LG Security - Security Discussion

Two days ago at 3:38 a.m. I was on my wifes LG Risio white H343 cricket phone helping her set it up after a factory reset. I entered my own gmail and pass. Exactly two minutes later I receive an email alert notifying me that someone has my password and was blocked when they attempted to log in. I checked recent devices list. I recognize my device and one new unknown device from Fort Worth, Texas.
It should be noted that I changed my password on my own device, right before I logged in to her phone so it was a brand new unused pass until that time. It should also be noted that LGs home base is in Fort Worth, Texas. Not to mention the fact that someone from LG Support told me himself, (Vince) that "we use special keys to bypass any security functions, lock outs, or features in our lg phones"
I'm concerned with the information that LG, uses and has access too. Anyone else have any opinion on this?

thanks for sharing your experience, i'd like to know more about this i hope someone could give us some answers


Can't Unlock Phone - Using Official Dev Account - RESOLVED

Ok, now I'm going into my third day with this phone, and I'm really struggling to find a way that it has made me happy. I mean, yeah, I like the OS and all, but Sprint still hasn't gotten back to me on whether they're going to send me a free Airave (I spend half the time in my home roaming). I had to reset the device yesterday to get it to connect to Marketplace - even though my account has never said anything but US (last time I left the country was in the Navy 21 years ago) - and even though I could connect to marketplace on Zune software, my phone wouldn't connect to it. Now I've got that working, by resetting the phone.
Now I can't get the phone unlocked. My developer account has been approved, identity verified, and the next step in my process is unlock my phone. I have tried all the tricks I've found so far: start phone, unlock the lock screen, turned off a bunch of services on my PC (like SQL, IIS, and more), reset my phone again, touch marketplace on the phone while connected so it says "connected" on the screen... Between all this and the lousy reception I get at home, I'm ready to just chuck this thing back at Sprint and say, "Thanks, but no thanks." The one thing keeping me from doing that is that Verizon is going to get the Trophy, and I want a phone with a keyboard. I've had keyboards on all my WinMo phones, and don't plan to stop now. I just wish this phone was available on VZW. I'm going to stick it out as long as I can, but iff I don't have an improved experience by day 28, Sprint gets it back... </rant>
Ok... Have I missed any other steps in getting this phone to connect to the Developer Phone Registration tool?
Have you tried following the directions here:
Yes, many times.... I never get past step 4.
Someone just told me an another thread that you have to be verfied through GeoTrust and to do that you must first create and submit an app that you have developed.
After you submit the app, supposedly GeoTrust will contact you via email and have you verify some personal information.
Make a fake app. That's all you have to do. Make one, then submit it. This will generate a claim number with GeoTrust. Trust me, I had to do this myself...
Have you got your certificate from msdn yet it takes a couple of days, once you get your certificate your account will be unloced
thealanshow said:
Make a fake app. That's all you have to do. Make one, then submit it. This will generate a claim number with GeoTrust. Trust me, I had to do this myself...
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I just finished this. Hopefully by monday all will be well
My account has already cleared GeoTrust, and the next step is to unlock my phone. I'm not a student, but it wouldn't matter - I can't get that far. The reg tool doesn't even detect my phone.
If you're getting the dreaded "Check that the Zune software is running blah blah blah" message, this one is a PITA to deal with. From what I've seen poking around on the interwebs, it's hitting a good number of people. It happened to me too.
I have 2 systems that are identical hardware wise, and running 64 bit OSes.
I have 1 machine running a 32 bit OS (it's a much older system).
I was finally able to unlock the phone without any issues at all on the 32 bit system (after swapping out my phone and nearly a week of struggling with it) the very first time I tried.
I'm loving the phone, especially with it being unlocked, but it was a fight until I tried it on that last machine.
Poke Microsoft about it. The more they hear about it and the more information they get about it the faster they'll be able to fix it (that assumes the problem is even on their end).
I've heard using a USB hub (or if you're already using one then NOT using it) has helped some people. *shrug*
Thanks for all the suggestions - I appreciate them. I have yet to get my phone to get past the check zune... blah blah blah error, with the exception of one time. Here's what I did...
I reset my phone, got past the intro, added my live account, hooked it to the computer, let it sync with Zune (I had deleted the phone's proflie), opened the reg tool, and it found the phone. I entered my login info, and got the dreaded 0x64 error having to do with time on the phone.
Several posts I found had to do with people getting past this by using a different internet connection and finding success. Well, I have a rather odd internet connection going on. I live right behind my church, just beyond wireless range from the pastor's router. So here's what I have:
Scientific Atlanta DSL modem/router combo - pastor's connection
Buffalo high powered router running DD-WRT sitting on the platform (closest part of the building to my house), repeating the pastor's signal.
Buffalo high powered router running DD-WRT sitting in my computer room, repeating wireless to my house, and serving as wired router to the server and the HTPC.
Pastor's is, the one on the platform is, and the one in my house is, so they are all separate networks, each using the one upstream of it as a gateway.
So, given my success connecting to the phone, I walked over to church, phone still connected to the computer, connected to the pastor's router, and by this point in time, I can no longer connect to the phone.
I suspect that there is some update that Sprint is pushing that causes this problem, so I repeated the process several times, each time deleting the Zune profile, resetting the phone, going through enough of the startup to get to the settings, and putting it in airplane mode, then connecting in the specified order, allowing the new profile to be created, and still failing to connect to the phone from the reg tool.
Over on the App Hub forums, there are several of us with this problem, and a Microsoft team member said that they believe that it is something specific about the Sprint Arrive, and they are looking into it.
My main gripe about this whole thing is that since Sprint is a latecomer to the game, all the posts I'm finding about this are like six months old. Many people have overcome this problem, so you'd think that Microsoft would have figured out the problem by now, and fixed it.
I hope to get this figured out soon, as I am presently unemployed, and spent my $99 to join the App Hub, hoping to make a bit of money there until I get a job. I'm working on something, but until my phone is unlocked, I can't put my confidence in testing solely with the emulator.
Thanks for the tips guys. I do appreciate it.
I've heard really good things about the HTC arrive, I hope it works out for you. Who knows, it could be something NoDo related (because to the best of my knowledge those phones come with NoDo stocked on). I kinda hope it is, it would take the sting out of the fact that so many of us can't our hands on that update! haha ;-)
Yes, it does come with NoDo. It's interesting, takes a bit of getting used to, but it seems to work well. I love the phone. It feels more solid than my TP2. The only thing is that I wish the screen tilt wasn't spring-loaded. I got used to not using it most of the time on my TP2, so it's taking some getting used to on here.
Oh, frustration of all frustrations! I just grabbed my wife's phone and tried it for kicks. It took me all of 15 seconds to unlock her Sprint Arrive. So I know the problem isn't my computer. WHY WON'T MY PHONE WORK?????
(oh, and if it makes any difference, she's installed WAY more apps than I have)
did you try going to msdn?
My MSDN subscription has expired, but I have posted on App Hub forums. MS thinks it is something specific to the Sprint Arrive, but who knows?
If anyone else has had this problem, there is an official workaround posted on AppHub, but for those who don't have access to that forum, here's the copy/paste:
Re: Cannot register developer phone (HTC Arrive)
Reply Quote
Hi Folks,
There is now an understood issue with respect to the HTC Arrive that may be the cause of your problem. It can affect both developer unlock as well as the ability to update the phone. A KB article is in the works but here is the gist of it for developers having trouble unlocking the phone:
Windows Phone 7 Developer Unlock Tool cannot detect the HTC Arrive Phone
This article applies to developers of Windows Phone 7 applications who are testing their application using the Sprint HTC Arrive, model number PC93100, OS build 7389 or 7390. Developers may find that they are unable to unlock the Sprint HTC Arrive phone using the Windows Phone Developer Unlock Tool, for the purpose of deploying their applications to the phone for testing. This article offers a remedy.
The developer completes these steps to register the phone:
1. Registers through the App Hub as per the steps described in the App Hub registration walkthrough here.
2. Downloads and successfully install the latest version of the Windows Phone Developer Tools.
3. Owns an activated Sprint Arrive in which they personalize their settings (including date and time, and selecting a language).
4. Registers the Sprint Arrive with the same Live account they used in the app hub registration.
Next, the developer follows these steps for Developer specific registration:
5. Connects the Sprint Arrive to the developer's PC with the USB cable included with their device.
6. Ensures that the Zune software is running/open.
7. Launches the Windows Phone Developer Registration Tool.
8. The registration tool ultimately fails to detect the phone upon launch, reporting the following message:
"Unable to connect to phone. Please check that the Zune software is running and that the Zune's sync partnership with your phone has been established."
This occurs due to a specific state setting in the HTC Arrive that results in the phone not being able to make a desktop passthrough connection. This state condition can be mitigated by following the steps below.
Use the following workaround.
1. If connected, unplug the phone device from the computer.
On the phone device:
2. Press the Windows button.
3. Press the right arrow button (on the top right of the screen) or swipe from right to left to expose the application list
4. Scroll to and select “Settings”.
5. Scroll to and select “Cellular”.
6. Select “Change Network Profile” and wait for this operation to complete (<-- this is a key step; you don't need to actually change it).
7. Press the Back or Windows key to exit the “Settings” menu.
After completing the above steps, follow through with the registration process:
8. Connect the Sprint Arrive to the development PC with the USB cable included with the phone device.
9. Launch the Windows Phone Developer Registration Tool (Zune software must be running).
10. The window titled "Windows Phone Developer Registration" appears which establishes a connection to the phone device and the following status message: "Status: Phone ready. Please enter your Windows Live ID and password and click Register to begin".
11. Enter the App Hub registered Windows Live ID and password, and then press the "Register" button.
12. The following status message appears in the window:
Status: Your phone has successfully been registered.
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Thank you hopmedic that fixed it for me
this was driving me nuts and the info here solved it thanks
Thanks it worked.
Done the workaround, but nothing for me, still have the 0x64 error.
My phone was relocked after one year of AppHub. But now I can't unlock it again..
Also tried to deelete the phone in the device list on my account and use a proxy VPN network. I'm ttired of this. :/

[Q] Just what is wrong and how to fix it. No one tells me if it's software...

I have a few issues with the Captivate, that I just can't get an answer to, except send it in to Samsung, and we'll repair it. AT&T just does a very poor job, of tech support, on my end of things. I spend hours by phone, poor email replies, and going in for a face-to-face yesterday, simply does no good. I bought the Captivate with Android 2.1, and updated to 2.2, from Samsungs site. My issues are:
AT&T will stop BLOCKING apps, that come from other places, besides their Market. Talk of OTA being pushed, and the Captivate being one of the first to get it, led me to learn that OTA, is not a software push, but a set of instructions, to help us manually change a SETTING in the Captivate. This, from three different tech people, all the way up the ladder at AT&T. That said, the head tech, Glen, COULD NOT FIGURE OUT how to tell me to change the Settings. Another issue, is with SMS and MMS messaging. I can send them no trouble, but I don't really know if the ones I'm sending to, have got them. Surprise. I found I could make requests, for a Notice of Delivery. I just have 'to ASK FOR ONE'. Trouble is, no one can help me figure out how to ask. On AT&T site, under my contract, they have Captivate as my phone. They have a tutorial on MMS settings, so I went to it. I followed the steps they give, and at the END, they show 5 options, that are greyed out, that you can activate. They show 5, but my Captivate only shows 3. The two that are missing, DELIVERY REPORT and READ REPORT, are what I'd need, but they aren't there. Yesterday in a face-to-face, the tech I was talking with, played with a Captivate demo, and actually found those two options on it. His reply, the demo is Android 2.1, I upgraded to 2.2. Conclusion, I screwed myself, with the update. He didn't explain, why the Captivate HE OWNS, and is 2.1 itself, DON'T HAVE THE TWO OPTIONS EITHER. The third issue, is EDGE. Where I live, AT&T's tower, are horrible. No one with AT&T, can connect to them. I pay over $70 a month, to use my Captivate, on my WIFI. My use is rare, for phone calls. It's mainly for the Smart Phone part, that I use it. When I bought the phone, EDGE was not active, but some smart guy at a hugher level, had me make a settings change, and it appeared. But it no longer appears, and it seems if you don't ask a 3G question, they ignore you now. So, after countless failures, I left AT&T yesterday, and stopped at Verizon, just down the road, to get info with them.
I contacted Samsung when I got home, telling them the troubles I'm having, and asking if they could help answer my issues? This morning, I got their reply. The answer was an EITHER/OR reply, and that's why I'm asking this here. They say I could either restore my software to brand new, and lose all my phones content, or send it in for repair, which probably would lose the content with as well. Not an indication, if it's a software(Android) problem, or a hardware problem. No indication if AT&T's OTA, is a software PATCH, or if it really is nothing but instructions on what I need to change. AT&T sent me two MMS TEXTS, while I was on the phone with them, that were 4kb in size, and were ONLY GOOD FOR 4 DAYS, by what was said with them. Both opened with the word, DOWNLOADING, following it, but the word DOWNLOADING, is still present, 2 days later. Must mean what they sent, I never had installed. But why install something, if it's NOT A SOFTWARE ISSUE as AT&T claims, and instead send a simple email with instructions, or a web site, I can read the instructions on? But, as of this morning, I really don't know how to handle this. Does anyone, understand what this means, and can explain in basic English, just what is wrong? Thank you.
All of this is software, stock sucks and now you see why the custom rom community is so large.
For edge, go to settings> wireless and network> mobile networks> network mode, change that to gsm only.
The nonmarket ota will have to be
a software patch because it's disabled completely in the settings of the OS. A simple guide on what to turn on in the settings won't do it it's deeper than that.
the sms/mms issue have you tried clearing the cache and or data in"settings>applications> manage applications>all> messing. Or using a different messaging app? I use handcent sms but there are several in the market.
Thanks. I'm starting to understand this rom craze I've been reading about.
On Edge as you suggested, when I get to Mobile Networks, after I click on it, I see NO Network Mode, that I could change to gsm only. I have 4 choices, Use Packet data, which is active, Data roaming, which is not active, Access point names, which shows ATT WAP, avtive, and Network operators, which shows a blacked out Default Setup. It's listed under Available Networks, but I can't even activate the Default setup. What's missing here?
As for the OTA, I'm glad to know it's as I thought, not as AT&T lied to me about. The two seperate AT&T messages they sent me, a little over two hours apart, are listed as such: <Subject: AT&T
test MMS> Downloading
Message size: 4KB
Expires: 5:57 pm, mAY 23
and when you long press it, a menu appears, that allows you to View message details. Click on that, you get
> Message details
Type: Multimedia message
From: 28838270
Expires: 5:57 PM, May 23
Subject: AT&T test MMS
Message class: Informational
Message aize: 4KB
That is what they tried to push me, as the OTA, and as I said, Glen, an upper level tech, tried walking me through the settings, to physically make the change, but failed to do so. Do you understand what type of crap they were really pushing me?
I do have Handcent sms, but I never used it. I suppose I need to stop thinking everything is alike. I opened it up, and the options, are over whelming, so I chose those I thought were right. I'll read up on it later, to try and understand it better. It showed my text messages I already had, including the two test from AT&T, which actually allowed me to DOWNLOAD. Dowload what? Good question. But clicking it, showed it downloaded, SOMETHING. After that, I tried to install the Amazon appstore app, which AT&T kept blocking, and no surprises, it was blocked again just now. So, maybe AT&T knows what type of crap they sent me, but it damn sure didn't fix the BLOCK.
Guess you see I'm frustrated, but thanks for your reply. If this note helps you try something else, please let me know. Thanks.
MarketEnabler to get past the AT& T blocking (requires root)
IMHO, Custom ROMs is the only way to get the best out of your device.
Sent from my Captivate. Andromeda 3, Onix 2.0.5 @ 1.2Ghz
I've had messages get stuck in downloading when someone sends me a MMS with a picture or a web link that needs to use the data connection to download the message and I have the Data network mode shut off. May want to check you're Data Network setting to see if its on or off. Something to check.
With 2.2 you can turn on or off Data network mode by holding the power button to bringing up the menu.
It seems if I want to stop being frustrated over AT&T and their not helping fix the issues, is to start thinking like a lot of you do. I have seem a lot about ROM, but in truth, don't know much about it. I'll try and read up to learn, just what I'm looking for, like what would best fit my issues. Thinking back on my face to face with Tech support, Friday, when I acted so frustrated, that even they couldn't fix my AT&T BLOCKING of apps NOT FROM THE MARKET, I had two different AT&T TECHS ask me, "WHY DO YOU WANT TO LOAD APPS, THAT ARE NOT FROM THE MARKET"? Why? How about I simply want to? Does that mean that AT&T has the mentality, that since they charge to provide service, that it allows them to DICTATE how we use the equipment we buy? What ever happened to the concept of TRUTH, in business these days? Anyway, I'll start trying to gain ideas from going with a custom rom, and see what woud best meet my needs, with one. Thanks.
You know what's funny?
All of the roms have what you're looking for
That's the entire spirit of roms, I bought this awesome peice if hardware but the software it came with is locked down, freedom robbing, laggy, ugly garbage. The phone belongs to us it's ours to do with what we please.
But before you take the rom leap, try super one click to root and it also unblocks non market apps

Verizon Remote Diagnostics is running on my phone. Why?

Hello, hoping someone can provide some help. I have been noticing my phone - A Droid Razr - slowing down, acting up, homescreen error requiring restart, etc. I saw a program called "Verizon Remote Diagnostic" but didn't think much of it at first. I did a factory reset and things stayed the same. I looked into this App as it is consistently running in my processes. Apparently, the app is a remote desktop that gives Verizon employees ability to access your phone. The list of permissions includes everything, from reading SMS and media, call logs, GPS, the whole works. However, Verizon has stated that it is not a monitoring tool, requires explicit user permission, etc. Here is a brief rundown from a Verizon spokesperson:
“It is a piece of the new software and cannot be removed, but it does not run in the background. It only runs when a customer calls support and gives permission to use it . . . The tool will not run unless a customer gives explicit permission during a call with customer support. If customer support suggests using the tool as a way to diagnose a problem the customer will see a notification on their device after customer support initiates the Verizon Remote Diagnostics tool. A customer will then see a permission request directly on their device along with “terms and conditions” and an “Accept” or “Reject” button. A customer will need to select “Accept” in order for the tool to run. Customers are free to select “Reject” and the tool will not run.
Customers will also be given a 4-digit PIN by customer support and that PIN must be entered in the device by the customer in order for this to work. . . it does not run in the background. It only runs when a customer gives permission to use it.” - I can't post the link to this as I am a new member, but it is available at the droid-life website
I have never called in, never gone into the store other than to purchase the phone, have never given any permission in any way to any Verizon employee, have never even asked a question to Verizon online, in person, over the phone, etc. I have never had an outside tech look at it or send it off for any repairs. So my question is - Why is this app running on my phone? To be clear, it is not just on my phone, I understand that the App is listed in the all apps list, but why is the app actively running on my phone when it is not supposed to without my permission?
The person who set my phone up about a year ago was very creepy and asked me if I had any nude pictures on my phone, or if I wanted to transfer any nude pictures from my old phone to my new phone. When I told him no, he sad "Damn, that ruins me day!" and the other employees laughed and said "damn," Then he spent about 20 or minutes setting it up and making calls on the phone. My concern is that this sleezy rep gave himself access to my phone, because I most certainly did not.
Curiously, the program stops running shortly after I discover it in the running apps list. However, I will check later and it will be running again. This is very concerning. Is there anyway to get more information on this app and why/how it is running? How about a history showing times it was accessed, by what IP address, etc.? I have searched the forum and the internet extensively, but no one else seems to have the program running on their phone. I have a screenshot available if it would help.
Also, and possibly unrelated, is an running app called "Data Offload." I am not sure what it is doing either. Thanks so much for any helpful answers!
yeah this is on my phone as well. had s3 since day it was released but recently replaced the cracked-screen device through Asurion. about to begin the root process and I had to research what this new APK installed was and found your post first. thanks for all the extra detail!

Locked out of phone in China!! :/ S6 SM-920F

So I have a Galaxy S6 which came with a Dutch T-mobile package. On my way to China, where I moved a few weeks ago for an indefinite period, I cracked the screen and brought it to the local repairman to fix. That went perfectly well, but the phone didn't recognize my fingerprint anymore and I forgot my backup password. That's why I performed a factory reset, and that's where the real trouble began.
After the reset, I tried setting up the phone again, and got to the Samsung reactivation screen. I entered my account info, and provided the password for the wifi, after which the phone connected to wifi (with the corresponding message), but after a few seconds I get a pop up message saying "Unable to connect to the Internet" - even though the wifi symbol would still flash its arrows in the upper right corner. Thus, I can't get past this screen nor in my phone, which is quite a devastating fact as a poor new expat in China . Tried several other wifi networks, to no avail.
My guess is that it's the Great Firewall of China acting here, somehow preventing the phone to connect to the Samsung (and/or Google) network to check my info. I don't know if this is correct, the Samsung helpdesk couldn't say for sure as well, but I really really want to find a workaround here. Once I get the phone working again I can install a VPN to have the Google stuff working in China, but this way I can't get to that point. Now I am completely new to rooting/ installing ROMS and the works, but I am willing to try anything to get this expensive piece of electronics to work out here.
Any helping comment is an absolute lifesaver, and I will name my firstborn child after you!!
Thanks so much!
All the best, Maarten
EDIT: I made some screenshots, but appearantly I am not allowed to post outside links yet.

need help with reset protection bypass on lumina 650

i bought a microsoft lumina 650 (2nd hand) watched her remove her microsoft account. everything was working great until my mobile provider said i needed a new sim card........well then my phone would drop calls not send text msgs turn off ect....Im not a phone tech by any means. Everywhere i researched my issue with the phone said to do a factory reset. ok i thought i will lose what ever i have on the phone since my pc (hp 21 decided while left all alone to never turn on again......back up )laptop has windows 7 not very compatible with phone. So factory reset we go........reset complete and im locked out by reset protection recovery key. Key is not being accepted by the phone, cant even get to a microsoft mobile tech redirected every time to b2x who cant help me they say contact microsoft. felt a little(lot) passed off by both companies and just gave up. contacted previous owner and her account doesnt work either. So now im hoping threw this forum that there is someone out there that knows how to get me back my phone.
PS never done a forum before so if i have something wrong or ......
dec 3 2017 update to my hair pulling frustration........ google has a feature find my phone and in there it says that if you give or sell your device that you should remove it and they will display the reset recovery code and send me an email as well with this info.. Ok so picture a woman in her pj's one fuzzy slipper on ( dog has chewed the other to a unrecognizable lump of something) looking at this google page and asking can it be that simple....smile and say to herself outloud #$$#% why didnt i find this earlier like 2 flippen mths ago......but then frown and look at her crappy back up computer with dredd.....thinking about her techinical luck lately which is not good minus minus on 1-10 scale. stare at the screen for 10 mins ( pros and cons debate going on) final debate statment said google wouldnt have that option if it didnt do as it says....strong statment that side wins and i push the delete my device tab.......... device successfully deleted.......looking ........looking........ nothing else pops up. panick says what ? temper steps in and says WHAT THE======. yup thats correct not only did i not recieve the code didnt get and email and no response from google. Ok so i hope you found that a little funny cause i have outlook that also has my device still linked to that account and it also says that i can access the recovery code but i have no idea how to get that display when i hit the ? tab the help topics are only on forgot sign in password. so if anyone know how to get device info from an outlook device account i would appreciate the help thanks for reading...cheers

