[update 1/09/08] MBarvian's BaseCleaner! - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Windows Mobile ROM De

Hi all,
This is basically my way of cleaning my Base ROM in cooking, and I thought I'd share it with you as many of you seem confused on what is "safe" to remove from base and what is not.
1. Download http://www.4shared.com/file/59801174/91831423/BaseCleaner.html and extract it to C:\kaiserkitchen (or wherever your kaiserkitchen folder is located)
2. Run BaseCleaner.bat​
As for other kitchens, I'm fairly confident this will work, as it is not dependent on the kaiserkitchen folder. I've created the batch file so it is VERY easy to remove things you do not want deleted, or add things.
That's it . Any constructive criticism/suggestions is appreciated, and please take in mind that I'm no expert at these things, I just wanted to share with this great community the method I use to clean up my Base ROM. If I forgot anything in the batch file, please bring it up!

mbarvian said:
Hi all,
This is basically my way of cleaning my Base ROM in cooking, and I thought I'd share it with you as many of you seem confused on what is "safe" to remove from base and what is not.
1. Download the attached file and extract it to C:\kaiserkitchen (or wherever your kaiserkitchen folder is located)
2. Run BaseCleaner.bat​
As for other kitchens, I'm fairly confident this will work, as it is not dependent on the kaiserkitchen folder. I've created the batch file so it is VERY easy to remove things you do not want deleted, or add things.
That's it . Any constructive criticism/suggestions is appreciated, and please take in mind that I'm no expert at these things, I just wanted to share with this great community the method I use to clean up my Base ROM. If I forgot anything in the batch file, please bring it up!
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Wicked bruv, fantastic tool, will have a play tomorrow when i get a spare 5 an leave some feedback.....bigups

yardie.spike said:
Wicked bruv, fantastic tool, will have a play tomorrow when i get a spare 5 an leave some feedback.....bigups
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thanks man

Nice share but I think you need to add a list over what youre .bat is deleting and how this will interfere on the ROM, thinking the apps & functions that is removed and not present. Also I think you need to tag a bases you use this batch whit as it aint universial cause ships are diffrent from provider to provider and have diffrent "junk" files and so on. Config_operator.txt also need to be rerouted after running wich could be a nice thing to know for the users.
Idea is good, just need more info togo whit. Keep working it
@echo off
cd OEM
attrib -s -h -r -a ExtendedPKG\*.* /s /d
cd ExtendedPKG
del 4f5f005d-e0b1-42b4-8785-1833dedc233a.dsm
del Config.txt
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEM_DPI_96\*.* /s /d
cd OEM_DPI_96
del 33e0ab67-8d60-44f9-9c01-355c8ba1f87e.dsm
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEM_Lang_0409\*.* /s /d
cd OEM_Lang_0409
del 0_0409.dat
del 1_0409.dat
del 2_0409.dat
del arle0409.htm
del arle0409
del AudioManager.exe.0409.mui
del AudioMgr.htm
del authentication.htm
del Band.htm
del blank.pwi
del BluethSetting.htm
del Brightness.htm
del btftpres.dll.0409.mui
del Camera.exe.0409.mui
del camera.htm
del CannedText_0409.bin
del ClearStorage.htm
del CommManager.htm
del ConnectionSetup.0409.mui
del connectionsetup.htm
del CSDLineType.htm
del DeviceInco.htm
del FilePushCtxMenu.dll.0409.mui
del FilePushLib.dll.0409.mui
del Fixed_dialing.htm
del FTP.htm
del getMMSCtxMenuInfo.dll.0409.mui
del GPSAux.dll.0409.mui
del HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml
del HTC_HDlg.exe.0409.mui
del HTCHome.dll.0409.mui
del HTCHomeplug.dll.0409.MUI
del IA_Zip.exe.0409.mui
del IntelliDialer.htm
del jbed.exe.0409.mui
del jbed-help.0409.htm
del Keyboard.htm
del KeyLock.htm
del JBlend0409.htm
del JBlend_AMS.exe.0409.mui
del JBlend_Help0409
del JBlend_VM.exe.0409.mui
del meeting.pwi
del memo.pwi
del MicrophoneAGC.htm
del MMS Composer0409
del MMSComposer0409.htm
del MMSTemplates0409.inf
del MMSTransport.dll.0409.mui
del More.htm
del mxip_MMS5.0_0409_folder_Notification.provxml
del phone.pwi
del PIN2.htm
del QuickGPS.exe.0409.mui
del QuickGPS.htm
del Recorder.exe.0409.mui
del SapPropSheet.dll.0409.mui
del sapsettings.htm
del SIMManager.htm
del SlidingSound.exe.0409.MUI
del SlidingSound.htm
del SMSService.htm
del STK.htm
del StreamingPlayer.exe.0409.mui
del streamingvideo.htm
del symbolpad.htm
del sympad.dll.0409.mui
del SymPad0409.txt
del TaskManager.cpl.0409.mui
del TaskManager.htm
del TaskManagerApp.exe.0409.mui
del TaskManagerLite.exe.0409.mui
del TFSettings.exe.0409.mui
del TimeZones.htm
del todo.pwi
del voicerecorder.htm
del vsd_0409.htm
del vsrsd_com_0409.ini
del WirelessLAN.htm
del WorldCard Mobile Help.lnk
del X-Button.htm
del Zip_(ht).htm
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEMAPPS\*.* /s /d
del _ack_2.png
del _ack_8.png
del _compiling.png
del _disable_2.png
del _disable_8.png
del _dt_2.png
del _dt_8.png
del _dukeok_2.png
del _dukeok_8.png
del _empty.png
del _end_ams_2.png
del _end_ams_8.png
del _end_mid_2.png
del _end_mid_8.png
del _folder_2.png
del _folder_8.png
del _folder_8_2.png
del _lock_gray.png
del _lock_green.png
del _lock_red.png
del _logo_2.png
del _logo_8.png
del _single_2.png
del _single_8.png
del _start_2.png
del _start_8.png
del _suite_2.png
del _suite_8.png
del 0.jpg
del 1.jpg
del 01_240x320.gif
del 1-nature_15fps.mp4
del 2.jpg
del 02_240x320.gif
del 2nd-camera-flip-icon.bmp
del 2nd-camera-icon.bmp
del *_240x320.gif
del 240x268e.bmp
del 320x188e.bmp
del AccuWeather_Logo_Link.png
del ActiveSyn.lnk
del "Adobe Reader LE.lnk"
del Alouette.mid_
del Arail.amf
del AudioManager.exe
del AudioManager.lnk
del b5d1b1fe-d058-4a95-a90e-321ea5c313f1.rgu
del BCR.exe
del Bg_L2.bmp
del Bg_P2.bmp
del Birthday_gift.gif
del Bizbinarize.dll
del "Bluetooth Explorer.lnk"
del btctxmenu.dll
del btdwake.exe
del btdwake.lnk
del BTFtpClient.exe
del btlauncher.exe
del btpropext.dll
del btrenamedir.exe
del Camera.exe
del CameraRc_Grey.dll
del CameraRc_Orange.dll
del Cat-Bubble.gif
del close_all.png
del close_all_disable.png
del closeallbutton.bmp
del closebook.bmp
del Clothes-Line.gif
del ConnectionSetup.cpl
del ConnectionSetup.exe
del ConnectionSetup.lnk
del ConnectionSetupAuto.exe
del ContactSDMenu.dll
del ContactSDMenuRes.dll
del Cook.gif
del CParserDict.dll
del Custom.jpg
del CVDSetting.exe
del dict_eng.dat
del dict_tky.dat
del dict_weu.dat
del ding.amr_
del Dogbark.wav_
del DoRing.wav
del dtmf122.amr
del Emoticon_240x320.ini
del EMQcelpDec.dll
del EmQcelpEnc.dll
del EngCard.dll
del EngDict.dat
del Engine.DLL
del EupCard.dll
del EupDict.dat
del Exit_Button_Down.png
del Exit_Button_Up.png
del felvop.exe
del FilePushCtxMenu.dll
del FilePushLib.dll
del firstpage.bmp
del fitpage.bmp
del fitwidth.bmp
del folderview.exe
del Ftp_Help.lnk
del getMMSCtxMenuInfo.dll
del GPSAux.dll
del Heart.gif
del Help_AudioManager.lnk
del Help_BT_SAP.lnk
del Help_Camera_New.lnk
del "Help_Streaming Media.lnk"
del Help_Zip.lnk
del HH_*.*
del HTC3GVT.dll
del HTC3GVTStack.dll
del HTC_Camera.lnk
del HTC_HDlg.exe
del HTC_HPrf.exe
del HTCCameraUtility.dll
del HTCHome.dll
del HTCMidCodec_Qvp.dll
del HTCVDTx.dll
del HTCWMPPlug.dll
del I-8*.bmp
del I-12*.bmp
del IA_Zip.exe
del iCardSDK.dll
del ieplugin.dll
del image*.bmp
del ImageDLL.dll
del Java.lnk
del Java_Powered_25.gif
del jbed.exe
del JBlend.lnk
del JBlend_AMS.exe
del JBlend_VM.exe
del lastpage.bmp
del logo_2.gif
del main-camera-icon.bmp
del Meadow.gif
del memory.png
del memorybutton.bmp
del mm1lib.dll
del mm_*.*
del mmr_*.*
del "MMS Composer.lnk"
del MMSCtxMenuPlugin.dll
del MMSForum.DLL
del MMSRes_240x320.DLL
del MMSTransport.DLL
del Mommy.amr
del MP3Trimmer*.*
del mxip_MMS5.0_AccountName.provxml
del nextpage.bmp
del obexfile.dll
del openbook.bmp
del optionsbutton.bmp
del Par*Addr.dll
del ParseUntitle.dll
del Photo.gif
del Pond.jpg
del PoomIntegration.dll
del ppc_adobereaderle.exe
del prevpage.bmp
del QGPS_*.bmp
del QuickGPS.exe
del QuickGPS.lnk
del QuickGPS_Help.lnk
del quickmenudown.bmp
del quickmenuup.bmp
del readme.html
del Recorder.exe
del Recorder.lnk
del Recorder.lnk
del Recorder_help.lnk
del RTKCtl.dll
del rtkctl_tky.dll
del rtkctl_weu.dll
del RtspHandler.dll
del S-7-*.bmp
del SALib.dll
del SapPropSheet.dll
del SAPSettings.exe
del SDDaemon.exe
del sddaemon.lnk
del SDDialer.exe
del settings.png
del "Smart Dialing.lnk"
del SplitAddrTel.dll
del "Streaming Media.lnk"
del StreamingPlayer.exe
del StreamingPlayer.xml
del style.css
del sv_*.png
del svgplayback.dll
del SymbolPad.lnk
del sym_*.bmp
del TaskManager.cpl
del TaskManager.lnk
del TaskManagerApp.exe
del TaskManagerLite.exe
del taskmgrCustRes.dll
del taskservice.dll
del textsearch.bmp
del TFSettings.exe
del TTYBtn.bmp
del TurkeyDict.dat
del Utah.png
del VideoStub.exe
del "Voice Speed Dial.lnk"
del voicemail.exe
del VoiceTagCPL.cpl
del VSDDBMgr.dll
del VSDWMPPlugin.dll
del VsrSD_COM.dll
del WmpPluginToday.dll
del "WorldCard Mobile.lnk"
del Worldcard_*.htm
del X-Button.lnk
del Zip.lnk
del Zip_voda.lnk
del ZipIcon.dll
del zoomin.bmp
del zoomout.bmp
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEMDrivers\*.* /s /d
cd OEMDrivers
del *_in.wav
del *_out.wav
del Bolero.wma
del Capri.wma
del "Die Zauberflote.wma"
del "Flight of the bumblebee.wma"
del Halloween.wma
del Happy.wma
del HTCHomeplug.dll
del "London Bridge.wma"
del "Mozart Alla Turca.wma"
del mxip_HtcApps_HTC_Ringtone.provxml
del "Pizzi-cato Polka.wma"
del "Pour Elise.wma"
del Ringer*.wma
del SlidingSound.exe
del Telephone*.wma
del Trout.wma
del "X'mas song.wma"
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OEMOPERATORS\*.* /s /d
del b1f4449b-1884-48db-8861-67704a408a63.dsm
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OperatorPKG\*.* /s /d
cd OperatorPKG
del 2884e89d-f628-463c-af7d-6eb28b2cac87.dsm
del animated.gif
del config_operator.txt
del cusTSK.exe
del google.JPG
del hTC.bmp
del htc.ico
del Htc.tsk
del htcbg_*.png
del Menu_Operation.xml
del mxip*_oemoperators_*.provxml
del mxipupdate_zzPIED_101.provxml
del PP_AKv33-DefaultPage_WWE-0409.cab
del provision.zip
del _HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml
del sun.bmp
cd ../
attrib -s -h -r -a OperatorPKG_PT\*.* /s /d
cd OperatorPKG_PT
del 5b54debc-e9f1-428e-b1a7-cdd3e55fbca5.dsm
del config_PT.txt
del WiFicountrycode.CAB
del sync.ico

raiisak said:
Nice share but I think you need to add a list over what youre .bat is deleting and how this will interfere on the ROM, thinking the apps & functions that is removed and not present. Also I think you need to tag a bases you use this batch whit as it aint universial cause ships are diffrent from provider to provider and have diffrent "junk" files and so on. Config_operator.txt also need to be rerouted after running wich could be a nice thing to know for the users.
Idea is good, just need more info togo whit. Keep working it
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thanks for the suggestions raiisak, I'll look into them

Indeed, this is a great idea! Can't wait to get my laptop and use it Keep up the great work.

kareem9nba said:
Indeed, this is a great idea! Can't wait to get my laptop and use it Keep up the great work.
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This is a great idea and tool that is being developed. I think if we could look into making it more user friendly....for example
What someone wants to delete.... CAMERA [] MMS[] and so forth therefore newer cooks aren't deleting something then making useless threads trying to find a fix...
I am very impressed with this though!!! Now lets work on getting a new kitchen built, since we know you how to make .BAT files

ryncppr said:
This is a great idea and tool that is being developed. I think if we could look into making it more user friendly....for example
What someone wants to delete.... CAMERA [] MMS[] and so forth therefore newer cooks aren't deleting something then making useless threads trying to find a fix...
I am very impressed with this though!!! Now lets work on getting a new kitchen built, since we know you how to make .BAT files
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i'm already working on the kitchen lol

Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. It's nice to see members sharing AGAIN.
Once again, Thank You.

P1Tater said:
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. It's nice to see members sharing AGAIN.
Once again, Thank You.
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no problem man, hopefully I can improve it and include it in my new kitchen

mbarvian said:
no problem man, hopefully I can improve it and include it in my new kitchen
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@mbarvian, has the attached file been removed for some reason? i have been reading the kaiserkitchen thread for a while, cooked my own using the provided base roms by Alex, has always worked out fine, but now i want to start extracting and dumping roms, i have seen how you have been very helpful in your responses to us who are just learning. i was going to ask a couple of days ago how to removed the so called "bloatware" for a rom, and i see someone else asked the question and you pointed them to this thread. i would like to try you basecleaner, just cant find the attached file.
thanks again

overhaulengines said:
@mbarvian, has the attached file been removed for some reason? i have been reading the kaiserkitchen thread for a while, cooked my own using the provided base roms by Alex, has always worked out fine, but now i want to start extracting and dumping roms, i have seen how you have been very helpful in your responses to us who are just learning. i was going to ask a couple of days ago how to removed the so called "bloatware" for a rom, and i see someone else asked the question and you pointed them to this thread. i would like to try you basecleaner, just cant find the attached file.
thanks again
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wow man, what happened there?
just attached newer version, thanks for catching that

Thx for sharing!
Thanks to your list I found couple more files I omitted somehow before.
Just a note;
you have a typo in your batch file.
. del DeviceInco.htm
should read
. del DeviceInfo.htm
Also I thought German o-umlaut (as in "Zauberflöte") is substituted by "u" in ASCII, thus
. del "Die Zauberflote.wma"
should read
. del "Die Zauberflute.wma"
(but this I'm not sure, so if you copied the filenames from actual German ROM localization then the "o" is certainly correct and I'm wrong)


I can't Install themes In My Sda Tornado Something Step¡¡¡

I have a problem with my SDA TORNADO; look, buy this week and will not be hize that, but when I want to download any topic windowsmobile.com and keep in APPLICATION DATA / HOME, and then install, from the browser to complete the installation, I said to be copied or created something well, but when I want to apply this topic, the taskbar is gray, but the color has to be by example blue or green, and the same way above the bar (where the battery meter .....) and not to do, I do not know if anyone knows what happened, and if I can help solve it, and try doing a hard reset and nothing.
Please someone help me
Ahora en español:
Tengo un problema con mi SDA TORNADO; veran, lo compre esta semana y no se que hize, pero a la hora que quiero descargarme algun tema de windowsmobile.com y lo guardo en APPLICATION DATA/HOME , y luego lo instalalo, desde el explorador al terminar la instalacion, me dice que se ha copiado o creado correctamente, algo asi, pero cuando quiero aplicar este tema, la barra de tareas se pone de color gris, pero no del color que tiene que ser por ejemplo azul,y de igual manera la barra de arriba (donde esta el medidor de bateria .....) y no se que hacer, no se si alguien sepa que es lo que ocurrio, y si me pueden ayudar a resolverlo, ya intente haciendo un hard reset y nada.
si alguien me puede pasar temas y aplicaciones para este movil por fa, mandenmelas a mi correo o denme el link, ya busqe en muchos lado y no hayo nada, si tuvieran un winamp o algo interesante se los encargo...
Por favor que alguien me ayude ¡¡¡¡
gracias ¡¡
Corrections to your English. To be more entendible.
rebocato said:
I have a problem with my SDA TORNADO; you see, I bought it this week and I don't know what I did [to it], but when I want to download any theme from windowsmobile.com and store it in APPLICATION DATA / HOME, and then install, from the browser to complete the installation, it says it copied or created something well, but when I want to apply this them, the startbar is grey, but the colour has to be, by example blue or green, and the same with the top [sp icon] bar (where the battery meter .....) and it doesn't do it.
I do not know if anyone knows what happened, and if anyone can help solve it.
I've already tried a hard reset and it fixed nothing.
Please someone help me
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First, some questions:
Are you sure you're downloading themes for Smartphone or Windows Mobile Standard?
How are these files packaged when you download them?
Unless it is a an xml file with some pics, you don't have to place it in the APPLICATION DATA / HOME folder to install.
What version of Windows Mobile are you using?
Vale, a tu ultimo pedida de temas y applicaciones que no escribiste en ingles:
Exitao said:
Corrections to your English. To be more entendible.
First, some questions:
Are you sure you're downloading themes for Smartphone or Windows Mobile Standard?
How are these files packaged when you download them?
Unless it is a an xml file with some pics, you don't have to place it in the APPLICATION DATA / HOME folder to install.
What version of Windows Mobile are you using?
Vale, a tu ultimo pedida de temas y applicaciones que no escribiste en ingles:
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Hahha if you look, it is my version of windows 5 t-mobile, and when unloading items from the page of winbowsmobile.com (the same stored in the folder: Favorites, internet explorer of sda) by the way: not that version is whether or smartphone standard. Anyway annex them a video to see this problem as well and see what is happening.
************************************************** ***********************
-- And from this page as discharge:
Obvious from my cell.
Anyway if someone I can spend a backup to restore its sda tornado mine (this will be seriously addressed?) Good you are the expert help please
Note: When you download the file subject, the termination is. Tsk
Thank you and I hope I help.
hahha si mira, tengo la version de windows 5 t-mobile, y cuando descargo los temas desde la pagina de winbowsmobile.com (esta misma guardada en la carpeta: favoritos, del internet explorer del sda) por cierto: no se que version sea si la smartphone o la estandar. De todos modos les anexo un video para que vean como esta el problema y asi vean que es lo que esta pasando.
- Y desde esta pagina lo descargo:
obvio desde mi celular.
Nota: cuando descargo el archivo de tema, la terminacion es: .tsk
-Earth View.tsk
Tornado is Smartphone or WM Standard, tsk files are usually PPC files. If you search "theme" in this forum, or all smartphone forums, you will have some options for download here.
The two links I have given you are smartphone specific, so try one of those and tell us how it works.
Descargar, does mean discharge in English, except in the case of downloading.
Eres de Mexico, que no?
Exitao said:
Tornado is Smartphone or WM Standard, tsk files are usually PPC files. If you search "theme" in this forum, or all smartphone forums, you will have some options for download here.
The two links I have given you are smartphone specific, so try one of those and tell us how it works.
Descargar, does mean discharge in English, except in the case of downloading.
Eres de Mexico, que no?
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jejeje si por que????? se me noto lo mexicano ???jajaja bueno si alguien me puede ayudar agregandome al messenger por fa ayudenme. mi mail es: [email protected]
Messenger is available in this thread:
Look towards the bottom of the post in "extras"
La ultima vez que escuche "por fa" fue por una ex-novia Mexicana...
Exitao said:
Messenger is available in this thread:
Look towards the bottom of the post in "extras"
La ultima vez que escuche "por fa" fue por una ex-novia Mexicana...
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ok yo te agrego ahorita

[KITCHEN][WWE|ESN][15-Jul-09] WM6.5 Kitchen for x7510 from xTep

As far as I have almost no time to work on new ROMs updates I have decided to public my kitchen so anyone can cook his own ROM.
Instructions: This kitchen is based on Ervius Visual Kitchen. You only have to run the executable file, open a previus saved ROM, modify it adding or removing packages and then press Create. If all go ok, you can find the final ROM (.nbh ROM) on folder RELEASE_X7510.
You can download the kitchen here: http://rapidshare.com/files/256008709/x7510-Kitchen.rar
Hola XTEP no podrias poner un tutorial de como utilizar tu cocina porque abro el programa inose por donde empezar a tocar.
Siento que no puedas dedicar tiempo para esto pero tambien comprendo que hay mas cosas en la vida.
Muchisimas gracias por todo.

Convertir Samsung i8160 a i8160L para que agarre el 3G Wcdma 850/1900

Hi guys, I'm doing a rescheduling of this team, I am a user of Venezuela that and had the need to convert this to i8160 phone grandisimo i8160L Latin version to be used with the Red Movilnet and Movistar here in Venezuela , in the conversion process reempelcé EFS files accidentally / ModemFS / and CSPSAFS and I need help to see if I can get those files and post a tutorial here in HTCMania , achievements so far is that and able to exchange them i8160L without me " unknow bandbase " , which appears in error and 0 is the IMEI and SIM card recognizes me , is the only thing , but the rest is quite an achievement as normal via odin flashing I can not i8160 is protected and the mistake was on the other side and I admit my mistake was not doing the backing of the three partitions , but you help me , then I will show what is the process for backing up and send me to my email joseg.prieto @ gmail.com
Prerequisites :
being ROOT
Having some knowledge with the ADB shell or terminal
Winrar for that press
Backup Process
1. - Burn the ADB in C : \ adb
Two . - Open the command prompt ( Command Prompt ) , either the Windows Key + R - and write CMD
Three . - Type cd c: \ adb
April . - Write adb shell
May . - Write your
June . - Copy partitions is a way :
dd if = / dev/block/mmcblk0p2 of = / sdcard/mmcblk0p2.bin
dd if = / dev/block/mmcblk0p6 of = / sdcard/mmcblk0p6.bin
dd if = / dev/block/mmcblk0p7 of = / sdcard/mmcblk0p7.bin
( copy and paste uses the Windows Command Prompt )
Then guys want these three files in the phone memory and compressed with winrar or winzip and send it to email me joseg.prieto @ gmail.com . I will be very responsible and do not worry also had very good reputation with what I've done on other computers as ZTE Grand X " ROM " HTC Touch Diamond CDMA " ROM , change ESN " HTC Touch "ROM" , Samsung i5830 to i5830L conversion 3G for this team , HTC Tilt 2 " ROM " 6900 CDMA HTC " ROM , change ESN " HTC 6800 " ROM ESN change " and the great HTC 6700 " ESN change "
boys hope I can help and continue with my idea that I can do but I need help with these three partitions .
Greetings and accompany power
en Español
Hola muchachos, estoy realizando una reprogramación de este equipo, soy usuario de Venezuela que e tenido la necesidad de convertir este grandisimo telefono de i8160 a i8160L versión latina para poder utilizarlo con la Red Movilnet y Movistar aqui en Venezuela, en el proceso de conversión reempelcé sin querer los archivos EFS/ModemFS/ y CSPSAFS y necesito que me ayuden para ver si puedo conseguir esos archivos y publicar un tutorial aqui en HTCMania, lo logrado hasta ahora es que e podido hacer la conversión a i8160L sin que me "unknow bandbase", la que aparece con error y en 0 es el IMEI y no me Reconoce la tarjeta SIM, es lo unico, pero lo demas ya es un logro ya que por la vía normal de flasheo odin no se puedo el i8160 viene protegido y daba error, por otro lado y lo admito fue error mio no haber hecho el respaldo de esas tres particiones, pero se que ustedes me ayudaran, a continuación les mostrare cual es el proceso para realizar el backup y me lo envien a mi correo [email protected]
Tener algo de conocimientos con el ADB shell o terminal
Winrar para que lo compriman
Proceso de Backup
1.- Grabar el ADB en C:\adb
2.- abrir el comando del sistema (Command Prompt), bien sea la tecla Windows + R - y escribir CMD
3.- escribir cd c:\adb
4.- escribir adb shell
5.- escribir su
6.- Copiar las particiones de está manera:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 of=/sdcard/mmcblk0p2.bin
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 of=/sdcard/mmcblk0p6.bin
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 of=/sdcard/mmcblk0p7.bin
(se vale copiar y pegar en el Command Prompt de windows)
Luego muchachos buscan esos tres archivos en la memoria del telefono y los comprimen con winrar o winzip y me lo envían al correo [email protected]. seré muy responsable no se preocupen además e tenido muy buena reputación con lo que he hecho en otros equipos como ZTE Grand X "ROM", HTC Touch Diamond CDMA "ROM, Cambio ESN", HTC Touch "ROM", Samsung i5830 a i5830L conversión de 3G para este equipo, HTC Tilt 2 "ROM", HTC 6900 CDMA "ROM, Cambio ESN", HTC 6800 "ROM, Cambio ESN" y el gran HTC 6700 "cambio de ESN"
muchachos espero me puedan ayudar y seguir con mi idea que se que lo puedo hacer pero necesito que me ayuden con esas tres particiones.
Saludos y que el poder los acompañe

Tutorial on how to fix the cwm reboot loop

Si copia este tutorial mencione al creador y fuente.
Hi, I can not post an external link, so I translate with google translator from Spanish:
Hi, I leave a modified experimental version of cwm my Marcinbar published.
I realize that I am not responsible of functioning, I have done for me and I thought it appropriate to share, but I can say that I have been using it for several days, and I miss many tests without problems.
Also I have to warn you that I am not a programmer or anything, everything I miss so I searched google and I found out testing and risking my own phone, but I have not invented anything, what I miss is what I have seen in other versions of cwm that worked perfectly.
Well, I put tutorial, but I will explain step by step what I miss, because it would be long, those who understand a bit because I can easily do my cost me hehe. If ever I have time I explain to people without knowledge, but some linux should know, not much, I know nothing and through Gloogle I've been looking into what I need.
First the point, why the cwm and other versions of cwm our mobile and others do loop?
Well, it may be for several reasons, but in our case, (gt-gt-s6310 s6310n compatible) is a very simple issue, but find out after many hours of watching ... missing a configuration file.
The file is postrecoveryboot.sh and going in the sbin folder of recovery.img ramdisk.
This file've seen in the latest versions of cwm, although varies with the make and model of the terminal, I took one with an architecture similar to ours as much, and I just changed the partition line specifies your terminal to point to the partition 14, which is our terminal. I notice that if you want to try on a different terminal, you have to find out what the "PARAM" or "PARAMETER", in our case the partition 14. In the same file is explained, I have not changed.
Well that's all, for those who want to know what I miss in the attached recovery.img explain it:
1 Unpack. Who does not know how it's done google search, you can even do in windows, but I did it in linux, ubuntu, there are easy to find tutorials.
2 Change the kernel. This is optional. I changed the kernel by the most modern S6310N, bringing with worked fine, but could not mount partition "sd-ext" in case you want to format, but rather the sd partitioned, and formatted with partitioning.
3 In the ramdisk, add to the root file_contexts an empty file called. This is optional. Not useless, just not to leave the warning that the file is missing, the ideal would be to have it, but do not know where or how to generate it out, so better vacuum with another terminal.
4th Back in the ramdisk, add the file already commented postrecoveryboot.sh in sbin folder. This is very important to add, but the loops that keep us out of cwm appear.
5th Amend recovery.fstab file is in the etc folder of the ramdisk. This is also optional, in that brings functions, I added a modified, derived from the version stock-added, but is the same as bringing the cwm with an added line to mount sd-ext and we can format it without partition sd card again. This file gives a lot of play in the end I opted to leave practically already had, but can be modified to recognize both "internal" and external sd, but after several tests have ruled this release that prevents us format the sd card.
6th Repackage for our new recovery.img. Then it's a matter of flashing this recovery on your terminal, for which we can choose the option that suits us. I have used a zip that usually go well, flash the cwm recovery.img through. If you need the recovery.img stick out of the zip.
Thank you for letting me post Marcinbar a modified recovery.img yours.
Thanks to google, without the side I would ever do this.
Well, I think that I will not forget anything. Those who dare to try to be commenting to see how it goes. Greetings.
En español:
Hola, les dejo una versión experimental modificada por mi del cwm publicado por Marcinbar.
Advierto que no me hago responsable del funcionamiento del mismo, lo he hecho para mi y he creído conveniente compartirlo, pero puedo decir que llevo utilizándolo varios días, y he echo muchas pruebas sin problemas.
También tengo que advertir que no soy programador ni nada parecido, todo lo que he echo lo he buscado por google y lo he averiguado probando y arriesgando mi propio teléfono, pero no me he inventado nada, lo que he echo es lo que he visto en otras versiones de cwm que funcionaban perfectamente.
Bueno, he puesto tutorial, pero no voy a explicar paso por paso lo que he echo, porque seria largo, los que entiendan un poco pues lo podrán hacer fácilmente, a mi me ha costado jeje. Si algún día tengo tiempo lo explico para gente sin conocimientos, pero algo de linux debe de saber, no mucho, yo no se nada y a través de gloogle me he ido buscando lo que me hacia falta.
Primero al grano, ¿porqué el cwm y otras versiones de cwm de nuestro móvil y otros hacen loop?
Bueno, puede ser por varios motivos, pero en nuestro caso, (gt-s6310 gt-s6310n y compatibles) es por un tema muy sencillo, pero que averigüe después de muchas horas de observar... falta un fichero de configuración.
El fichero es postrecoveryboot.sh y va en la carpeta sbin del ramdisk del recovery.img.
Este fichero lo he visto en las ultimas versiones de cwm, y aunque varia según la marca y modelo del terminal, he cogido uno con una arquitectura lo mas parecida al nuestro, y solo he modificado la linea de la partición especifica de nuestro terminal, para que apunte a la partición 14, que es la de nuestro terminal. Advierto que si lo quieren probar en un terminal distinto, tienen que averiguar cual es la partición "PARAM" o "PARAMETER", en nuestro caso la 14. En el mismo archivo viene explicado, no lo he modificado.
Pues eso es todo, para el que quiera saber que es lo que he echo en el recovery.img que adjunto lo explico:
1º Desempaquetar. Quien no sepa como se hace buscar en google, incluso se puede hacer en windows, pero yo lo hice en linux, con ubuntu, hay tutoriales fáciles de encontrar.
2º Cambiar el kernel. Esto es opcional. Yo he cambiado el kernel por el mas moderno de S6310N, con el que traía funcionaba bien, pero no podia montar la particion "ext-sd" por si la quiero formatear, pero si particiona bien la sd, y la formatea con el particionado.
3º En el ramdisk, añadir a la raiz un fichero vacío que se llame file_contexts. Esto es opcional. No sirve para nada, solo para que no salga la advertencia de que falta el fichero, lo ideal seria tenerlo, pero no se de donde sacarlo o como generarlo, así que mejor vacío que con el de otro terminal.
4º De nuevo en el ramdisk, añadir el fichero ya comentado postrecoveryboot.sh en la carpeta sbin. Esto es muy importante de añadirlo, sino aparecerán los bucles que no nos dejan salir de cwm.
5º Modificar el fichero recovery.fstab que está en la carpeta etc del ramdisk. Esto también es opcional, con el que trae funciona, yo he añadido uno modificado, sacado de la versión stock con añadido, pero es igual que el que trae el cwm con una linea añadida para montar sd-ext y que podamos formatearla sin tener que particionar de nuevo la tarjeta sd. Este fichero da mucho juego, al final he optado por dejar prácticamente el que ya traía, pero se puede modificar para que reconozca tanto la sd "interna" como la externa, pero después de muchas pruebas he descartado publicar esta versión porque nos impide formatear la tarjeta sd.
6º Volver a empaquetar para obtener nuestro nuevo recovery.img. Luego ya es cuestión de flashear este recovery en nuestro terminal, para lo que podemos elegir la opción que más nos convenga. Yo he aprovechado un zip que me suele ir bien, flashea el recovery.img a traves de cwm. Si necesitáis el recovery.img lo sacáis del zip.
Gracias a Marcinbar por dejarme publicar un recovery.img modificado del suyo.
Gracias a google, sin el me hubiera costado siglos hacer esto.
Bueno, creo que no se me olvida nada. Los que se atrevan a probarlo que vayan comentando a ver como les va. Saludos.
published in htcmania.com
How do I install this into the phone? Can I use Odin?
razvangrig said:
How do I install this into the phone? Can I use Odin?
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No. It's a zip to install from cwm. To install from odin you must extract recovery.img from the zip format and compress it to odin.
hi when i got the cwm reboot loop i found very simple solution by my self all i had to do is to install cwm img "recovery.tar.md5" with odin and it worked
stifbaker7 said:
hi when i got the cwm reboot loop i found very simple solution by my self all i had to do is to install cwm img "recovery.tar.md5" with odin and it worked
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English language generated by google translator:
Well you've been very lucky. It's like you buy a lottery ticket for the first time and touch him. Not to say that if you buy one ticket you play again.
If you go into a loop with this cwm is a very small chance that is fixed by simply flashing odin recovery.tar.md5, for one simple reason, the problem is not in the recovery partition.
Do not talk the talk, I tried that method you mention, not served me. And when I made the modification I post I tried several ways to exit the loop.
Sign loop is very easy, just make a recovery from cwm reboot when entering advanced startup and make a power off, and see how you are no longer able to start the terminal, take you time and again to cwm.
The unique methods that worked for me before making this modification was to install the original recovery by odin and then reinstall cwm, with all the waste of time that entails, or another method much easier, use a temporary cwm from another terminal published by ocoot, which is very comfortable, you take on the phone and if you get this temporary loop install cwm, reboot and go.
Even so, the method to flash by odin has the disadvantage that if you enter the loop away from a PC with odin you have to wait to use your phone.
All this is fine, but what I propose is to forget the loops. Just a little cwm person using it may not want to risk, but for the sufferer often loops certainly prefer to forget it.
Having said all this, I'll upload the flashable by odin version is the same zip, but ready for odin.
a47cc51b2b7fed7d137b01e52c908b94 recovery.tar.md5
here you can not upload a file with the extension .md5, so I upload a zip called decompress.zip, obviously unzip. Decompress.zip not install, unzip for recovery.tar.md5
versión original en español:
Pues has tenido mucha suerte. Es como quien compra un boleto de loteria por primera vez y le toca. No quiere decir que si compras otro boleto te vuelva a tocar.
Si entras en un bucle con este cwm hay una posibilidad muy pequeña de que se arregle simplemente flasheando por odin recovery.tar.md5, por una simple razón, el problema no está en la particion de recovery.
No hablo por hablar, yo probé ese metodo que comentas, y no me sirvio. Y cuando hice la modificacion que publico probé varias formas de salir del bucle.
Entrar en bucle es muy facil, simplemente desde cwm haz un reboot recovery, cuando arranque entra en avanzado y haz un power off, y veras como ya no eres capaz de iniciar el terminal, te lleva una y otra vez a cwm.
Los unicos metodos que me funcionaron antes de hacer esta modificacion fue instalar por odin el recovery original, para luego volver a instalar cwm, con toda la perdida de tiempo que eso conlleva, u otro metodo mucho mas facil, utilizar un cwm temporal de otro terminal, publicado por ocoot, que es muy comodo, lo llevas en el movil y si te entra en bucle instalas este cwm temporal, reinicias y listo.
Aun así, el metodo de flasear por odin tiene el inconveniente de que si entras en bucle fuera del alcance de un PC con odin, tienes que esperar para poder utilizar tu telefono.
Todo esto está muy bien, pero lo que yo propongo es olvidarse de los bucles. Igual a una persona que utilice poco cwm puede que no quiera arriesgar, pero para el que sufre bucles muy a menudo seguro que prefiere olvidarse del tema.
Y dicho todo esto, voy a subir la version flasheable por odin, es la misma del zip, pero lista para odin.
suma md5:
a47cc51b2b7fed7d137b01e52c908b94 recovery.tar.md5
aqui no se puede subir un archivo con extensión .md5, asi que subo un zip que se llama decompress.zip, que evidentemente hay que descomprimir. No instalar decompress.zip, descomprimir para obtener recovery.tar.md5
Did anyone says?
I guess those who have downloaded without errors.
It is easier to complain than to comment
¿Will be interested to read also the internal memory?
tested on xxana1, its working.... Thanks bro....
odin flash-able
if you need this cwm file install with odin,go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2281287
or download http://d-h.st/xsac , flash odin,put to PDA
Generated by translator bing English
Comment if they detect any failure.
I have detected a slight error formatting second partition of the sd.
Partition the SD card work properly, creates the first partition "fat", and the second can choose "ext3" or "ext4" and if we want another 3rd "swap".
The error occurs if you have partitions and want to format only the 2nd partition. With "ext4" format, there is no error, but if you have "ext3" formatting is transformed into "ext4" format.
To correct the error, change recovery.fstab. The entry "sd-ext" change "ext4" by "auto". Now the format is according to the type of partition.
Best regards.
En español:
Comenten si detectan algun fallo.
He detectado un pequeño error al formatear la 2º particion de la sd.
Particionar la sd funciona correctamente, crea la 1ª particion "fat", y la 2ª podemos elegir "ext3" o "ext4" y si queremos otra 3ª "swap".
El error ocurre si ya tenemos las particiones y queremos formatear solo la 2ª particion. Con el formato "ext4" no hay error, pero si tenemos "ext3" al formatear se transforma en formato "ext4".
Para corregir el error, modificar recovery.fstab. En la entrada "sd-ext" cambiar "ext4" por "auto". Ahora el formato será según el tipo de partición.
Si copian y publican el tutorial mencionen al creador y la fuente
If they copy and publish the tutorial mention to the creator and the source
Today many downloads and no comments
cwm working well?
do you find them well the tutorial?
Best regards
Im confused what does it actually do.
Does it get you out of CWM boot or it fix the problem that causes CWM boot loop
Waiting for replay
Sent from my GT-S6312
Fix problem
F.J.V said:
Fix problem
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[emoji1] wow man i tried it yesterday working perfectly thankyou you are awesome
Sent from my GT-S6312
Thanks alot...you saved me from reflashing stock rom again..
[Help][Galaxy S6312]
Can you tell me from where did you get this file ?
Is it 100% working ?
I am also in the same problem.
amitkumar005 said:
Can you tell me from where did you get this file ?
Is it 100% working ?
I am also in the same problem.
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Click to collapse
Thanks, it works
amitkumar005 said:
Can you tell me from where did you get this file ?
Is it 100% working ?
I am also in the same problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In google translator from Spanish.
Hello amitkumar005 what I did was unpack several CWM version of it but other terminals and working without error. Checking these in 6310, I had the problem of loop, I realized postrecoveryboot.sh missing.
All postrecoveryboot.sh do basically the same thing, calling a particular partition and passes parameters. The only differences between the various I saw was the way to get to the partition, depending on the type of terminal, and that the partition is specific to each terminal.
What I did was take a postrecoveryboot.sh not remember which specific terminal was, but it was a version and made sure that the call to the correct partition was for 6310, which is the same as 6312. I could choose from several ways to call the partition, and between putting the same name or number, as proved in several different ways and all worked, but as I had to publish a then chose to publish in its day. With version spent exactly the same, so the solution is the same.
I published the files are the original version of CWM with postrecoveryboot.sh modified by me.
The postrecoveryboot.sh file is not my invention nor is any patch or anything, just missing and I added and adapted to the parameters of our terminal.

[Q] IMEI OK, but NV Missing

Hello, this is my first post in the forum !
I dont know whats happening, my IMEI its okei (its not generic, is 358922...... etc)
But when i go to efs folder there are none of these files
.nv_data.bak : El más importante contiene información de IMEI, PRODUCTCODE,SIM UNLOCK.
.nv_data.bak.md5 : Checksum del anterior Muy importante.
nv_data.bin : Copia funcional de él .nv.data.bak debería ser igual al .bak en tamaño.
nv_data.bin.md5 : Checksum del fichero anterior, si lo borras, al arrancar de Nuevo te lo crea.
How is this possible?
Images attached, pd: sorry for my bad english

