Whenever I want to add text to my snapchat pictures the SwiftKey keyboard covers the text input field. I am on an old version of snapchat (10.22) and this problem only happens on snapchat.
Anyone have any idea how I can fix this without having to update the app?
I only lookup contacts by using the keyboard in the Contacts application, and I really miss the way the Treo let me search contacts from the Today screen by using its full keyboard. I would like an application that gives me a keyboard with a lookup bar right in the Today screen, but since that's not available, can I at least get the keyboard to pop-up automatically without me having to open it up every time I open the Contacts application?
One way I see this feature implemented is by using MortScripts. Does anyone know of another/better way?
Thanks a lot,
Hi there,
Thanks as always to all of the developers and pros for indulging my questions.
This post is in 2 parts.
First, has anyone else noticed the different ways that android presents auto completion? For example, with the ION keyboard, when using the mms app, the contact prefill comes in a vertical scrolling menu that has the persons name and part of the phone number. Like so, "John Smith <212-55". This font is medium size and at least gives you part of the persons phone # although it does not give you the number type i.e. mobile.
Sometimes the mms app will display the contacts in the horizontal scroll similar to the spelling auto correction. This is far more convenient in my mind as it alloes me to see all of the phone #.
At the same time, the gmail/mail apps display the contacts in a vertical menu but in a much larger font. So I end up with "John Smi" and no idea which email address. I essentially have to figure out which email address it is by selecting them one by onr until I get the one I want.
Similar issues arise with the HTC/haykuro keyboard except that sometines it's the vertical menu and other times it the floaty horizontal/expandable menu. This particular menu is really annoying in that it will cover half of the screen if there are many contacts that it prefills.
Is there a setting or preference file that can be edited so that the auto corrections/prefills appear the same way?
The second part is to get your opinion in the best keyboard. I understand that there arw three distinct keyboards. The ION keyboard. The HTC keyboard. And haykuro's keyboard.
It appears to me that the ION keyboard is the least liked of the three. I actually prefer the look of it and ot feels to be the fastest, however the spelling correction and predictive text on it is retarded.
HTC's keyboard I find is good for spelling correction and learning user words, but I find that it gets quite slow. Also, I find the keys are harder to hit as they seems smaller but that just might be in my mind.
Haykuro's keyboard doesn't really have anything wrong with it but I just don't like the fact that it doesn't have a uniform look from the alphabet pad with the long press keys to the number pad that just has the single character on each "button".
Anyone want to add their thoughts on their keyboards? Ultimately I'm looking for a fast and smooth typing experience.
Thanks for your time!
Does anyone know how to make trace work? I have clicked the option 'trace' in the keyboard settings, but I am still unable to swype a word on the htc keyboard... Did I miss a step somewhere? Thanks for your help.
It only works in areas that predictive text works. Usually text areas. Try writing a text, as it doesn't work for things like urls in the browser.
Hej guys
Hope you guys can help me with this.
New to cm7 and the sms compose field seems so small when typing a message.
I mean on sense there is the possibility to view most of the text when writing but not with the included sms Or keyboard of cm7.
Tried sms pro and its the same.
Does the above make sence?
Try Handcent SMS.
I noticed the same thing. I'm pretty sure it's just the size of the font. I'm sure there will be a fix. I'm sure you have heard it already but it's only the Appha build.
Just noticed it's not possible to see what you're writing in landscape mode. But I don't remember if it was visible on Sense.
apex84 said:
Just noticed it's not possible to see what you're writing in landscape mode. But I don't remember if it was visible on Sense.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
About 2 lines of text are viewable on sense stock in landscape mode.
It's a bug... try an aftermarket keyboard (Swype is what I am currently using, no issues).
Installed smart keyboard pro and all is good now. Tried several other keyboards other than stock keyboard and all fixed the small compose field issue.
Just in case it annoys someone else like it did me.
I use the HTC keyboard and when writing an SMS, unknown words are underlined and I can add them to the dictionary by clicking on these words and selecting "add to dictionary" in the popup menu.
Is there some modification to get this feature in all input fields? Or is this a special feature of the SMS App and does not have to do anything with the keyboard?
there is an xposed module i think should help you out..http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/app-correct-t2745579 dunno how effective it is though as i haven't tried it
actually, I knew this module already and tried it because I was hoping it offers the function I'm looking for... But it ONLY enables auto correction not the ability to add new words to the dictionary directly from every edit text...