Blank screen - Samsung Gear Sport

Anyone experienced blank screen on the gear sport?
My wife's gear sport got blank screen today. Checked on the phone and it was still connected. Just could not wake up the screen.
However, after watching a 2 hours movie, it resumed normal.
Any idea?


[Q] Samsung Galaxy s Plus, screen got blank after drop

Last week my Samsung Galaxy S Plus fell on the ground from about 1,5 m and the result was that on the screen some cracks appeared, and it didn't work. When I tried to switch the phone on I could hear the welcome ringtone, the sensor buttons worked, and even the shortcut for screenshot (home key + back sensor button) also worked, but the screen was blank.
So I bought a brand new screen and replaced the broken one, but the result was the same - the phone switches on, but the screen is blank.
Do you have any ideas where the problem could be?

[Q] Nexus 5 display corrupts after boot

My Nexus has a display problem and i'm trying to troubleshoot what the issue is and I'm wondering if anyone could help as it's not obvious where the issue lies.
What happened is I was using it as normal this morning and then the screen started flickering to different sizes/colours until it finally just went off. It was almost like it is trying to find the correct refresh rate and the colours appeared polarised at one point. After holding power down to reset it, the google logo appeared and then the spinning dots. Once the boot was complete the android logo appeared and then as soon as the main screen was displayed the display cuts off with a white pixelated mist and shuts off. The phone is still running as if I connect via HDMI I can see everything as normal however the phone responds extremely slowly. I can get into recovery however the screen quickly does some strange things, it flips like a mirror and cuts 1/3 of the screen off.
I'm not sure if this is a LCD problem as its a replacement from ebay that I've been using for a few weeks now. I would suspect that before anything else however it's odd the pre boot logos display fine. I've checked and cleaned all connections however it's still doing it. I'm running stock 5.1.1 rooted.

Screen goes partly black

Hi all, I've got a weird problem. The last 3 days my screen has been acting strange. Phone is working without problems when suddenly the hardware buttons won't respond any more. After a few seconds the screen goes black and stays black. Buttons are still lit, but don't respond. But the strangest part is that the drawer stays visible and can also be used normally. I mean, I can draw the notification area down and let it fill the complete screen. So the screen itself doesn't appear to be broken.
Also, when putting the phone to sleep and awaking it again, I can see the normal screen a brief moment, maybe half a second before it goes black again. Restarting the phone is the only thing that will help...
I've cleared Dalvik/cache hoping it would make a difference, but it did not. Hope someone has got a clue?
I've uploaded 2 screen shots to show what I mean.
I'm rooted on OxygenOs 1.0.3/Android 5.0.2.

Weird Korean writing on screen

Sitting in a theater, trying to keep the screen from coming on, when suddenly I got 2 lines of Koren on the screen and a button on the bottom in blue labeled OK. Took the place of my watch face. Had to turn it off and on to get rid of it. Did NOT hit OK. Anyone seen that before?
It is used by MRTIMEMAKER appwhich has a non-loclized part in it.
It just states to accept the recently chosen watchface. Pressing OK just loads it to the screen

Help with overlay issue Gear S3

Long story short I had my nephew playing with my gear s3 while sitting in my lap. He pressed few things rotated the bezel and since then I have this overlay of steps count. This appears on watch face and all menus. How do I disable it? Can't seem to find anything in settings. Suggestions?
Turn off and on again

