Double tap wake up - lag - HTC U11 Questions & Answers

Hello All.
Anybody else have the same issue like me?
I have around 4 seconds lag during wake-up phone with double-tap. But only when phone goes to sleep with camera application opened in front.
This is strange.
If camera app is opened in front and phone goes to sleep - long wake-up with double-tap.
With power button wake-up -> phone wake-up immediately.
If phone goes to sleep with any other application opened in front (home screen, any other app) -> double-tap wake up phone immediately.
I have this issue on few last nougat versions. Today I applied Oreo update and still the same issue.
In safe-mode still the same. I have opened service ticket to HTC but I would like to know if anybody else see the same issue?

I have this issue on few last nougat versions. Today I applied Oreo update and still the same issue.
In safe-mode still the same. I have opened service ticket to HTC but I would like to know if anybody else see the same issue?[/QUOTE]
Just tried mine and seems to work fine on double tap

Hello all. Sorry for long reply time. I still have this issue. Please see attached video.
see around sec. 00:22 Only DoubleTap when camera application is on top generate this issue. Other combinations wake up phone quick.

nedalnib said:
Hello all. Sorry for long reply time. I still have this issue. Please see attached video.
see around sec. 00:22 Only DoubleTap when camera application is on top generate this issue. Other combinations wake up phone quick.
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Now that I have watched the video,, mine acts the same.

That's a "normal" behavior, on android when the screen brightness needs to change this lag always appear. I develop an app to turn screen off by changing the brightness and timeout times, and happens this same lag in a various devices seems to be an android issue.
So what I did to "hde" the lag was to add a screen with some info like day, date and time.
But on your case there is no solution yet.

Strange. So, why waking up phone with fingerprint scanner or power button wakes it very quick?
Why this "issue" can be seen only when camera app is on top? [if other app is on top phone wake up every time very quick]?
This looks for me like issue in HTC software. Not "standard android behaviour"

nedalnib said:
Strange. So, why waking up phone with fingerprint scanner or power button wakes it very quick?
Why this "issue" can be seen only when camera app is on top? [if other app is on top phone wake up every time very quick]?
This looks for me like issue in HTC software. Not "standard android behaviour"
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Because camera change the screen brightness, the problem is in changing screen brightness and not the action that you are performing.

ok, this explains question 2. But what about question 1 : "why waking up phone with fingerprint scanner or power button wakes it very quick?" ???

nedalnib said:
ok, this explains question 2. But what about question 1 : "why waking up phone with fingerprint scanner or power button wakes it very quick?" ???
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That one I don't know for sure, but I think that can be due to the way the it turn the device.
Double tap is controlled by "lockscreen app/kernel", the power button and fingerprint it android native code and kernel, can be that but just htc knows!
Did you tried to ask then about that in twitter or via support emaill?

I just made additional test: manual brightness, full level. The same phone behaviour.
In my opinion this is something in kernel / wake-up procedure. I raised support ticket to HTC.

nedalnib said:
I just made additional test: manual brightness, full level. The same phone behaviour.
In my opinion this is something in kernel / wake-up procedure. I raised support ticket to HTC.
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Hum, nice ideia.
Ok, let us know what they answer


[Q] Galaxy S5 turns display on randomly

Was anyone experiencing the display randomly turning on & won't dim itself off. I am using the fingerprint lock so it stays on the screen asking for the alternate password. This happens while charging & when idle. The phone stays on until you press the power button. I am testing if is something to do with the fingerprint lock, switching to pattern lock. any ideas?
I also use fingerprint unlock and have noticed that the display will randomly turn on and ask for the alternative password. I just got the phone this past Sunday (6/8) and all I've really done to it is add the fingerprint security.
what ROM are you running?
youdoofus said:
what ROM are you running?
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Stock ROM, no changes.
I've also seen this. Usually happens to me at night for some reason. Screen turns on and when I hit the side button to turn off the screen it goes out for a few seconds then lights up again. Have to reboot to fix it.
Mine does it during the day at work quite a bit, I think it is from the home button being pushed in my pocket. It really should be associated with the light/proximity sensor as to when the button will work.
Having the same problem with both swipe and fingerprint unlock. I can understand swipe, fingerprint works better in my pocket then with my finger
Mine is constantly turning on in my pocket now. I have an otterbox commuter on it and edges are raised pretty good, doesn't seem like my leg would hit the home button but it's hard to tell
Only happens to me when connectivity state changes, or music skips for a notification
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
I am having this problem on stock unrooted ND2 as well as RDDT. I also noticed on both that I get notification sounds with NO notifications showing up. So I have my notification sound going off a few times each hour for no reason unless I leave my phone on silent.
As far as the screen coming on randomly, I found that disabling air wake has helped a little bit. Especially overnight, I leave my phone next to my pillow (yea, I am a junkie...) and the screen would turn itself on every time I rolled over, and the screen would stay on after that until I woke up and turned it off. I know it was staying on because a couple of times I reached over the phone, screen turned on and I watched it for about 5 minutes (screen time out is set to 15 seconds) and it didn't shut off.
TL;DR Turn off air wake - Need help figuring out phantom notifications (still exist after multiple factory resets and almost no apps installed)
My issue stopped once I installed a glass screen saver. Home button is now countersunk with the 0.33 mm. Cover & review.
I installed the same one, lol. It still does it, not as often though
I was using standard pattern lock screen on stock rooted and had this issue. It was the wave to wakeup feature that was causing it. I turned it off and it went away. 3 days with no waking by itself.
I've never had that turned on.
looks like you guys turn on air wake and it's working sensetively. on the contrary, mine is numb
yueyejinghun said:
looks like you guys turn on air wake and it's working sensetively. on the contrary, mine is numb
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It was numb for me too when it wasn't being awakened by ghosts. The other guy said he didn't have that feature on so not sure what the other issue(s) is/are.
GorillaPimp said:
It was numb for me too when it wasn't being awakened by ghosts. The other guy said he didn't have that feature on so not sure what the other issue(s) is/are.
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air wake is a nice feature to extend the lives of home & power button, except it always makes me look like an idiot when I am waving my palm over the phone again and again.
I tried to set the mode to unlock by fingerprint and keep air wake on for a whole day, but I didn't encounter that problem. maybe it just affects some devices, maybe it's not air wake.
Anybody found a real solution for this inconvenient?!
This only happens at Lollipop... 2 months ago I updated and because this annoying issue that was draining my battery I downgraded to Kit Kat...
Last weekend I decided to give another shot to Lollipop, but the issue remains...
I tried all settings relative to screen and lock screen and nothing worked!
andreluigo said:
Anybody found a real solution for this inconvenient?!
This only happens at Lollipop... 2 months ago I updated and because this annoying issue that was draining my battery I downgraded to Kit Kat...
Last weekend I decided to give another shot to Lollipop, but the issue remains...
I tried all settings relative to screen and lock screen and nothing worked!
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I have the same problem. My battery has been life does not even last me until the end of work. Trying a fix now that I just thought of though. This problem is incredibly frustrating at night too.
I believe its the connection optimizer. Go to Settings > More networks > Mobile networks > Connections optimizer:
Then Uncheck "Connections Optimizer"
Seems to be working so far! So hopefully this helps the rest of you!
This Fix did not work still perplexed by this problem.
After rooting and removing a lot of bloat, I got rid of it. I have no idea which app it is though. Maybe an xposed module logging screen wakes could be of assistance. But I too noticed it immediately after flashing a lollipop ROM.

Double tap to wake up problems

I've received my XZ a few days ago from Germany via
The build, after the updates, is 39.0.A.1.250.
I've a problem whit the double tap to wake up: whit this function in display settings on, when I try to wake up the screen whit my finger on the display I've to tap a lot of time and very faster to wake up the phone.
It's normal? With my old Z3C I was tapping just two times to see the display on.
Paolo, Italy.
I'm having the same issue. F8332 on .213
Same here, it works maybe 50% of the time. Sometimes have to tap faster, sometimes slower.
With my z3 and z5p, it works almost 100% of the time
here also, nordic combined .250
Hi guys. I am from Viet Nam. I bought a new XZ 2 weeks ago. I had a same problem of you. My double tap to wake is not work properly. (5/10 tap .....)
1 week ago, i go to Sony center and i made an "error report letter". Sony center accepted that this is factory's error. And luckily, i has just changed a new one...........
After changed, everythings looks good. My double tap is very well. (10/10 tap) And i dont sure it is Hardware or Software problem. In my country, many mate has the same problem too. Hope it is Software...... But Same XZ, same Software .... But some unit work good, some work fail...... (
This is my 2 videos after changed....
Same problem here.
But if I take XZ in my hand before double tap, then 100% success : it looks like a software problem, too much deep sleep, XZ is lazy !
Seriously, this should be corrected by a Sony update.
Got my new XZ today and I have the same problem. Double tap to wake takes repeated attempts before it will work. Most disappointing.
Works fine on mine, every time.
Sent from my F8331 using XDA-Developers mobile app
I've found that this problem only occurs when the screen has timed out by itself. If I press the power button to turn the screen off then the double-tap to wake feature works as intended. If the device is left alone and the screen powers off by itself then the double-tap to wake takes numerous attempts.
Similar problem
Man, very annoying, considering there's no always on feature or an alternative that permits me to read notifications without unlocking the phone.
I'm hopeful that this will be addressed in an upcoming update. Mine usually takes two to three tries of varying speeds.
Same issue
Same issue. Very annoying.
I would say mine works properly 8-9/10 times. Of the times it has failed, I have noticed it is more frequent when power saver mode is on. I have also noticed it tends to work better when I pick the phone up as opposed to when it is sitting on a flat surface.
Mee too....same here
Hershchel Clogs said:
I have also noticed it tends to work better when I pick the phone up as opposed to when it is sitting on a flat surface.
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Maybe I am not tapping it right when its flat
same here, also noticed that when I put my device on vibrate it still make sound on the first press and then goes silent.
Relax, it's software related, have some positive news for everyone, this 7.0 concept update for the z3 and z3 compact suggests that it's a software issue.
You're welcome.
Tjoohej said:
Relax, it's software related, have some positive news for everyone, this 7.0 concept update for the z3 and z3 compact suggests that it's a software issue.
You're welcome.
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It said "Now, the proximity sensor will be checked before tap to wake is enabled, which should avoid any unintentional activation. "
Somebody get 10/10, mine tested in the store today, I had to press over 3 times to make the screen turn on.

Pocket unlock

Had anyone experienced their device being unlocked while in their pocket. Mine had several times, even some quick toggles have been changed from where I had them set. Apps opened, not just opened but digging into multiple button presses. Even today mi wife says I called her twice while phone in pocket. I use fingerprint security with pin backup and somehow phone is bypassing both of theses in my pocket. I've tried numerous times to replicate out of my pocket with no avail. I'm on stock TMobile no mods or rooted.
anoymonos said:
Had anyone experienced their device being unlocked while in their pocket. Mine had several times, even some quick toggles have been changed from where I had them set. Apps opened, not just opened but digging into multiple button presses. Even today mi wife says I called her twice while phone in pocket. I use fingerprint security with pin backup and somehow phone is bypassing both of theses in my pocket. I've tried numerous times to replicate out of my pocket with no avail. I'm on stock TMobile no mods or rooted.
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It happened many times for me.. you might be having Smart Lock enabled... even then, proximity sensor on OnePlus 7 Pro isn't good.. but disabling smart Lock should fix your issue
Yeah I checked and smart Lock has always been off
I encountered the same issue today
anoymonos said:
Yeah I checked and smart Lock has always been off
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Weird. Do you have fingerprint lock enabled?
Yes I do. From what I can find on the web previous OnePlus devices had a Pocket Mode which is not present on the 7 pro. But viewing T-Mobiles website under settings list it shows it is in the utilities section under settings. But not on my phone. I even searched for it with the search option at the top of settings menu.
I've also noticed that in settings under utilities there is a section called app locker, when I click on it, it asks for pin and then just resorts back to the utilities menu giving me no option to add apps to list. It does nothing.
anoymonos said:
Yes I do. From what I can find on the web previous OnePlus devices had a Pocket Mode which is not present on the 7 pro.
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What Pocket Mode did (I had it on my 3T) was ignore screen touches, if the proximity sensor sensed an object nearby (assuming it was your pocket).
Even without Pocket Mode, a press on the screen, or movement of the gyro should only turn on the "ambient display" screen. You can't do anything from that screen except scan your fingerprint (which you confirmed you have fingerprint security enabled). So I'm puzzled how the butt dials or other things occurred in your pocket.
I suppose it's possible the power button is being accidentally pressed in your pants. Which brings up the lock screen - slightly different from the ambient display screen, as it gives access to the quick toggles, camera and voice assist. But it would seem like a strange combination of accidental power button pressing and screen touches happening in your pants, to make the things you mentioned happen. TWSS
Also the fingerprint is disabled whenever I take my phone out of pocket,It says too many attempts
Yes I also get that message
Also the fingerprint is disabled whenever I take my phone out of pocket,It says too many attempts
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Got this very message this evening along with flight mode being activated. Pocket mode badly needs to be reintroduced by OnePlus
Can anyone who has converted to international firmware confirm that pocket mode is or is not present in the settings under utilities?
anoymonos said:
I've also noticed that in settings under utilities there is a section called app locker, when I click on it, it asks for pin and then just resorts back to the utilities menu giving me no option to add apps to list. It does nothing.
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Why don't you put on your pocket with the screen facing outside?
Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk
Hank87 said:
Why don't you put on your pocket with the screen facing outside?
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Because of the job that I have. I work with heavy steel sharp and blunt edges , not willing to chance my beautiful screen
anoymonos said:
Can anyone who has converted to international firmware confirm that pocket mode is or is not present in the settings under utilities?
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Not to be found :good:
I've had the same issue, but temporarily solved or at least appears to have by turning off lift to wake
Never had lift to wake on as I assumed it would cause issues like this
Hey Guys what screen mode Do You use,I used Nature mode but it's on a warmer side & can't adjust sliders.Can I change through a custom kernel?
If you just look in the settings there is custom mode under natural that allows adjustment. Stock room stock kernel.
anoymonos said:
If you just look in the settings there is custom mode under natural that allows adjustment. Stock room stock kernel.
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In advanced there is but nothing in nature mode

ghost/phantom touch issue in 1+7pro not solved

I have reading the forum and tried contacting 1+7 also but they just say switch off nfc and so on but till today (1 month since I bought it ) I still have the problem . while making a call it goes on hold or connects another call or something or the other happens and the other person gets irritated as if I am doing on purpose. I am still unable to solve this will changing rom be the solution or can someone please help I am fed up with this instrument
My 2 cents... are you sure that it's a ghost touch issue? To me it seems more a proximity sensor trouble... it is possible that, while in call, screen doesn't go off (or wake up while you're talking) and your ear triggers commands at random.
Try to check that your screen remains black while in call, else you could try to reset sensors with one of the apps available on Play Store.
BTW: I had a similar problem one or two times, but maybe because I wasn't so near the phone while I was talking.
will try out can you advice reset sensors apps
jonsat said:
My 2 cents... are you sure that it's a ghost touch issue? To me it seems more a proximity sensor trouble... it is possible that, while in call, screen doesn't go off (or wake up while you're talking) and your ear triggers commands at random.
Try to check that your screen remains black while in call, else you could try to reset sensors with one of the apps available on Play Store.
BTW: I had a similar problem one or two times, but maybe because I wasn't so near the phone while I was talking.
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will try out can you advice reset sensors apps
Issue is back again after 9.5.9 update.
IEESH said:
will try out can you advice reset sensors apps
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Search for "Proximity sensor reset" or similar names. Usually apps like that needs root privileges, btw.
I've had problems with the screen waking up and then causing problems while in call too. This while it's still against my face. Apparently touching my face makes it go into other apps and causes problems. I've had it go into airplane mode, mute and do other weird stuff.
I've had the screen go crazy with multiple chains of taps too, especially while holding it in landscape mode.
Turning the refresh rate down to 60 Hz helped some, but the problem's still there.
I think there's something jacked in their implementation. I came from an S8 that had a curved screen and I never had the phantom tap problems I have with this thing.
Superguy said:
I've had problems with the screen waking up and then causing problems while in call too. This while it's still against my face. Apparently touching my face makes it go into other apps and causes problems. I've had it go into airplane mode, mute and do other weird stuff.
I've had the screen go crazy with multiple chains of taps too, especially while holding it in landscape mode.
Turning the refresh rate down to 60 Hz helped some, but the problem's still there.
I think there's something jacked in their implementation. I came from an S8 that had a curved screen and I never had the phantom tap problems I have with this thing.
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Disabling double tap to wake resolved my screen wakeup during calls issue...
UPG to 9.5.10 Plz - Issue has disappeared again.
ram4ufriends said:
Disabling double tap to wake resolved my screen wakeup during calls issue...
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I'll try that, but I don't think I have that enabled. I disabled NFC for the other tap issues and that helped some.
I really wish there was a screen calibration tool. Samsung curved screens have none of these issues.
Do you have a dirty screen protector?
This is a known bug with the proximity sensor, although, actually, I believe the root cause is something else.
Screen does go black, which indicates the proximity sensor is working and recognizes your face is near... But input is still allowed (meaning it does not lock it).
As a result, during a call your face/ear will press whatever is underneath and trigger random actions.
I believe (I hope?) that OnePlus is aware of this issue and they issue a fix.
I think it was briefly fixed for 9.5.9 and then reverted on 9.5.10 since it introduced other issues.
Quality control has been a bit subpar on the OnePlus 7 Pro builds when compared to my previous OnePlus phones...

Question Bug with proximity sensor

Hi guys,
It often happens to me that screens shuts off when I try to click on top tier of screen, it's really annoying especially with full screen apps.
I recently put on screen protector film but I don't know if it's due to this.
Anyone has this problem ?
Many thanks.
Are you rooted and using [MOD][Xposed+Magisk][Pre-Release] AOSP Mods - System modifications for AOSP-based Android 12+'s option to double-tap the status bar to sleep? If so, it might be related to that setting. I was trying to reproduce a different bug, playing a full-screen landscape YouTube video and I found almost every time I tried to make the status bar appear and then drag it down, I accidentally shut the screen off.
Luckily for me, I rarely try to do something like that while in a full-screen landscape app, so I'm keeping that setting on.
If you're not rooted or not using that Magisk Module, then ignore this.
I'm not.
It happens even whith WhatsApp when I select a message in a conversation and try to click on delete icon located in top screen, screen shuts off.
Where is the promixity sensor ?
Cygnust said:
I'm not.
It happens even whith WhatsApp when I select a message in a conversation and try to click on delete icon located in top screen, screen shuts off.
Where is the promixity sensor ?
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I'm not really sure. I just unlocked my P7P and ran my finger across the status bar, back and forth and I never found it. camera than last year’s Pro phone. 
Meanwhile, the cutout for the proximity sensor has been slightly tweaked again and is more to the right of the front-facing camera than last year’s Pro phone.
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I have the same problem. TMobile Visual Voicemail has its delete button just below and to the right of the front camera and the screen turns off before I can delete the playing voicemail. I have to go back to the full list of voicemails and delete from there.

