Mail synchronisation POP3/IMAP <=> Outlook on PC - General Questions and Answers

Hi everybody,
I've god a dumb question:
Each time when I receive a mail via my mobile phone (HTC Touch pro) it's getting deleted on my mobile phone when I send/receive my mails via Outlook on my PC.
Is there any hint how I can prevent the messages getting deleted?
I alredy tried google etc. and I couldn't find any solution on this.
Thank you very much for your answers.
Best regards

This is to stop your webmail server getting full.
Your Outlook client is the 'master'; when it polls your webmail account it removes the copies from the server. You phone just makes a local copy, and leaves the original on the server for your Outlook to download and keep later.
You will find a checkbox in Outlook so that it will leave the copies on the web-server, but you need to be very disciplined to keep it empty by regular clear-outs, otherwise it will fill up and you will find messages getting bounced.

thank you for your reply. Sorry for my delay. I'm in a hospital at the moment.
I know that my Outlook is the master
But how can I say my telephone that deleted messages on the server shall not be deleted on my mobile phone?
When my phone synchronizes first, all messages are kept on the server and a copy is stored locally on my phone. Now, when Outlook synchronizes, the message on the server will be deleted. When there is another synchronization by my phone, it discovers that locally stored copies are not available on the server anymore and deletes the local copies.
But I want my phone to keep the locally stored messages!!! There can't be the problem that the server of the mail provider overcrouds as messages are deleted everytime outlook synchronizes.
So, is there any way to tell my phone that locally stored copies shall NOT be deleted when the message on the server isn't more available?
Thank you very much in advance for your answers.

Greetings from England!
Ahh, now I understand.
I can see why that would be useful. Not sure, I'll have a poke about but hopefully someone else will have the answer at their fingertips.
Gute Besserung.

thank you very much for "gute Besserung" (bless you).
I feel quite good again and I hope to find a solution soon as it is quite frustrating, always to install all the different mail accounts...

My German is only as good as that I learned at school and have since forgotten much of it!
This might help:
In Outlook you need to adjust the account settings (I use Thunderbird for web-mail so I can't be specific), but there is a setting that defaults to 'on' which is 'delete messages from server when downloaded'.
It's buried in Tools Accounts somewhere from memory, it will allow Outlook to download the messages but not clear the Inbox on the server so that when your PDA polls the account they are still there.
Beware, it will fill up quickly!


Stop WM5 from automatically deleting inbox emails

I know to save space, the WM5 default email client deletes locally stored emails if the emails have been deleted on the server. This property is usually configurable on ALL desktop email clients however it seems to be a locked 'feature' on WM5 which I cannot turn off!
So if you check them on a PC and have it set to remove the copy from the server, when you next send/receive on your PPC it will remove them from the device COMPLETELY.
This is really annoying as I would like to have emails I have on my pda kept indefinitely, and even after my desktop client downloads + deletes on the server. I know a 'quick' fix would be to set my desktop client to NOT delete emails on the server but I'm after a better solution, without cluttering up my remote inbox.
kunz said:
I know to save space, the WM5 default email client deletes locally stored emails if the emails have been deleted on the server. This property is usually configurable on ALL desktop email clients however it seems to be a locked 'feature' on WM5 which I cannot turn off!
So if you check them on a PC and have it set to remove the copy from the server, when you next send/receive on your PPC it will remove them from the device COMPLETELY.
This is really annoying as I would like to have emails I have on my pda kept indefinitely, and even after my desktop client downloads + deletes on the server. I know a 'quick' fix would be to set my desktop client to NOT delete emails on the server but I'm after a better solution, without cluttering up my remote inbox.
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You may also want to
1. consider switching to an alternate mailer client (FlexMail 2007, Qmail etc - see my Mailer Bible for a complete overview at )
2. when you don't need the mails on your POP3 server any more, just move it to a different folder on your PDA. This makes sure 1. they'll remain on your PDA 2. upon the next POP3 download, they'll be deleted from your mailbox
I heartily recommend all my mailing-related articles as I've discussed these questions there quite extensively
Windows Mobile OUTLOOK automatically deleting emails
I have a similar issue. My device has Windows Moblie 6.1. In Outlook on this device, OUTLOOK automatically deletes email messages that are dated...??a few days back. I have not yet found a way to change any setting to stop this. One example is, if I don't check my email for a few days, it may get deleted before I even read it.
Is there a way to make Windows Mobile OUTLOOK stop automatically deleting emails?

Send mails from "Outlook E-mail" account

Is it possible to send mails from the "Outlook E-mail" account which is synchronized with my Outlook from Windows mobile phone ? When I want to answer to a mail, it is saved in outbox and then after next sync my Outlook sends it. so i always have to use my own configured mail account there. and answering on a mail from "Outlook E-mail" is not possible...
for doing this, you need to configure your mobile device to fetch e-mail directly from your isp's mailaccount via pop3 or imap. that's something completely different from active sync.
be aware, if you configure pop3 you need to leave a copy of the mail on the mailserver for pop3 downloads messages. in that case you'll get your mails only on one device (mobile OR pc/notebook). the solution would be imap.
so you need to configure your mobile device just like your outlook account on you pc/notebook (server, username, password).
Plus, you'll need to have a look on your data transfer. if you access you mailaccount directly, the mails charge your dataplan. so take care of size limitations while configuring your mobile device (only headers prob, and limit size of attachments unless you do not want to download huge mails).
Hope this helps,
No other way?
I have my outlook account, synchronised with all mail downloaded at the office and an imap account to retrieve emails on the go. As the imap account is cleared after office download, there is no archive inside. Both accounts are linked to the same email address.
I would like to be able to work on my mails (outlook account) and then send replies thanks to the imap account.
In office 2007 there is an option to enable you to select the account to be used for repling or sending emails. No such option in WM6?
Ps. On top anyway to retrieve several emails accounts in one go?
I think you are looking to sync your company email. You will need your IT dept to set up Exchange for you to do this:
Sadly I'm not using a Microsoft Exchange Server.
Outlook is directly retrieving emails from my imap server (sync with my Kaiser). When I'm roaming, I retrieve mails on the imap server directly.
I'm not able to reply to mails previously sync (outlook account) when I'm not at the office - This is an issue as I'm consultant and I stay days without coming back to my home base.
Thanks for your help
Message up.
Sorry & Thanks
hey man i hated that too i thought that m$ didnt make this a thing you can do out the box.. just download emoze or another similar app that will push everything to your phone and from your phone to your comp.. if i were you when you do this dont have it push your contacts because when you plug in to active sync it doubles
Thanks - I will give it a try.
But it is weird it is not possible to select the account to be used when sending/replying to emails.
I tried to copy/past my answer from my outlook (sync) account to my roaming one and this is not even working.
Any other idea?
No solutions?
Maybe using another email client?
pocket outlook is gimped without exchange... also, exchange 2003 has push enabled if it's up on service pack but lacks html email and some other instant sync capabilities that 2007 has...
if i didn't setup my own server i would def say paying for hosted exchange is worth it... ive messed with all those other sync/push clones but nothing comes anywhere near to the functionality/ease-of-use of having direct sync with exchange.
I will check for an hosted exchange server.
As a temp solution I will try FlexMail 2007: It is possible to reply to sync mail with another account.
mbxl said:
Any other idea?
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Would this fix your problem? Set Outlook on your PC to "Leave a copy of messages on the server", and have your Kaiser retrieve all your messages from the IMAP server directly, whether you're in the office or not. If the Kaiser is connected via ActiveSync, it will use your PC's internet connection anyway, so no extra network charges.
That way all your emails are in one account on the Kaiser, and you could even turn off Outlook mail syncing in ActiveSync and reply directly to emails from the IMAP account on the Kaiser.
If you can't find "Leave a copy of messages on the server" in Windows Outlook, on my version (Outlook 2003) it's under Tools/Email Accounts/View or Change/Change/More Settings/Advanced (well hidden).
Can't confirm this option is there for IMAP - I use POP3 myself.
mbxl said:
I will check for an hosted exchange server.
As a temp solution I will try FlexMail 2007: It is possible to reply to sync mail with another account.
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I haven't done too much looking at exchange hosting solutions but I think $10/month is the minimum you'll find... mail2web appears to have good hosting solutions.. you can try out their free service but it requries you to use their email address unless you upgrade to the $10/month plan.
Hi I just downloaded windows live onto my verizon xv6800, but when i go into setup new email account in outlook and enter my email address and select automatically get settings, it then says found settings for, but then it just transfers me to windows live. I cannot get outlook to send and recevie messages. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreicated.

Email - How to dont delete emails (keep them in server)

Hi guys
Well, i searched many times, in google, and here about this, but nowhere i found a resonsable solution for this, that is not exactly a problem.
I have an HOTMAIL account, and a PT-EU rom (official) (abit old) and i have the live mail ( i believe that already came with ) and i receive emails normally.
SO where is the problem?
The problem is: I do not want to delete emails form the server. Just copy to my cellphone, then if i delete from it, the email keeps in the server.[/SIZE]
Everytime i sync with wifi, all deleted emails from my TOUCH PRO (T7272) are also deleted from the server (hotmail).
I have an outlook in my job that does that (in my house, i lost many days trying to configure... and still doing the same thing as my phone, deleting the messages from the server, even worse, couse delete after transfer to the computer...)
I know for [email protected] there is @ setting to [email protected] PPop or something [email protected] keeps your [email protected] in the server when you delete it from cell. Sorry I'm no help
i use gmail and it just labels my e-mail as "deleted item" and then removes it from my inbox. but its still in there. check if its in another folder in hotmail.
How have you got your Hotmail account configured, I use my live (hotmail) email address on my phone, configured to get my emails using POP3, with the "Keep messages on the Server" box checked, knowing how you've got your phone configured would be helpful.
my configuration isnt by that type, and well, i think you just told me the sollution.
The way the thing is, is that i have program from microsoft, "live mail" that comes with messenger and some other things. I just needed to login into messenger to it configures my email to receive messages.
I will try to delete it, and try to configure by pop3
Thank you.

Email Spam= What Prog to use

Hi all
I did a search but it came up with nothing which I thought was odd
What Spam programs are you guys using to controll spam on you Topaz/TD2
I dont want to waste my limited data connection on downloading Spam
Cheers porridge
good one porridge!
no probs on outlook but on TD2, it is a disaster!
what do you guys recommend?
I too would be interested in this as the delete from server function doesn't seem to work properly either like it did on my old Kaiser, deletes it first time round but on subsequent send/receive they're all retrieved again!
Hi People
Most people filter their mail for spammage within their mail hosting environment - For example, I synchronise from Googlemail (using IMAP4) and Google filter the crud for me, and from an Exchange Server, where the mail gets passed through Websense hosted email first. However you do the filtering, you need to do it either on the mailbox or before it gets to your mailbox (better). Any Spam filter on the WinMo would have to retrieve the message to rate it and either burn it or deliver it, leaving you no better off.
If you can advise on how your current email is received (from exchange/pop3/imap4 e.t.c.) and if its a personal, corporate or hosted mail service, I may be able to advise how best to approach it.
As Digital.Diablo is saying...
You should have your mails filtered before they reach your device.
I have a hotmail account and an exchange server account syncronized with my TD2, and I don't get any spam on either account.
- well, maybe one on very rare occations, but nothing to write home about.
On my hotmail account, Microsoft is doing the filtering for me and on the exhange one, some spam-filter-software installed on the server itself is doing it's job...

Email removed after PC download.

Hey guys,
I'm on Windows phone temporarily while my HTC OneX is being fixed.
I'm having a frustrating problem with my email on a Nokia Lumia 610.
Using a POP account the windows phone downloads my emails without any problems. But, once I download the same emails on my PC, the windows Phone decides to remove(from the phone) the same emails rather than leaving copies like both Ios & Android. This is highly frustrating when forwarding Airline tickets or schedules you want to save for later reference. Today I missed a bus because of it. Thanks Microsoft
Anyone know how to fix it? The email settings seemed too dumbed down to be of any use.
First suggestion would be to use an email protocol that is merely old, instead of completely obsolete. POP3 is from the 80s, and it shows. Does your provider seriously not offer IMAP access? There are plenty of perfectly good and free emails providers which do... Some of them will even pull email from other inboxes for you.
Second suggestion, if you absolutely must use POP3, would be to make sure that both the phone and PC are configured to "Leave a copy of messages on the server" when downloading. My best guess as to what's happening is that your PC is configured to download and remove the messages from the server. Then, when your phone syncs with the server again, it sees that the messages it had previously downloaded were deleted from the server, so it deletes the local copies as well.
That's exactly what is happing. I just think its the wrong way. Even my old Nokia dumbphone from 5 years ago left copies of downloaded emails on the phone. As does the Iphone & Android.
Thanks for the help anyway. I don't think Imap is an option.
Gmail, as one example, supports IMAP (for free) and I believe it can retrieve mail from a POP3 server for you too (although I haven't tried). Alternatively, you may be able to set up your POP3 account to forward mail to a Gmail account. IMAP really is just a superior protocol.
Is there some reason you're not keeping the messages on the server after download? I guess I can see why you'd prefer that the phone not remove messages that were removed from the server, but given how little synchronization is possible in POP3 anyhow, I actually think that behavior is better than nothing (although perhaps it should be configurable and for some reason isn't).
I was able to switch to IMAP, but my WP is still deleting the mails after the PC downloads them. UGH.
If I let my PC email client leave the messages on the server, it will constantly re download them. (I think).
I'm sure this is a WP problem/oversight as multiple other devices work correctly.
If your PC email client constantly re-downloads message that it itself has chosen to leave on the server, you're using a truly outrageously bad email client! Even with POP3, it's quite possible for a client to list the messages on the server, and then only download the ones it doens't have. This is how all major email clients work (Outlook, Windows [Live] Mail, Thunderbird, Apple's Mail app, the WP7 email client, etc.) Even better, though, would be to also use IMAP on the PC client, as that way you could truly keep things in sync between the phone and the PC (for example, if you read a message on the phone, it would be makred as read on the PC when you got home, and if you send a message on the PC at home, it would be visible in the Sent Items folder on the phone too).

