I'm iOS developer and currently learning Android.
I work for a company but they pay me just 400$ per month.
I can't move to other locations because I'm taking care of my parents.
I'm a good developer and I'm working and learning hard. But I don't know how to make some more money.
Please let me know If you know anything. If I can make about 300$ more per month, It's gone be Great for me and my family.
Thanks again.
Hi guys. My name is Joseph Truax, and I am working on an Android Exclusive Social Network.
We have a prototype, that my project manager has made for us, but, he needs money to get our working product started. $15,000 gets the app made.
I am looking for someone, or a few someone's, that would be interested in taking on this task for equity.
We have valued each 1% of equity at $11,666. For the work that you would be doing, I will offer at least 3% of the products equity, or, 1.5 million shares of stock.
I would just need you to follow the guide of our prototype. I have almost all the questions that you may have, answered.
This is a mash up that we are creating. We have consolidated some very popular websites, into a simple and easy Social Media, that replaces having to go and check 8 different sites.
We really need someone that would be interested in being part of the next huge service. What we have is really awesome, and will be around for a nice, long time.
The final thing, Facebook is where you go, to talk to the friends you have. Our network is where you go, to MEET new friends. I am pretty sure, that you will absolutely love it. Thank you guys, for your time.
Pm me
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Probable Billions. The numbers add up.
You guys, this is a 3 month project at the most. I will give you what you deserve. I don't really care about the money. I care about the change that can be made with the money. This is a big deal. Anyone in America interested? Please, for the love of god, PM me!
So some of the developers working on the rezound are phenomenal for dealing with all the drama and childish behavior and the fact that the phone was a B*%#& and a half to develop for.
I am trying to help out a developer with whatever lil i have but i dont want to insult him / her either . What do you guys recommend for min ( or even max to evenly distribute ) for a developer that you feel really helped you out ?
jmichaels1982 said:
So some of the developers working on the rezound are phenomenal for dealing with all the drama and childish behavior and the fact that the phone was a B*%#& and a half to develop for.
I am trying to help out a developer with whatever lil i have but i dont want to insult him / her either . What do you guys recommend for min ( or even max to evenly distribute ) for a developer that you feel really helped you out ?
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What an interesting thread , among those where people are just too lazy to search...
Don't worry about how much you give, no developer will feel insulted.
You won't be able to make it worthwhile for the developer, most spend countless hours on their projects and 3 digit donations would have to come in to make it worthwhile for the dev. But that doesn't matter as no one publishes his creations on xda in expectations of money.
The developer will just be happy that some users care enough about his work to even donate.
That being said, i would recommend this:
If you are looking for a minimum to give, my recommendation would be the price of a beer/energydrink/nice cup of coffee/tee .
There is no maximum , if you have the money and give the developer 1000$, i'm sure he won't mind. Maybe don't donate a million else he might abandon his work and live on an island in the pacific drinking cocktails instead of developing .
Between those, donate anything you would feel good about or are comfortable with.
i normaly donate like 5-10 dollars/eur.
how much u will donate is up to you...since its your own will how much u will give. i'd give even more if i had golds
Generally I donate about 10-20 dollars for the developer. All the money you donate goes to the person. This way I'm more apt to give a little more without the question of where my money is going.
I'd say about 5 min 20 at the top level if your poor like me
What about donations to multiple devs?
I recently made some donations to some devs who packaged one-click solutions for the Transformer Prime & Galaxy Nexus. Now, the devs did use other's work (and acknowledged it), but is it OK to just ask them to share the donation as they see fit?
I mean, when I buy software, I pay a company and they distribute the proceeds to employees in the form of wages (and to shareholders/owners) so I don't have to find each individual who contributed to the application and determine how much they deserve based on the significance of their contributions.
Not that these donations are expected to make anyone rich, but my hope would be that ALL contributors are receiving something for their work.
give what you have to give
First off, I apologize if this is being started in the wrong place..
I actually need some advice from some mods or long time members. I have an idea for an app that i've actually had in my head for a couple of years now. I know most of the details for it; how it should work, things it will need to do, and even how to market it once completed. What I don't have is sufficient enough programming knowledge or skill, in order to build it and test it.
This app has the potential to actually make, and be worth alot of money. So much so, that I'm willing to work with more than 1 developer on this, maybe a few. What I don't want, is to get burned. I don't want to give away specifics and details to just anyone, I need some type of agreement that is bonding. This app could slice into a very big market that has no competition, or anything like it anywhere for the average everyday person. It has to do with something medical, and the information that I have, I learned over several years while working for the US Airforce.
This absolutely would be a revenue sharing project. I may be able to pay for some needed things, but I'm actually in college right now, so I don't have a whole lot right now. But I am willing to spend what it will take to get this going and off the ground.
Please, I beg of you fine people... Help me.. Maybe help yourself as well.
What kind of app . U know specify there technologies and languages you want to
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Hi Guys,
Sorry of this is in the wrong section.
Just to be clear, I am a total noob with tech, hence why I paid a lot of money to build my idea into two apps.
I have just paid a company to develop a map based app for both platforms. I wont go into details as I would like to get straight to the question.
Having finished and now about to launch, the developer company wants £300 a month for support, to fix bugs and upgrade to the latest versions when needed. That's all that is included in the support agreement.
I just wanted to know if you think this is far too much to charge because I personally think its a hell of a lot. I mean it will kill the apps as I will never make that a month to cover even the costs of the support agreement. I have invested around £20k to build them and the support agreement seems extremely high.
My question is if someone knows roughly if this is a normal fee per month for this type of support?
If it isn't, do you guys have any suggestions of companies I could approach and possibly ask for quotations to look after the apps?
I am UK based.
Thanks a lot for your time
Hi chaps,
Shamless bumb.
I know someone here knows roughly if this is a correct amount for a support agreement and if you could take the time to reply, even 2 words so I get a feel someone actually read this and would like to help a nobody in the tech world it would be greatly appreciated.
Recently I decided to start online school this coming January . With my work schedule, ( 12 hour swing shifts ) it's pretty much the only way possible. I wanted to go into computer programming. It was brought to my attention recently that, that is a skill better self taught. And that there are more lucrative diplomas in college to peruse. So my question is, what are yaw opinions on what is best ? More financially promising, or get my foot in the door to self teach more to do with software. Im new to this site and am not trying to cross the boundary between what is allowed and personal gain. I've talked to alot of people I consider intelligent, and am basically seeking a last turn of advice. Feel free to p.m me and discuss anything. From internet security to software development, all the way to another door I met not have considered . Any advice is appreciated.
Whyaintyoudeadyet said:
Recently I decided to start online school this coming January . With my work schedule, ( 12 hour swing shifts ) it's pretty much the only way possible. I wanted to go into computer programming. It was brought to my attention recently that, that is a skill better self taught. And that there are more lucrative diplomas in college to peruse. So my question is, what are yaw opinions on what is best ? More financially promising, or get my foot in the door to self teach more to do with software. Im new to this site and am not trying to cross the boundary between what is allowed and personal gain. I've talked to alot of people I consider intelligent, and am basically seeking a last turn of advice. Feel free to p.m me and discuss anything. From internet security to software development, all the way to another door I met not have considered . Any advice is appreciated.
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This is a really interesting question, you're not crossing any boundaries, you've posted at the right place.
So you're considering attending college courses online, to finally get a diploma and a job if I'm correct.
To me, it is true that programming is "better" self-taught, and this is what XDA is all about. And by self taught I mean that you can browse YouTube for content creators that'll explain your very well, or much better than some ****ty school that make you pay 10 grands and don't know how to teach anything.
But if you're searching a job, you'll have a lot less chances if you self-teach, because what a company wants are guarantees: a diploma, and if you compete for the job with two other guy with degrees, you'll be in a delicate situation. So if you want a job, it would be better to attend college courses.
And for the job choice, it's up to you, what do you want to dedicate your life to? If you chose to study Computer Science, you'll make it your job. If you self teach, you'll be considered like an "amateur", and less chances to find a job. There are always more lucrative options, but you won't be happy making a job you don't like.
Hope this helped. Good luck