Recommended items - Xperia Z5 Accessories

recommended fast chargers and etc.

as well as recommended SD cards, docks, and whatnot.

Divine Wind said:
recommended fast chargers and etc.
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I was wondering what is the maximum rated input current of the Xperia Z. There's no indication of it's rated input current anywhere on the phone. The supplied charger is rated at 1.5A and I was wondering if a higher amperage charger above 5V 1.5A (such as of those catered to tablets/ipad) would charge the battery at a faster rate before investing in one.

My Quick Charge 2.0 charger manages about 1% per minute so they aint all that hot an accessory really. Nowhere near the Qualcomm promoted 0%-60% in 30 minutes. Mine's a Tronsmart TS-WC1Q.

Aukey Quick Charge 2.0 quick charger, SanDisk Micro SD Card 64GB UHS 1, Panzerglass screen protector, Sony Style Cover Window SCR42.
I'm planning on getting a ZNAPS charger when they are released properly.

gamer649 said:
Aukey Quick Charge 2.0 quick charger, SanDisk Micro SD Card 64GB UHS 1, Panzerglass screen protector, Sony Style Cover Window SCR42.
I'm planning on getting a ZNAPS charger when they are released properly.
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Usually it not a good idea to use third party quick charger. Controlling/limiting current charging to device protect the longevity of battery recharge cycle.

whatever86 said:
Usually it not a good idea to use third party quick charger. Controlling/limiting current charging to device protect the longevity of battery recharge cycle.
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Quick Charge 2.0 is a Qualcomm technology that they certify devices for compliance. Any QC charger should do fine.

ricodredd said:
Quick Charge 2.0 is a Qualcomm technology that they certify devices for compliance. Any QC charger should do fine.
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The chipset might support it but do you know that Sony use the battery that handle it? I notice on Sony website they are selling quick charger for Sony Xperia z5. Hopefully it won't ding the battery recharge cycle from around 1k to 200.

Recommend this smart & security fast-charge USB cable:

whatever86 said:
Usually it not a good idea to use third party quick charger. Controlling/limiting current charging to device protect the longevity of battery recharge cycle.
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Aukey is a highly trusted brand in the quick charger market. I trust their products to be thoroughly tested and safe for use.


[Q] Emergency Charger?

This is interesting guys, look at this one.
Do you think it is worth it? Will it damage smartphone?
Boris_yo said:
This is interesting guys, look at this one.
Do you think it is worth it? Will it damage smartphone?
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I don`t think you would be able to crank it long or hard enough to do any damage. My HTC hero and now my Desire S both require quite high power to charge properly so I would be surprised if it was possible to get any useful charge into a modern smartphone with a hand generator.
I have tried several of the (cheap)emergency chargers that run on AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries and none so far have been able to deliver more than a 20-30% charge before the voltage or current drops too low to continue.
The best solution I have tried for time away from the mains so far is a New Trent 5000mAH rechargeable battery pack from Amazon. They also do an 11000mAH version. These have 500mA and 1A USB outputs and claim to be able to charge an Ipad. My 5000mA one will do roughly 2 full charges plus a top up which is useful for a weekend away from mains power.
The price is however MUCH higher.
basill said:
The best solution I have tried for time away from the mains so far is a New Trent 5000mAH rechargeable battery pack from Amazon. They also do an 11000mAH version. These have 500mA and 1A USB outputs and claim to be able to charge an Ipad. My 5000mA one will do roughly 2 full charges plus a top up which is useful for a weekend away from mains power.
The price is however MUCH higher.
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I don't see HTC Desire S being compatible with it.
Boris_yo said:
I don't see HTC Desire S being compatible with it.[/QUOTE
The outputs are standard full sized USB with a choice of current output so you can use the supplied cables or the USB cable supplied with your phone. HTC Android handsets are listed generally on that page and my own recommendation was intended to indicate the device works as advertised with the desire S
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Im using Powermonkey classic v2
2200mAh battery
1A output.
Huge accessories packed with pouch.
But, my Desire S charges only to 78%
A Good Charger from Ebay
I have a charger that can fully charge the Desire S battery, costs about 10$ on ebay, so far the phone battery is still at 100% for a few hours with normal everyday usage, i find it good enough for me.
The charging rate is about 300mA and not 500 or 800 as published.
It would be wise to buy a micro usb female to micro usb male extender cable.
The charger:
The extender:
Check out porporta charger

Onite 5V 3A Universal quick wall charger for Note 4

If you have a Nexus 6, Moto X, Galaxy Note 4, or any other Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 compliant phone or tablet, you need a high output “Super Charger” like this one to get the full charging speed that those devices are capable of. On my new Nexus 6, this charger took me from 30% to 92% in 30 minutes of charging!
+ Fast and powerful.
+ It runs silently.
+ Good quality build, including a nice quality cable and plug.
+ Quick Charge 2.0 compatible.
- Bulkier and heavier than most chargers.
- The LED light is much brighter than it needs to be.
- The prongs don’t collapse, so they are at risk of getting bent in your laptop case or bag.
This Onite 3.0A is well made and very powerful. I strongly recommend you get this or another 3A charger like this if you have a Quick Charge 2.0 compatible phone or tablet. I received mine for free, to review, but am very happy with it.
MagStar515 said:
If you have a Nexus 6, Moto X, Galaxy Note 4, or any other Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 compliant phone or tablet, you need a high output “Super Charger” like this one to get the full charging speed that those devices are capable of. On my new Nexus 6, this charger took me from 30% to 92% in 30 minutes of charging!
+ Fast and powerful.
+ It runs silently.
+ Good quality build, including a nice quality cable and plug.
+ Quick Charge 2.0 compatible.
- Bulkier and heavier than most chargers.
- The LED light is much brighter than it needs to be.
- The prongs don’t collapse, so they are at risk of getting bent in your laptop case or bag.
This Onite 3.0A is well made and very powerful. I strongly recommend you get this or another 3A charger like this if you have a Quick Charge 2.0 compatible phone or tablet. I received mine for free, to review, but am very happy with it.
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did you just join to post this?
MagStar515 said:
+ It runs silently.
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Am I missing something. I'm not using the "quick charger" that came with the Note 4, but shouldn't chargers ALWAYS run silently?
Thats not a quick charge 2.0 charger, the quick charge chargers use 9v's to charge instead of 5v's
LancerV said:
Thats not a quick charge 2.0 charger, the quick charge chargers use 9v's to charge instead of 5v's
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this is correct, 9V instead of 5V
raiu said:
did you just join to post this?
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Wonder if he'll reply....
Only the following devices have been certified so far
Motorola Turbo Charger
Xiaomi MDY-3-EB
KDDI AU AC Adapter
Puregear Wall Charger
Powermod Car Charger
Power PartnersAC Adapter
Ventev dashport q1200
Verus World Charger
Puregear Car Charger
Ventev wallport q1200
Incipio USB Car Charger
evoxsin said:
Wonder if he'll reply....
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Spammer. He doesn't even know the technology enough to be a reviewer.
note 4 charger(quick charger) is 9v,1.67A instead of 5V
note 4 quick charger is 9v, 1.67A. Though 5V 2.0A is also OK, while no quick.
Considering 5V 3A, maybe it is faster than 2A. But the IC will prevent from higher current.
I actually ordered and tested this charger. It seems as fast as my other 2 Amp chargers. All of the reviews of this charger on Amazon are from other people who've been given samples from the seller. Don't waste your money on this charger.
I'd never buy anything from Onite. Spam threads from them, like this one, seem to pop up quite often.

Powerbank that support Quick Charge 2.0

Any good powerbank out there. At least a 10000 mah above.
To be able to use fast charging feature in Note 4.
Actually that sounds like it would be really cool if it exists, I'd also be interested in knowing if there's a powerbank that supports quick charge. I've held off on picking up a powerbank for a while now, but if something like this is even possible it would probably get me interested, it'd be pretty awesome to be able to just plug in to a backup battery and have it charge up the phone with quickcharge speed ;P I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's not possible though... Anyone know?
Think the dual voltage 5 and 9 volt needed for quickcharge wil be a problem to design a powerbank with a feature like that. I don't say it's impossible but probably won't be cheap or small formfacfor
Yea. Is cool if fast charge powerbank then bring out to fast charge note 4. Lol.
There is this compact power bank (and it supports quick charging itself within 3 hours - via 2.1A input - at least on paper)
APE MP5200Q on Alibaba (not aliexpress)
Weight: 132g
Input: 5V/2.2A
Outport: 5V/3.5A,9V/1.5A,12V/1.5A
3 output ports: 2 USB ports and 1 built-in micro USB cable
Over-charge/discharge, over-current,short protection
Quick Charge output port: output 9V/1.5A or 12V/1.5A on Quick Charge state
Battery Cell type: Samsung Li-ion 18650
Quick charge 2.0: Class A
and it looks good too!
the only missing thing to make it a perfect power bank, would be 15W wireless charging capability...
Please everyone do say what Power bank you have
& how much time does it take to fully charge a Drained battery
So we know which charges how many times, Once or twice or more ....
Thank you all
I have aukey quick charge the silver 10400mah model its charge lg g4 same as qc2.0 wall charger I have mah meter
I also have an aukey but the PB-T2 model 12000mAh. Have quick charge USB outlet and also a normal 1A USB outlet. Has a 2A microusb input for charging an a so-so LED light built in. A bit heavy and slightly longer than the Note 4 in size. Cons: I would have preferred a 2.1A instead of the 1A USB outlet for fast charging other non quick charge devices.
yosef019 said:
I have aukey quick charge the silver 10400mah model its charge lg g4 same as qc2.0 wall charger I have mah meter
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As above Aukey Quick Charge 2.0 external battery packs are pretty good. They do them in different sizes and go above 10000mah
BlitzWolf looks good. are doing pre order, to be sent out 20th November.
From a store rep..
We use the newer chip FP6600 that not only supports QC but also standard fast charging, the Aukey does charge at QC speeds with their THY100 but will not fast charge other devices such as your iPhone at fast speeds. BlitzWolf's newer IC provides compatibility beyond just QC devices. The battery of the BlitzWolf is is LG and also of a higher standard than Aukeys domestic Chinese brand batteries. In terms of safety and compatibility this is one step ahead of Aukeys 6 month old version.
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Use coupon "12blitzw" for 12% off.. (Don't know when it ends)
I am using Aukey Power Bank with 15000maH.
Supports Quick Charge and PowerBank itself charges as Quick Charging.
jianrong said:
Any good powerbank out there. At least a 10000 mah above.
To be able to use fast charging feature in Note 4.
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Hmm... we have Note 4's a removable battery is more compact and supports quick charge. Just have to get a battery charger that supports it. There would also be less power loss because it would be more efficient than transferring energy from one battery to another. Just my opinion.

Fast-charging External?

Anyone know of a portable battery that fast charges (real fast charging)?
I know of these: (I read that the s6 supports qualcomm 2.0) (not really commercially available)
I also would be interested in a powerbank that is compatible with fast charging the S6 / S6 Edge.
And I too came across the Aukey powerbank.
But I didn't find the information if the S6 is compatible with Quick Charge 2.0, as this was developed by Qualcomm.
XQC said:
I also would be interested in a powerbank that is compatible with fast charging the S6 / S6 Edge.
And I too came across the Aukey powerbank.
But I didn't find the information if the S6 is compatible with Quick Charge 2.0, as this was developed by Qualcomm.
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I purchased both wall and car chargers that were Qualcomm 2.0 quick charge technology compatible and both utilize the quick charge capabilities of the S6 flawlessly.
junksecret said:
I purchased both wall and car chargers that were Qualcomm 2.0 quick charge technology compatible and both utilize the quick charge capabilities of the S6 flawlessly.
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Cool! Thanks for the confirmation
I purchased the Aukey one you linked over the weekend and should be getting it today. I'll let you know how it is but it advertises that its quick charge 2.0 capable so we'll see.
The Aukey isn't in stock anymore on Amazon. I would have bought it. Thanks, please let us know.
Hey,dear,,,,,,,you are right..choose a good charger is very important.
I bought the Aukey. I only tried it once so far, but it works exactly as advertised. It shows up on the phone as a fast charger. It is a bit heavier than I would like, but I won't be carrying it everywhere, so.
Even with the same cable, recharging the Aukey took a lot longer than charging the phone. I don't know if that's weird or too be expected.
LynnL said:
Even with the same cable, recharging the Aukey took a lot longer than charging the phone. I don't know if that's weird or too be expected.
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Well the Aukey is 10000mah and the phone is like 1/5 of that so it should take longer to charge.
Tikerz said:
Well the Aukey is 10000mah and the phone is like 1/5 of that so it should take longer to charge.
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Right, but I'd only used it to recharge the phone once. It was fully charged when I started.
LynnL said:
Right, but I'd only used it to recharge the phone once. It was fully charged when I started.
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The Aukey is getting charged with maximum 2 Amps on 5V if it the advertising is correct ,, personally i think it is 1.0A on 5V and your phone got charged with quick charge which is faster , also if you take efficiency into consideration , if the Aukey where to deliver 2000 mah to your phone then it will consume at least 2500 mah to do that .
Aukey will be available April 20. I put my order in on amazon.
BTW, you can fast charge the Aukey if you're getting slow charge times.
Have you seen this one?
It looks a good option
Just got this bad boy, so far so good, two charging ports, 1 @ 2.1Amps, the other at 1am. The 2.1Amp side charges pretty fast. Not the cheapest but looks like good quality
Comes with a cool case too
So the Aukey arrived and yes it does fast charge (says so in the pull down).
It's a little heavy and the plastic finish on both sides is slightly scratched (only noticeable) under light, but it seems to be the product to get right now.
Amazon link to Aukey fast charger
Here is the link to Amazon:
is there any word on release date of the official samsung battery back ?
the actual samsung branded one.
The Aukey is a rip off of the Unu battery chargers. The Unu can fast charge for certain. I've had it for months now and love it.
chnzshyguy said:
Here is the link to Amazon:
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Argghhh out of stock.....
Fast charge as in qualcomm 2.0?

what Car charger you will have

E+ is big move from my s4, looks like i need to update my car charger so support e+, can someone help here with your experience with Note or other for fast charging
prashant.saraf said:
E+ is big move from my s4, looks like i need to update my car charger so support e+, can someone help here with your experience with Note or other for fast charging
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This one is good : [Qualcomm Certified] Tronsmart® Quick Charge 2.0 18W USB Car Charger
Opt among 1 output, 2 output or 3 output. However, please note that only 1 output port supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0. Rest 2 are fast, however, not QC 2.0 Fast.:good:
what is it i need one ?
Check slickdeals. I've been using the $5 one (on sale). It outputs 12v so it charges the phone very fast.
apurva.giri said:
This one is good : [Qualcomm Certified] Tronsmart® Quick Charge 2.0 18W USB Car Charger
Opt among 1 output, 2 output or 3 output. However, please note that only 1 output port supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0. Rest 2 are fast, however, not QC 2.0 Fast.:good:
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Thanks for that. slick deals is having a promo on this.
However i was wondering s6 edge plus is not qualcomm based, instead exynos.
I was considering this one.
This is 2.1amp, and is the smallest, it can virtually snap right into your car charger port, without the protruding charger popping out.
MANswers said:
Thanks for that. slick deals is having a promo on this.
However i was wondering s6 edge plus is not qualcomm based, instead exynos.
I was considering this one.
This is 2.1amp, and is the smallest, it can virtually snap right into your car charger port, without the protruding charger popping out.
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Technology is same. High Volt, low Ampere. Any QualComm Certified QUick Charger would be compatible with Samsung's Adaptive Fast Charging. Atleast any branded ones, never go for any unheard brands. Usually Tronsmart, Aukey and Anker are good choices in average budget. Here's a video review I did for Tronsmart Adapter (Quick Charge) with my Edge+ :-
Also, please note that I have no affiliation with any of these brands, I just received a product for the review from Tronsmart and I found it really good. And I'm sure Aukey and Anker are equally good.:fingers-crossed:
Also, the Car Charger you are considering isn't fast charging compatible. Although it will not take much time with high Amp output (as specified), but its definitely not a fast charger.
Well, I am using CHOETECH’s Dual USB Car Charger with a dedicated port certified by QUALCOMM’s quick charge 2.0 technology so that I can charge my S6 Edge plus at quick charging rate even on the go. The main specialty of this charger is that it is not only charge the fast charging devices but also Apple devices like iPad Air 2 or iPhone 6 plus at much fast rate as compared to their original charger. You can consider to buy this from Amazon:
MANswers said:
Thanks for that. slick deals is having a promo on this.
However i was wondering s6 edge plus is not qualcomm based, instead exynos.
I was considering this one.
This is 2.1amp, and is the smallest, it can virtually snap right into your car charger port, without the protruding charger popping out.
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sigma24 said:
Well, I am using CHOETECH’s Dual USB Car Charger with a dedicated port certified by QUALCOMM’s quick charge 2.0 technology so that I can charge my S6 Edge plus at quick charging rate even on the go. The main specialty of this charger is that it is not only charge the fast charging devices but also Apple devices like iPad Air 2 or iPhone 6 plus at much fast rate as compared to their original charger. You can consider to buy this from Amazon:
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Here's a deal I saw today for CHOETECH :fingers-crossed::-
apurva.giri said:
Technology is same. High Volt, low Ampere. Any QualComm Certified QUick Charger would be compatible with Samsung's Adaptive Fast Charging. Atleast any branded ones, never go for any unheard brands. Usually Tronsmart, Aukey and Anker are good choices in average budget. Here's a video review I did for Tronsmart Adapter (Quick Charge) with my Edge+ :-
Also, please note that I have no affiliation with any of these brands, I just received a product for the review from Tronsmart and I found it really good. And I'm sure Aukey and Anker are equally good.:fingers-crossed:
Also, the Car Charger you are considering isn't fast charging compatible. Although it will not take much time with high Amp output (as specified), but its definitely not a fast charger.
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Thats very good info. Charging technology is evolving with the phones, and thats a very positive start.
The day is not very far when we might have multi thousand mah of battery juice and charging becomes a weekend job.
Do you mind taking notes while charghing 20% of battery with both the qualcomm fast charge, and the regular 2.1amp charger.
I've already placed an order for the Aukey 4.8A / 24W Dual USB Car Charger mainly because of the size. I'd really want a charger that can **** plush within the car's charging port.
MANswers said:
Thats very good info. Charging technology is evolving with the phones, and thats a very positive start.
The day is not very far when we might have multi thousand mah of battery juice and charging becomes a weekend job.
Do you mind taking notes while charghing 20% of battery with both the qualcomm fast charge, and the regular 2.1amp charger.
I've already placed an order for the Aukey 4.8A / 24W Dual USB Car Charger mainly because of the size. I'd really want a charger that can **** plush within the car's charging port.
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Charging isn't a very quantitative process. First 20% of charging would never be same as next 20% of charging. Usually with fast charger, the first 20% would be amazingly fast while the regular 2.1 amp might take upto 1.5 - 2 times the time. Also, assuming two different devices have same sized battery, with the same charger, one might get 70% charged within 30 min while the other can get 80% charged. However, by the end of 100%, both might take similar time. Thats why, the % readings aren't very consistent or dependable. Its approximation. With 2.1 Amp charger, you won't loose much time, trust me. Also, I don't have the facts, but I have noticed that when I do the fast charging, battery drains out marginally quicker than when I charge through regular 2 Amp charger. Hope that helps.. :fingers-crossed:
apurva.giri said:
Charging isn't a very quantitative process. First 20% of charging would never be same as next 20% of charging. Usually with fast charger, the first 20% would be amazingly fast while the regular 2.1 amp might take upto 1.5 - 2 times the time. Also, assuming two different devices have same sized battery, with the same charger, one might get 70% charged within 30 min while the other can get 80% charged. However, by the end of 100%, both might take similar time. Thats why, the % readings aren't very consistent or dependable. Its approximation. With 2.1 Amp charger, you won't loose much time, trust me. Also, I don't have the facts, but I have noticed that when I do the fast charging, battery drains out marginally quicker than when I charge through regular 2 Amp charger. Hope that helps.. :fingers-crossed:
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Thanks that was good info. I've received my 2.1Amp Aukey charger.
I tried it yst evening while commuting back home from work, which is about 20min drive, and the phone was at at 50%, and it was able to charge about 30% in less than 30 mins. Looks promising. I love the form factor. you cannot evne see the charger plugged into the car port. Best of all, the car port's cover covers the entire charger when not charging, this way i dont even have to remove the charger jack every time i have to charge the car, just pluck out the wires, and snap the cover back to conseal the charger.
MANswers said:
Thanks that was good info. I've received my 2.1Amp Aukey charger.
I tried it yst evening while commuting back home from work, which is about 20min drive, and the phone was at at 50%, and it was able to charge about 30% in less than 30 mins. Looks promising. I love the form factor. you cannot evne see the charger plugged into the car port. Best of all, the car port's cover covers the entire charger when not charging, this way i dont even have to remove the charger jack every time i have to charge the car, just pluck out the wires, and snap the cover back to conseal the charger.
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That's nice.. :good::good: No wonder Aukey has made its name so quickly!
dont need it lol
once charged my phone can be good for 3 days dont need it lol
ruchisharma91 said:
once charged my phone can be good for 3 days dont need it lol
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With constant gaming and videos watching (after working hours ofcs ), mine doesn't stay beyond a day. I'm very happy with that though. I have seen significant different in battery life when I keep the power saving mode on and it doesn't really impacts my gaming at all even though it says that power saving switches to the 1.5 ghz cores and stays that way...!
It doesn’t matter a lot but yeah the main thing is internal circuit and the premium component used in the manufacturing. All of the chargers integrated with Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 chip inside. But the best components used in the manufacturing plays a vital role. I can trust CHOETECH more in this area as they are offering 18 months warranty, which means they are confident about what they produce or deliver to their consumers.

