Transfer Outlook email including disconnected accounts - General Questions and Answers

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this...
I have a Galaxy S7 and I wanted to maybe look at getting a newer device.
I want to transfer all my data including SMS, apps, email etc... to the new device. Importantly I want to transfer my Outlook app with emails to the new device.
I have a couple of important email accounts that have emails which I need however I no longer have access to the email accounts, but have the emails on the device.
How can I transfer those emails to the new device without having to reconnect to the email server to download them? (Since I don't have access to the email server anymore)
Thank you


Email - How to dont delete emails (keep them in server)

Hi guys
Well, i searched many times, in google, and here about this, but nowhere i found a resonsable solution for this, that is not exactly a problem.
I have an HOTMAIL account, and a PT-EU rom (official) (abit old) and i have the live mail ( i believe that already came with ) and i receive emails normally.
SO where is the problem?
The problem is: I do not want to delete emails form the server. Just copy to my cellphone, then if i delete from it, the email keeps in the server.[/SIZE]
Everytime i sync with wifi, all deleted emails from my TOUCH PRO (T7272) are also deleted from the server (hotmail).
I have an outlook in my job that does that (in my house, i lost many days trying to configure... and still doing the same thing as my phone, deleting the messages from the server, even worse, couse delete after transfer to the computer...)
I know for [email protected] there is @ setting to [email protected] PPop or something [email protected] keeps your [email protected] in the server when you delete it from cell. Sorry I'm no help
i use gmail and it just labels my e-mail as "deleted item" and then removes it from my inbox. but its still in there. check if its in another folder in hotmail.
How have you got your Hotmail account configured, I use my live (hotmail) email address on my phone, configured to get my emails using POP3, with the "Keep messages on the Server" box checked, knowing how you've got your phone configured would be helpful.
my configuration isnt by that type, and well, i think you just told me the sollution.
The way the thing is, is that i have program from microsoft, "live mail" that comes with messenger and some other things. I just needed to login into messenger to it configures my email to receive messages.
I will try to delete it, and try to configure by pop3
Thank you.

Mail synchronisation POP3/IMAP <=> Outlook on PC

Hi everybody,
I've god a dumb question:
Each time when I receive a mail via my mobile phone (HTC Touch pro) it's getting deleted on my mobile phone when I send/receive my mails via Outlook on my PC.
Is there any hint how I can prevent the messages getting deleted?
I alredy tried google etc. and I couldn't find any solution on this.
Thank you very much for your answers.
Best regards
This is to stop your webmail server getting full.
Your Outlook client is the 'master'; when it polls your webmail account it removes the copies from the server. You phone just makes a local copy, and leaves the original on the server for your Outlook to download and keep later.
You will find a checkbox in Outlook so that it will leave the copies on the web-server, but you need to be very disciplined to keep it empty by regular clear-outs, otherwise it will fill up and you will find messages getting bounced.
thank you for your reply. Sorry for my delay. I'm in a hospital at the moment.
I know that my Outlook is the master
But how can I say my telephone that deleted messages on the server shall not be deleted on my mobile phone?
When my phone synchronizes first, all messages are kept on the server and a copy is stored locally on my phone. Now, when Outlook synchronizes, the message on the server will be deleted. When there is another synchronization by my phone, it discovers that locally stored copies are not available on the server anymore and deletes the local copies.
But I want my phone to keep the locally stored messages!!! There can't be the problem that the server of the mail provider overcrouds as messages are deleted everytime outlook synchronizes.
So, is there any way to tell my phone that locally stored copies shall NOT be deleted when the message on the server isn't more available?
Thank you very much in advance for your answers.
Greetings from England!
Ahh, now I understand.
I can see why that would be useful. Not sure, I'll have a poke about but hopefully someone else will have the answer at their fingertips.
Gute Besserung.
thank you very much for "gute Besserung" (bless you).
I feel quite good again and I hope to find a solution soon as it is quite frustrating, always to install all the different mail accounts...
My German is only as good as that I learned at school and have since forgotten much of it!
This might help:
In Outlook you need to adjust the account settings (I use Thunderbird for web-mail so I can't be specific), but there is a setting that defaults to 'on' which is 'delete messages from server when downloaded'.
It's buried in Tools Accounts somewhere from memory, it will allow Outlook to download the messages but not clear the Inbox on the server so that when your PDA polls the account they are still there.
Beware, it will fill up quickly!

[Q] How to sync emails from PC with Android phone (Galaxy S)?

Hey folks,
I'm sorry this is probably a n00b question but I would like to sync my emails from my PC with my phone.
On the PC I use thunderbird to download all emails (got like 6 email accounts) to the pc and delete them from the server immidiately. (I've had accounts beeing hacked in the past because I left password emails etc in my inbox, so I started to delete them from server instead of leaving them on for more security - so I can't just "download them again" from the phone - I will need to sync the phone with the data from the PC. I could switch my email client program off course if thats needed, but I rather not let the messages lay somewhere online.
Can someone maybe explain to me how that would work or give me a link or smth?
It would be perfect if it would work both sides: Either I sync the phone with the PC or the PC with the phone, or a real sync where just the new emails get exchanged. (On the same time I'd also get this to work for my laptop but phone more important now since i got it heh)
I hope someone can help me.
you can't sync with EVERY email client..
it does sync with outlook/OE... I don't know about thunderbird tho. What you CAN try to do is change the settings to never delete emails from your server when downloaded to your computer and then sync so that when you delete them from your phone they'd be deleted from the server.
get my drift?
hmm well im used to thunderbird, but i dont have to keep using it necessarily. I'd change if it makes this whole syncing easier. Its been bugging me for a while that I didnt have my emails on my laptop but now i also need em on the phone.. so I wanna finally get this to work.
The method you described wouldnt work if I somehow download the emails to the phone first instead of the pc, it would work like u described, but if I'd rather work it in both ways, a real "sync".
With outlook you could do this yea?
Try using Gmail or Windows Live mail, its more compatabile with most wireless. Goto or Gmail
well, if you use gmail you can easily keep it on both your computer and your phone and it would sync both ways.
Get a gmail account. Then forward all your email accounts to the gmail account. You can also set the gmail account to send out as one of the other accounts.
Setup the gmail account as an imap client in thunderbird or outlook. Create a folder under the inappropriate account named old emails or whatever. Move the emails stored in your local folders to the folder setup under the imap account (you can do it directly to the inbox if you prefer).
Setup gmail on your mobile device.
Say thanks.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Cleaner Explanation.
1) Create a Gmail account at (or skip this step if you already have one).
2) Log into the web versions of each of your email accounts. Set the account to forward all emails to the new gmail account address (typically these settings are found under the settings or Options menu somewhere on the page). If you would like to continue to use these accounts you can either:
a) Give Gmail permission to send emails as all the accounts or one in particular. (Note once in the mobile apps, you cannot choose different sender addresses, only the default one. You can however change from each address on the web interface).​ b) Set a forwarder and then specify to leave a message on the server.​
3) Setup the gmail account you created as an IMAP account (use IMAP not SMTP) in thunderbird or Outlook.
a) You can find the Imap settings for desktop clients here.​
4) Once the initial sync is complete, simply drag and drop the emails from the old inbox to the Gmail account's inbox (listed in a tree menu under the IMAP.Gmail.Com listing.
5) You can now set up this email address as a SMTP or IMAP (IMAP keeps the emails on the server. This is a better idea in some cases as you have exact copies of emails on all devices you set them up as.
6) Say thanks
You can also manually do this for each email account you have, but that would take much longer and some companies do not allow or simply haven't moved to using IMAP yet (freaky right?).
Using the gmail way, you have all your emails from all your accounts plus the wonders of google. This is the easiest way to do it I can think of.
I hope my explanation is clean and clear.
thanks for the detailed explanation I guess I'll do it that way.
But the downside that you have to keep the mails on the server still stays this way. I'd really love the option to do a real sync how you expect a sync to be but I guess thats complicated or doesnt work?
I mean like.. when I'm at home .. I download the mails from my desktop pc over usb or wlan. Then I download new emails while I'm travelling or smth - and when I get back home I sync my desktop with the phone emails.
This must work somehow? I'd really hate to have to leave my emails on the server since I got bad experience with this.
I guess I'm just beeing paranoid - but I'm also perfectionist heh, so I'd love to try n get it going "the perfect way" - aka a real offline sync without usage of any server storage. (unless you count my desktop as a server..)
If you setup the system to use smtp on the phone it will dowbload the email, other than that i would suggest using a very good password.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

[Q] Add folder to email

Once I have synchronized email with my desktop PC, emails will be deleted from my POP server, so also from my phone (once it is synchronised). I would like to keep some emails on my phone.
How can I add a folder to my email (POP email) in which I can store emails I want to keep?

Email removed after PC download.

Hey guys,
I'm on Windows phone temporarily while my HTC OneX is being fixed.
I'm having a frustrating problem with my email on a Nokia Lumia 610.
Using a POP account the windows phone downloads my emails without any problems. But, once I download the same emails on my PC, the windows Phone decides to remove(from the phone) the same emails rather than leaving copies like both Ios & Android. This is highly frustrating when forwarding Airline tickets or schedules you want to save for later reference. Today I missed a bus because of it. Thanks Microsoft
Anyone know how to fix it? The email settings seemed too dumbed down to be of any use.
First suggestion would be to use an email protocol that is merely old, instead of completely obsolete. POP3 is from the 80s, and it shows. Does your provider seriously not offer IMAP access? There are plenty of perfectly good and free emails providers which do... Some of them will even pull email from other inboxes for you.
Second suggestion, if you absolutely must use POP3, would be to make sure that both the phone and PC are configured to "Leave a copy of messages on the server" when downloading. My best guess as to what's happening is that your PC is configured to download and remove the messages from the server. Then, when your phone syncs with the server again, it sees that the messages it had previously downloaded were deleted from the server, so it deletes the local copies as well.
That's exactly what is happing. I just think its the wrong way. Even my old Nokia dumbphone from 5 years ago left copies of downloaded emails on the phone. As does the Iphone & Android.
Thanks for the help anyway. I don't think Imap is an option.
Gmail, as one example, supports IMAP (for free) and I believe it can retrieve mail from a POP3 server for you too (although I haven't tried). Alternatively, you may be able to set up your POP3 account to forward mail to a Gmail account. IMAP really is just a superior protocol.
Is there some reason you're not keeping the messages on the server after download? I guess I can see why you'd prefer that the phone not remove messages that were removed from the server, but given how little synchronization is possible in POP3 anyhow, I actually think that behavior is better than nothing (although perhaps it should be configurable and for some reason isn't).
I was able to switch to IMAP, but my WP is still deleting the mails after the PC downloads them. UGH.
If I let my PC email client leave the messages on the server, it will constantly re download them. (I think).
I'm sure this is a WP problem/oversight as multiple other devices work correctly.
If your PC email client constantly re-downloads message that it itself has chosen to leave on the server, you're using a truly outrageously bad email client! Even with POP3, it's quite possible for a client to list the messages on the server, and then only download the ones it doens't have. This is how all major email clients work (Outlook, Windows [Live] Mail, Thunderbird, Apple's Mail app, the WP7 email client, etc.) Even better, though, would be to also use IMAP on the PC client, as that way you could truly keep things in sync between the phone and the PC (for example, if you read a message on the phone, it would be makred as read on the PC when you got home, and if you send a message on the PC at home, it would be visible in the Sent Items folder on the phone too).

