Php Application to Android APP - Frameworks

I have a existing Php web application using MSSQL database. I would like to create a android App. Is there a suggestion on how to do it?

You can't make an Android App utilizing PHP and MySQL alone. Yet, they can be utilized to deal with the web-benefit ask for from Android App to server.
So its essentially, CRUD operations in server db utilizing information from (or to) Android App.
In the event that you need to make an Android App utilizing web innovations (HTML, CSS, JS), the best choice would be a Hybrid App utilizing Phonegap.
Note : I have addressed the question expecting that you are planing to build up an "Android App" utilizing PHP and MySQL, not server-side of it.


[Q] Which Tool Is Right for Me?

I'm wondering, based on experience witch of these people would recommend for mobile app development. (Please mention which of these you actually have experience using.)
I'm an "old school" developer and am proficient in PHP/PERL, HTML, CSS and Javascript. I don't have time to learn a new language like C# and I refuse to use Microsoft's tolls (like .NET, Visual Studio, etc.) but I would spend the time maybe to pickup up RUBY (or maybe Java) if enough benefit was there in the associated mobile app development tool.
I want as close to native as possible with 90%+ cross-platform solution, meaning, 5-10% of the source code may differ due to differences in platform. I will only be developing for Android and IOS (sorry Windows) but may develop for Windows Down the road. Some apps I may develop may be enterprise class that need to get remote data from SQL Server, etc. I have done research and narrowed down my selection and am looking for further insight from those that have actually used these tools. Things that are also important to me include:
- Low cost (I can't afford to pay $100+ a month in fees)
- Good/Large Developer Community
- Good Support from Maker (good roadmap with improvements, bug fixes frequent, etc.)
PhoneGap - This seems like the most popular but it sounds like the "quickest" route for most web developers that are familiar with HTML and Javascript/CSS but to me it sounds like I might want something that is closer to native being that my primary core knowledge has always been as a coder first, and a web developer/designer second.
Appcellerator Titanium - This seems like the other most popular tool that claims to compile so the app uses the devices native controls (via Titanium API) instead of essentially an HTML page masquarading as an app (like PhoneGap) My gut says this one suits my situation better than Phonegap. Why do people use PhoneGap instead of this, because it's easier for non-programmers?
RhoMobile Rhodes - I am wondering how this compares to the two above assuming I learn RUBY on Rails.
Telerik Icenium (now called AppBuilder) - This one I have found the least discussion about.
I just ran across Codename One too which sounded intriguing as would require me to learn Java.
It seems most everyone (that isn't doing native) is using PhoneGap or Titanium and the second two are lesser known so I'm having a hard time finding people that has at least some brief experience using all four or five of these.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
jazee said:
I'm wondering, based on experience witch of these people would recommend for mobile app development. (Please mention which of these you actually have experience using.)
I'm an "old school" developer and am proficient in PHP/PERL, HTML, CSS and Javascript. I don't have time to learn a new language like C# and I refuse to use Microsoft's tolls (like .NET, Visual Studio, etc.) but I would spend the time maybe to pickup up RUBY (or maybe Java) if enough benefit was there in the associated mobile app development tool.
I want as close to native as possible with 90%+ cross-platform solution, meaning, 5-10% of the source code may differ due to differences in platform. I will only be developing for Android and IOS (sorry Windows) but may develop for Windows Down the road. Some apps I may develop may be enterprise class that need to get remote data from SQL Server, etc. I have done research and narrowed down my selection and am looking for further insight from those that have actually used these tools. Things that are also important to me include:
- Low cost (I can't afford to pay $100+ a month in fees)
- Good/Large Developer Community
- Good Support from Maker (good roadmap with improvements, bug fixes frequent, etc.)
PhoneGap - This seems like the most popular but it sounds like the "quickest" route for most web developers that are familiar with HTML and Javascript/CSS but to me it sounds like I might want something that is closer to native being that my primary core knowledge has always been as a coder first, and a web developer/designer second.
Appcellerator Titanium - This seems like the other most popular tool that claims to compile so the app uses the devices native controls (via Titanium API) instead of essentially an HTML page masquarading as an app (like PhoneGap) My gut says this one suits my situation better than Phonegap. Why do people use PhoneGap instead of this, because it's easier for non-programmers?
RhoMobile Rhodes - I am wondering how this compares to the two above assuming I learn RUBY on Rails.
Telerik Icenium (now called AppBuilder) - This one I have found the least discussion about.
I just ran across Codename One too which sounded intriguing as would require me to learn Java.
It seems most everyone (that isn't doing native) is using Cordova/PhoneGap or Titanium and the second two are lesser known so I'm having a hard time finding people that has at least some brief experience using all four or five of these.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
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Both Phonegap and Appcelerator compile into a native package containing a mix of native and javascript and with both you develop your code using Javascript. As you've pointed out, one of the key differences is that Appcelerator will use the native device OS widgets rather than web widgets. In simple terms the layout is abstracted into an XML format which is then rendered into native equivalents during compilation for each of the platforms.
Depending on your application, native widgets may be important, or not. For example if you're developing a game then it could actually be advantages not to use the native widgets and have an essentially identical look and feel across all device platforms and screen aspect ratios.
The other difference is that Phonegap is free, (though their optional build service is not). Appcelerator is priced on a monthly subscription, but you also get some cloud features included in that.
Other popular cross platform tools to check out: Xamarin (native widgets, C# development, non-Free), ReactJS (native widgets, Javascript development, free-open source)
You can also try using Ionic and Cordova frameworks, They support cross-platform development and in my opinion have good documentation support

Best back end for Android app?

I appologize if this is a dumb question, but I am new to app development, altough some experienced in php/html.
I want to create an app where user fills in forms. The app development is easy to find info about, but i also want a back end plattform where I read the submitted forms and organize users.
So, my question. Is there a sort of ready wordpress like plattform to customize, or should this be built from scratch? If so, which platform is the best?
One note I should add about Buddy (full disclosure: I work there) is that we maintain independent instances of the platform in different locations around the world. If you need to host your backend in Europe (for response time or data sovereignty reasons, for example), you can choose your app backend to be sandboxed in the EU. Likewise the US and likewise China (with Brazil, Singapore and Australia coming soon).
he best way to develop mobile apps is to use REST services. So now you can choose any thing.
Any language that can used for server side programming can be used.
Now it is up to you choose the language.
If you familiar with JavaScript then you can try nodejs. You can make small app server in it.
But if your server software design is very complex (containing threads and synchronisation) then java can be handy.
But there is no restriction of language.
Firebase should be also a way to go for this.
The best android back end services include, Parse, Kumulos, Kinvey, backendless, QuickBlox.
Concerning the forms where users can fill up information, would something like help out?
On Apple's platform you might need an iPhone developer - it is quite possible to create and publish an iPhone app using your form.
I did take the help of mobile apps development service in toronto to know the process which is described here:
Thanks Carol for sharing such a wonderful article.
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I have heard good things about Hasura (Not affiliated in anyway). And I think parse - mentioned above - is no longer available.
I'm wondering why nobody mentioned Google CLoud or AWS. They are most mobile friendly for a good price
Hi, if you will decide to build from scratch, there are different options/frameworks. But If you use kotlin you should look to Ktor.
Backend options for an Android app
Here, The list of good backend options for an Android app:
1. Parse.
2. Back4app.
3. Firebase.
4. Kinvey.
5. Appcelerator.

PHP is it possible?

Hi experts,
I am an reasonably good php scripter, but know just the very very basics of mobile app development (Java/Smali/Android Studio).
I really have no interest in trying to learn enough to build a decent app as time is a big limiting factor for me.
I have an idea for an app, and I know I could do the whole thing in php quite easily, but I would like it to be a downloadable app, is it possible to write my software in php, and then have a very basic android/IOS app that basically just loads the website, the only thing the app needs to do, is run the webpages in fullscreen and hide any browser elements (url bar, scroll bar etc). The only thing that may be challenging is enabling "swipe" abilities, but I can live without that and just use hyperlinks for moving around, I would also look at preloading content so the app runs smooth. At some point if the app gets any interest I would pay to get ti developed properly.
Keen to hear your thoughts - maybe there are other apps already doing this I can copy, and I know some may say why not just make it browser based, but I believe the app store itself its the critical part of advertising and exposure of this service, also means I can release a real app version in the future and have it pushed to all devices.
Conceivable assaults ¶
Utilizing PHP as a CGI paired is a possibility for setups that for reasons unknown don't wish to incorporate PHP as a module into server programming (like Apache), or will utilize PHP with various types of CGI wrappers to make safe chroot and setuid situations for scripts. This setup typically includes introducing executable PHP paired to the web server cgi-receptacle catalog. CERT consultative » CA-96.11 prescribes against setting any mediators into cgi-canister. Regardless of the possibility that the PHP double can be utilized as a standalone mediator, PHP is intended to keep the assaults this setup makes conceivable:
Getting to framework documents: so forth/passwd The inquiry data in a URL after the question mark (?) is passed as summon line contentions to the mediator by the CGI interface. Generally translators open and execute the document indicated as the primary contention on the order line. At the point when summoned as a CGI paired, PHP declines to decipher the charge line contentions.
Getting to any web record on server: The way data part of the URL after the PHP twofold name,/mystery/doc.html is traditionally used to indicate the name of the document to be opened and deciphered by the CGI program. Typically some web server setup orders (Apache: Action) are utilized to divert solicitations to archives like to the PHP translator. With this setup, the web server first checks the get to authorizations to the registry/mystery, and after that makes the diverted demand Sadly, if the demand is initially given in this shape, no get to checks are made by web server for record/mystery/script.php, yet just for the/cgi-container/php document. Thusly any client ready to get to/cgi-canister/php can get to any secured archive on the web server. In PHP, runtime design orders cgi.force_redirect, doc_root and user_dir can be utilized to keep this assault, if the server record tree has any indexes with get to confinements.

5 Key Benefits of Native Mobile Application Development

What is Native Mobile App Development?
Native mobile app development involves building apps for particular mobile operating systems, and users access them from dedicated app stores (such as the App Store or Google Play).
1. Native Apps Have The Best Performance
With native mobile application development, the app is created and optimized for a specific platform. As a result, the app demonstrates an extremely high level of performance. Native apps are very fast and responsive because they are built for that specific platform and are compiled using platforms core programming language and APIs. As a result, the app is much more efficient. The device stores the app allowing the software to leverage the device’s processing speed. As users navigate through a native mobile app, the contents and visual elements are already stored on their phone which means load times are quick.
2. Native Apps Are More Secure
Web apps rely on different browsers and underlying technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. Developing a native mobile app is a great way to guarantee your users reliable data protection.
3. Native Apps Are More Interactive And Intuitive
Native mobile apps run much smoother regarding user input and output. These types of apps inherit their devices’ OS interfaces, making them look and feel like an integrated part of the device.
4. Native Apps Allow Developers to Access the Full Feature Set of Devices
Native apps are developed for their particular platform, taking full advantage of the software and the operating systems’ features. These apps can directly access the hardware of the device such as the GPS, camera, microphone, etc. so they are faster in execution, which ultimately results in better user experience. Push notifications are another huge advantage to choosing native app development. Push notifications go through the iOS server (APNS) which you need your app bundle ID and same with Google’s Cloud Messaging (GCM).
5. Native App Development Tends to Have Fewer Bugs During Development
It’s much more difficult to maintain two different applications in one codebase than it is two applications in two codebases. With native app development, you have fewer dependencies for bugs to occur because you’re not relying on a cross-platform tool such as Xamarin or Cordova. Hybrid apps access hardware through a bridge which often slows development down and can amount to a frustrating user experience.

Suggest a mobile app development framework for new app

Hello all,
I am planning for developing a new mobile app and need suggestion on which mobile app development framework would be best for this use case.
A mobile app that works like a folder/organizer which is initially empty.
A user can import files into it.
Each file when imported results in a single page.
This page can have a mix of items on it. E.g images, texts, links, embedded javascripts, Google maps, etc.
Let's say this is an organiser for greeting cards.
So, if a user has imported 10 files (1 for each greeting card), then user can flip through these cards within the organiser.
Organize them by tagging each of them.
Share them with others
search using some texts.
Would Flutter be suitable for this requirement?
Thanks in advance.
If you're planning to develop the new application using mobile app development. So here I add some framework names to check which application is made for your application quickly.
1. Swiftic
Swiftic is one of the best mobile app development frameworks available on the iOS platform.
2. React Native
React Native is the best JavaScript library to build native applications for all devices and platforms.
3. Xamarin
Xamarin is one of the top mobile app development frameworks, and it is .Net based.
4. Ionic
Ionic helps you to build interactive hybrid and Progressive Web Applications along with cross-platform applications.
5. Flutter
Flutter is a UI toolkit by Google that helps build native applications for the web, mobile, and desktop.

