Dropping Any Calls [FIXED] - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, I have a Nexus 5 D820 running 6.0 and I'm having some connection issues when it comes to long distance calls, especially 1-800 number and some local calls. What its doing is i will be talking and i will have LTE full bars great signal and bam drop call. Sometimes i cant even get the number to go through. Thoughts?

I flashed back to 5.1.1 and its doing the exact same thing, I can call local like my wifes phone or parents and thier house but if I call even not a 1-800 number it wont even connect or it will ring once and hang up.
Thoughts on what to try or what it could be would be great..

Ok, I got it fixed... This is my second time calling and this young kid knew what it was right off the bat! Its called (HD Voice) and what he said was its been causing trouble and is in the testing stages just like when LTE came out and was buggy... BS I been dealing with this crap for a few weeks! Anyway, he disconnected it and had me shut down my phone so he could reset it and called me back and had me try some of the numbers that I couldn't get to work and they worked great so that was it for sure.
Hope this helps someone if they run into the same thing...


[Q] little help here....

weird problem, kind of a biggy, my phone wont receive calls. I've run through several pages of google search over this issue, no answer, though I came across a few people with similar issues. I figured xda would be my best bet, if you guys can't help me...
Everything else works great, web, email, sms, outgoing calls, everything but incoming. This is kind of a big deal, I sort of need my phone to be working. When I get an incoming call, the phone vibrates, rings once, then goes silent. There's nothing on the caller id, but I did note that the signal drops to zero when it rings, dropping the call. From the other end, you just get cut off, it doesn't direct you to voice mail even.
I am currently running paragon rc6 rom, but just swapped over from the phoenix 5.2 rom tonight, as I mistakenly thought the issue was with the rom, but considering that it has continued even after flashing a new rom, it would seem to be something else entirely.
I don't know what the issue is, I swapped sims with my wife's phone, worked just fine calling her phone with my sim, but my phone still wouldn't work with her sim in it.
I have had the battery in and out a half dozen times in the past 24 hours, so I don't think that's going to fix the issue......I don't know what else to try. Can't very well call Rogers since they'll just blame the issue on the fact that I was screwing around with my phone, and since it flashes back to a stock at&t confige, I can't very well flash it back and pretend I never did anything
appreciate your help, stressing me out a little, need my phone for work, and my wife will have my balls if I broke it

anyone else had these issues

So i want to inform the Tbolt community on the major headache the past 3 days have been, just in case anyone else has had similar problems or will later on.
Starting on Monday at 530 pm est my data connection started acting up.
I would be trying to load a web page, and it would say network issue, meanwhile my 3g icon is there with the arrows lighting up like crazy
I went into the radio menu ran the ping test and got errors all over the place. Proceeded to do a battery pull, same issue.
At this point I got home didn't want to deal with verizon and threw on wifi.
Day 2: Next morning it couldn't even connect to 3g, so my initial thought was another outage.
Later 3g is back up but same issue as before, I finally call verizon they see an error and they fix it.
Day 3: I go to make a phone call and get a message its connecting me to a cellular operator to make a collect or credit card call, i try again same thing. Friends try calling me it says the person your calling cant be located.
I call verizon, 40 minutes later they tell me to do a full reset on my phone, I do no resolution. I call back they see the error and fix it
Day 3 continued: next phone call i receive comes up as unknown, I answer its my boss, whose number I have saved. I have someone else call, same issue. This issue persists the rest of the day until I call verizon, now that issue is finally fixed.
Now I'm sharing this mainly because Verizon insists they are all isolated incidents that just so happened to occur right after each other, even the fixing my voice issues to calls showing up as unknown. I personally believe that w/e the first tech did to fix my data issues, started making my phone a ticking time bomb for the other two issues. If anyone else runs into similar problems maybe verizon can figure out a way to fix one and prevent the others, so no one else has to deal with tier 2 tech support as much as I had too the past 3 days.

Verizon S3 connection problems

Anyone else having problems with sending and receiving calls on their S3 in areas where they should be having no problems?
I got my phone at launch and it seemed to work fine, I noticed the connection issues after a couple of weeks and figured they would be fixed with software updates as time progressed.
But it's been over 6 months and I'm really growing tired of having to resend texts 5 times and never receiving calls. My phone shows I have 2 bars of 4G yet when my family calls me from the front door of our house (which is 12 feet away from my room) I get nothing. The only reason I know this is because I have the google voice chrome plugin that tells me when I have messages or missed calls to my google voice number, but since I have my voicemail synced up with gv it tells me when I have missed calls regardless of it being to my actual cell number or my gv number. If it wasn't for that I would never know that I missed calls all the time. And I only know I miss texts because my girlfriend gets pissed at me all the time because she thinks I'm ignoring her when I don't reply to texts I'm suppose to receive but never do.
So I've been living with this annoying problem for a while now and I thought maybe it was just my room that had bad reception but I remembered that my previous phone (HTC Droid Incredible) never had this problem. So I tried out my parent's feature phones (LG env 2 and 3) and they didn't have any problems while I replicated the same situations. Their old inferior phones worked better than the nice premium one I paid extra for. Ain't that some bs?
And now I go to a different school that has terrible reception in all the buildings I have classes in. So I always turn on airplane mode and enable power saving to make sure my phone doesn't die by the end of the day. But the other day I asked this random girl sitting by me in the first floor of the student union if her galaxy s3 was getting signal and she said "No, this phone sucks in this building". I asked what service she had and she said Sprint. I didn't know if I should have felt content knowing I wasn't the only one or mad that this phone might have an antenna problem. BUT just yesterday I was in the same student union, in the lower floor this time, and I asked this guy from my class if his data was working on his phone and he said "Yeah I'm downloading a picture right now.", to which I replied back with which service? He said "Verizon", what phone? "Motorola Razer something". At that point I got so frustrated that I felt like throwing my phone.
I mean the phone itself is great, I love using it and taking pictures with it, although lately I've been getting "camera failed" errors a lot. It's just really annoying that it doesn't serve its most basic functions when I need them to work.
So I'm asking if anyone else has been experiencing similar issues and what they did about it? I would have called Verizon sooner but since I'm an added line on our family's plan they only want to talk to my dad. He and I have different schedules so it's always a pain to try and coordinate.
I had similar issues with by i535.
Except the issues appeared the 1st day I got my device, and I was highly po'd to say the least, considering I left sprint the same day because I couldn't complete a call for months. Troubleshot with Verizon tech as is the protocol prior to replacement, and saw the device was faulty. Not communicating with the Towers. Device issue possibly regarding the antenna, but uncertain.
Anyway, I got a new replacement a few months ago, and all has been well.
The cause of your issues may be the same, except yours were delayed in appearing. Hard to tell.
Yeah, I'm hoping to try and get a replacement soon. I'm just scared I'll get a refurbished one that has the same issues.

phone calls drop after half hour

I thought it was me because I was driving or at a bad place in my home but I was wrong. My edge drops calls almost exactly at the 30-40 minute mark in my phone calls. It has happened all week but it was really noticable when it dropped and I looked at the time during one conversation. Anybody have this happen to them? I was told to replace it at a store. And we all know how plentiful the phones areā€¦ .:/
I recently had this problem occur again. This is after having a new phone. I called t-mo tech support and they said that the facebook messenger app has been causing a lot of problems with the call connectivity of the phone. I just uninstalled the app and am waiting to make a long phone call to see if this was the true culprit.
sent from the Edge
I think its just T-Mobile. My calls disconnect all the time. And my phone says no network connection a lot. (Even before I got the Edge) I think when the network connection drops, so does the call. This was even worse for me on the Sprint network though so I just live with it now that I'm with T-Mobile.
Galaxy Note Edge- phone call dead
My problem is from time to time phone call will be dead like no sound at all on either side even though there is network signal and the phone is showing call duration. I have to restart the phone in order to make phone call then its fine for unspecified amount of time then it happens again. Had my Note Edge for 3 weeks now and its pain in the neck. BTW I'm from Australia.

Call quality dimishing while driving

So my wife and I both have the same cell provider and I notice that, when driving, there are certain areas where my call quality will drop to the point where I can't hear the caller or it's cutting off, but will come back after driving a little longer. My wife doesn't have this issue with her phone. I tried doing a settings reset on the phone but that didn't seem to help. Our provider can't help either, saying that you'll lose some call quality when switching towers but it's only been happening for the past few weeks and I've had this phone for over a year.
I'm thinking about doing a full wipe and installing a custom ROM to see if that fixes it. The model # is SM-G920R4.
Any ideas otherwise?

