Xperia Z5 Compact E5823 not charging - Xperia Z5 Compact Accessories

my new z5c won't charging when i plugged in to charge phone boots up and stuck on 0% but charging animation wont starts even when i connect it with PC the error USB NOT RECOGNIZED appear and phone stuck on 0%
i think charging dock is short cause i have used my Mobile underwater :crying: Can anyone help me? Any suggestions?

hmm, try to clean with abit alcohol with thin cloth the usb port, and air pressure
(the port got rubber on it you can see it even on the photo you have uploaded)
might be some salt making short on the conductors
(in case you didn't swim in sweet water according to sony the phone P68 should survive only in sweet water)

Please send your phone to repair service. The charging via power supply is defect. Charging via USB cable on computer will work. They will change the motherboard. I had this problem last week too.


[Q] Stock USB Cord is broken?

I got a Nexus 5 since December, and ever since I've had the phone, I've been having a tiny problem with the USB cord that came with it.
First of all, when I plug my phone into my computer with the cord, my PC would say my phone is connected and then in a split second it would say it's not connected. Then it repeats over and over and over again until I unplug my phone. This only happens with my USB cord. My sister also bought a Nexus 5 and her stock USB cord doesn't do this on my PC.
Secondly, when I'm charging my phone...if I hold my finger on the touch screen, it would jitter and jump around even though I'm not moving my finger. This doesn't seem to happen when I'm not charging or using my sisters charger cord.
Please help because this is kind of annoying... :\
This problem can be easily fixed. Use another usb cable and see if charging works. If it does then it's most likely the stock charger is broken like you said. If it's not a cable issue then it's the phone's usb port. Replace it yourself or RMA it.
about your phone jumping around when you touch the screen while its charging.. get a new charger, its your charger 100%. ive had this happen on all 7 of my android phones. as soon as i get a new charger, with the right volts/watts, it stops happening.
You have a slight chance of fixing the issue by thoroughly cleaning your usb cord. Use an interdental brush and compressed air to clean the cable from both sides preferrably. While you're at it, carefully clean your phone's connector too.
Its astonishing how many charging related issues are results of dirty connectors.
It really sounds like your cable broke though...

waterproofness in rain whilst plugged in

hi folks,
i would like to use the s7 mounted on my motorbike handlebars for satnav. been doing this with my s4 for years with great success. i have an ultimateaddons waterpoof case for it when it rains.
i'm sure the s7 would be fine in the rain on the bike without a case, but what about with the charging cable plugged in? i'm not talking about plugging the charging cable into an already wet phone (ie pushing moisture into the socket), the phone would already be plugged in and charging by the time any rain hits it. also, the phone is largely protected by the bike's screen so it wouldn't be subject to a constant deluge.
with the s4 setup when its in its waterproof case, i have a mini extension coming out of the case (so as not to have to open the case in the rain), which i attach and reattach to the charging cable all the time in the wet with no problems, so connecting a usb cable doesn't seem to cause a shorting problem per se in the connector itself.

Back of phone producing 24v AC when charging

For a while now I noticed that when my Xperia XZ phone was plugged in, the metal back of it had a somewhat different feel as if it was textured. Today I decided to test it with a meter to ground to see what the potential was. It delivers a 24 V AC charge when plugged in. It is always delivering 24v and the current is extremely low. This occurred with both the official charger and cable, and an anker charger with anker cable. Does anyone else get this? How on earth would a phone getting a DC charge put out 24V AC?
To test just plug your phone in and lightly drag your finger along the back. Do the same with it unplugged. If your phone is the same as mine you will feel a texture like feeling when it is plugged in, and none when it isn't. I can't see this being a defect as it would have to transform DC somehow to get the AC power. Strangely too my phone now always says that it is providing power as a USB device perhaps that is an issue.
That's common, it's the battery grounding itself via the back metal panel of the phone.
It happens in many phones and usually laptops or tablets, nothing dangerous or defect.
Happened to me once, I reconnected the charger to another socket & it was fixed. Never happend to me ever again.
This phenomenon is called Current leakage, although it might not be hazardous as the current is very low but any sort of leakage could be dangerous.
I would suggest changing the charging socket. If that doesn't work maybe you should try to change the wire & the charger and see if it happens again.
Are you using the original charger? It is likely to happen if the ground pin of the charger is actually not 0V.

S10e won't charge anymore

Hello, I'm running an S10e Exynos with OneUI 2.5 android 10, not rooted with bootloader locked.
Recently, my S10e stopped getting charged, it recognizes the charger (with a little icon) but it doesn't charge at all.
How did this start?
About a month ago, it suddenly stopped getting charged, haven't done anything of interest that may have caused it. although my charging cable's cover plastic was slightly damaged (a bit, near the type-C port) at the time (this may have something to do with the problem?), by now I got a new cable (I did try charging with multiple cables, charging bricks, and outlets, of course).
I rebooted it a few times and the issue got fixed for weeks. until yesterday when it suddenly showed up again and now just rebooting doesn't work.
Can it charge now?
Kind of, it can charge only if I did the following, inspired by this article:
-Connect the phone via USB to my pc (doesn't work with power outlet).
-press volume down + power button while it reboots repeatedly until it starts charging.
Once it got some juice, the device it works fine. Although sometimes even with this it just stops charging randomly.
My questions:
-Is there's some tests I could do to get more info? (since I can get it to boot after getting it charged through the method above)
-Why does it only accept charging when connected to my pc and just with volume down+power button?
-How can I fix this please?
Additional info:
-It wasn't dropped before.
-the moisture sensor still works as intended.
-I'm using the original charging brick and cable (both old and new).
Inspect C port contacts.
Clean the C port carefully. You can use R/O water with a toothbrush, then rinse with anhydrous isopropyl alcohol to chase the water.
Dry completely.
Do Not use high pressure air but low pressure (under 10 psi) is ok. A blower bulb works well.
Use a -known- good cable and brick.
If that doesn't work the C port is damaged or has other internal damage.

phone doesn't charge sony xperia xz premium g8141

I had recently some problems with charging my phone. I had to hold my cable at certain angle to get battery charged. Cable or charger are not the problem here, because I've tried to charge it with many other substitutes.
I thought the problem may be the charging socket, so I've decided to change the socket itself, but the problem was the same after changing the socket.
(I think any tape was barely connected and when I had to hold a cable in a certain angle, then it get connected, only my silly thoughts about it D: ). I think there might be some problems with any tape or battery.
Thanks in advance for interest in my thread =)

