How do I access phone numbers in my old broken motorola? - Android General

How do I access phone numbers in my old broken motorola phone?
The touch screen lights up, but it does not respond to touch, and I cannot slide the button to the un-lock position.
It has an earlier version of android, but is not really a smart phone and I don't know the model number, I took the back off and took the battery out, but I don't see a model number.
I saw a post from k.janku1, and downloaded a software link, but it is not doing anything after I connected my phone to my computer.
I don't know if I have adb (?) enabled on the phone either. I'm not even sure if my phone has this feature.
I am new to this forum and not familiar with using it.
Can someone please provide me with some easy to follow instructions?


Controlling phone from computer? ie. Making calls?

Cracked my screen, I see I can buy a new screen easy enough and replace it. The problem is I don't know if anything else is broke, I ask because now my phone doesn't recieve calls, it just goes straight to voice mail. But it still seems to work when I plug it into my computer, It recognizes it and I can use the side loader to install apps on it.
Is there anyway I can make a call from my computer through it to see if it is still working, or is there a way to emulate the screen on my computer.
Or any other suggestions on how I could check other fuctions of the phone to see if I just need to replace the screen?
never mind, just figured it out, I just had to search other forums.
That program is awesome! And my phone wasnt recieving calls because it entered airplane mode somehow!

Help retrieving pictures - Broken LCD

I've got a GS3 that I need to get pictures off of. The digitizer and lcd are both broken. The phone turns on but the screen is black. There's a lock code on the phone so I have to unlock it to put it in media mode, which is the problem. The phone is not rooted and it's got stock ROM. I've been searching for two days now for a way to get the pictures off of this phone. There's solutions out there that involve connecting a mouse and entering the unlock code but that won't work as the screen will not turn on. Tried adb but the device is not detected. Any help would be GREATLY apprecitated.
Got it figured out. Hooked up a keyboard to the phone (as opposed to mouse as other forums suggested) and was able to type in the unlock code. I had kies running so as soon as I typed the unlock code and hit enter I unplugged the keyboard and plugged the phone into my computer and I was able to transfer everything to my pc via kies.
Glad to see you posted your solution. That will go a long way towards helping others.

Galaxy J3 2017 Black screen, can unlock with keyboard and unsure what to do next.

Hi all,
Firstly I've looked on all black screen help pages but none of them help. Last week my galaxy j3 2017 model died. The screen is just black, but the phone 'works', and by that I mean if I ring it the phone rings, notification sounds still happen but screen is still just black. I've charged it, let it die, tried all combos of reboots but nothing. Using an online guide, if I plug a USB keyboard in and tap my code followed by enter I hear the phone unlock (yes it has a pin screen lock). I then tried to plug into a laptop, but using Windows explorer, my phone is there but going into the phone, the folder is empty. I'm guessing this is because I can't enable file transfer etc on the phone. I'm at a loss wgag I can do. Samsung said I can take it to a shop to be fixed, but I have a few weeks of data and files I want to try and rescue first. Can anyone offer any advice please?
wllmwllms said:
Hi all,
Firstly I've looked on all black screen help pages but none of them help. Last week my galaxy j3 2017 model died. The screen is just black, but the phone 'works', and by that I mean if I ring it the phone rings, notification sounds still happen but screen is still just black. I've charged it, let it die, tried all combos of reboots but nothing. Using an online guide, if I plug a USB keyboard in and tap my code followed by enter I hear the phone unlock (yes it has a pin screen lock). I then tried to plug into a laptop, but using Windows explorer, my phone is there but going into the phone, the folder is empty. I'm guessing this is because I can't enable file transfer etc on the phone. I'm at a loss wgag I can do. Samsung said I can take it to a shop to be fixed, but I have a few weeks of data and files I want to try and rescue first. Can anyone offer any advice please?
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your screen is dead on your phone and your not going to be able to get the data from your phone. All you can do is send it in to samsung.
Ok, thank you. At least with this confirmed I can just get it fixed and hope a file recovery tool may help. Thanks again.
wllmwllms said:
Ok, thank you. At least with this confirmed I can just get it fixed and hope a file recovery tool may help. Thanks again.
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If you haven't taken this for repair yet then you can confirm a dead screen if you see nothing at all when restarting the device.
However it IS possible to rescue the data. There are various ways to do this with a blank screen. Obviously the easiest is via MTP. There is also Smartswitch.
Adb is also an option.
This would be trial and error until you hit the right spot to enable usb transfer.

Galaxy S5 with broken screen

Hi there.
Please could someone suggest how I can migrate all the data from a Galaxy S5 with a broken screen over to a new Galaxy S5 which is the identical model.
The broken phone is not locked and internally is working normally but after being dropped I think the LCD has gone so badly that I cannot make out anything on the screen. It still seems to respond to any touch input OK.
If I could see it I would have simply used Samsung Smartswitch which is installed on both phones to transfer everything. However, without being able to see the screen I can’t find it in the apps to open it.
If I could remotely get the phones desktop up on my PC maybe I could open the app from there. With Smartswitch open on both phones I could see on the new phone where to tap on the old on to make it start the transfer.
Does anyone have any suggestions how I can either open the app remotely or maybe suggest another way to move everything across.
MarylinC said:
Hi there.
Please could someone suggest how I can migrate all the data from a Galaxy S5 with a broken screen over to a new Galaxy S5 which is the identical model.
The broken phone is not locked and internally is working normally but after being dropped I think the LCD has gone so badly that I cannot make out anything on the screen. It still seems to respond to any touch input OK.
If I could see it I would have simply used Samsung Smartswitch which is installed on both phones to transfer everything. However, without being able to see the screen I can’t find it in the apps to open it.
If I could remotely get the phones desktop up on my PC maybe I could open the app from there. With Smartswitch open on both phones I could see on the new phone where to tap on the old on to make it start the transfer.
Does anyone have any suggestions how I can either open the app remotely or maybe suggest another way to move everything across.
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If you have or can get USB debugging enabled on the device, this tool should work well for you.
If you never personally enabled USB debugging in the system settings on your device, then it isn't enabled, which means you'll have to get it enabled somehow. There are few ways to get it enabled even with the broken screen, but it very much depends on exactly which model number your S5 is. Look in system settings>about phone>device info>model number or system settings>about phone>hardware info>model number to find your model number, or you can remove the back cover and look behind your battery to find the model number.
I'll try to help as much as your device will allow me.
But first, tell me exactly what kind of data you want to transfer.
Do you mean the usual user data such as pictures and etc..?
Or do you also mean the user settings, info for their various logins/accounts, banking info and deeper more personal or even system info?
Does the user have an active Samung account with the broken device registered in their account? If so, you can try transferring via their Samsung account.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
Thanks for replying Droidriven.
The exact model number is SM-G900F.
Just to clarify, it is my brothers phone that is broken and he and I both have the same model. The new phone is also the same model which has been ordered but has not arrived yet. It should arrive either this morning or Monday.
However, for the moment I can at least try things out on my phone first. On my phone USB Debugging is off by default so I am sure it has not been enabled.
As I said previouly, the touch screen seems to respond because I can still answer calls simply by knowing where to swipe. I know where the apps button is on the home screen but obviously I cannot scroll through the apps to find the settings icon.
I am hoping to transfer as much as I can including apps and user settings, texts, etc.
My brother has not registered for a Samsung account.
MarylinC said:
Thanks for replying Droidriven.
The exact model number is SM-G900F.
Just to clarify, it is my brothers phone that is broken and he and I both have the same model. The new phone is also the same model which has been ordered but has not arrived yet. It should arrive either this morning or Monday.
However, for the moment I can at least try things out on my phone first. On my phone USB Debugging is off by default so I am sure it has not been enabled.
As I said previouly, the touch screen seems to respond because I can still answer calls simply by knowing where to swipe. I know where the apps button is on the home screen but obviously I cannot scroll through the apps to find the settings icon.
I am hoping to transfer as much as I can including apps and user settings, texts, etc.
My brother has not registered for a Samsung account.
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To enable USB debugging, you can try using one phone as a guide to go through the settings menu. On the broken phone, using the working phone side by side while copying the exact motions and touchs try navigating to system settings>about phone>software info>build number(or wherever build number is located in your device settings, it varies), tap 7-10 times really quickly on the spot where build number is located on the list, if you get it right, you'll enable developer options, from there, using the other phone as a guide, go to system settings>developer options>USB debugging and enable it.
Or, try this tool to get USB debugging enabled while in download mode, and then use Odin to flash TWRP custom recovery instead of the stock firmware as described in the guide, you don't need to flash the firmware, just TWRP if you choose to do so while you are at it, TWRP can be used to backup and transfer the data but involves flashing the other device with TWRP also.
Once you get USB debugging enabled there are options:
1) You can use the tool I linked you earlier.
2) You can use adb to backup the data that you want to keep then use adb to transfer the data to the new device, adb works through a command terminal on PC and requires no touch input, you can do everything by command line if you find/know the correct commands to do what you need, as described in the link below, but you can ignore the stuff about unlocking your bootloader.
3) You can flash TWRP custom recovery via Odin and then use TWRP to backup the data that you want to save and then flash TWRP on the device the data is to be transferred to then use TWRP on that device to restore all of the data that you saved onto the new device, if the device that is being replaced via warranty is the exact same device and will be used by the same person, you can completely backup everything on the device and then completely restore all of it on the new device. Just verify that your bootloader is not locked before you flash TWRP, it won't work with a locked bootloader.
4) You can try using Samsung Smartswitch on PC.
Those are just the options I can think of off the top of my head, there may be some other ways, it's just a matter of what you are comfortable with or not.
If you are comfortable with one of these options, I'll try to help you through whatever you need or don't understand. If you choose the stuff that involves flashing the device(s), I need to check some specifics about your device(s) before you do so and I need to be certain you understand how the flash/backup/restore process works in order to make sure that nothing gets messed up or lost/wiped during the process.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
Thank you so much Droidriven. The new phone arrived this morning and your idea of using smartswitch from my windiws PC did the trick.
I only had to touch once on the broken phone to trigger the backup to my PC which worked a treat. After that everything else was plain sailing and the new phone is all set up with all the data intact.
MarylinC said:
Thank you so much Droidriven. The new phone arrived this morning and your idea of using smartswitch from my windiws PC did the trick.
I only had to touch once on the broken phone to trigger the backup to my PC which worked a treat. After that everything else was plain sailing and the new phone is all set up with all the data intact.
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Good to go, glad to help.
I thought it might, I just wasn't sure about whether USB debugging was required by SmartSwitch, I have never needed to use SmartSwitch so I'm not familiar with its ins and outs.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
No, USB debugging isn't required on smartswitch.
My brother is like a kid with a new toy now that he has his phone back with all his stuff restored and working.
Thank you again.

Activating USB-debugging blindly

After my S6 dropped flat on the floor it's screen went gradually violet and then black. Now I'm left with working digitzier but I can't see nothing. In order to access my phone I'd like to connect keyboard via OTG and access developers settings and then enable debugging so eventually I could connect S6 with my PC via Vysor app. Would someone try to do it on their phone and then post the keys combination here, please? It'd be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
szaka1a said:
After my S6 dropped flat on the floor it's screen went gradually violet and then black. Now I'm left with working digitzier but I can't see nothing. In order to access my phone I'd like to connect keyboard via OTG and access developers settings and then enable debugging so eventually I could connect S6 with my PC via Vysor app. Would someone try to do it on their phone and then post the keys combination here, please? It'd be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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if this doesnt pan out, try a MHL adapter. also, knowing what version of android you were on before the screen went ka-put would help for the key combos
youdoofus said:
if this doesnt pan out, try a MHL adapter. also, knowing what version of android you were on before the screen went ka-put would help for the key combos
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I'm pretty sure that you cannot use MHL with S6. The version was 7.0 I think.
szaka1a said:
I'm pretty sure that you cannot use MHL with S6. The version was 7.0 I think.
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ok, sorry. i wasnt sure if it would work or not, just wanted to throw it out there
Problem solved. I decided to share the solution in case someone has a similar problem. Long story short: take screenshots with the key combination specific to your phone and view them on your PC so you know the approximate position where to tap on your screen to select some option. I found that one comment the other day, posted under one of the videos on how to control a phone with a broken screen. Since I'm a new user here I cannot share the external link to the video.
The author of the comment was Adam Cepnik so all credits go to him for this simple, yet genius solution. Here's the comment:
"If your screen is black, but you can control the phone by touchscreen, connect the phone to your PC. Then try to unlock your phone (it will take a few tries, but it is possible). This should unlock your phone's internal storage so it should be visible from the PC. Then find out how to make a screenshot. The screenshots can be found somewhere in the internal storage via PC. Then you can see a picture of the phone's screen and attempt to control the phone according to the screenshots (take them everytime you touch something). It is slow, but it can help you to enable the debugging even with black screen."
Hope someone will find it helpful in any way.

