RT2 Emulators for 2017? - Microsoft Surface

Hey everyone! So apparently I don’t post a lot so I couldn’t post in the development section (guess they don’t like to provide help to noobs, oh well) so Im gonna ask here.
Are there ANY emulators for the Surface RT 2 running 8.1? Yes, I have the Test Mode thing installed as well as Win86Emu, however Im finding less of a use for this thing everyday. I got it for $70 bucks used and was going to use it for Photoshop and drawing, but apparently the Surface RT is the unwanted autistic offspring of the Surface family. Why didn’t I buy a new Surface? Not everyone is a millionare, and I have cancer so I can’t afford anything like over $80 bucks.
Im tired of not being able to use this how I want. Its almost 2018, why hasn’t the Surface been FULLY hacked yet? I want to be able to run apps like Photoshop, Nestopia, Mupen64, Chrome, etc. Microsoft’s a bunch of ******* for taking the emulators off of the Windows Store, too bad there’s no way to get them anymore.
Any ideas? Reallllly don’t want to let this tablet go to waste if I can find DECENT drawing/photo editing software as well as emulators that LET ME USE a controller. Thanks!

****ty I am in the same boat

https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2092348 and https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=63360780&postcount=3


Android Emulator like PlayBook

I was thinking about a Android emulator like the one in Playbook.
Anybody is working on it right now?
Something like that would take a huge amount of work and Microsoft would never allow it on the Marketplace. I can't see anyone spending that much time on something that they could never make any money off of.
flunk77 said:
Something like that would take a huge amount of work and Microsoft would never allow it on the Marketplace. I can't see anyone spending that much time on something that they could never make any money off of.
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thats greedy and the wrong attitude, sadly understandable in these times, but still ishhead talking... blinded, manipulated and on the wrong way to hell.
everybody tries to get 1 buck of a million people... yea thats a million bucks, but make 1 million people happy and have them use your software, you will earn far more by that and even far more money.
the whole internet was build to share information, not to make money.
money is just a big bonus that came with it, and it was more then anyone could expect, now everybody is blinded only hunting the money, i feel pity for ya
now thats one big example i have given you, but there is alot more dude, open-source software is usally not build to make money, they build it for the fu*k of it, the usability, if its good, you'll get money, by happy donators.
what about linux? dude do you have any idea how many people dedicate their life for it? and they did not do it for the money.
money is not a good reason to start something, actually it should be a bonus, you should get what you deserve for what you did, and you will, because these days its also very easy to make some money, even to make much...
now, android emulator
this feels like when everybody was first able to play, well it happend all the time, but lets say was able to play gamecube, but everybody was looking psx emulator, then came wii, everybody kept on searching for ps2 and xbox.
(btw dolphin emulator was not build to make money)
first rule of emulation:
1. the system you run the emulator on, should be at least 10x more powerfull then the system you try to emulate (i dont know if 10x is the right number, but its something like this, google if want to know how much it actually really is)
this alone should awnser the OP's question
but also, why even bother? (maybe because of the money?)
you can dual boot android / wp7 on hd2 (android device) if you want to.
dual booting on wp7 device will take some time (if ever)
we have a wonderfull mobile os, why bother with ****ty android apps?
once mango hits our devices we will have all the power of an iphone4 or any android device, but on a by far better build system.
maybe something which could be kind of interresting is some kinda virtualization. by having android (honeycomb) emulated on server, but beeing accessed and used on your phone... streamin solution...
You wouldn't need to do a lot of emulation as such I think. The problem would be that you'd need to build the (google) java framework on top of Windows Phone. Possible, probably, but it would take quite a lot of work I would say.

The not so hidden evil of smartphones

This is just a wee rant, but i hope it makes folk think a wee bit
Right now, regardless of your Smartphone faction allegiances, we have a number of great devices, including iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones, and even good old Windows Mobiles, All of them great in their own wee ways
But something curious is happening which may have escaped us in the never ending quest to make us upgrade or buy new devices and that’s the "App store"
Personally, i think this "App" name is kind of annoying but perhaps that’s just my age coming in to it again, it’s also beside the point. Forget the differences in names, we all know what it is and by App store I’m talking about all of them
Anyhow, these app stores have a lot to answer for, some of us spend a fortune on them, all those "cheap" programs you’ve downloaded over the past years, many of which you may have even forgot you own maybe nibbled away at your pay cheque. So what happens when one day the unthinkable happens, your fan boy world is rocked too its feet when the satanic Enemy you have despised all these years actually takes your fancy, an after a bit of thinking, sleeping with the devil for that thing doesn’t sound too bad a deal at all, after all, this device IS better, its OS is better, it suites your needs more an damn it, it just looks cool too.
But here lies your problem, you have been chained to an app store for a while now, you’ve picked up many apps an maybe even some STDs, its cost you lots of money and you can bet your life that you cant transfer your apps to this "other" OS, So you have a choice, do you stay with the older phone knowing for well that the phone of your dreams is but a stone throw away or do you say, to hell with my old apps, give it to me now!!
Of course everyone is different, but to ignore the fact that nothing lasts forever and assume that your OS will always be the best would be naive, remember, these companies all have a vested interest in keeping you with them, and getting you on the app store of THEIR choice is one very good way of doing it,
Of Course none of this is new, Windows Mobile was similar but we didnt have choice then, now we do, Hopefully it might make you think twice before shelling out for junk you don’t need, your device might be the best now, but it won’t always be.
Ummm, Here's the best part about me...
I've only bought apps when that 10 cents sale was going on, and only spent $1.80 USD.
Being cheap rules...
Is this post about switching OS's or phones? I'm confused.
True, but it dont think thats always the case, my 6 year old kid managed to blow about a tenner within only a few min, buying cheap helps but if we take google as an example, they dont sell android, they make shed loads of money on advertising and you buying stuff, its in all of their interests to keep you buying programs on their app stores, the more you buy the less likely you are to leave them
They are all EVIL i tell you
^that was a joke
lowandbehold said:
Is this post about switching OS's or phones? I'm confused.
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OSs, you wouldnt have a problem with your apps if you stayed on the same OS, at least one would hope not, point taken tho, couple of wee changes added
i have a literal butt-load of apps for my iphone i have no hope of ever being able to use again. i had my phone stolen during that dark time when the iphone was not available to buy on pay as you go (dark dark times...), and so had to switch to a different smartphone os. at the time it was a htc desire, and i just never looked back, really. partly because i look at iphones and just think "hmm... nothing much's changed. same old same old..."
in an ideal world i'd be able to run my android apps on my windows phone, and have the best of both worlds - but that isn't going to happen any time soon. the best compromise i can see is "buy for one platform, buy for all" - why should i have to re-buy my apps for a different platform? why can't i buy one and be able to download the same version available for different platforms? steam does it with some pc games - including a mac version for free with your purchase. hell, there are even ways to run one os on another kind of machine, so you're not truly "tied" into something like with phones.
/end rant
dazza9075 said:
OSs, you wouldnt have a problem with your apps if you stayed on the same OS, at least one would hope not, point taken tho, couple of wee changes added
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Haha, thanks, that was actually my original comment. Then I thought about it and reread the post and assumed you were talking about the OS and not just the phone...hence the reason for the edit!
Welcome to the wonderful world of vendor lock-in.
I still don't understand why so many of you are so desperate for these website bookmarks with GUIs aka most apps out there. Or, there are 20 task managers, they still do they SAME exact thing as the stock one; there's nothing wrong with the stock one; so, why the heck would you even want an alternate one?
What happened to the days where, if you just had mobile internet access, that in itself was an extreme convenience and everyone had the patience to access every other site via browser?
What about battery life? Do you REALLY need to have 20 email and social network apps and widgets update every 10 minutes? Not really. If its something very important, I'm sure the party who needs to reach you can text or call you.
All of that said, I personally prefer the "older" solutions to this smartphone problem such as Nokia and their Symbian os. Bare, simple, but never fails, doesn't eat battery like 5 starving children, and you don't really have to worry about keeping up with these apps or too many updates. Oh, did I mention FREE gps with FREE downloadable maps, that doesn't even require data connection to be used?
dazza9075 said:
This is just a wee rant, but i hope it makes folk think a wee bit
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Ive always been wary of this as well. Its part of the reason I get the phones I do, At least there should be enough concepts, designs and hardware variations using my O/S to keep me happy. Also even though I have many programmes now I try not to get too trigger happy in the market.
Honestly, I pirated like crazy on android, it was too easy. The upgrade to wp7 was painless.
That's why I always think twice about buying an app. So far I've spent only about $15 on android, another $15 on iOS, and $9 on webos. I have friends who have spent hundreds on iOS. It's impossible to honestly recommend anything other than the iPhone to them.
I did pirate two apps though. The MLB app which they tried to sell for $15 on top of the subscription fees. If I'm already paying them $20 a month, it's unreasonable to tack on an extra $15. The other is the logmein app which was originally $30, but they have dropped the price to free. I would have never bought either one if I had to pay full price so it's not like they lost a sale.
I have never spent a dime on an app for any platform. I used an iphone for about 2 years and switched to Android about a year ago. I honestly don't worry about it. I can find free apps that do everything I want to do. I guess that might come from the fact that i am a Linux user as well. I have been trained to find something that works.
---------- Post added at 04:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------
bleach168 said:
I did pirate two apps though. The MLB app which they tried to sell for $15 on top of the subscription fees. If I'm already paying them $20 a month, it's unreasonable to tack on an extra $15. The other is the logmein app which was originally $30, but they have dropped the price to free. I would have never bought either one if I had to pay full price so it's not like they lost a sale.
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That's the thing about pirating that I don't think content owners understand. The movie and recording industry claim multi billion dolor losses due to piracy but in reality the people that pirated it had absolutely no intention of buying it in the first place and would not have whether the pirated copy existed or not. So basically they lost no money but have that may more people talking about how good it is. To me that sounds like marketing, not piracy.
"Piracy" isn't in the topic title people...
Wiggy Fuzz said:
in an ideal world i'd be able to run my android apps on my windows phone, and have the best of both worlds - but that isn't going to happen any time soon. the best compromise i can see is "buy for one platform, buy for all" - why should i have to re-buy my apps for a different platform? why can't i buy one and be able to download the same version available for different platforms? steam does it with some pc games - including a mac version for free with your purchase. hell, there are even ways to run one os on another kind of machine, so you're not truly "tied" into something like with phones.
/end rant
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It is unfortunate, but the reality is this will never change. If you tied the big 4 together effectively their revenue would be a lot less, in the case of apple and google anyway, and to be fair, programs from one market wont work on another markets devices, there has to be some work involved todo that so who gets paid for it.
Steam isnt a good compare, as its only 1 vendor, for it to be equal to phones you would need a situation similar to steam selling a game that origin also sells, why should you buy it twice?
In an ideal world you would have a new company that acted like a app store, hosting multiple platforms, of course the big 4 wouldnt like that as it wouldnt tie you to them and they would lose revenue
as far as i can tell, unless you dont mind wasting money, the best solution is to simply not buy anything.
Skv012a said:
What happened to the days where, if you just had mobile internet access, that in itself was an extreme convenience and everyone had the patience to access every other site via browser?
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Completely agree, im not going to get in to a which OS is best debate but thats the sole reason for the OS i use, without downloading any extra it does everything i want out of the box, its a phone with extras, ie, a smartphone
LogisticsXLS said:
"Piracy" isn't in the topic title people...
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it may not be on topic but it is an intersting side effect of the problem
If we role back the clock a few years well before the smartphone era, we have Windows Mobile, i bought a lot of programs for that OS an i still love it
But when i did eventually change i didnt mind buying new programs, after all, the developers had long since stopped developing, newer versions where only available on newer OSs, if they were available at all!
But here lies one part of the problem, now your not tied to older versions of your programs if you stay on any given market, all markets have the same program all be it coded differently so can you really steal something that you have already bought, or is it more likle that you are not buy buying anything,
what exactly are you "buying" when you hit the app stores? The program? the right to "use" a program, the right to use a program on one OS?
kind of a double post
I have over $200 worth of iOS apps that I have no device for. I'm actually considering getting an iPod Touch for a PMP and because I have so many iOS Apps. I'm pretty much waiting for the iPod Touch that has the iPhone 4/4s design but that's another story.
8mileroad said:
I have over $200 worth of iOS apps that I have no device for. I'm actually considering getting an iPod Touch for a PMP and because I have so many iOS Apps. I'm pretty much waiting for the iPod Touch that has the iPhone 4/4s design but that's another story.
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81 bucks in apps on windows phone 7. It doesn't matter, the second someone releases an OS that can compare, I'll jump ship.
vdub12 said:
That's the thing about pirating that I don't think content owners understand. The movie and recording industry claim multi billion dolor losses due to piracy but in reality the people that pirated it had absolutely no intention of buying it in the first place and would not have whether the pirated copy existed or not. So basically they lost no money but have that may more people talking about how good it is. To me that sounds like marketing, not piracy.
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indeed their stuck in the past, the whole system is broken, if people were being rational, they would allow a universal app store, prices would increase and fees would be paid to the various OS makes for using their systems, the customer would end up paying a small amount more per app to fund the additional third party but everything else remains the same only you would have access to all markets that the software makers designed for
z33dev33l said:
81 bucks in apps on windows phone 7. It doesn't matter, the second someone releases an OS that can compare, I'll jump ship.
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then its nice to have disposible income but when that day comes an it might be awhile away, if youve spent a lot more i wonder if you'll think the same then, if it were me, and someone told me id have to take a £100 note out of my pocket and burn it to move devices, at the very least, id be a bit cheesed off!
dazza9075 said:
indeed their stuck in the past, the whole system is broken, if people were being rational, they would allow a universal app store, prices would increase and fees would be paid to the various OS makes for using their systems, the customer would end up paying a small amount more per app to fund the additional third party but everything else remains the same only you would have access to all markets that the software makers designed for
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Which completely eliminates brand loyalty, I hear often that people only stick to android/iOS when they try my lumia because they'd have to buy all their apps again.

[Q] Minecraft Pocket for Windows Phone?

I haven't been able to find anything on this, but are there any plans for Mojang to port Minecraft Pocket to Windows Phone? And if not, is there any way that a third party dev here on XDA could some how get it done via a Java emulator or something?
There has been some threads on the minecraft forums regarding this in the past, but never any real reply from anyone important as far as I know. Based on that, I'd say an official port of Minecraft PE for Windows Phone doesn't seem very likely in the near future.
While it's not exactly what you're looking for, and I'm sure you're already well aware of it, there's always Minecraft clones like Survivalcraft.
Yea, already aware of SurivalCraft...I was hoping with the release of the XBLA version of Minecraft we might have got a bit of news reguarding Pocket Edition. I was also hoping that Mojang would want to put out PE for Windows Phone to get rid of copycats like SurvivalCraft...
Oh well, I guess the reason I couldn't find anything on it is because there's been no news whatsoever. In fact, this post is the first thing to come up when I search "Minecraft Pocket for Windows Phone" on Google.
I too would like Mindcraft on WP7. When I get a board min at home, I tend to jump into Lava Survival a lot using WOM.... So having it on the road.

First Time Post

Hello all. First time post. Let me start off by thanking you for accepting me into this fine community.
I had to chuckle while reading some excellent posts on the good and bad points when it came to some of the performance and features of the Infinity.
The reason for the chuckle was because I had this forum opened in one tab of my browser, and Amazon opened in another. I had actually been looking over the contents on my shopping cart. In it was one(1) ASUS Infinity tablet. I placed the item there a few days ago, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to hit the "Submit Order" button. Something just didn't feel right about the purchase. The decision over which tablet to choose is becoming more and more confusing. With talk about what may or may not be available in the not too distant future re: New iPad, Windows 8, etc etc really has me hesitating at this juncture.
My two daughters each purchased the new iPad so at least I have an opportunity to get a feel of what that product has to offer. Unfortunately, detaching them from their new toy has been a struggle all its own. One of the main reasons for my looking at products other than Apple is that their products seems SO proprietary.
In any case, I think that I will keep visiting this forum for a while longer before I make a final decision as to which tablet to choose. My apologies for the long-winded post. Peter
Hi Peter,
Deciding what Tablet you want for yourself is a very personal decision. If you really don't care about the environment (iOS vs Android) and are just a casual user - I do have a recommendation. At the risk of being flamed, I would say to get an iPad.
It comes down to this: Apps make the ecosystem. While android is gaining in applications and games, and just put out a huge checklist for Tablet developers, apple has a better application and gaming experience for the average user. You are absolutely subject to the proprietary OS, but most people don't care. It's good enough.
I love android (and I suspect that many others do as well) for a few reasons. It's mine. It's fully customizable and I can but really cool community built OS's Recovieries, etc on it. I've learned a lot about how devices work and the things most people don't see. That said, I've had my share of problems too. Many users don't know enough and brick their devices trying to do something that sounds cool but they don't fully understand. If you're a casual user there is no need to get caught up in it. Apple does in fact set the standard for hardware and Android will briefly surpass it, but it's always a tight race. Also, there are a lot more accessories for the iPad then any tablet device. I also love it because I enjoy pushing the envelope and making things better. Finally I love the community around android. It's awesome that I see the same usernames popping up across our little section of XDA helping each other out, supporting each other, joking around, and disagreeing even. It's fun.
Also, for the casual user you can go to a nearby apple store and get your issues fixed if you mess something up.
The first decision you make should be an ecosystem/environmental one. Also, if you don't have itunes there is a bit of a learning curve. I don't think that Apple products have that "intuitive feel" everyone claims. Android just seems harder because there is more customization that can take place.
Before I get flamed - I'm not advocating for Apple or the iPad, but I am advocating for really thinking about what kind of device you want and what you want to get out of it before you make your decision.
Good luck and if you have you have more questions, we're happy to help!
Osteele said:
Hello all. First time post. Let me start off by thanking you for accepting me into this fine community.
I had to chuckle while reading some excellent posts on the good and bad points when it came to some of the performance and features of the Infinity.
The reason for the chuckle was because I had this forum opened in one tab of my browser, and Amazon opened in another. I had actually been looking over the contents on my shopping cart. In it was one(1) ASUS Infinity tablet. I placed the item there a few days ago, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to hit the "Submit Order" button. Something just didn't feel right about the purchase. The decision over which tablet to choose is becoming more and more confusing. With talk about what may or may not be available in the not too distant future re: New iPad, Windows 8, etc etc really has me hesitating at this juncture.
My two daughters each purchased the new iPad so at least I have an opportunity to get a feel of what that product has to offer. Unfortunately, detaching them from their new toy has been a struggle all its own. One of the main reasons for my looking at products other than Apple is that their products seems SO proprietary.
In any case, I think that I will keep visiting this forum for a while longer before I make a final decision as to which tablet to choose. My apologies for the long-winded post. Peter
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You are welcome here, whatever you decide, but if you go with another tablet or OS, please don't come and tease us about how much better/faster/cooler yours is than ours. that really gets on my nerves, lol!
But I'm sure you would never do that.
I would advocate that if you are interested in customising your tablet, the Infinity is a good one. First of all, it has a beautiful screen, will continue to receive firmware/OS updates and is finally starting to be well supported by some of the best developers in the Android ecosystem. Personally, I don't care about iOS on any level. It's far to closed a system for me, too limited. My Infinity , running CleanROM v1.3 with TWRP recovery absolutely flies. It is super fluid and very powerful. I keep it connected to its keyboard dock and I take it off the charger at 5:30 a.m. and never have to charge again though 17 hour day of almost constant use. Much of that use is internet browsing and with the CleanROM tweaks, the stock browser performs incredibly well. I also have a flawless tablet and dock. Never any problems. I also take care of it, but nothing out of the ordinary...just keep it in its case...don't drop it or spill on it.
I've been using it instead of a laptop, and it just about replaces my desktop. Browsing is actually faster on the Infinity, and watching videos is a lot nicer. I haven't used the HDMI port, so I can't comment on it, but having the micro sd, the fullsize sd and full size USB ports means I never have to worry about not having enough storage...my 750GB WD Passport works perfectly in the USB port. That's a lot of movies.
Well, I know some people are worried about unlocking and voiding their asus warranty in order to flash custom software, but I found that a 2 year square deal warranty with accidental damage coverage works better for me anyway. It cost me $99, but I found out later that with a coupon I could have saved $30. Oh well.
Anyway, good luck with your decision!
wolfman87 said:
Hi Peter,
Deciding what Tablet you want for yourself is a very personal decision. If you really don't care about the environment (iOS vs Android) and are just a casual user - I do have a recommendation. At the risk of being flamed, I would say to get an iPad.
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Thank you so much for the quick response wolfman87. I wish that I could say that you've helped me move closer my ultimate decision. But of course you are absolutely right about that decision being a very personal one.
I suppose that there are so many factors that one may have to consider. It's so bizarre because I have been in IT for quite a while now and whenever a client asks for a quote on a new piece of hardware for example, the first question that I ask is: What exactly do you plan on doing with this new piece of hardware?
A liitle bit about myself:
Spend most of my time in a Windows client / server environment. (For better or worse my clients have dictated my skill-level)
Which is probably the reason that I am always looking to learn new things. Lately that has been:
Ubuntu desktop and server.
Virtual PBX (freePBX and Asterisk and PIAF)
Video Tutorials. Everything from Linux, jQuery, ASP .NET, Visual Studio, javascript.
Some of the things that I would like for a tablet to be able to do for me:
Receive and send email. Multiple Microsoft Exchange accounts required.
Connect remotely to client machines.
Browse the internet (many sites still require Flash)
Read all of the epub and pdf material that I now have sitting on my HP laptop
Would like to use a SIP client in order to dial thru my home based PBX with a secure VPN tunnel.
I enjoy recording music on my SSL Soundscape DAW.
Things that I found interesting about the Infinity:
Connectivity eg. HDMI - External storage - Dock
So far, I do not think that the iPad can offer any of these things. Unless I am wrong of course !!!
Once again, let me apologize for this long-winded response as well.
I thank you so much for your time and input. It is greatly appreciated.
okantomi said:
You are welcome here, whatever you decide, but if you go with another tablet or OS, please don't come and tease us about how much better/faster/cooler yours is than ours. that really gets on my nerves, lol!
But I'm sure you would never do that.
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You are absolutely right okantomi, I would never come back to do such a thing. By the way, thank you for the great response. I suppose that some of the negative stuff that I read in certain sections of this forum got me a little nervous. I should know better. We don't live in a perfect world, and no ONE item is going to please everyone. This phenomema is what brings about change and improvement.
I will give it another day or two, discuss the purchase with my better half, then see what we come up with.
Have a great weekend. Peter
Here's my two cents... Above, someone mentioned apps... Basically, an iPad is just that - an interface to run apps. On the other hand, Android does so much more. Besides running apps, the OS itself is actually useful and a great productivity tool. The widgets that run on your desktop are simply awesome. Just by looking at my home screen, I can see my upcoming appointments, the time, the date, the weather, my Gmail account and my work email account (exchange). I can do all of that simply by turning the device on! When you turn on an Ipad you see icons - that's about it.
Add to that the features of the Transformer series, such as a keyboard dock with an extra battery, a trackpad, memory card readers, HDMI-out and a USB port and I think you can see just how powerful a Transformer running Android can be. I actually started out with an iPad 1 (as it was basically the first tablet available) - it was a great device - until I stumbled upon Android and the Transformer line! You really can do so much more with a Transformer than you can with an iPad. Hell - even this post - just try typing this on an iPad - it would take forever with the on-screen keyboard!
Like had already been stated - it all depends on what you want the device to do. For me, the iPad is just way too limiting. It may have more apps (for now - although that's beginning to change), but that is literally all that you can do with it - runs apps. There are no widgets. There is no way to expand upon the hardware (I.E. extra ports). It's very "basic".
Anyway, good luck deciding - I have a feeling that we'll be seeing you around these parts soon enough though!
By the way, don't let the "complainers" in this forum scare you off - it's mainly just so same few posters complaining over and over again. Or, it's folks that don't even own the TF700! It is deceiving - there are *many* happy TF700 users out there!
Sorry for the long post - it's just so easy to get long winded when you have a real keyboard to type with!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
Osteele said:
Thank you so much for the quick response wolfman87. I wish that I could say that you've helped me move closer my ultimate decision. But of course you are absolutely right about that decision being a very personal one.
I suppose that there are so many factors that one may have to consider. It's so bizarre because I have been in IT for quite a while now and whenever a client asks for a quote on a new piece of hardware for example, the first question that I ask is: What exactly do you plan on doing with this new piece of hardware?
A liitle bit about myself:
Spend most of my time in a Windows client / server environment. (For better or worse my clients have dictated my skill-level)
Which is probably the reason that I am always looking to learn new things. Lately that has been:
Ubuntu desktop and server.
Virtual PBX (freePBX and Asterisk and PIAF)
Video Tutorials. Everything from Linux, jQuery, ASP .NET, Visual Studio, javascript.
Some of the things that I would like for a tablet to be able to do for me:
Receive and send email. Multiple Microsoft Exchange accounts required.
Connect remotely to client machines.
Browse the internet (many sites still require Flash)
Read all of the epub and pdf material that I now have sitting on my HP laptop
Would like to use a SIP client in order to dial thru my home based PBX with a secure VPN tunnel.
I enjoy recording music on my SSL Soundscape DAW.
Things that I found interesting about the Infinity:
Connectivity eg. HDMI - External storage - Dock
So far, I do not think that the iPad can offer any of these things. Unless I am wrong of course !!!
Once again, let me apologize for this long-winded response as well.
I thank you so much for your time and input. It is greatly appreciated.
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This might be a jumble of thoughts - sorry in advance:
That's really good information actually. From the first post it sounded much more casual. Since the needs that you have are more technical I would lean towards the Android side of things (I think that there are more IT based applications for Android). You can definitely set up exchange accounts (not sure how many, but I know you can). You can also remote into other machines (VPN, I think RDP, etc.). Of course web browsing comes standard, even on the base model
If you are going to be doing a lot of emails the dock absolutely is worth it. for ~$100 (if you get the 201) you get basically a netbook KB and the extra battery life. I have a friend who uses a bluetooth KB for his iPad and it lasts a while itself, but doesn't increase the tablet uptime.
Also a few people are working on getting a distro of linux up on this. It's harder since the bootloader isn't the same as the older models, but I don't think that it's something you can do on the iPad.
If you aren't running any iDevices right now it makes sense to stick with Android/Windows as an ecosystem. My other advice is go to play.google.com and look around at the apps, specifically for what you want to do: (for example: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=SIP&c=apps). This will help you get a feel for what is out there and what you can do.
For hooking up to HDMI - I actually may have blown the port on mine recently - I still haven't tested it again. But I got the Square Trade warranty through amazon (2 years plus accidental damage) for about $75. They're a solid provider and while I hope I don't have to use them, they don't care if you voided your ASUS warranty with unlocking, etc.
If you you and your better half will be using the tablet, I would say to stick to the infinity since the screen is super crisp (I assume that for emails, PDF's, remote PBXing, you aren't worried too much about the resolution) and it gets bright in the outdoors (IPS+). I have an iPad 2 for work and it really is much better than even that screen. Not as good as the iPads, but the best on the market for android.
If you really don't care about the screen, there are other good models out there. The Infinity rocks in terms of horsepower and as I mentioned the screen. Those are probably the two BEST things about it. I figure (for me) it will last at least 2 maybe 3 years. (hopefully more)
Oh, as a note - try before you buy. The headset jack is a bit weird and if you do a lot of audio it takes a bit to get used to holding it closer to the top.
Oh, and no need to apologize for being long winded
To all you great folks who have taken the time to respond to my lenghty posts, my heartfelt thanks. I have to be very honest, and I hope that this doesn't come off sounding strange, I am not a huge APPS kinda guy. Maybe I am not up to speed with that whole apps thing, but I just can't see why some folks put so much emphasis on the procurement of apps. Let's face it, how many are you really going to need / use. Once you find the ones that do exactly what you need for them to do that should pretty much do it.
Well, that's just me talking of course. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the fact that most of the time I am using my machines for work and not so much for play.
Have yourselves a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Thank you
Osteele said:
I wish that I could say that you've helped me move closer my ultimate decision.
It's so bizarre because I have been in IT for quite a while now and whenever a client asks for a quote on a new piece of hardware for example, the first question that I ask is: What exactly do you plan on doing with this new piece of hardware?
Ubuntu desktop and server.
Virtual PBX (freePBX and Asterisk and PIAF)
Video Tutorials. Everything from Linux, jQuery, ASP .NET, Visual Studio, javascript.
Some of the things that I would like for a tablet to be able to do for me:
Receive and send email. Multiple Microsoft Exchange accounts required.
Connect remotely to client machines.
Browse the internet (many sites still require Flash)
Read all of the epub and pdf material that I now have sitting on my HP laptop
Would like to use a SIP client in order to dial thru my home based PBX with a secure VPN tunnel.
I enjoy recording music on my SSL Soundscape DAW.
Things that I found interesting about the Infinity:
Connectivity eg. HDMI - External storage - Dock
So far, I do not think that the iPad can offer any of these things. Unless I am wrong of course !!!
Once again, let me apologize for this long-winded response as well.
I thank you so much for your time and input. It is greatly appreciated.
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If web browsing is a must -- and for most of us, it is -- then pretty much any Android machine wins over any iDevice because of Flash support (even with the support detracted on JB devices, you can still sideload the apk and it will still work).
Shell connection has several (free) apps available. I do that from home, mostly, so I do not have really extensive experience with them.
EPub and PDF -- Mantano all the way (I use it for both technical reading (medical and biochemical literature, mostly) and leisure reading (although that is non-fiction as well, mainly (astro)physics, quantum dynamics, archeology -- the high resolution screen REALLY helps in that corner, for it renders formulae, graphs, tables, and such just beautifully!).
To me, given both private and work use, TF700 hands-down, but as has been said oftentimes on this thread already, it's your choice. And indeed you are welcome in here anyway.
Osteele said:
[...]I am not a huge APPS kinda guy. Maybe I am not up to speed with that whole apps thing, but I just can't see why some folks put so much emphasis on the procurement of apps. Let's face it, how many are you really going to need / use. Once you find the ones that do exactly what you need for them to do that should pretty much do it.
Well, that's just me talking of course. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the fact that most of the time I am using my machines for work and not so much for play.
Have yourselves a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Thank you
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It does make a major difference whether you use the 700 for work alone or also for leisure activity. I have two kids, aged 4 and 2, and they love tablet -- and they're ever handier than me. :S The app thingy is an ongoing search for the best-performing launcher, the best-performing office application, etc. -- and a lot of it is hoarding (I have enough games purchased-but-not-played-yet to last me for the next decade-and-a-half, hahaha!).
(Oh, and sometimes, an app is really good for all things it does, but it doesn't incorporate a feature you need. You then find another app that does, but that one either has a clunky interface (preventing everyday use) or misses some feature the other app did provide... and so on, and so on. )
Jtrosky already tackled this, but I wanted to emphasize it a bit: currently, only a small minority has devices that display major faults. Don't let the few posts about them detract you from trusting the TF700.
I was one of the many that noticed low I/O performance, which is the one issue that is faithfully reproducible, I guess -- and although not eliminated entirely, it has been greatly improved upon by recent updates. I was one of the instigators of the "I/O pressure" -- I unashamedly admit -- and I think we did the right thing in being so vocal. I love my 700, though, and I am easily standing up against the many friends carrying iDevices around (with regards to both screen quality, battery life, physical keyboard, and connection options (main USB, (micro)SD cards)...
Have a good and merry weekend yourself as well!
MartyHulskemper said:
If web browsing is a must -- and for most of us, it is -- then pretty much any Android machine wins over any iDevice because of Flash support (even with the support detracted on JB devices, you can still sideload the apk and it will still work).
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Good morning Marty, and thank you for your valuable input. Undoubtedly, you seem to be getting the most out of your trusty tablet. I am happy to hear that.
I am going to take in all I can about tablets in general this weekend. I know that can probably set me a back a while. I am currently delving into a little .NET programming. So, there is always WIndows 8 tablets.
Came across this article last nite:
Will most likely add to my confusion though. No one is holding a gun to my head, right?
Have a wonderful day wherever you may be!
Osteele said:
Good morning Marty, and thank you for your valuable input. Undoubtedly, you seem to be getting the most out of your trusty tablet. I am happy to hear that.
I am going to take in all I can about tablets in general this weekend. I know that can probably set me a back a while. I am currently delving into a little .NET programming. So, there is always WIndows 8 tablets.
Came across this article last nite:
Will most likely add to my confusion though. No one is holding a gun to my head, right?
Have a wonderful day wherever you may be!
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Oh, no, you're only in as much hurry as you put yourself in -- that Intel-based ASUS tablet is priced outrageously high -- 1399 dollars for a tablet? Meh. The people that would pay that )to include the dock accessory) would rather pay 1100 dollars for a really good laptop instead. I'd that swell, and I'd gain Windows gaming in the process (Borderlands 2 on the train commute ftw, hahaha! ) and a crapload of ecosystem apps that have been refined over many years instead of the 2 years we have had Android tablet apps and 0, nada, zilch for Windows 8 tablet apps.
If they price it lower, though, it might even be very tempting (especially when they do not break compatibility with Windows 7 applications -- I haven't been paying much attention to Windows 8. I guess I have some catching up to do...
And as far as your catching up goes: yes, I'd expect you to be busy reading for a week or two, at least. As we say in Holland: it will, at the very least, keep you off the streets.
MartyHulskemper said:
Oh, no, you're only in as much hurry as you put yourself in -- that Intel-based ASUS tablet is priced outrageously high -- 1399 dollars for a tablet? Meh.
If they price it lower, though, it might even be very tempting (especially when they do not break compatibility with Windows 7 applications -- I haven't been paying much attention to Windows 8. I guess I have some catching up to do...
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Hello again Marty. I was under the impression that the pricing was somewhere in the vicinity of:
Pricing for Asus' Vivo Tab RT will start at $599
As was mentioned here as well:
IT's going to take more than a tablet to keep me off the streets. :laugh: :laugh:
Have a wonderful day. Peter
Osteele said:
Hello again Marty. I was under the impression that the pricing was somewhere in the vicinity of:
Pricing for Asus' Vivo Tab RT will start at $599
As was mentioned here as well:
IT's going to take more than a tablet to keep me off the streets. :laugh: :laugh:
Have a wonderful day. Peter
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Hi Peter!
Yes, it did say that in the article, but the RT versions of Windows 8 are the versions that carry ONLY the Metro interface, and are able to run ONLY apps that have been specifically programmed to run on that particular version (although I might have understood all that totally wrong, in which case somebody will undoubtedly be so friendly as to point me to my errors. The more usable versions will cost you significantly more, and the dock will set you back even more...
MartyHulskemper said:
Hi Peter!
Yes, it did say that in the article, but the RT versions of Windows 8 are the versions that carry ONLY the Metro interface, and are able to run ONLY apps that have been specifically programmed to run on that particular version (although I might have understood all that totally wrong, in which case somebody will undoubtedly be so friendly as to point me to my errors. The more usable versions will cost you significantly more, and the dock will set you back even more...
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Aha !!! Gotcha. Thanks to you, I will be going to bed a little smarter this evening. Thank you. Peter
Well folks, I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I took the plung today at approx 18:00. After spending a considerable amount of time scouring the internet and reading reviews ad nauseam, I finally decided upon the Infinity. Should arrive in a few days and I must say that I am excited. Nice to feel like a kid again.
There is a good possibility that I may have a few questions once I have spent a little time with the unit. Hope you all don't mind if I post those questions here on this forum.
Thank you all again for being so helpful. I hope that I have made the right decision.
Osteele said:
Well folks, I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I took the plung today at approx 18:00. After spending a considerable amount of time scouring the internet and reading reviews ad nauseam, I finally decided upon the Infinity. Should arrive in a few days and I must say that I am excited. Nice to feel like a kid again.
There is a good possibility that I may have a few questions once I have spent a little time with the unit. Hope you all don't mind if I post those questions here on this forum.
Thank you all again for being so helpful. I hope that I have made the right decision.
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Bring it on bro.....We are waiting!!!
buhohitr said:
Bring it on bro.....We are waiting!!!
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Thank you Sir. I really appreciate that.
Congrats! Welcome to the club
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Welcome to the Infinity family.
As a .NET Developer myself, I find this device comes in handy sometimes with the supernote it saves alot of papers and keep them all in one place. I use Supernote for writing pseudo code, brainstorming, UML diagram etc. Maybe you will find this method useful or maybe not. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the infinity!
Osteele said:
Well folks, I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I took the plung today at approx 18:00. After spending a considerable amount of time scouring the internet and reading reviews ad nauseam, I finally decided upon the Infinity. Should arrive in a few days and I must say that I am excited. Nice to feel like a kid again.
There is a good possibility that I may have a few questions once I have spent a little time with the unit. Hope you all don't mind if I post those questions here on this forum.
Thank you all again for being so helpful. I hope that I have made the right decision.
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I hope so, too, Peter -- you'll find out soon enough, I guess. ; ) It does come pretty sudden, so after your initial resolve to wait it out and inform and inform and inform. I know the feeling of waiting, however, mostly gets the best of me -- I guess us gadgeteers are not the most resilient to marketing and spec sheets. Hahaha!
Welcome to the club, and don't fret about posting your questions. It's not your type of user we get fed up with, and to be honest, I think you'll be fine with the guides that have sprung up -- at least as far as unlocking woes, Nvflash, custom recoveries and custom ROMs, etc. go. It's going to take a fair bit of Play Store scavenging to find apps that suit your needs and style optimally, but we'll get there. Relish the kid feeling, and don't lose the fun in finding your way.
By the way: I assume you ordered it with the dock?

[REQ] Interactive Whiteboard Apps

I work for a university trying to find an app/software combination that would allow our faculty to use a tablet as an interactive whiteboard. I tried a couple of options and can't find very much. This might even be a nice area for someone to develop for as there isn't much competition (hint hint).
What I've found:
Most of the apps I've seen are just whiteboard apps on the tablet. Draw on the tablet screen, record it, share it, collaborate with others live. It's a nice idea, but not what I'm looking for.
What I am looking for:
Splashtop Whiteboard or Doceri (issues with both will be discussed below). These apps act as remote desktop apps with annotation and drawing tools. Think SMART Board, but without the need to be at the board.
Splashtop problems: I personally saw nothing wrong with this app/software. It is expensive, but it worked great. The problem existed with the way their software work. I don't know much in this area, but others in my department more familiar with programming expressed concerns over security and privacy. So we decided to keep looking. What I loved was that this was cross-platform, though.
Doceri problems: Well, other than the fact it's limited to iPad, no issues at all. The software concerns found in Splashtop weren't there with Doceri. We don't have one dominant platform on campus, so to adopt an iPad only solution doesn't feel right. I'd like to find something comparable to Doceri that works on Android as well, preferably on both platforms. Doceri is more expensive than Splashtop, but what it is capable of is well worth the price (cost is on software side, app is free).
Now here's the real head-spinner. When I asked Doceri about their plans with Android, I was told that they felt they had no market on Android and would more likely develop for Windows 8 instead. I understand the iPad is the dominant tablet in education, but they're not the only one there either. I would also like to point out that this response from Doceri had come to me a couple of months ago, their position could have changed since then.
Does anyone have any alternatives? Or the very least, help me show Doceri there is a market for them. If you would use their app, let them know. I know it isn't for everyone and is more of a niche for education. Or if you're feeling up to the task, to develop something to compete with both of these companies would be awesome and please keep me informed of progress. I could present that app to our faculty.
Thanks for anyone who does decide to help or at least takes the time to read this. I know it's long, but it's also a need that education needs to be filled.

