Screen on time - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Real Life Review

It's amazing how much we actually use our phones in a given day, especially when we watch "videos"! Rate this thread to express how many hours of screen-on time you can get on the Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 8 before depleting the battery.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!

Yesterday was the first day I checked battery and found I didn't do too bad. Atleast for the 3300 mAh battery we was given. I was tryin to get a screen on time and it was at 5 percent battery and fell asleep. But did get some screen shots of some results.

I was looking to see what everyone else was getting for their battery life. Wasn't sure what the norm was so I'll post mine.


To previous epic owners, question about battery life and charging.

Very simple. I've read the tmo ns takes a long time to charge but the battery lasts okay. The epic takes a while of undisturbed charging to fill up the battery. Epic's battery life is so so IMO.
What are your thoughts? The reason I have been asking so many questions about these two phones is I'm giving it some thought about maybe getting one. One thing I would like to hold out for is the seidio (sp) extended battery and cover. I have also read that the aftermarket batteries are good in the beginning but get worse (than stock do with age) rather quickly. I've got a 3300 coming in the mail so I'm excited to see how good it is.
I can't comment on stock but with cm7 rc4 I got 18 hours yesterday before the 15% remaining warning popped up and I plugged it in. My usage is a few phone calls between 300-500 texts heavy internet browsing and some gaming among a few other things. Been unplugged for 8 hours and I'm on 59% right now.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
And charging I honestly don't know because I charge during the night. However the other night I plugged it in with 4% left and slept for 4-5 hours and it was fully charged.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I owned the Epic 4g when it first came out...battery life was about 1 percent per minute with the screen on. My Nexus S battery with CM7 and og kernel lasts about 3 times longer than the Epic 4g.

I actually like my Sensation, but I'm gonna have to return it

Kind of makes me sad though. The device feels good in my hand and I like it overall, but the battery performance is unacceptable for me. I went to bed with it having something like 93% (dropping from 100% after like 15min of play). Not even 6h later I wake up and when I look at it, the battery is already drained to 85% only from standby (Yes,always-on mobile data is deactivated, power efficiency is on). After playing with the unit in train and some browsing while commuting for 30min, its already at 70% or something. During the next few hours, while working, I was just checking mails, using whatsapp from time to time and writing a few messages. No surfing, no videos no games.
By 3PM the battery was at 15%. Even worse, the damn thing takes some 4h+ to fully charge. That's just too damn long, my iphone 3gs charges fully in about an hour. What is also very frustrating is that the Sensation discharges a good portion of its current as pure HEAT. Never saw a phone get this warm afer 15min of normal usage.
I knew battery wasn't going to be stellar but this just sucks. Most of all that a full charge takes 4h. fail :-/
EDIT: Ok guys the 2.3.4 update did the trick! The battery now chrages fully within 2h and battery life has ridiculously improved!
I took it off the cord around 8am this morning. Now it's 2pm and my battery is at 83 with some 46min screen time and slight usage. Also the heating seems to be gone.
Apart from that, everything runs smoother with the new update. Guess I'm gonna keep the little guy after all
However, I did order 2 extra Ankers + charger (25$!) as additional mobilty is never wrong.
Before you return it, I recommend that you call HTC support and request a warranty exchange for the phone and battery.
You may have a defective unit.
While my battery isn't stellar, I get a minimum of 10 hours before I drop below 20% life (always-on mobile data off, manual syncing, not too many widgets).
Your phone battery performance is not indicative of Sensation battery performance for the overall majority.
Most have said that the battery gets better after a few full charges/discharges, and the todays new update is supposed to improve battery performance. Many people say the Sensation is better than most other 4G phones.
I dont play games and such, mostly phone text and email and it lasts me a day and a half. There is also a better battery you can get.
That charging time is ridiculous, which leads me to believe that your unit and/or battery is defective.
Mine charges from 15% to 100% in 2 hours. Same for almost everybody elses phone.
You might want to reconsider and try warranty exchange mentioned earlier. Also, I would suggest the ChiChi battery. I'm running from 7:30 to about 4:00 with my WiFi hot spot turned on for my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and I'm using my phone for calls, texts etc., my battery still has about 30% left when I leave work.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
Dude , custom rom and anker / chitec battery.
My first time with my new anker achieved almost 24 hours on battery and almost 4 hours screen time with quite alot of use during that time.
Totally destroyed my oem battery in every way.
Also I would do a Warranty Exchange and with the new update I have seen a big differance in 2.3.4 vs 2.3.3 in terms of battery life and speed of Sense in general. I purchased a Anker 1900mah battery for $10 and fully charged to dead I get on average about 17-20 hours and I would say I'm a good moderate to HEAVY! user. Switching back to a stock battery after calibrating with the Anker Battery has also improved battery life seeing that I get between 12-14 hours with stock now. I would charge to 100% go to bed and wake up with about 97%-98%
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
Pinball_ said:
Dude , custom rom and anker / chitec battery.
My first time with my new anker achieved almost 24 hours on battery and almost 4 hours screen time with quite alot of use during that time.
Totally destroyed my oem battery in every way.
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+1 I agree 110%, Try this though Calibrate the Anker Battery then fully charge your stock battery and see what battery life you get.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
Get a anker battery and download leedroid/android revolution/insertcoin. I guarantee you won't want to return it than. When I first got my device I was thinking about doing the same thing but after I looked through the thread I saw people were getting better results with the anker or chichi. Don't be discouraged that its a third party. It actually out performs the stock battery and embarrasses it.
Also download calibrate battery from the market.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using XDA Premium App
I had terrible battery life for the first week or so. 6 to 8 hours max, and 2 hours screen time if I was lucky. After conditioning the battery by fully discharging then fully charging on the AC adapter for a few cycles, it corrected itself for the most part. Yesterday I had 15 hours with 3 hours screen time and still had 20+ percent left. I have a chichtech battery sitting in my mailbox right now waiting for me to get off work.
ProximaC said:
I had terrible battery life for the first week or so. 6 to 8 hours max, and 2 hours screen time if I was lucky. After conditioning the battery by fully discharging then fully charging on the AC adapter for a few cycles, it corrected itself for the most part. Yesterday I had 15 hours with 3 hours screen time and still had 20+ percent left. I have a chichtech battery sitting in my mailbox right now waiting for me to get off work.
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After I got my anker I sold my OEM and got two more. I also have a evo3d battery that I haven't used. I also have been hearing good things about it.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using XDA Premium App
really appreciate the good advice guys, thanks. I have done my bit of reading here and many many people here report having around 4h charge timr (
So you guys can not confirm this? If so, it might be my battery is faulty. I will upgrade to 2.3.4 and calibrate. Probably will improve battery time, I doubt however it will reduce the charge time...
Something is definitely up. I just got my Sensation 10 days ago and am still stock. It takes me ~2 hours to fully charge, and that's with me using the phone like crazy while its charging....and the phone light on the entire time.
And I get a good full days use out of it....sometimes 2 days if I dont use the screen much and just phone text email.
Ok guys the 2.3.4 update did the trick! The battery now chrages fully within 2h and battery life has ridiculously improved!
I took it off the cord around 8am this morning. Now it's 2pm and my battery is at 83 with some 46min screen time and slight usage. Also the heating seems to be gone.
Apart from that, everything runs smoother with the new update. Guess I'm gonna keep the little guy after all
However, I did order 2 extra Anker's as additional mobilty is never wrong, and with such an offer it was a steal:
Also check if your phone is always awake because I had this and it had a huge affect.
I easily get 16-20 hours with LeeDroid's ROM.
i had the same battery issue with my first sensation. Even after several cycle of charging - discharging, battery calibration, the battery would not last for more than 7-8 hours. i exchanged it , for first couple of days, it didn't hold the charge for long,.but after i did battery calibration and update to 2.3.4, now my battery will last for 12 to 14 hours with moderate use. doesn't get hot with normal use, but over the weekend , i use map navigation and temp reached 48C. I think, i should not use it as GPS for longer than few minutes, or it may burn the phone.
Juice Defender Ultimate is definitely worth the tiny amount of money it costs. Just got just over 3 days on my Sensation, admittedly i hardly used it.
Usually i get a good 22 hours from it with medium use.
HTC sensation
Just replace the battery and you will see the difference.. my phone last ast least 10 hours.. its just amazing....
I lose almost no charge while it sits on standby.
I work 12 hour shifts, I listen to Music the entire time, browse, login to home computers for about 30 minutes using Teamviewer and keep up with RSS feeds throughout.
By the end of shift I'm down to 5%.
Sounds like you need a replacement, rather than a return, bud.

[Q] Is this battery life normal?

Hello everyone!
I've had my phone for about two weeks now and 5.1.1 installed a few days ago. Before the update and after the update my battery life has been around 10:30 hours or so as seen on the picture. I have my brightness at around 25% and as I don't have that many things running. I have a handful of apps and it the phone seems sluggish as well... It seems slower than my nexus 5 that died on me before I had this phone. Usually, by the end of the day, of around 11 hours when it is close to being dead I have around 3 hours of SOT. From what I've been reading this is lower than what others are experiencing.
I have the T-Mobile S6 Edge and to be honest I'm a bit disappointed for the price I paid.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is this battery life comparable to everyone else?
***** EDIT:
New picture I put up shows a drain of around 6% of the battery in 45 minutes. SOT was around 17 minutes.

Battery Thread

Please post your battery stats here, including Screen On Time.
5 hours SOT and Still at %30
Android System and OS together are eating nearly 50% of my battery.
Same here. System and OS eating my battery.
20 hours with 4 hours SOT. I'm not complaining. Much better than the s6!
First charge with massive wakelock issues...
Completely impressed with battery life. Pretty solid so far.
Not sure how everyone is getting all these legit battery stats. I'm only getting about 4-4.5 hours screen on time.
I'm at 15% with 3 hour 45 minutes screen on. No so impressive. I charged my phone before I went to bed and lost 16% with it just sitting, while I sleep. So much for doze.
Having the same issues. Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong that everyone else is getting so much better results.
Anyone else care to comment? I'm getting pretty mediocre battery life. I expected ALOT BETTER. I'm averaging 4 hours screen on time. Android system is eating 37% right now.
combatmedic870 said:
Anyone else care to comment? I'm getting pretty mediocre battery life. I expected ALOT BETTER. I'm averaging 4 hours screen on time. Android system is eating 37% right now.
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I'm seeing similar results. I'm getting 3 hours and 45 minutes of screen on time with Android System eating up 30+%.
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Same boat here, relatively poor battery life and close to 2%/hr drain when not in use. Slightly better than my S5 active, but not much.
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Got the phone 2 days ago, it's a bit early but I'm not getting crazy battery life: I listen to music a lot (5-6h/a day - Deezer or Poweramp) and get 5-6%/hour drain, a bit less (maybe 2%) while idle. Coming from a Nexus 6P this isn't great...
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Anyone else have heat issues, my phone got crazy hot and I was just using fliboard no gaming or video watching.
Give it a week or so before complaining
Mine took 5 days to settle
Afterwards a constant 6.5 hr sot sometimes 8
anybody having battery issues,cycle the battery completely and it should improve. when i got my S7 and My S6 also battery was garbage. I did 2 full cycles and man im getting crazy battery after..
anyone not knowing exactly what I mean by cycle heres what I did
use the phone til it dies completely DO NOT TURN BACK ON
plug and charge til its fully charged turn back on use it again til it dies
and AGAIN DO NOT TURN IT ON just plug and charge fully before turning back on.
that was 2 full cycles did wonders for me hope it does that same for ya'll having bad battery good luck:good:
I've done two cycles. I average about 23 to 24 hours between charges. With 3 and a half hours screen time.
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
After a week here's my new stats. Much much much better

G950 Battery Life/SOT discussion

Let's get this discussion rolling. Post your battery usage, SOT and device model (SD/EX, carrier/unlocked) here! Reviews have mostly said the S8 battery is about equal to the S7, maybe a bit better or worse depending on who you believe, so I'm eager to get a general idea of how endurance will be when my S8 arrives May 5th.
I'm impressed so far. Yesterday, charged to 95% and over 9 hours of mixed use, with about 2.5 hours of SOT, I was sitting at 48%. What is great is I had AOD on *and* the resolution at max with no power saving features. I wanted to see how it was going to perform at top performance and then work my way down. Right now, been off the charger for 75 minutes, 26 minutes of SOT and have 93%. That extrapolates to 6 hours SOT. It will be more like 5 used throughout the day obviously but this is pretty good.
Regular s8 full screen brightness, bluetooth and location on...took off charger at 6AM at 100%, 4.5 hours later it's at 76%. Connected to my car through bluetooth playing music through my hour long commute and using the internet. Not amazing but much, much better than my s6...for now. I plan on getting a battery case eventually when they're available which is partially why I opted for the regular s8 - those battery cases can be pretty big.
Early signs look promising, so far. Hope the thing Samsung said about these batteries aging much more gracefully is true, and that the S8s will maintain their battery over the course of their lifetime.
I'm at 6 hours 13 minutes of SOT mostly youtube and have 25% battery left. AOD, Bluetooth for watch, wifi, and phone at fhd+. 10 hours 53 mins on battery with 36% screen usage. I bet this phone can do 7+ hours of pure youtube, watch some youtube test showing around 17% usage per hour youtube.
Ugh. This bites

