People with AT&T NumberSync, Did you get any calls (incoming) today? - Samsung Gear S2

I'm currently using the 3g AT&T Galaxy Watch S2 with a NumberSync on and for whole day, I wasn't able to get any calls.
Whenever someone calls me, it directs to 'this number cannot receive a call.'
It's weird since I can still receive a text message and I can still call from my end, just unable to receive any call, not even a voicemail. (Not getting on my phone and my watch)
And when I disabled the NumberSync, my phone suddenly worked like a charm.
NumberSync has been working nicely until today and I'm wondering what's going on.
Anyone has the same problem as me?
P.S. I talked to AT&T Customer Support for like 2 hours and they were not able to solve the issue. What my rep told me was it seems like an error from the AT&T Service side.

Mine did that too today!!!

So I found a quick fix to this issue, I turned the bluetooth off on my watch (with NumberSync On) and it seems working.
And the watch only says "Connected Remotely AT&T" rather than connected with bluetooth.
BTW, when I tried the combination of Bluetooth on + NumberSync Off, I couldn't get a call. It might have been just one day but at least this combination used to work when I found the problem 3 days ago. Now it just doesn't.. Only option I have for me right now is to completely disconnecting with bluetooth.
I have no Idea why there's a problem between having bluetooth on and getting a call.
This really disturbs me since disconnecting with bluetooth limits a lot of stuff, like I cannot control my phone music on my watch ..
I don't know who's to blame as in AT&T or Samsung but I hope this issue gets fixed.
P.S. I actually got an exchange on my watch thinking it might be a manufacturer error but nope, same problem.
paoloroeseke said:
Mine did that too today!!!
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Verizon S3 connection problems

Anyone else having problems with sending and receiving calls on their S3 in areas where they should be having no problems?
I got my phone at launch and it seemed to work fine, I noticed the connection issues after a couple of weeks and figured they would be fixed with software updates as time progressed.
But it's been over 6 months and I'm really growing tired of having to resend texts 5 times and never receiving calls. My phone shows I have 2 bars of 4G yet when my family calls me from the front door of our house (which is 12 feet away from my room) I get nothing. The only reason I know this is because I have the google voice chrome plugin that tells me when I have messages or missed calls to my google voice number, but since I have my voicemail synced up with gv it tells me when I have missed calls regardless of it being to my actual cell number or my gv number. If it wasn't for that I would never know that I missed calls all the time. And I only know I miss texts because my girlfriend gets pissed at me all the time because she thinks I'm ignoring her when I don't reply to texts I'm suppose to receive but never do.
So I've been living with this annoying problem for a while now and I thought maybe it was just my room that had bad reception but I remembered that my previous phone (HTC Droid Incredible) never had this problem. So I tried out my parent's feature phones (LG env 2 and 3) and they didn't have any problems while I replicated the same situations. Their old inferior phones worked better than the nice premium one I paid extra for. Ain't that some bs?
And now I go to a different school that has terrible reception in all the buildings I have classes in. So I always turn on airplane mode and enable power saving to make sure my phone doesn't die by the end of the day. But the other day I asked this random girl sitting by me in the first floor of the student union if her galaxy s3 was getting signal and she said "No, this phone sucks in this building". I asked what service she had and she said Sprint. I didn't know if I should have felt content knowing I wasn't the only one or mad that this phone might have an antenna problem. BUT just yesterday I was in the same student union, in the lower floor this time, and I asked this guy from my class if his data was working on his phone and he said "Yeah I'm downloading a picture right now.", to which I replied back with which service? He said "Verizon", what phone? "Motorola Razer something". At that point I got so frustrated that I felt like throwing my phone.
I mean the phone itself is great, I love using it and taking pictures with it, although lately I've been getting "camera failed" errors a lot. It's just really annoying that it doesn't serve its most basic functions when I need them to work.
So I'm asking if anyone else has been experiencing similar issues and what they did about it? I would have called Verizon sooner but since I'm an added line on our family's plan they only want to talk to my dad. He and I have different schedules so it's always a pain to try and coordinate.
I had similar issues with by i535.
Except the issues appeared the 1st day I got my device, and I was highly po'd to say the least, considering I left sprint the same day because I couldn't complete a call for months. Troubleshot with Verizon tech as is the protocol prior to replacement, and saw the device was faulty. Not communicating with the Towers. Device issue possibly regarding the antenna, but uncertain.
Anyway, I got a new replacement a few months ago, and all has been well.
The cause of your issues may be the same, except yours were delayed in appearing. Hard to tell.
Yeah, I'm hoping to try and get a replacement soon. I'm just scared I'll get a refurbished one that has the same issues.

Dropping Any Calls [FIXED]

Hello, I have a Nexus 5 D820 running 6.0 and I'm having some connection issues when it comes to long distance calls, especially 1-800 number and some local calls. What its doing is i will be talking and i will have LTE full bars great signal and bam drop call. Sometimes i cant even get the number to go through. Thoughts?
I flashed back to 5.1.1 and its doing the exact same thing, I can call local like my wifes phone or parents and thier house but if I call even not a 1-800 number it wont even connect or it will ring once and hang up.
Thoughts on what to try or what it could be would be great..
Ok, I got it fixed... This is my second time calling and this young kid knew what it was right off the bat! Its called (HD Voice) and what he said was its been causing trouble and is in the testing stages just like when LTE came out and was buggy... BS I been dealing with this crap for a few weeks! Anyway, he disconnected it and had me shut down my phone so he could reset it and called me back and had me try some of the numbers that I couldn't get to work and they worked great so that was it for sure.
Hope this helps someone if they run into the same thing...

Pixel SMS/MMS issues

So my first pixel (32gb black) had microphone issues and had that replaced yesterday no problem. It was all working totally fine and like it should until after the ball drop last night when all of the sudden my phone would not send text messages anymore. So I went to bed thinking it was just tower overload from the new year celebration. Then I wake up this morning and my wife tells me she got 20 text messages from me all in duplicates. I think great, its all fixed. Then I realized throughout the day that while my messages were going out now I was not getting any back. We tested this and sure enough nothing is coming through.
So I chatted with a Google rep and after doing all the troubleshooting (Safe mode, cache clear, reboots, etc) we still had the same issue. At that point he says he talked to a specialist who says its a known issue affecting a small group of Pixel owners and they are working as quickly as possible to fix it.
Anyone else experiencing this? I haven't been able to find any other posts about it which seems really unusual.
I have the exact same problem as you! You're not alone...and yes this is very frustrating. I haven't seen much posted about this issue either. I also thought it was tower overload until my mother-in-law told me my mom was texting me and I wasn't getting any of the texts. Can you send texts? I can. What about phone calls? I can still make and receive those. I'm talking to google as we speak. See what happens.
Well I'm glad I am not alone. I can also still send messages and make and receive calls. Just no text messages coming in. They said it might be my sim card and they want me to talk to my carrier which is ATT. who is your carrier? Let me know what they say or if you get it resolved!
I've been having the same issue with AT&T. Also the same thing happened to me on NYE. I sent happy new year to a friend and he got it like 30 times. I then didnt get any txt's for the rest of the night. I then rebooted my pixel in the AM and I got flooded with txt's I didnt get the night before.
This has been an on going problem for me and AT&T because I get txt's in spurts. Nothing for a while then all of a sudden I get a chunk and then nothing again. It's also very random as I have not been about to duplicate it. I think it's just something with AT&T and the pixel.
mdecker79 said:
I've been having the same issue with AT&T. Also the same thing happened to me on NYE. I sent happy new year to a friend and he got it like 30 times. I then didnt get any txt's for the rest of the night. I then rebooted my pixel in the AM and I got flooded with txt's I didnt get the night before.
This has been an on going problem for me and AT&T because I get txt's in spurts. Nothing for a while then all of a sudden I get a chunk and then nothing again. It's also very random as I have not been about to duplicate it. I think it's just something with AT&T and the pixel.
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I had almost the same issue. I sent out some texts for the new year that night and they kept saying failed but people said they got them about 100 times. From there I turned it off and rebooted in the morning. Then it was exactly the opposite with them going through no problem but not coming back at all.
I had another Pixel prior to this and never had any issue after a month of use. My brother and SIL also have the same phone on my plan and live right up the road and have never had the issue. It seems unusual that its only affecting SOME phones and not all who have the same set of conditions.
I'm going to talk to my local AT&T store today and see if they will pop in a new SIM card for me and give that a shot.
I have similar SMS issues with my Pixel XL on ATT. In my case, I seem to have more issues sending or receiving SMS while connected to WIFI. Disconnect WIFI and they send/receive as they should. I've had ATT replace my SIM and check all necessary configs on their side and all looks good according to them. I can take that same SIM and put it in my Nexus 6P and all works as it should on WIFI or on carrier.
prestonpeterson said:
I have similar SMS issues with my Pixel XL on ATT. In my case, I seem to have more issues sending or receiving SMS while connected to WIFI. Disconnect WIFI and they send/receive as they should. I've had ATT replace my SIM and check all necessary configs on their side and all looks good according to them. I can take that same SIM and put it in my Nexus 6P and all works as it should on WIFI or on carrier.
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So I just tried turning off wifi and sending a few test texts. Still nothing for me coming back. I wish that would at least temporarily solve the issue so I could get on with my day to day life. It seems strange that others are having this issue but there isn't any chatter about it online. I thought more people would be posting about it but there is nothing.
ATT has an SMS test number you can send "test" to 151 and it will respond if all is working correctly. I have the same results with that test number as I do with any other contacts.
Okay so I got mine resolved. I went to the ATT store and they put in a new SIM card and reset network settings. They also reregistered the serial number of the phone to my number. After that all my messages came flooding in and I've been fine ever since. So many one of those three things fixed it though I had already reset my network setting before so I don't think that was it. Best of luck to the others out there!

remote connect via wifi not working - only BT

Hey guys!
Is there any way to force remote connection using wifi instead of BT? For some reason, my phone + gear s3 doesnt connect remotely anymore .. It can only connect via BT. It started happening today. Last night it was fine.
I go to my basement all the time and my BT disconnects due to distance (if i left my phone).
Now im worried its probably a defect. Both my phone and s3 are in the same wifi network. I tried using a different wifi network as well.
Thanks in advanced.
warpgatex said:
Hey guys!
Is there any way to force remote connection using wifi instead of BT? For some reason, my phone + gear s3 doesnt connect remotely anymore .. It can only connect via BT. It started happening today. Last night it was fine.
I go to my basement all the time and my BT disconnects due to distance (if i left my phone).
Now im worried its probably a defect. Both my phone and s3 are in the same wifi network. I tried using a different wifi network as well.
Thanks in advanced.
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Have you tried a reset of the Gear?
Tel864 said:
Have you tried a reset of the Gear?
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Im trying now.
I don't remember my S3 ever remotely connecting via WiFi. It would do it over the cellular network once I breezed out of Bluetooth range, but it never told me about WiFi.
In fact, the remote connection via cellular is awfully intermittent. The only thing that seems to restore it is a reset of the S3. Even after that, though, I've never seen mine remotely connect on WiFi.
The whole remote connection thing seems to be dicey at best, in my experience.
SFVDan said:
I don't remember my S3 ever remotely connecting via WiFi. It would do it over the cellular network once I breezed out of Bluetooth range, but it never told me about WiFi.
In fact, the remote connection via cellular is awfully intermittent. The only thing that seems to restore it is a reset of the S3. Even after that, though, I've never seen mine remotely connect on WiFi.
The whole remote connection thing seems to be dicey at best, in my experience.
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I have the opposite mine seems to connect remote over wifi just fine but not really over cell connection.. i have not tested tho.. i will today and update you guys.
Yeah I have never seen it connect to the Phone via WiFi... only via BT. If the watch loses range, it will connect to a Wifi (if it is enabled, Always on or Auto), but would not communicate with the phone. So it's "Standalone, but with wifi".
It worked like this out of the box. Bought the GearS3 in the US. I'm not sure if connecting to phone via wifi is even possible....
I can confirm that it does connect via WiFi although I was totally unaware that it could.
Yesterday I returned to my house from visiting my daughters house and realised I didn't have my phone. Thinking that I had dropped my phone in the car I used my house phone to call my mobile and my S3 on my wrist started ringing. This convinced me that although I couldn't hear it ringing my phone must be in the car but then my daughter answered my phone that I had left at her house! So my mobile was connected to her WiFi and my S3 was connected to my WiFi, which are 30 miles apart, yet but my S3 was synced with my phone.
Half Colin said:
I can confirm that it does connect via WiFi although I was totally unaware that it could.
Yesterday I returned to my house from visiting my daughters house and realised I didn't have my phone. Thinking that I had dropped my phone in the car I used my house phone to call my mobile and my S3 on my wrist started ringing. This convinced me that although I couldn't hear it ringing my phone must be in the car but then my daughter answered my phone that I had left at her house! So my mobile was connected to her WiFi and my S3 was connected to my WiFi, which are 30 miles apart, yet but my S3 was synced with my phone.
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That's really neat! I've never experienced that.
Samsung ought to create a small app that will reestablish whatever mechanism there is to make the remote connection thing reliable. It's fantastic when it works, but if you're not on Bluetooth, it's a crap shoot if it'll work or not.
One other observation. In my experience, updating Samsung Pay on the phone seems to break whatever mechanism there is for reliable remote connection. Even after logging in/verifying the Samsung Account, it seems to break it. Weird.
Yeah, it totally blew me when my daughter answered my phone because I was convinced it must be connected by Bluetooth and so in the car.
Half Colin said:
Yeah, it totally blew me when my daughter answered my phone because I was convinced it must be connected by Bluetooth and so in the car.
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Now wait a min lol.. mine does not do that.. only get notification not calls.. i have a vzw note edge.. what kind of phone do you have? I was thinking when i bought the watch that it would take calls over wifi so i could basically leave my phone in my office and roam around the office and still take calls all on wifi.. that does not seem to be the case for me anyway.. guess i need to do some more testing. If it works like you say then this is great news.
---------- Post added at 08:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 AM ----------
also mine says standalone when it has lost the BT from the phone says its connected via wifi..
I didn't say I answered the call on my S3. My S3 buzzed and showed call from home but before I could do anything else my daughter answered the call on my phone. So the S3 was obviously connected via WiFi and internet to my phone (Samsung A5) but what functionality that gives I don't know. Although, thinking about it I did hit reply on the S3 and the home phone rang, which I didn't answer, so who knows.
Half Colin said:
I didn't say I answered the call on my S3. My S3 buzzed and showed call from home but before I could do anything else my daughter answered the call on my phone. So the S3 was obviously connected via WiFi and internet to my phone (Samsung A5) but what functionality that gives I don't know. Although, thinking about it I did hit reply on the S3 and the home phone rang, which I didn't answer, so who knows.
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Gotcha.. still sounds like you could have took the call.. maybe.. Thanks.
Yep, the weird thing is though when I'm at home and out of bluetooth range the S3 goes into WiFi standalone mode although both phone and S3 are on the same WiFi network. Yet, yesterday the S3 was showing connected which was why I was convinced the phone must be near.
So i just tested and i walked across the office and my watch says connected remotely. I called my cell and my S3 did not ring.. it did tell me i had a missed call tho and i got an email while i was over there..
Did you have a reply option to the message because I did? When I tapped reply it said 'connect remotely' to which I said yes.
Half Colin said:
Did you have a reply option to the message because I did? When I tapped reply it said 'connect remotely' to which I said yes.
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For the missed call? or the email? Not sure about email but the missed call notification i tap on it and it pops up saying connect to phone via Bluetooth ? i get a x on the left and a check on the right.. if i hit x nothing happens and if i hit the check it will try to find my phones BT.. Just tested an email.. all i have when i scroll all the way down is delete but i can hit the dots on the right and i have a reply option.. i was able to send a quick reply to myself.. this is all while my phone says connected remotely..
I was just checking the connection dialogue and it says "... remotely via mobile data or Wi-Fi."
Dunno how I missed the Wi-Fi part.
The missed call. All my calls and taps happened over a matter of seconds whilst I was more concerned with finding my mobile than what the S3 was actually doing. The fact that it was doing anything in relation to a call to my mobile was pointing me towards the phone being close. So it seems from your testing, and nothing I experienced really contradicts that, that when you're connected by WiFi you do only get notification of a call. I did tap reply to the missed call and the house phone rang but I can't say for sure that the call was from the S3 because I never answered it and didn't check the S3 again because I was leaving to return to my daughters house.
By the way guys, I had to factory reset my S3 and remote connectivity worked again. I now learned to backup my S3 if this happens again. I rely mostly in remote connectivity thats why this is a big deal for me.
Mind you that I confirmed that I'm connected to WIFI on my phone and I can browse on it too. It just doesn't connect the phone.
I just hope there is a way to force remote connectivity in the settings so I know what going on!
I entered feedback into the Samsung support website about this particular problem. I explained that the remote connection between the S3 and my phone is intermittent. I was very dismayed to get a stock, canned answer back about rebooting my router. This is the second time that I've attempted to address this, once through the chat client and once through email. I'm very disappointed with Samsung's support considering the size of their company. Alas, guidance on how to correct this problem does not appear to be forthcoming.

Watch seems to be all over the place...

Ok, i just got the watch coming from a Gear S. My Huawei 4g won't send texts or call people using my phones number, it always uses the watches number... is this normal was i just spoiled by the Samsung call and notification forwarding, both in and out messages/calls. Wether BT connected or away from my phone LTE connected...
Plus now i can't send a text with the watch at all, it says message failed, try again. Im sure it worked the day i turned it on..
There are other minor things not working properly.. iv noticed people saying an update screwed the watch up.. what's going on.

