mbarvian, has the attached file been removed for some reason? i have been reading the kaiserkitchen thread for a while, cooked my own using the provided base roms by Alex, has always worked out fine, but now i want to start extracting and dumping roms, i have seen how you have been very helpful in your responses to us who are just learning. i was going to ask a couple of days ago how to removed the so called "bloatware" for a rom, and i see someone else asked the question and you pointed them to this thread. i would like to try you basecleaner, just cant find the attached file.
thanks again
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wow man, what happened there?
just attached newer version, thanks for catching that
Thx for sharing!
Thanks to your list I found couple more files I omitted somehow before.
Just a note;
you have a typo in your batch file.
. del DeviceInco.htm
should read
. del DeviceInfo.htm
Also I thought German o-umlaut (as in "Zauberflöte") is substituted by "u" in ASCII, thus
. del "Die Zauberflote.wma"
should read
. del "Die Zauberflute.wma"
(but this I'm not sure, so if you copied the filenames from actual German ROM localization then the "o" is certainly correct and I'm wrong)
MOD EDIT: REMOVED This is considered warez! Please read forum rules before posting!
el link para la descarga en donde?
hello good I would like to update my equipment since the radio apk stopped working and if with an update I solve it
my equipment is an A-MEDIA PX5 1024X600
KERNEL: [email protected] # 326 Thu Jul. 5
AUG 6 2019
Well I do not know what more information to put but I think that with an update I think I can solve the problem.
greetings and thanks
I have a px5, Android 8, A-MEDIA and mine stopped working too.
I cleared ALL cache's, turned off the stock radio in factory settings, and downloaded NAVRADIO+ from google play store.
It's working again.
Google translate:
Tengo un px5, Android 8, A-MEDIA y el mío también dejó de funcionar.
Borré TODOS los cachés, apagué la radio de serie en la configuración de fábrica y descargué NAVRADIO + de Google Play Store.
Está funcionando de nuevo.)
manuescusa said:
hola buenas quisiera actualizar mi equipo ya que me dejo de funcionar la apk radio y haber si con una actualizacion lo soluciono
mi equipo es un A-MEDIA PX5 1024X600
KERNEL : [email protected] #326 thu jul. 5
AUG 6 2019
bueno no se que mas informacion poner pero creo que con una actualizacion creo que podre solventar el problema .
saludos y gracias
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Hello and welcome to XDA.
According to the 4th Forum rule, I’d like to remind you that only English is accepted at XDA.
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature). You could try :- https://translate.google.com/ or https://www.babelfish.com/ or use one of your choice.
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Please edit and translate your post accordingly!
Thx for your cooperation :highfive:
mrjuniork (Forum Moderator)
Who can help me and installed a version that is not theirs and does not show the buttons or funciknan I need their software or mcu helps
Quien me puede ayudar e instalado una version que no es suya y no luce los botones ni funciknan necesito su sofmware o mcu ayudaaa
1. Use keyboard and mouse to enter factory settings and set the correct setting for your device.
2. Use tool in forums to correct [version unmatch] errors.
Failing that, unless you have original MCU and MCU config/export your unit is what it is.
Como lo hago no tengo ni idea
I have doubts about the new oxygen OS update on the Oneplus 9 (not pro)...
Does this update restore access to the GCam auxiliary camera on this model? I understand that in the Pro model it does, but I would like to know if in the normal model it's available with the latest update.
anyone can confirm this? please
@joi.est Welcome to XDA. I hope you'll always get the support you require.
However, thread closed as duplicate of
Camera2 api support
tengo duda sobre la nueva actulización de oxigen OS en el Oneplus 9 (no pro)... ¿esta actualización también restaura el acceso a la cámara auxiliar GCam en este modelo? tengo entendido que en el modelo Pro si lo hace, pero quisiera saber si en...
Please review the XDA Forum Rules with special emphasis on rule no. 5 and post only ONCE. Other duplicate posts by you got deleted.
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator