Delayed WiFi timeout to disconnect? - OnePlus 7 Pro Questions & Answers

This is something I've noticed over time now, honestly not entirely sure if it's just this phone because I never really paid attention to it on others.
Does anyone else notice that it takes a bit of time for wifi to actually disconnect from a network when you get far enough from it to have poor signal?
I mostly notice this when I walk my dogs. I'm able to walk almost an entire block away before Wi-Fi disconnects, as per the status showing.
I already removed antennas from the router as I do not need extended distance but it honestly seems like a phantom connection.
When I go back to the same spot that the wifi eventually drops and use Wi-Fi analyzer I don't even see the network.
Anyone else notice?


Wifi Tether random EV connection drop?

I have noticed this with EVERY ROM I used in the past, and I am still noticing it now. When I Wifi tether (I think it is when I WiFi tether for a long time) the EV connection drops, reconnects, then tries to send/receive data, fails to do so, then drops again. This happens until I turn airplane mode on and then off. Most of the time, this doesn't even work. Yes, I do have USB debugging on. In case you are wondering, I am running Cellular South 2.1 "DangerRom 2.1" with a few mods (Just removed GSD.apk) anyone know what to do to fix this?
I can't really say I've experienced this...not sure..
Sent from my Hero CDMA using XDA App
I'm suddenly experiencing it. Investigation would be really nice, if anyone is willing to help. But mine is using mns. PRi 2.11_02 or whatever it is, from DC 1.1b5, and RegawMOD 2.1t is the rom I use.
Not sure if it would have anything to do with it, but try to see if it has anything to do with the amount of bandwidth you are using on it when it happens. I know CS doesn't usually mess with anyone tethering, but if your using a significant amount of bandwidth, they might be pushing your data off the network for a minute.
Reason being because I have noticed that the phone MUST have some kind of throttling going on when it's data just to the phone (how many times have you waited for youtube to start and then it has to sit and cache in the middle of the video) Yet, if I tether I get up to 6mbps, and can stream video like crazy. At the same time if I connect my phone via wifi, (to my 6mbps dsl) I get the good speeds and streaming,etc. Just my 2cents.
I was thinking it was a carrier security measure as well. Sometimes, I can turn on airplane mode and the problem is fixed (for a little while at least). Another thing, It will not just drop once and then reconnect. It will keep dropping and reconnecting every 3 or 4 seconds until I stop tethering for a little while. I also noticed that, when I experience this problem, I can use the internet on my phone with no problem, but once I try to tether, it starts messing up again. Maybe we can find a way to trick the network/ROM from knowing its tethering? I don't know.
Edit: "I have noticed that the phone MUST have some kind of throttling going on when it's data just to the phone" What do you mean by "throttling"?

[Q] Wifi issues

Is anyone having issues with WiFi? My charge seems to take forever to connect to my AP and signal strength is very low.
Even in the same room as my AP I couldn't stream to my TV via DLNA without it stopping to buffer ever 10 seconds. It's really disappointing.
I have this problem, coupled with horribly slow 3g data speeds in parts of my house, makes this worthless. I played with the Infuse for a week and although similar speced, it is superior to this phone.
Anyone else seeing this? I am trying to determine if there's just something wrong with my phone or if this is systemic. I'm willing to swap out for another Charge if it'll fix my wifi, but i'm not going to spend the time redoing my settings the other will just have the same issue.
Sounds like it may be a phone issue. I get better wifi signal with my Charge than with my Fascinate, and better signal strength in general.
Not seeing that problem either on my Charge. It connects quickly via my home wifi.
my charge connects instantly to my wifi and has no issues with it
Same no issues here.
But my router is downstairs and upstairs in the furthest corner away from it I get very spotty signal. it fades in and out from 1-2 "bars"

Wifi Issues

When I move into my room, my laptop gets 90%-100% signal strength from my Wifi, my phone however randomly looses signal completely and especially when I take up the phone to use it. It's very frustrating. Plus when I'm on 3G, it constantly switches from 3G to H too.
The 3g H switching is normal if you are on tmo us and running the eu roms and has been discussed quite a bit
not sure what you mean by losing signal, but i get diff bars diff places in my house. never lose the whole connection as in not being able to dl or browse web
did you run speed tests at these diff locations in house
rugmankc said:
The 3g H switching is normal if you are on tmo us and running the eu roms and has been discussed quite a bit
not sure what you mean by losing signal, but i get diff bars diff places in my house. never lose the whole connection as in not being able to dl or browse web
did you run speed tests at these diff locations in house
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I think you misunderstood his post. His primary problem is that the wifi on his phone doesn't come close to the signal strength his laptop has when in the same room.
The secondary problem was the 3g/4g switching.
OP -- I have no idea what to tell you.
no, i understood. just saying my phone wifi bars fluctuate even if my laptop has good signal. may just be the way they both display strength readings
i think op should run speed tests btw the two at same time. however both devices are splitting signal so may not be as good as only one running at a time
his speeds may be fine even though bars don't show it
rugmankc said:
no, i understood. just saying my phone wifi bars fluctuate even if my laptop has good signal. may just be the way they both display strength readings
i think op should run speed tests btw the two at same time. however both devices are splitting signal so may not be as good as only one running at a time
his speeds may be fine even though bars don't show it
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I'm in Jamaica, no T-mobile. I'm not sure if I'm running an EU rom. My problem is that I loose connectivity to Wifi totally randomly in my room with even little motion. I mentioned my laptop for reference... it's like there's poor signal in my room. The phone'll just bit sitting on my bed, I hear an alert and pick up the phone to realize I've lost Wifi.
Speed is not the problem, I've been able to run a speed test to confirm I get the speed I'm supposed to get. Other times though, the speed test could not complete because I moved a little and lost connectivity.
HTC One S wifi
HTC One S wifi
Make sure that your SIM access cover is snapped in place.
It happened to me with the WiFi signal - The phone was losing signal, and had low signal 1 foot away from the router.
I 'pinched' the top-right corner of the access cover (thumb on the glass, index finger on the back cover) - I heard a 'click' and suddenly my WiFi was at full strength. I believe that the WiFi antenna is not connected unless it snaps together.
ok, not sure what to suggest. you could try turning airplane mode on and of and see if that helps
maybe router settings with the phone if you always had the issue
under settings/wifi/ tap on wifi then the 3 dot menu--Advanced. See if Keep Wi-Fi on during Sleep is Always. If not tap on it and change to Always
Also at bottom of Advanced menu is a DLNA setting, you could toggle that
barring that or someone else's ideas--maybe hardware and needs replaced
Try turning on Best Wifi Performance in Wifi, advanced settings.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U
Turning on best WiFi performance totally killed my battery life, but that may just be me.
If you're losing signal on one device but not another, I'd recommend changing the channel on your router. Interference on certain channels can cause weird issues with some devices. There are apps on the market that will show you which channels are congested in your area.
ptweasel said:
Turning on best WiFi performance totally killed my battery life, but that may just be me.
If you're losing signal on one device but not another, I'd recommend changing the channel on your router. Interference on certain channels can cause weird issues with some devices. There are apps on the market that will show you which channels are congested in your area.
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Hmmm... I'll try that. So far turning on DLNA and Best Performance hasn't made any difference. I'll try changing the channel when I get home later and post the results. I REALLY hope h/w is not the problem.. it's gonna be a hassle sending this back.
It might be worth gently cleaning the contacts exposed when you remove the SIM access panel. As District noted, good contact is necessary for wifi (and probably other features). Dust or a fingerprint may be problematic.
Anything to bear in mind when trying to clean it or adjust it? I'm really paranoid I'll mess it up.
make sure you use electrical cleaner
radio shack sells it, comes in spray can
if you haven't had sim card out or phone long, probably not issue. but, worth try
if you have another router, you can always try that
Nothing seems to work... I'm using channel 11 @ home which doesn't seem to be crowded. I have the same issue @ work with our router. I've been having this problem from I got the phone last week. This is after I initially removed the back cover to first insert my SIM.
I'm going to try and see if I can secure a cleaner... I tried blowing on it mean time. Also turned on DLNA and best wifi performance and all.
DLNA auto-IP setting worked for me.
Hi OP,
I had the exact same wifi issues on my One S. I tried the router at work, the router at home and my mates router with the same results.
Mine seems to work now, with no disconnections or manually connections. What seems to have worked for me -- Wifi - Advanced menu -- DLNA auto-IP setting - toggle on. Then restart, making sure the setting is still set after reboot. Seems to have fixed my wifi issues.

Please help!!! On 3rd Nexus 5, having same issues. Phone support is abysmal :(

I am having ongoing issues with the wifi on my Nexus 5. To the point I've received my 3rd one from RMA, but still have the exact same issue. At first I thought it may have been a hardware issue with the phone, so I RMA'd it. When I got my second and had the same problem, I started to not think it was a physical defect with the phone. The odds of getting two phones with the same issues would be astronomical. Now, on my 3rd, and still have the same issue. Every time I try calling and speak to phone service reps, they really don't know anything, and based on the questions they ask, or troubleshooting steps they suggest, lead me to believe they don't even understand the issue I'm trying to explain.
The wifi on my phone seems to "freeze", or stop working, stop scanning, something throughout the day. My day starts with my phone connected to my home wifi network. I leave for work, and I can watch my phone picking up random wifi signals on my drive. I get to work, and it picks up 8 wifi networks. None of which I've connected to. When I leave work 8 hours later, my phone is no longer picking up wifi signals, and won't scan for new ones. I get home, and it still says the 8 networks from work are in range, even though I'm miles away.
This is how my wifi list should look sitting in my living room. It has my network that it is connected to, as well as it picks up 4 of my neighbors networks.
This is how it looks sitting in my living room after getting home from work. Those are the 8 work wifi networks, which are miles away. It still says they're in range. You can see the last one cut off on the bottom, is my home one that says it's out of range.
I can hit the 3 dot option button, and choose "Scan", and it won't rescan. If the only issue was that it didn't pick up my network, I could see it possibly being an issue with my home network. But the fact that it still shows 8 networks that are out of range, as well as the fact it won't detect any network, mine or my neighbors, kind of rules out that it's an issue with my network.
Turning wifi on and off won't fix it. However, power cycling the phone will, or if I toggle airplane mode. But I shouldn't have to do that every day when I come home.
With my most recent Nexus 5, when I took it out of the box I didn't do a single thing to it, aside from turn it on, and manually put in the info to connect to my home network. Not a single app was downloaded, just to rule out it wasn't something I was installing on the phone. I absolutely love the Nexus 5, it's probably the best phone I've owned. But I am at my wits end with this issue.
Its probably not an actual fix, but I was having the same problems with mine, and I hate sending stuff back and play the waiting game over and over. So I got pissed off with wifi and just left it on LTE for a week or so and went back to wifi just to check up on the issue and it was gone.
Its been almost 3 weeks now and no problem, everything is working perfectly fine. LTE draining my battery was a pain thou but it paid off in the end somehow.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I'd be happy with just about any fix, as long as it fixes the issue. LTE draining my battery wouldn't be an issue, I'd be more worried about my data. While I have "unlimited" data from AT&T, I get throttled after 5GB. Since I stream large amounts of music, I can blow through that rather fast. So I try to keep my phone connected to wifi as much as possible. But it definitely is something to suck up and try if I don't get a better solution. I have this cross posted just about everywhere I could think of.

WIFI Power usage

There is a LOT of power consumption with WIFI on - even when the phone has the screen off. It's much worse than with LTE data on - even in this area of poor reception.. This is no matter if WIFI calling is on or off. (I want to use WIFI calling, due to poor LTE reception here.)
Is it just the nature of the beast, or can something be done about this?
I ain't the only one! My phone has been draining like crazy and I've been on wifi the whole time. Years ago, I remember something about changing to a static IP to remedy it, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. I don't have any weird wlan wakelocks or anything out of the norm, so it's kinda a mystery at the moment.
I even tried in Safe mode, to no avail. This is while connected to home WiFi.
I've searched through all the setting in the phone and in my router. There is nothing that seems out of the ordinary. Only thing I could find was other people who had severe drain on the other Pixels after the 9.0 update.
I contacted support through Fi and they offered to replace my device, so there could be a hardware fluke somewhere (as we know with people reporting random reboots/shutdowns)
EDIT: So I think my issue was because of the static ip bug in Pie. Once I changed it to DHCP, the drain seems to be a lot lower.
I actually pretty much found the same thing earlier this morning. I normally use manually configured IPs and DNS servers. I decided to try DHCP and the issue went away.

