Nougat rolling out for the XA!? (Finally) - Sony Xperia XA Questions & Answers

I was in a chat with Sony support asking about security patches and further on in the conversation he said this about Nougat:-
Again, I do not have details for such questions, however the Nougat update is already being rolled out for the XA, but we do not control when you receive it.
I replied:-
What countries is it being rolled out in at this moment in time?
To which he replied:-
This is UK support, so I advise on the UK, it is being rolled out already within the UK, it is just not possible to advise when any specific device would receive any update at all, as availability and timings will vary depending on region and network operator approval. Unfortunately we don't have exact dates as to when each handset will be updated however the phone itself should notify you once the update has reached it.
I have screenshots but unfortunately because I'm a new member I can't post them, this is good news though! I hope to expect Nougat within the next 2 weeks. :victory:

KING_SONY01 said:
I was in a chat with Sony support asking about security patches and further on in the conversation he said this about Nougat:-
Again, I do not have details for such questions, however the Nougat update is already being rolled out for the XA, but we do not control when you receive it.
I replied:-
What countries is it being rolled out in at this moment in time?
To which he replied:-
This is UK support, so I advise on the UK, it is being rolled out already within the UK, it is just not possible to advise when any specific device would receive any update at all, as availability and timings will vary depending on region and network operator approval. Unfortunately we don't have exact dates as to when each handset will be updated however the phone itself should notify you once the update has reached it.
I have screenshots but unfortunately because I'm a new member I can't post them, this is good news though! I hope to expect Nougat within the next 2 weeks. :victory:
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As a preview you can download it with Xperifirm with a different customization than your device as soon as it will be released Some countries can wait a long time before receive it.

KING_SONY01 said:
I was in a chat with Sony support asking about security patches and further on in the conversation he said this about Nougat:-
Again, I do not have details for such questions, however the Nougat update is already being rolled out for the XA, but we do not control when you receive it.
I replied:-
What countries is it being rolled out in at this moment in time?
To which he replied:-
This is UK support, so I advise on the UK, it is being rolled out already within the UK, it is just not possible to advise when any specific device would receive any update at all, as availability and timings will vary depending on region and network operator approval. Unfortunately we don't have exact dates as to when each handset will be updated however the phone itself should notify you once the update has reached it.
I have screenshots but unfortunately because I'm a new member I can't post them, this is good news though! I hope to expect Nougat within the next 2 weeks. :victory:
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Thru have no idea when Nougat is going to be released. Doubtful it'll be on any xa models before March17 at the earliest..
Sent from my Xperia XA using XDA Labs


Is there an Official T-Mobile UK update for the MDA Compact?

Just as it says in the topic, is there any OFFICIAL update to the T-Mobile UK version of the MDA Compact (Magician)? Still running 1.01 here
I'd rather use an official update for my phone, rather than a rip. Especially as I don't actually own a card reader so dumping another ROM to my device isn't actually doable for me ATM anyway
If not, anyone know why not, or if there are plans for the future? There's an official DE one, so you'd think they remember they sell the damn phone in more countries than Germany!
Yes, i'd like to see this information also. I know the instructions to apply roms are available, however i would like to know that T-Mo UK actually support and roll these things out (and therefore have backup support available)
There was news that T-Mobile were releasing a patch at the end of last month. As they are now shipping Compacts with the newer ROMS. I haven't heard if it's out as yet. I just keep checking the website as it should be out any time now.
Well.. I've just phoned em up and asked em, but the girl I spoke too could find no information in her email about any upcoming updates to the ROM...
But then, how often do CS reps get told what's going to happen!
I shall continue to hope, but really, there is NO need to keep us hanging like this, not if they want us to bloody stay!
I called T-Mo also. They gave me a number of a 'manufacturer' which was,
0871 22 30 217
0871 22 30 218
Thats the HTC Europe repairs number.
Who did not answer the phone on either number. :evil:
I'm running out of ideas now
E-mailed T- mobile customer services about the release date for the patch and got this reply:
Thanks for your email.
Unfortunately we have no launch date for this as of yet.
Thanks and Regards
Which means that there appears to be an upgrade in the pipeline, but they're just very slow about getting it organised!
What i think we should do is this
Someone draft up a Standard letter of Complaint about this, IE all the other makers can handle it, WHY CANNOT YOU
then we all send it in to T-mobile, and see if that helps....
they must have the update cause the new ones are been shipped with it
P.S if anyone has the new version, can they please dump it somewhere on the FTP site please
well fellow uk'ers... it's OFFICIAL...
T-Mobile Tech Department ARE USELESS.
There has been much speculation of a forthcoming upgrade for the MDA Compact, not only because of the countless issues, but to also provide the Blackberry service, something I was personally looking forward to...,en.html?w=1024&h=603
As you will see in the above links, it was mentioned at the end of last year, that this would be AVAILABLE for the MDA Compact. Try a google search...
SO, phoned up the so-called "Tech Dept" at T-Mobile UK, and you guessed it, didn't have a clue. Furthermore, they said "there wasn't enough RAM / storage for this facility" :? :shock:
If anyone has more success than me, then please let us know.. :roll:

Now you see it now you don't Now you'll get it now you won't ZTE plays hide and seek

Hi there guys,
I feel compelled to share with you my communication exercise with the ZTE Customer
Service. May it be a guideline for some on how to deal with them or a plain warning
for others how not to tread too deeply into the murky waters of China Sea. As many of
you probably know ZTE displayed their then flagship handset Grand X In at the IFA
trade show in Berlin last year. The phone's specs read among other things 16 GB
storage memory, FM Radio and NFC. Subsequent and numerous reportings from the
event proved it to be true and in accordance with ZTE's own web page. However
when the handset shipped to Europe it turned out that there is only other release
available - one with 4 GB mem, no radio, no NFC. And this is the edition I bought
from T-Mobile Poland at the end of last year. Although the phone was running stock
ICS 4.0.4 I loved it and wanted to buy another one, this time with 16 GB mem etc. So I
wrote ZTE asking as to where to get it. Then followed the exchange I make you privy
The second question I asked them was the prospective availability of Jelly Bean
upgrade. It was known that Intel ported JB to x86 platform as early as last September
and that their employees were having it on their own handsets since then. So the JB
suited for Atom powered smartphones was in existence and doing fine. I naturally
mentioned this fact to ZTE while asking about their own plans to give us JB. As it
turns out ZTE condition the JB release upon a carrier or a dealer making specific
request for it and that means demand for a upgrade is based on particular sales. And
that means there will be no JB for Grand X In and other Intel based handsets in the
foreseeable future unless some devs take the matter to the heart and mind. What is
frustrating the most is some cloak of secrecy and not giving customers straight facts
from the beginning. Many of us would have thought twice about the purchase had we
known from day one we'd be dumped and support for our phone abandoned before
the year was over. I'll let you be the judge and jury. Below is the copied email
exchange in the original form. I've only removed instances of my email address and
ZTE's web page being readable (10 posts rule).
--- On Thu, 4/4/13, ZTE email <ZTE email> wrote:
From: ZTE email <ZTE email>
Subject: Re: ZTE Grand X IN
To: "my name" <my email>
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2013, 6:34 PM
Dear Valued ZTE Customer,,
Thanks for contacting ZTE.
If you want to purchase a single unit please contact nearest dealer or any network
ZTE is not selling any product to the customer or in the market directly.
And we cannot provide you any dealer details.
End-users are advised not to upgrade their phone versions until the software is
released formally.
Regarding your inquiry, we would recommend that you'd better contact your
network operator or dealer from where you have purchased to consult.
Because the android updated is based on the demand of your local network
operator or dealer,
ZTE is not selling any device to the end user or in the market directly.
ZTE is manufacturing the handset as per the requirement of network provide and
So it depend on the network provider or dealer that, what Android version they
need in there device.
If we want to release the new version of android we need a request from the
network provider.
Because for us they are the customer who as purchased the device from us and we
can release the new version only if we receive the request for them.
Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Best Regards
my name <my email>
04/04/2013 07:06 AM
ZTE email
Re: ZTE Grand X IN
Dear Sirs,
On January 23 I asked you two questions:
- where can I buy or order the ZTE Grand X IN with 16 GB storage memory?
- when will you deliver Jelly Bean for Grand X IN?
Two simple questions of where and when pertaining not to some rocket science
problem but to the very smartphone you manufacture yourself.
On February 19 you let me know that my "email has been forwarded to the relevant
colleagues for their appropriate handling" and that you "will respond as soon as
relevant information is available".
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume that these "relevant colleagues" are the
ZTE employees and that you pay them monthly salaries for their "work", do you not?
So let me sum it up for you:
- ZTE is the manufacturer of the Grand X IN
- relevant ZTE employees, paid and employed by the ZTE, for two months and a
half cannot find any information where I can purchase a product manufactured by
their own company! This is ridiculous, this is pathetic! Well then, maybe they
shouldn't be working for the ZTE but for some Chinese grocery store on some street
corner in ShenZhen. And you dare to call it a customer service - this is a sad joke. A
very sad joke, a mockery and total disrespect for your own customers. And mind you I
asked you two questions, the Jelly Bean question as well. In my country all it would
take is one phone call lasting two minutes and another two to write an email to the
customer. You have a long way ahead of you...
my initials
--- On Tue, 2/19/13, ZTE email <ZTE email> wrote:
From: ZTE email <ZTE email>
Subject: Re: ZTE Grand X IN
To: "my name" <my email>
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 8:16 PM
Dear Valued ZTE Customer
Thank you for contacting ZTE and your prompt reply.
Your email has been forwarded to the relevant colleagues for their appropriate
We will respond as soon as relevant information is available.
Best Regards
my name <my email>
02/19/2013 06:40 PM
ZTE email
ZTE Grand X IN
Dear Sirs,
On 23 January I have sent you a e-mail included below. To this very date I have not
received any answer from you. I'm wondering if the mail delivery system is to blame
for no reply or was it your lack of willingness to answer me. If the latter is the case
then be kind enough to let me know about it. I do not know about customer relations
policy in your country but in mine customer's inquiries are always most warmly
welcomed and are answered promptly, kindly and to the point.
Best regards,
my name
--- On Wed, 1/23/13, my name <my email> wrote:
From: my name <my email>
Subject: ZTE Grand X IN
To: ZTE email
Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 9:15 AM
Dear Sirs,
I am proud and happy owner of ZTE Grand X IN, the best smartphone in its class
the world over. I bought it a month ago from T-Mobile Poland. It has the original T-
Mobile stock 4.0.4 and 4 GB storage. I would like very much to buy another one but
this time the version with 16 GB storage. Could you please tell me if it is available in
Europe and if not then where I can get it. It is such a fine phone and I love it so much
that I am prepared to go to the end of the world to have it. I would like to thank you all
for providing us, customers with such a magnificent product. Last but not least could
you please tell me if you are preparing an upgrade for ZTE Grand X IN to Jelly Bean
4.1.2. Currently it has only ICS 4.0.4 and it is a rather old stock. I know that Intel
people in Santa Clara already have the JB on their Atom phones since last September
and it is working. When will we get it here in Europe and in Poland in particular?
Best regards to all of you,
my name,
my job,
my work, Warsaw, Poland
my email
my email
+48 xxx xxx xxx
ZTE Information Security Notice: The information contained in this mail (and any
attachment transmitted herewith) is privileged and confidential and is intended for the
exclusive use of the addressee(s). If you are not an intended recipient, any
disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other dissemination or use of the
information contained is strictly prohibited. If you have received this mail in error,
please delete it and notify us immediately.
Shame on ZTE... Yesterday afternoon I've posted latest email they sent you on two threads about GXI here on XDA. Took it from Polish forum - hope You don't mind. I've also posted link to this thread, so people interested in GXI can find it easier.
Best Regards
Damn. It's sad. Really sad. I like my GXI, I really do. It's a good piece of hardware. But I would like some updates! Any updates? Bug fixes? The more Android devices I get, I end up wondering isn't Windows Phone or IOS a better way for an end user. They get updates, you know? On my iPod touch 4th gen I got 4 updates from 16th of February. 4! And when I think of all of my Android Devices?
- Motorola Milestone - 1 update after a year. And it was a crappy Froyo that was rebooting my phone...
- Motorola Flipout - no updates
- Asus Transformer TF101 - two updates - one to 4.0.3
- ZTE Grand X In - no updates
Summary? 3 updates for 4 devices. It's a fire-and-forget for most of manufacturers! You want Jelly Bean? Get a JB phone or tablet! And when Android 5.0 will hit the market - get a 5.0 phone or tablet! Damn, It's pathetic! Really. I'm trying not to get emotional about it, but it's getting really hard.
krondar said:
Damn. It's sad. Really sad. I like my GXI, I really do. It's a good piece of hardware. But I would like some updates! Any updates? Bug fixes? The more Android devices I get, I end up wondering isn't Windows Phone or IOS a better way for an end user. They get updates, you know? On my iPod touch 4th gen I got 4 updates from 16th of February. 4! And when I think of all of my Android Devices?
- Motorola Milestone - 1 update after a year. And it was a crappy Froyo that was rebooting my phone...
- Motorola Flipout - no updates
- Asus Transformer TF101 - two updates - one to 4.0.3
- ZTE Grand X In - no updates
Summary? 3 updates for 4 devices. It's a fire-and-forget for most of manufacturers! You want Jelly Bean? Get a JB phone or tablet! And when Android 5.0 will hit the market - get a 5.0 phone or tablet! Damn, It's pathetic! Really. I'm trying not to get emotional about it, but it's getting really hard.
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Get Nexus then
Yesterday I received some software update. It was around 8 MB big and during installation it updated 78 items. Did you received this update too?
Maybe crazy question, but what is better in new Android 4.1, when we will compare it with 4.0.4 ?
Taigr said:
Yesterday I received some software update. It was around 8 MB big and during installation it updated 78 items. Did you received this update too?
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Since updates from ZTE seem to depend on the network operator, could you please tell us, which network operator your Grand X in belongs to?
Taigr said:
Maybe crazy question, but what is better in new Android 4.1, when we will compare it with 4.0.4 ?
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Please see
Taigr said:
Yesterday I received some software update. It was around 8 MB big and during installation it updated 78 items. Did you received this update too?
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how did you received that update? Thru OTA or downloaded of ZTE website? Is your ROM t-mobile branded?
Just checked mine... software up to date... I've checked through update checker in phone menu. My soft is unbranded clean ZTE one.
Whats your software version now? I'm on GXI_V1.00.0B02
Kir3 said:
Get Nexus then
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Yes, I'm thinking of it. After GXI Nexus is a good idea.
I think you should get nexus
krondar said:
Yes, I'm thinking of it. After GXI Nexus is a good idea.
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Nexus is the best idea IMO
Kir3 said:
Nexus is the best idea IMO
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But the Nexus devices are more expensive...
newpipe said:
But the Nexus devices are more expensive...
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I know but it's worthy if you can afford it
Sent from my Sony Xperia Live with WALKMAN
I had Nexus 1 then 3, great pieces of hardware, but had to sell Nexus 3 for one, important for me reason- no micro sd card slot... Nexus 4 doesn't have one either... I've had few different phones since, I like gadgets and bought GXI because intel processor make me curious... Now it's just looks problematic...

[Q] Kitkat for EUrope?

When will Kitkat arrive to Europe? I still hear that early 2014, but now its early for me and Kitkat still havent arrived. Any info?
2hipso said:
When will Kitkat arrive to Europe? I still hear that early 2014, but now its early for me and Kitkat still havent arrived. Any info?
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I would take early 2014 to mean any time within the first 3 or so months! But it looks like Motorola will release it ahead of schedule according to this discussion.
2hipso said:
When will Kitkat arrive to Europe? I still hear that early 2014, but now its early for me and Kitkat still havent arrived. Any info?
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Please use the search function before posting an already answered question.
Please use the Q&A thread for questions not the general.
Google is also a useful tool.
The update documentation is already up on the support site, but a Moto rep. said it was released early by mistake, they are still in the last part of testing. It was promised to come in January so they still have more than 3 weeks to deliver in time.
I've just flashed it with 4.4.2 manually so it doesn't really matter. It's working perfectly.

Bootloader unlock - Huawei update - ACT NOW if you want to unlock!

As many of you will know Huawei pulled the unlock bootloader site. People have since had mixed results emailing them directly for the code. I emailed them for the unlock code yesterday (11th June 2018) and recived the reply copied below.
It certainly clears some things up. Interestingly the bootloader site is back up, albeit for a limited time! You lave 60 days from 24th May before they stop the service!
When you go to unlock via the link they give you this warning: Screenshot
Personally I think it is a bad move on Huawei's part . If you've not unlocked bootloader and intend to do so I'd jump it it ASAP!
Thank you for contacting Huawei Customer Care.
In response, we would like to inform you that starting May 25th and until July 25th (for 2 months) – the EMUI website will get back the bootloader code search function, for products released before May 25th.
Starting July 25th 2018, the Huawei official policy (as per HQ decision) is to not offer bootloader codes to customers anymore in order to avoid issues that may appear due to ROM flashing, and thus maintain the user’s experience.
The website can be reached here to obtain the bootloader code :
We hope this information should prove useful. Should any questions arise, feel free to contact us again.
We remain at your disposal for any other inquiries that you may have.
Best regards,
Huawei Customer Care UK​
mate this whole story is known from almost a month..... lol
kaiowas82 said:
mate this whole story is known from almost a month..... lol
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Oh I'll crawl back under the rock from which I came haha
Does *applying* for the code alone void the warranty? OR can I apply and receive a code, but only void the warrently the moment I unlock it?
Aye there's a few threads about this, I've got one myself.
And I agree with everything in your OP mate.
They'll probably in the future start allowing unlocks.
No one wants a locked down android phone and when it hits their pocket they'll know that.
Unfortunately for p20 pro owners the damage is done and the lack of ROMs is testament to that.
Perhaps if they'd just released one damn variant without all the madness they've forced upon us there would be less problems flashing ROMs I mean look at Oneplus, they actually had twrp as a part of their official root method on their site for the longest time haha and here's Huawei putting their finger up to the people who've done more for Android than anyone.
Apparently we're only 1% of their customer base?
I promise you they'll lose more than 1% sales when the next flagship is released as there will be zero ROMs on here when it does and none of the enthusiastic users here to create a buzz about it.
Beginning of the end and the birth of another Apple.
They'll learn, just like HTC did, if a little late.
Hi everyone,
This is my first post here but I have been swimming through your posts since ever I think
I have a Chinese P20 Pro (CLT-AL01) and I have been trying to obtain the code from the EMUI webpage but no success. I entered all the info that demands but it doesn't give back the code. It shows a message like if you have any problem with the unlocking process just contact us. Maybe it's because the phone is Chinese? Happened to someone?
I contacted them via huawei email today, I will wait a few days and I'll see.
Btw I am trying to rebrand it to the EU version.
gisbby said:
Hi everyone,
This is my first post here but I have been swimming through your posts since ever I think
I have a Chinese P20 Pro (CLT-AL01) and I have been trying to obtain the code from the EMUI webpage but no success. I entered all the info that demands but it doesn't give back the code. It shows a message like if you have any problem with the unlocking process just contact us. Maybe it's because the phone is Chinese? Happened to someone?
I contacted them via huawei email today, I will wait a few days and I'll see.
Btw I am trying to rebrand it to the EU version.
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it could be because it a Chinese version, but not sure - i requested my unlock codes for both my Huawei devices yesterday and got them instantly
walkerx said:
it could be because it a Chinese version, but not sure - i requested my unlock codes for both my Huawei devices yesterday and got them instantly
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Thank you for the answer, they are both from UK I supose?
I fell to a Chinese online shop and I bought it hopping I would able to eliminate all the apps and bloatware (and who knows more...)
gisbby said:
Thank you for the answer, they are both from UK I supose?
I fell to a Chinese online shop and I bought it hopping I would able to eliminate all the apps and bloatware (and who knows more...)
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yes, both devices are UK C782 models
So this happened:
Dear xxxx,
Thank you for contacting Huawei Support.
We are unable to send boot loader code via email and can only be obtained through our website.
If you would want to unlock your phone, you should meet the following conditions:
1. Please register your Huawei ID in our official website xxxxxxxx on your phone.
2. Log in and logout your Huawei ID continuously for 14 days.
3. Each Huawei ID should not apply for the unlock code more than fifth time within 6 months.
I think the conditions are a bit demanding idk, I am thinking about returning the phone asap. What do you guys think?
That's rubbish, this is reply I got regarding unlock code
Thank you for contacting Huawei Support UK.
In response to your question, we inform that requesting the bootloader will not void the warranty, If you use it, then yes the phone will not have warranty anymore.
Should you require the code, please provide us with the following details:
Device model:
Serial number:
Product ID - dialing *#*#1357946#*#*. If not available, the invoice should be attached.
Reason for the unlock code:
We are looking forward for your reply and let us know if you have any other questions.
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They are making excuses for not giving me the unlock. The worst thing is that I registered the huawei account on the phone yesterday, so in 14 days it will be July 24th and that day they will stop giving the code
Can't you just log into the EMUI-Site from the first post and request your code there? It worked for my device a few weeks ago. It was quick and easy.
@walkerx Huawei Support Germany insists that even requesting the code voids the warranty. Of course this is bull and not even legal, but whatever floats their boat I guess.
all the pugs said:
Can't you just log into the EMUI-Site from the first post and request your code there? It worked for my device a few weeks ago. It was quick and easy.
@walkerx Huawei Support Germany insists that even requesting the code voids the warranty. Of course this is bull and not even legal, but whatever floats their boat I guess.
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I got that email response from their UK Helpdesk and told them the reasons for it was due to the lack of updates for the devices, incompatibility with certain apps and that they allow UK network operators to take over your devices even when purchased as sim-free, unlocked out of contract and unless they change their attitude towards the UK users and not reverse the unlocking bootloader decision then I will no longer purchase another Huawei device.
I may not unlock until after I swap phones to another model, but I always want that option and do not agree with it being locked down.
I'm also thinking of logging a UK petition online to prevent network operators in the UK from taking control off our devices and re-branding them and deciding whether or not and when we should get updates as these should be left to google or the manufacturers not the network provider. Also like with Apple devices wifi calling features should be standard and work for all networks not just limited and they should not require a specific firmware supplied by the operator for these to work - should be done by network setting only
I'm totally with you on this point. Fortunately, in Germany, most (not all!) providers don't force any unnecessary crap on an unlocked device and don't mess with the firmware. Some do, however.
I would also prefer to be able to unlock an reflash whenever I want to, or get rid of the forced on G-Apps, or fully use tasker to control the device (which you need to be rooted for some certain things).
all the pugs said:
Can't you just log into the EMUI-Site from the first post and request your code there? It worked for my device a few weeks ago. It was quick and easy.
@walkerx Huawei Support Germany insists that even requesting the code voids the warranty. Of course this is bull and not even legal, but whatever floats their boat I guess.
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No, I have to wait 14 days they say. The phone is new so I have used it just some days.
Just go ahead and try it out! Can’t anything happen besides the form not putting out a valid code
all the pugs said:
Just go ahead and try it out! Can’t anything happen besides the form not putting out a valid code
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I have tried already but all I got was a message saying to wait until the phone has been used that 14 days
Oh, ok, that sucks. I just bought another P20 Pro 2 days ago and wanted to get the code before the service stops. MEH!
This url still works fine for me. You used the same one?

Bye Bye Wear OS H

Letter from Huawei Support dating 26/02/2019
Sorry, there are no updates for this device.
We received this response from developers:
Watch 2 (Leo) has stopped updating since March 2018.
If you have any further questions, you are always welcome to contact us.
Huawei Support is constantly working to improve its customer support experience, and if you haven't done so already, we would be very grateful if you could dedicate a few moments to participate in a customer survey sent in a few days to your E-mail.
Your opinion is important to us!
Goodbye support
Very nice from Huawei!
Weird, Is it really happening? Since we got the lastest OTA with Oct 2018 security patch
abaynp said:
Weird, Is it really happening? Since we got the lastest OTA with Dec 2018 security patch
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Was wondering the same too. Got my watch in oct 18 and have received about 2-3 updates since then. Hope this is not true.
I bought mine on Jan. If this is true... Well, not more huawei products on my list. I didn't bought the GT because I wanted a smartwatch with 4G. If I would wanted a dumb fitness tracker I had bought a Garmin.
I think that's a response that has been taken out of context... After all that is a very vague response "there are no updates"...
I reckon the question asked was by an impatient young person who loves updating their phones and watches and probably asked Huawei support if they have any news or update on the new Wear H OS update... And they simply replied... Sorry there is no update.
That does not mean there is not going to be any future updates for this watch. It just means that a support staff member has no news on any software information!
Strange there have been no recent updates though? Have Huawei given up on WearOS in the hope customer will buy the non WearOS GT watch?

