REMOVE! : Gift ***** Ad-Free - General Topics

XDA, remove Gift Celestial Fury Ad-Free from my 'thank you' columns.
I did NOT give you permission to add it to all my posts.
Gifting 'me' is actually gifting YOU money and NOT me.
STOP the deception. I mean it.

We don't need your permission to add a forum feature. Never have, never will.
Also, please explain this Gifting 'me' is actually gifting YOU money and NOT me.?
You DO get gifted. The gift you receive is an ad-free experience on XDA.

I already have an ad free experience. I don't need any gifts from XDA. Don't presume that it's in my best interest to have it there when we all know it's in XDA's best interest. XDA can't even be up front about it. Now, it's called a forum feature? Right. . . This point is where your LOL is more suitable.
It's obvious who the money is going to. XDA can just stop leeching off our thanks - that's my point but your second line suggests that XDA is too arrogant to care what its users think. Good job.

Celestial Fury said:
your second line suggests that XDA is too arrogant to care what its users think. Good job.
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Had your post been the least bit mature, I would have responded accordingly.

There is nothing immature about my complaint. Had XDA given us an option to turn it on or off there would be nothing to complain. I support XDA with my threads/posts but not with something I have no choice over and XDA is all about choice.

Celestial Fury said:
It's obvious who the money is going to. XDA can just stop leeching off our thanks
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What does this mean Sir? I'm thinking you have misunderstood this feature, as it has zero to do with thanks.

This 'feature' is placed in the same row as 'thanks' so it's basically saying: instead of or besides thanking me you can also thank me by paying on behalf of me to get ad-free XDA, except that:
I'm not the one asking for it but since it's there people might think that I am (and I've never asked for money or anything and don't even have my Donate button activated)
The implementation is not across the board and people might think that it is individually activated (until, like me, it appears for them and they go look for the setting to turn it off and find that there is none)
Clicking on that link for any user leads to an option to pay money to KC Online Media, LLC (which is most likely acting on behalf of XDA or its top management) so that XDA can remove ads for a certain user - meaning that the money goes to XDA and never to the user which is how the remove ads from XDA for the user will work
It is only ethical for XDA to get its users' consent (see first point). Anything else is just sly marketing and considering how often XDA puts down companies who engage in devious promotional tactics, I would think XDA would hold itself up to the same high standards.
Bottom line, forum feature leads to social ramifications.

Celestial Fury said:
This 'feature' is placed in the same row as 'thanks' so it's basically saying: instead of or besides thanking me you can also thank me by paying on behalf of me to get ad-free XDA, except that:
[*]I'm not the one asking for it but since it's there people might think that I am (and I've never asked for money or anything and don't even have my Donate button activated)
[*]The implementation is not across the board and people might think that it is individually activated (until, like me, it appears for them and they go look for the setting to turn it off and find that there is none)
[*]Clicking on that link for any user leads to an option to pay money to KC Online Media, LLC (which is most likely acting on behalf of XDA or its top management) so that XDA can remove ads for a certain user - meaning that the money goes to XDA and never to the user which is how the remove ads from XDA for the user will work
[*]It is only ethical for XDA to get its users' consent (see first point). Anything else is just sly marketing and considering how often XDA puts down companies who engage in devious promotional tactics, I would think XDA would hold itself up to the same high standards.
Bottom line, forum feature leads to social ramifications.
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You are over thinking this big time my friend.
It is across the board, for one. Only present on 2015 theme I think. So no one is thinking you yourself are asking for a gift. It's under every users posts. Except perhaps those that already have ad free. (if it isn't, then it could be a glitch, as new features can have)
XDA is not really advancing income on this, as they lose ad revenue obviously for anyone with ad free. And at the end of the day, a site that is free to register on, with over 7 million members has every right to earn a little where it can to help keep the site running. There is nothing unethical or abnormal about it.
The owners decided to offer ad free to members, and make it giftable, and they don't need my, yours, or anyone's permission to do so. This is a private site, and they own it.
I can say that with 7 million members, only one has complained about this completely optional feature, that I'm aware of.
And let's be realistic, many use ad blockers anyway, so it's definitely not a mandatory feature. Is it?
Your opinion is noted though. :good:

Celestial Fury said:
The implementation is not across the board and people might think that it is individually activated (until, like me, it appears for them and they go look for the setting to turn it off and find that there is none)
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It most certainly is across the board. As Darth said, it's not on all forum themes. But you're no different to anyone else.
Celestial Fury said:
meaning that the money goes to XDA and never to the user which is how the remove ads from XDA for the user will work
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If you're here for money, you're here for the wrong reasons. Plus you haven't set up your donate button, so it obviously isn't that important to you. If you are expecting donations, setting up your donation button might be a good idea.
Celestial Fury said:
It is only ethical for XDA to get its users' consent (see first point). Anything else is just sly marketing and considering how often XDA puts down companies who engage in devious promotional tactics, I would think XDA would hold itself up to the same high standards.
Bottom line, forum feature leads to social ramifications.
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You really are missing the point here. The point of it is to give something back to the user. Just like on Reddit if someone "gives you gold". That's all it's intended for. I have no idea why you think it's all about the money coming back to XDA. A few dollars is going to make absolutely zero difference to the XDA funds. If anything, the loss of ads is going to mean they lose income.
You need to stress less and stop overthinking this.

It's not across the board and even for the same person with the same forum theme, some posts have it and some don't. I doubt XDA is losing money over this otherwise they would not be promoting it by sticking it onto every other post. If they were then they would be incompetent and unable to maximize profit and XDA is anything but incompetent. Just because something is free doesn't mean we have no say it in especially when they stick it to the bottom of our posts and make it seem like the USER is asking for it and they most certainly need the users' permission if they're going to stick it to our posts. Otherwise, they can stick it somewhere else where it is clear it is not the user asking for it but XDA itself. If this feature is optional, where's the button to turn it off? Fix that and there won't be anything left to say. Why the reluctance? The first person to notice a rot has the obligation to speak up lest the rots spreads by which time it will be entrenched and even harder to remove.
Since, I've specifically said that I haven't asked for money or anything or even have my donate button active it beggars the mind to imply that I am here for money. I don't want users to think that I am now asking for money with that 'ad-free' ADVERTISEMENT placed on our behalf without our consent. XDA is missing the point. Compare their editorials and opinion pieces where they lambast others when they do something wrong or unethical with what they are doing now. The amount is not the issue but the principle and the ethics - that is don't link XDA's request for money (in the form of gifting users) with users posts when the users are NOT the ones asking for it. It's certainly not a language problem but a cultural one, maybe. Do as I say but not as I do, and all that. XDA needs stress less and stop monetizing through sly means.

Celestial Fury said:
It's not across the board and even for the same person with the same forum theme, some posts have it and some don't.
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As I said, it IS across the board. It will appear on every post that has been thanked by someone.
Celestial Fury said:
XDA needs stress less and stop monetizing through sly means.
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I think you need to stress less. We haven't had anyone else make any complaints about this. 1 out of 6 million is a pretty good indication.


ShootMe Dev Giving up on Android Community? What about you?

I wrote about it here: LINK
Does anyone know more about the background - from the twitter account it seems like just a general run-down and a disappointing community.
Other developers on here feel the same?
I'd love to get comments from some of the developers on here, if that is the case.
I'm not a developer but did read this already on a posting at Google+.
But you are right, moving into that direction would be very bad.
Some people think they can be rude because they stay anonymous.
Its something that happens more and more these days on the internet.
I realize it's impossible - there are 12 year olds who probably run rampant.
Seems like there is SOMETHING that can be done.
I'm as Pro-Android as they come. But at times it feels like starting a relationship with a beautiful boy/girl only to find they come with a sack load of emotional baggage.
Here's my take on it:
I am far from giving up (thick skinned) but there is a real troll culture growing and needs to be stomped out. Anonymity has it's uses but, as with everything else, has its drawbacks. What we need is troll hunters!
(aka Strangemoo)
I have seen that there are some stupid comments on the market... But not so extreme as to take down your app...
Some users is just plain stupid... I'm from Denmark, so a lot of the comments are in danish... But that devs are many times foreign and really don't look or understand the comments... But a lot of them complain about pathetic things like no app 2 sd or that some function suddenly's gone instead of just writing the dev an email about the issue and giving the app the respect it deserves... 1/5 rating is a lot of the times not justified...
Just my 2-cents...
I'm sorry but this is a silly and immature move by the developer. Receiving negative feedback, dealing with trolls and idiotic users that don't understand technology are fundamental assumptions of the internet, just like not giving out your passwords or helping Nigerian princes get their money out of Africa.
I loved ShootMe and used it for our screenshots, but I don't have a lot of empathy for people that empower others to control how they feel.
Wrote about this a few weeks back:
I work in IT support and one of the things I have to support is phones. It blows my mind how many 10-12 year old kids have nicer phones than I do because their rich mommy and daddys think their precious little angels needs the latest and greatest smart phones. I went over to a client's office a couple of months ago and he had 3 brand new Droid 2s for his kids, ranging from 10-14.
Point of all this?
In this day and age, there are so many rude little kids with nice phones all over these forums, its amazing to me anyone sticks around. Im over 40 and was raised in a different time than these self entitled children I see around here that want everything now, for free and want you to do it for them.
I cant blame the guy for leaving. A lot of times I wish I could go live on an island somewhere where I didnt have to deal with people because most of them suck.
s15274n said:
I wrote about it here: LINK
Does anyone know more about the background - from the twitter account it seems like just a general run-down and a disappointing community.
Other developers on here feel the same?
I'd love to get comments from some of the developers on here, if that is the case.
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I'm not a developer, but I was a ShootMe user on my EVO 4G. When it received the upgrade to Gingerbread, the app stopped working. The developer never replied to my email and from reading comments on Market didn't reply to anyone.
He did finally released a new version of ShootMe, but you had to have a computer to use it. Also everytime your reboot your phone, you had to sync everytime with your computer.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
Welcome to the "masses".
Want a better experience? Go smaller. Dev for Windows Phone, or Web OS, or RIM.
Once something becomes part of the main stream, you'll see the d-bags start rolling in. Even something like xda can be tarnished once it "gets too big". There is hardly a day that goes by where I don't read a thread here that doesn't make me shake my head. This used to be a highly technical forum, back when every devices was htc and running windows mobile.
The only thing that can really be done, is to work with a smaller, more appreciative community. I doubt you would get very many jerk off comments from a Windows Phone user, they are happy to get whatever they can.
All very good points. I wish I had put a little into my thoughts before typing that up - dev's need to be tougher AND respond to people.
s15274n said:
All very good points. I wish I had put a little into my thoughts before typing that up - dev's need to be tougher AND respond to people.
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As a android developer IMHO the android community is as bad as they come. Xda for example used to be a place of collaboration. Currently its a place where maybe .1% do dev, .9% appreciate the development and try to help, 99% ether complain or say nothing at all. Whether the development is for free or profite(which I won't evev get into here) how is a developer supposed to work off of that? Users would rather right a comment blasting a developer who has literally spent days of his life on some product without even attempting to resolve the issue themselves.
I'm not saying some complaints are not warranted, just saying flip the coin around and its not so hard to understand the developers standpoint.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
There is no denying that there is frustration on both sides. This frustration seems to stem from expectation, communication and control.
The developer expects their customers to be civil.
The users expects the developers to devote anything between some to all of their resources/free time building/making their products better.
Both are unreasonable expectations if you think about it.
Civility can only be maintained in a mediated environment - the Android Market seems only concerned about brand and copyright issues. Google seems to think that it's ok to put its developer behind chicken-wire with lights in their eyes whilst their customers are free to hurl beer bottles at them. Dealing with anony-trolls is time consuming and offputting.
Developers range from teenagers with spare time on their hands up to multi-million dollar development studios. I, myself, am a father of three, I work a full week (we've got to eat!) and I code when time permits. Even though I respond to every request put to my apps, if you think that I'm going to compromise the balance of other areas of my life to put in a bug fix - think again. Sure, some of the more effluent businesses can throw more resources into a project, but just bare in mind that most of us are just people and not doormats. Respect and encouragement is all it takes to make the market a happy place. Flaming just ruins things for all (on both sides).
Communication between devs and end users is and most likely always will be a bit of a sticking point. The fact that everyone has their own opinions, likes, dislikes kind of makes it obvious that there will never be an app with 100% 5 stars. Even the most popular apps on the market have ratings across the board. Though, admittedly, some of the low grades may be down to trolling - but some of them will be genuine. Communication takes time. From a user, it may take a couple of minutes out of their day. For the dev, they may have hundreds a day to deal with. This takes them away from the development that the mail is probably asking for!
A user doesn't, and should never have control over the developer. They should, however, be able to request, beg, plead *nicely*. If they get frustrated then they should remember the phrase 'you get what you pay for'. The developer doesn't get any money when you bought your phone - so don't think they have any obligation to give you something for nothing. If it's a paid app, then the developer is saying 'yes, I'll support it.' That's fair sport.
The developer should have some control over their customers in the sense that a shopkeeper can choose who they let in their shops. Unfortunately they have none. They can't even moderate the comments on the market. I've had a 'GAY - Pointless, uninstall' (his words, not mine) on a free app downloaded 12,000 times and has a 4* rating. I can't do anything about it. It always appears when people go to the page. This individual has hurt my app and me without provocation. I didn't ask anything from them. Fortunately, the following message pointed out that the 'Pointless' user was an idiot (thanks XZombie), hopefully it will negate some of the damage. We're completely at the mercy of the masses, and being a relatively new dev, it's a scary place to be!
It's a shame that the most influential party in all of this is hiding behind a wall of silence.
If you're interested - I'm keeping a track of my experience of Android development. The link is in my earlier post.
Paul, I do agree with you to a point. But I'm not sure if I like about developers editing comments. But I do see what you mean about people leaving dumb comments for an app that does work.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
I don't suggest developers could edit comments - that would make the process equally pointless, as devs can put all of the 'nice' things they want in the description anyway. Sorry if I implied otherwise.
Devs should be able to either remove, request for removal or even block the rogue elements. At present, we have to just live with the insults with no way to disprove their claims. Even a 'troll flag' would be an improvement - to show other users that the dev disagrees with the comment.
All accountability is on the devs whereas trolls can run freely.
Do any other devs out there agree with me on this? Others may have had a much more dealings with such than I have.
IMO if google was smart they would allow for a limited ammount(% of total) of "submissions" of there comments to a third party(google). If they are found outlandish they can be removed.
My 2 cents lol. I can say as a dev of a few apps on the market I have gotten rediculous comments n 1 stars b4. I mean if they are justified that's a different thing entirely. But my 1 stars are disproportionally higher then the trend of the others. Which proves one thing...
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
This is an honestly great thread. Good initiative to |OP|
Taking down an app just because of a few nasty comments is just
childish and quite frankly pathetic.
Seems that developer has chucked his toys out the pram, if he does
decide to release it again who is going to trust such a developer?
I know I wouldn't use the app again, seeing as he's stuck 2 fingers up
to loyal users and the whole android community all because of a small
minority of people.
The whole thing stinks of the guy thinking he is above any kind of bad
feedback, obviously a developer that doesn't listen to the users of his
app and a developer that turns his back at the drop of a hat.
I'm sure he will be missed... Not
Ps. there are better screenshot apps out there
I agree with your comment. Though I am not a dev. I have experience working in the retail end of software. This is a I want it now society, folks forget that they got this software/app for free and as soon as they have a little issue they fly off the deep end cussing out the maker/distribitor of the product. Anyhow like you said you get what you pay for.LIke in my IT course in school my book said "check the dummy behind the keyboard" anyhow thanks for the great apps i use the time flies app.
If a dev dropped his customers because of a couple of snide comments then, yeah, I'd agree with you.
But was that the case for ShootMe?
Before we start flinging hooks around here, wouldn't it be more productive to actually find out what happened first.
I may be proven wrong here, but the guy must've been given some serious grief to take such a newsworthy action.
In fact, that's not been mentioned - it could be media storming. Drum up enough publicity and come back blazing. Only time will tell on that one.
At the end of the day, it's his property. And if he makes a lot of people unhappy that's his prerogative. The reason he's giving though are indeed a real issue the community needs to address.
The plot thickens.
(Glad you like Times Flies! You're most welcome)
I've noticed that the flavor of a community will vary a lot by device. The Captivate community seems to be generally good and helpful for the most part, but I've heard horror stories of ungratefulness and rudeness about communities around other devices. It may be the same sort of thing with different varieties of apps. If people feel like an app performs a function they deserve outright, they may be less inclined to courtesy and more inclined to selfish expectation.

[Q] IMEI switching, Good or Bad?

It has recently come to my attention that a few people are upset at the actions I took to get the threads closed which told you how to change your IMEI number.
The way I understand it is that Changing your IMEI is illegal in most countries. So I asked a mod if this knid of thing was allowed on XDA developers. The moderation team closed the thread, not me. They decided it was not suitable.
So I'm curious to know what the general opinion on this matter is.
And rather than me receive PM's from people making personal attacks I thought it would be better to discuss in public.
Please let me know your thoughts
cjward23 said:
It has recently come to my attention that a few people are upset at the actions I took to get the threads closed which told you how to change your IMEI number.
The way I understand it is that Changing your IMEI is illegal in most countries. So I asked a mod if this knid of thing was allowed on XDA developers. The moderation team closed the thread, not me. They decided it was not suitable.
So I'm curious to know what the general opinion on this matter is.
And rather than me receive PM's from people making personal attacks I thought it would be better to discuss in public.
Please let me know your thoughts
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Share the trick dude!
Sent from my HTC Desire S
hamedunix said:
Share the trick dude!
Sent from my HTC Desire S
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You are asking Cjward to participate in an illegal activity.
IMEIs allows phones to be rendered useless if the phone is reported stolen. Sharing "the trick" of changing IMEIs not only promotes theft of Android phones, but it is illegal in some countries.It would allow the possibility of getting XDA in trouble if such information was posted here and we don't want that.
cjward23 said:
It has recently come to my attention that a few people are upset at the actions I took to get the threads closed which told you how to change your IMEI number.
The way I understand it is that Changing your IMEI is illegal in most countries. So I asked a mod if this knid of thing was allowed on XDA developers. The moderation team closed the thread, not me. They decided it was not suitable.
So I'm curious to know what the general opinion on this matter is.
And rather than me receive PM's from people making personal attacks I thought it would be better to discuss in public.
Please let me know your thoughts
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I guess one of those people would be me. It was not meant as a personal attack. I'll just repost what I said before on another thread so there are no confisions:
Some guy thread about imei unlocking got closed and locked in the general section. This has nothing to do with this rom, but i can't reply there. So here are my thoughts.
The action may be ilegal, but the information itself isn't. You are ultimately responsible for what you do with it.
There are lots of examples throughout History about information limiting for "the good of the people". Usually ends up with book burning.
Another example: I'm pretty sure that in my country it's illegal to record calls without the consent of the other party. The should I take out 2 way call recording from the kernel, and should xda delete all info on this site on how to do it?
What about the google apps we all include in our custom roms? There's a reason CM7 does not include them. It's illegal. Should xda remove all threads and roms that do not comply?
I'm sorry for the rambling, but i enjoy my freedom, and selfrighteous actions like these make my blood go hot.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium​
After this there were more examples on illegal stuff we do around here. If anyone actually reads the HTC terms of service, pretty much everything we do with sense roms is illegal. The point is, information should not be limited. Here's a drastic example:
The best way to kill someone fast: shoot him on the head.
Am I condoning murder? Will that line be edited bi mods?
Ridiculous example of course, but the line of reasoning is the same.
This is not meant to start a flame war, or pose as a personal attack on anyone.
It wasn't you, I received 2 PM's and one of them wasn't very nice.
I'm very intrested to see what the general consensus is on this matter.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
There are quite a few of examples there. Some that are irrelevant, some that you are right (HTC example), but since HTC has not acted on XDA, and most likely have used developer's fixes I assume they are fine with it because they are not making a profit and it is beneficial to them. As for the call recorder one...Well you could just use it legally...I mean I can't see how changing your IMEI is legal in any way.
Cimer said:
There are quite a few of examples there. Some that are irrelevant, some that you are right (HTC example), but since HTC has not acted on XDA, and most likely has used developer's fixes I assume they are fine with it. As for the call recorder one...Well you could just use it legally...I mean I can't see how changing your IMEI is legal in any way.
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I would also like to know what effort someone could get from in it legal matters.
When I understand it the right way there is none except the possibility to mask a stolen phone.
Swyped from my Desire S
Don't You think that knowledge of how to do such a "trick" can encourage theft and sale/use of stolen goods? It's like sharing info about how to steal a car and what to do next to make it "legal" again for further sale.
You guys must be really thick to refuse to understand that:
1. It is illegal
2. Wast majority of our community is against it
3. This is xda developers, not xda thieves guild
Please provide links to laws cant find anything about it
Cimer said:
You are asking Cjward to participate in an illegal activity.
IMEIs allows phones to be rendered useless if the phone is reported stolen. Sharing "the trick" of changing IMEIs not only promotes theft of Android phones, but it is illegal in some countries.It would allow the possibility of getting XDA in trouble if such information was posted here and we don't want that.
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sent from my IPhone 8S using time wrap app professional
Cimer said:
There are quite a few of examples there. Some that are irrelevant, some that you are right (HTC example), but since HTC has not acted on XDA, and most likely have used developer's fixes I assume they are fine with it because they are not making a profit and it is beneficial to them. As for the call recorder one...Well you could just use it legally...I mean I can't see how changing your IMEI is legal in any way.
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A few years back I had a Asus P527, windows mobile device. Due to some flashing issues, me and a coupe of dozen other users ended up with the same (default) IMEI. At the time, a service provider from India threatened to cut out service to anyone in that situation. So I figured out how to change the IMEI in that situation, and all was well. But it was still illegal in strict definitions.
But the example is pointless, and the discussion is pointless if you're making points like "HTC has not acted" and "is most likely fine". That does not bear any impact whatsoever on the legality of the action.
And what you find "not relevant" was not meant as a actual real life example, but what in mathematics is referred as "reduction to absurdity". Apply the same set of rules to a different situation with the same premises, and you see the ridicule in the rules themselves.
And I'm through with this. Peace.
Nothing more to say ..!!!
lowveld said:
A few years back I had a Asus P527, windows mobile device. Due to some flashing issues, me and a coupe of dozen other users ended up with the same (default) IMEI. At the time, a service provider from India threatened to cut out service to anyone in that situation. So I figured out how to change the IMEI in that situation, and all was well. But it was still illegal in strict definitions.
But the example is pointless, and the discussion is pointless if you're making points like "HTC has not acted" and "is most likely fine". That does not bear any impact whatsoever on the legality of the action.
And what you find "not relevant" was not meant as a actual real life example, but what in mathematics is referred as "reduction to absurdity". Apply the same set of rules to a different situation with the same premises, and you see the ridicule in the rules themselves.
And I'm through with this. Peace.
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sent from my IPhone 8S using time wrap app professional
Just mind your own threads next time.
The trick is on my site PERMANENT
Sent from my HTC Desire S using XDA Premium App
hey, cjward did what he thought was correct. DON'T GO AGAINST HIM, JUST BECAUSE HE REPORTED SOMETHING HE FELT WAS WRONG. HE IS, IN ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, AT FAULT. Even though i feel that information should be shared without any problems, and brokenworm's thread shouldn't have been deleted, i feel sad that people are flaming cjward. I completely agree with lowveld.
Got to admit when I first saw this posted, I actually questioned to myself whether or not this would be useful or not.
Unfortunately the reasons I had come up with as to why this could be useful, were not in a lawful manner. I thought about this further, came up with the idea again except expanded but with more self-justification. I've given up on the idea in a whole.
Unfortunately I feel that the information should be there, but the associated information pertaining to the relevant law(s) and legal ramifications boldly displayed with what it obviously should and shouldn't be used for, should said distribution of information.
I have to disagree with the way brokenworm is going about this though, immature in the least.
Technically, good.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
Dont flame the proud policeman?
shrome99 said:
hey, cjward did what he thought was correct. DON'T GO AGAINST HIM, JUST BECAUSE HE REPORTED SOMETHING HE FELT WAS WRONG. HE IS, IN ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, AT FAULT. Even though i feel that information should be shared without any problems, and brokenworm's thread shouldn't have been deleted, i feel sad that people are flaming cjward. I completely agree with lowveld.
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sent from my IPhone 8S using time wrap app professional
In my opinion I think it's bad ;( why? Becoz it's 1 of the unique information to identify who owns the phone by looking at the IMEI, so if a thief knows how to do this he can modify the IMEI so no one will know if the phone was stolen.
Just my little opinion peace!
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
i have a question, probably noobish one but would apreciate any response. what is the benefit of changing the imei? why would we want/need to do it? i guess it's like changing the mac adress of a nic but in this case i know what the benefits are but do not find them relevant in the case of the imei. sorry for the question if it's not apropriate..
xxmorph3u5xx said:
i have a question, probably noobish one but would apreciate any response. what is the benefit of changing the imei? why would we want/need to do it? i guess it's like changing the mac adress of a nic but in this case i know what the benefits are but do not find them relevant in the case of the imei. sorry for the question if it's not apropriate..
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Unless you are a theif, drug dealer, pimp, fraudster, terrorist or politician you will probably never have a reason to change your phones IMEI number.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
cjward23 said:
Unless you are a theif, drug dealer, pimp, fraudster, terrorist or politician you will probably never have a reason to change your phones IMEI number.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
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Thank you CJ. You hit rock bottom there. I actually considered you an even minded guy, but generalizations like that kind of prove me wrong.
Fu**, I even told you that I had done it before, so in what way is this not a personal attack? Care to tell me what you think I am? Thief? Rapist?

Verizon Wireless draws fire for monitoring customers' app usage, Web browsing..

I saw this this morning on Flipboard, any thoughts? I would guess even custom ROMS do no good when it comes to Verizon collecting our browsing/internet habits?
I don't like big brother monitoring.
hmoobguy said:
I saw this this morning on Flipboard, any thoughts? I would guess even custom ROMS do no good when it comes to Verizon collecting our browsing/internet habits?
I don't like big brother monitoring.
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I didn't read the full thing but google has been doing this forever and then some. they even increased how detailed/how much data they collect with the new TOS they put out recently. I'm betting the only reason Verizon is drawing more fire is because of the phone aspect of it.
Also, big brother can and does whatever they want. The government monitors all sorts of stuff that you would think would be illegal to do. Welcome to the new socialist regime under Obama..
I don't see an opt out, unless its not out yet.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Premium App
I clicked it and it kept logging me out of my Verizon account and just showing the main splash page.
Mystikalrush said:
I don't see an opt out, unless its not out yet.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Premium App
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Just log in to myverizon and go to privacy settings. Should bring up a page with all your lines under each section and you can select the bubble to opt out.
Custom ROM tracking?
Does this still apply to users with a custom ROM?
Brian Gove said:
I didn't read the full thing but google has been doing this forever and then some. they even increased how detailed/how much data they collect with the new TOS they put out recently. I'm betting the only reason Verizon is drawing more fire is because of the phone aspect of it.
Also, big brother can and does whatever they want. The government monitors all sorts of stuff that you would think would be illegal to do. Welcome to the new socialist regime under Obama..
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Yeah, if you don't think that Bush handed him the keys right before firmly pointing the economy at the iceberg and tying steering wheel in place before doing so, than your mistaken.. And being prior military and working in intelligence, I can tell you that every electronic ANYTHING is being archived and saved and scanned for keywords since way before Obama. Eery single one of your emails and voice conversations and IM's and posts. Hmm and who put the Patriot Act in place.. hmm.. Have a Lovely day talking to big brother.. Oh by the way.. They prefer sexting.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Not that I want to get into a political conversation here, but I will, who made it a felony to protest, even peacefully, in front of the Secret Service? Who's had 4 years to fix said economy but has only steered it deeper into the hole. Obama has increased the national debt more in 4 years than Bush did in 8.
Now I'm not a Bush fan, I'm just saying Obama is bad news. Oh, as far as the Patriot Act, who renewed it once the majority of the terrorist alarm settled down years after 9/11??
I do agree the monitoring has been going on for a long time, but it has either taken steps that no one would before or at least taken steps publicly that every other regime did in secret. If it is just the same sh*t diff pile then doing it publicly is just a slap in the face to everyone. I'd rather they try to hide it then do it and blatantly step on our rights.
Oh, one more thing, who's given illegal immigrants more rights/help than the average American who is in need of help too?
I'm pretty sure most companies track your online habbits. They claim the use it for "market research". On my phone I'm not really that bothered by it, I don't do anything on it that I want to keep private, because I don't trust how private they are.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless you are embarassed you look at porn on your phone. Just keep things you would like to be personal and not tracked heavily on a properly secured connection at home, and possibly use TOR if you are that paranoid and want a little extra security.
Actually, I believe there is Tor available for android. It may help cut down on what they know your doing.
yawn, who cares???
Brian Gove said:
I didn't read the full thing but google has been doing this forever and then some. they even increased how detailed/how much data they collect with the new TOS they put out recently. I'm betting the only reason Verizon is drawing more fire is because of the phone aspect of it.
Also, big brother can and does whatever they want. The government monitors all sorts of stuff that you would think would be illegal to do. Welcome to the new socialist regime under Obama..
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Ya because Obama is a king and can just do whatever he wants with no one else in government having a say.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Yeah, let's not make this a presidential debate thread.
I've always liked Verizon, but lately I'm getting tired of them. I'm following the link to opt out.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
I swear, everybody is monitoring search and usage results nowadays...
xsteven77x said:
Ya because Obama is a king and can just do whatever he wants with no one else in government having a say.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
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Wasting your time. If someone says socialist regime and Obama together.. Let it go. And consider that statement with future debates with them.
blestsol said:
Wasting your time. If someone says socialist regime and Obama together.. Let it go. And consider that statement with future debates with them.
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Ignorance is bliss huh?
(Oh, and by the way, you just used them in the same sentence so are you including yourself in your comment?)
Brian Gove said:
Ignorance is bliss huh?
(Oh, and by the way, you just used them in the same sentence so are you including yourself in your comment?)
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Yes. That's exactly what I meant. When someone is referring to another comment they're automatically bunched in.
Democrat or Republican the only thing you can be sure of is they do NOT have your best interest in mind. They love that they factioned the people, makes it easier for them when we're fighting about who's the worst.
Brian Gove said:
Not that I want to get into a political conversation here, but I will, who made it a felony to protest, even peacefully, in front of the Secret Service? Who's had 4 years to fix said economy but has only steered it deeper into the hole. Obama has increased the national debt more in 4 years than Bush did in 8.
Now I'm not a Bush fan, I'm just saying Obama is bad news. Oh, as far as the Patriot Act, who renewed it once the majority of the terrorist alarm settled down years after 9/11??
I do agree the monitoring has been going on for a long time, but it has either taken steps that no one would before or at least taken steps publicly that every other regime did in secret. If it is just the same sh*t diff pile then doing it publicly is just a slap in the face to everyone. I'd rather they try to hide it then do it and blatantly step on our rights.
Oh, one more thing, who's given illegal immigrants more rights/help than the average American who is in need of help too?
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You may want to check your facts there....
Farabomb said:
Democrat or Republican the only thing you can be sure of is they do NOT have your best interest in mind. They love that they factioned the people, makes it easier for them when we're fighting about who's the worst.
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Best statement of the day! Now back to tech news, I hate politics.
cvsolidx17 said:
I swear, everybody is monitoring search and usage results nowadays...
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I don't mind some monitoring but when they collect everything!? That's a little overboard IMO. I want an option to op out. I don't care about their strategic advertisements for my use. I guess there's no way stop them until theyre a law suit against them.

What is the best Parental Control app?

(this is not a commercial thread)
I'm a father of two and they have been using the net since young age as I think the sooner they would understand the dangers and the positives it would be better than delaying the inevitable.
The backslash was that the oldest gain too much knowleged and has been online not behaving well.
I've surf around the XDA and Google and have not found an actual Android app that is cost effective and actually reliable enought to allow them to continue without supervision of all what they do.
Any suggestions out there, even from the more "dark side" ?
What I've found so far and a few comments on my opinion:
mod edit - paid services links and descriptions removed
I tend to go to the highstermobi app but not sure if there could be a better app with the missing features this one has.
Any comments or additional suggestions are so welcome!
according to Forum Rules
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and to offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar / substantially similar to
Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software or commercial services, unless you’re posting an exclusive release for
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I know you stated
(this is not a commercial thread)
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but it looks like it
xanthrax said:
according to Forum Rules
I know you stated
but it looks like it
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I understand, that is why I posted saying non commercial, how to you suggest me to make this question?
I definitely have no affiliation with any of this companies and actually I'm looking for something other than this as these do not fullfill my goal.
I can erase the reference to all apps. I wanted to avoid members to say "I did not google or search around".
Thanks for the help!
pauloviegas said:
(this is not a commercial thread)
I'm a father of two and they have been using the net since young age as I think the sooner they would understand the dangers and the positives it would be better than delaying the inevitable.
The backslash was that the oldest gain too much knowleged and has been online not behaving well.
I've surf around the XDA and Google and have not found an actual Android app that is cost effective and actually reliable enought to allow them to continue without supervision of all what they do.
Any suggestions out there, even from the more "dark side" ?
What I've found so far and a few comments on my opinion:
mod edit - paid services links and descriptions removed
I tend to go to the highstermobi app but not sure if there could be a better app with the missing features this one has.
Any comments or additional suggestions are so welcome!
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Here is the issue that you will face. In many places apps like the ones you want are deemed illegal. Even if installing on your child's device. Might want to look into the laws where you are.
Apps like that are also not allowed to be talked about here so I hate to say it but you won't be finding any help on the matter here.
As a parent of twin teen boys. All I can say is sometimes you have to let them learn things on their own. You can't protect them forever.
pauloviegas said:
I understand, that is why I posted saying non commercial, how to you suggest me to make this question?
I definitely have no affiliation with any of this companies and actually I'm looking for something other than this as these do not fullfill my goal.
I can erase the reference to all apps. I wanted to avoid members to say "I did not google or search around".
Thanks for the help!
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you can discuss about this apps but not linking them as you did with prices as well, are you interested on the price or usability , I would say the last so you can discuss about this. You already have an advice above so you can get feedback without linking them
zelendel said:
Here is the issue that you will face. In many places apps like the ones you want are deemed illegal. Even if installing on your child's device. Might want to look into the laws where you are.
Apps like that are also not allowed to be talked about here so I hate to say it but you won't be finding any help on the matter here.
As a parent of twin teen boys. All I can say is sometimes you have to let them learn things on their own. You can't protect them forever.
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Thanks for the time to reply. You're right on all comments, but one is always afraid, specially because they are pre-teen.
pauloviegas said:
Thanks for the time to reply. You're right on all comments, but one is always afraid, specially because they are pre-teen.
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The one that has gained knowledge from using the Internet would probably circumvent anything you did anyway, in a way, your plan would only fuel his fire to learn more to bypass whatever you do, so in effect, you'd be pushing him the direction you don't want him to go even faster than if you just left it alone. With that particular child, you'd have to completely restrict their access to the internet, which is virtually impossible in today's world.
Droidriven said:
The one that has gained knowledge from using the Internet would probably circumvent anything you did anyway, in a way, your plan would only fuel his fire to learn more to bypass whatever you do, so in effect, you'd be pushing him the direction you don't want him to go even faster than if you just left it alone. With that particular child, you'd have to completely restrict their access to the internet, which is virtually impossible in today's world.
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Exactly. Not to mention that with the schools and topics of learning these days. They probably already know how to bypass it. I was amazed the first time I caught my boys sending messages encrypted in their pictures. When I asked where they learned it, they learned it in school. This is when came to understand that there was nothing I could really do about it.
We always want our kids to surpass us. Which they normally do but that comes with some hard pills to swallow as a parent lol.

[CLOSED] Need advice and recommendations

So I am trying to find a free (hideable) phone activity monitoring app. I need to be able to hide it so it's not visible on the phone unless you really dig, I already know how to do that part. I preferably want it to save messages, app activity, pictures, phone calls, and social media activity.
My wife, soon to be ex wife, has been cheating on me and I need proof of adultery for the inevitable court case thats going to come once I serve her the papers so I can keep her from taking me for half or everything.
I don't mind paying like $5 to $10 a month but the only issue with that is she has access to bank statements and will see the charges and figure out what I am doing, I'm trying to keep that from happening, hence the need for it to be free.
Thank you in advance.
Oh yeah, she has an IPhone 13 Pro
And I am running a Samsung 21 Ultra
I'm beginning to see why you're having problems... no one likes a nosey Parker.
Yeah I know, I'm not the one hacking accounts and bringing people into our bed for me to come home and walk in on. I ain't be a nosey Parker, in reacting accordingly to the situation that I was forced into and now I'm covering my bases
KillerInk11313 said:
Yeah I know, I'm not the one hacking accounts and bringing people into our bed for me to come home and walk in on. I ain't be a nosey Parker, in reacting accordingly to the situation that I was forced into and now I'm covering my bases
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XDA doesn't condone illegal activities. What you're asking to do violates federal and likely state laws in the USA and many other countries as well.
Putting a legal activity tracking app on my own personal property that was purchased by me, is in my name, and is paid for by me is not illegal, and was also adviced for me to do by my lawyer. But you are entitled to your own opinion sir, but I don't need your two cents on my personal situation. I asked a simple question, if you have helpful advice I'm willing to listen, otherwise I respectfully don't need to hear it.
KillerInk11313 said:
Putting a legal activity tracking app on my own personal property that was purchased by me, is in my name, and is paid for by me is not illegal, and was also adviced for me to do by my lawyer. But you are entitled to your own opinion sir, but I don't need your two cents on my personal situation. I asked a simple question, if you have helpful advice I'm willing to listen, otherwise I respectfully don't need to hear it.
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Ask your lawyer to supply one. He seems to have the wherewithal.
There's no way for me or anyone here to determine the validity of your claims. Personally I think it's underhanded, unethical and illegal unless your wife is a minor.
Fair enough, I appreciate the help and banter, I look elsewhere for advice. Hell, Im pretty sure I won't find any worse treatment or un-warrented criticism elsewhere than I received from you good sir. I attempted to remove the thread but it doesn't see I have the ability, so you are more than welcome to step down from that high horse of yours to remove it yourself.
Even with the the uncalled for words and judgement I still hope you never have to experiance what I'm dealing with. But I do hope someday you learn how to talk to people with atleast a shred of common decency or respect.
KillerInk11313 said:
Fair enough, I appreciate the help and banter, I look elsewhere for advice. Hell, Im pretty sure I won't find any worse treatment or un-warrented criticism elsewhere than I received from you good sir. I attempted to remove the thread but it doesn't see I have the ability, so you are more than welcome to step down from that high horse of yours to remove it yourself.
Even with the the uncalled for words and judgement I still hope you never have to experiance what I'm dealing with. But I do hope someday you learn how to talk to people with atleast a shred of common decency or respect.
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It has nothing do with a lack of empathy on my part.
Five years in Federal prison is a long time. Mind you the other person you speak of is also a stranger to me as well. I'm neutral... but you're the one I -see- trying to step out of line.
blackhawk said:
It has nothing do with a lack of empathy on my part.
Five years in Federal prison is a long time. Mind you the other person you speak of is also a stranger to me as well. I'm neutral... but you're the one I -see- trying to step out of line.
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Five years is a long time, regardless of institution or whether it's federal or state, that's still going to take a decent adjustment period. But you aren't being neutral, your throwing judgement, even just by saying I'm the one stepping out of line. You don't know any of the facts, how long it's been happening, what been done, the level of faithfulness and loyalty from each party, income from each party.....the list keeps going. So how can you say I'm the one stepping out of line? All your doing is making a judgment based off your own assumptions. I know the inside teaches men to think a certain way and act a certain way, but it also normally teaches most mutual respect is a 2 way street. That we should always start of with a level of respect towards the other, and if it isn't matched that's when you come with the un-needed rude, judgemental etiquette.
Atleast that's one of the things it taught me. Not to mention many others, another important being that your a grown man and entitled to your opinion and how you feel...I'm also a grown man, who isn't bothered by other people's opinions or how they view me, I also know I don't need to continue this, so I'm just going to end it by saying that if you really did do 5 years and you still talk to and treat people like this, it must have been a pretty cushy institution
KillerInk11313 said:
Five years is a long time, regardless of institution or whether it's federal or state, that's still going to take a decent adjustment period. But you aren't being neutral, your throwing judgement, even just by saying I'm the one stepping out of line. You don't know any of the facts, how long it's been happening, what been done, the level of faithfulness and loyalty from each party, income from each party.....the list keeps going. So how can you say I'm the one stepping out of line? All your doing is making a judgment based off your own assumptions. I know the inside teaches men to think a certain way and act a certain way, but it also normally teaches most mutual respect is a 2 way street. That we should always start of with a level of respect towards the other, and if it isn't matched that's when you come with the un-needed rude, judgemental etiquette.
Atleast that's one of the things it taught me. Not to mention many others, another important being that your a grown man and entitled to your opinion and how you feel...I'm also a grown man, who isn't bothered by other people's opinions or how they view me, I also know I don't need to continue this, so I'm just going to end it by saying that if you really did do 5 years and you still talk to and treat people like this, it must have been a pretty cushy institution
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Here's my retort for a cheap shot...
Electronic Communications Privacy Act
I was just returning the judgemental rudeness that you were so keen to begin with and continue to use towards me, only one person here to blame for my response.
That was a cute little click bait attempt you played there, smooth.
Except even though i have a S21 Ultra I run PureOS on it.
Debian OS is immune to most modern viruses whether they are android or iOS based because it runs as neither.
Like I said tho, good attempt. If this was ran on the typical software I would have had an issue.
Thread closed at your request: "I attempted to remove the thread but it doesn't see I have the ability ...". Also because of Rule 9:
9. Don't get us into trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things which will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably shouldn't do it here either. This does not mean that we agree with everything that the software piracy lobby try to impose on us. It simply means that you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with the legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users and those that write great code.
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