REMOVED - Android Apps and Games

MOD EDIT: REMOVED This is considered warez! Please read forum rules before posting!

el link para la descarga en donde?


otro launcher

hola, quisiera saber si hay posibilidad de tener el launcher del netxgen en otro rom como cianogenmod sin tener que descargarlo del play store, vamo que se instale con la rom
MOD EDIT: Translated and moved to Q&A:
MOD EDIT: Traducido al Inglés y se trasladó a las preguntas y respuestas:
hello, I wonder if there is a possibility of having the launcher from another rom netxgen as cianogenmod without having to download the play store, vamo to be installed with the rom
Please be sure to use the ENGLISH language while posting here on XDA. Also, questions always go in the Questions and Answers subforum.

Celtics heroes review y descarga "el poder del androide verde"

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¡Hola, [email protected]! Threads need to be in English because English is the common language of the internet and XDA doesn't like threads in other languages. Consequently it is against forum rules. Another thing, this sub forum is NOT for self promotion.
Los threades necesitan ser en inglés porque ingles es la lengua común del internet y XDA no le gusta threades en otras lenguas. Además, les contra a las reglas del forum. Tambien, este sub foro NO ES PARA promocionarse
Thread closed for reasons in post above. ^
Forum Moderator

[Completed] SuperSU actualización de binarios

Le doy a actualizar binarios pero siempre resulta fallido
Please re-post your question in English so you can receive the guidance you are searching for.
Thread closed.

Grupo telegram! Mi MIX 3 Latinoamericano

Con permiso de los Admin.
Les comento que cree un canal para el MI MIX 3 ya que el que esta no contestan y no ayudan mucho!
Siempre he estado en canales de todos los celus que tube asique vamos a crear un lindo canal de apoyo para este celu para la gente que somos de Latinoamerica o cualquiera que quiera unirse!
Link para telegram: MOD EDIT: LINK REMOVED
Los esperamos Muchas Gracias
I tought there was a rule in XDA where English is the only language allowed
1: Per the forum rules, using XDA to promote social media is not allowed:
Self-promotion is forbidden, this includes blogs, social media and video channels etc. Random links will be removed.
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Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
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2: Also per the forum rules, all posts must be made in the English language:
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature). You could try :- or or use one of your choice.
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kakaroto32135 said:
Con permiso de los Admin.
Les comento que cree un canal para el MI MIX 3 ya que el que esta no contestan y no ayudan mucho!
Siempre he estado en canales de todos los celus que tube asique vamos a crear un lindo canal de apoyo para este celu para la gente que somos de Latinoamerica o cualquiera que quiera unirse!
Link para telegram: MOD EDIT: LINK REMOVED
Los esperamos Muchas Gracias
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Question [CLOSED] Gcam support (camera2api) on Oxigen OS lastest update

I have doubts about the new oxygen OS update on the Oneplus 9 (not pro)...
Does this update restore access to the GCam auxiliary camera on this model? I understand that in the Pro model it does, but I would like to know if in the normal model it's available with the latest update.
anyone can confirm this? please
@joi.est Welcome to XDA. I hope you'll always get the support you require.
However, thread closed as duplicate of
Camera2 api support
tengo duda sobre la nueva actulización de oxigen OS en el Oneplus 9 (no pro)... ¿esta actualización también restaura el acceso a la cámara auxiliar GCam en este modelo? tengo entendido que en el modelo Pro si lo hace, pero quisiera saber si en...
Please review the XDA Forum Rules with special emphasis on rule no. 5 and post only ONCE. Other duplicate posts by you got deleted.
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator

