[GUIDE] How to increase headphone volume - Lenovo P2 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hello guys and girls! This tutorial is for those who thinks the P2 has insufficient audio while wearing headphones. Note that I'm not responsible for any damage to your phone or your hearing. Just backup the files and you should be good if you accidentally manage to screw up!
[1] First step is to download a root browser (I used Solid Explorer).
[2] Navigate to /system/etc
[3] Find the file called Mixer_Paths_MTP.xml
[4] Backup the Mixer_Paths_MTP.xml so if you screw up it's just restoring the old file.
[5] Open the file using a xml editor (I used Solid Explorer's own xml editor, this is because Quickedit wouldn't let the values stay after rebooting).
[6] Navigate in the xml document and find the following values= "HPHL Volume", "HPHR Volume", "RX1 Digital Volume", "RX2 Digital Volume", "EAR PA GAIN" (The one without the 1P5 in it) and "RX3 Digital Volume" and increase the values to your liking.
[7] Reboot and enjoy your boosted volume
Optional; Do the same procedure to the file called Mixer_Paths.xml if it doesn't work solely editing Mixer_Paths_MTP.xml

thanks, will let you know once I've tried it. Its on the way currently!

Do you know which control should I modify for a microphone volume boost?

picofish said:
Do you know which control should I modify for a microphone volume boost?
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Sry pal I actually don't know which values are modifying the mic :/

Or just install V4A or Dolby Atmos?? You need root for this of course.

911-Future_Maker said:
Or just install V4A or Dolby Atmos?? You need root for this of course.
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I made a thread earlier about Viper4Android being insufficient in boosting the volume. Hence this guide allows you to boost your sound even further. ?

Thanks for the info.

Or just install Kodi and play your media through that,it has a built in software amplifier

Indigoeyes said:
Hello guys and girls! This tutorial is for those who thinks the P2 has insufficient audio while wearing headphones. Note that I'm not responsible for any damage to your phone or your hearing. Just backup the files and you should be good if you accidentally manage to screw up!
[1] First step is to download a root browser (I used Solid Explorer).
[2] Navigate to /system/etc
[3] Find the file called Mixer_Paths_MTP.xml
[4] Backup the Mixer_Paths_MTP.xml so if you screw up it's just restoring the old file.
[5] Open the file using a xml editor (I used Solid Explorer's own xml editor, this is because Quickedit wouldn't let the values stay after rebooting).
[6] Navigate in the xml document and find the following values= "HPHL Volume", "HPHR Volume", "RX1 Digital Volume", "RX2 Digital Volume", "EAR PA GAIN" (The one without the 1P5 in it) and "RX3 Digital Volume" and increase the values to your liking.
[7] Reboot and enjoy your boosted volume
Optional; Do the same procedure to the file called Mixer_Paths.xml if it doesn't work solely editing Mixer_Paths_MTP.xml
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In step 3 which of the following values do I need to increase?

abhayruparel said:
In step 3 which of the following values do I need to increase?
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RX1 Digital Volume, RX2 Digital Volume, RX3 Digital Volume all which I believe are set to 83 from the beginning and EAR PA GAIN which I believe is set to POS_6_DB from the beginning My personal setting is set to RX1, RX2, RX3 = 93 and POS_15_DB

Does this work even when one uses headphone in conversation to hear the other person? I mean using an headset with headphones and microphone.

is this working after resetting the phone ?
or u should do it again ?

Well, for me it acutally doesn't work at all @Stock deodexed ROM (s244). Changing any values the aforementioned XML causes the phone to not give me any sound at all - even after rebooting.
Changing the values back doesn't help either, the only way to reset the problem is to reflash or to replace the file with the backed up version. Seems rather strange, but well.

Phone has to be rooted in order so make changes in the .xml file, right?

Yes, because you can't edit the file without root access. You can open and read it, but editing is impossible.

hi man,How to increase Ringtone volume(Speaker volume)?
my phone is China Mobile N2,cpu is Qualcomm 625,
Which file should I modify?
and What data to modify?
Please give me some guidance if you have time,thanks

OK, so one thing I did notice while testing the volume boost (which works fine on Lineage OS) is that the noise floor rises significantly when boosting the volume.
Listening with bigger headphones like my DT880s is possible then, yes, but you notice that the sound lacks body and depth, the amp in the P2 just isn't powerful enough to drive them adequately. I'm usually not someone who believes in audio voodoo, but it is really noticeable here.
And then, In-ears just sound awful because the noisefloor is constantly hearable.
So, in the end I reverted back to the normal state because I listen to In ears way more and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages here IMHO.
It seems nothing comes without a price

Easy way
Flash @Wonder Wicked Witch sound mod
Go to the viper app
Then extra gain enable and do max gain to max

Need the mixer_paths_mtp.xml file
Well after trying all you said it stop giving sound at all! So because I am fool I didn't back it up and now I need someone to give me a copy of it's possible! And I will be very grateful!
---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------
THM01 said:
Well, for me it acutally doesn't work at all @Stock deodexed ROM (s244). Changing any values the aforementioned XML causes the phone to not give me any sound at all - even after rebooting.
Changing the values back doesn't help either, the only way to reset the problem is to reflash or to replace the file with the backed up version. Seems rather strange, but well.
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Could you please send me the file mixer_paths_mtp.xml because I didn't back it up (I know I am fool) and now don't have sound at all... If you do this I own you!

There you go : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GwSEvJ4yq2pEb1gQWMj0iUoyHXjcsTbm/view?usp=sharing
It's from viper OS (7.1.2) so I hope nothing changed, but I hope it works for you


[Q] Bootanimation

I'm working on some boot animations but running into a wall trying to add sound. Maybe I'm just overlooking something. Was wondering if anybody else might be trying this.
I tried pushing a bootanimation.bin that had sound enabled to /system/bin but got nothing but black screen.
I don't know if it's even possible. Any suggestions?
I was reading through the MIUI thread at:
and on post #43 I saw:
which near the end (about 3:07 in) showed the bootanimation with sound.
I would think if you downloaded the rom and pulled out its bootanimation files you might get a hint about the syntax needed for the desc.txt file to play sounds.
I played with this idea on my phone (Moto Photon) and was able to play multiple sound files at specific points in the animation sequence.
EDIT: I got curious regarding this issue, so I downloaded MIUI, CM7, and stock .bin to see what I could discover...near as I can tell, MIUI is only one to include a sound file for bootanimation (if the others do, it is cleverly hidden somewhere other than /system/media/ or /system/media/audio/notifications/) and probably requires some system specific support for the call to play the sound file.
As I mentioned above regarding my phone, the sound file had to be in /audio/notifications/ but also had to have a line in the desc.txt file to call it that looked like this:
480 800 15
p 1 0 part0
s bootsound.mp3
with the last line indicating the specific sound file in notifications to play.
Bottom Line - Unless you are on MIUI I have little to add to help. (took me long enough to say that, didn't it?)
Thanks. Yeah I notice the same regarding all but the MIUI rom. Tried moving some files around for sound on cm7 now I got sound but no animation lol.
where did you put the sound file in CM...and did you have to reference it in the desc.txt?
Actually I took the bootanimation.bin from the miui build in /system/bin and moved it to the same dir on cm7. Since that calls the animation and sounds. I noticed in that bin file that it calls an audio file named bootaudio.mp3 from /system/media and it isn't listed in desc.txt.
So I just put the bootaudio.mp3 and bootanimation.zip from miui in /system/media with no reference to sound in desc.txt and it plays the sounds but no animation.
Maybe unpack the entire contents of the bootanimation.zip, check the desc.txt file with notepad++ to make sure there is a hard return at end of file and then repack everything with 7-zip with no compression (store mode I think). Maybe MIUI allows for compression in the bootanimation.zip file and CM doesn't. Also, you might try to get animation working without sound and then add that back in (although having the sound in there at least lets you know the boot is progressing...)
sorry for the slow reply...been out of town for a few days...if you have already solved this issue, I'd be curious to hear how.
So I now got sound and animation on CM7 thanks to NUNsLAUGHTER92 over at android forums.
Had to edit build.prop added line:
Also edited init.local.rc (located at /system/etc) added lines:
service bootsound /system/bin/bootsound
user media
group audio
on property:init.svc.bootanim=running
start bootsound
on property:dev.bootcomplete=1
stop bootsound
Then downloaded this file called bootsound.txt and renamed it bootsound without .txt extention and place it in /system/bin.
Sound file goes in /data/local named android_audio.mp3. Audio is a little on the loud side but hey it works.
Thats a lot just for boot sound lol.
I've been messing around with boot but am not that creative and this device boots pretty fast so... small window. lol. I threw together this boot animation from "The Walking Dead" (love that show). Put bootanimation.zip in /system/media. Extract and put android_audio.mp3 in /data/local. Should have sound (on cm7) if followed the post above. Not the greatest by a long shot but its different.

Equalizer apps not working

-The current stock equalizer only offers options for Bass & Treble and "Lound" (Loud?.. it adds loudness). When volume is up it sounds like portion of sounds is missing (quite midrange effect)
-Currently I am not able to use any equalizer app except the one that comes stock with the ROM
-When installing equalizers, some fail to open and are forced to close; others install but simply do nothing when changing the settings
Disabled stock EQ app in settings and cleared data/cache - Alternate equalizer apps still did not work
Disabled stock music player app in setting and cleared data/cache - Alternate equalizer apps still did not work
Looked for 'Settings>Sound>Music Effects' option to switch to new equalizer being used - 'Music Effects' option does not exist for this build
Attempted using music player apps with equalizers built into them - equalizer option in app doesn't show - other apps like this just don't start (they are forced to close when starting)
-Model: SNT-210
-System Version: 4.4.2-20140516-sntb-HOMEMADE
-Kernel Version: 3.0.101-gdaab9de-dirty
[email protected] #46
-Build Number: omni_sntb-eng 4.4.2 KOT49H eng.QDroid.20140516.133512 test-keys
-Basband Version: Unknown
Does anyone have any suggestions to resolve the issue? If they would have included a good stock EQ it would be nice..
If anyone knows where I can find good custom rom(s) for this device that may also be helpful.
UPDATE - I got Poweramp working on there, equalizer and all! It doesn't sound the best, would be better if I had more options but gonna try to make due with this.
This is a cusptech head unit right?
It is a little bit late but I got a solution for you.
They simply did a very bad job in editing their config files. Check the file audio_effects.conf in /system/vendor/etc.
Simply delete it(or move it if you like a backup). After rebooting you will be able to install any Equalizer that you want. I am using Viper4Android since a year without any problems.
But even with viper or poweramp equalizer, the sound of these units are distorted, the mesured frequency response is a joke. I could not even correct it with an external DSP.
The way I am trying now is to plug a USB DAC(like hifimediy) to the system and bypass all the sound processing crap that they have implemented on their mainboard, espcially the TM2312 chip.

[Tutorial] Increase Resolution and Quality of photos sent by WhatsApp (ROOT)

This is the tutorial:
0 - Download a file explorer and grant superuser permission (I personally use ES FILE EXPLORER).
1 - Locate this folder: /data/data/com.whatsapp/shared_prefs/
2 - Open the file "com.whatsapp_preferences.xml".
+ Mod image quality (jpg compression level ?)
Look for this line: <int name="image_quality" value="80" />
Change its value (80 by default) to whatever you want (a number between 1 to 99, you shouldn't use 0 or 100 I think).
Info: at 99 your photos won't have any compression (best quality), but the file size will be MUCH bigger (very close to the original size)
+ Mod image resolution
Look for this line: <int name="image_max_edge" value="1600" />
Change 1600 to the value you want, for example 3200 or 6400 (or bigger).
Info: I think this changes the maximum width allowed for an image. By default, if you want to send a 4K photo (for example) the sent image will be downsized to 1600px. Therefore if you want to send bigger photos change 1600 to 6400 or whatever.
Results (try it by yourself too and tell me):
Here is a 3500x3500 photo, the original file: http://s1.postimg.org/o5rwefjm7/Screenshot_2015_09_16_16_36_20.png
And this is the sent image: http://s27.postimg.org/84yk2ooxv/Screenshot_2015_09_16_16_36_45.png
As you see it keeps the same resolution, you can also increase the quality to 99 to send photos with almost no compression, so the sent image and the original are almost the same, but I don't recommend that value because it takes longer to upload (if you have bad internet like me you won't want to increase the quality to 99), so you should try 90 (which I think is the best quality/compression level).
Good tutorial, thanks
Enviado con mi Note 2 Lollipop
I tried it a long time ago, and the preferences defined in the receiver's phone acts as a bottleneck. Most likely that this is deliberately done by the developers to reduce the effect of local file modifications.
its not working.. i can't change the value, it comes to the default value after using whatsapp. Please help me
. . .
Thanks.....Nice for tutorial.....
send from SM-N910C
Nice tutorial.It really works
Sent from my Cyanogenmod10.1 Huawei Y210 0100
It does not work on my galaxy S6 MM
This is a nice tutorial. But will not work.
As the new version of whatsapp re-writes the file with original values on start.
So, to solve this, kill whatsapp. Now from any root file explorer, change the permission - remove the write privileges for all (440).
Then open whatsapp. Now the mod is applied only for that session of the app.
Also you might need to change the max image size. <int name="image_max_kbytes"value="8128"/> (I've put it as 8mb)
(PS Extra info-But you' think won't it make all the settings fixed and any setting change from within the app won't reflect. Don't worry whatsapp automatically changes the permission with write privileges (660)). Hence can't have the mod be permanent.
So Cheers.
thank you
How about video to gif...
Use this trick
I searched for this trick and i got a trick to do it.
send the picture by selecting documents
Any way to set dp in original quality?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Labs
dattafilthyd said:
This is a nice tutorial. But will not work.
As the new version of whatsapp re-writes the file with original values on start.
So, to solve this, kill whatsapp. Now from any root file explorer, change the permission - remove the write privileges for all (440).
Then open whatsapp. Now the mod is applied only for that session of the app.
Also you might need to change the max image size. <int name="image_max_kbytes"value="8128"/> (I've put it as 8mb)
(PS Extra info-But you' think won't it make all the settings fixed and any setting change from within the app won't reflect. Don't worry whatsapp automatically changes the permission with write privileges (660)). Hence can't have the mod be permanent.
So Cheers.
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Latest version 2020 also same ? everytime need to edit ?
Thank you !
Seems to be working, but after each time the file on Samsung S7, because the file is overwritten...

[How To][Mod][Magiskv16/TWRP]Get Dual Speaker Output (like S9) on S8/S8+ [Exynos]

Am cleaning up & updating the thread
How To Video by @ISF
So, Samsung Galaxy S9 was launched, with an AKG tuned Stereo Speaker. A definitive upgrade from a single bottom firing Speaker on S8 & S8+
but, luckily for us, S8 & S8+ (Exynos Variant) user, there's a way to at least get a similar audio experience on our phone.
This is achieved by enabling our "earpiece speaker" as a secondary output. Creating a pseudo-stereo experience. Sure its nothing when compared to real stereo on S9, but hey, at least we got something right ?
So, how do we get that ? It's simple. We need to modify some lines on mixer_paths.xml file located in system/etc/
but lets make that easier, by providing a Magisk Module & TWRP flashable .zip for you to use.
For you Magisk User, simply download the GalaxyS8DualSpeakerMagiskModule from attachment, and flash it through your Magisk Manager.
If you use SuperSU, you can use TWRP zip also from the attachment, and flash it from your recovery.
Both file support latest OREO firmware and Magisk 16. (If you are still on Nougat, download Nougat version from attachment)
Now, to make it even better, you can then install Audio Mod to your S8, like Viper4FX or A.R.I.S.E the effect will applied to both of the speakers.
For Advanced User :
If you need to adjust the gain yourself, find these lines in mixer_gains and adjust the 35 or 40 value to your liking :
<path name="gain-media-speaker">
<ctl name="HPOUT3L Input 1 Volume" value="35" />
<ctl name="HPOUT3R Input 1 Volume" value="35" />
<path name="gain-media-headset">
<ctl name="HPOUT2L Impedance Volume" value="107" />
<ctl name="HPOUT2R Impedance Volume" value="107" />
<ctl name="HPOUT2L Input 1 Volume" value="40" />
<ctl name="HPOUT2R Input 1 Volume" value="40" />
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ORIGINAL MOD CREDIT goes to @MichaelGroth
Flashable TWRP & Magisk ZIP by me & @LinkseD.
Thank you @silvercat who brought this info on another device thread, and to @topjohnwu who made the systemless method for this mod possible through his Magisk creation.
Thanks for the credit. But who is silvercat?
MichaelGroth said:
Thanks for the credit. But who is silvercat?
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The one who make me aware of your work, haha
Sorry, i'll split the info
Ah, ok Haha. np. If there is enough interest around this I will make a flashable version and I might also add some volume modifications. ?
MichaelGroth said:
Ah, ok Haha. np. If there is enough interest around this I will make a flashable version and I might also add some volume modifications. ?
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Given the numbers of "Thanks!" you're getting... I suspect there is interest shown to this initiative!
Else... Can anyone e confirm this is working properly on a rooted S8/S8+? Thanks!
dehnhaide said:
Given the numbers of "Thanks!" you're getting... I suspect there is interest shown to this initiative!
Else... Can anyone e confirm this is working properly on a rooted S8/S8+? Thanks!
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Works well on mine, should be good for you too
MichaelGroth said:
Ah, ok Haha. np. If there is enough interest around this I will make a flashable version and I might also add some volume modifications. ?
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Would be awesome if you could boost the volume
There is great interest. MANY THANKS
Good mod. Waiting for this for so long. Thanks bro.
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
Very nice. Can you provide it in zip file? And maybe boost volume. Thanks!!!!!!
Can I assume from the title that you DO need root for this to work? My S8+ is not rooted and I want to keep my warranty, but this mod looks amazing
radiobicho said:
Very nice. Can you provide it in zip file? And maybe boost volume. Thanks!!!!!!
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I add the zip download to the OP
prodigyX said:
Can I assume from the title that you DO need root for this to work? My S8+ is not rooted and I want to keep my warranty, but this mod looks amazing
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Yes, you NEED root to write anything into system
thanks, this thread should be moved to mods section I guess
edit: I flashed zip file but I don't get any sound from second speaker...or it's very low I don't notice
[email protected] said:
thanks, this thread should be moved to mods section I guess
edit: I flashed zip file but I don't get any sound from second speaker...or it's very low I don't notice
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Indeed I can report it is working but...
1) the volume from the ear piece speaker is very low or it could be that just the main speaker is too loud and "covers" it...
2) I perceive there is a small delay between the two speakers, specifically when watching YouTube videos, landscape viewing. Sounds more like a reverb... Or it could be just me!
dehnhaide said:
Indeed I can report it is working but...
1) the volume from the ear piece speaker is very low or it could be that just the main speaker is too loud and "covers" it...
2) I perceive there is a small delay between the two speakers, specifically when watching YouTube videos, landscape viewing. Sounds more like a reverb... Or it could be just me!
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The mod used can be said as a "safe stage" since earpiece is not actually made for audio playback,
Increasing too much volume into it can break the thing.
This is why the mod kept at the subtle lebel.
You still can edit the mixer to increase the volume level btw, just be careful when doing so, LoL
Btw, am sorry MOD, @Bajanman @Razvan , i think this thread would be more proper to be placed on "Theme, Mods & Apps" thread, so maybe you can move it if you dont mind.
here a Soundmod to increase Sound louder for your Headset, see Attachment
Root required! Just copy both .xml in /system/etc and overwrite. Set Permission to 644 (rw-r-r) and reboot
MichaelGroth said:
Thanks for the credit. But who is silvercat?
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Suhail from Echoe Forum
I'd like a volume mod for the bottom speaker and a individual one for dual speaker mod with added media gain, bt gain and slight call gain. Im sure alot of people who be on board with this! Had the s7 edge and got it solely for that speaker hacks.
Thanks for the interest guys. I will make a dual speaker mod with different sound modifications, and sound modifications for single speaker. I just need a little time tho. I have alot on my plate tomorrow. But I will make a thread when ready. ?

Increase maximum sound volume?

In my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 I increased the maximum sound volume by editing /system/etc/mixer_paths.xml
On my Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC I tried the same.
I made a copy of
file, modified it, then tried to copy back to the original place with Total Commander.
The device is rooted.
Anybody can tell me how to increase the maximum sound volume?
Dolby atmos, digital, digital plus increase the volume
These are apps available from Google Play?
I don't found any of them.
Any idea related to the original post?
klorinczi said:
These are apps available from Google Play?
I don't found any of them.
Any idea related to the original post?
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There are some magisk modules i found the one i use from https://t.me/MagiskUniversal
klorinczi said:
In my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 I increased the maximum sound volume by editing /system/etc/mixer_paths.xml
On my Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC I tried the same.
I made a copy of
file, modified it, then tried to copy back to the original place with Total Commander.
The device is rooted.
Anybody can tell me how to increase the maximum sound volume?
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How about my original problem?
Is there a way to write back the modified mixer_paths_tavil.xml back to phone?

