I see people with the snapdragon have succedded in unlocking bands on their phone, but so far, i haven't seen anyone do it on a mediatek.. maybe we could be the first
What i am asking, is that if you have one of these phones, please contact me to help in this project: http://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?sFreeText=MT6735
I need to compare your nvram with mine, to see why you have more bands than me (blu r1 hd)
Have a look at my thread with my findings so far, i am making a topic here, hoping to reach more devs that would be willing to help, i don't think i can do anymore than what i've done:
Another question: say, i find a nvram.bin from one of these phones, how am i supposed to browse its values? So far, i've only found Maui META that can read/write values, but that need a phone
How does someone find out what phone they have? there are incomplete answers here and there, but I have failed to find a definite answer.
My M1500 (R: 1.02.00, G:1337.41, D:1.11.00 WWE) looks like maybe an Andes, but It could be an Alpine from the descriptions in some posts.
I want to find out what phone I have so I can...
a) Pick a ROM to improve Camera, and strip Logo's etc. Can I Choose any ROM, or does it have to be specific to my phone, the m1500, or just the right Himalaya / Andes version?
Is there a list of ROM's or just a post here and there with links to each other, I'm sure I'll end up with an older less improved one unless there is a post that collates some of them. Do I have to unlock my SIM before I upgrade the ROM? Can someone recomend a usefull and semi up to date ROM guide maybe?
b) Unlock my phone. Do I have an old radio that needs to use the xdadev_all_unlock-v1.5.exe, or the new radio which needs the xdadev_all_unlock-v1.5.exe to unlock it. I think the older version here is not the older version the post meant, but with no details / links on it I am unsure.
I know these questions must have been asked before, but if I can't find them, then others wont either, Please help me, and others by collating the wealth of info on these threads (some are hundreds of posts long, thats no longer a usefull thread, thats a novel!) for those are just getting into XDA developing (maybe ish).
Hi I'm really new at these things like meddling with phones and and hacking them. I just want to know the basic terms and information used such as "flashing". I have an Xperia X1 and I want to know how to maximize its limit and tweak it.
Welcome to forums
Have a deep read here:
The you´ll be ready to enter to Kovsky section and start customizing
wow thats great thx alot. but how about the terms? i dont understand wat flashing is or rom? or anything like that
Extracted from my signature:
You´ll have a clearer view there.
have a look around in the xperia question. all information regarding to flashing etc, can be found there. but before ask questions, try to use the search function first, ass it would most probably get you on your way faster than ask a question and have to wait for an answer. good luck
hey thx. i found out that the x1i is able to go 3g in certain areas in US. but can anyone tel me wat the at&t 3g frequency or the number for garden grove, CA 92840? 850/900/1900?
Rom is read only memory. It contains the sytem image. You can replace the system image on your phone through a process called flashing.
and i heard and read people say both things like x1i is 900/1900/2100 and the x1a is 850/1900/2100. and other people say that x1i and x1a are quad bands and have all 850/900/1900/2100. is this correct? because im in the united states in south california and i want to use 3g network
So, I've created a thread on LTE flashing before but this time it's going to be different I hope. I have browsed to the ends of the internet and beyond yet still cannot find any answers. It is crucial for my business that I learn everything about LTE flashing. Therefore, I am willing to pay someone to teach me how it's done. Rather, I want to hire a "tutor". Someone who can tell me all about it, show me how it works, what software to use, what "tricks" are involved and the that tricky method to get by the SPC code. I understand you have to write it to the phone so that when you send that code it is the correct one. But again, I do not know.
This is, of course, assuming that XDA has no problem with this.
I would love some help....
Admins, with this being somewhat of an "odd" request I will understand if it must be moved to another section.
So it looks like both the Xperia and Galaxy dudes can enjoy unlocked LTE bands on their Qualcomm powered phones. I found this tutorial here
I was able to go through the entire tutorial. The problem is that upon reboot the settings will revert back to their original parameters.
Has anyone have successfully unlock world LTE bands on the LG D820..?
Also while trying to backup the original configuration of my phone using the QPST tool, my Nexus asks for an "SPC" unlock code which i do not know what it is... The software fails to retrieve the dump because of lack of this code.... does anyone know how to retrieve this code from the phone..? i sure do not know what it is...
This is not a galaxy. Not one person in this forum has "unlocked", "activated" of "added" any LTE bands. What's more, this question is asked on a daily basis.
rootSU said:
this question is asked on a daily basis.
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this. please use search.
I have. Hence the reason I'm posting this question...
jzsax1 said:
I have. Hence the reason I'm posting this question...
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Yet an almost identical post from today is only 11 threads below this one...
rootSU said:
This is not a galaxy. Not one person in this forum has "unlocked", "activated" of "added" any LTE bands. What's more, this question is asked on a daily basis.
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I know and have read people unlocking qualcomm devices left and right... just haven't seen any Nexus 5 traffic.... did you guys read the threads on the links i posted..? these mods are for Qualcomm devices... not just Galaxys and Xperias... there were mere examples...
jzsax1 said:
I know and have read people unlocking qualcomm devices left and right... just haven't seen any Nexus 5 traffic.... did you guys read the threads on the links i posted..? these mods are for Qualcomm devices... not just Galaxys and Xperias... there were mere examples...
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I don't need to read them. I've seen them before. No one on this forum has activated, unlocked or added any LTE bands to the Nexus 5.
rootSU said:
Yet an almost identical post from today is only 11 threads below this one...
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All the threads i have found so far as in regards to what works out of the box in other areas... modem flashes and so on... nothing proactive like the threads i have found in other forums..... There are Chinese dudes using their D820 in china right now...? how do i know..? i got results through Google in Chinese. The problem is that when you push those sites through translate, they dont make any sense. Furthermore, illustration materials posted are all in Chinese since they are graphics..... But really nothing in regards to how to unlock Qualcomm devices for other LTE bands... there is a difference... It may seem to you that they are the same but the questions are NOT.... i have posted the threads so that you can perhaps put down the sniper rifle and do some clicking... and read..!!!! nothing more..! if you have heard or read anything, awesome..! post it...! if you haven't then perhaps this would be an opportunity to check out these threads.
jzsax1 said:
All the threads i have found so far as in regards to what works out of the box in other areas... modem flashes and so on... nothing proactive like the threads i have found in other forums..... There are Chinese dudes using their D820 in china right now...? how do i know..? i got results through Google in Chinese. The problem is that when you push those sites through translate, they dont make any sense. Furthermore, illustration materials posted are all in Chinese since they are graphics..... But really nothing in regards to how to unlock Qualcomm devices for other LTE bands... there is a difference... It may seem to you that they are the same but the questions are NOT.... i have posted the threads so that you can perhaps put down the sniper rifle and do some clicking... and read..!!!! nothing more..! if you have heard or read anything, awesome..! post it...! if you haven't then perhaps this would be an opportunity to check out these threads.
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You seem to be ignoring the facts. There are threads here discussing modifying the LTE bands at length. No one here, on XDA has managed to unlock, activate or add LTE bands to the nexus 5. I know this because I've ready every single thread in the nexus 5 forum about LTE bands. I've read every answer and read every link similar too those that you posted today. No one here has done it. I've told you this no less than 3 times now.
jzsax1 said:
All the threads i have found so far as in regards to what works out of the box in other areas... modem flashes and so on... nothing proactive like the threads i have found in other forums..... There are Chinese dudes using their D820 in china right now...? how do i know..? i got results through Google in Chinese. The problem is that when you push those sites through translate, they dont make any sense. Furthermore, illustration materials posted are all in Chinese since they are graphics..... But really nothing in regards to how to unlock Qualcomm devices for other LTE bands... there is a difference... It may seem to you that they are the same but the questions are NOT.... i have posted the threads so that you can perhaps put down the sniper rifle and do some clicking... and read..!!!! nothing more..! if you have heard or read anything, awesome..! post it...! if you haven't then perhaps this would be an opportunity to check out these threads.
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all right.... like i said! i have successfully rewritten the NV Bands String from stock to one that supports European bands. It loads it in memory and it seems to work well switching from Edge to HSPA+ very quickly unlike the stock string that took for ever to do the same switching.... haven't tested LTE because there is none in my area.... the problem is that upon new NV bands strings gets overwritten by the default string and the problem ensues... i will try to head on to Regensburg tomorrow and test
rootSU said:
What's more, this question is asked on a daily basis.
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The amount of threads that have been created just for this silly thing.. Seriously, I don't see why. People should just get the right model, or get a different device.
Lethargy said:
The amount of threads that have been created just for this silly thing.. Seriously, I don't see why. People should just get the right model, or get a different device.
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The funny thing is this guy said he searched and couldnt find any other threads, yet I searched and found a thread with posts by him...
If you're onto something please contribute to one of the existing threads, don't start another one.
Thread closed.
Hello everyone, I hope it's okay to ask some general questions about Chinese variants of Oppo phones. I'm particularly interested in the recently announced Reno5 Pro+ but unfortunately, this device doesn't have its own subforum on xda (yet), so I guess I'll post my questions here.
First question: I heard some negative things about notifications being "blocked", or restricted on Oppo phones. I read this issue is exclusive to Chinese variants. Is it possible to overcome it via adb or something like that? I have no idea what the root of the problem is, I just read about it some time ago.
2nd question: how easy is it to unlock bootloader and obtain root? From my understanding, it's pretty much impossible on non-China Oppo phones, but what about those China ones? If you could shortly describe the process, that would be great.
3rd and final question: how well do Google Camera ports work? People don't always specify what variant they are using, so it's hard for me to gather information on this subject. By "how well" I mean, do auxiliary lenses even work, or just the main one?
Thank you in advance for any replies.