Anyone else experience cooldown mode on 3G? - Samsung Gear S2

For the second time now, while talking on the phone and connected to BT wireless in my car, my S2 3G has automatically gone into cooldown mode after getting noticeably warmer on my wrist. Just wondering if anyone else has observed this?

I have had this happen on 3G with a weak signal. I think I have carried over a 30 min conversation over bluetooth.

Thanks for the data point. I may have been in a week signal area. Most of the time, I have no problem over BT.


[Q] Wifi issues

Is anyone having issues with WiFi? My charge seems to take forever to connect to my AP and signal strength is very low.
Even in the same room as my AP I couldn't stream to my TV via DLNA without it stopping to buffer ever 10 seconds. It's really disappointing.
I have this problem, coupled with horribly slow 3g data speeds in parts of my house, makes this worthless. I played with the Infuse for a week and although similar speced, it is superior to this phone.
Anyone else seeing this? I am trying to determine if there's just something wrong with my phone or if this is systemic. I'm willing to swap out for another Charge if it'll fix my wifi, but i'm not going to spend the time redoing my settings the other will just have the same issue.
Sounds like it may be a phone issue. I get better wifi signal with my Charge than with my Fascinate, and better signal strength in general.
Not seeing that problem either on my Charge. It connects quickly via my home wifi.
my charge connects instantly to my wifi and has no issues with it
Same no issues here.
But my router is downstairs and upstairs in the furthest corner away from it I get very spotty signal. it fades in and out from 1-2 "bars"

[Q] WiFi Connection Drops When Holding Phone

Does anyone else suffer from the following problem:
My WiFi connection always briefly disconnects if I am holding the phone. This only appears to mainly occur (or becomes more noticeable) whilst doing something such as a video call.
Example: I start a video call with the phone on a surface. After a while I go to hold the phone in my hand, give or take a few seconds, the call will then be disconnected due to Network Connectivity Issues.
My WiFi signal bar will have no bars and the letter "E" along with a red "stop" type sign comes up in red for a few seconds, and then I get full WiFi signal again. The call then reconnects, and the process will keep repeating itself unless I stop holding my phone!
As I say, if I don't hold my phone, voice or video calls over WiFi work perfectly fine. EDIT: Actually, still occasionally occurs if on a surface too.
I also have similar issues with normal phone signal. Just holding the phone I can go from full signal down to "emergency calls only". But this isn't too much of a issue as it is with WiFi.
I'm hoping this is just a fault, but it would seem strange if so because everything works great IF I don't hold my phone - not too good really!
Any suggestions or help would be great.
I have the same issue. I can be standing in the same room as my router, and if I put my phone in my pocket and pull it out it will have disconnected from my network. Same issue with the cell network. I have T-Mobile and where I live, I can barely get 1 bar of 3G. I'm on edge most of the time. But the signal will drop off to where the phone will state I can only make emergency calls.
Sent from my XT1034 using Tapatalk
Well it's good (and not good) that someone else is suffering from the same issues as me I guess.
Would appear the best option for me is to return for a full refund. I will get onto Motorola though to see what they say about it. It's a brilliant phone besides this, but obviously it's a massive problem for me to live with.
I'm not sure whether to chance trying to get a replacement and seeing how that behaves. Anyone else having similar problems?
Well, i just saw this a few minutes ago, the wi-fi just drops from full to low, the wireless card is cheap i guess, my razr i didn' sufer with this, this happens when i hold in landscape mode only, this is sad.

Phone Signal Strength drops considerably during phone call

Does anyone else have this problem and if so are there any fixes available?
I have fairly good cell signal within my home (around 95db), in the past (event when I first purchased my Pixel) I would never have any issues with calls being dropped but within the last 2 months I have noticed that when I use my Pixel normally (not on a call) the signal strength is fairly normal, but as soon as I answer a call the signal strength drops off and more often than not the call drops. I've had to start making sure whenever I am talking with someone I have to be near a window. My wife has a Samsung S7 and this does not happen to her.
Does this happen with anyone else?
Thanks so much in advance!
When the phone is idle it connects to LTE network but when you place a call it switches to HSPA network, that's why your reception drops down. At least that's what happenes on my phone.

Delayed WiFi timeout to disconnect?

This is something I've noticed over time now, honestly not entirely sure if it's just this phone because I never really paid attention to it on others.
Does anyone else notice that it takes a bit of time for wifi to actually disconnect from a network when you get far enough from it to have poor signal?
I mostly notice this when I walk my dogs. I'm able to walk almost an entire block away before Wi-Fi disconnects, as per the status showing.
I already removed antennas from the router as I do not need extended distance but it honestly seems like a phantom connection.
When I go back to the same spot that the wifi eventually drops and use Wi-Fi analyzer I don't even see the network.
Anyone else notice?

Question Reboots while switching between LTE and BT

My Watch 4 Classic LTE reboots when I'm somewhere where there is barely any bluetooth range and the watch has to keep switching between LTE and Bluetooth connectivity. It's strange, but this happens every single time when I keep the phone in my room and go to my mom's. Just reboots. Does anyone have the same issue?

